Bauer, Otto

BAUER SOUNDS CAR AGAINST FASCISM fluent Plea fdr Workin* obm Action Made at Vienna CongreM In. • tinging speech thai *Wn> v - round ^ter round of applause fr6m an audience lhal filled...

...a, winner of five yem j penUtfilon, wlH take part m that age** tedt...
...strupble ot the British "earners, hoWevon In tha most1 ancient home of democracy, capitalism ellngs to Fascism aa loon as H saaa its fule threatened...
...Some Now York clothing firms-which had just signed agieenieuta providing for granting wage increases far their workers conveniently "forgot"' about .their obligations' whin- ft came to pay their workers wages on pay day...
...Other directors ara: Clinton Golden (Brookwood flhaaeial - manager), vice-president...
...tWerra-paaasffX shot...
...PmiiamtJttan lead- - f of of the Aattrian SocialDemoc* racy, threw doom the gauntlet tor - Fascism the world over at a meet-' ing held in- amotion with the organization of the Anti-Fascist International, reported in THE NEW LEADER of Augri...
...This is also the opinion of Brother Beckerman, manager of tha Joint Board...
...Now the anjJQW-.afiaawnnwa it has succeeded la eg^ng;.o^ stSflke a substantial number of workers ampleyea bg the "moat bitter open abep Arm, Bam Finkelsteln *t Co...
...high lump...
...N. T-,>*nd is...
...Finnish- male had mixed eh a rue st...
...witnessing the oaentng sees loss of tha convention of the A. P. of L. thfcy wSl rettim to New York, sailing on October t tor home.'-- • Pottery Workera Seek Mere Pay Atlantic City, jfc a^^Waga lacrosses of 4-11 pat...
...Tha union, however, haa aa entirely different opinion on the subject, and so have the workers in the shops who are entitled to increased wages...
...Ilg, and oh one...
...of Europe did not return home with a era/tina...
...T ^Mar the** events" there whU be a tttg-ot- war...
...ctatiats young «nd eM w» com* |gge2 an parts *f the big city and 'vkdagagsj to spend a pldasdnt dty togeVraaJ ' A apiahdid program iaa' baas «aEf ranged...
...This firm employs about too workers...
...He boasts in his "autobiography ta Who's Who in America that he is a member of th* Amalgamated Asaoelgtlen Iron,- Steel and Tin Workers ef America...
...West Shore R. B. Perry...
...In one land after another the working class has found by.experience that the capitalists remain faithful to democracy only so "long as universal franchise gives to capitalist rule the seal at approval by the mass of the people...
...cant are indeed by tha Nati...
...When we|o out into the King street* tomorrow it win mean no playing at soMitrs, but something earnest and eaerSaL...
...Lsiaareon is Impartial arbitrator far tha men's clothing industry of Rochester...
...4td street and Hudson Bivor...
...Cla^bfiag .Company, one of "tha- nmfoof*owm...
...declared William H. Lelseraon to the Railroad Labor Institute, at Brookwood...
...Secretary Browalie of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, British representative in the Berne federation, and President Dissmann of the German Metal Workers' Union... many roan do thty include...
...Fried* Kirchw^*WWH» ; S. Footer aad iejat, «|pengj...
...where do they work...
...Paul by the Scott-Mitchell Publishing Co...
...Interstate contaat^gagja Toss: versus New Jersey comrade* *gg£ two baseball game*—Circle II vSraaa* Clrch) * *ad TorkvtB* verauh the HO...
...We have stood at the grave-of Matieotti, st the graves of these innumerable ones, whom Italian "Fascism has murdered;'at'the grave* of Ssomogy and Bacao, at the grd,v|e of the thousands who,have died in prisons, in internment camps, on the" fallows of Kerthy...
...l»h A. D. Branch S. P. "•*.«• --» At If there will be singing li'agas...
...We have experienced' aH that...
...president of the a»lo>, from Baat UvarpheO...
...They have been in correspondence with President O'Connell and Secretary Berres of the Department on thia Issue, for aome years...
...time, 4:00 p. m., Saturday...
...Chicago and Detroit, studying American ^Industrial conditions affecting the production of electrical equipment, steel, engines, general metal manufactures and automobiles...
...and will not come to light far some years after that...
...the union.ha* g^yady^iradagrded In waging a auoeessful strtkie against the Pruhotf Bsd^li*rd...
...Selective Immigration, is a plea not only, for the quota law but for letting in 'goods of workera in particular crafts whan tha department of labor deeme it proper...
...Tho three kinds of company unions listed by Xelserson are: Advisory, or shop committee, started during the safety movement, which may deal with recreation, working conditions aad wages, but is purely advise*/ aad Informal...
...TJ»us~the He* haa shaped' itself: We can only wage the struggle with intellectual weapons provided that' physical force maintains and guards them...
...not see* during these very days, the days of the herol...
...The gates open at ia auhV' At 16.ta cthletle cbhtasu and r attaj will begin... one ctfuntry after another reaction has appeared and has shown us how the capitalist* stand toward -democracy...
...Meeting place...
...Oa the day when It beat that democracy is imperilling its dominance, the bourgeoisie stakes it*hope on brute force... do they operate...
...Robert W. On no...
...American Civil Liberties Union executive, was elected a fund director to replace Robert Moras Lovett...
...Nothing has come of the discussion...
...PAUI*^-Jamea J. Davis, secretary of hVbor in both i^m Harding and Cdolidge cabinets, haa hie books published la non-union shops, his pubUsher admit*, -savis' latest book...
...The union took Immediate action, notifying the firms in question that every worker ¦ entitled to 'a wage Increase under the terms of the agreement would have to be paid the higher wage...
...They returned fun of the conviction of the eaeradieaa of every human life, full of longing for a world - which would - no longer Know Mooo'shed, and who** development would he g conflict of minds...
...Committee Boprueoutdtian plus arbitration by dutsldera dad often, the concession that employee may hire outside representative... expression of belief and a row- . . A row t» keep watch m order that tha workera may pursue their struggle with Intellectual weapons, freo frron the danger of being assaulted with brute force by bandits...
...a vow to keep watch in order that tha workera* In this Socialist city may pursue their Work of reconstruction free from the danger that fascist or monarchist violence may break in upon us m tttia constructive work...
...Attar attending the convention of the Metal Trades Department and...
...1 if»jf 1*0 meter dash...
...An American diplomatic history of the World War is to be compiled from tha secret archives of the Federal Government...
...may fc4 <Jsndousbsd ' final appear qauglly to the company beard of directors...
...Broth, of Operative Potters in conference with the United States Potutrt Assn...
...In all •cages where workers entitled to higher wages failed to receive the increases they filed complaints with their respective business agents...
...ride to the grove, "^jg...
...Prof... graves, of these many men wham, the German Hakenkreuilets hays murdered, and here in Austria, at tha .graves of Mueller, Blrnecker and Still...
...with Ore Adens** a**h aad other American UahgaM Untoh atara...
...with their sword strike the trowel from our hand...
...Morris Ernst, treasurer...
...a vow to train up our youth in' tho knowledge that he la not worthy ot freedom' who is not resolved to live and work for it...
...tha important question la, whit sort of thing are these, company .unions...
...Deputy Bauer spok* as follows: ¦> - By Otto Bauer COMRADES, ,lt is not an lnslgnln. e*ui formality that bare fdr the first time tha militant defense corps of tha workers ot many countries ara gathered together, and that tha International la gresting them...
...WOO tlcketa are M cants par parseagad/ ar* stow on sale at all Socialist Msiy' ahd T. P. S. L. headqaarter* aad-dV tha eJty ofBoe...
...Jot, we wish to fignt with Intellectual weapons, but of what use are Intellectual weapons when every day the bandit's iron hand aelses by the throat the man who is struggling for souls...
...while the worker*' army is fighting and moving forWard'by its own methods, to stand Vy to cover Its flank... carry it forward net in quest nf any foolhardy adventures, whj*h> omh->ulv bring mischief to, the work...
...D^via haa been an Invited speaker at many labdr cemvantiosa of labor though he hag mat hoe tile receptions from the rank and file at some of them...
...Beautiful scenery—everywhere —mountain peaks and summits plentiful, aad afford viewe of the new Bear Mountain Bridge, West Point, Corawall and...
...TJ»* chief eventa are a Sir 1 mile run with Carl Koekt, tba taa*te*v Pinnigh runkac matched against stpf aalectad ' FinnUh^AmerJcan nmaaaar' Also t oh**mile run...
...bat do they offer that trad* unions do not...
...Many of the important papers are considered the personal property of the various secretaries of...
...Lewis Gannett, assistant treasurer...
...To the west can be seen the Ramapo Mountains.' to the east the JMrkshlre Mountains, r Nonmembers av...
...They will visit htg industrial plants in Schenectady, the Pittsburgh district Cleveland...
...what did tha folks who originated them expect to accomplish and ar* they doing it...
...a vow ts carry forward this laborious and saeriflclal work, to which .these recent few day* have so gloriously borne witness...
...If need be, to die for-It...
...Workers' Sports Tourist Club Hike Sunday...
...Welcoming the representatives of ,. the ' jgMng groups of young workers m nine European eoun, tries inrthe name of the Socialist . end Labor International...
...Elisabeth Gorier Flyan...
...It la thought that the warning leaned by the union will be sufficient to make it clear that the New tork Joint Board la .determined to see that every worker gets the wage to which, he Is entitled under the agreement...
...These men are...
...The first, volumes, dealing with events of the years 1914 and 1915...
...It was published in St...
...occasion President Johnston of the machinists proposed to Ilg that the mttal workers take, steps to Induce all governments to turn their arsenals and navy yards into plants for the production of things useful to humanity... free the mass of the people from, this Influence, and thus to win power for the working class, not by blood'Shed, but through a spiritual wrestHng between-man and man and between mromSSt and woman...
...Joseph B. Fuller, formerly ot the''University of Wisconsin, has been authorized to begin selection of the papers to be made public...
...will bo lasued within the coming two or three years...
...They probably thought that the,clauae of the agreement calling for increased wages for those workers who are receiving less than the minimum scales provided for in tha agreement, would be allowed to remain a dead latter...
...T East icth str**t ahf...
...But while- the pappita sttU^iureed thai hope...
...August IS, we hike the length of the T T Trail, one of the finest sections of Palisades Interstate Park...
...walking time, ( hears...
...Hugo Erlaksoh' aft Massaehuse...
...The International Association of Machinists, cpmprtalng What was for many years the largest single organisation in tha metal trades in this country, also corresponded with Secretary...
...The delegates are Conrgdlig, general' -secretary...
...Too week's conference at Atlantic City la expected to work oat the new agreemaat...
...We weU know that democracy at first la another form of class rule by the bourgeoisie... concerns in th# rityi ^ ,;-*v...
...Roger Baldwin, Norman Thorn** H. H. Broach (vice-president Broth...
...en the faculty of Antioch College, Ohio...
...Such la the historic mission of the seir-defsose corps, and, therefore, the International reoognites, sg them an esaonrial catc portent atfrmji}'-In, the Itit ernatimtftt Labor aioveraeht,o vdrt' b fiis »r&nM*tfc>n ak)o pays allegiance a* one of lit* nteana of' -ervlce long Uv« the Intmationai!^ A. C. W. ON STRIKE AGAINST BIG FIRM Op«m-Sbopo«rf Calk*4 toTg^by"» THE WW Tork,ergaplaaaiiar^f AmaJgamaig^ CbQ&m gtpmmnfn) determiaad^a rasgaS-^af^Mi not new under pontrgL J«v Uxa-.rieuit of a campaign atartel aa«»« weeks ago...
...of Electrical Workers...
...If they 'are nature-loving worklngtaen and woman...
...Tea, we wish to build up the new world in peace...
...for violence...
...tsada ISa nin ¦rfijiis . ga>& -—• " '*-— l&'glS^^'S^ Cloak Union, Though Conducting Strike, Gives $1,000 to Aid British Miners' Fight LABOR SEC'Y DAVIS PRINTS HIS BOOKS IN OPEN SHOP ST...
...The company'a .president W. B. Scot* writes fh a letter now In ! Possession of The Federated Press: "Selective Immigration was' done.on the American- plan or open shop...
...Tha agreement expires Oct...
...When organised labor has the answer* to thes* question*, it will be In '* fair way (a chart'its own course...
...But what la the use of that when daily the *lrelings of reaction- can fay upon ua and...
...tinging speech thai *Wn> v - round ^ter round of applause fr6m an audience lhal filled one of the largest halls in Fiam, Off* Saner...
...However, nothing is being left to chance in tha.' preparations made by the organisation to safeguard the gains won in the recently negotiated collective agreement...
...That waa tha bill of revolution, when the thrones of the Romanoffs, tha Hapeburg* and the Hohensollerns ware averthrown—the possibility of extirpating - further bloodshed forever...
...Documents of the years ill...
...But this class domination In democracy does not rel^ on pohticaj .privileges, but on the fact that tha bourgeoisie sflll, by the power of tradition, by Ha economic power, by Its preea- and itaachurch retains the majority of tha penpfe- under Its spiritual influence.* Therefore, we looked to be able, by a struggle with Intellectual weapons only, by a struggle for soufe...
...going to lay before the convention of the Metal TradO Department, in Detroit, Just preceding the convention ot the A. F. of I*, their arguments for American participation in a worldwide federation of the workers in the metal industry...
...leader, Hugo Koch...
...In each case where firms show a reluctance to- live up to their agreements the union la prepared to f&Se whatever joSon may be round necessary...
...for the Advancement of Colored People, is the new president of the American Fund for Public'Service, popularly known aa the Garland Fund for its founder...
...Work* Councils, or equal representation of workers with management on various oernmifteee hat no power to workera, although wages), safety, etc...
...Ogrland Fund Changes Uireotera ' James Weldoa Johnson, secretary ef the NatL Assn...
...Dancing win begin a»*T p. m. ' - • Lota of eats and drinks w«l ta **> hand and several arias booth...
...Raid Workers Consider Company Union Challenge KATONAH, N> T^-"H won't do a, bit of good to belittle company unions and aesum*|;that...
...METAL TRADES URGED TO JOIN INTERNATIONAL DELEGATION IS DUE HERE WASHINGTON/— Three fraternal delegates from the International Metal Trades Federation,' whose headquarters are in Berne, Swttserlan*, are about to visit the United States to bring an appeal to the Metal Trades Department of the American Federation of Labor thet it Join the European federation of workera in that Industry...
...N. Y. SOCIALISTS WILL HOLD PICNIC av-*-^w ^tta*_f-fl||^hbamtf - sbmb^SaamttwEBBBT^ 9'wK JjsaVwI jt ^f^PvtSvrt^kmS i 5**- ^rawk CttrwlS heed « pk*|apm3 tt'6«idal dH««, Padrview^alBq Bagjgaat...
...The millions who s*w the shattered bodies' of the fallen on the battlefield...
...Baveral m*ttKi aad** of JBarlaltsaa croaatb* pttB fcftdr 'to - W***awM*B my rithsrSS D*db>:=sda *r *M streat t anj i tot on' the -bosses thai w&I waa^wEf them aa they arrive oh th* nwjgl any shot* aad...
...state, and' will not be printed...
...In the determination to yield **> foot of tha cround conquered, and...
...We consider that' the firm that did' our prlhtihg on Selective ImlnlgraUon puts out the beat boek work In tha Twin Cittaa...
...the)£ are thoroughly bad and.can be left .to tfialr oirn^ pnfoShg, Or to think that-the trade unions can, learn nothing from, them...
...aa Italian musleal program and a **&eert by tha United Fhurish Bead...
...w; fdw ' short speeches' win follow, da*> Judge Jacob Paakan, August Cia«*a*aa% aad others...
...Job* T. W...
...Members entitled to_ Wage increases and failing to get the higher wage at the and of this week are instructed to notify the union without delay...
...Landing in New York on September it, the visiters Will he met by Arthur Hotter, former editor of the Machinists Journal and legislative agent'of the A. P. ot lb, who has been aaaigned to them aa secretary, and' by William Schoenberg of Chicago, general organiser for the Machinist*, who will act as Interpreter for Herr Dissmann...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 32

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