TIMELY TOPICS |E.N ormai *-* ^ -1 Bp*skr custom t ' ¦ repSy fitgrtent nmtoe Hail Pfijf" <=••»• th<L^_:?«» Wififm'' ¦ of Dtmjlflrai wM;f I P prohibition Md . taa^dShgf. Sgapreme Interact to...

...It the jp^ftotasn^s still to control of to¦K»Oai politics, it's ail too safe, a ¦uVeur flf»\ i»a of the nw energy Prctoto Mow esjch .other up...
...Kobson is* the Scottish member of the British delegation now touring America for the minora...
...Wo Americana have Ktorthe habit of regardtep Franc* ¦EauTltaristlc...
...and Socialist propaganda wKnout Socialist arganisaUop Simply meenn making Socialists without «pBjbUpg them to' work tofi^Utely .tor toe '^aqgktar dad eawe a oandidato tor lilpaj 11 , ^JuSaitt^i^^K^^pm^t ^^e...
...1 Oh, for a ledge in aome vaat wilderness, Seme beundteaa eentigulty of (hade, Where rumor of oppression arid deceit, Of uitaueaaaaful ar auaeaaaful war, May lievar reach me more...
...7 have been trepted with the greatest<klndness by American' labor everywhere I .went, but I am so rushed W the succession ot . appointments and speeches that I have, not had time to read even the Juune- papers...
...Pis a long step forward **d may *f**Tk a milestone' in the organixa*0t the unorganteed worketrs...
...take Bare...
...genera), organiser to New Tor...
...T*ap by aeerat pallet easy, votad - to raSaaV ttrir ampkiyprs' oster wito tardKr ••¦ dissenting vote...
...The committee's acceptance of the conditions of admit-' tanee the U. T. W. eatecPtlve council told on the workers will undeuhtedly be approved by tteTstrikers...
...John Sullivan, presldjsntr of phm Near Tor...
...Bis -previous-, stopping place wag Springfield, headquarters of the Illinois MlnP .Workers, who had voted by referendum to, donate WB.eOO to the British miner rel|ef fund...
...Th'en.they Bidbs be WJpaT.eiteer and trust the ,chea»i»to Aymtigt to.find substitutes, and MPv to release atomic etreriy...
...will and because they are "terrorised" by their officials, was made in paid advertisements in the Jewish press...
...wage*- of - day ..men sine- 88%, p Big fec'-ab wa^SaMwP^'to^p'psaT pp the Tirtii%WiS|t iitfli'iiis (!i Break toil daadloek...
...beed,begin a' sasath befpre that date...
...Not to- enforce this rate eat reset ting would be te invite tbe*a*> vertteers sad publishers to set up aS matter in a central office and toes) ¦distribute it to the various aasmpssap* lite nls...
...Shortly after that he waa woraadril sW itakli the right ankle above tbp jofat pear Lexington, Mo...
...Such-a trade war geJSht w*U-b* a gree* factor ta brlaglnc ahaut taternaUoasJ war...
...Mary•'¦ M.' Berhune, meeting here px their fifteenth biennial convention, wept bn\racurtfUnqualifiedly indorsing the BWthOrijood' of Sleeping Car PSprters...
...a«M»Mnng cp-aaaadsMEH'shp i illug thWastolfc, made latar »y Cotoa...
...Both .sjeT^aecessary •and BbBr" must go toHr...
...In Cleveland toe entire cloak market is operating on a guarantee.of to weeks employment annually, and toat market is prosperous- and progressing...
...v Ut hit irapfc tprefLf Ka«|«n...
...But, as the lockout lasts, slowly and cruelly distress of a heart-rending kind Invades our homes...
...Danger axMaa freea two qhartera Ot the European nations not ia ah* egaaa* meat, and (t) ta* fiaar that thi* asW trust will b**van batter abl* to grgal down the workers than the i iinigatii Uv* satfonai compani— have besw An effectiv* thtarnatlortal union of *a» workars maat ha tha aaawar tow* antra of th* bona...
...Corneiius Carmody, "ao kykpfl H picketsythia'peek...
...amounting to about .12.48 a.day spd a return-7 to the etght-hpar...
...the striking mill workers...
...comnjttfeo.of Jnv^stlpaUon,' Is ,4uiy .19...
...N«w Tork Fur Workers' Unidn'to ajocode tetoe request...
...Sigman added, "and every day and every week toat goes by spoHp- tangible losses to all concerned...
...cordanoe wtth the tetsrnational Pateufp own' tew, to aahtoat tksdr eater, to-the membership for a; secret veto Thar ware conPdent, they said, that tha...
...pamistokahto terms Big Star...
...A challenge from the industrial council tp take a secret vote among the striking cloakmakers to see whether they, favor continuance of-the strike...
...Soma time aftar toe batfte of Corinth all paroled prteooers wore ordered «»y General Rnaecrsug sent back to >(lseouri...
...to- obtain tha union's demands, waa accepted by the general - strike committee, with the...
...was •rounded te the right hand slightly by, bush-whackers to* p night fight to Clay County, MP...
...When Morris Sis^naa^ptPsMaat of fJi International, was asked to express hlsi | opinion concerning' the -movement ta...
...the cloak to* dustry te now at the...
...Austria and Czechoslovakia V eocoe in...
...denied .'that • the International olQceta of the - Fur...
...Sgapreme Interact to the Hf the editors at tola "aarnjf...
...furfur:»- •• - - . .< %-v' Thto'Wthe second tosahace op pseerd where a union Itself uivolved to a largo strike has aided teUom strikers of anoehar -country...
...This group will be the main body of the new local union, but without Welabord, who is a Communist...
...Even fca thte slow season of the pair bogus that is reset amounts to about two hundred to three hundred columns'per week to a newspaper Mice "the "New...
...Some poor-law authorities are refusing help to tha miners' dependents...
...FUR STRIKE QUIZ NEAR COMPLETE Investigation Has Been Proceeding Despite Objection of N. Y. Joint Board nTaffs^fDR...
...TIMELY TOPICS |E.N ormai *-* ^ -1 Bp*skr custom t ' ¦ repSy fitgrtent nmtoe Hail Pfijf" <=••»• th<L^_:?«» Wififm'' ¦ of Dtmjlflrai wM;f I P prohibition Md . taa^dShgf...
...Anierlaa regarding the British coal strike reads: • "Toil and your colleague* have my best wishes for the.success of you* mission to America on behalf of our...
...to ..ttte msmberihlp of the...
...Sjp words sum John- Bropbys l&ab in bis eamsaiton' tor the prealgnr «t toe' Unite* MtaW Workers— KlteQo^atol natooaaltoatidiT...
...President Lynch wag ato> rvoidaMy detained out ot town tor a- • week aid a half and arrived to Near Tork onl tap, JJst- On toe 1U, ltd and 17th eonaisjtncep were resumed...
...Tap, nreaan...
...Central Labor Upton...
...r "-^vaji What/ coaipitektad nurttepa waa^OV prpriston to the General Jmaaar'"toj» International ¦ *T7pograpbJbal Uahfl ObO...
...Smith waa wounded four times dur-' tog the CtvU War...
...It is clear now that there cannot be any objection whatsoever to the recognition of the striking employes when they shall have become affiliated with your organisation.*' .Relief machinery set up by the strikers, and the Emergency Com - .mittee for Strikers' Relief, 799 , Broadway, New York City, continue their functions...
...His withdrawal, and that Of his Communist associates, is one ot the-"IT...
...ahaiady far Paikale strikers' rattef dnd wtH undoubtedly Increase Seuhrmeat of the lehg strike la aoothar mat tat, however...
...between rtwd atosMntorests of Oargaaay aad Fraaea...
...Baiixatl^n without nationalisation, &Mailr in the soft coal «ejd...
...No one who knows our mining districts doubts the distress In which our miners' df pendente sjre* . "It is true that, owing to the fine response, to avpaaja for...
...toe women bOopr labor movemeat^and > itPt dt.-PsOa-O'*;'^" r osh^jb^Jste made agalaat agtual : "Th|a contest with hunger has also been helped by the feeding ot school children by' some of our education authorities "and by the assistance given by the poor law authorities...
...asopossd ot tha employers...
...of tyseaf purely teosJ adabritesam...
...I do not believe that the weapone el liberty ever have been or ever can be the weapone «f despotism...
...Thte waa tftaV proposal submitted: Centraet to he for throe jssjs...
...We gef through a lot of our work' to our country but we are not so constantly keyed y&T- -. «' . • - ¦• .. •"¦ '¦ - ¦ The text of ex-Fr«mler Mac Donald's letter to the •miners' .delegation here answering Premier Baldwin's recent message to...
...can B)r" solve the problem' of an overgppped industry, with ¦' Its hideous aSjeskSjf of waste,' I. observe ihat P» scfertiita at the Williamaiown 6«lu*raao»JbiVe been gly\xig_ »loomy If*** as to the comparatively atnan «Wi tojre ft left in the world ot ©H, ¦tHB^bietalS...
...y-T-'j?.' '¦ £-—1—;mjmh RaueV $1>300 if or Miners «kt Meeting , i*jf* Ellen Wilkinson, -fc*'"Sl&ktog at toe tflytc Club In New-'Tork Wjedttesday evening, declared that need sealing toe families' of¦ too British miriesb-' to acute «nd i that the Brltlab j#ohtors are_ counting'heavily eai'the "Americans for aid...
...of activity as a BoctellM and a similar number of rears as a local church official has come to an end In the death of T. 8. Smith at too age of 82...
...T. W. conditions...
...Pagead* and n> toat the totop...
...On behalf of the toosrnartopal, President Morris Stgsaaa and Secretpry-Treasurer Abraham Barddt, presented Ben Tillett, a leading member ot the delegation, with a cheek for $1,000, accompanied by the hop* that the union can raise the*, sum to *M°* within a *«w weeks, - - The - garment workers are now, eon...
...by their authors, including H. G. Wells A. A. Milne and Arnold Bennett...
...lYosa thai petot^ej vleW th* new ataai traat la aa aaM» paaoa...
...McMahon further stated: tna^'Sfte striking workers who hp-rh> seenrefl -work ektewhero and are nopr naylng dues to the organization In :rteaaalc must continue fo pay dues, as wflras gn initiation tee of ft, with the understanding that this- meppy . is turned .over to the Relief Committee of...
...should set at rest any doubts ether A. F. of L. unionists may...
...i a» i i —— — / - Socialite organisation is useless without the propaganda needed to make Socialists...
...day, threat ef them Including Brotherhoods not part of the A. F. of L. Assuranoes es...
...hot can you imagine jBjihrJtopartnwBC rendering a aterfM«lto to a young folka* conference M fijurf Remember the aid it did paWtipho teagoes who nearly broke §a...
...McMkbon saM that oke union couldn't morally exclude thai...
...Insteasnr^ continuing a negative policy of threalpand destruction, it te, I believe, high tint* now, in the seventh week of the strike, that the Industrial council began to think of something constructive that would lead to peace, understanding and permanent stability in the industry...
...Tha industrial council's challenge, charging that employees are on strike Against their own...
...lnatruet[PBns e* Capt...
...of the way.-;^S>o- Joint Board topreggntatlvea made no protest'raV toat .flni^afeainjit .my plan, ot inv.esUg^n^4th)s' lr\te"rnaj strife.' . \ *tXhVdS)tP gt,injr letter to th'ein...
...Passaic' workers spoke through their elected committee of-citizens:' Henry T. Hunt, lawyer...
...The local union of the Amalgamated Association of Street de Electric Railway Employes, ¦ has been demanding a twenty-five peroral tocrensp.- .Now Mayor Raymond has-ordered an investigation into toe financial eoadittop ot the companies...
...to p radio talk broadcast: over the Chicago Federation of-Labor station WCFL MeKenna said...
...possible th»t.«|hl' ¦faster by the time he ha* cMMrip> ¦| own* may- see some action token Kt< t« indict me or dismiss the cage Kt me over to'Jersey...
...jBIBj W European* trot so mtilf^ato tor oar own fellow ceantryjftQ^rir' *~1~r a* naive SSsaa sometimes assume...
...Mekenna is furnished with every co-operation- by the Chicago, Federation of Labor and" leads off his campaign with aa address to its regular delegate meeting...
...wer% aaralgnpa in Jefferson JaPrjjhy...
...osbbp on a writ pt ssptotoM^ tosoedJ» .^sdsa^^^g^lsm tottatortoars de^tof^OWfcto swd^m^rajtofto^disr ussssp^SsjR^thtfej "dblllna, and farced him to drink-the oil...
...V., P., has' opened • permariant offices' at TO Fifth avenue, where a atost encouraging . response is being received from an appeal for aid sent through the mall to liberal and radical individuals...
...The tortsstol follows a km* seriep ad tssjsl^totOes.l \\\ tjggi ters of atoertosm oomrty spd iaortgag% oOmsaurtee edMlflWaspslls sgsjHHbr eastern cltlsa tto pBtoessfaft.ot.tond and ctopa...
...Thte aspa done at the regular monthly msettoff: hejd oa Aa...
...U. ttad, Thirtoea bupyr dred printers peaked the Star CaatnV oa toat hat' tomdsy afteeasaBp...
...It Isn't Eft that those questions* 4a apt Stood, tm ig»^ig^f«ggr Bfhe news that ki toto nothing bw Blasted mo much -mora than toe Br of the conference in France .pf H V000 young pacifists, mostly Htb and Otrmw to France...
...Tba workers failed to see it by an...
...union that Chaa...
...In it$% wag waaahtod bV a piece of a. shell during Pride's teat raid tote MtesouriL' 'l ' » ; r" - - •' He was prominent- to spHthav aa a member Of tha ftoctehst party,'and at different thnda' wap-^p candidate of ate partyA^yartoas offices, toctodtag tBjose Ptyvataer atet Uaitsd States senator...
...i ¦hdMay...
...Workers suggested to the executive council of the A. F. ot L.-that'it intervene...
...Thar insisted that fhey were bound- by theto aifihAUoa with the National'PuVlteaera* A—iBl'tlon pat to permit ady farthpr reduction of hours...
...strikers fftadt : raisins iurtsdlcttanal dlfll^B*»or demanding that .the strJke ¦W*a before the unto* will help...
...Schrank Ot Co., cloak manufacturers, of 270 West 18th street, expelled, from Industrial council membership for negotiation with the union, had...
...toetr international officers during fha.' IB^arle...
...With Xhe cettnlvahce of the Government, publhj relief is being drastically curtailed...
...Ifj to Bud that these yopag people «rt K to perfect harmony, and, what Bpre astoatebtogv that thag...
...1 know that an appeal made to the kindly- heart of - America has always met with a generous response...
...President Pause ed,«t dap had t a kardset ttoxvaonatoafto the'members ghat they aagStte vpfaw the pahttehers* proposftion atsaVafsaV toat that toe whole sehesae aato^paV eaaatitatteaaL Haqaa .had to hptojl toa«ttoijeatoito dmcar'fljg ^toaartlaji i am am i sm a i a ^s" ——¦ s .aBBwsBsatsas^aaaa...
...The Pp*u»> claims ta~ h4*» plenty...
...with the" JoUrt...
...ifpadley Caapet to *V^^TtnnBBaa^nBn^ ^ <*''^*r*aS -aaaAp N. Y. TYPOS BAR CONCESSIONS TO PUBLISHERS Union Votes Over whelmingly Against Newpapers' Demand For Wage Cuts IN...
...That waa aha "attiaspte...
...For a number/of yean he wsk, superintendent, of toe Methodajt...
...Hyman.replied: . "The manufacturers are continuing their tactics of nicking- out shops' from among those settled which are net representative add holding them up as typical of settled shops, though we have settled with much larger shops...
...He says he put thd ffidtfer beTore the council" himself...
...In New Tork, Ellen Wilkinson...
...Before reaching Richmond he waa captured by a equad "oT Morgan's' cavalry and paroled...
...During toa'general' strtkP |n Britain, th4 International oSlow «f> top trap- afakets* Urrtort, tben conductmg a strike of its own, cabled 92.O00 to the British' Trade' Union Congress...
...siiaai and a half, and seven in the case edjtefe "third ahitt...
...rThe cojnml.^tea . includes Matthew ^WoU^'vice^proeiaent of the A. P. of X...
...HatlofiaUaatloR wUhbbt- t>rjMbatiaa is dangerous to the workers...
...for.nlgher wages...
...and^ep forth...
...Great Britain is ded-1 ?'*°ut- The Vnited States h> not in g^* in so far as Americans may *»*cqalred interest in "German combut >t is said that the comblnation ia not directed agmhvt jtf$United Stats...
...action until the strike' wafr out...
...t^^aK*^ KaT\'te...
...proviso that the industrial, council pledge itself to accede to these- union terms if the workers vote in favor of* continuing...
...of ""••breakers...
...I made.lt clear that we' woklit^ take>' no...
...Contributions from A. p. of L. unions have been generoua...
...Louis Centra] Trades & Labor union following a talk by James Bobson...
...As tor smgSs', their -would consider toerssssk...
...piuikaO ¦Ihere'wefee ¦ccmpensatoty'eaapeaaldaS*' ' Asked by the union iipfminialtoto What that meant...
...8>o, it Sein both legs...
...State Federation of Labor, and, Joseph Ryan, president ot the...
...nailwaaj liaas or pariah...
...are ¦Spa to armX tertn»aad are tod by Kjkitebena...
...The vote stood 3JHnV' br.vlai steak bslteto '. •. What was the catete'taT thte gppas> demonstrationT The' eM two-yaar agreement expired on July 1, lfSC...
...ths edM -at tot aaiaa, Tae printers had aakod an tepreapa of wages of $« a weak, a six apd a nsSj boar day to place of tba piasesp...
...We shall be very glad Indeed to cooperate' with you farther in bringing this matter to a successful conclusion...
...1 held coafeVences...
...The publlahera bad atodP counter aropesate asking tor...
...I OVer 11,000 New Jersey wool' workers have been striking for seven I months...
...Probe Ability to Pay Wsga Jtojtnpds Newark, N. J.—Street car' and bus subsidiaries of the Public Service Corporation of New Jersey have been arguing that they ' must cut employes' wages ten percent, that they were unable' to continue present.wages...
...announced that plana are bow **|od tor an international irOn and J* hust between German...
...funds mads by...
...A Europe Vvidad...
...This condition to accepted by the strikers' committee, who state: "Mr...
...Courpbofor» Maglstrste OoodtoSS^ were found itea^'guaty of ecpti^fijiirafflc wttk rto^^xceptkm of several, who war* fined $2 and tt each The remdlnapg 28 were deliberately held to top station house,' thw unfoh chargeat aatn' too- toto for arraignment--to court, forctsur thai union' to pot up to00 baft tor .each...
...working with a full guota of SO employees...
...He went back to Leatogtoh and went from, there on ' a visit to Burnsvfile and Corinth, Miss...
...To the proPJ* of each nation a definite quota 2*«med...
...Sftsa relief'to find * labor caadiMV;tor a high office In a onloii aflw Vt real plarforro^ and a- sjood one...
...acting uarder express...
...The mill owners have repudiated siatesasnta attributed to them that they would deal with tha U.T,W...
...have had concerning the strike...
...The strikers' committee expressed their pratlBeatlOh at the U.T.W...
...Weisbord has already agreed to withdraw when'the Passaic textile workers hsve formally been organised as a union of top United Textile Workera of AjnMHcaJ and %p are' eonftdent toat he wtS'make such f urthpr definite gtotemept as you suggest.'* ^mhSo^aW^Srhoetmi m9BS aC..thp United Textile Workers *by observteg* "ln»~"con*rllifction and bylaws: and tha^ntanvhpt bona fide mill workers^ will be acoeptod lato spsmberShlp...
...general strike committee., T. XUpstem Company is one ot the largest industrial council members and its defection from the manufacturers' ranks is considered .an augur, of similar independent setUeateato^rsa^rdtdM s^r^a^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Pottcodl^bavWest totoscraeOkutoo...
...Your veiee in this mission is the voice ef women and children in dire need, end I have enough good frienda among the American people' who know that I would net have written thia ualeaa I was convinced both as to the juetiee ef the eauae and the need ef the appeal...
...W. Jett Laholr, eoonomlst...
...action, saying, "It entirely conforms to tire conditions which <. wo stated we could offer as a basis of affiliation...
...tofdr'W Wtth .time H to sajroanced KfaM^ ¦•*» A" ' K-lBtA" •**h»*t r"Jl and Ooheny...
...aatess reset pititir a tune niiitl sgijjjj berjreea sssatnysrs and teeai aatoa£ ConeoquonUy...
...Starvation la pushing us back, and further help la urgently needed to prevent thia great fight for human standards of life and economic justice'becoming an abiding tragedy to the miners' wives and little ones...
...A substantial donation waa voted, for the British miners by the East 'St...
...I will not trust tha w*> apirlt anywhere in the universe ef Ood^-William Lloyd Qarrisen...
...fftU dor the terms of top ooatraot topsteips quo waa...
...New Tork...
...of President ' William Green rhjsr- Ua«ios3it tor»» towadtoatton of itoeoWdflct durihr^s »««ea4 strike in Xew To^^VA^^ca^Fad^raUon of tritrbt "^Surt...
...the' new agreement Tjrtth the union, he' declared: V **Astde from bring grossly -onethioal HsTom a business viewpoint, such a [move is thoroughly unsound in.an ta| dust rial and economic sense...
...Ms-' gotteiteas Mad...
...and Helen Todd, suffragtet and social worker...
...Jiocked-out miners' wires and children...
...It Is wen known to everyone in this industry that we have had tor many years past scores of manufacturers who would guarantee their -workers not' only If weeks of work, but to and more, apd yet their standing in Our trade and the banking world has never been Impaired pa toat account...
...Tbey.takf the names of manufacturer* who Jiave been registered >y their Jobbers...
...hay waated,.to aa...
...At the age of H he enlisted to the Uatop Army at Lexington, Ky, Jofy 19, 1842, and wtth other recruits was started to Richmond, ify., to be...
...4- -Z^bWtthstanaWlf tog th* unw|}lto«Beas of the f ¥ Jotot Board o* to...
...settled on union terms and was now...
...Trade unions in "the Chicago*" district, who have been doing their share in assisting the Passaic textile strikers, are listening tote week to pleas for the locked out British miners, made by /Paul- MeKenna of the Scottish Miners^ federation, ope of the principal units of the Miners - Federation ot Great Britain...
...Mjh'e ' iriVesllgatiinf'^baa bc« n In', STOgrVsti for weveral weelnChe w...
...Uk* a <**ay quilt by 7 tan taonaand miles ^*f boundaries hawfakg iUUe relaUoa aa aoonomic f*eta must amfc* tntiraitlanaj eoenomie agraam*ii»a acroe...
...Jury 1 ratted aspaadfr and still there wsp no settlesaeat...
...Passs 1c ttfrikers...
...Affiliation of toe Passaic strikers with the . U.T.W...
...The challenge and its acceptance .same right on the heels of confirmation by the...
...they said "ellmnkUtop let resorting bogus.'* That retorted to tte- practice of exchanging mats, PteteaV or type and then resetting tofm within four days' time io order' aist to deprive the printers of worh...
...itiated by the Industrial council of tbp Ck>ak Manufacturtrs' Inc., to lnfluanee <arpdft and banking interests to cot off or Vnilt credits to sucjrclodk njana. iscturPrs an mlgtit...
...Sunday School a< tor pM...
...tdflP JS«^a»«mbe» ^B^^R^^mObv-*_3~^^ ¦. " iff i-~ *oi>weCIiC^ aaTehW 4. '.aadaaa -"A^lA...
...good sense of Ste printers ateaM-gap tag toattoe of the publishers...
...oaaatos the efhaaaattea of ths auperduous woskers that wouM usuft...
...others are suttinavdewn the scales of relief to inhuman standards, and tha education authorities ara limiting their feeding operations...
...Green said.' "and wheh-J discovered tnit they were at each, other's throats I told them plainly that, wh«i,«l»e striice-fwas over I was g^ing, to, ftpd "^olit what &eir quarrels we^'l|sise»fon...
...iThose not working and still on strike are not required to pay either initiation fees or dues at this time, but will be held morally responsible when they, return to work to meet this obligation...
...Hugh Ffayne...
...Tillett addressed officiate of It railroad labor...
...Then be"left to »^rry «ho»t f^jjppt one regular union has been ^'f*leh is wUUng to-take a chance .'in and orsanlslna...
...Another ¦ $KKr- Was ooilected by McAliater" Cotemap, «rho sold at auction several copies' of' books autograph...
...Klretherhood of Itolhray Clerks •Vetaht Handlers has taken In Pit/sit handlers, on strike against ¦MUrine Co...
...OTHffti aid...
...Some hope is felt that...
...unions In Washington Mon...
...McGrady, general, organiser...
...the strike...
...Under the added- impetus of an appeal received her* from Ramsay MacDonald, leader of the British Labor Party, the visiting British delegation reports a continued generphs response in their fund- raising efforts here...
...From on* point of view a ysmhlsaj tlon like this Is good, or ft any TSXO, better than a trad* war...
...m, s8vaptagg ; ^fcs>U*Hpt aa#' tapnsaaWI f(4F tWt' SflRPaM* ;' -ewvdMnfe to Mp%flOO^^sSassa^f •aaaT' ^P^m^SsVkU^f ^ srinJg ahoi* isaTbr^minato or aap>i rsolrtolsd snehangs eC mats, sdatear...
...sa» most nnaalmous'*>oto...
...It no^-aipeared that the pubSahafg had shifted ground stonewbat...
...Following an appeal by MePjto HH1qult, who presided, more thap tl,t04 waa collected,', several well-known members of thcr~etochilist party making substantial donations...
...French Belgian interests...
...tofliaaco concord . conference...
...Cal.—After being pobBeiy "weiepihed by the Governor io( <?AIftrtaui and by the Mayor of Oakland, too National Federation of Colored Women, whose president is'afrs...
...The real season to...
...Statements to the contrary, by whomsoever made, arc but part of the mine-owners' attempt to reduce the miner to subjection by the slow starvation of his family...
...tor cue......1 -SjB 1 Mr nc^ minor detplls as K quarrel, the -djbt question, tjiforth...
...Jgsticp in .fcjn;t merely tojind...
...Then\he epllsted to S the "at 'Missouri rPriiitte Company M, to the year 1888...
...dU wt well, but' our trhst to Hfri> ao reason for continuta* the Mltosas waato -ot natural resources IB^") toevitable under aejr" profit B*» As for atomic energy...
...Their reapdnse is dated August 5...Of course they" knewjWe were making the' inwatigaUop...
...He participated in the battle of Iuka on September IT...
...n'oUtylAg ihem* of the selectjori ,'ot the...
...Ateo psrttoharisjd' and a, ltot...
...Tho mm owners' aft* tltudd ta thAt they would talk to their workers lnd|vid«aBy or to carapiny unions, where, the workers'in either case wouht k* weak...
...Perhaps some organ*8rlc can be dope among them...
...M - Typographical Uatop, of Rkgp" . JtOmtt OUsr, haa.advaat aat'asaisr I to tba local Puhlisbers* ssspaasdsasi The latter had requested that toeaV> totost proposal be, subsatttad...
...Slimiaaaien of requlrenissd fssv resetting bogus, provided - there ¦ shall bo no mstarial increase in .tap St Iwireaas to aha vmaee, datlag - freat duly % tosS, to apply «S aha *>st year, $2 tha ssesnd year aad fl tha third year, making the fa* mereaae of fg effective at the ba* g*ne»>wp of the -third year, doty Ja addfrpea tote sapStoatioa aas added: } Thera shall be no material Bar ¦eWaaeaPPSht...
...prompt action were, received from a^ aides...
...ducting a strike of almost SUN men and women in New Xock City which is atratotog its treeaprp, to thp atxsoaS, Nevertheleea, President Sigmap toft nd ilnsjp uiQiirsajsi' is TsJkg*(SBgagp|r^pat-ekjp ;^ftrtoaPd^rpgt^k» ai j{ifon£j& ¦<h%to sWr%toesH tot -sjtokr--yaarg^m...
...Half of that number have definitely affiliated themselves with the United Front Committee of Textile Worker* organised by Albert Weiabprd...
...maintained, On jary t tap parley came to a'haR- if ansa ^jdh, resumed upon...
...About, 4dTyears nap «• and bte wtfe joined toe Methodist Episcopal Church...
...tit tiwS» VslflwWwfrgl #P aunt* ahaastop of parafy aMpd.aaVsr«te...
...The organisation of a local unkto' among- the i areolea workers will f oHdw...
...uag-, sskgteri that...
...P*ap*BW ffadjtowa, top* pee pie may "^fc JIMr tstrp' ^fcted^'dhss Oay itooflt>ags» m TEXTILE UNION WELCOME TO A. F. L. Affiliation With United Textile Workers A*, mated by Elinnnataon /of ConnWctes in PostoSe'¦**' ¦ ¦ *" ¦' AFFttdATKJWPf too Passaic worn • textile strikers with the American Federation of Labor is assured by toe decision of toe United Textile Workers of America to admit and welcome them' to their union...
...Bdward .jf...
...mustered toto' the regiment ^then lying there...
...y hwntfr hptq>- ti ^mal4«lcMflg ^apmiamay Adllirt**^urhrV ft toueHdai aad OW* diew**, mono of ail gaalwa, vtrtua* *•»¦ ton*, tewta, ****** vidve* of mon,*Og Ot tha haaven frdehd * meoh—laod m taaka'ton...
...Hen fhef fsh to state' the* numbers of workers' rn these '• shops correctly, and finally they ? ? 7 ? Mass meetings this week were addressed ..by president . Sigman, A. Philips Randolph, Charles W. Ervin, August Claessens, Luigl Antohini, William Xariin, Sianta M. Cohen and others...
...strong determination ot th* strikers ta gat reeNpjagggi ot their natoehV jriaaea «he aiUl dwhara- tedfcddd'» eVaaga, eanei^g^-^tg^^mS BIG CLOAK FIRM CAPITULATES Ninfo Ai&notincoe) i25 Bosses Have Now Sifted With Striking ClosJanalrasW . ANOTHER break to"the raajos of to* in due trial council of the New Tork Cloak Manufacturers' Association kf announced by toe cloakmakesa...
...sJ»sg^shs»sntod.if^ii^' 'GARMENT UNION GIVES $1,000 TO BRITISH MINERS Union Mokes Gift in Mitlit of Owt^Strike— Drioooiion Mojo** Coo*f Ptogrmm A 'An inspiring ' demonstration pf , f\ labor solidarity, seldom equalled **¦ to toe history ot the .trade anloa movement, waa given this.week when the International Ladles Garment Workers* Union, though m the throes of a general strike Itself, wvoto itself down as the first American union to turn over a cheek "to the visiting British Miners/ delegation heap seeking funds t» Aid their strike...
...mk or that brtunmt<ateiuateL Kpoleman...
...Bt*»Ti we wish this atrike all suc3*"«r*tulations are due to ad the concerned 4n the negotiations ^*flch the Passaic strikers are being ¦Kdnto the United Textile Workers...
...ittS, He was wounded Slightly to the toft toot by a spent haB whteh bahr buried Itself to tbp 'Si^he-fSs'toe«l...
...Veteran of Civil War and Socialist Party Dies at 82 ESTANCIA, New Mexico.—A lite which embraced active cpmbetant service in toe Union army during the Civil War, two-score years...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 32

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