A PAGE PF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Quintet Born to Two Mothers ggE day we gel bag*; {r«wa ;if«£K4r*e, Kt^wre was one si the war** taJBtfeK-rft* we „¦ ever witnessed. In the aaidat of the £|jggg...
...fd father ffgyaohtl...
...Gheatdays, eh, mother, days of real apart...
...it arofsfi aa^sate dniy Thd ¦**»><fu1pg*d'laiawj BwtnaHlaa la the toataa Thaaatry ft CtoHaaagt...
...The firm of Bampey d; Grubb, advertising eounsellers, was handling account* with the leading Twin City business houses...
...GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor Novel of the Northwest By M. H. HEDGES (Continued from last week) *<And then^.you ^aad' Hugh wo^ld, fight .to ae* v?ht Would get to He be-' hind the stove, so tired and stuffed with food yau two boys were...
...Pleadings, gentle ridicule, mild 4nv*e« Uve, all war* of no avail...
...The prpperty which today is a« hard to Sad then lias in broad daylight...
...speaking of Cal, it jUrt-th* Socialist* who believed that he was a Jagg, silent man wh9 wpuld make *q ideal PresiXfiie truth is that we are, all of us, a gullible folk, SpUust and noa-S,oclallst alike...
...gaaaaaaiigv 10 fi ^^f^^^teaagga Tew^awte|**m...
...I don't l know whgt we'd done grlthout you, boys...
...But does Mr...
...aadj fhp to egfctly what their oetutuct amougta to...
...Aa ft hi...
...That you can ouro a go- • jjMMt^by telling him that ha should substitute a BtP**** far-'I mld-lroh Indicate* a faith in the jWfchBlty of human nature that Is not possessed by ["TJpeat ardent goelallst...
...B guess we all will gladly admit that Socialists do to in for vegetarianism, antl-vivisection und so Biter...
...Ho said that Mr...
...Bat tha ripene** af goaigtiaai doe* net depend *a the gumbar of little industrtea that y*t remain, but upon th* sum her ef grant i«m»atri.aa I which already a*l*t- Without * d*v«laped great toduatr^ Socialism i* tmpogslbje...
...It seemed to b* a alga*} got ot Ingratitude on hi* mother's part to refuse s* fine a gift- It was Incredible...
...gWJ*ken's-part, we are willing to read all the speeches ^ESJehnlas Murray Butler...
...It would then only be necessary to declare that all bund* must be public and it would be known exactly what was the value of every property and every capitalist ln.capi*- The tax would then, be raised aa high a* desired without the possibility of tax frauds...
...she would take old Tom Into her home...
...But money "1* the simplest means kaonra up to the present time wfaieh mdkag it possible in as cam plicated a machaniam ag that of the modern productive process with it* far-reaching division of labor, to aecur* the circulation of products and their distribution to th...
...wj^* EUen Wilkinson, M. P., head of th* British gP**' Pejegatjpa that to h*r* to rals* money f*r gammon and children dr tho eoal fields, says that lf*'f*>rUt* i* by no meana'ovar »9d that every cent Sf^nre now win help the minors wfa» 4 wen-deserved BJ^ry...
...to our bmubtos...
...gum-sh*e *rttets o*a ptn somethtng g^hareasefl old woman and har f*eM«.*a4adf4 igsf****' U>ore may be...
...Urdera w* know not, bat knowing something of...
...What doe* ait eld woman llk«- m*^ want ta...
...He had been with his mother an hour...
...centrate psBduetioni and qahjWr Vs rl4 Itself ^f th* l(tU« laduatry...
...throwing all those out of operation, which do not attain a definite - i ¦ttfdgjl, l-d, m"sU aiiial atoi,, hy llf^^^sla^a^^ tatobga- oJfo»%^^o^SfiM mmi» w**Jf...
...He bad tif **U at th* Bloom quiet delicatessen *torg> and bohf friendly council with Oscar and LH...
...Your two dollars » week were * great help, Danny...
...Th* Puritan*, for tag tone*, wart m*aaJ>al ygjatoad *f thair birth—«* wefe fist 'eaMaegwdtegT Sf ^uakar*-«nd th* "farty-eighterr ad OteWSea aad a good many ar*re I eVuM mentioa...
...Thay maintain a wretched existence tod*y to their vttl« shops, not because the** shape are « neceaslty but because their successors ar* to despair of finding their bread in any other place or because they cgnnot earn enough bjr wage labor aad) seek * supplementary occupation.'* (T* a* *«nti*u*d next week...
...But, as usual, they talked themselves back Into reality and Into pain...
...AQ of Maude** oma Bob's dire prophecies as t...
...And don't you remember the long strike of 1893, and your .first newspaper route...
...To his surprise, he heard his mother tapping on the window, and turning, be saw her beckoning him to come back...
...HI* bride, the dowdy, stout Adelaide Grubb, proved tb be an'energetic aqd daring business woman...
...The proletariat which will then'make It* own law* has a m,uch stronger btathtct far fragr dom than gay of the a*rrU« aad sf~ dantlc professor* who ar* «rylaf about the prison like character of tha naa* state...
...And we lost the | strike, and again in 1896, and to 1S05...
...During (ha war.I heard .an officer of the Intelligence (k)B*gt*r and applause) Division make "a somewhat ' aJaUhjr ergck to Mencken'a...
...taka a o**nudartr>to?n*ae tar compttfttoa to *^**r*p*a»» kfadSar : Thf l**w** to tk# f» Jk*t whil* sadHtty atfikgi aaar*a*totg all af tka plants at egtcg...
...He had been generous today...
...The more peace^^¦Sea^^^^^wv...
...you don't have to go- But I wi*h y«u had...
...t^t you don't want to g...
...Whey "never *r*w tired.' talg^.w how much they saeriflced on tb* aHak of Mmscra^yhajt ****** a;*ifi about the undisputed uift tagt Russia toat aaora ta dead and wquadad arWte kgjttSas tef« guvernnMBA kg...
...Dan's pj*n received" universal approbation...
...Her mouth wa* clenched In a set lineTin not going...
...Otherwise there ^old never be any advertising, Stoek Exchange, "whiskey bottle labels or Western movies...
...Thea geektoa thea* near dewtrablee, there waM-akfi.' Bop* of emigtonts who war* anythin*- 'InaTdSgHpg fgom to* elewpotot ef "100 percenters...
...and do it eagity, for toerq to a* move preduetiv* s*B on earak) aalaaa tt to alia Mehrated valley ef the Nil...
...hut Kuesta, under to* Cait*.' agcrittoad avan m*re tor tad gaodj egaea f^ii fff t|| aQled crusaders together...
...He called *t fn* horn* *i Behlay Mlnturn, now * national officer of th* B- P...
...The f*ct to—th*r* h** bee* * tiwiiigtoiiM awtewvew' ¦seat to tog *b*ra*t*r of *mtorana>- ohtef fa* jbtog ¦ i^ffteketo ffr* tent *•# mWw^immF'^' lao^rttOity qf Influ»ii<d» ef ^ea* toapertol dead ad|g< itag aggda In winds sMtde egttor by fhagr |fi|la u<: fhr* to puiesr ffirred tf...
...Tve been wanting to tell you, Danny, ail afternoon, hut -I hatedto-" she I paid, whan h* bad returned to to* llvI in*-room- , — i "WeilL go on, mother...
...Just why p*o=f* ahould get mo hat up.about * couple of four-year...
...Won't you aH »toy tor supper...
...Wall, U I don* without California all toff* y**rs, f egg do without It aow...
...There, there, mother...
...Of course, Hugh and Alice were not consulted, but when Mother Mlnturn offered objections to the scheme op the ground that she could not leave "father," Alice let it be known that...
...Now don't take any wooden atekles, mother...
...if this isn't evidence of gulllbUity on Mr...
...Before Dan had finished hi* rounds he bad been In the home of his sister Nell, now Mr* Al Erlckson, who had been married but a year...
...f%ey ar* ahwadV k*og> btef vieittnf Amertoaa* over there gait ht t^eda f*4M> heave rook* ft Amarloaaa wae own* to thens te fga«| ¦< aunury, what wouhtat thwy d* tt the** •**»*' A|Sfp|* can* had eom* toaklag far l*b* oa mo*«ah^ fh*j> agjiaV duta...
...and held high conference with Maude Bamgey Mlnturn, who was just op pretty and plump *f aver...
...Balph's djBastrqug ojjtl precipitate toarriag* had proved untrue...
...Some of them even pay fifty cents to read m*""Fhe American Mercury" every month what a JowInra State Tennessee ia...
...his noae just as fed, and hi* *y*s just a* eager, tied up pagkage* of groceries...
...on the attractive Pl>w*r of labor, pgber should b* made a pleasure, rather than a burden, and as the proletarian regime develops, with shorter hours, more hygienic surroundings and * mere friendly atmosphere, th* labor process will gradually,los* ft* repulsive aide...
...said this 'soothsayer, and they would be ;<aj^rj)jrst it they would only get in touch with realltjto, than he Implied they would at once cease bergjrtgiayiats a^d^be^9p-.egyp artists like himself...
...the oantroi would undoubtedly p* to th* hanj* ot thp union, aad...
...In oi^or |a*tanc...
...There war* jokaa and sly bit* ef advice...
...Dan glanced at the clock...
...W York City...
...Production could be tnoraased by concentrating the total productle* to the moat perfect industrial plants and...
...Kautaky cantantfpd, aad payment of th* capitalist*, op.q fauldowBera...
...Vm 9Wt to me "Let our corpses eano*l your fBthy degarfT aja) to*n they turn to Russia and eey: "We rot yaaf ruhet naw ahaU eat toe rqM**, toe. Pon^ Get Too Chesty "Th# myth *t th* wieltlng per has bap* ogrtodff...
...etc, for th* p*op% 0Kte ¦« fiw other alUte'esntofaed...
...So*i*liam aad Men*y I#bor would be pa:d ia money...
...far Instaaa...
...Th* s*m* fore* that the proletariat uses today to destroy production will then become an.effective means to secure the regular continuance of social labor...
...Alice and Hugh were married last night...
...upon which Equity baa her kitten* wera a*t available, Isabel &gga> the retogravur* eeettog of tha "Tha World...
...af tag p*t,BW asxts* aatgpU*b*a*nU to«r* era^oahy a*V«|gadg *matogteg tear* tha* M* tohagaaa...
...I wish I -never had you children sometimes...
...Bohiey s*id- "And bo sure to get on the Pullman the night thay change th* sheets...
...He put his arms around her...
...Dan.** ah* asserted "It's no use...
...j^Nf ht New Jersey they ar* rattling the bona* ot ¦alk* »Or-year-old skeletons and they have jugged *-*%*• broker and a simple-minded gentleman who •SB...
...He knelt beside her...
...told me * week ago...
...Xilgtitfr of Isabel, eur matriarchs) Macjc cafv fifit quietly into our bureau drawer and had Efevely tiger kitten try {he narue of Noah...
...B*vm «**, ». FUth aTen«e...
...toward Russia aa t ate with t$em...
...It would also be impossible to avoid taxes through emigration, a* the tax could simply be taken from th* Interest before it was paid out...
...Put are don't l£§.'je go around the place sounding like a PrlaoedBjLarr-leader every time it I* necessary,to page fSTapsgaria...
...It make* it possible to extend the process of confiscation over a decade so that It will be fully operative in the new generation...
...There was laughter...
...America *S*y got h* able to feed1 th* ate«pte%'*ai«ti-" MUpn of the rest *f the-World, but* It ewdat fggf |U| Surplus popuigtlog ot Xmrinfo mm* atfB k*yg |; W crackers" left...
...The disadvantage of direct confiscation of all capitalists would be that such confiscation would strike all, the small and the great, these utterly useless to Labor and...
...In the aaidat of the £|jggg Fanny Fajre, the...
...ijp.tt is, he sees it everywhere in .the hands pt a JMpj^et Babbitts, whose mental status is that of ^PflaaSdge's pet pike...
...She gav* a little, startled phage ef bar bead...
...I just can't...
...If ffi«?*w horsey...
...trouble waa that ha looked at the world, .to*s*g* rese-fiblor«d .glasses...
...efWft Industries differ * go^4 <(a*l bj tfeej, amk*-up add r*q*ira Tfff^ngj fbrauj of d*mocratic organlshtien...
...Trunks had to b* purchased...
...It wa* almost like a family reunion...
...Mtoturn'e am...
...TH aay I do...
...and pressed his face I against her shoulder...
...H»w*var, it would have great advantage over the method of-oondBcation...
...m^-tefa if million geepi...
...After Dan had showed his wife' that he could study togiifcv Uve pOHi en route, and could also survey to* wator power situation on the Colorado River, she waa eathrtaisst,tw> The project meant much pleasant preparation for X>an...
...All In aH, there had not been such pleasant stir in the various Mlnturn household* tor years...
...Confiqcatipn in thia way lose* its harshness, it becomes more acceptable gad less painful...
...Dismay among *B the children...
...Neman's hat ,and appears slightly balmy...
...aa, la her Imagination, she surveyed toe endless miles ef travel before her, per...
...Well, toother...
...BRcather Irving Mandall asks'us to comment on the Kent raving of H. L. ldepek'en, aaant Socialists...
...Mencken will hardly accuse the boys ot the Ohio Kag at being tender idealists, and yet most of them 4nad their way to the darkened parlor of a lady astrologer in Washington and had her tell them how fjh fin (In niiilim...
...7j wtsk that somehow critics of Socialists could get •'¦ 'together and agree on just what alia Socialists...
...Amqrieaas have aet hesitated to *baad*e to* twin teaagMs which ssemed to mean a* touch a ganaretloa ar t#» age...
...He forgot- himself...
...Hew aan yW kg** Jagfjlag whew yew tut ariyat* tekhar* }V prl*en while publta rabhar* ar* aagn ia purpls and gaidN-Cgt...
...Aajd ft 14>^Mi hutonhitiag te feaitoa tkat th* ««ly haaga- d'-teflay 1* still w*^**ga* to to th* aa* «m*re he harief fc||j||< through «h* Wtodewa to* alght aetarei- ' " * 1 . Oa th* *tb*V band, waiM I ate perfeetb/ wffttoj te let by-*aa*B b* gaag for geaet a* fgf aa tad Vr^daj dfbt tf ma to c*nc*r*ed...
...M la tra* Pr*ac* a*fn* 'aj)|hgrkalp g>d'm**t ef gar eaanea tedder to pvj^f fj* world safe fog 4trn**r*of...
...S . j "Married T" He was amazed, but beneath his amazement flowed an uncertain sense ot pain, jealousy, loneliness...
...He Is suffering under the SKWdkinsion that by this method h* will hurt their appaga and that they will stop going to Botarian aPpet* aad take up biology and scientific research...
...T* *W Ceatinue* Neat Weak...
...gb*ut th* *aly tare aterapaas atfepngl" where Aa**ric*a tourist* *ad deSgr* ar* mffe poe&m wltjr respect gag Barlta and M**o»w...
...Agatha, who wa* to drive to* travelera to th* station, drov* up to her new car promptly at the hour appointed, Bob)ey picked up too baggage and started for the door- Dap turned to take Mrs...
...But her wan face, her trembling hands, the p*ajqv*h7 faarfuj |**k to k*r *yea...
...h* wandering about the oeuntry forr* Dan waa gt first inclined to b* angry...
...sqaded hua apt to upbraid her...
...Indeed, if h> had not been fee* tfej tawghte teltlaj|r R^aateag that 9lo Cwr aad bto Qraad «ukg* gtorfdHl to paw tot* (Jtor*nany> the day befor* th* Qeraaaa* managed to break tote Belgium our beloved, ngttgate ' Over there w*uk| have been Vcaad to a a^adatjrr'tarag . year* b*f*r* our ftojt daughhay landed to Baraa*.';> H the vapid it gt teat e*f* for damoaraag...
...Boom and Ah might do for three of ^SgaWUh argued, long tiger eo the ead...
...but wa* surprised to find her face drawn and waa...
...This pofnt U DerstotenUj Ignored Vy th* aStofi peeaj »nd statesmen...
...For every to> ereas* m social wealth would henceforth adhere to the good oi *)1 foclety...
...naaTutitiaaafst I^laWiat >{« hav* ft* *f«a>«g if* ot lreVptog todastry gkiag.' «mt mi osatiyga wast tow*h\ Me fhttl "Certainly not the whip ot hunger and OtW less thdt of ahyatefl e*at«*Ut...
...those the most essential to labor in the same manner.*' Confiscation through taxation, moreover, "permits th* disappearance of oapitalief property through * long drawn out process proceeding in the exact degree In which the new order Is established and its benevolent Influence made perceptible...
...fat apolitical plaag *om«* ^»ra m the mesa...
...primaries were going to turn out by jHu the signs of the Zodiac...
...Ov*r »nd over again the great number of IttU* industries that still exist h> triumphantly patotod auf...
...If there ar* people wab «ualt «hat> victory of th* protetartat fa to ectabr fish a prison regimentation where **eh ope can be aaatgind hi* laser by hta superior then they kn*w the proletarian regime very poorly...
...He saw something of what the marriage meant to her...
...atfUm of tha "BJrth Control Review...
...had his share to the eoa» fgran era Dan had leaag*d to b* gul'te toad ot Ralph...
...tm§t te be outdone, by ai|y ttDSfart of the SSjfCf laifwU!*, 1**b*l pco<t*d*d f* give bb-tj» to fKfefbjer kitUni tho feUewtag meraing, briaginf uj> Ifiejtfjtal of known offspring daring" tbw estorful atoq...
...You don't know what yen are misting, I kaow that much...
...sad they had % baby, too—Pellttt Grubb Bantsey-^wbo waa a sturdy replica of his mother...
...If If our fond hope Umt some of our - jfiK readers will come to the rea*a...
...I am convinced that when pne* l*bo» lose* ft* repulsive character of •yerwork and when the hours of labor ar* reduced in a reasonable degree, custom alone will suffice to bold the...
...He had to return- He mumbled his excuses, i kissed her (Si the'cheek, and went out...
...aa seop as ali th* capitalist wealth had taken tb*-torm of bonds of states, municipalities and cooperatives, It would be possible to raise progressive Income, property, and Inheritance taxes to a hjeight which uutll then waa-impossible...
...jSfnMj no trick at all to name Noah, hut we confeaa ^| avptalif about, Raining the four tigers of JmJJs...
...He saaalg ta**Bhakj aawk JfiMSf fjAl|WV ^W»f d>f m gjeereat...
...These overlords of jours he VPdte with great gusto, jeering, at their folkways, 4gWt and' literary, tastes...
...F*e* te toe* with th* taaeoapable fact that ttMl States aan net find ream, or housee, *r feed, far tod Surplus pepukithms af th* root of th* werM...
...y%a|u ffk>7\ajy.tfaay*^*^>*a(«*y*^ •> fW *«t •» eve* at* hfto f**ggjt ft fWf%% •ansa with to« ^tfadtod* or a. late *-a*^M:dff# ¦ -a *- e' - - Bat to e*m* h**k to that Pfaaeh ddM aw*i*tfcdM ' must he done to raatov* th* afgravatlag or M *rf ' bg aa and...
...looking very important and responsible wept about strapping suit cases, while Mother Mlnturh fussed with her nsw haj...
...For "the raising pf wages ta Industry would, aet free a )arg* sum bar ot labor power* whoa* existence today bj merely parasitic...
...Kairtafot ** fteeatlaa* -' After the revofgOoq...
...tt fany...
...He talked his plan over with Agathg firstHe proposed to -take his mother on » trip to California...
...jK*Sg* that haa, tho colored pictures with the red jSjMkder asaaa...
...j l And you boys always helped...
...Mencken'* attltudo toward the capitalist gf*tem, he thiaks It would be awell If It were run by Sf£oaF*flughIy Intelligent and sophisticated phUoaoW**> th* Supermen ot Herr Nietsscbe...
...Bm ot nor «xl*t*nc* to on* hundred aad twelve...
...it's no ua*," she said over gad over, n caa'l go...
...on the ead of the lovely tody'* noae...
...with suggesjflg-far names T<p anyen* who sends us * really . JE*priaU name par a week-told tiger kitten, whose B| hi aot yet determined, we will send aa autoKtshed copy of "The Love Life of Isabel,'* a masterfisnt of 'aline Utoratur...
...Custom can be depended on to keep.large masses of people at( their work...
...Why, they, had shut him out...
...Uaf yoj*t\ , ^ ^r^WBt...
...You're ail gdn* now .—OH.'-..-, ,i: DAN resolved to do-something unusual for his mother...
...great nmjorlty of workers la regular Work In factories and aiines...
...Mencken jtega to imply that falling for fads la a peculiarly jacjallst habit...
...Many advocate ihe abolition af maaay...
...5 He turned to bis-mother.' She was crying softly...
...Kacken, apparently running abort of copy for h» Bned column called "Hiring a Hal}," broke out with E impertaat aaws that Socialists are gullible.and E| asaaa «f our former oonarad** who fled the ship {stag the war have • taken up fasting, anti-v'vlsecMk Free Love, numerology and chlropractice, ^Tbis, mm the learned Baltimoraan, ia because Socialists are . gga> tender-minded than their practical co-patriots ¦Wm thay will fall for almost anything...
...All Socialists are yigjpaiaisi...
...n*i|tuW g #*rt of a paruanient for the purpof* of fdjusttag laior eendltt*** and eontr*lllnf fhe ggyerumeat *t |h* machinery...
...They were* to go by th* Southern route, spend a fortnight at-Lop Angeles, and return hem* by Christmas...
...A much stronger motive is th* discipline of th* proletariat, "If the uaioa pqce recognize* the necessity of the unbroken regular progress of htbor w* may be stir* that the Interest of the whole Is so great that scarcely a single member win leave his post...
...politico ¦ we would not swoon to leaxn that flp* l* out to make a political ren far himselfyjg* not ao> long ago that Ohd...
...Why, they hadn't even told him...
...On the eg>efhand,'I have bad U dinned Into me by ail ja&jadM^ left-wing-friends that .Socialists have lost w£|aea.KBm and that waea' ˆb§y get interested ia - Ms like rents and strikes and'subways and coat By are losing their souls aad thai what the Party Hi (s VISION...
...We res Use now, as we never' r**ftoafi hato#a, that peaple wa* are unwanted to the kvada *f f^aaT btrth have no -right' to an asylum her*.'' - Thus apQke gn "haa*r*bW* o**gt***mqa caUkq fhtof gf^e 1>a*aa.»ad rfah*, rot hag rerato rtfa.,a...
...J. Bad Debts And Bad Faith aaffway % 5^W^^HyvS^hM *^^SfKsfa^ ^SBr rSfcSg^gaatos gad djtetoto ate f^STj^^ ' teen la an §*mt too etti gbg aaaanr'ah**^ »* to July *ad thaafcwfig nte* to Tv**iary to *Mf£W eraditors...
...a» tg* atet* to entsgaa these ta* is got aa - aa*aa^Oapan#^anr^^^wJf* "H«* again that* i* anutoay atet aificaat p*tnt ef viaw- Our ggpimriri and the pessimists to oar own rgakf maasur* the ri pea ess of our pregjaiH society far social product^*, hr tog number af rains which as* ajtragpa around ft aad of which ^ ff^pcaagbl* ot ridding Itself...
...a e - •¦ : * Another tmeortont petat overtook** by ttto tlttlV * Soh?n to—that tt tb* people wa* ward aww*Afl% the land of than- btrth had set warn *vw hay*, tsnaw WOqld he preetohg tow peopio in this emmtry...
...completely from the family circle...
...tough-minded Republican* who put the ¦ta Warren Gamaliel Harding into the White House, to...
...AU of thia makes merry reading ¦SMbe tabloid gulpers .and brightens up an other**,J summer for tha city rooms...
...k*ife)a«kd|teto'-i eaaif* % lea*** than* a tow hwajg doBeawaaaf atear...
...to^iyklu&l members of society...
...a^adlaaaSlair THB pMetarlaa T*jrja*a wu«hj probably seek th* road h» «gmr penaathra...
...As we under-rtand Mr...
...Charles Whitman H"*** into the Governor's chair of the Shapiro State Jf^ means pf filling another sort of chair tft Sing ^S By convJcUng "Becker and his pals Charlie f» himself such fame that when the voters Urea ot t& ** to the boaom ot tha traction trust and sarifaC*atly head-*X~the New York bay...
...You can send your money to th* British...
...to* slaw sea th* worker* wgah] *Jaet datogataa who would...
...per e*nturi*s, th* back daor at *v*ay |te*a*a*ag> aoorhouee, prison aad y*f*rm*tery }ad to frJg^fflft af thf tree and the aonWgf the hra**,- ^ T*f And yet even the** people ntod* r*epeoto>to ga> eaatgra far oar wealthy patrlota...
...Table tapping is said J|5* a popular sport among the eminently practical ka^phers ot Cal's Cgblnet and...
...It's *• f*r...
...M np* . h*4y «*a a**, to* eredif betong* eatlrefir to lHwt~ wot v%> OgarkAto Russia, *t tagt- So W%DeT»' hahyaQy k teveg ef esnceillng' to* jSwgo^^'d*«f to me, 1 etgat rfgac* aad her buddies tq kq iftt/f if Mb...
...I dgg't mtad being called * Shylock, but » %* daraed If I tot a Bhytook can am Shytoek...
...A new wardrobe had to be bought for Dan's mother—a process Agatha took part in...
...W« Intriguing "Pig Woman" has once more taken the?**ad.«rith her story of-midnight ride* on a braying ^Sta** tRo roaming- leopard has been shoved right front page...
...Tha higher the economic organisation develop* today th* b*tte*> the outlook for th* undisturbed pregre** of production after the conquest at politic*} power frwm the beginning ***k' to organise BTOdasMoa 4fmoi33t|c*Sr, T^f jaator taeuuac* of social dk^pfjkjlt can pajy b*hefaJev»d fit that mfaadr...
...acre*** of Produetioa Oa* at the first tasks of » proietariaa regime would be t* Increase production In order to satisfy the enornaou* demand* that wauld, be ***** upon it...
...Spot, m * recent column of his, he seriously proHPH biology, a* * our* for Babbittry...
...The victorious proletariat atfU agvar be satisfied with any prison or bar-, rack-like reguiatloaa Moreover, it bg* no need of anything of the kjnd sine* it has other means at its couuaaad to hold the laborer to his labor...
...Texas, for toetoaaa, 1* larger aad a* far •* f|i|BMj at ceaearned, touch richer thea Osramay gad WfUIHf land combined, and yqt auppartg fewer gagged Ileal Mas to the mountain* af th* liftl* awitaeriaad atogg, . ¦ in tha Mtoiiasippl d*lt* sre H million a*r*g *f vfa/Sto land, which It raUeved ef ifo virgtotty...
...while oacgr...
...At drat, aueh eornp*nf*>tton would «*u*e a stream of profit to Saw to th* capitalist olas...
...Where, however, g gr**t todustry, exisU to * e«taudd*r4bl* degree It 1* easy for * Soclalhjt aeolety tq...
...Maxists' Replis to the Revisionists THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRY W. LAIDLER : (%ooMmno4 frag...
...Even Hugh said, 'it'* to* whitest thing Ipra-ava* dan** - Oh toe day' of fcparture, the children^ all gatocredV ** th* old home—with the *xc*ptlon of Hugh...
...atlU othera Wfuh} b* cc^p«rativ*b/ A Socialist regime may - mere and I more also d*pcnd...
...t 'g • e/ v . v r...
...t- '--/i I know H*thfa)r about thf aatgaagaatg ef tmek dhwa: Cfcmafaaamaa bat I bet ahmara ta* deagteate fS$Lv with a Httla dStoqac*, he wlH have no troublg to ¦**>tag a tew jcn-btrda rooattof ia to* ftmfr pre...
...j So they talked, wresting a vicarious happiness out of the illusory memories of past days...
...f Waat «Va*ee to d* ta* s*me ta regard to Bussta...
...As we recall it, it waa a group ef ¦Uetatiously...
...Even Baton, Maude's hjo...
...h* said...
...Production would *i** k* in*raaa*d as * result of th* l*er**a* la wag...
Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 32