Amusements DRAMA The Little Spitfire' Same Old Hokum Audience at the Cort Theatre Jarred and Amused by Myron Fagan's Play 'A NOTHER pliv whloh bad Its j>reJL mlere on Monday night la...
...The ¦ play, "Another D*y,' will be preeented out ot town the latter part Of September...
...August tt...
...E. F. Albee announced 70sMh»r best seats wiu be sold for to •askew evening performances except toys, aa.d Sundays, when the riO be a little higher...
...SffopodVwne Opens with Pof...
...Wllfm 5S w»>««>t...
...Two MovemenU from the "Rustic Wedding" Symphony, GoldmVrk...
...In the cast will be Erin Jackson, Bob Greer, Abe Sh*r...
...The Btudent Prince" will be presented la Jewish Sept...
...Selections from "Tristan and Isolde," Wagner...
...My Country,'* thai comedy bar WHUsusi J. Perhnan, at Chanin* Tbsotr*, irfll Aegejr appear hi baas fern- «*• Mtdeaasasft wfil hd ¦sssrtaaaad haawssssk Mustc Notes - Many noted Jewish actors will par- • - tielpate in the actors',' canter**, and * writers' concert and spectacle to ho* held at tbe Coney Island Stadium this* SaturBay evening, under the' Jointt auspices of three famous national Jew- * hut organisations, the Jewish Writers*» Club, the Hebrew Actors' Union and J the Jewish Castors' sod Ministers' As- « sociation...
...the opening of *r hew satirical comedy "lb Diss a Bixniser* this Friday evening, the Intimate Theatre, located at UOth street and Boston Road, the Bronx, will begin a season of plays intended for presentation later on Broadway...
...Kathleen Coawgya as Ann -Harper, the heroine, did exoeilent wort with the difficult role in her charge, Other players who filled Js> the oofiwdy wen included Cariotta Irwm, Ethel Martin, Livinia Shannon, Frank Lyon, Robert Luetoos Cook aadi George W. Berbler...
...From that moment on to the end it the play, so long as those hoofers are en the state, humor and fun is the password...
...Maty Home Morrison, NeSy Kofi and Boetrioe Bfinn...
...This is the new piece for which William Cary Duncan baa written the book, Irving Caesar the lyrics and Stephen Jones the music, and henoeforth the title will be "Maybe I Will...
...Other plans -include "The Imaginative Girl...
...This play will open at the Times Square Theatre on September tt... the preface, of "The Indian Princess...
...Intimate Theatre Opens ThU Friday with Satirical Comedy — *> ¦¦ With...
...Mr" Cohin is prbnifcing the play...
...But however long the Americans continued to feel a cultural dependence, they early insisted upon the expression of full political Bitit...
...van Hoogstraten's first and second programs on Wednesday and Thursday will be entirely devoted to tbe Verdi Requiem, which bad ae great a success on the occasions of its first Stadium performances last summer...
...MUSIC Verdi's Requiem With Chorus And Soloists At Stadium THE next to the last week of tbe Stadium season marks the end ot Frederick Stock's period as guest conductor and the return of Wlliem van Hoogstraten for the remaining concerts...
...literary product: "for the gentlemen castlgators seldom take the pains to distinguish Innocence from Guilt, but most liberally bestow their stripes on all poor wanderers who are unhappily ot American parentage...
...She win advertise for a young man who will "compromise" her and in that way shako off the close supervision of the aunts and uncle...
...August 22...
...Wednesday, and Thurtday (Willem van Hoogstraten Conducting) — R...
...kS.'Price Policy August 30 MKty cenu will be the highest prise 'RBy***** $•*• Hippodrome when the Mm is opened tor the season, AuJKN...
...k JCtog Park (fctt p. nfij . 40*9** jam ^^¦^tt^S^^^^^^^ **^**T*>^eaw2n^^^^j...
...Th« first performance of "Andre" (1?»8) revealed still another aspect of American patriotic feeling...
...Smith find Date, . SSI...
...Now York Symphony Qr-« chestra, Saturday...
...The stir of the recent Revolution, and the still subordinate status of the new country, which led ts the War ot 1812, held patriotism at fever heat...
...David Mendosa will conduct a symphony orchestra of 100, while a mixed singing chorus of 2(0 voices will be led...
...a mere ¦Jringster, who is tempted to steal 90s9, only to-be saved by his glol*A*" lister—the -fighting spitfire...
...Broadway Briefs William J. Perl man, whose play "My Country," is now settled at Chanin'* 4«th Street Theatre, will havt another opus presented by the Messrs Shubert...
...The Adorable Liaf Opens At the 490t Sited August 30 Edgar Seiwyn's first production of tbe season, "The AdosaMs Liar," opens at the Fbjrty-niutb Street Theatre Aug.: te...
...Also for midscason is anoSther play from Anita Loos and John 'Emerson, based on "Why Girls Go South," the magaslne eerial by MUs lxx...
...Labor ? Day...
...A Regular Girt...
...8elwya win present Arthur Richman's dramatic study "A Proud Woman," in which Elisabeth Risden, Margaret Wyofierly, Aaxe Morrison, Ralph Morgan sad Herbert Yost wOl pliy Hading "perO, Thig will be followed by a musical comedy with mutio by George Gershivln...
...State was striving for power against state...
...The first article dealt with cohmaU drain*, the second with the plays of the Revolution, the present with the period ot construction that followed the fight for Independence...
...Briefly, the atory d>i!e wifh-tbe contents of a will leaving a Mfge sum oi money to the heroine of the play ..-providing ShC marries within a specified time, and her choice is approved by three of her large family of aunts and uncles, who can only share in the balance ot the fortune left by this erratic relative If the firft provision la carried out—the marriage of our heroine...
...Am everything ends as it should ia I comedy...
...Rakoeay March from "The Damnation' of Faust," Berllos...
...Genevieve To bin gnd George Gaul are the featured members of the east...
...In the plays of the- period, therefore, types first appearr shrewd revelations of the weaknesses and the homely virtues of our various groups of citisens, never since to desert the American stage, and in then- broader aspects forming -the leaven of our vaudeville and burlesque...
...the Irishman with his potatoes, and his bulls...
...Among the priaetpaU In the . r ! r?w ahbws are Moraa *> Mack...
...There Is also ¦fek humor in the play set up by the ¦t week brother—a shew-off it there 'Jr was one—whew* ideas run big but '¦nowhere, and his practical young mi who knows him for what he Is...
...MB of this does not make good ma¦HaV .but you must like such stuff, fe audience, we must admit, "at* it W*iad called for more...
...Paul Reno, Vinnte Fhttlips...
...Folovetskian Dances from "Prince Igor...
...The east, so for engaged, includes: Winnie Ltgntner, Chartsa "Chic" Sale, Beany Rubin, Douglas Leavltt, Richard Sold, Mary Mil barn, Frank Gaby, Rath Brothers, Alice Pouldeb, Max Hoffmann...
...Mat two always nagging geod-huJpbjidly at each other, furnished the Wis of the evening...
...Variations on a Them* bx...
...The author, 8dm Jaaney, has given us a pleasing comedy, chock full of wisecracking observations, seen through the eyes of those male hoofers who make their headquarters dancing about—professionally of course—With lonely - f e males and ladies who go in for denning afternoons and evenings at the above mentioned palaces...
...5SH' Vyfitt* .Bufidl...
...Monday—Overture to "Euryanthe," Weber...
...2 in G minor, after Walt Whitman...
...has been engaged by Alexis Kosloff to appear as the Shah in Rlmsky-KDCsakofTs ballet...
...This part of the play is rather d'titi and tiresome...
...i . The Drama of America By Joseph f. ^ip%n NOTE: This la the third of tb* series of articles Tsjtudtiag Amertoan life as revealed in fts representative plays, through the three volumes brought together by Moqtroe* J. Mooes: "Representative PlAya by American TJramaUats" X. P. Button, 99 ernes... October Mr...
...Symphony Nb...
...autmrt$0f:upon our- sympathies until tntfee...
...VMS melodramatic comedy may and BObahJy will appeal to a goodly peremteje of our naive theatregoers, but bootless, it, is oM-time melodrama •vhshet U» somewhat...
...I at the National Theatre...
...The Contrast" (lite) owm its vary being to the politics of the day for AoysJl Tyler, who had never bees to the- theatre, came to Mew fork is pursuit of the leaders of Shays' Rebellion, and was' there taken to a performance of Sheridan's '"The School for Scandal...
...Sunday, August t+l» Naumberg Memorial Csaesrt...
...Geiil de Hart...
...which opened Monday night at the Biltmore Theatre...
...BidgetrnA Blxty-ninth Infantry Band, Sunday...
...Three additional companies of "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" will fare forth to the Pacific coast, the South and Middle West...
...PoeohOntaa) J. N. Barker protests as early as 1(48 against the tendency of critics to damn every Amertoan...
...THE NEW PLAYS : i MONDAY J**BJ5 HOME TO"^NEBS,"~Georg« M./Cohan's fan* cotpedy opens at *e Hudson theatre- next Monday nicht...
...awsmmim«awM4wBul.^ fjgljfgSH-ei "Scheherazade" to Be Feature - of Passaic Milk Fund Beniftt Joseph Marievsky, who played opposite Greta Nissan in Florenz Siegfeld'i Revue, and who was a leading man in aU of Balioffs "Chauve-Sourls...
...There is no doubt but that Mr...
...a farce-eomaoy, by Lawrence LaaarnV, win be • presented by Gustav Blum it the Bgyes theatre, Monday sight, ' v - with John Cumberland in the leading vol...
...this tervoi took the form at an intense Interest hi government ahd also—in* some que...
...A. I...
...cake-eater*, at heme in their furnished room in tae Fifties, that the sparks begin to fty...
...This act almost ruined the play, which was saved only by the insertion of an apology and the re-insertion of the cockade on the secohd night...
...While American spirit was held high against all suggestion of disloyalty, the cltlsene of the country were taking one another's measure...
...The Messrs...
...Beret- ¦ ford^Lovett, M4ry Walsh...
...It opens at Long Branch Sept...
...GepVgis, Cain...
...set ia strong contrast with s fop who was.educated (and taught tt waste his fortune) in England...
...and Yankee Jonathan wondered how much advantage he could Innocently wrest from Delaware Richard and VI r g i n i a Charles...
...Borodin: Symphony No...
...It ia only ha the second aeeae, wbe**we meet tn...
...Others- in the'chat in- . t- elude: Edward q. Robinson, Carrie Wdlhir, Gladys UOyd, Walton \ - ?«"er"eM' »U»W> Cook, Jr„ Justin* Wayne, Iron* Young... barriers wore maintained at imaginary lines that marked borders...
...Haydn, Brahms...
...Otherwise the cast reaiaias iiSnhsnged, afid Includes Tom Wisev Jh>ic Dressier...
...Symphony No...
...spefieff Tueeskgr «sugft* h» BookviOe coesor^y-Len>wirf^ ao Abe Fpty sfai ill i ii...
...Br^JMran's follows the marrhge of "Gypsy" Gorman of the Gorajans of the Bronx—whose brother Is a ttt a week' clerk in one of these aeltautai *£»» stores—with James Ralston ot OM famous family1 of Ralston's of fFjsknalh Booh and...
...Thi here, GU Barry, an inexperienced youmj chap, still unspoiled by the city, played in a quiet tempo' by Baron Varmilyoa, showed latelliteat direction...
...TWo hundred Jewish can-* tors will sing two numbers on trafik ;tional themes by Rumshiasky and several other numbers...
...4 in C minor...
...Suite, Op...
...ttaqvomrm J Concert Band...
...Its plot is American, the hero a dignified, patriotic exsoldW...
...Dancing Around" will be the" first burlesque production of the Columbia Theatre's new seeajon, opening on Saturday night...
...William B. Mack...
...Potash, and Perimottsr, Detectives...
...Programs for next week: Sunday—Overture, "XJebesf ruehlmg...
...with Dorothy Burgess in the title row, Hamry Stopbonson will roplhco John MBtern...
...They are not selecting plays for their artietie merit, ae ia so oftsK the esse with little theatres...
...oiir hero and herolm fall in lovs—and eompromlse is out o the question...
...Doris Doe, contralto...
...Tuesday—Choral* and Fugue...
...Of l&fo fans...
...iftdian Welts, Langley...
...Erlanger has engaged Marion Coakley to play the leading1 woman's part in "Service for Two," the comedy by Martin Flavin, which opens at the Gaiety August SO...
...Amusements DRAMA The Little Spitfire' Same Old Hokum Audience at the Cort Theatre Jarred and Amused by Myron Fagan's Play 'A NOTHER pliv whloh bad Its j>reJL mlere on Monday night la titled "The Little Spitfire," from tb< Myron C. Fagan and presented egfV Cort Theatre by B. F- Wltbeek, jftt play ia old, vary old, melodrama sh£ clothed In modern up-to-date ritt'nt We have a working girt who sBfrles out of her "class"—a chorine of ear stage who fall* in love and la loved ay tt millionaire owner ot a.'chain of tobacco stereo- And...
...In this hi succeeded...
...Although his play—finished three weeks later—closely' follows the modal...
...Of tbe players, first honors must gc to' Osgood Perkins and Char lea D Brown who gave a speedy and clevet Impersonation of these "hoofers...
...Spanish Rhapsody, Cheerier...
...stage, cumbersome and shrewd...
...Highland Park ftJfi P-,ii ttsg¦sfV 22...
...fc2* Hippodrome will open as a com•jjjplcturs and vaudeville houjte...
...Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.' is still the leasing success in Chicago, with June Walker and Bd*<« Hibbard as Lorolei tae and Dorothy...
...of course, the {unity objects—at least, the mother e( the aunionalre does—and trouble SDOfl'trouble comes to this love affair...
...and the constant mingling of representatives, from distant states, the- regular* and the frequent special congresses and delegations, the sharp disputes and stirring of wits and tongues, and the quick seizure upon foibles and vulnerabk parts, all brought into recognition the various types In the national populace...
...will be presented by Earl Carroll, TueMay ' t night, at the Earl Carroll theatre...
...28, for the Bread and Milk Fund for the Strikers' Children in Passaic...
...Shubert have begun preparation of the new edition of HGay Paree...
...The Requiem will, enlist the services of a chorus frem the Oratorio Society, and the same soloists who sang in Beethoven's Ninth Symphony: Aiay Evans, soprano...
...players include Wil2 »** Robert MeWade, Chester Morris, Bon Johndoh...
...ScWiherasaao," which is tor be produced' at the Coney Island Stadium the evening of Aug...
...Altogether the first night audience had a hilarious evening...
...In&ssP^^^^^H- ¦toT*5*ir**1P* S -! The Cake-Eater Has die Stage Sam Janney's "Loose Ankles" Full of Wise-Cracking Humor at the Biltmore AGROUP ot cake-eaters, who make good use of their "loose ankles" at the many dance palaces on and off Broadway, are the principal heroes of the new Brock Femberton production, "Loose Ankles...
...the Frenchman who came to fight wfth Lafayette and stayed to plough a farm—or to become the city Fashion-barber...
...Bsptembst C, by Hnsjo "•' PiassnfoHro Orehestra- The Lahor Bay 4 eoaoert win bo held at S p. nuali otbosoiat Md...
...At the same time ws get a sympathetic outline of a certain grout ot male workers who have noGdai else but "loos* ankles" in their makeup to earn a Uving...
...2a, Sopteeabor a, 12, tt... association with) A. H. Woods...
...4 la I minor, Brahms...
...Afternoon of a raun...
...P*t O'Brien and Lorraine | :: ' ' - ' : i TUESDAY * : J $ f»ANiTnES," fifth idition...
...lows: • Forest Park (gji V. al^Awfiwtt wtf2 2ft (2 mp...
...p Concerts fat tho parks of Quiiss' * Borough, announced yeetorday by Com- f: missioner Butler, will be given aa fa*- <j...
...m.>, Sept-smbof Lfi, U. fit-V Aotsrla Park (2.U p. nu>—A—sat ttV» ¦epteraber X. », if... 'tor good measure Mr...
...Lewis James, tenor, ami Freser Gangs, baritone...
...The schedule of the tssicisris on <bofMalt Central Park, for tho rsmnttdar* of tb* season will iacludoGoldman c*a oert...
...the mother, hate the vHand would" t>« more than'willing ¦murder the evil skulking vtllainess...
...Symphony No- 4 in B fiat, Beethoven...
...This play opened in Asbury Park on August 1 with a east including Tom Wise, Dorothy Burgess, Eric Dressier, John Mil tern, WiHiam B. Mack, Catharine Proctor, Molly Nell and Beatrice Bllnn...
...utr*— a jingoism that was shnon-pun 100 percent spread-eagle intolerance In "The Politician Outwitted" (17 99] the plot bingee upon the quarrel ot two old men over the new constitution...
...I» Qiao g B»aissf" tt tad work of David Ijeoaaref gnd Perey Sho«t*c...
...Saturday—Overture to "William ToB," Rossini...
...ofis refuses to psr/nit his son's marriage because the prospective fatherin-law favors the new constitution The tact that a plot might be made t« depend upon a political point of view shows how deeply emotions were Involved...
...He gives us a elbss insijrht of theh- make-up, their thought...
...Selwyn will present a play of his own...
...Ruth Mayer and Chert* and her livtag sued* em...
...August tt...
...2, "Broica," Beethoven...
...Jr., Marga Watdreav Newton Aid gender, Marge Finley, Lorraine Weimar, Violet Strathmore, and others, ?here wfil bo a new troupe of Gertrude Hoffmann Dancers, recently from Paris...
...Julius Tanhea...
...Their ofejeot is to aswdaeo poradar adgy*' as...
...Houston street and Second avenue, with sets and costumes from the successful Broadway production Samuel Goldeoberg and Jacob Jacob* are the slug era who will be featured...
...Symphony No...
...WEDNESDAY .* / ] t*^E OHOSX'TRAIX,- n now pigy by Arnold Ridley, will open next J ™5#»*»*xyi»Ha>t.ot th# Biting* theatre, presented by A, H. Woods , new...
...Jacques Deval arrived here last week to witness the rehearsals of his latest play, "ffae Cardboard Lover," in Which Lauretta Taylor will be starred during the coming season by Charles Frotaman...
...Charles K. Gordon announces a change in the title of the new musical comedy...
...and opinion*, their psychology—and all ' this with much understanding, and crowded with so much humor that the Audience' at the opening performance reeled with laughter...
...Slavic Dances, Dvorak...
...Pdk Sitatist|e, Florence B^rle and Doris Weeman...
...It is natural that both these pro-occupations should find direct expression in the drama...
...Fagan sBna In another brother...
...lowing the mooting of the slow movim and in experienced hero when he appliei tor tbe Job of compromiser—tbe in' evitable follows...
...The quarBkome ebuple were excellently banby Baaeell Mack as the Brother tad niesn Wfison as his wife...
...Symphony No- | in C minor, "Divine Poem," Scriabin... by George 8. Kaufman and lyrics by Irs, Gershwin...
...The Yankee himself first gawks upon the...
...Americans All FOR the thirty-five years After the Revolution, the United States were still struggling for their proper place in the interna ttonal free, for-all of history, and at the same tlmt were worrying through die interna] disputes and differences that men than once threatened to destroy th< Infant Union...
...In any artistic or^ literary sense the United States, to be sure, were still sucklings of England... Rqy BrUnt and Harry Durant...
...M. dsJgri, Gilbert Wens, FterssuM i Brady...
...OgWia Field playes "Gypsy"' and does • well, but she should have better ¦pbtls Louts Kimball did excellent jSk'e* the millionaire hero, James WMhs): Peggy Allenby made a good 'Busk vtua'iness, with Dudley Hawiey »?* evil partner in crime...
...and la the early days aftaj tU peiHieal eaUhfiShment...
...Theuna White, end the Avon Comet...
...For yew must know by this timet that one of tb* boys roods taw M end aphjte* for (he Job^-fit leant ho ia fssoss) th hy.aia saataa, ^ : ma uk»~*w>-' — ^ dim - is desk...
...August 2fi...
...Pinee ot Rome, Redpighi...
...D* Lomarter...
...Tbte group plans a season of six plays for the coming tan and winter...
...Friday—Overture to "The H*rrla«e of Figaro," Mosart...
...A half-century later an essay was written "On a Certain Condescension lit Foreigners" * yet the American sense of inferiority- to tbe English .in breeding and culture has by no means died, is today balanced by the peculiar sense of superiority based upon money-power that has made the American tourist the ideal victim of European shopkeepers...
...If, Dobnanyi...
...and become loungelisards ami gold-diggere at these dancing places...
...can" never he, and the...
...Giuseppe Verdi, with chorus and soloists...
...The necessity ot stand' ing firmly against the outside world especially against the "mother" country, which, like all mothers, was reluctant to admit that the Aprou-stringi were untied, brought a. greater nations self-consciousness...
...J»nney attended to write a play tot amusement purposes only...
...anaWslaulnawaB..., Jacob Schhefer...
...On learning that Andre is doomed to be hanged as a spy, his friend Bland tears off his American cockade and throws it to the" ground...
...And future visitors to the Biltmore will 'Sad much fun dfid merriment...
...The little lady, ot course, objects, end decide* that she win gfv# her mercenary and puritanical relatives • shock...
...Richard Herndon will give Chicago an opportunity to see "Treat .'Em Rough" before he brings this new play by Frederic and Fanny Hatton to Broadway...
...principals and the audience...
...Orchestra tor week-day matinees win be . t tt cents...
...It gll works out in th< end to ths satisfaction of relative...
...Still later, Mr...
...2***B w'n be retained as ah attrate•*,*» children...
...the darkle compounded Of subservience and-impudence, of superstitious stupidity and cleverness...
...The play opens In Chicago at the Harris Theatre Aug...
...the Pennsylvania Dutchman, whose German-Sagliah and whose dull thoroughness were the comedian's stock-in-trade until the advent of the Jewr all these types now ippear in the drama, and indicate the concern ot the.people to know one another—Americans all- 1 "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" Heads Edgar Selwyn Plans ABUSY season is ahead of Bdgai Belwyn, whose production el the Anita Loot-John ¦mersoa eesnedy...
Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 32