A. F. OF TO PUSH TEXTILE STRIKE TO VICTORY; PASSAIC POLICE MAKE NEW ATTACK ON PICKETS I.r.t. attack quiz demand is revived Untermyer Forwards Complaint of New Leader to Commis- sioner...

...Picture- Operators, who heatedly accessor members of the Teachers' Union of "operating motion picture machines in school buildings without holding a - union card of Local SOS...
...Finder has always agreed, for Instance, with the soundness/ of the preposition that the jobbers''should have ths same responsibility for conditions under which ttejr AarmeaU are made as the 'inside' manufacturers...
...From Unions Decide to Postpone ' Nominations Until Next Year BOSTON.—A State Independent Labor party was...
...of New Tork, International Secretary of ths Socialist Party: Victor L. Burger...
...The entrance of the American' Federation of Labor by,the United Textile Workers* acceptance of the strikers, ensures that the fight WlQ not be dropped until .the union is recognized...
...Open-air movies, concerts and dancing are program features...
...interstate contest...
...Meanwhile Passaic organisations, including the Associated Parishes, are planning a gala parade and mess meeting to celebrate the formal inanffiratlon of the strikers into, the U. T. W. President McMahea will preside «* the meeting and American Fed erattest of Labor President- William Green wSJ be Invited to speak...
...A man would be no good to them who did not put up a bluff of refusing them something once in a while...
...Since J919 she has been a leading membengof the Reichstag, one of its most brjitosnt orators, well Informed on all pBPlic and international questions, anqhralways listened to with the deepest rsspect...
...attack quiz demand is revived Untermyer Forwards Complaint of New Leader to Commis- sioner McLaughlin A renewed demand that Commlialoner McLaughlin of the New Tork Police Department Investigate responsibility for the brutal assault upon striking - subway workers perpetrated last month by members of detective squads has been made by Samuel Untennyer, whos^pn appeal from the strikers, had interested himself in the case...
...Suppose that all these things are Mb...
...B. J. Seamen, of the Elevator Constructors Union No...
...Hlllquit at Avon, N. J., she will begin her speaking tour that will take her to all the leading German centers of the United States...
...Certainly, unless PQ...
...80 modest are labor's demands of Congressmen that In most years it is an easy Job for the ordinary members of the House to get a' hundred percent record...
...You will note from the enclosure the character of the witnesses to this assault...
...Will Speak for Socialists Here OX 4ie Oevmea afcn<&**e*t, one of the most striHn*-' «tur*» '*a Bar opens political Ufa, is now in...
...TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas BtfOMB weeks ago in this column I sBS expressed . some rather . strong IB views on the subject of the ac|H of Illinois labor—or of certain Soli labor leaders inbehalf of laB~iu indorsing Frank L. Smith for ¦t United Stejea/Senate...
...bp Jndpn others, tnm step wiB begin at f p. sa...
...If I were Mr...
...It is not entirely surprising to find that this connivance at starving the miners into submission has come as the climax to the most brilliant and extravagant social season London has known since the war...
...nor )s It endorsed by it...
...I have always opposed scurrilous and misinformed abuse of any one...
...Sigman said,-that while, he had good reasons to doubt the correctness of this story, he is fully aware that the only element in ths industry .that is blocking peace are the manufacturers...
...Because our miners' folk are not lacking the normal pride which leads a human being- to conceal, aa well as he or she can...
...She aligned herself with the Independent Socialists, the larger faction of the Socialist 'movement in Germany and ths section that worked for peace through all the dark days of the war...
...Smith in the Senate might go on giving labor certain crumbs, but he could be -trusted to see that his super- power friends got what they want- in the nation as they are getting it in Illinois...
...short sneeeben wiB foltew...
...G. Tarr, Joint Board - of ths Ladles Garment Workers'-Union, and O. Gonab, of the Worcester .Carpenter's Local...
...Hope Brickson of Massachusetts, winner of five year Olympic Pentathlon, will take part to this contest...
...Otherwise, the delegates at the Centra) Trades meeting seemed to be imbued with the spirit'of expectancy of being- present at the New Tork State Federation of Labor' Convention at Niagara Falls the ensuing...
...show foteaaise btack sstd blue bruise...
...Tet we know, from first hand observation and reports received every d»y during the last few weeks, that such is not the case...
...James Oneal of New York,' editor of The New Leader...
...general there are relatively fewer promotions by the railroad* to the conductor's ranks...
...12pennd abet...
...The strikers end the United Front Committee deny the existence of any such agreement We plan to take legal action against these brutal Passaic police...
...SPEEDING UP CROWDS CONDUCTORS OUT OF RUNS CHICAGO.—Longer and faster trains are crowding railroad conductors out of their runs, says' Chief Conductor Wm...
...The recurrence of violence on the Passaic picket line proves again that the strike is strong and that the police .are still -trying to die Intimidation to break it...
...It Is entirely possible for a Congressman from a strong labor district to stand, in with labor by voting tor an occasional hip which does reach the floor and with the bosses who know that they have votes enough to defeat the bill either in the House on ths Senate...
...Sneh is the wealth of America that certain organised groups, and more particularly certain laber leaders,' can enjoy a measure of economic prosperity and get a number-of concessions, extorted wultngiy or unwillingly from tha bosses, en the basts that President Walker and labor leaders generally endorse: that- fat, to re-< ward your friends and punish your enemies...
...to live on...
...The spectacle of the tiny girl, attractive as a modern pleasure-loving flapper, heading delegations of hulking, sailors- and serious-looking, workers broken in spirit by the four years of horrible war marching from one government office to another and taking them over in the name of the revolution, was a memorable one...
...Smith, that gentleman In the important, position as chairman of the Commerce Commission never made any fundamental suggestions about...
...Mrs» Samuel Lancbek, active striker and wife of one of the most faithful picket leaders, was struck so viciously on the spine that she collapsed...
...committee chosen hy the strikers: W. Jett Lauck, Henry T. Hunt, Helen Todd, Frank P. Walsh...
...At MP there win be staging by fh* FinnUU»SA*l* ai* sate** chernssnt amKalian mu steal program, and a coaeert by the tTniesd Finnish jBsid...
...The new union win not ce*n promts* on the fundamental question of recognition.- declares the negotlatina...
...saying that thousands of their-, member* are unable to find regular runs on account of -the changes in length and speed of trains...
...On the face of President Walker's claim for Mr...
...I shall bring home a report that the British miners-and their families can continue to count on the sympathy and support of every openminded American...
...She seemed to be paralyzed and couldn't walk...
...Zober denied knowledge of the beatings, Allen told us, though the chief stood on a nearby corner and could hardly have failed to see or know what was going on...
...The Fraternal order, with labor backing, immediately summoned the Mayor, Welfare Commissioner Mary McDowell and others to appear at the trial, but when the case came uo it was dismissed...
...Attempts to picket all gates of Botany Mills sre to continue, despite the brutal beatings which broke op the test line on Monday...
...I have never believed in the popular myth of a splendid labor rank and file always betaaxed4hp gb> fader...
...Governor Moore...
...The only other items of interest at the meeting were (1), the notification* that the Central Trades Committee had visited Mayor Walker on the Lefkowitz matter and had obtained a promise from the Mayor that he would use all the power at his disposal to see that Lefkowitz received his appointment in accordance- with' civil service rules, and (J), a miner fracas between Lefkowitz and Wmlek, of Local 30C, of the Moving...
...Herman Koster, secretary of the Cambridge Central Labor Union: Sylvester J. McBride, former president of Typographical Union No...
...12,000,000 Brooms Union Labeled ChJcago-^Over 12,000,000 broOms bearing the union labet of the International Broom arid Whisk Makers' Union were sold in 1925, the anion headquarters In Chiccgo reports...
...Injustice MS'IIt...
...Eugene V. Debs, national - chairman of the party, has been ill for several weeks, but it is hoped that he will be able to attend the session...
...The poorhouses of South Wales have been filled with single men, who, under the law, are entitled to ne relief whatever...
...Lauck expect* the revolt of western farmer* against...
...president, ml Bern Cantor...
...nlslrlng full crews...
...40th annual Labor Day celebration by Milwaukee unions Sept...
...formed by the delegates from trade unions of Massachusetts at a convention held Sunday, August .22, in Wells Memorial Hall bar...
...and representatives of the New Yojrk Socialist Party...
...2&th, at 8 P. M. McKenna-is a member of the National Executive Board of ths Miners' Federation, and a member df the Independent Labor Party, ths Socialist organisation of England...
...Chronic complaints and unfounded .charges, however, will not advance the cause of peace in the cloak Industry one inch further...
...Xante of eats and drink* art* b* onj band and several prise booths...
...Julius- Hochman...
...Hopes Relief Will Continue °>e eve of* .her departure tor KE England on the Aqultanla, folJjF lowing a threcweek visit to this jPtry during which she set In motion flNtganlzation of women to collect pi tor the families of the striking Wsb miners...
...After a brief sojourn with Comrade and Mrs...
...broad jump} javelin...
...Before the convention...
...It is not yet plaaphemy to say that a labor leader makes a mistake...
...Bolt on...
...wars more truly jbabes-ln-the%*}* than the "intellectuals'' whom gacrtttelse, these Illinois labor lead•^Bsew enough about the remtflca-.**5Bf DUaois politics and the alliance atealloiu factions with organised vice, ^> Ihjsjliiijss and every other sort of . JP interest to stop, look and listen jJB** diving into the muddy .waters ys»tthUcan politics...
...Should the purposes of this gathering materialise it w»«M cause confusion, antagonism...
...Miss Sender will be open for speaking engagements in and around New Tork throughout the month of September, and at points farther west until the end of October...
...She will turn over the JPBt to the miners' relief funds, aba 8...
...Despite the fearful events sh« has lived through and In which she took a leading part, she is as vivacious as any young woman of her age, bright, full of fun...
...step thh) right now...
...Baveral thensands of Seeiattsts wm cross the Hudson river to Weehewken by either the Desbrosses or i2nd street ferries .and get on the Msse* that wot wait tor them as they arrive on the New Jersey shore and rids to the Grove...
...P*ea and children...
...Executive Committee of .the Socialist Party...
...olfrer speakers will be Morrig ,HlBqui...
...Insull, Smith is precisely the kind of man I would pay wall to keep...
...A -man like , that Is -. worth several times $125,000 to a super-power king...
...one of the Statest lords over traction and super Wr in he United State*, to say nothWi of other thousands- from two leaser jSeticn magnates...
...Never was I surer than now that we need a party which stands for the workers, which would rather be defeated 'fighting tor real and fundamental things than win the kind of victory which labor helped Frank L. Smith—and Insull—win In the Illinois primaries1.' This whole case cries aloud for ths necessity of a militant Socialist Party roused to the great task of creating a labor party...
...The A F. of W he said, "waa unequivocally opposed to the -formation of a political party of labor...
...This is her first visit to the United States...
...Finder to the effect that "delegations of strikers are...
...Insult .was consolidating his position la the world of super power and traction—a position which gives him more power than ancient kings possessed...
...Some go" hack to braking and in...
...By Clarina Michelson PASSAIC, N. J.—**Ws"B...
...the control of traction or super power by the state for the benefit of the people...
...F. Bliter, of Amalgamated Clothing- Workers...
...Does, any one beWm that Insull gave his money for milting or that he did not know hi* Ml...
...Sam Lat« chuk is atlH in the-hospital, paralysed In the legs .from a blow on -the spine by a policeman's club...
...Bo appears tha^usrn, s^-st gtort» ¦lobbyist Smith "turned votes In the Hp|)ature to put through the' injunc¦gr hmlting hill, to defeat the State pljlltabulary...
...The others, were representatives of the Socialist Party, Worker's Party, Women's Trade Union League, LaFollette-Wheeler Club and individuals Interested In ths formation of a Labor Party...
...Blind Poet Befriended By Labor Bests Police CHICAGO .^-Persecution of blind senders-ion Chicago streets allayed lor a there by pressure on Mayor "Devoir from the Chicago Federation of Labor, has begun again with the arrest of T. Paul Sullivan, a blind poet...
...had hardly gotten under way jFrafck B. McCarthy, dear ths atmosphere by stating that this' convention was not called by the A. F. of TJ...
...ths) tils and woes.from which the industry^has suffered for" many years...
...The speedingup in transportation affect* the train service aa wen aa the engine serviee staffs...
...Wp Wilkinson Issued the following "Though I greatly regret being called horns by important labor conferences within a month of my arrival here...
...The sergeant began to club and beat us severely...
...in the Reichstag building in Berlin to plan for the former Empire, Miss Sender took a leading part in its deliberations, as she did in the deliberations of the Constituent Assembly that met in Weiraer and framed the Republican constitution for- Germany...
...The committee as elected consists of the following: Thomas J. Conroy, secretary of the Worcester Central Labor Union...
...At the...
...djp which Justine* their working...
...and Joseph W. Sharts of Ohio...
...It la also true that Mr...
...And the man who answers criticism by talking of himself as if he were Jesus Christ has a very poor case or a very big head, or both...
...A splendid, program' has bean arranged...
...Important measures usually are killed in committee...
...of the World Tomorrow was leading with me...
...In addition, she will speak in English, and French on several occasions...
...be one of the principal speakers at the Socialist Banquet to be held at tie Douglas Park Labor Lyceum, Kedsja and Ogden Aves, this Saturday, Aug...
...H. adler, of the Leather Workers' Union of Boston...
...When the revolution cams, though barely of voting age, even In Germany, wnifarWen1 Rifcaf ^rfreh now Vote*'** 20',' sh^'wWmade Veaid'of *htf VrsSifc^ fort Arbeiter Soldatenrath (Workers' and Soldiers' Council), the revolutionary body that took over the government of every part of Germany after the cowardly and Ignominious flight of the Kaiser and all the ruling families and pending the adoption of the Republican constitution...
...Finder is again endeavoring to befog strike Issues by 'Irrelevant matter...
...the office of the Women's ComBP" for Relief of British Miners' HN> and Children, 70 Fifth avenue...
...J>;Wdent of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Unfi*, as an expression of prejudiced partisanship...
...My apace is almost all gone and I am nearly exploding with opinions about the Passaic bosses and police...
...The other members of the committee are: Congressman Victor L. Berger of Milwaukee, James D. Grah-m of Montana, Morris HillqUit and Jamta Oheal of New Tork...
...She had to be put in bed and kept quiet...
...Her principal activities were in the direction of peace and understanding between France and Germany...
...While Smith was giving Illinois labor certain crumbs...
...1— a. Ellen Wilkinsion, M.P., Sails...
...Morris Berman...
...He rapped the politicians and threatened that labor In power would deal as ruthlessly with capital as capital is dealing with labor today...
...He claimed that he had an agreement with the Strikers that they would picket three out of the five gates and that picketing at the other two was barred...
...asms tnjft&vtb ceBatgs a labor office-holder Is'not "to crucify" the people's leader...
...The strike has become a national problem...
...The Socialist Party, Worker's Party, and a LaFolIetteWheeler Club delegate were givenvoice out no vote...
...Officials of the engineer and fireman brotherhood* • are on record aa...
...the Jewish religious holidays...
...Taking their cue from Prim* Minister Baldwin, they have represented that our appeals here are unnecessary and that there Is no need among the miners' kin...
...The demand for a 36 weeks of guaranteed labor, together with the wage Increases, is the only way to bring this about...
...The convention waa attended by about 60 of whom only IS were accredited delegates...
...Claris* Michelson and others from New Tork, as woB as strikers...
...The committee expects that "an Investigation of the situation created by Mr, Foratmsnn and his associates may he obtained during...
...But they want, not s makeshift, patchedup truce, but a constructive, durable peace that would eliminate...
...KOSLOFF AND MENDOZA ON PROGRAM OF CONCERT FOR PASSAIC MILK FUND Jklexis Kosloff, renowned dancing, master of the Metropolitan Opera Company, win make a joint appearance with\his ballet of M. and: David Mendona, .conductor of the orchestra at the Capitoi Theatre, win leacT an augmented, baud of 100 symphony artists for the* benefit of the Passaic.' (New Jersey) jBtrikers' Mflk Fund, to be given is the evening, of August 22 at the Coney^ Island Stadium...
...the terrific Inroads of poverty, the British coal owners and their silled Industrial leaders are able to say *no miners are dropping in the streets from starvation.' Such a situation It would seem, is their idea of when relief would actually be needed...
...The Lauck committee conferred with Thomas F. MoMahon...
...Investigation showed that a large proportion of the money begged by The Lighthouse went to salaries of directors and superintendents, all of them able to see, while the blind had to work long hours for til a week up...
...1S> mater dash...
...Look at these tests ^(¦ported by President Walker.- .On the surface the Smith record reads well...
...A friend Bpl Illinois wfTtetSv me that I have Smoked the ire of\ohe of those leadSVwho in conversation with him deSSMd himself of the usual remarks JnBfc "well meaning but Ignorant lnnBttnals who perhaps unconsciously Btty the,people's leaders...
...I feel satisfied that the American labor movement and the liberal* will not for' a moment forget the appeal my colleagues in the delegation and I have Brought them...
...We have received heartening aasurances...
...Organised labor is contributing liberally in this, its fight...
...socialist n. e. c. to meet Sessions Will Be Held Saturday TBTJa^Ni^ional fitecuttve Commit* "to* at the Socialist4 Party wm meet In Chicago Saturday" to consider problems of organization and the political campaigns in the states...
...The police were first set tot hounding the blind on the streets when an alleged philanthropic organization, The Lighthouse, sought a monopoly of begging funds for the blind...
...Was the high protective tariff created to giv* Mr...
...the rest, it is apparent that Smith, tor his own reasons, mads the cheap gesture of flinging some crumbs like the ¦ full-crew rule to keep labor quiet...
...If not, do you not think'there should be such an investigation...
...It seems to me that even though the strikers have been taken back or disbanded and have therefore no further Interest In the edress of these wrongs, that fact furishes all the more nreaso why the Police Department should pursue this Investigation to the end in the public Interest and should discipline any law-breakers that there may be on this squad...
...Senators Bdwards and Edge and other public figures wQl be asked, to attend...
...Still the delegates responded enthusiastically to his call, and promised substantial contributions from their locals...
...In reply to another statement issued by Mr...
...N. Y. Socialists to Frolic At Picnic this Sunday THE Socialist Party and fhn Toons...
...aeers»ssy*tr**mnT*K, too* .the raising of the term...
...will not speak his mind •nd the man who trigs to eloag tho mafftfcm of tfcaee who aV> not think as HaesbeaTe WMgCMgfty, massachusetts labor party formed Delegate...
...With sift this, however, the Fund-raising efforts here/ have barely started...
...and Mrs...
...The chief events ars a fivemile run with Carl Koski...
...vote of li to 6, voted against nominating a State ticket for this year's gubernatorial elections because of the short time in which to file nominations and to prpare for an effective campaign...
...Children are especially catered for...
...We are urging further contributions to relieve- the strikers a little of their burden of worry over their children...
...People's Socisttet.asegus eC Mew Tork City wis hold a ptente *nd summer festival onUtahdnpv August 20...
...Kilpatrick Of Div...
...Our committee has collected 110,000 already tor the Milk and Bread Fund for strikers' children...
...Miss Sender arrived in New Tork Friday afternoon or the Aquitanla...
...A .corporation lawyer who knew none of these tricks aod never gave anything to labor would be a bad investment in the political gams., What is really wrong Is the notion that labor can make substantial progress without backing Its earn political party...
...I know that the Strike is over and lost by the strikers...
...Many union* have entered baseball and other teams to compete for the prises...
...G. Miller, of the Cap Makers Local of Boston...
...If to -say these things is to be an intellectual, I plead guilty...
...Something surely is wrong ffblabor tests that can be passed by INK* candidate...
...high jump...
...Lefkowtts' vigorously denied the allegation snd offered to co-operate with the delegate fat correcting- the evil of having teachers run motion picture -machines without belonging to the operators' union...
...toe coming session of Congress...
...Socialist Congresssaa^ of Wisconsin...
...Dear Mr...
...New York City...
...J^oagh Miss Wilkinson traveled secKT^ass on the liner which carried ¦F-to America, she turned in her Jgad-class return ticket for a thirdSb.passage...
...Another plainclothes man rushed up and said: "You mustn't beat these people," pointing to us from New •Tork...
...It Is also entirely possible for the chairman of a regulatory commission to reduce a few rates or to refuse a few increases to rates and still stand in with the public utilities crowd...
...The delegates considered this the wisest .policy to follow now until more of the labor organisations and their members back thla new move...
...I. Beckman, of the Furriers Union...
...that was a foregone conclusion,—but it was a model effort by these men to redress their grievances, peacefully conducted, and aa -such it' should have received the protection of all law-abiding citizen...
...ponded in this relief votk and yet the peed daily grows greater...
...T Shu...
...Before she was 20, she was made secretary of her party for all of Saxony, a highly responsible and dangerous post considering' the fact thai the country was at war, and editor of...
...She speaks English perfectly with hardly a trace of an accent...
...G. H. Crispin, secretary of the Somerville Central Labor Union...
...Will any labor leader, no mat¦§S)how conservative, argue that Insull ^jil Illinois labor had- Interests in com...
...Smith apfetly and indirectly got more than SJ*»0©0 from Samuel Insull...
...If to be able to look ahead to the next generation la to be an .intellectual, I plead guilty...
...Sigman further charged that the arrest of more than 100 strikers Monday morning was an indication that the police are lining up their full force on behalf of the manufacturers...
...The need of the strikers and their children is, of course, great after seven months of fighting...
...Barry P. JexAings', secretary and business agent of the Boston Central Labor Union, also coancvmcir-the plan...
...The magistrates are not jailing our strikers for the simple reason that these strikers are not guilty of any 'assaults.' xne hundreds of strikers, tor instance, who were arrested this morning on some technical charges were nearly all discharged by Magistrate Marsh, aa not a scintilla of proof could be produced against them that they were guilty of any crime...
...We appeal to sympathizers who want to see industrial democracy and an American labor, standard in Passaic mills...
...todhn to elect the same man a United...
...I should also like to express my gratification at the stand of the A. F. of L. leaders on Mexico and my regret at the easy endorsement which they have given to the military training camps...
...besieging members of the Industrial .Council, to use their influence to bring about an end of the strike before the arrival of...
...Socialists, young and okt, win com* from an parte of the big etty ami vlcteky to spend n pleasant day'together...
...The Issues'in the cloak strike are from first to hut economic and industrial and have' nothing whatever to uo wfth factional controversy or "politics.' The group ispiscouted by Mr...
...Beside* these events there wilt be a tng-of-wsr...
...A big Polish peBo* ssrgssnt of Passslo stepped up to ear group eg twelve, four New Tork friends and eight Botany mill strikers, aa we started from the soup kitchen at 25 Dayton avenue, Passaic, to picket one of the Botany gatea...
...As for...
...At least 16.900 workers are expected h> JOsk.fW Uni**d TextUaj Workers gfnm jNu^ssJn...
...The , subjects of her lectures are: "The Socialist and Labor Movements of Germany," "The German Republic," "Social Legislation in Germany...
...with orders aa chairMsb of the...
...It la a bit amusing to see how tender of criticism are certain office-holders in the labor movement...
...THE CENTRAL TRADES MET IN AUGUST The last monthly meeting- of the Central Trades and Labor Council, held August 19," 1926, practically consisted of the speech of Ben Ttllet, head of the British Transport Workers, who appealed for funds to help the striking miners back home...
...Our much-vaunted poor relief system entitles needy to less than $1 per week...
...Miss Sender represents Frankfort in the German national parliament,, although'at the' last elections she was elected from two districts at the same time, the other being her native Dresden in Saxony...
...It proved to be somewhat too radical for his audience...
...Illinois Commerce CommlsPtK...
...at Orchard Grove, PnlrWtw, North Bergen...
...A picnic to open the 8ociaMst campaign in this state' wiU be held at Riverview Park on Sunday, Aug...
...Wb Senator...
...The superintendent told Tho Federated Press that 111 a week was plenty for the blinA...
...6 will be the largest in local history, officials predict...
...135 for women, $44 for cutters, pressers and tailors...
...Sigman - termed as "uniounaea i in logic an* fact" the accusation msjpe by Finder that th*> leaders of ths Union are "mere figureheads, that they are posing aa leaders, hut have no authority and do not represent the workers...
...la a tremendous area even fhla miserable pittance has been denied...
...J".—The Passaic wont textile strike has become more than ever a national- issue *T .the - events of r the week...
...in the evening...
...Upon the outbreak of war, however, she was expelled from France, and she threw herself with all the energy she possessed Into the Socialist movement in Germany, working feverishly for the end of the war and the overthrew'of the monarchy...
...Esther Shemitz...
...and to force primaries for Stpit judges In Cook County...
...Sew Jensen...
...A man may rise to the high dignity of president of some union with a name so long that it takes most of the letters of the alphabet to stand for it, without falling - hear to the ancient privileges 'claimed**by emperors or popes...
...Sophie . Shulman, Eva Frank, Marjorie Latimer and Harvor Allen of the American Civil Liberties Union, Grace Lumpkin of the World Tomorrow and...
...As our peers of finance leisurely make their way to the moors and the German spas to rest Up from their arduous social pursuits, they no doubt want to ease ^consciences troubled by the poverty that has invaded the miners' homes...
...The boldfront statements of the mill owners that they will deal only with company anions of their employe* Is being;, mat with pums for the formation of a ns> tioaal committee to raise funds and] host .mass protest" meetings through* out the country in support of the Fassate workers* seven months' strike for union...
...Commissioner: "The accompanying copy of a letter received by me and Just brought to my attention reminds me to inquire whether any further action was ever taken toward investigating the charges of brutal assaults by members of the Industrial'Squad who were sent to the scene of the Strikers meeting at the Manhattan Casino...
...4, and Mary Gordon Thompson, president of the Women's Trade Union League...
...to possible for the Illinois leaders Simply that at the time of their inuMHmeat (when the magaine, Labor, ¦twnhtagton devoted almost a whole apx to fulsome praises of Smith) they PJ not know his relations with Insult P*>Mst as I know they have not yet gat* this defense...
...There Is something painfully sordid and callous in the manner in which our statesmen and leading citisens have attempted to wreck the work of our delegation here...
...a Socialist weekly...
...Finder is wrong in complaining that the strike has no constituted authority for settlement...
...with 20,000 miners, have discontinued entirely allowances to the poor...
...Today,, there aro thousands of miners, women and children, walking the countryside adjacent the mine towns begging a bit of bread* "About $15,»M,000 has boon ex...
...His address went a little afield, into the significance of the struggle in England...
...the fsmoos Finnish runner who will be matched against five selected Finnish-American runners...
...BeeWrty has Just two mortal enemies '"¦em man who...
...On Saturday night a big . banquet will bo held in-Douglas Park Auditorium...
...The affair is held in a public park with refreshments and meals served by the labor committee at cost...
...compulsory ^HMMIehlng In the railroad yards...
...It is expected that these affairs will do much to bring out the Socialists of Chicago, who have been miking arrangements for several weeks...
...The convention restricted the right of voting to the trade union representatives only...
...Sullivan, who belongs to the Fraternal Order of Blind Men, was selling his booklet of verse, Antidotes for the Blues, when the police arrested him...
...Morris Hillqult, Joseph W. S harts and James Oneal...
...Another policeman .and a plainselothes man Joined him, attacking the whole group and clubbing us back toward the kitchen...
...ujg^protsetive tariff wiB make the discussion of tariff favors and responsibilities easier...
...the United States on a Speaking • tour for the Socialist Party...
...The newly formed party, by...
...A tentative program of the party as drawn up by John McLaren was read and unanimously accepted by the convention with the provision that the Organisation Committee revise them and make such necessary ehangea.as It considers advisable...
...At present the party will eoaflne itself to agitating and arousing sentiment among the workers of the State In favor of political action Independent of the ¦ two old capitalist parties...
...HOI srras...
...They'll have to keep...
...When the Arbeiter Soldatenrath of all Germany met in December...
...Any offer having solid merit brought to the attention of the leadership of the strike will be duly considered...
...We protested that we had a legal right to walk there and asked him to arrest us if he didn't agree...
...British Miners' E Will Be Among Speakers At Chicago Socialist Picnic Paul McKenna, member of toe British Miners' Delegation new touring the United States, -sril...
...GREEN TO SPEAK TO NEW MILL UNION Parade Will Welcome Federation to Jersey...
...The tickets are M eeate per parson and era" now en sals at all Socialist Party and T. P. S. L. headquarters and a* Oaf City Office...
...It is a great indication a* progress in virtue to transfer our Judgment to action, ana not let out* words remain merely worse, but to make deeds of them...
...Smith is credited with "a '"HjiisJi sfl percent* clear labor record as WQsagisssman...
...On Sunday the Socialists and their friends of Cook County, Chicago, will hold their annual picnic in Riverview Park, which will conclude with dancing...
...Joseph W. Sharis of Ohio, W. R. Snow of Illinois, and William J. Van' Essen of Pittsburgh...
...46 for cementer3, and $2C for finishers...
...Also, a one-mile ran, with Ov*;And«r*e«_*nd other JAanarWan Athtetto Union stars...
...She was elected to the first parliament after the German revolution, when she .waa barely 21 rears old and she haa served continuously since 1*19...
...with a bubbling sense of humor and not at all awed by her remarkable past...
...But these matters, too, must wait for other week to-, come around...
...New Tork versus New Jersey Cirol* It versus Circle I and Terkvflte versus the *-t-12th A D. Branch S...
...Quite a few of our men who would otherwise be stranded are taking jobs aa' yard conductors in charge of trains that are being made up in the switching yards," KUpatrick explains...
...Untermyer mitli his request following the receipt of a letter from the Assistant Editor of THE NEW LEADER,, who was in attendance at the meeting when the assault occurred, in which certain witnesses were suggested in the event the investigation is finally held...
...Though McLaughlin promised an investigation would be held, there has been no move to set a date for the hearings...
...But how little he has ever done for anything fundamental...
...A government which comes, out Strongly only in emergencies will be tempted tq create and maintain a state Of chronic emergency as Napoleon had to crtate a state of chronic war, or as the doctqr who could euro fits and nothing else began his treatments always by trying to Induce epilepsy.— George Bernard Shaw...
...It is equally preposterous to assert that the Union's demand for the regulation of Jobber-manufacturer production and the elimination of cut-throat competition of contractors, have anything to do with 'factional fights' or 'politics.' "Mr...
...He knows ¦ how to Jolly the boys and to give labor - Just enough to keep it quiet...
...international union vice-president, is in chart* of the organization drive...
...G. Perry, of the Salem Carpenters Union...
...2nd humiliation In the ranks oi organised labor...
...The gptes open at It a. m. At MJo afbleHc.contests and games wm begin...
...Raincoat Workers Def«r Strike BOSTON.—Instead- of striking, the 1,004 unionised men and women rain-, coat workers of Boston are waiting for the.- International Ladles' Garment Workers' conference' with .the newly former employers association on the workers' demands...
...In addition there wlSvbe a mixed chorus of 28* voices under .the personal direction of MrvJias* amaefewy the snmpceer...
...Commissioner" McLaughlin," declared Sigman, "instead of hastily swallowing the charges made by the employers and inciting ths magistrate* to ' punish our strikers with greater severity, should curb to some extent the seal of the policeman .who are making wholesale arrests in the cloak district to the immense satisfaction of the cloak manufacturers...
...Warwickshire and Kent have sharply curtailed the payments...
...He warned the capitalists ¦of England that they were arousing forces of discontent, of organization and of revolt...
...WaBcer I sh&U repeat these realms...
...I have no wish te exaggerate the extent of suffering in the coal fields, t and the others in the delegation would be the first to grasp at the news that conditions have somehow improved for the better...
...Before that, at an age when most giris have no more serious thoughts than clothes and parties and good times, she had played a highly significant part in the drama at the German revolution, having been the leader of the revolutionary committee of the soldiers, sailors and workers in Frankfort-am-Main., A native of Saxony, Miss Sender was living in Franc* In 1914, where she was an active worker in the Social let Party despite her extreme youth...
...Let me say, however, that if It were not for the relief work of the Miners' Federation the town councils and the women's, committee, the miners and their kin would be dropping in the streets from starvation...
...Issue fit the next congress would be one of the) strikers'" important moves...
...Unless American labor has mere of that sort of Intellectuality, our children may rise to curse our Ignorance...
...Marguerite Tucker, secretary of the Civic Club, were present at the attack.' Allen and Simon Garlan, a newspaper reporter, protested to Passaic Police Chief Richard Zober...
...To this President Sigman replied: "Mr...
...the American Federation of Labor will not permit our case-to rest so long as so many families of British strikers are inJfuon terrible need...
...Speakers' at the picnic will be Congressman Bergar...
...tony sender arrives Girl Member of German Reichstag...
...He refused, and continued beating us...
...1, Order of Raty...
...That I* ¦KJanguage about which I may have ^Hnsttffif to say a little later, r *iP*>^a* present I am more Interested pm the* reasoni assigned by President ' W**m' of the Illinois Federation of ^tsW for indorsing Smith...
...Miss Ellen Wilkinson, P|*.-delivered a broadside at "the jghnuen of the British Empire who placed their false pride of emP» before the bitter cry of starvie...
...I am a great admirer of the Police Force of this City, but like other bodies it haa its'black, sheep, and I am sure that you are quite an anxious as anyone could be to eliminate that element...
...Plan Monster Labor Day Celebration in Milwaukee MILWAUKEE...
...An organization committee consisting, of the signers of the "convention call" and seven in addition waa chosen by the convention...
...SJ*/*1 is, the record Suggests not so yfa criticism of individuals as a ra^ywaatlon of the adequacy of the ¦gW* by which labor measures its ajMliUtss...
...Finder also declared that the "prospects of peace, are mails remote by a' factional 'fight In the Untea...
...The workers have always wanted -eaee and they are ready for it *ow...
...U; John McLaren- of the Stone Masons and Setters union No...
...She was met by Morris Hlllquit, Mr...
...Finder's group has also constantly paid lip service to our request that -etoakmakers should be able to make a living from their work...
...and "The United1 States of Europe...
...The material aid given, us In these- three, weeks has-fully kept pace with the promises wet'haV* received...
...sigman accuses McLaughlin Attack on Cloak Strike Pickets Declated Unjustified by Facts NEW TORK Panes Commissij**r McLaughlin's Attack, on the cloak strike pickets, made in a letter to Henry H. Finder of the cloak manufacturers' Industrial Council, in which he stated that the' "turning oat of the arrested pickets by toe courts with small fines only encourages them to continue with (their assaults, was characterized'by Morris Sigman...
...The New Leader's letter was forwarted-**, Ces\»toato*er »cL*tehii«, tiBgeW Jity^ie&wUm «*nle>.u...
...The Smith case-sheas that yen can't always be' mm what company your frtends beep when yen apply these simple tests...
...TcVstmann (one A the dominant mill owners) and those who think with him the right to take from the American consuming...
...The raincoat workers .ask a 42-hour five-day week, minimum scale of $44 for men operators...
...Speakers will be the member* of the National...
...Open-Shop City FSSAIC...
...public burg* profits while they are keeping the workers ' who produce for them in a state of pauperism 7" asks McMahon...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 33

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