Silverstein, Louis

The Story of The Typographical Union A Record of Struggle and Progress By Louis Silverstein H. Gathering Strength (1853-1888) PRINTERS' organiusuon* -mm dan*** f/V abkgg •f any...

...printer*' anion*, the am with the longest contmaam agialasjae, probably of any craft, u No...
...In the *arf> erfepicaW^ay...
...By 1S78 the membership had sunk from a peak of 10,600 to a trough of 4,000...
...Somewhat ' later (1888) three months were ¦ set said* during which time amnesty would be granted to all suspended, expelled or penalised members of the union who should make application for same at their local unions...
...Would th* Amalgamated agree to give up the shops In which Jawlsh bread is made, which It controlled...
...Defalcations in the union were not unknown... to the cpmpeteocy ot the.' Interns tlnnal Labor Organisation to...
...time, he pointed out,1 thstt when all la said sad don* toad' practically to* only thing that bound th*, union printer* together at that time waa the traveling card system.j Which gave workers mutual recognition to each other'* cities...
...Oncemore the fact is born* home that women m industry are still at a disadvantage...
...when, don* kg employer* themselves...
...After- a' discussion of th* movement for labor sport unity being promoted from th* Moscow headquarters of the Communist Sports International, during which It waa shown by reports In the Soviet press that Russian athletic organisations belonging to the Communist Sports International were constantly participating In matches with bourgeois groups aU ever Europe, It waa Jecided to send a letter to Moscow pointing out that such action was in violation of* th* principles of the Lucerne Sports International and that, aside from thv other differences of opinion between the two Internationals, It alone wa* enough to prevent any real steps toward unity- -'- " . Th* bureau approved applications for admission to the International from organizations tn Poland and th* United State...
...Finally, the convention agreed to wage an organisation campaign among the unorganised candy and biscuit makers..., if it can be characterised as such, that was done at the beginning...
...STORTINTHINATIONAL KEEPS BAN ON RUSSIA A* long as th* labor sport organisations of Russia continue to arrange games with...
...C. founded « tSt5...
...partively small number of Ciiiliauinlat -members, ta¦ anrg successfully tsogbt by th* executive committee, according to the report presented to tb* 245 delegates who attended tb* league'* fifteenth national convention, held ta Hamburg, July 84 to 27, by PteahfaB* Oellert Despite the severe economic srkda following the stabilization of German currency and the establishment ef the Daw** reparation plan, coupled with th* Communist work of disruption, the loss of membership in 1624 and lrat wa* only about 18.666, leaving at the end of Hurt year 626,867 member* ware than fourteen year*, old to 4,414 loeaf societies...
...mission, contrary to' tha luaripkaat j| tb* extotiag tow, to employ woatoh worker* during the night fa vtaw ot the state of opinion generally tha Ministry ot Labor has granted tab) permission for tare* month...
...Or a resolution 1882: "Whatever tend* to th* Interest, of employer* mast- of, necessity benefit ourselves...
...GERMAN SPORT LEAGUE FIGHTS DISRUPTIONISTS Dtosaastan within th* ranks ot tha German Workers' Athletic and apart Tsegue, da* to th* antics of the ess...
...from the economic After aJL American trad* unions have accepted th< psychology aad organisational form, c ! the benefit aad fraternal orders...
...They ware, then, mon concerned with the elementary task oi separating the beneficiary function... tabor protective legislation...
...Is a matter for the' Socialist and.Labor International itself, and, to decide...
...The convention agreed to their request in principle and asked the Executive Board to decide whether It would bo more feasible to arrange to have the contracts of the- different local* expire...
...On the other hand, the Identity of Intereeta of labor aad capital waa repeatedly affirmed...
...Those m th* country districts were particularly available at time* of a walkout or lockout Tet it waa not until 18*4 that the first steps were taken to unionise them...
...To meet this Immediate heed...
...Aa President Robert C Smith said in 1868: "It Is our hope to so soften .the asperities of weak human nature that the employer as well as the employe shall so harmonise In feeling that their Interest* shall always be Identical...
...Persistent picketing may make * dent' even in this field of the unskilled...
...Part XIII ,(f»r the Improvement ot working* conditions, *tc) may deal with the right* aad interests oi employers a* -well aa workers...
...Sixty per cent of them, ar* in either th* clothing -or textile groups and ten per- cent moid in the food industries...
...At-present all possible means are needed to save those victim* Of specific Fascism—In Italy...
...In tha...
...of the...
...Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees In the pier strike In the same city...
...The former received $17.45 a week, the latter fil.M...
...The central concept Was the national fund for strike purposes...
...Ia the first quarter of ltsf tha number' of new members enrolled wss 16.167...
...Buatoaa* Mansgsr 1 Schubert reported that th* leaguea financial condition waa good, avHStst...
...In response to a special request, he also delivered an Interesting lecture aa the events, leading up to-the general strike In Britain...
...It is plain that at to* bottom of ail the difficulties waa th* problem of finance, for if the central body could direct the general organizing activities and come to the rescue ot locals in distress with, money contributed by the more fortunate unit*, then success would be essuiedl - But tha Individual unions hogged their own treasuries...
...It further' makes reference to th* prohibition of the use of-white lead, in which likewise no distinction la mad* between employer* aad Worker...
...On July ss th* Permaa*nt Court el Arbitration -Issued its verdict In thi form of an opinion, which it declared to be based solely upon the text ai Part im of th* Treaty of Versailles Having caret uBy studied this part oi the treaty, it declared that measure* Which are ¦passed in order to carry into effect...
...The national consltution wa* adopted In...
...Th* nationalities represented by th* students war* 'German, Danish, British, Dutch, Japanese, Austrian, Swedish, Spanish' and Cxechoshrvak...
...Oeeaa district* were created with an organiser at th* head of each, who wa* also a member of tb* executive council...
...Thay are, far at- ' stone...
...And this is the age of the new woman...
...His action helped to save the union at a critical juncture...
...Unions came and Went like mushrooms...
...i N. Y. TYPOS BAR CONCESSIONS TO PUBLISHERS (Continued from page 1) amount of bogus, the men' simply' toughed' at It, a* highly improbable ot fulfillment Much resentment waa shown against President Lynch (whom th* reader win remember was recently defeated for re-election largely due to th« effort* of Rouse- and' Typographical Union No...
...Iff* with such important modification* aa to destroy the orlg-„ toal intention 'to subordinate local unions to thai central body...
...As to whether the Matteotti Fund might some time be used for helping democracy In countries ruled .by Bolshevik!, tols...* members of th* independent union in the same standing in the beneficiary system of the Bakers' Union aa they were In their own- organisation...
...Not only that but women are restricted to a narrow range of occupations...
...Obarly Faeem Tha Problem John H. Obarly haa...
...At *nW rata, if he get* them organized he nugr be able to bring them under th* provisions of tha .new Railroad later lav as representatives ot the workers...
...President WlIHam Almlson Invoked the "law of •elfpreservation," and issued a circular caning upon the subordinate unions to sssess their members on* dollar each...
...Feldman and his followers are Socialistic and, therefore, dared to buck the machine...
...The neceeatty of tantftof . all tabor sport organizations in a atofJa international was also pointed out -Th* old officers-ef the league were S...
...lectures were devoted to a thorough understanding...
...Louis, ds Brouckere, member ef the Executive ofi th* Belgian Labor Party, and' L. Dolsinno an gave comprehensive descriptions of some one Aspect or other of the Belgian labor" movement...
...Local Union* Wmrm Unstable, ' One of th* prime tasks of the Typographical Union .was to forward its organisation work...
...At any rate, proposals in 18M and 18$4 to adopt secret passwords, grip, signs and ritual for "creating a stronger bond ot brotherhood among the craft" were permanently turned down...
...The Story of The Typographical Union A Record of Struggle and Progress By Louis Silverstein H. Gathering Strength (1853-1888) PRINTERS' organiusuon* -mm dan*** f/V abkgg •f any croftmAeJJwbed Slater The ****** dates back ##.¦ t776, dm fbyt^ar^nxa&m * 1795, bath it New , Vet* CM* Of -esanaaj...
...Among the' resolutions adopted by th* soaventlon - waa oas rail lag us** aU join a working class h*1 lit leal party or a tabor union spat' paaalng thair eighteenth year...
...He waa thanked...
...The building trades, unions' *r* sjwaya peaceful...
...A split in th* organisation was reported from Alsace-Lorraine, and th* bureau gave permission to the Socialist fraction to join the regular Preach unit Hauge Court Rebufts Anti -Labor Employers...
...a*|, pre—nt there to a possibility ot #ha?t woodworkers calling a meeting to dto/-': cuss th* formation of m trad* aasaiifv also,' "'•% "Th* workers* jlswara ef reaertsaeaf are so crippled that it is impoaafhlg **t' get Parliament to carry through say...
...Plans were laid to fight the Bread Industry and request was mad* of the A. F. of L. to create * Food Industries Department...
...The response to this illegal call waa magnificent President Aimtoen waa not only forgiven...
...The unfortunate state which characterised the Typographical Union In the first three decades of its existence excited the effort* of its active members to cope- with the problem of organisation...
...In the '80s the tide' turned...
...At thi convention ot National Typographical Union In 185* the unorganised book sljnd J*b printers of New Tork City, indeed, made such » specific complaint Their pie* for a separate union was t timed down, but a .resolution' wai passed requiring subordinate union* that "as yet 'retain tha 'beneficiary system' to alter their rules so a* to admit to their fellowships such members of the craft who wish to "be admitted for trade protection merely...
...completely apathetic toT.*hsr Faaty***^ aaaorlatlna ot Weeks Ooundis, whajg twe new...
...C. Mortons, general secretary of the Belgian netioaal...
...Thalgj^ tor has mor* thaa lag member*'aa]p platform... vetoed at 1487,006 asftfaa (at SXS cento apiece...
...With;the increase . in the number of locals the executive committee became unwieldy...
...MS, recently lasued by the New York State Bureau of Statistics and Information, contrasts the earnings and employment of men and women in the factories ot that State for the years 1923-1*25...
...J'"- ,7 fVcwa ¦ at Thorn Tho unorganised printers became a thorn la the aid* ot the union...
...At th* convention of th* following year (1868) his measures were once more proponed and laid over for consideration until the next convention... the striker* when they did inquire about affiliation...
...President Oberly had thought the mat-' tor out so carefully' that he even submitted the'necessary constitutions and laws to effect these change...
...Path to Unity Is Opened Up The Field of Labor The nineteenth triennial convention of tho feakery end Confectionary Workera has Jest terminated with e record of achievement that few union* can boast The owe el on* were characterised by an obvious will-to-do-good...
...Similar legislation 1* before other parliaments...
...Otherwise it eouhi regytve no benefit...
...ot Washington...* Seventh Conference * th* Interaction**, labor:', Orgaatoaitei to less, the JartoanaBtoaal' tmbor Of floe's governing body...
...W* wonder that If it were still a part of th* American Federation of Labor whether It would hesitate to Jump, in and organise these unorganised for fear 'of stepping on the jurisdictional toe* of half * doaen craft unions...
...Organiser Chapman is asking that the workers prove their stability by sticking a* their a«w union...
...In the' one case, the "regular...
...fargagw tan Metal Workera* Union aad sS^ TJatoa ot Po****Uc tiarvaata...
...Merew ' over the'anti-labor parties are dsraW oping a, violent campaign agatoat fa> existing legislation...
...Otherwise, the Bakers' Union agreed ' to re-charter the seceded Amalgamated locals and charter the new one*, undertake an organisation campaign- and place...
...They still - had to pay their International per caplts* tax- „Thls arrange men* waa, of course, found to be unsatisfactory...
...Many of the...
...The number of delegate* to th* annual conventions declined...
...there is just as little freedom for' the Socialist movement as in countries ruled by Fascisti, Indeed perhaps ia some cases even less...
...New Leader th* chief obstacle wa* jurisdictional...
...Tha Exactrtiva j Unwialdy When the National Typographical Union -wa* founded la 1862 the custom was carried on of...
...1 netting women g**ga**> against th* statutory prohthatoa ot sight work by women, naiagrSar tost purpose th* threat made by a kusjg} furniture factory to* dismiss abont any} woman ani**% they ara gvanted d«to...
...Their earnings are-half-as much as men...
...May Day demonstrations war* thia , year forbidden by th* Minister far Home Affairs, and th* workers **• cepted even this without protest Oa Msy 1 the only labor meetings war* 1 behind dosed deor*.' three la Bevel aad about fifteen elsewhere...
...anion* have haea...
...Th* Civil War estranged the Southern unions, though with the cessation of hostilities they quickly resumed' their former relations...
...and In the future also it will not cease doing so...
...1) a new constitution which would grant power to tb* local union* Instead of deriving It* own from them...
...Tranquility reigns because good' wages and steady employment permit the labor "boss" to d* as he pleases...
...Th* lecture* were...
...the.moat comprehenslv* submitted...
...The referee ordered an accounting of the two hundred thousand dollars that bave passed through the treasury of the local aad restrained the tyrannical officials from interfering with the affairs of the local...
...In Poland the Germanspeaking labor apart group as well as the regular Polish organisation la new affiliated with the International...
...16 tb* Senate of Argentina approved a- bill banning night work to bakeries, already passed by to* lower house, aad sent it to President Alvear for ale signature...
...A small number of locals, however, led by Savannah, protested against the legality of the action on the ground that any alterations la...
...Through to* effort* of L. Dolsinno, director of the'Ucele L*hor College, accommodations war* secured for 68 students in the college aad neighboring hotel...
...The Bakery and Confectionary Worker* proved themselves a progressive union...
...haying the president appoint an executive committee consisting of one representative from each typographical union'to execute the resolutions adopted, by the convention and to collect information oh trade matters.' That, in short, was all the organization...* honor, ot being th* first president of the Typographical...
...Tim mod for a Ugislatrme body led 'to ns being replaced by Aa National Typographical Union in 1652...
...Th* plan was si splendid on*, but the subordinate union* did net rush to subscribe to it Even monetary prises did not bring forth any acceptable reorganisation plana... indication that the toe* mark has been passed and to* upwanf - march resumed...
...This turned out to be only an expression of opinion, but it did help In.defining the functions of a, trad* union...
...N. Y. Locals Get Merger O.K...
...He, fat turn, could appoint local sasWtsnts la IS**, when ta* new constitution waa adapted, his peatttoo- waa sbclished...
...The convention left the Jewish locals and the A. F. W. to decide this among themselves...
...There was no centralisation of authority and there waa lack of fund...
...Bakers Convention Adjourns...
...Not the least of tb* accomplishments Involved the New York market...
...In *hi*'annual report to 1M7...
...Th* plans for a uniform constitution aad a national fund ware not' evea discussed, President pberly'a ideas, however, lingered...
...r»r Folwwteat-the-adoption mv» *onvantton agatoat'aright- work to, b*k> oris* by...
...We hesitate to draw any moral, but we recall that the Brotherhood has recently been expelled from the A. F. of I*, because of a jurisdictional dispute with the-Teamster...
...A fraternal delegate from Nova Scotia had been seated in the 1887 convention of the National Typographical Society...
...Very few are employed in wen paying manufacturing connected with, building, where a boom has b -eur In progress tn recent years...
...Th« early typographical societies, as w« have seen, started out as mutual assistance groups...
...duly elected representatives of the local to take office and insisted , upon, continuing in power their own appointees...
...Jn th* cssstitutkui *f...
...left the matter ot joining the Retfto* banner, (th* militant Republican ef- > ganizstion) or th* Communist La**** . of Front Fighters up to each, msiiibefg eoaBcienoa, to principle, no aisttoaa^ .ere to be arranged with bcruigssl* sport group...
...THE LABOR "BOSS" AGAIN The- obtaining, of an .injunction by Joseph Feldman, president, Brooklyn Local 1T1T ot th* United Brotherhood of Carpenter* and Joiners of America, against five union officials one* more reminds as that not all the corruption In labor organisations exists' where accusations' by factions contending for power By Richest...
...1S&8 g defense fund wa* created to consist ot sixty per cant ef th* per capita tax collected., Local unions had to notify their district organiser •f^txfpendlag trouble, and •Vary strike had to be sanctioned by th...
...In accordance with thia Plan., the Amalgamated agreed to turn over its benefit fund of thirtytwo thousand dollars to it* new parent organisation...
...executive council, consisting of the •even- district organizers, the president, vice-presidents aad secretary-treasurer...
...In 1845 .the jurisdiction of the National Typographical . Union wa* extended to Canada and four years later th* nam* International Typographical Union was adopted, In keeping with the new policy...
...These- workers are engaged . tn unloading, tropical and semi-tropical fruit, which 1* likely to rot If net moved to its selling destination...
...t to* ddauuM ef to*- •ntptoysr** rppsesssitativ** h to* organisation, aaked Tha Hagut Court to give -as adetoary optetea...
...Th* almost unanimous" rejection of the proposal to* eliminate': tf>e...
...Union, to devote himself a*-, peclally fo\ this question...
...furthar work very difficult Th* v**>~«: are employed to railway wmraaaajg^ have already satenittad tb* ratoaJ.gsF their union far registration Sad...
...Thnnx\Snsss focal unions scattered m?tngmut the jftgjk^^ action ontrayeSng ar**WT,ttw'i3-« tho uatk scat Tl^tl t the of dot National Typographical Society at 1936...
...It else draw* attention to .the agenda of thi First Labor Conference, at which thi use of white phosphorus was totally prohibited...
...1— 8. COMMUNISTS REPORTED AGAINST MATTEOTTI FUND In connection with d report that Communists In Czechoslovakia are warning contributors to th* Majtteotti Fund being raised by the German Socialists of that republic, in accord with the resolution of the Socialist and Labor International, that their money will be used for "counter-revolutionary" purposes, the Zurich office of the S- L. I. haa issued the following statement: "The Communists are feeling some concern that the fund Is to b* used for "countries without democracy"— to which unfortunately Russia belongs...
...The sole compensation of these organisers was exemption from local dues and assessments...
...Comparatively few pardons were granted, for not many persons were urged to ask for-them...
...The membership soon passed the" 16,000'mark.' Old unions were' rechartered, frequently with new numbers...
...In th* Metal Workers' rjaf*^ there are, unfertaaat*^ ah-aady *fcgfi*^ •em* ara Cetamunlato, which aaaaR...
...supplemented by Interesting excursions to the most Important, industrial centers or to the splendid labor club* and' eo-Vperatlv* enterprises ef Brussels...
...Many were killed by strikes that bad to fail for hick of funds and support from the national organisation...
...APPLICATIONS for attendance at th* Summer School held by the International Federation ot Trade-Unions In th* Ucele Labor College, near Brussels, from July IB to Si...
...They made excellent strikebreakers...
...were so numerous that room could not be found for ojt tho** who wanted to come...
...In countries ruled by Bolshevik...
...In the other, Harry J. Chapman, general representative- of th* Brotherhood, took hold...
...Th* chief objection to its establishment was the distrust of placing large sums of money to the hands of one person...
...It had had alight usefulness **Y the best aad was abolished...
...At th* same time the consolidation of tb* New Tork baker*' locals with: the independent...
...He declared that, what was needed war...
...Amalgamated Food Worker* was faced equally...
...following year, therefor*, th* office of chief- orgeats sr wa* created, with,* Stated salary-and aa expense account...
...A decision, must be made before the end of this year...
...The years of depression following the panics of 1867 and 1878 Increased the casualties...
...As explained in th* last issue of the...* bourgeois ' sporting group* of other countries there is no possibility of * union between tha International Workers' AssociatlenVfov Sports and Physical Culture and the Communist Sports International...
...propose laboi l*glsl*tlt»i which, to order" to protoel certain etoasaa of warfcarK also ragnIgtee th* **m* work...
...It gradually dawned upon the more alert printers that benefit systems kept many craftsmen out of the union fold because of the leauKina high initiation fees and due...
...They were presented in on* form or another at various times...
...In 1850 the first National Convention of Journeymen Farmer* took place...
...Carried away by his* enthusiasm,' the Convention adopted hi* proposals...
...Summer School Popular Labor Doings Abroad Jwrisdtottoa aC taw'Tatstaat»aai tabor- Qrgah^tton' *TfWl«a*toy* >h^n>to wsgw^nars^afaa* Raj ,medswt Coo^- orjufuU^Oon^ai Th Magna...
...The latter did not take advantage ot tola opportunity to regain their • wayward brothers and thus minimise tho' scabbing' danger...
...Fifteen thousand dollars were also appropriated to the-New Tork unions for court expense* in fighting a scab organisation of bakers backed by the bosses...
...The five J*wi*h locals had asked to amalgamate Into one single union...
...Whether it is true or not that the company haa obtained sufficient strikebreakers to obviate serious losses is immaterial...
...It provided for the contribution of one dollar by each to ember, the payment of seven dollars per week to each, striker, * thfee-fourths vote ot the local to call * strike, aad' such numerous red-tape precautions that fraud waa almost 'Impossible...
...Whei''> women are employed they are especially afflicted with the evil of Irregularity of employment Their pay-rolls particularly fluctuate much more violently from, dull season to busy season than those of men...
...Lectures were also given on the trad* union movements, of various other countries, on th* International labor movement and oa the problems ot the Far Bast ESTONIAN LABOR UNIONS STILL IN POOR SHAPE Although the political part ef th* labor movement in th* Baltic republic of Estonia . appear* to be gaining strength, th* nun)bar ot Socialist Deputies la the Parliament of 1*0 elected tost May being 24, against 22 in th* old one, the condition of the trad* union* there Is still discouraging, according to the following report' sent out bl the Amsterdam Bureau of tb* International Federation ef Trad* Union*: - "The Estonian worker* • are ta a thoroughly dejected mood, the great mass beiag... tb* same time...
...Before say of thea* scheme* could be put U good working order trouble had arisen in 1887 as a result of the International Typographical Unions' campaign to establish the nine-hour day... thai...
...period more practical plans were tried out > Ia lit* .the president -was authorised to appoint one deputy tor each .state, territory or province with' th* power- to select an assistant in carrying on organisation work in his territory...
...As we go to pre** negotiation* are being' resumed...
...union adopted ¦ policy of watchful waiting tor fear of sacrificing' its dignity in iy losing causa and then offering little ancouragemen...
...UNORGANIZED THAT WERE ORGANIZED WHAT * contrast there Is between the behavior of the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Worker* In the New Tork subway strike, with that' of the Brotherhood of' Railway and Steamship -Clerks...
...The company Insists these workers ar* only "floaters" aad at the asm* time dsiaur'Ba^t an* hundred of their "regular" men are en th* Job...
...Although H waa left to the discretion ot tho local unions whether to undertake'such a fight, the whole proposal so vexed th* employers that they closed ranks and formed the United Typothethae of America...
...This Was corrected th* following year to make th* contributions of tweaty-flve cent* per member compulsory and to require the approval of the executive officers before a union could Inaugurate a strike...
...Many lost their charters for not paying dues, frequently returning to good standing' after a lapse of time...
...The court proceedings-referred to above reveal a disgraceful state' of affairs, wherein the officials of the New York City District Council, of -the-Carpenter* arbitrarily refused to permit the...
...Finally, la 1878 necessity brought about the passage of the long-needed law...
...risetttog of bogus even when accompanied by wag* Increase*, is looked uewa by many not only as, a repulse- to J&xa Publishers' Association, but atop to the Lynch ad-' mlnlstration...
...On Aug...* constitution had to be proposed at on* convention and voted upon at the next When the meeting adjourned, opposition to the new plank began to develop so strongly that President Oberly thought it wise not to proclaim them, although they had received a technical ratification...
...There at a slight consistency...
...trad* union.' -co-operative aad political labor movements, of Belgium...
...In that year working cards and permits were Inaugurated for member* in good standing, while "conditional membership" cards were Issued to their rural fellow-craftsmen as a first stsp to keeping tab- on them... the close of our...
...4) tor consenting to hay*, the matter com*, to a vote...
...of th* situation and organised the men, who had struck against the New Tork Marine Company for an Increase ot wages from fifty to seventy-five cents an hour with time and a half for over-: time and holidays...
...Oa* maght be abl* by means of a i.....uplafafi to the high obtain a withdrawal of th* permit, hut th* worn** , workers were led by the anti-lab*) . press to oppose the taw ta such * wag, that th* labor works conn eel thought S> batter not to to** th* question up...
...This conclusion was arrived at by the bureau of the former organization at a meeting held recently In Amsterdam...
...In KM another scheme, suggested by President M. R H. Witter, was approved...
...beneficiary and economic function* straggled for supremacy...
...The Socialist and Labor International haa never failed to help the-Socialist Parties of Russia, which are affiliated with It, in so far as this has been possible...
...2) » uniform constitution for subordinate unions, and (S> a national fund...
...Thh body lasted Area years...
...J. W. -Bowen, member of th* International . Workers Education Committee, welconr.ed the school to the name of the British- Trade Union Congress...
...In order to fin In gaps In .the numerical sequence...
...It also proved a failure because it permitted local unions who did not wish to participate to th* fund to do so under penalty -of net enjoying tt* benefit...
...The scheme tailed ' because reliance Waa placed upon the local printer* to carry It through...
...CLASS-CONSCIOUS trad* unIonian haa made so little impression li th* United State*, even "to thh day, that it ia not at all surprising tha' fifty ta s*v*nty-flW years age,k'wh« the country wa* just becoming Indus triallsed, that printers had no conception of the union a* en Instrument oi class struggle...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 32

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