Dunn, Robert W.

U.S. Indicts Passaie Textile Mills Exploitation of Woman and Young By Robert W. Dunn AGOVERNMENT report shows In an incontrovertible manner the inhuman exploitation of mothers, forced by...

...The failure of men to secure a living wage for the family necessitates the entrance of wives and mothers into bread-winning activities...
...New, Teak Crtr...
...gephout $220,000,000...
...It is a form of organized blacklegglng...
...the strikers, arrested on charges of attempting to intimidate non-union men...
...Tasry haw* a...
...Fine wages to make them leave their babies and small children St home In charge of other small children or landladies...
...1*'-{ar behind that of ahy other btrg* city In the country in - proportion to population...
...Building construction In...
...I* to the very men who voted k dividend...
...He calls the company unions deceptive Inventions, "working in a subtle and indirect manner for the destruction of the established unions...
...This shows clearly th* Inadequacy of th* wage of the men workers...
...Here are 4,820,829 of "•IjMJ.SIS common Shares', outstandslj'fore'the recent stock dividend, ^ia hands of the big financiers...
...Scranton Coal Co...
...Any Sy'nyn'T invested in th* business 2m**1p out of the excessive profits .2^gttthe expense 'of workera and ¦donP^ *n other words the $7 an^aUdjBend realty mean* * return per cent...
...The present board session will consider the esse of workers at Grassy Island colliery vs...
...In this bulletin some...
...Among the gains made the following are considered to be of great significance: 1. Forty hours a week for seven and one-half months, and 44 hours for the balance of the year...
...The union thus aha* to place than* exploited worker* In a position to sajay at least part ot th* hoars...
...One of these cities is Passaic...
...areeldent *f tha Columbia Conserve Com pa ay, Indianapolis I Gears* S. Lackland, representative ef th* Werkara* education Bureau and formerly president ef th* Denver Labor Colleger James Myers, secretary of tha industrial department...
...The owners con2pt%* enormity of this return by a*/gpi i ii stock dividend*, idp- sash distributed to the owner* |P***ral Motor* to also swollen by ppeml dividend totalin* $30,S45,21t...
...In some respects," . sayk Citrine, ¦"this pawn I* more dangerous *~fen the frontal attack made by employers or than the threat to- legislate against the legal powers of the unions...
...9l>fBe annual cash dividend* ot MsWths big bora who cluster the financial throne of J. P. egg* n> what th* General Motors 2k*nt stock dividend means...
...and, says the Bulletin: "The strikingly significant fact Is that all of these bread winning mother* had small children at home requiring care...
...The Judge apologized for taking up the time of the...
...working for a living.at home...
...Company Union Losing A. m*Tfp Kar«toi*N gap aril or> oanhnw ef the Sietheilieud of Sleeping Car Potdars, has ta—d ?fa...
...M W...
...there ia rtot *frriurt*rhl Inclination which rt to-wat etreng a*hugh to eearae, aad, If- needful, dnaUuj fey gaiwaai J*ha 9mmit- MtmX --«-•¦"»' ¦. FURRIERS WIN IN CHICAGO Unemployment Insurance...
...Students Will Compare Experinces as Workers at Indiana Conference be **rh*da*sj ami Jsdiprstod, tram* audjqta will meet in oomf Urmkoji mj'%orthom College, Rlehmond, !km „i fear day*, naghtnlns To *+d them In gssaaagagg and in a*aald*rntl*n ef the panada*** they havef*eed, tha studsntd ha** ¦rrnagsd to h*v* present at tha QOMtfuWwWOw) oMMirl trie Ft 4%*} po^rV«M"*l Hapgeed, an...
...U. M. W„ over machine mining is another: and so is -the dispute, over the machinist rat* between an assistant machinist at Greenwood colliery of Hudson Coal Co...
...Per ssfag »way some 2.900,000 share* SLdSr common stock the directors l£m that they will continue th* quarterly dividend rate...
...Women Carry Double Burdens Again from the bulletin of the Department of Labor: "Over four-fifths of the bread winning women who were or had been married were maintaining homes and hence were 'carrying the double burden of household duties and gaining employment...
...nearly a third had children of 5 and 6 years of age at home, and 10 per cent had children of those ages .at school...
...Those who join a company union enter into a conspiracy .with the employers for taking'advantage of the organized effort and sacrifice made by their fellow workers to improve the standards of wages and working conditions...
...Conn.—Nearly a hundred, women struck In tha mouquat department of the 1 igelow-Hartford Carpet Company against wag*, redactions...
...and working condition* to urates fash* labor Justly entitles taatn-ti .<- >:t...
...Fin* wages for starvation, sickness and-general destitution...
...Thursday, Aug...
...ever compensation for handling rock...
...lawyers with "bo flimsy" evidence...
...And ac. *Sdkg to The Wall Street Journal *"**"*tf investors bold another 1,1*4*f share...
...to fk*> Brooklyn Labor Lyceum...
...k -:*~~s*t ownership of General atetats...
...For Brooklyn wurhsis...
...Passaic Wore* Than Jacksonville...
...3«j|t on the new shares-as well PaCtV* The annual cash dlstrlbusg^jbotnmon stockholders will now fie more than $g0,000.000...
...What kind of citizenship can be produced under such a* th*.bulletin describes: "The findings prove that the car* of yewafg children toft in tfat Steme -*to Passaic) waa frequently inadequate and casual...
...It is Vaulted _ that aside from the large Jgpstment holdings, such as the hold¦ll of the du Pont company, Mantine* Securities and other large lnJPJhrs, there are more than 1,250,000 'sms of common held by Individual •¦•holders, each with 1,000 shares bhuwa.'* -9Sh du Pont...
...It Is dry reading and there are lota of tables and statistics...
...Prices for slugging end blackjacking were $50 to $100...
...Fine wage* to drive mothers Into the mills at night...
...js*rln* present stock dividend the sSEessh investment of th* owners gTsWrs shrinks .to about $25...
...GENERAL MOTORS INSIDERS RAKE IN 20 MILLIONS TTotal Dividends in Five Years Equals Original Investment of $225,000,00 By Leland Olds &TXIBK th»n «*0,000,ete added to...
...Th* dispute of Lackawanna Coal Co...
...far » whtoh workera ta th* open shops are air ta* vitod have been arranged a* foOowst For Manhattan workers...
...In th* same nuu* period the actual profits of *j»*ommon stockholders will reach fefetal of about $450,000,000 or tWlce fa original Investment...
...j ¦ ¦ Fine wag** for what...
...949 Wiltougbby Ave., Brooklyn...
...Diet, 1, U. M. W. official* ar* Investigating...
...Conditiona Worse Than Figures Show It must be remembered that-the figure* and percentages Just given tfo for all women who earn then- bread In mills of^all kinds In Passaic The percentage ot night working mothers-to much higher'among the woolen work-*, era so that the situation, aa applied to these mothers 1* really much worse than even these figures would Indicate, aad they are bad enough...
...San Francisco...
...Simply because the father .and the mother together do not make enough to keep the economic wolf from the door...
...He does not say whether the Junket of British labor officials who came to this country a few months ago, their expenses paid by the reactionary Daily Mall ot London, have bad any influence" In the establishment of these company unions...
...The Department of Labor tells us that: "The important facta' disclosed by the field Inquiry as to the prevision for care of children in the absence of working mothers were that ever one-fifth of the mother* worked at night when husbands or other adulta war* at home to look after the children, that one-tenth left their children to husbands who were night worker* and at home . in the day time...
...Sidney Webb...
...The anion echo* a) at tdl Broadway...
...lot us.act down some of the conclusion* of .this government report: . "It Is obvious thst tinny of the...
...la th* ptaaaat Instance, however, no' aarik* coadittea exists and yes upon the mere appearance of antom organisers, th* employers seek to gat an injunction against frusdusa ot speech oa th* part ef orgariiaea* sod workers...
...BOX MAKERS RESPONDING TO UNION ^T***n***m^*Ss^ ***)^b fjiam agsaaaw'in ^^^j* gaahaittaa dstoai -oTjIpo Vo»w**Hm ¦Tiaere- TJaJaat m.akwneheg th...
...1. >U...
...Ia Chicago the union retains eight legal holidays with pay, where** the New York ' furrier* now have only seven holidays...
...In consequence ot this fight, which ha* been going oa Intermittently for the past six y**re...
...Actual Investors, as ¦paced to brokers, according to the EdutV held ' 4,426ati share* br 86.7 pr eeafcof the total common stock erJatsnttag In th* second quarter ot ojb raw...
...2. Increases In the minimum scales *f wages Bringing up the rates to the same standard as in New York...
...st I P. If...
...problems connected . with breed- * winning wives and mother* would be dissipated if the husbands and father* were to receive a wage adequate for the family needs...
...And many of them "had to leave the children virtually without any ' care except such aa could be given when there were other children, although In none ot these cities were the children as much as 14 years of age...
...In some cases the .price was as low as $250...
...An agreement was reached between the union, and the Manufacturers* Association which gives the workers a number of important concessions...
...And remember, this is for all Passaic Th* conditiona of the moth en In the, woolen mills is much worst than the average...
...The document waa issued In 1925 by the Women's Bureau of th* • United States Department of Labor, Bulletin No...
...But the'gist of It la aa follows: There are nearly 10,000 women breadwinners In Passaic That la 10,000 women who have to earn a living by working...
...refused to replace the man members of, union 111, United Mine Workers, wanted a* Inside pom runner, the worker* struck...
...Sjpil others left their children with neighbors, boarders or landladies...
...Majpr W. W. Inglis represents the operators and Rinaldo Capolllm...
...They will find that Passaic is ia far worse condition than the - other cities—even worse than Jacksonville, Fla, where thousand* of Negro mother* have to earn their living by...
...Family Statue of Bread winning Women In Four Selected Cities," 1* th* name of the report...
...Children Forced to Mills Not only must the mother work herself to help keep the small children alive, but as early as possible tflese children must go to work themselves...
...laafe the works**, to naugjh/ IgvoM dzfftDS strike...
...The important fact1* that the women who work In th* ml Ha ar* opt so much the young unmarried folk bat the married women who are living with bread-winning husbands...
...ah**> manufacturer...
...Snnced in th* second quarter of 2 Altogether this year's dividends Xprobably total about $70,000,000 in l)P enough to give 180.000 factory adjers a 25 per cent increase in i&nveetment Recovered in Year jjpa- year's dividends will bring the gg{ distributed since January 1. 1922...
...Trying to Transplant American Company Organization Trap COMPANY unions are being given a tryout by...
...Some men from the tops* to j department Joined th* walkout.' . .. - » - . I suppose, at th* amsfloot svrsg*, far th* making ef a single rieh man w* malt* '¦ thousand who** Br* long ia an* ffasdti** *f misery, i. A, Freud...
...Th* union to demanding gar Its mesa bars th* forty-four hour wash aad hv minimum scale ef wages, and th* spsa shjajT waikers are Joining hand* with ax ta this organization drtv* t*> get the same condition* In their ah egg...
...It will be remembered that these delegates were particularly impressed with the great open-sbop establishments such aa the General 'Electric Company...
...The results ef one week Of balloting among the men prior to our appearance before th* mediation heard indicate that die.great majority of Pullman porter* and maids have repudiated th* company uai*n plan of ah* - Pullman company and ar* solidly1 for the brotherhood...
...And when the mill mothers go to work in the mills,what happens to the little onee—and most of their children are little ones—ar home...
...Not because the parents don't want the chHd to get an education...
...Hudson Coal Cp...
...A Jury ha* freed nine more ot...
...s "I am' confident that the company union will get abort shrift from the workers In this country," writes Citrine in closing his statement...
...1 - f. The establishment of unemployment Insurance...
...It' is also of great significance that In order to secure this agreement the Chicago union gave away no concessions as the New York organization was forced to do Id giving away three legal holidays...
...Pa.—(FP)—When officials, of Nottingham colliery of Lehigh *V Wllkea-Barre Coal Co...
...Affidavits by former employes of the association, produced In Superior Court in opposition to Issuance of an injunction against - the striking carpenters, set forth that men were offered as high as 11,000 each for shootlag trade unionists...
...Organization meting...
...of workers at Richmond No...
...J K ought not to be inniaaaij tar "earnlng a- living- to be the object «d anyone's tlfc—"Bqultigt...
...Indicts Passaie Textile Mills Exploitation of Woman and Young By Robert W. Dunn AGOVERNMENT report shows In an incontrovertible manner the inhuman exploitation of mothers, forced by poverty, to work In the Passaic textile mills...
...The company union* mentioned by Citrine are not to be confused with the so-called Whitley councils, which cover whole industries and recognise the existing trade unions as the bodies empowered to negotiate and bargain for the organised workers...
...Compensation ef contract miners, discharge of employes, rat** too earpenter* and ' other ailh* erafflaye*, chang* in powder, and pay for loss of tools ar* covered la other complaints to be considered...
...that the help came chiefly from the older ohftldren, relative* or lodgers, aad thai over one-fifth of the mothers worked at night, caring for the children in th« intervals between Indispensable rest token during the day...
...which la pretty ton an original investment of not than $221,000,000...
...st closely xhald by the inultlBQBeaaag* in control la admitted by the Wall Street Journal...
...And again: ."Th* disastrous effects reeurtlng r from jsegtect of <he' urgent pr*V leme related' to bread-winning women undermine each community where harmful conditiona *r* allowed, to exist and in th* final analysis weaken the strength ' and prosperity of the Nation...
...I Wast lath St, N*w York City...
...Let the Citizens' Committee read this report on four citlee and their breadwinning mothers...
...jptnally the number of General Mrs stockholders fell from 49,170 in hrtecond quarter of 1924 to 22,626 in Bpaeoad quarter of 1926...
...oaoUy threatened th* unlaa iiigaiibJBH with an injunction ti» pravaau fit sea from speaking to th* net hat a...
...Citrine says that since the general strike many employers have disclosed plans for smashing the British trade union movement by encouraging the formation of 'breakaway unions" and the formation of company unions and '"workers' dubs.** The Cotton Factory Times, commenting on the company unions, calls the British employers' attempt to put them over a "Yankee stunt" copied from the virgin land of company'unionism...
...the miners...
...Never, perhaps, in all history, haa there bean so impressive a failure a* that of th* statesmen to whom th* world la 1919 entrusted the task of making * real paaee...
...de Nemours company 2jjflMt£2l shares of common stock ¦Phased largely out of the enormous isr prents of this premier manufacw*er et explosives...
...It continues : '"Tm.toprea todk*bto,4aat-4nvestors Jr*r]af\ steadily Vddlia- to their MkbjbjTjprthe stock, notwithstanding PNbjSVeclatlon in the market price, ¦gkhnying by large Investors ha* ¦Pfaan absorbed the selling by Ipftr stockholders, indicated by the Nine in the total number of the corBaton's- stockholders...
...PPgaa 50 per cent stock dividend Sfe Jaterest* will hold 7.246.244 JPr|K£Taey have handed themselves ¦mpss • share of the melon...
...Pullman PortersVoting Solidly for Brotherhood...
...Says the bulletin: "In most cases Polish-bora mothers had young children...
...Managers'..Securi*orC*r*i created to give the big ex"nawfes aad managing directors a "lya^-as*** In th* control, holds 2,^wjto shares of common...
...It also astots that this control by insiders haa ¦to laereesing...
...local union mi...
...Better wagee for man would frequently mean withdrawal- of a large group of wives and mother* from bread-winning activrtiea...
...Federal Council ef Chureheei H. Dorothea Nerd-Heft, forewoman Columbia Conserve Company, and Tern Tippett, a aoutharw Illinois MINERS STRIKE FOR THEIR MAN ON JOB Plymouth...
...have no dealing* with union oarpentera or with - firms employing union'- carpenters...
...The city council haa adopted resolutions ordering the chief of police,to use all possible means to keep ex-convicts and other undesirables from coming into the city to serve as strikebreakers...
...Forced to Neglect Babies Which means that the mothers had to work not only to buy bread for themselves but milk for their am all cfaildreav - v - Of course, the Polish mothers were in the largest number*, aa th* Polish population of Passaic ia the- largest among the working class In that city...
...Aad y*t the Citizens (strike-breaker) Committee Is *tifl trying to toll the public that fh* PasChildren Are Deserted When Mothers Are Forced in Factories, Report Indicates saic textile worker* ar* receiving fine wages...
...These groups hold Mr '$$ per cent of the- outstanding jMherai Motors common shares...
...Th* paw**- *f edocatt** I* almoet boundless...
...ThS haJuaotloB...
...Building contractors aad building material dealers ar* combined into * bonded organization, pledged to...
...that' scarcely mora than one-fifth of the bread winning mothers of young children had any help In the performance of household duties...
...Says the report: "Another striking feature is the tendency...
...British employers, according to Walter M. Citrine, acting secretary of the British Trade Union Congress, writing In the Cotton Factory Times, th* leading Journal of the Lancashire cotton workers...
...Bvidently JaJiiimllisJ* must be working wonders foe th* Tinaass to time of strike*,, and nalaa* they b* mad* aneoaartttnttoaal ta Whor di*» put**, th* time |* not far distant whamthey win be graatod ag*tn*| iags*ls* tion work...
...These open shop workera, mala mmf female, receive * rat* ot wage* far below th* wag* estimated by tha United Stat** Department of Labor aa necessary to maintain aa Amertaaa standard of living- They work not leu than forty-eight hour* per week, la aome case* more tha* ntn* and one halt hours per day, contrary to th* Bight Hour Day Law of New Z*rk Stat...
...24th at • P. M. la th* headquartors ot the International Ladle* - Garment, Workers' Union...
...president of Dlst...
...Nor because the child Just naturally likes to work in a mill...
...The eoupling of economic responsibilities and domestic duties for women tende to menace the health ef women and tha happiness of the henie...
...to send the child to work as soon aa the haw permits...
...a *ta*it*** a J a* a* «t ¦ a» s»ai *¦¦*«¦ ¦Trff* ¦ VIIV Wp*v0 s*awnVn«n*WfV*J "A* * result >f the wder***-»at obmlng frwm eueh *i^*ljhj*liii,iis at th* Nat tonal As*** teflon far" the Advancement *> CiiahsS Peept*> th* Knight* ef Pyt&and.'tne National federation *f.C*t*r*d VYemen, th* National Urban League and ether useful ran* Institutions, the spirit ef th* man in the brotherhood I* *t- its high' *stp*l*t in th* organisatton's twtory...
...see Grievance* to ** heard by*' th* anthracite board of conciliation In Scranton and Wllkea-Barre show a variety of complaint...
...Industrial student, wit* »a at tha gi mint Ms** mining oeal in waatoiu Pennsylvania* Win lam P. Hapgeed...
...25 pages are devoted to a description of the condition of the bread Winning mothers fa Passaic...
...Wjki the management of General ¦Mrs.'' says the journal, "there lies ¦t only practical but actual control Whe company...
...M i n i mum Wage Rate Are Won Th* members of the Furriers' Union In Chicago have returned to work victorious in their demands for which they struck for several weeks...
...It is the apirit of liberty that today undermines th* empires of the world, sets crowns and mitres askew, and in its onward elemeotai sweep ie shaking i the institutions of Capitalism aa frail I weeds ar* shaken in the* blasts of tho storm king'a fury*—Debai LABOR SLUGGERS GET BIG PAY Gunmen Hired by San Francisco Open Shoppers Get $1,000 WASHINGTON.—News from, the carpenters' war with the antiunion Industrial Association In San Francisco, published In the A. P. of L News Service, confirms Independent reports that sluggers are getting top prices for the maiming of union men In that city...
...But the Pasaalo women workera go out of the home and .Into the mills leaving their children behind them...
...4.' The restriction of apprentices...
...Far tha company unionists accept all, the advantages won by the trade unions without accepting any of the responsibilities of trade unions...
...Carpet Worker* Strike . HARTFORD...
...Overgrown military establishmenta ar** under any form of government, inauepfstoua to liberty, and are to b* -regarded a* peculiarly hostile to republican liberty*—Washington...
...local union 1740, U. M. W., over discrimination...
...which Unas aa> om .«**' aid* of th* etopkryer th* fuP, tads**- ot th* govsi anient taus msklng tmooHtable th* brutal as* ot- fare* to...
...Over threefourths of thee* bread winning mothers had children under 5 year* of age...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 32

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