A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Nautical Stuff t^TXT-E have been sailing around Nantucket fjyy Wand, Massdebutetts, ih tone sort ttr of * *r**t> whose atae we wot not of, jgtJtB Mortis Ef flit,...

...n- t^v^TS** "America win understand that the war vfTissgto M France, Who Are honest sincere, and leytu, *J* 'eaajC' tog ln a friendly manner that th* study at the gsei tion should b* taken ap onoa saore...
...He went back to hto office, smoked s cigarette, pondered Ufa, fate, necessity, and went home perptoied...
...There had been a ume...
...It can't survive...
...a* an Italian salnter It#» tog to th* 14th or lfth century...
...It would dissolve the army though It would see that the people were armed...
...They w*re prisoners manacled together, and forbidden to speak...
...It wwuldr kagfav th* puroha** at private enterprises...
...Minturn, if I had to carry her on my back every step to the Orient Tou Americana are nothing hut pigs...
...Rublnow, however, takes to task those critic* who feel that capitalism automatically lead* to constant improvement on the part ot labor...
...That waa the great mistake...
...Dan winced...
...letfi ssbt' Hth and feUewtng ceatsrton-wAa -mt»\ *nv«, aadgain*d glory aa th* inventor of th* Nobel prise, as d rich Jew who gives tbe Nobel prise, and as a FiSadt painter...
...i "God, no,"- he exclaimed...
...He thought Rakov was going out of his way to be unkind...
...They seemed Una lever* beckoning to each other dorses an abyss of doom...
...KSutoky, however, ventured a brief outline of the probable developments ot a proletarian state "the day after th* revolution," or, to be more exact, during 4he decade or two after a working class government cam* into power...
...W* always knew that you were goto...
...a slow smile played about his Up...
...The parade of bund and ortodtod French wan bflgj* raas which moved up the Champs Buses aba *fhgr day and laid a wreath en Washington's totnb ggejV which an unkind soul had ensakad th* foM»wT*e^ggPr peal to the American eonaeteaes...
...By scraping I - along Its name plate you are sent further on your - tourney, and so after sides-wiping all th* available •- shipping in the harbor, you com* at last to open 1 • water and have things your own way...
...And as ah* faced this weli-groemed stranger, one* net baby, she could sot gen mm for remembering what she had tost...
...Children ar* so dlfTsrsnl ghat way...
...It ? IT ¦ - ft ';#¦> Alfred Nobel...
...He gloried in the miracle of her hair...
...wouldn't she be better off here...
...for example: mln...
...Of course, there is much openly announced criticism •;*rthia method...
...It would make fundamental reforms ln taxation, and would cover the governmental expense* through the imposition at the graduated income ton asd a property tax...
...you're not looking will...
...and just a attto sad...
...I've lost other woman—and there sr* more in India...
...It is one pp%de to our order...
...Stetnmetx, who di*d only recently and whose wertof and writing* fined the page* ot hundreds St Aniii'lua newspap*ra and stogastnes, was correctly hue eh] W St...
...Senator Minturn looked out over th* gay, brilliant throng, whU* th* plangent beauty of Clauasen's vote* rang in his Mr...
...Machines grinding out stuff that p*opi* don't want that people nthy be kept at th* wheel in order to buy th* stuff they don't want and oast us...
...aktoh ma*t teign toy...
...They war* sot able to btidg* th* transition between their moods ssd live...
...Jetting old...
...Someone suggests that th* sail will come down if you pun that doodab rope on...
...returning to tend the fire...
...iseay^^^M toA^sasr*we tbi^t^^^it^STom^uj'^^S^ g--¦^^ja^afff^al^S^i^gg^ unngp jMPaWW vwjsjCT wfoomrww inwi iHpsasgHH...
...Degradation accompanies Insecurity of tsnurs...
...Tou ought to be sitting In the front room all dressed up "in that silk dies* I bought you...
...This can b« seen by hi* statement that, with the accumulation of capital, th* tot of th* worker must grow worse, no matter whether hi* wages ar* high or low...
...New York...
...He was Imposing, perfect she thought "Mother," h* demanded, when the fir* bad been made to burn, "when are you going to let me get yon that maid...
...Only on* student m*stian*d havtag sead' Plato'* Republic, which I *a*um* he found to gb* library of his daddy, who waa an iiiiiglSdf Socialist Shoe Cobbler...
...It* meet extensive purchasers, of course, would, be the states and munictpailtl...
...Tm lust bored,,that's all...
...Why Minneapolis...
...t - . ^| * e e ' T**, my beloved roughnecks, these art thd s»*esJ3 ' flower of our nation...
...She surveyed him approvingly— frdm the gray spats and neat oxfords to the Fedora bat which he had not removed...
...e . . ')Y*'j Alfred Nobel, besides living fa the iftsv...
...It would insd*y«*tifjsj|r**^toa s^fV^fr^rnufir sea to tt that *B oWMr«n w*to.*<«afiy win) nsurtafcad and el«th*d and bad agent school facottte*, while at...
...Minturn had nothing to say...
...Tou always contended that we should conceive human society as one big family, and I called that bosh...
...Das noticed that hi* friend seemed frailer than usual...
...For a moment he seemed to have lost the bantering ton* he loved to effect...
...when he would have exeuad himself on the ground that he was demy somtdbisg fpr h«r--tor ner and for all the other disinherited mother...
...Red-eyed and infuriated saltormen In All -v,|ertB of th* port scream cryptic Instructions at Ernst...
...Fraflsaf deeV dtudne sad "sat merely the rose* of ih* t*sa*sotoe of c*plt*ti*tto sddasSa lation...
...Poverty Is not th* asm* as misery...
...Emanuel Kant fared even worse, as a Oafiss* esenaadsr, a saUgious man, a genasal...
...Misery, on the other hand, is a psychological, rather tnan a material condition...
...Tour caption dream | indicate* a hyacinth phobia, and you ar* suffering | from a mannla depression...
...he explained...
...To .all of which he merely waves a blithe hand and continues on his devastating way...
...Papa Osylard, I hear, saved your hid* down ln the 113th," Dan was discomfited...
...Marx declared that there was a growing degradation among them...
...these hog ideals, this hog art, th*** hog were, where human beings are slaughtered in cold blood, with invisible machines, to grind out more' staff that no one wants or can use...
...Oh, it's an ln a lifetime, you know...
...what you thought about your old man and your nurse, it any...
...We say "right i-ed/pf -left," and "to froht and behind," and whan w* |SpSat to com* about, or "hard-a-toe...
...About so i suppose.' Why shouldn't you got Tou have no ties, no family, to keep you here^nnd yon can take your business wrthyou...
...eesatsd th* SB** of th* revolution as aV sudden *eirp d;et»A> declaring that *fi>ss*to w«r* sat i»sgwls*d Btonsutoto, "wao expect by s coup d'etat to tads* our**lve* dJetatora...
...I'm going away, Minturn...
...If scads of us would agree to go ahead had try things that seam invariably hard principally -because they are all smeared over with technical phrases, life would be a lot mora exciting...
...She's very beautiful, very beautiful...
...p|g* resultant -events are always colorful to say the ^*n#t Very near the thlngumbsb to which our boat is - *feohed' are a tot of fancy craft of all varieties, ' ;JJft»te yacht* ana slick lltti* motorboats all duded jflr*nd a couple of revenue cutters...
...It'* all that keeps me going, I guess...
...Th* Menace had tha T usual collection at confusing ropes, hut no one knows the official names ot any of them, and it doesn't seem to make any difference...
...And these ar* th* members of oar Am irises totottw genteto who spout about ignorant ferctenert gad] djto 4 ignorance of the toodfTftg classes, . r^Lo ¦—¦—• ' ¦ - • v ' - I knew it would com*, ¦ r"v- —. 3 What...
...mamma," he snswered buoyantly...
...waa saver ana ef those who blamed you for taking her —but...
...This omission to very significant and atone would be sufflctent warrant for us in assuming that Marx did not consider th* growing poverty of the working class aa a necessary result of the evolution of capitalism, all revisionist assertions to the contrary notwithstanding...
...2 Rakov trembled...
...Anyway, if she cam*, what would I do...
...It could pet mitigate it As son and mother looked into each other's ey*»— oh, so tender 4t each /Other—they conjured up a third presence, a spectre that Stood* between them...
...Now, when they see Ernst coming in his boat, which - hs has appropriately named "The Menace," there is a great hustling among the skippers of Nantucket j Harbor...
...instead of telling you ; fiat th* thing to do is to rush over to the bird's house , ana sock him a good one in the jaw and forget all >**ont it, the lawyer homo and haws around and b spflbj a lot of stuff about "torts" and MHs pendens," g and "incoporeal hereditaments," until he has you ¦:, BTOggy and you tell htm to go ahead and start 'suit...
...Of course, the only question that would have gotten , anywhere would he to ask you what you had for diri•er last night, soma hours before th* depression set to, and why you kept on sating pigs-knuckle* and Wheat cakes and maple syrup...
...There is no regular captain, a skipper sails until he...
...Why, Rakov, rm glad to see you...
...Mother, we played golf yesterday with the Arnolds.'' Such thing* —if he spoke them—would not reach' hsr understanding...
...how ah*' could work, and lev*.' No poetry about h*r, Minturn, hut she was poetry...
...How about th* cigarette v ¦ Dan extended his cade...
...The tact that th* Job* of th* workers are so Insecure gives th* capitalist a far greater power over the life and liberty of th* "free" workingmen than was ever enjoyed either by feudal baron over hi* serf or by th* slave* holder over hto chattelslave...
...rm sorry about her...
...having discovered -'that afteran thay *x* not such a great tot...
...He cam* up, smiling his amused, almost wicked smile...
...Edward Jennsr, who...
...In all walks of . lite they lord it over us and they g*t away with it principally because...
...Tou haven't got on* of your monogrammed cigarettes about you, have you, Senator...
...hh triad to smito...
...Tbu go to a lawyer, for example, and tell him that I yea an sore at a bird who lives down th* block and yen want to g*t back at him...
...She was a little breathlc**, quit* soiled, with a smudg* of coal soot across her worn face...
...We sort of lost track of each other, Minturn...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Nautical Stuff t^TXT-E have been sailing around Nantucket fjyy Wand, Massdebutetts, ih tone sort ttr of * *r**t> whose atae we wot not of, jgtJtB Mortis Ef flit, who...
...I couldn't bear to have a girl mussing round...
...Q^^^IJI^^i^^ *e^*aT% ^rtttl tbe**sW **xB*tt*M*(^ *W*%*ft fi&£^fm£&b "^^^^^^^W^i ^>|jrt|^^ 'd^^^Hj^g...
...Boudln't answer to this dontentMn is of Interest...
...They smile no *. more...
...6r_ Brother Ernst sitaows very littie more than we do about &B*r!ne matters, and our combined ignorance jjjprould fill the lat pages of many' a mariners' ? Vawide...
...The manufacture of raw material and partially produced articles for personal consumption, as well as small trading, have many local characteristics, and are still largely decentralized...
...answered, "a Hebrew dancer," connecting aim sties* how with Saiom...
...Sure, I do...
...There was a flash ot brilliant *vti to th* *y*s*ot Abaer Rakov...
...many had heard feme?/ thing, but could net remember who be wed...
...Mow good you were to me, mamma...
...reminded him too insistently of th* difference ih their lives...
...By tbe way...
...Thought I'd try India...
...They seemed to have some to the end of their conversation sifter that Dan spokd fiaat...
...three years old...
...forests, iron toundries, machine manufactures, etc The** ar* also th* vary spheres where the grant industries and trustification are cost highly developed...
...Been hoping I'd see you before I dug out...
...They ware separated by vaat ¦ paces...
...but, in their hearts, they know that one* medicine became socialized and stripped of its mystery, ther* would be a lot less work tor the medicine men, _ Even a profession a* comparatively young as adver- Using has worked up its cryptic vocabulary...
...Just now th*y are at tbe sesltb at thslr teaming...
...death, Rakov...
...Again Das experienced the Irrational wish to see him ln a tent on the desert his black hair encased in s high, colorful turban, his tall, gaunt form in robes of a sheik...
...How gaed rbtogs r --- ^s^t»en*sspsk*d •aes^nsssktf «? jj '**^**W**Sdp *^^*tlt^F^ Bsfe*ssAeVtt*p4...
...were at dinner with the Oranvllles...
...Everyone vies with his neighbor to see if ( there is any chance of -weighing anchor and getting 'out of that place before The Menace comes blundering onto new paint...
...vmto* regular English in our sailing...
...And though they turned seek to each ether repeatedly in.tba hope ef finding an eld, aweet relationship, *ach found that he bad only wounded the ether...
...All such pictures oeemed to them toe Ctopton...
...Aa Dan looked 'into bar warn face, with TfS hravs smile, he could not so* bar tor remsmbering what she had missed...
...Re told her his wife waa wen...
...she asked abruptly...
...Of all the great and n**x-gr*at of history oaky ags" scored 190 per cent, and that was tha erasy butohtr Napoleon, who mad* a slaughter-house of Europe ia< order to make th* world forget that he a»oa*a*at esnF% fiv* feet fiv* to hU stockinged feet...
...I would not leave her here...
...He understood him better now...
...After we married ska want straight as a die...
...Hows Agatha...
...He saw—without hsr knowing it—that her affections were wrapping themselves around Hugh...
...We can have eodtoa ot sport scraping add humping our way through th* hitherto forbidden porta of science and drt and th* so-called "learned professions," and while the high priest* may go black to tha toe* from rag*, n ** can thumb our nose* at tham...
...Tou know what you ought to be doing," he demanded...
...No, win...
...In the first place, a proletarian government would sweep ah remnants of feudalism away...
...AS we have seen, th* Revisionists vigorously attacked this, doctrine, Th* workers, they maintained, were steadily Improving aa capitalism progres—d...
...Well, you win...
...It would extend universal suffrage to every individual and establish freedom of press and assemblage...
...He could not say, "Mother, w* heard ClauSton last night with Dr...
...For Brother Ernst has long since discovered *Vtbat one effective way of getting out of any given .harbor la by the bumping rout...
...The regal Of Wagner charmed Dan...
...H* found Agatha'* hand, and gave it a friendly little squeeze...
...To he sure The Menace goes - aground every-now and then and gives th* folks on th* .shore a thrill by coming aa near capsizing aa any boat ever came ln these waters...
...I Saw you with your wife the other day, Minturn...
...But that is always the fat* of th* ! pioneer...
...with- the Jkavtoiontot...
...It would establish complete autonomy in all individual communitle* and abolish militarism...
...They scarcely ever got beyond this -formality...
...westing a whole lot of tim* llstsnlng to the long5 yttd«d advice of old salts who have nothing better to jMbV than to hang around th* harbor here high-hatting | ,j*ss smatsurish summer hoarders, we get on this whdt^ggoaallem boat and pull up the sail and go abend...
...Dan waited...
...but nothing eh* eeiud 4* could hid* th* truth from herself or from San...
...But you ought to see th* kid...
...It's sardonic—a farce for Satan, a mad...
...Don't become toed for lovely Agatha without a batu...
...Marx not only predicted, however, the tendency toward increasing misery, also the development within the capitehst sgegeeh df get osgbindoeBg dlsato piiaod, wosaund atoas, AgbUng tar saw mediate relief and tor qlthnS/te ssasdi ctoattoa...
...Some ault some gun...
...Land used tor exploitation and money capital will atoo be socialized...
...Work helped to obliterate the struggle...
...But for God's .sake, don't try to took Ilk* Oaylard...
...the sparkls ef ey*s, the murmured comments, th* soft laughter, and high enthusiasm of those with whom he was surrounded, had their effect on hi* spirit H* reverted momentarily to Rakov...
...Do you remember," she asked, "the Uttl* hunting suit I made you to go with your toy gun, and how yeu used to hunt tor 'duets' la the back yard...
...t* h* a great man sometime...
...marxist's replies to the revisionists the history of socialist thoghts By HARRY W. UUPLER (Centlnoed From Lust Weak) Increasing Misery 0NX of the tendencies of capitalist development depicted hy Marx and most severely critictobd fy th* Revisionist* was th* tendency toward "increasing misery" an th* part of th* working class...
...Mother, we...
...In th* silence, h* saw Rakov return to himself slowly, like a pugilist recovering from a blow Oh th* brain...
...Th* vivid f*e* or Baker eesered...
...With Hugh It was different He liked «* work with bis bands, and he hated Motto and .school...
...We use **ftt deductive method of modern science...
...Ton were always speechmaking, Dan...
...h Myself, I am tor applying the Ernst method to an '« activities...
...Gradually he had com* - to know that to speak them erected further barriers between them...
...It'* ume yoa stayed out ot this kitchen...
...But hither could speak at hto pato...
...Furthermore, The Menace is run on principles that vindicate th* anarchistic philosophy of Harry KeUey and his boy friend...
...qospeeju, ^ c ' ' *•-*-• .. . v -#ai^i Ot seien...
...Tou used to climb up en tha kitchen table, when X waa baking, and •rat* about capital and labor...
...gaffs," "peaks," "booms," and the like -tesucal nonsense...
...Til say I do...
...Any : sttangsr aboard Th* Menace who tries any such funny business as talking about "fore and aft/' "port and .starboard...
...Ten would i give u* wiener* and triad potato** and whit* bread with earn syimpt sad we> would eat and sax...
...Rakov liked to be enigmatic...
...Her dim eyes followed him appreciatively and depioringly...
...Senator Minturn...
...So thay faced each other, dumbly, tenderly, futneiy...
...Why India...
...Thar* was another abrupt silence, following -which Rakov . murmured,' "Well, goodbye," to plunge into the traffic...
...Now—chough be only halfacknowledged it—this amelioration of his pain was gone...
...Don't think that, rm trying to play the death's head at the feast Minturn...
...I picked her right out of the streets, a plain, stand Scandinavian- girt, tatty a* a mad fenos, bat' 6ed...
...th* right eide, and It always does come down...
...tbe same tun* insisting that edtieatiea be adapted to varying sjsniemied...
...Nonssnse, a little dust won't hurt them...
...Journalists and *guuaig*g of th* future...
...I have to work...
...Urn-day following-tos *J*ett*n, I I Dan was on his way to see his mother, when h» met Bakov ih the street- Rather he was halted ln the midst of Second avenue traffic by an Unforgettable, colorful voice...
...Tbu get up close to ¦r one of these pretty things and bump up along Its side, ! removing as much paint as possible...
...It Is this struggto whtoh at «M most important toater tram tgeatatS' ton point ot view to th* final ov**% throw ot capitalism, in their advsnost labor develop* steadily in latfiinU^ pow*r and independent Is the seas* that It takae po*****i6n ef stor* end mere responsible positions to the eeo* noteie life of the nation...
...f r- .-'^.r-»/r?r»,-tt"'.' '¦~*-y» Confucius...
...4~t>___••'i- " Two designated potatoes...
...A lot ot doctors ar* still sore at Sinclair Lewie for , th* way he showed Up this jargon Stuff in* "Arrow¦ smith...
...The industries that ar* moat prepared for nationalization, according to Kautsky, are the national mean* of transportation, railroad* and steamships, together with those which pro:, due* raw material and partially produced goods...
...Don't for -Ood's sake, be a cartoon...
...is bored, and then gives up th* tiller to another...
...These developments, which he presented ln as over-simplified form, would, he believed, be th* logical outworking of economic necessity...
...a* th* tissorsnw Of PM smallpox lymph, ha* perhaps saved more Uvea taemall th* military toadar* of history bare insasgad en waste, waa named aa a great writer, aa Ajnartoan sclent 1st, and a doctor...
...Instead of...
...The swarthy, -delicate hand of hi* old friend extracted th* tube, the brilliant probing eyes examined to* faint gold lettering on the wrapper, the high-arched haughty nose sniffed at th* tobacco, th* flexible, cynical mouth displayed very white teeth—and with a sigh of relief, Rakov lit up and began to inhale...
...we hollar "going Pth* other way" and all is wen...
...Fight old man, fight" Laughing, he was gene...
...t-.- .Ai - < "And don't* you remember, mother," ha put to, "bow I seed to a» skating after school sad stay tui ¦ dark, sad come home half starved...
...It's like a dream...
...To Be Continued Next Wash) GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor Novel of the Northwest Chapter...
...DAN found his mother to th* 'kitchen vainly trying to build a fire ln th* old range...
...In one week's time, they poured $(0,000 into that district Now, I call that being rather fatherly...
...This sends you ' careening over to the other side of the harbor where jj you are almost certain to find a yacht owned by some >. prominent tooth-paste manufacturer...
...has ¦tostubes>ttr led to better toner eendittona...
...and how you liked your teacher, and about tbe time f yen played hookey from school, and what you have j htofi dreaming lately, and then he looks gWomlly at I you and says: \ "Aha, you evidently have a neurosis psychosis of an 1 f advanced Narcissistic nature...
...But whether Marx "only meant to *tat* th* tendency of uncorrected capitalism, and...
...Somewhere east of Suae...
...Perhaps just a Uttl* mad...
...From thslr ranks wfB eesto the statesmen, taw-makers...
...Today they found a fleeting comradeship la speaking ot hts childhood...
...H* asks 2 you a couple of thousand questions about all that ; you did as a child Up to th* age ot six...
...Joyce and Maggie ToUefar...
...After an examination ot th* trend of real was;**, th* capitalist system doe* not at an produce any marked improvement, he maintains, to th* condition ot the wag* worker, and that wherever such improvement ha* taken place it may easily be explained by th* obstinate atruggl* ot the working 'tm^Sft^^SS'lSJL 2* WSmmmV* erhn.tflf...
...Her mother died tost w**k_ Best woman I ever knew...
...Mother Minturn fixed her dim eyes, wet with tears, upon' his face until he was urged to cry...
...Tou don't know how I love to see it hanging there, so bright and •tiff...
...to think and think as Rokav had don* until on* became bitter, and becoming bitter, grew morbid...
...The polittoal deeatoattoa of th* proletariat and the continuation of the capitalist system ef production as* IrrecenoilaMe...
...They were mocking Joy—but it helped...
...s • . It - tt Edward J*aa«r..M 1 '"'1* -* - t« * (Booth*..PS dd-~ tt ^'^^t Solon...
...tbe great lawgiver...
...Sev!ssS*Bs •Pfcfct&e •*••* a* • * *t %¦ JO , '* eW * y*Mfctti«M*lt»»»* * »«*» dt»» ' " ** " • Kant...
...No, Danny...
...not the historic law,"" writes Rublnow, ssd whether he had to mind "relative poverty" rather than absolute poverty, to important tor students of history *f economic thought but not for th* socialist movement Th* important decisive tact is that the theory ot Increasing misery has been gradually abandoned by the socialist movement and the movement still survives...
...The suppressed prophet .was unloosed to him...
...Every successful advertising agency is full of bright young ,.magic-makers who can throw around phrases like , (*4**ler resistance," "reader Interest," "the p plus d , plus e of media...
...Tout* looking well," he asserted, recovering the edge of his sarcasm...
...Wr!** «"1 *** **• trUI ***« •"Or Stethed...
...Kcutoky Deptoto th* New Order The early Marxists h*ait*ted to depict s future social Order .based on proletarian control...
...That night ha and Agatha went to bear Julia <naaas*n...
...and Injustice to tbe working man...
...1 never, saw a woman—rv* known woman to every country of th* world (this with pride and dignity) with volcdhic hair like that whs didn't devour her mate...
...The working atoas ilitflsajlj mmtot+tjua...
...He was sick in mind, ae well as .is body...
...Just thought I'd play the good sport and confess I'm wrong...
...And do you remember fhe day you and Hugh organised the Minturn Military Band, bow you got all the old dishpane to the neighborhood, and all toe broken combs, and made so much not** that the policeman came to sad tfli you he'd lock you upr" "Grouchy oM tool...
...At first it was flP custom of th* crews of these craft to come to " jHbt rail and smile contemptuously over at our clumsy* ^attempts to get out of the harbor...
...Goethe waa a German musician to many, and -tfOieek phltosopber to a few...
...Life for her waa a dally ordeal, an adversary that must be met each morning and vanquished...
...Tou remember our old chin battle, Minturn, don't you...
...XIH Home _ , 1 •dTVN...
...Or you ar* feeling low in your mind and your heart -, la acting up and you go to a psychoanalyst...
...Long ago San had ceased trying to tell his mother about hto world...
...Don't look at me that way, mamma, I did not do this to you...
...and spoke of virile love* with strong-Una bed, fullbesomed women ' The audiene* se fes* thsa the singing spoked Dafil soul' Well-tod;-*»gantly groomed man, and richly gowned, lovely women...
...Poverty in general depends on th* amount ot wag** or other income a person receive...
...1 suppose the belly 1* part of your senatorial dignity, Minturn...
...TouTl ruin your clothes...
...aBfrdei he w*naci>saasedde^ tag utev&tai T.lf.itfui :• ii 3sto**t.Si«..* .-V...
...Betod Marxist* do sot attempt to defend the theory of increasing misery...
...No, India, I think...
...Dan remained standing thoughtfully watching him...
...He looked fatigued—old...
...I favored, you know, th* club Idea-—the convivial fellowship—the swell club...
...they have the Jargon of their particular professions by heart...
...In these spheres tbe municipality and cooperatives will com* mor* to th* front, leaving th* national Industries to play a secondary role...
...etoUflk d**bdsp strsu*a before the American embassy.- The fsjgSu •too removed tbe riMmimnliii pis mil 9vtssf§St/t lagted'a monument a* soon as the parade add vaiv>Ished to tha rain American and English tr*vs**toB however, are betog insulted and mot&*d-r?tbd*sdj|*p Tm glad that ftnanotol and other restenps bAv* pre-, vented thy annual pilgrimage to Parte aa arahsut tsjb ¦ time...
...He eonsiAsred the revetutton as historical presto* that might easily draw itself est tote a a—ado of hard batttoa...
...I was always proud of you...
...Why any placet Pre bees everywhere, tried everything save India...
...mine*, etc-, could be sold to the laborers who are working them, and could henodforfh be •per*ted cooperatively...
...Qlv* me another of your damn good cigarettes," ha said, "it's my health, I guess, that is taking me to India...
...self-consuming dreem...
...Rakov turned his< smused eyes upon hi* companion...
...Her voice waa inspiriting, a-militant horn, that called to batu...
...Well, you know how such things go...
...I gsees/r Dan smiled...
...we believe, will be piw *o fa**** generations as tbe author of T* pf*nd-new technique df sailing...
...I "Ye*, I nave, Danny, honest" eh* asserted, a little embarrassed...
...They feel that Mane meant that the worker* tended to become increasingly poverty stricksn, as wan es mentally more miserable...
...hut ot the teadeneMg *f to ghat* tot accumulation as modified B> thd struggle of ^organised labor aandtog them...
...Well, yon plump plutocrat rm older than yon think...
...Ha was surprised to •** him turn back...
...It makes me laugh, this industrialism, this imitation of the hog, feeding on sugar, and meet end swTU...
...Minturn did not care to go to his mother's after his encounter with Rakov...
...Is promptly thrown overboard...
...Ha burned with a kind of madness ot candor...
...Which so far has never "token, .Ptorife...
...Again, in the Ernst school of seamanship, all the " outworn conventional nam** ar* discarded...
...Only fonar gave a correct description of Csufuntjr), To six be was a great philosopher, a reUgioua tounddtv* a contemporary Polish writer, an astronomer, a pagan, < and ninety had never beard of the tnan...
...B*v*ral sjamad sMsd" as an American writer...
...If arnartra eatmed tote the war to ssatojtto^sg •arned every pent and •vary, sou we...
...h would glv* tounedtote sttewtto* to the anemptoyed, a* "enforced idtoness to th* sr Utint curse of the tosorar...
...It 1* about time that we laymen got up and ahowed jfj th* staffed shirt experts, with which this country is filthy, that they are not.so much...
...Among the Tt who had ***** vacs* takang eg the man he was deoeribed as a German asfrstotoAjslB t.fiaratoa phflo...
...Dan took th* coal scuttle from her band, set it down, and placed-her, resisting, in th* one chair the kitchen afforded...
...But when It suddenly decides to go up on the beach and stay there . for awhile an hands get out and go swimming until th* boat becomes cooled off, and then w* push it into deep water and start sailing again...
...God knew ther* Were barriers enough...
...It's a pig-trough civilisation...
...He knew lit* as fruitful and good...
...Dan ignored the personal reference...
...Id like to...
...From th* day they take thetr toft exam thsy will get dumber and dumber every day &•v«ry way—until hy the time they bass reached tbn' Senate chamber, the White Hsuee^ th* editorial esjeh* turn, or the college piesidency, they WOt hArs.Si)euiUt> toted the sagacity of a Cal CooUdge and keep esdl under all ciroutostaaces...
...Naughty mother, I bet you hav* never had it on...
...Then snatching up th* Scuttle, he went tor coal...
...Beginning tomorrow you •Ay start your analysis with m* for an hour a day tor eighteen month* at fifteen bucks per hour...
...t > Th* police were on hand t* proven...
...th* .ten, **Bdr> satleea e**t«etod*x is aggr***!•* toSor sse^nhdMni eseins to be the •T^stojry...
...Won, you mean...
...Rakov ^continued...
...Now Danny," she implored, "don't do any more...
...Wall, you win, Mlntum...
...I often go up and touch it just to see if it's real...
...Tha plaque waa Inscribed *s teltowat ¦•¦^sm "Over the head of diplomacy end far treto peejg**gt and flnanctol combine* the war ipriaias «t MpM sppesi straight to th* people of the TJattat *tap*M After the deception* *f peace th* proposed 1tobt ssftta tlement would oensecrato to* rbift ovttt*adgfs3ek|nME loss ef Us Independence...
...The workers are increasingly miserable, as compared with the w*ll-todo, whose income* have increased by leaps and bounds...
...W* emphasize this now spirit of the amateur as E exemplified by Brother Ernst because it indicate* a L new liberating force that is slowly coming into being...
...he continued...
...d .'•--?i>*> ••<- tmj^tj To **m* of these *duaat*d youngster* Ftotd waadlv "Greek mathematician, or a philoaopbar to the laata-r century...
...Another portion could be sold to consumers' cooperatives, asd still another portion to th* communities or to the state...
...be maintained, "doe* net apeak of the growth of th* poverty of the working class...
...It would make the Stat* completely Independent of the church and abolish all rights of Inheritance...
...A portion of the toctori...
...That doesn't neces, eerily mean they know any more about actually doing tilings than we do, but they make it sound hard, and ¦' that is three-quarter* of the •battle...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 31

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