THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK Ohio State Secretary Wluert, 218 Superior Tgnihtllg. Cleveland, sends the) followIng batrry call: "ft le abectutery necessary that we know the number of'...
...We now have more.than 2,000 subscribers in Pennsylvania, and If we can continue increasing .this list we will provide the means of' educating ' thousands of worketefpra new social order...
...CaJifoiaiia Socialist papers come to- forty-five out of the fifty-seven counties'in.the State...
...Tuesday/August 17, Hartford, Conn...
...viewed *s the msjtimum of Injustice possible of being perpetrated upon an inarticulate people...
...Monday, August 10, Springfield, Fostoffice Square...
...Saturday, August 14, corner 85th street and Third avenue... composed of young...
...and tulles aro-ja: \ wUl gather there *«V a Jay of aprvis athletic contests, asnsfc, singing, dancing, speeches, eats, drink and a general good time...
...The proletarian revolution may be tested when the segregation policy Is being legalised"'or passed...
...Annual African Labor Congress...
...Moses Itholurg (Kimberly...
...New Mexico Comrade Richardson, State Secretary, at Roswell, informs the District Secretary at Ogden that there will be a State Socialist ticket in the field for the November election...
...Fred Cook of Albany and Alfred LaMarche of echoes...
...By T. W. Kcable 'Mote^ EASTER MONDAY <19f8) "will always rank high in the history of African Socialists in South Africa, for on this epoch-making day about 90 delegates assembled In The Workers' Hall...
...The report urther shows that the State Office has received coders tot only 5.500...
...Frederickeea nod.John V. .Pitts, all ftW districts (n Las Angels* csemty...
...Ae ooamOpolltaa crowd will be on hand—' the Flans, ifaHane and...
...It is now in ¦ Beaton, South Africa, a question of Socialism versus Capitalism, and not the color of one's skin, as ths reports in the yellow press The truth ia that the liberation of tbe working class can only be the work of the proletariat and this, is daily receiving a new significance through the...
...per diem...
...AU members are urged to rally and make a success of the Socialist picnic which will be' held on Sunday, August 39...
...August 19, Holyoke at Suffolk and High street*;- Friday, August 20, Northampton at Maine and Gothic streets...
...Various Mexican "*~**jSl|] ture was given out at the meeting...
...Any reader who knows any Socialists living in Amador, Glenn, Lake, Colusa and Calaveras counties, please send their names to the State office at 208 Grant Building,-San Francisco...
...Branch No...
...Plea* ^^^ml^^l mans, got Iff* aepjet, v9*n CXx,^* New York State The State Sroentive Committee will meet at People's House, New: Tork City, on Sunday evening...
...33gp^ admission is free...
...The sssjttsrsd alsmsnts -i ' to aealases...
...Among these are Comrade* John Gome...
...Snow realises the necessity of putting on aa • many subscribers to' the New Leader and American Appeal aa possible, and ia anxious to get others to duplicate Comrade Whltiock's work In making a contribution to the State Office* for the purpose of placing names on ths mailing list...
...Efforts Will be- continued to secure an increased circulation for the New Leader and the American Appeal...
...Arthur O. Barlow, UL A, will be the leader of the Labor Party, and Mr.' Clements Ends 11* his chief whip...
...County Treasurer, Philip Ford of Albany...
...Monday, August 23...
...September 7, at its c)ub rooms...
...tor the working-class movement especially as the Labor Party has Joined the Government...
...Comrade Thoe...
...Bronx members are urged to take interest in tbe coming primary...
...State Senator...
...La Guma, E. K. Khalle (Capo Towrp, Alex Ped...
...Beginning with Wednesday of this week Local Albany w'll meet every second and fourth Wodneeday - evening at state office headquarters, 4(7 Broadway...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK Ohio State Secretary Wluert, 218 Superior Tgnihtllg...
...Theresa B. Wiley will be acting State Secretary during the absence from the office of State Secretary Merrill ha New Hampshire during the last fortnight of the month...
...Jf the Socialists Will indicate to the ComtrrHSe* that they want a ticket to back/It up, - they may gist-busy on their nominating petitions, dominations should be made tor the Office* ef Governor, U. S. Senator and Congressman...
...The African native has realized that he is a part of the international worker, and that hVhe* wants his place he must unite with the workers of all races Irrespective of color, creed or religion...
...August 18, Springfield at Postoffice Square...
...Comrade Murphy hag ticket* for sal* at Local Bronx club room...
...Info the State of Idaho to fill a number of dates...
...We wish to urge all our readers in Chicago and vicinity-to get their tickets early...
...Cleveland, sends the) followIng batrry call: "ft le abectutery necessary that we know the number of' signs tups* collected - to date...
...Boer, for their own selfish and ulterior motives, have legalised the notorious COLOR BAH ¦ILL...
...The Bantu national anthem, "NkosI Stketela 1 Africa" and the "Red Flag" were heartily sung...
...In the year 1924 the government passed the notorious Native Urban Areas Act...
...Signatures nsost be lh...
...A. Labor Party, led by the Minister of Defence, Cot F. H. P...
...A couple of hundred of Joy-, pome and noisome Tinsels will add "to the din and our Socialist Branch members' wfil travel from Brownsville, Bronx and' parts between lit delegations to our great 1930 picnic...
...niinois Get in est the Big stanejuet The big banquet, with members of the National executive Committee aa speakers, will be held at the Douglas Park Auditorium, the...
...Any one wishing to hasp 9 and having no other ptaoe to ansty - can do so at this office...
...F. Coniey and N. Jaekaon Wright wni contest for seats let Oueases* from the Ninth end- Tenth dietrloi* of Caiifernia...
...Don't sign the ! petitions'of capitalist party office seekers...
...I* surely the only one to emancipate ths working classes from the shackles et economic slavery...
...But let them gaze an, and they .vail 3 aeon he able to bear it...
...This act operates in conjunction with its Obnoxious and infamous predecessor, th* Land Act of 1913, which rendered the peoples of African deecent or origin pariahs and economic serfs, and we are therefore, tor the sake of a few rich men...
...Speakers, Ethel-, red Brown and I. Korn...
...Besides these, there were a host of communications from all parts of South Africa, and the adjoining territories, notably Basutoland, Rhodesia, Swaziland, etc The conference wee formally opened by the National Secretary at the request of the National Council of the organisation...
...To attain solidarity and purification, the workers of the world must see that Parliament does not Introduce class legislation...
...The affair will be held at the' well-known Orchard Grove, Falrview, North Bergen, N. J. AH Bronx members are urged to give all possible support...
...jr Other .andtrtotoh -to*, th* W-hifuie ^who win nmke'gfrigrirous campalsjn Cwoar t^wreuc...
...She gets good results everywhere and we count her as one of the best, most enthusiastic worker* we have had In the field for a long time...
...State candidates have been in-t ted to confer with the committee In regard to plans for the campaign...
...It may be of interest to our overseas workers to knew that since- tfie operation of this partial and...
...The African National Congress, a political body looking after the Interests of aU th* aboriginals, haa protested against the introduction of this law...
...We have appealed to King George V not to give hie assent to this partial and extermiriating law...
...The party has don* Its duty...
...3 Circle eight conducted *. Iectaie^|3 which COmssvde 'Roberto Tinli eigasgj spoke...
...3d district, Arthur Jacobson jf Albany...
...And further, there Is more cheap prison labor, of the poor, inarticulate natives...
...In a few- ~ 'yearn men learn to re seen, and",the *atreme violence of opinion* * cube ides...
...IS hr2sey^tyT?*1token, *»¦«, West-NOP* T0cfcend,JJntoa City...
...evening .of August 28th...
...Johannesburg,, to listen to a masterly oration from the National Secretary, Mr...
...This congreu of native Africans of vhich the author' writes is significant of the awakening of the working clou of the world, dad* it forecasts the solidarity of the workers of all races fat will eventually abolish capitalism and bring in the age of the Co-operative Commonwealth...
...The headquarters was JajnxMg^ to capacity...
...15, at 8 o'clock...
...obnoxious act thousands of natives have been rendered homeless...
...30th district, MOo C. Myers of Albany...
...The government ha* also enacted tbe Wage Act a console ting, measure ever passed In Africa for tbe economic equality of the proletariat The Pact also appointed .the Economic and Wages Commission, in 1935...
...It is Um* that both the whit* and black workers should tell the few ruling people that there wUl be no taxation without representation...
...I herewith assert emphatically the average Europeans or white people In general need'no "Native Unrest," for such an old...
...8. L. win be open an dsytf Saturday and Sunday because of thgn Flower Day...
...The African protectorate under the same and able ¦ leadership of the present National Secretary of the L C. U. has a brighter future...
...The whole path of Socialism, so tar as the revolutionary leaders are concerned...
...race several times on the Republican ticket, no that the idea of sending a colored man to the Legislature will not be new nor any prejudice need to be ovojfrJBOno to elect Our nominee.' The only thing we are concerned about In that district is to bo able to convince the voters that our man can (better serve the welfare of the workers than can tbe Republican nominee...
...This, law Is being passed to the greatest consternation of the African natives, who have no more'work In thto, the land of our ¦ birth...
...Th* real wttrtter* ear* determined t. lutlon...
...Freak If, White, ry Sheer, AHck W. Anderson, Chap...
...Thoa* Mbeki (Pretoria), J. Thebedl (Johannesburg) end Mr...
...Henry sepkuwlts...
...In spite of Smlthfleld and afalmsbury's declarations of the Prime Minister^ we went our political rights, and...
...Donfineted tbe following ticket: Congressman,-28th district, Allen Depew...
...The poor black proletariat are left at tbe mercy of the tyrannical, despotic ruling of oligarch capitalists viho reside six thousand miles away from our shores, while the bantu are left chasing after a shadow without substance, no doubt...
...With Frank Rosenberg its director, candidate for assembly...
...The conference is known aa tbe Sixth...
...Albany County Socialist* have...
...The Bantu rooked nppp hi* power with This article bhu tertlten by a native of South Africa and a correspondent of The Ncv Leader...
...C. U...
...South african Labor in Congress...
...The hall'was packed to its utmost capacity by the delegates -of 'the grand march of proletarian revolution...
...Comrade Haherman is thapVH ficdal repreeentative of the Mesic*n>I Federation of Labor...
...Bronx Frjeey, August 18...
...Member* accepted at previous meetings and who have not received their dues cards are requested to be present at this meeting, when the financial secretary will furnish-same...
...IsqcePi Montgomery and Westrpo re la p. d are the .only one so far go.gend in,a list of registered Socialists, and he urges that tbe comrades do not neglect this matter...
...Clements Kadalie, of the Industrial rand Commercial Workers' Union of Africa (I...
...which policy ia the goal of I. C. U. Under tbe rumblings of the approaching economic collapse, the sleeping masses of the proletariat will awaken as from the trumpets of the Last Judgment and fhe corpses of the murdered fighters will arise again- and demand a reckoning from the curseladen criminals...
...In th* district It will offieUTly open th* e*japsign August 18, whoa the first open ah- meeting' wfil be held at TfhiaiUls and Blake, and every Monday and Thureday nights following It at various corners in the district The SnrisHst Party meets every Friday, night at 8.80 o'clock at 430 Hinsdale street, Brooklyn, N. T. . Bronx Bronx petitions for Socialist candidates have been completed, and the Bronx will have a candidate for every office...
...In previous issues ws...
...The worker* of South Africa, if in combination, irrespective pf color, wiU smash the high walls of autocratic capitalism, one* their force* are solidified and purified...
...Speakers, Dr...
...Directions)—Take ferry to Weehawken...
...Thursday, August 19...
...A platform will soon be voted upon by the State Committee...
...This means an elaborate bin ot fare, and those participating can well be assured of a. god time...
...He baa been making a strong effort to get a branch of the Y. P. 8. L started in Buffalo^ ^^K^^»^!as^»r«^^w^rssi ¦ y -w~» New York City 'c ~ t i. - • . All ajrangemeflta are- new...
...Comrade Darlington Hoopes, Stats Secretary of Pennsylvania...
...have mentioned th*' oandUaey ef Arthur Bager iiW Bed Bluff.' ' •Comrade Patrick L. «eUinht» will tour Massachusetts for a month beginning August 11...
...ISTth street and Seventh avenue... he kept In perpetual bondage... that w* may know tow we stand...
...Get -¦ busy...
...S The T.'P...
...corner 138th street • . 1' '' -n •. » H »;»i^sfsui* « - , F^.y '*4^*^*Bl^5«»tC| *J JSP ijr**** i -jr^ BROOKLYN The Sseona A D. fast* cesse to fife with a bang...
...A new awakening ts certainly prevailing in South Africa In the hearts and breasts of the African natives...
...Its'defection is that during tbe strike period the workers .who are buttonholed to the past legislation of ' the Boer Republic...
...The circle hosts open air meetings every Tuesday night and will have program* at its - meetings every Wednesday night The head"a" **¦*¦ ST "haJeT'ieTsi >***iin otfjjym S*KAWthe medal won*by the^S» enpreamrtM op^that night* te*^S a real lively tfone Je In store firdjft those etc wm-eopn...
...Saturday, August 21...
...Further, in view of the fact that the AuditorGeneral had declared the Civilized Labor Policy to be a breach of the Act of Union, It is'the opinion of this Conference that the perpetration of 'this policy is entirely illegal, and etnust, therefore.' cease., In view of tbe sufferings of the expelled workers, owing to unemployment, * this Conference urges upon the Government to initiate measure* to alleviate their distress...
...And at teogfth a *y*v di tern of justice and order is educed -i out ef the oha**<— Maoaulay... Haymarket 3010 -and at National Headquarters, 3*5* Washington Blvd., phone Seeley 0*4...
...7 will bold Its next regular meeting Tuesday...
...reports further: "Tbe factional fight now raging within both old parties of this State should arouse Socialists to tbe necessity of putting n ticket into tbe field... again unfurl' the banner of Socialism in Arizona and' battle aa we used to fight...
...Conciliation and Wage Acts The Pact government early after assumption of office, introduced what la known^aa £he Conciliation and-Wage Acts...
...Our oandidates should go n the ballot with a good' vote...
...CieaswelT., who to atoo th* reader erf th* Labor Party protending to champion »or the bottom dep...
...Stone Age Idea has finally passed...
...we aeed no social e<*uality...
...Never have we had such an opportunity for a "sizzling" campaign as . ur* have in Arizona today...
...The district* has - elected .one of *thl...
...once all .signptuaee collected and have them certified (this la Important...
...The candidate of the party for the office of Mayor of Albany, which office waa...
...Communications- were read from Cabinet Ministers of Parliament recording their inability to attend owing to prior engagements of very-minute character in comparison with the real workers' conference...
...1187 Boston road...
...An important meeting of the campaign committee will be held on Sunday...
...We are looking forward when Mr...
...Juniors' OgWJ clerics are Invited *q attend...
...Tickets can be purchased at the Forward Office, 18th and Kedxle...
...One of our candidates in Los Angeles county nominated for the State Assembly ia a colored man...
...With Frank Ronenbai-b a* candidate for Assembly, aO Socialist Broofelynitee have arises...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown, Emerlch Stelnberger and August Claeasens...
...IDAHO "Comrade Doris Morris, national lecturer and organiser, is finishing her work in Montana, for the time being at least, and will soon be...
...The revelations Of their leaders aic sufficient to stamp those old political organisations as the parties pf special privilege...
...brilliant and Intelligent . African Socialists...
...There is no doubt we Will soon affiliate the native miners to the-British Federation of Miners led now by Comrade A. J. Cook, and in th* long run with the Socialists of the World...
...Worcester at Front and Church streets...
...Delegates to City Executive Committee and the Bronx County Committee are urged to be- present and submit a report from their ^respective designations...
...Affiliation With ths B. TV, iV Congress The African Labor Congress also paassd a resolution autmatted by Comrace' Jas...
...F. 8...
...The subject being "Meg* Ice...
...The former act aims at keeping the African workers as.perpetual hewers ef wood and drawers ot water for.the plutocratical Oligarchy of th* British Empire...
...bitter experience to "keep the nigger in his place...
...L. It Land and Joseph Tuvtm...
...August 14...
...The Central Branch, comprising districts J, 3, 3, 4 and 5, win meet Tuesday, August 17, at 8 JO p. so, sharp...
...for foreign literature wfll soon b* srohfbllsfi to the African natives...
...Comrade Wiley has served in this capacity on a number of occasions and ha* proven' herself an able and efficient substitute...
...ntafiW trfr » suueseeful pWmie on S*rnday., August (jf, at Orchard Otova Fairyiew, Neath Bergen, M. J. Seclaliats of New.Tor* iCtty...
...The Africat) Labor Congress passed a resolution among others 'asking th* power* that be to repeal this act We know that during the great war black workers were dragged into the deadlock of wkr to save capitalistic democracy and not for humanity which knows no color, creed or religion...
...All • members, friends and Bm aiders are gladly invited to attend...
...HI* tour'a* eettled'so far U as follows': Wedneadny,,'August 11, PitUfleM: Thursday...
...A, who is .the Prime Minister and Mlaktter for Native Affair...
...His subject SSJM hog "Mexico and it* Present PrehgjS lems...
...their songs and games will lend -color to the crowd...
...Thto T. J. d* Boo** law warn* the ^South African Labor Farty...
...State platforms, and' Comrade' Hoopoe Insists that this number must be...
...Resolutions from all parte of- the Union of Sooth Africa have been passed representing ' almost 8,000,000 Bantu...
...Socialist Party, room 505, 7 East 15th street STREET MEETINGS Manhattan . . Friday,, August 13, corner Clinton street and East Broadway...
...August 13, North Adams...
...The circle officially opened Its campaign fund* drive with 517.90 donated by members at the test meeting.* An Tinsels eyes have turned towards the Blaly Yipsels...
...The outlok ia good for a largely Increased vbte...
...August 12, Adams...
...Organizer Herman Is to put in another week in Buffalo...
...We are aiming at the bulMlng up to Africa of a new Jerusalem fnr mankin A I have Just tend th* report of the select wanmittee en the subject at wremomum of Disorders Bill, and it la a pity that only four-witnesses were ceiled to give oslstoace on so vital and twramount a subject ' Perhaps X win net be able to aa* thto correspondence Publish sd...
...f Corner...
...organiser, is campaign manager...
...This policy haa encouraged race hatred and prejudice on a higher scale than before...
...Ne wonder tbe Vact regime la ao: terrified with -the ambition* of our organisation that it has bluffed ua with th* Prevention of Disorder* Bin, known as the "Sedition BUI," for the suppression of free speech end action, Civilized Labor Policy ' It will be remembered -that South' Africa ia ruled by a coalition Government headed by a Boor of the Sjambok type, the Hon: General J. B. U. Hertzog, ML...
...3d aistrict, Frank A. Andrav ef Cohoes...
...A. new era of prosperity might reign in South Africa...
...The natives should do this in order to overthrow the imperial capitalists' autocracy...
...It is now up to the enrolled voters and citizens to back up tbe efforts of the party...
...Mad una, Olxon J. Mogaecho (O...
...The commission haa recommended the Wages Boards throughout tbe Union...
...Any local secretary desiring Comrade Qulnlan's services sfre* refiuested to write at once to district headquarters 11 Essex street...
...Sen as many tickets aa pen | can, the more the rnerrier...
...For several elections now Tom Feeley's vote aa' candidate for the State Assembly from the 21st district in San Francisco has been climbing up, and he - mr"_u_ **- - ' - ^ -ai...
...Rand Bchoofi ' 7 East 15th Street Room 60S...
...The I. C U. to a native labor union, aiming...
...Never waa the field so rich in political Issue*, if we would only grasp them...
...Germans win turn out In- Msgs . numbers and...
...If the course to that ef segregation...
...415 Swede report mud* In many months.' This ladue, he states, to ths ceailrlbatlon front...
...They coat $3 a thousand and proportionately in smaller amounts...
...This is to snnounre that Rolseretv" Haherman will speak this WednesehsS evening at the headquarters *f trfflB 18 Brooklyn... this affair...
...Applications for membership show steady progress...
...spite of this, the... breaking 'prejudice between whit* and black...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brovrn and V. C. Gasper...
...Dippa (Port HttsabsthT...
...and ever since the working of this act the workers of thto country are hired at a pittance of Is-' od...
...Comrades who are willing to help in'the literature distribution which is so important a part of our .campaign are fatr»^^F«3f3^^.ea»^r**' ^v...
...AOegneay county...
...The organisations co-operating are tbe Socialist Party of Greater New Fork, Young People's Socialist League and the Finnish Socialist Branch...
...g There is only one cure for eusla ^ which newly r acquired freedom ^> produces, and that euro ia fraeassv , .> The blag* of truth ana* liberty may- - at first daxils anS bewilder an^N tfone which have fasssiws hatf-' blind in the houa* of bondage...
...He snya: "We should b* doing more organising Work, but until-we get more money we are compelled ta fimlt our activities to extending the circulation of the New Leader and" American Appeal...
...Comrade Esther Friedman will also begin a tour of tha state on Tuesday, September 7.-1he-day after Labor Day, In Pittsfield, and will follow in Pat Quintan** step...
...Arizona , Comrade Lawrence McGlvern, of Chloride, reports the State Platform is being drawn up by the State Commit' He...
...either from West 43d street or Desbrosses street Then the bus to Falrview and get off at Erie railroad station, Falrview, N. J. Tickets are 50 cents per person and are now on sale at your branch headquarter* and at the city office...
...K to, however, noteworthy, with the laborer'* ecstacy to report that such, bnnkum ia gradually fading away, although the fit...
...made vacant - by the death ot Mayer Haekett at Havana last winter, Is James C. Shea nan, former member of State Committee end prominently Identified with party activity for many years...
...Vacations, win than be over, end all members are expected to be- preseaf, . YipteWom The Blaly Tipcats enters the campaign In the 2nd A. D. Kings County with Its fun fighting strength...
...Friday, August 20, comer Clinton street and East Broadway...
...The Congress waa composed of different tribes and nationalities, and even some ot the Europeans who are not guided by class legislation...
...Members should urge their friends who are enrolled to take active part in the primaries...
...The Government of this country is encouraging and preaching sedition between the whites and blacks...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown and A. Scan...
...Sunday.' August 15, Worcester, behind City Hail.' from S to « p. m...
...August 8. at the-district headquarters, 21 Essex street, beginning at 10 a. m. Any comrades with suggestions as to our campaign are invited to write in their suggestions to Comrade Lewis, the stale secretary...
...Among, several resolutions passed was the following: "Th'is Conference disagreeably realises that employment of white labor in South African undertakings is a settled policy qf the Government, but respectfully submits the great injustice of pursuing such a policy before giving sufficient lsnd to natives aa a compensating measure, and as on extenuating element .Further, In view of the large revenue derived by the Government from Sta'te enterprises heavily ' supported by native workers, such as railways, this policy is...
...Remember the date—Sunday, August 29...
...asking for affUieUve negotiation* with the British Trade Uolea Ccnajreas, with -a Africa...
...Save them for working class candidates...
...The capital let*, of this country generally frighten the white woikets that a spectre of Native Black fieri L. native unrest, sgcw ate* are haunting Africa...
...August 22, Worcester behind City Hall... office not later than August ltth...
...Ail member* are .urged to get sasy on the picnic arranged by the SoctaSst Party and the Young Peoples SoeBBst t League...
...nt the County Office, 808 West Madison Street, Room 81S...
...multiplied several times, during the month of August If the platform is to be printed...
...It must be total...
...Wednesday, August 18, corner Seventh street and Avenue B. . Speakers, Samuel E. Beardsley and Hyman Nemser...
...Ton will thereto re please aeed at...
...corner Rivingten and Pitt streets...
...We most ¦ make a good showing...
...The price per plate la 8-1.50...
...Colored comrades over the country would do well to keep their eye on the campaign of Comrade Pitts, as the present representative is by no moans satisfactory to the more intelligent workers in that district, and special work in that section might elect our man or, at least, win us such an Increased vote as to make the winning man watch his step and dO better by the worker than If he had swept into power wish a big majority...
...Our two state leaflets/the State Platform , and an unemployed Insurance leaflet are now ready for distribution...
...All members are urged to be prompt for membership are pending and must be disposed of at this meeting...
...This organisation, the L C, U...
...Comrade W. R. Snow, State Secretary of Illinois, is keeping up his good work gathering In.dues and contributions, and feels sure that the Illinois State ticket will get a big boost all •long the line...
...Mbeki 1* th* chief whip of the "Guigu Group,'* th* section which believes in the industrial weapon of the worker...
...Sge* -i-.- '-y...
...I ft u a remarkable fact that the Socialist and Labor movement has reached xrorker* oi the Dark Continent jahote ancestors bat a short time ago were mh&fianWrof-lhe Interior e^ffneo1 ffte life of'primitive peoples...
...1st district, Robert H. RIchey of Sllngerlands...
...He reports a substantial contribution , from .the Finnish Branch at Daisy town, praises their loyalty to the cause, and hopes others wW do likewise...
Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 31