THE NEWS OF THE WEEK **ay?r»rSr%^sr?ra ej&ia»w»cS^ah**y^a! hnve^iet^tken- i ilhjk^as^^iieniMyrtS uth* ketUr of their eahtt trad* uadon ^>^s2nt: ¦'''**' ^ 3 ^ y> ,i"-^^f?T---', ".-TV--, >-... i • ffijL S|^y^y^sa^nse5|^^3«»s...
...A good catchword for any new tabloid coming to life to compete with the presort* triumvirate could readi "Why poop and break th* tow when you oan reed th* Daily Smudg* and be regular...
...Another item...
...Try the principle one step further," he wrote, "and amend the bill so as to commit to the Governor and Council the management of all our farms, our mills and merchants' stores...
...nation of Peeping Tome...
...a* .true fnom GenesU I t»<i BevelatioB TCXII...
...Socialism is possible today, but it was not in Jefferson's day.- He was right then but wrong now, right for his age but not for ours, yet there is not one Jeffersonian Democrat in a thousand who can understand this...
...Through the has* of the Sun's last flsre, Th* form of my lev* awaiting me...
...How like Calvin-who, from his comfortable mountain retreat, drools over the "prosperity" his class is enjoying...
...1* not transferred to this play, tha book gives a measure of condensation and strength to the story told ta the -Crito" and the -^Thaedo" of Plata, tha story of the mann*r tn which Socxaoat emit to .hto death...
...The Right Kind AWTTHrWJ that hrlaa* th* spirit of aVocrate* to th* attcnUon of the world today is, 2o.- that act...
...New Tork...
...Or that some folks who never work, . . And never- want to find a Job, Can so -seduce State, press, and kirk While fattening on the slaving mob...
...Two besutiful eennet* by Gorslis Haman, and th* opening poem by James All man on the Queen's Coronation Rob* hsvs genuine poetic earth and bear some sprigs of greats...
...When a man or woman, breaks the power of this law and begins to think, a civilized human being appears on the-scene...
...ha the cownam"-toy his...
...Jefferson was right—for his time and place, but this opinion shows how the social and political views of human beings are' limited .to the -environment with which they are acquainted...
...l -j .I...
...and- tbe dignity of Ms ultimate gssAurs...
...We go pondering ever in our mind's lexicon for usag** low and vil* enough to adequsteiy amploy the crisp leaves of psper that they sell as journal* to poor, decent and credulous people...
...Mencken a writes: . s^ "Th...
...4 "lewyer wanted to enter suit sashs...
...oomplets recovery" Is believed saasred...
...We only wish for a pubii* **n•olsne* to b* so revolted into action that whole *ditions of th*** public insults are left unsought and unread by the mas*** who now wallow in their mire...
...Or some new mocking form of poetry...
...They should insist on wearing civilian clothes on Saturdays and Sundays...
...Still ¦ more...
...But the laneee of unclsan minds, that concoct and film the stories of divorces, bandit queens sheiks and cabaret molls, and all the ugly ptnnmi ef our under!it*, ere assure* of extreme disgust, to us, at least...
...about Buansnssray-r— tlmt bna hs»n the aaslae ssd wtrsham /owtatg workhas overthn* durtna th* week aae learns that hfw—ellnl and bis Spanish hnitatpr, Primo da Rivera, have concluded van arbitration treaty In the "good, old fashioned secret" way which ia hailed tn Rom* and Madrid a* a big step toward consolidating and promoting the Interests of Italy and Spain in th* Mediterranean and In South America...
...Th* Soviet Government,wa* tumbling an over th* front page* Of several "enterprising" Americas newspapers, but Moscow reported that the family row between th* followers of the Hisriplrned Sin ovist and the Government supporters was of no particular importance...
...necessities ^tiia* areessential to a- successful issue of the struggle...
...They have rib comprehension of what evolution means...
...a WS flsuinil sonoem...
...By snapping a rope)—Life iron* out Our wilts And bleeds ear soul...
...Mow Tork, Mr...
...Within three years no less, than -fifteen parties and programs appeared, each organization headed by a.staff qf "Marxian" experts and each staff warring on all the others...
...Ws hav* finally arrived at * clearing from which rift we disown'-the three hope* ef American life,— the Daily New*,2 «h* Mirror, and the Orwbh+eV - tV*n as ws turn over the phofe^eplotehed sheets of these'abbreviated couriers of news, a strange exaltation lift* us beyond the ether of **rthly reason... value ;aad atthough aU the drams Hotwman (The Death of Bo crater, by IeurMkC* Houamen: Small, Maynard...
...The unhealthy esrfoarty that consumes those- sexual perverts is a creepy thins...
...Wonderful proletarian strategy...
...The military" recruits arc urged to cheek therr civilian clothes when and wher* jOjey, please...
...Dancing, thsumaturgic prt*st of God, How I'v* wondered *t your piety 1 I* it real, aa bursting from the sod...
...of thjuj "I believ* that the whale *w*^g^M "Dwosl...
...Ws have read the velum* through ' with avid interest, elnc* shy undiscovered lyrical land hold* great allure to us at Mast...
...Now, H . these terrible...
...Impersonal economic forces are always working changes in human society, but the bid ideas tend to atirvive... or woman who inherits a ReptahBcan <tt...
...W* even went and Joined the Socialist Party in the wild hop* that our prop hot hi vision might lead the lost tribe out of a weird adoleooence Into a righteous adulthood...
...Stereotypes -of approved attitude*, prejudice*, and conventions, that masquerade as thoughts...
...Ws started out with th* remark that we are growing into a horde of Pooping Tom...
...Free press Is free press to us *v*n if it go as far a* to publish dletionari** of gutter obeoenity and illustrate them with photo* of scenes within housss of Ill-fame...
...That oenwemsjh of the world might be safeguarded...
...i rt" - There is death to feudal privilege,' to sslnshns— and blOOd* -r There Is sunshine for th* darkened stum* end -help for the** in need...
...These citation* and comments, however, wore Inspired hy th* materials at* | a myriad sources...
...Hew saSllgfoal classification from ,: the ssflswid* BhtfliiSn ¦ *Eveaing Sub*: j "Two msn were *snt*ncod te fail to*** d*p* and a ssgpn* Car stx...
...They are required: to drill" four and one-half hours each day, so the "Leninists" step in with a •blood-curdling and "revolutionary program...
...Dean** slknb upward to the Parnassian peak* will oonti*u...
...Wininm LddU .. A Haitian Gusher rBLACK HAITI (Black HatU: by tlab- Miles...
...It declares that "the men should drill only three and one-half hours each day...
...Apply - SOS American Bank BMg...
...In the Middle W*d» . [ Mew Tork ia looked upon as ths cas...
...Mencken'* home' State, his fancy Is at Its finest: . - u "Rise of th...
...How you, embracing Jonah and Ms whai*, . - So swiftly coheign ;Darwin to the Pit...
...Which one ef yen wags will be first to sugg—t N*wport . . . f S. A. sap Witt...
...tflss |MV*v*«tAf9 t>sr l*MAHT#kej eSBwl migbS In s* seipg hav* freed men from toil to allee/ him ta sevetop fr**Jy fafa f**»Rref taanel em*J b*4yt MI..MI...
...Th^-*l*iars who t*a tor to* brothers...
...Who shape' the world's -future m-dr...
...She gallant knight of S*hbgl|B Ussss Ther* is mors Christiaatty MeSM day-by-day .prsettss* of Kkdoss fbSB there Is in many a monumental caOMMgf-*k9 Ther* has been nothing spirtta*rty SgjPl stee* th* day* of the Christian Cress*** 1 than th* Elks' dasncfas to* reUef esjgkjl of toe Salvation Army during ta* W*Bgn| And in-Arkansas his appreciation* ejg^ "Society'note from the Insli ¦ii(|pg_j Littl* Rock Dally News : "Much Improvement was showa hi d*fh condition of Diamond Joe Sullivan lifaj...
...In proportion "as this type increases is there hope lor humanity...
...Catholics orProtestahts...
...Howard A Kelly, stnerrtus professor la the Johns' Hopkin* Medical School: . . 5§ "I leak with sqosahraty upon ovohV 3 Uosi or any other theory, nor do I cam ..-, <r*latt**ty speaking) whether It is tr**' ! or fake, but I.da oar* a gnat Oesi t*j| dttv* seen b*ek to God's Word, too tos*r" tab* of living water*, and that they *hpt^ hold it to...
...T Honsman's book glvs* a seed' picture of one who saw into th* tore— that ¦ask* society, who rsfaasd to submit to the' sham...
...Want ad fat Mr...
...death a* cavds sapv -th* fasr.tbat.tnt powsrful hasn «t tee - on* wMtpds ttm* can be xaJfsat ¦twbsrt t^^^^o^ˆjl^h Boer***" to die...
...There are visions of s future that tbe present vainly ' mocks...
...The camera lone' oan take the outer and even the underclothing from off a fair lady, and yet leave even the weakest mind immune to ssx axeitentent...
...Wo blundered and bludgeoned through thirt**n years of msaslanie myopia...
...X*.' _ ' 'j...
...In Maryland...
...Your Master, Who bid* you Lev* for fear of Mall, Your Muss which bid* you (loving Christ) hate Jaws' Play, play th* priest...
...Have a shudder with us as we reveal this program...
...modern government* work less directly, by arranging tha materials and digging th* channel*— and poluOag th* saresnv Teacher* to-day are too Often rubber-stamps...
...i. - A Bit of Paper Just a little bit of paper and a tiny ntUe cross Not much—hut Just the difference between a gain 'or loss...
...You are a dream wind Lulled into oblivion , , wT*^ iaVe^VtsVV^VvMV* <tfewlw4*b**v* Of soft tone* And drowsy vibration...
...She eat* our armored heart* Ao grey-green liohsns gnaw th* granite hills...
...Peacefully serene You slumber thru eternities— Una were of Life and Death, And stupid passion* That torture th* universe...
...t. There, is real privation in the mining districts of' England in spite of the generous aid that has come from the workers of other countries, but if it were not -for the aid that has been received starvation would have com• pelled the strikers to go back to the slave terms of the owners...
...Or bluffer...
...but few deny the value of bis phlhtstihlil* lunr* Hfrictly, hie ludasmle niefbod...
...Sing,, naac-te- th* thinker* and hewer*, r ^-hrptherpceyns^ = Who work |s>>jygggfcjggq the chatter box AMERICA Is growing into... pays uttl* ba«d te"ft*>'-" lavs of tbe United States, or to tapm , nsrion...
...And surely two or three eanht Ie hardly any cost far ouch erell Uhw aa Bailee and Sooeaocio never fefl lew enough to toll...
...the b**Mer* ot beauty.**" Th* r*ar*r* of temples -end splr*: A eong to th*) strong men of duty...
...months m *ht TraSJ* caegt today.'' S-;J "Ltn«erirut effect* of the late war tat ? a*B upon jurlsprudenc* te the | Maryland Pre* Stat*, as revealed by -I an advartteetnent tn the 'Sunpaper...
...They do not think...
...revolutionaries" will only bribe the soldiers - to desert by offering ice cream and dollar wrist they, will make big strides toward realization of the "world revo-' lution...
...Socrats* refesed, kfe tn .order to goto a future he felt waa prondsinaC from a life he knew waa ftrtUe... While men-are slowly muddling through And straining "after Liberty...
...Attendance at Sunday services should be voluntary...
...It ha* no poet* and no stot...
...Sua.- ''•--^i 'tivm a tract by Dr...
...The men should demand a reduction in the number of military police...
...Th* affair of o mi»ionslre depenerate and hi* 'slJrt**n-year-old paramour la dragged out into a long, slimy trail of ink and prlht- All It* intimate indecanciea, all it* revolting obscenities, ie served up with a leering unction to the scatter-brained mind* of school girl* and pimply-faced freshmen...
...Slowly hut surely **jr men and wem*n, and *v*n our heslthisr youth, ar* Becoming subject to that form sf insanity, for.the Graphic and th* Mirror and th* Daily New* are Just l«rg* window* .end door* ajar, through which a world of credulous leaders oan leek and see with photo and graphic news column all th* low characters of an indecent world, dressing and* undressing themselves, performing their rilly overt note, and disporting themselves aa oven dooadehto of dying Rome were too scrupulous to - make public performance...
...Whatever the dsnlxsns of the Tsndsrloin smirk and laconically hint about'to each other ie frankly exposed in fcoldfaoe headings snd long column* of dirty conjecture...
...And hm^'htttnrer* win into law...
...To gtk...
...IlJZATION,, THE.dominion of the past over the living is the main source of power of ruling classes...
...It can lend a freedom and to give old Mammon shocks, I Can that little bit of paper when you drop It ln the box...
...Kyle has Just rstermd , from saulototisn.* te Psloetlni HU jerpoa* ws* to disss* the Dead Baa ft*'- ' •torch Of the rutos of Sodom and OeOKrrah...
...Thar* are more hap> lots tn Nsw Tork than th* wheat at j , Bpaia...
...enough to writ* a letter to Prssidsnt CeoUdg* asking fey tbe remission of th* French war debt, but nobody of importanc* took It seriously...
...Then the great climax and a final dreadful shudder...
...As well, think of pygmies controlling the tides as for hundreds' of thousands of small governing communities...
...Mencken » i more genuinely original- In grring - character to...
...CengssgatleaaJ Church: - • * ' The great war wee hamantty's BS*S> ?, far humanity...* .I...
...HELP THE BRITISH MINERS SIMULTANEOUSLY with the arrival of a delegation representing the British miners came the announcement that Premier Baldwin is "resigned" to the strike taking its course, while he turns to cricket for recreation...
...Dictator Bivera told Th* London Times that Spain had "an Influence over a greater number of millions of people than any other nation'' and that while hi* gov^r^gj^ /..^^^ j" xg~' -^f*TZ.'fc- - .*^y—^ -^Hn"ill' '-*BaM*B*sB*n*^*i*Ts**psSs nba»4..*t .'SsfiPg' ill III ¦ ts \»\\wyt/qt *Jrtpt*^ss^J*p*it ^^slov dsvVB *t *bMbb 4*b*JsT^SjJj te»n^^^jps^^ etptat...
...Ther* is food for hungry children, hope for works** on the rocks, ? - Strength for men and rest for women, when yeu*dre» It in the box...
...Jefferson ^written to Joseph Cabell ht 1816 which will be found in ' The Best Letters of Jefferson published by Houghton, Mifflin Co...
...Now that the delegation is here and it has the pledge of support and- co-operation of American trade unions in raising funds for .. the suffering British miners, we hope that the contributions of individuals and organizations will be generous.' We Socialists have a political campaign beforje us, but for every dollar we contribute to it we should be equally generous \a the rtinerl "Give- until it'hotts," said Presides* Green of Hie«»APF: of L., and that should be the attitude-of the workers of this country...
...Alt this may sound liks s thesis by s Mr...
...On the awn* day tha signing of th* treaty was announced...
...We think not.' Our -contribution 4s being sent as this is written...
...I* no privacy, no eeiiesdy,- no* anatomical reierv...
...To the Laughing Jackass Why te you laugh...
...Send to the National Office of the Socialist Party, 2653 Washington Blvd., Chicago^ 111...
...fjtt . Tn that little bit of paper, when yea pot it la.9***^ . The Song of Labor A song to...
...A J EFFERSONIAN VIEW THERE is a curious passage in a letter of Thomas...
...Tradition, precedent, myths, customs, inherited prejudices and superstitions the mass of mankind...
...And yet, and yet although Life dees not oruah Hi curt and savage «v*l*nch**lks ru*h, (Not Ilk* a hangman dee* ah* close our'' psrls...
...G. P. Putnam's Sons- UM) w* bav> a dav nghtfully readable e>ook spoiled by too sasch, smiflmsritallty...
...Tou Joyous Mrs...
...TaC . ChrisUaaity aright survive...
...These staffs have' dwindled down to' three, each claiming the special blessing of Lenin...
...t '".* i., ."' ...'i .<» '.< ?'•".•' ;'i 1 ¦ A song fo the hielu Ihsl ilo>ls...
...Bleaehsr i*yc*ology.' "ths | [•teg* pi—in ¦¦' and what a eoach .*s-di toetore* by*nwitov *f th...
...They inherit their ideas...
...c. Often I've wondered a* I read some tgle Boisterous with humor, sparkling with keen wit...
...yislrl?^is^ Jx^_-_a...
...Will you toll How you seconeile your Master and your Muas...
...on* ef the worlds* -: grestssl aiihsirilnglals, wfd conduct » School of B*>neal B*S**eeh to US* cOnrsh . i this weak...
...Rabelais is too gentle, •nd the French decadents toe refined to hslp us...
...MitesllW* «S*rfA ameng I the amphibious wundemsoUhsts...
...Say, are you bluff...
...And to a pussled world Impart Why thus you make the gum trees flng...
...Deenwatk faith - from his or her fathes does.not 'intellectfrom the rustic wlto'fought the eri»in^ beings are oora uemocrats or xepuoijcans...
...aecordlag to a physician's report, sad Me...
...Always we went around w*nd*ring what would come out of the chaotic childhood of this land...
...Sonnet •erne build *b*ut th*m**Iv— a tortoies-box Wherein...
...Jt^fr^rUiAL*ifT 4tfrfiif?\v/i^i3L%&'o&p % the first doth hats appeared to comr^te.vrtj* the cxm+M4*p^&^i&m^FtU& boys ween be** tra^nA-d^ rate a rnes^f "ds^ss^Jgvento^ fh rggtaiaeenrti^^ of his impious Majesty^,jhiumAnt^i^^^ ^wn^aaeeon*7* durable shoes and averaieex to a new idea ' in science or politics...
...In order to make the record complete we must call attention to the, program of the Young Workers' League, so far as it refers to militarism^ - .This prgarrizatftm has distributed circulars to men bound for military training camps, urging the men to insist on' their "rights...
...tmJSSx^Skj^ by, vivtioie ^aadgew Kerr, footkeifA coach...
...controlling large-scale industry...
...Is It because, the Kangaroo ; P°th lean and bound-, so*3r*ndly...
...And the eold white diok of th* ri**n moon Adrift on a darkened sky...
...Bedrooms hold ft* sanctity, and sex perversiti** have l*f i. llnl oov*r*-*d t*wi*s en eeioWStSe t oely tobecome dslloSlis**ii entre** for pubiie wee hMtoh eeuntor...
...have another, one with us...
...W* must My that some of the poem* contained therein are worthy of inclusion alongside of the heavy Inwnortel* of this land...
...The roads, shops and mills have become collective transportation, systems and industries...
...their cringing souls may rest and dine, Unheeding all without) and asm* define Stork ivpry towers sealed with golden lock* To keep their dreams in (thinking there are reck* That seeping waters cannot undermine...
...Inevitably on* gets, a picture of the .wetter cooing over a negdscted child...
...The multitude of small proprietors suggested the division and sub-division of government functions among . thousands of small communities...
...Jefferson went on to say that he would divide and sub-divide the governing powers UHtit.they,"end.-wi the administration of every rnanVfarm by himself...
...We don't care...
...Its purpose -trcsn eaany to draw...
...Is his "Kotos far 3 PtJrelgii Students," Mr...
...Hearst's greatsS Christian periodical, the T *ar Ssgshn i' 'Xxaminer': C'~*m "Wantsd — Oood-looklng stseograeber, seehographle 'ability not isssntlsl...
...Sumnsr, or a tirade by m'Or...
...Js)daenas*by' wise ngeepjjsbr bit* ti* th Tnrm b*twe*n a gang of TSecmt whismTrematen^gt tjjie eB*$aftl»iahv6 Fseciat secretary and the, weemdtdy ot one of hj* oompasion* ts Bissee Georges Cl*m*nc*au smsi i oil fresa the political tomb loss...
...And I hurried te meet her ther...
...We offer no solution by legal suppression...
...reaction of " Americans to the wvaajpn of frontier hie...
...The old ideas serve to prevent the adjustment of human beings to the new problems which a changing society brings...
...No, my friend, the way to have good and safe government is not to tryst it .all totone,, but to divide it among the many, distributing to every one exactly the functions he is competent to do...
...t»ag bwjrhmsme humor at* his part- ***J9| a ganlua ta bis genre...
...Is it too much to ask every reader of this to immediately send at least one .dollar as an initial contribution to this cause...
...Somewhere I know aha beckons and call*, ' - But aH I -can ever see Are th* barren years end the fleeting ghosts Of a love that shall never be...
...Ther* ar* such sctaUlant pavrasa* «*R . . to* manga tre* snap sn Is above them the sambed tars sf Us raps goM frutt . . "." The reader travels through the Mack wisiiMn carefully •tart* |aasn**iard with th* iipHmadlt Unkl* of a alack bars teugbter rtna*toa- ssxpsfnBy ia zdg.ssdn Gleprin C^daurd...
...I still suspect the down...
...There is virtue, life, and progress In that little printed square, If1 you tak* the cross of Labor and plant it boldly there...
...FOR six years we have entertained with a large variety of conflicting programs by our Americas) "lefts...
...the *ipv* *f **pitajL k** den* eotWngi be* «*sspby aumt for^japitsllsto te lw*r—* fjfcsir' tu&i+n &f t*W iPatMfJfyfj otansML Its meet wendmfst igpnulliin to ts> dvetrinl teohmque have hrooght to wdfesa igtsft si ¦ tL a - ¦ ¦ - • -* cittical satriting and Zunls, as revealed by a sansekSf | th* Rev...
...Oh, I hurried, but all...
...that I over saw Were stragglers passing by...
...c A* vs* have often saM...
...S#tofW**y Hl# ffPlipgtC ssMwiKipartatr agHfaA * His* "tsMT...
...That hens— liberty «sght be preserved I That universal trill** ?¦ ¦light be porpetsatsd...
...To break the rule of the dead over the living is the task Of every new^geheration...
...Tot th* book h\ ehermkss and should pleas* the casual sender, and Inspire th* more teamed one with * d**ir* to go as HalU and discover whs* he* beneath ems watt afaaen* Mis* Nil*** purtlslt of the ttny republic...
...V ital of Satan, and-so woman who he»-'' ¦ ever hses there la regarded ae'4 ? I *Utefilj A-T virgin " it* peopte believe ln th* Bible, aad- ' bold "th*t all radical* should h*£| lynched...
...1140) asss to the Greek-* death...
...A democracy of collective industry could not be visioned in a society where small farms were the main basis of society...
...In sr—tf* we place our hopes, or else in wine, Or in dim enterprise* take our stocks...
...Illusion: .. I saw at th* and of a twillt street...
...Jefferson was opposed to placing the public schools in the hands of the State government and wished to give control to the local communities...
...Carrol Mark...
...Having recovered from your first shudder...
...Perhaps you see afar when man W1U...
...2' y- . Stag, sing to the women, the asothsrs, '..:- Tbe waayars of US* and ret...
...The Pa noes n hoof show* prancing 'noath your gown...
...Soft Pedal You ar* a dream wind Nestling In the shadow Of an overture...
...ttrston against pornographic literature...
...That fK'world'* last and heat crvilisatkm ahoaaf i not break down...
...Is life then anything store than this...
...When attendants report him conuSsMli-': out of danger...
...Amsrlcaaa prssiBli him at hia best- It la ontTS When he 1s serious that his g—tur* Bpeg come* rtdiculou* and his ars^nw*entK U»Jversa/ and direct suffrage I* ml vbsmastlsst *f potitioai and aoeisl sBMJ ¦ska sense priaetols of *H **N-b*b> aff/MJ withevt which th* eenditio* •* working class cannot be abetterd from and through the state alone advancement gbe made-la...
...Governor McKa* is sgef'J peeted to dx" ta* day ef his ex*e*tf*n"rr m In California 'th* apouto ef v4s«*ar | j ar* also carefully culled: ^Official view, te San Francisco, sf J.^ the aim and usufructs of the lata wss>:* as stated ln s awnmn by fhe Beef ^ Jama* L. Gordon, pastor of the Paptj...
...psegrewlv* and sure , - • Something toll* us we are about te tsks as* leag vsostion of -two sr three day* at Tnmttnant or- Camp Greater Utopia, or with the four hendred at Newport, R. I. It all depends on wii*thei' urn want a pKy*JS*l or a mental rest...
...0 I •bows by an aftvsrtlsemont of TJntver- ;"t s4ty Bapttot Church te the Baltimore 1 •Shmpaper': • - - || •TJr.Mslvto O. Hyle...
...hnve^iet^tken- i ilhjk^as^^iieniMyrtS uth* ketUr of their eahtt trad* uadon ^>^s2nt: ¦'''**' - ^ 3 ^ y> ,i"-^^f?T---', ".-TV--, >- 4-* -../- Out ef-the ejaf> FmctmndFmmy ear - at., fact *h% Riot anitatsnssn tanmn...
...lovely and w*a-ees*sagj^9 BUre heart...
...Th* manner in which Socrates want to hi* living has met with ertkeasm k» ^nany qTiarter...
...Progress of the higher learning at . Stanford University, aa reported bye pre** dispatch from Palo Alto: g£t ~T*U leaaing has been mad* a subjsst , ha the curriculum at Stanford, and craon ** wfn be given te sophomores tryaag out fw"" ssshssst yen lender wb* register to «?* s SOW tours...
...If ever ln your gleeful heart There lived a theme, why don't you sins...
...In th* social sans*, he todhst^ courtier...
...Kate Herman...
...Wherever the appeal it made to the "fathers" and their views we may rest assured that some important Society are necessary and that the ruling classes jiesire to perpetuate institutions as they auitf • J* . ;* •i The power of tradition and custom over human Dejngs is illustrated by the...
...Our help will encourage jtbern and=provide the women .and children wjth the...
...Justify your gurgling mirth " By eating up his fellow man . And leave yen monarch of- earth...
...But in theTughly complex industrial society of today it would" be impossible to adapt this Jeffersonia^ifleaito^he needs of society...
...Hooton, In "Westralian Worker...
...Wb trust Mr...
...Some day we will Isam th* language of swins and vermin, only 'in order to And thought arrd phras* filthy enough fo classify and decorato the publishers of New York's tabloid Journal* with proper vituperation...
...Something tolls u* ws need s cesnpteto mental Isoluation and rspeoo...
...And open to hap* th* white, gaos...
...So full of jokes, still, stta unheard Of bubbling, wild, ecstatic bliss...
...MsuireslJ en S ¦tasderrnHan I* unsurpasMd...
...Ws sr* happy to convey to Joseph Dean our seed wishes for hia new anthology of good oeetry by minor posts—under the heading, "Poetical Penning*" D**w ¦nd Co, publishers...
...Address Purchss- 3 fad- Agent, sere...
Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 31