JOHN BROPHY CANDIDATE FOR INTERN'L PRESIDENT UNITED MINE WORKERS Appeals from Organization Lead. Pennsylyanian to Eater Race in December Election CLEARFIELD, FA.^ohn Brephy, president of...

...If the British miners are permitted to be crushed, American miners and the American labor movement in every industry will soon feel the consequences...
...El Vulcani, Tierra, EI Progress (organ of the Cuban labor federation) and EI Llbertarlo, liberal and labor papers, have all been suppressed...
...President Machado...
...National Federation of Federal Emjfewees, Gertrude McNally, Secretary*feteurer...
...Ta* J*mt Beard is astonished at theNordering of sueh an ¦¦esiismed and exJ^erAaary investigation...
...The Investigation is extraordinary because you neither state the grounds upon which the investigation was ordered'nor upon whose initiative it la being undertaken...
...Matthew Woll, Vice President of the American Federation of Labor, Chairman...
...wages under a competitive policy...
...At times we may back State ^aaa at times Church, hut the object will ha the maximum of that, difficult, fgAjgnUsaslbl*, combination—social a^JPMjB1'1 u^iriaaf1 freedom, of Iflpfilier Church nor State should jflPaliy control one tbe other...
...For that PJ*** view our own talk during the SB...
...Tet it claims a membership of *,ooo, of which e.soo are bakers and 1,500 hotel' workers...
...The' New -Tork Joint Board of the Furriers' Union, captured by- Communists, called a-general strike on February U. After gallantly . struggling: for five months, tbe workers found that they bad been sola on- an agreement which sounded great, but was...
...When the United Labor...
...The National City Bank owns most of tbe sugar plantations and railroad*, and General Enoch Crowder 1* official 'rapaoaantsHv* ef the United Stahss ^mom^tt^^amtt Maohado PORTERS VOTING ONUNION Case Will Go to Rail Labor Board When Referendum Is Completed IT Is announced at the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters that upon tha advice of Frank P. Walsh, Donald Rich berg and C. Francis Stradford,' attorneys for the Brotherhood, a nationwide referendum vote has been instituted as the preliminary to their presentation of the Union's demands before the new Ballroad Mediation Board...
...We think not...
...It was pne of the most substantial victories won by the labor movement in our industry in recent years...
...Secretary .—M r. . Gleeson called into , 1pm jconference Treasurer Bates •a* Vh»j»resldent Thornton...
...J**ternational Brotherhood of Book ,*yi> William Blockling, president ; .WBi 3. Belair, secretary...
...There wan, akovs fefl, the ever-present ' jurisdictional *wprrt* among the baker...
...will go to Chicago, and may ato» i visit...
...The referendum is a carefully drawn ballot in which 12 definite questions are asked...
...As I have said before...
...the tracks and electric wire* 4om tram the posto...
...Our Joint Board la n loyal and disciplined section of the A. T. of L„ but we insist upon knowing why the investigation is being undertaken and upon whose initiottv...
...They also made speeches before tha convention of the Bakery Workers' convention...
...Sew, these general observations apart meant to apply particularly to jgfldco- The Mexican quarrel, howSW4...
...pjL* thousand times forgive the M*r* hatred, and picion...
...The Industrial council," Mr...
...Ban TQtott wfB cover «n* Phtshurgk are...
...In the last few year* the union haa suffered disastrous tosses...
...The only hope for ourselves and our children lies in reorganisation of the industry...
...we secured far greater control over the industry than the-union has ever had before...
...Joseph Ryan...
...Today the A. F. W. stands... the anthracite field, he worked out the program called How to Run Coal, which outlines a method for the reorganization and administration, of the coal industry under public ownership, with the union participating In management...
...V When shown an advertisement appearing In the press, inserted by the industrial" council of the Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manufacturers, Inc., containing ah appeal to the cloak striker* to give up1 the strike and return to the shops, promising them -ample protection in and out of the shops, and charging the union with obstructing the path to reforms.- Morris Slgmah, president of the International Union, expressed confidence that the cloakmaker* would not be misled by'the advertisements of the "inside" manufacturer* and win remain on strike until their demands' are granted... collect the debt Only, If we asm to forgive the debt, we, should nkafe» that act of generosity dependent aganv a settlement of the whole quaattnst ed debts and reparations...
...Our Joint Board wishes Information on this point, which touches one of the moat vital feature* of trad* jtttftsY praotlcp, rh» quouuem « ths rights and duties of the affiliated organizations...
...J|l!« ( should be no established '4Kbb...
...William Mitch, secretary of the Indiana miners, and Chris Golden, president of District No...
...experienced strikers, are , able to imagine...
...The chief problem Involved the proposal of this Joint Board of the eleven bakers' locals to New Tork city to bring into the International the Independent organisation known as the Amalgamated Food Workers... a good occasion to review pur IgSttde to Church and State...
...Three'-flfths of its members are Germans, one-fifth Jewish and the remainder are distributed amocx mar* than a do sea nattonaUtie...
...The Industrial council knows that the union is ready to take up with them the settlement of this strike on the basis of the workers' program of demands," Mr...
...On* at Ebesa, lar that It is more impertaat to pgagsafy ' totsrnaUonal &tondahls> thasn So teg'enis there such a thtogT—isne^estoatow are due...
...Letters from the editor of El Llbertarlo...
...people ought not to be remunerated for the work which they do, but ought to be assured of an income by virtue of their citizenship or by virtus of the fset that they are human beings.—Bernard Shaw...
...During the first few days the convention contented Itself with the customary speech** and the appointment of committee...
...What are we accused of...
...2 since Is!*, When, he...
...Brophy is 4* years old...
...liberal Journal, suppressed a week ago, to the New Tork Cultura Obrera, .tell -thjs stories—paralleled best to Fascist Italy...
...The three dtoOhrhtog lints had jurisdiction or*r the forsnar variety, hut they st times fiililid upon dafaning shop* Where Am Jewish product was mad...
...It is a strict industrial union...
...John Sullivan and Joseph Ryan, the Furriers* Joint Board, through Manager Ben Gold., has refused to accede to the demand for the union's books...
...But all these assumptions, ^contrary to tact...
...Today it is practically organized only between, New Tork and Philadelphia...
...tlons are not bad...
...The four others, arrested on disorderly conduct charges late in the afternoon, were freed on ball...
...and no religious tests for 4bH or office holding...
...Eternal vigilance is said to be the price of liberty...
...jEbere should be no parties formed :dh**ctarian lines...
...But as long,as we.accept the economic theories of the em...
...The Journeymen Bakers' Union that resulted from this schism had 1,100 members...
...such silence will die of jj^rttaal dry rot...
...Organisation, save the union by winning back the great coal fields the TJ...
...were consciously seekStnbw to put France in pawn, then %>>M Tiger might be right is his **?»ents...
...ployer we are fighting a rear-guard battle...
...Believing that the issue raised By the proposed investigations are fit paramount Interest to the whole labor movement...
...Appeals from many parts of tha organisation brought the decision to go hefvf* tha antonVfotsTS in the xfe **frh*r^tto^ ¦ -Hie own statement tofUms, •' •. - "I o4ed«e myself to s national campaign to win back the nonunion seal fields ashen I en elected," aaid Brophy...
...That doubled Its membership...
...No public announcement has been mad* as to what transpired...
...Outside of the formal meeting*, however, there were important developments...
...I t«U you the British...
...Hugh Frayne, General Organiser of the American Federation of Labor, Mr...
...Lope* was a linotype operator...
...Sjivjson was very hopeful that the majUaists would do their share...
...Indeed tor siainiawlri reasessg' it is likely that we slnuMta gate merer br friendly trade If we shoefid mat tzg...
...The announcement of his candidacy from tha headquarters of District No...
...It to moreover, zest likely to appeal to Amerieaa taxpayers that we should forgive the debt to essr country at oar own si pause to seder that France can borrow mora Beoeasjr at higher Interest from AmertoV* bankers...
...They would consider Emitting to the Executive Committee ^Xropoaition to donate funds and send 'jSi letter to all local unions urging ftain to do the best they can for the ; jTHtish miners...
...Neither will their promise of hired strong-arm "protection' to workers returning to shops avail them much...
...Your letter does not state, beyond the vague general assertion that the A- F. of L. Is interested In our International as well as ail others, and that therefore the strike was ordered Investigated to learn if It were conducted In accordance with the principles and practices of the A. F. of L. This Is an unusual procedure indeed...
...Cuba la dominated politically and economically by United States' capitalists...
...fjptmcU of Greater New Tork, consisting of ladependent unions, was formed the Amalgamated Joined its ranks...
...If we do net ' get money to buy fond, th* mine owpers may be able boob or 1st* to crash ' 'We are snr* that, Iwjsrfggg hedp...
...It sounds Qflffr like Communist discourse on SMSTn* theme...
...Is the A. T. of L. in the habit of ordering special investigations of strikes simply because it is generally interested In the welfare of the organlsatleaa concerned...
...The first shop to succumb under the new effort was the Cucci Cloak Company, 70 Jackson street Greenpolnt, which closed It* doors today...
...The United Mine Workers' Union is Imperilled -unless It organizes the unorganised...
...Stat* idolatry Ke of the worst of religions...
...Joees* Jon**, of th* Tocfemuhr* miners, will canvass ttss Boston district Mis* Elton Wilkinson, M. P, . secretary of th* Women's Relief Cosh- , ssitee for th* strikers, wd be aastonsd , to New Tork and rkjtolty...
...It answers the operetor's cry that he cannot pay decent...
...The oldest boy sick ln a hospital...
...Before Lopes disappeared, several other workers had mysteriously vanished...
...For we have as artstoo racy more cold, more brutal than even you...
...On the contrary, the A. F. of L. policy boa always been to grant the affiliated organisations great latitude in the conduet of their strikes...
...International conventions of the U. M. W. ef A. have twice declared for Nationalization, and tha time has come to get action...
...The drive for publio ownership will give new life to all our union "laesMUeev U Jwill -East ther-aflleo on ~i " i the offensive-and the- eperwenre ••» the defensive...
...The proposed investigation, followed by the Joint Board's hesitation in revealing Information to a bona fide trade union committee, revives interest in one of the most unusual trade union situations to recent years...
...He also said that a 3)zr would be sent to all local unions...
...Sullivan said that the jteajnbers of his organisation were Sf In f better condition flancially gjgan at present, and that as soon as Jjailili nl J. J. Hynes returns to the M*gf he would take up the Question with *ato of sending letters to all local IgpoaM, urging them to contribute, and r'st the same time consider an appro, gelation by the International Executive sJterd, "^National Federation of Post Office .Oerks—Leo E. George/ president...
...Sigrman added, "if instead of empty threats and futile cajolery they would turn directly' to business-like methods and make a sincere effort to bring...
...Behind these moves for unity Is as interesting history...
...It' beggars the . worker and robs the consumer...
...tJRH ?• Richardson, secretary...
...I hold up and refresh myself...
...These facts .and others pointed out to previous Issues of The New Leader must be remembered when Gold refers to "the highly successful nature of tbe striae?' Here is President Green's letter to Gold: "The Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor, at a meeting held to Cincinnati, beginning June JSth, authorized and Instructed the President of the American Federation of Labor to appoint a Committee representing the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor, for the purpose of making an investigation into the Internal affairs of the International Fur Workers Union, the recent strike of the New York membership of that Union, the developments which took place in the working out of a new wage agreement and the general policy pursued by the Strike Committee which directed the strike in New*T*rk City...
...Baer, president...
...Such an Investigation as the oho proposed is almost It hot altogether, without parallel in American trade uniop practise...
...A drive against organised labor in America will be launched by big* employers' associations, on the plea that American wages and working hours do not enable them to compete with "cheap foreign skilled labor...
...We jEjticans sometimes think ws have ssjjfad the problem by talking glibly iraUlgioiis liberty" and "tha separaj*|*of Church and State...
...Okver J Harris, of the South Wales inner** Federation, wffl hav* Fhltodelphia and th* anthracite field...
...He has not been heard of since and his body has not been found...
...absolutist conscientious obJietor...
...The Cuban Confederation Is not to the Pan-American Federation of Labor, -with which tbe American Federation of Labor Is affiliated...
...Early ln July Santiago de Cuba, was the scene of the first execution to 28 years...
...The public will follow If the United Mine Workers takaa the leed...
...The climax was reached-when the three recalcitrant locals began to publish a newspaper attacking the administration of the International...
...In addition, the reluctance of the Jewish bakers . ltn taking In new members hss driven well-lntenttoned bakers Into the arms of the Independent union...
...The Food Workers accepted this invitation and sent up a committee, consisting of their general secretary- treasurer, August Bnrkhardt and their editor...
...espectoBy when that* had boon a change of ownership from Gentile to Jewish, with the con—quant introduction of "Hebrew" bread...
...And tha *o*t .interesting thing is the gdmis•«*¦' he'has to make to the face of "tea a document as Leo XHTs encycll**i.?>naiortale Del...
...Mliwauka* and the -*wta Citton, , Itodtonmpolh^wMre anrSt SgggsSgg tort *f the Mine Workers, the Carpenters, the Typo*>nphtoal and other important union...
...For- the purpose of securing this information and in conformity with the* action of the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor I hsve appointed Mr...
...JJkational Association of "Letter CarK Edward J. Gainor, president...
...Yes, but fees reUgioua liberty mean the right •> b* an...
...On July 18 Tomes Grant, of the railroad brotherhood, was killed in Clego de A Vila, and Antonio Penichet, a journalist and secretary...
...Our own domestic tntsw tion policy Is or shoufa t» buirad eg...
...Was it pre poosd by the Executive Council itaeh or upon th« application of our International...
...Hundreds of telegrams and letters poured in to us from central bodies and local uiiolns all over the country congratulating us on our fight for the forty-hour week and pledging support...
...The 'workers in our army will carry on with greater courage and . hope if they are sustained by the prospect of a new deal in the...
...When the Gentile locals stepped In, the Jewish bakers felt that their economic standards were being undermined...
...The** union* were anti-adzatosstraUen...
...We also propose that our Joint Board be allowed three members upon any Such committee, and that it conduct tta hearing publicly In a hall which will permit the attendance ot the Urges* possible number of trade unionists and the proas...
...exuanCOw bo**-, tw* hundred swrssssfi gfek^^^tmxg^Pwipto;* *n*w* sshsnyn *c newer gatoto...
...and the Jewish...
...IMS, when representatives of- Its unions of 200,000 members assembled at Camaguey...
...Pav — Twenty-fire miners war* tossed to the Pyne mine of tha Glen Alden Coal Company at Taylor Uk* leaves when the fan of thousands of tons of rock shut a, terrific current of air through the' tuanals...
...Its leadership is soberly socialistic...
...tbe contention arose teem the fact that ths Jewish bakers received higher wag** hesnuss...
...The Jewish population has been moving out of Manhattan to the outlying boroughs, whsre the A. F. W. was entrenched...
...A communication from tha General Executive Board of the Bakery and Confectionery Worker* was addressed - to the Amalgamated, oven before the formal opening of the convention, inviting the independents to appear before the board...
...In the event of refusal, an experts statement will be filed with the Mediation Board...
...The looal strike is often cruehed by cost from the outside, frequently from mines owned by the same operator the union ie fighting...
...This request was refused, and then came the break...
...The International practically controls no Gentile workers there at all...
...1 tog unashamedly at a qtrik* mass meeting to Axhngtoa'HaR, It St Mark* Place, was presented . when Ben Tillett sd-year-eM Veteran of British toner strnOThM...
...On the generosity of American workers in the next two weeks may turn the issue of victory or of terrible defeat for the 1,000,000 coal miners of Britain...
...Do you want pay for preparatory time, terminal time, delays and doubling ? Do you want a simplified time sheet...
...International Union of Bricklayers, llfasnss.and Plasterers, John J. Gleesoa...
...Only a little rumj pus about the kind of union label that I would be recognized on the garments of : the delegates ad a part of their creden| tlals disturbed the proceedings...
...Osarge assured me that the - matter :"»OBld be favorably considered by his jOtgantzation and they would do ail ~M could through the national orgtontion and also urge local unions Jfcejnlr lhut...
...War Is partly responsible...
...we greatly strengthened our organization numerically and infused it with a new vigor...
...of the Cuban Confederation ol Labor, likewise...
...Alfredo Lopes, secretary of tbe...
...Nationalization Research Commutes...
...W* have no objection to Its being investigated by a fair and properly authorised committee...
...Some of the questions the porters and maids must answer are: Do you want the payment of a living wage and better working conditions...
...The first is...
...International Anpoclation of Shes/ StmI Workers, William L. Sullivan, Jest Hilary.—Mr...
...In 1*20 it united with the International Federation'of Workers in the Hotel, Restaurant, Lunch Boom, Club and Catering Industry to form the present Amalgamated' Food Workers...
...It,Is claimed by the organisers of the Union that" if permitted to go into this matter, some Tory interesting things dating back tor several years win be uncovered...
...Melbourne "Age...
...Presij3et Wharton was to be in the city Sprsdsy, and he would take up the 3ftter with him...
...It was finally settled that, the sabot of the ! Amalgamated Clothing Worker* would be accepted on a par with that of the A. F. of L. union, the United Garment Worker...
...Back to 1011 three New Tork city locals of tbe Bakery and Confectionery Workers broke off relations with the parent' body.' The cause* were manifold...
...Eleven union pickets were arrested ln Manhattan, seven of them being promptly freed by Magistrate" Dreyer ln Jefferson Market Court...
...principles were certainly viojgjaa in spirit by Bishop Leonard* in ;M| advice to voters as Msthodists not • vote for Al Smith because he Is a rspis^, or Wads worth because he is a . t*t it is a bit amusing to hear our "HtlpUe friend* rebuke tbe Methodist bather or denounce - Calles (as the fBSjflats of Columbus have done) on fAfcore of belief In freedom of conSMI* and religious liberty...
...In planning this campaign for tmmedtot* funds, the visitors had th* *s> pert advice and aojlvs hefp ot Frsst dent Grogs, who" htf $***>¦ i, circular Instruction to A. F-'*f .Tt representatives to do all in their pow*r to hato) j j th* British delegates to getting betes* - labor organisation* th* facto a* .to , starvation of 2,M6^*0 woman and cfettdren- of the striking nuner** hnu— hold...
...Paul Md1 Keana, of th* Scottish Minis*' F*d*cs>pom...
...Tour letter does aot state If proposed by the executive Council upon its '*WB initiative, is this not an Invasion of the autonomy of our International...
...Some .inssv wefts hnrtod «ft HGla^^^lSiffigyS 77 CLOAK FIRMS SIGN WITH UNION Sifjman Denounces Attempt of'Industrial Council to Mislead Workers SETTLEMENTS, made by the settlement committee of the Cloakmakers' Union with the independent manufacturers make the total 72 since the beginning of the strike July 1st...
...A liberal journalist from Sajpy.^nUn^y . V^gwia., one .ot^th^ have disappeared...
...M. W. of A. have lost in tha last few years...
...This United States-con trolled sugar Island, owned almost completely by the National City Bank, la the scene of kidnappings and murders of union men...
...2 in Clearfield gives the two leading issues of his campaign...
...Hugh Frays* and -Boward F. McGrady...
...The Executive Coun...
...Americans did not think so In tbt World War...
...oil of the American Federatlen of Labor is Interested in the International Fur Worker* Union, as It 1* In all International Unions chartered by the American Federation of Labor...
...Thee* 'areas cannot be won back by a policy of leeal or distriot atriks* only...
...The gunman, the "spotter," the high-priced company store, the injuotion, snd the cheating weigh boss all go together...
...The police say Lopes went off In a foreign ship because a, conspiracy charge was pending against him.' Tha charge Appears to be a frame-up, alleging that Lopes and 14 other i held secrst meetings on tha root of tha labor center when the bulkUng roof hi not flat and could not be used for meetings...
...mining .regions of Great Britain...
...Because of this deep interest the Executive Council wishes to knew whether the membership of the International Fur Workers Union, and particularly that part of it which is employed in the fur manufacturing industry in New York...
...SK^sta the story of the British min"llfj^tbeir hardships, then- trials and Kgf:sttfferings—and wherever I went Vfjead the deepest sympathy, •Those I visited August 9' and 10, tlftfhs reception I received, is briefly <tS»stated: \ *'«jtotsrnatlonal Brotherhood of ElecWjS, Workers, G. M. Bugnlazet, SeciSSfr-Mr- Bugniaxet was very enfljgttgztfc over what the electriclsns *3JL' He said he would call up TfcssSiat Xoonan, who was in Atlantic Hfe ant ask hu for permission to ' 'CLmi-Mmtter to the members of the gtoSflre Council concerning a conggsdsm and a letter .to be sent to all gKFtmions, urging them to do all they for the British miners, ^"international Association of MaSjUsists, E. C. Davison, Secretary.—Mr...
...Slgman declared, "hi 'obviously misrepresenting facts when It charges the union with Mocking the road to constructive reforms, it must be kept to mind that It was the union which invited the industrial council, before the strike was called, to confer with it on the workers' demand*, and "that ft Was the council which refused to cdssSdat these demands, and brought about the deadleek and n dtrgce.- OS* industrial consider the election of a Joint subcommittee to go over these demands, but abruptly brought the .conference to an end...
...Replying to the request of President William Green that all data concerning tbe strike be turned over to the Investigating committee, composed of Mathew Won...
...So good, a man as Farther Ryan has written a whole hoc* to try to **Pialn away the force of certain hotsWa »apal utterances...
...The 4*piiers.of the executive hoard of this fefauMsatlon were present at the consBK?6 PresidentiBaer and Sec.' **nry-Treasurer Rlcharilson said they -_5!JJ* not only send urgent communi.^¦Ws to -the local unions, but would * "fosmething through the International ^S&tJWtlon...
...The remainder are lunchroom...
...The two bakers* organizations have come in conflict, although they have not scabbed upon one another at the time of a strike...
...FUR STRIKE Manager Refuses Data to Committee, Demands He Name Investigators THE American Federation of Labor has deckled to investigate the conduct of the strike of the furriers''union to this city which ended June 11 in a compromise agreement...
...Miss McNally called the .settling committee of the organisation, fjjich was in session In another room, -.into the conference to hear my state.foent of the conditions in the...
...Almdy tbm coat cd mitnte—re- *g th* Into sate** a* *v worry to th* lissfesUi who hav* h**n , advancing m*n*y to tfe* satee ma*, forever...
...The Church which jgress...
...with this forgiveness ef dsbte...
...This question deals with tha matter of "Back Pay...
...We must not, however, forjp* Jn our contemplation of the sins ol jgy Church, past and present, that th« Kpj also has its own sins to answer ¦EjSot much has ever been gained ^Zpsttlng up tbe absolute authority She State against the absolute auj&y o/fbe Charon...
...But they must haw* 1 food if they srs to nv...
...The men now outside our organisation are helpless without us, and ws are crippled unless they are in our fold, "With the fight for 100 percent, unionism must go the' movement for public ownership the ooal industry, with democratic management, which means with the workers, through their union, having a share with the public in the control of their industry...
...Hence our astonishment at the A. F. of L. Executive Council ordering a special investigation of this splendid and successful example of working-class solidarity...
...Secre-?iey <PaaBBO said that .the matter would . tej|eae1*Bred by the Executive Council '.Jgg(pM believed a helpful contribution 'jSSJsfd be made...
...And unless incessant watch and a firm check are kept on the military spirit it will entrench itself as strongly .and express itself as arrogantly .In Australia': as ever it did in Prussia...
...Clemenoeau him•jP would admit, if he were honest y his wrath against us is not merely msneeunr of the debt, but because of W|J*Uure to use our strength after r> *¦ we nad during the war, to 9 loUd foundations under his towerya,dreams of French dominance to jg* yet Wrong-headed as is M. 5(P*Bc«au,s argument, it represents Bp**t of view in Europe that is danHF*1 to our well-being...
...The answer is that If he cannot, the public can...
...He has been president of District...
...Mr^ John Sullivan, President of the New York State Federation of Labor and Mr...
...and Secretary¦Treasurer Sarah COnboy of the Textile Unions, with Barney Larger, secretary, treasurer of the United Garment Workers, With M. J. Parkinson, International Steam Shcvel and Dredgemen's Union, with Paul Dulsell of the Actors' Equity Association, with President Canavan and Assistant President Sherman of the Theatrical Stage Employes...
...It is a piece of business the industrial council should not be too eager to boast about...
...Both ofal^jPfcf listened very attentively and ex'IPnneed great sympathy for the miners, "key said they would send out a letter to their local unions urging contrlbu- fesaand at the same time would take ?P with the members of the executive esaunlttee the question of making an "^teopriation from International f-*h New York, Miss Wilkinson, Tillett }*»* Jones, aided by A. F. of I* Organic"* Alexander Mark, pushed forward |« another sector...
...Gosrerh- ; ment did not want as to com* here to ten you what graft rogues they were, what great thtoreg they were," Tillett declared' passionately...
...We are proud of our long, hardfought and successful strike...
...Tha fourth question asked to causing a great deal of favorable'comment am«pg .the' porters and maids...
...How ridiculous this Is can only be understood when It la remembered that during the dull eight months of the year, the fur workers are lucky'If they can average SO hours of work per week...
...JSalnor said that he would do all that *'he possibly could In the Interest of the miners, both through the national •rgsnixatioa and by urging local anions to contribute...
...It would nwt help peace for sis to forgive Franoa to order that aha and Britain may uagarthe Dawes plan squeeze more btoeC out of Germany...
...Then- invitation to our strikers to become strikebreakers is a futile gesture...
...Further, a special clause to the agreement provides that during the busy four months of the year, the employers may work their men four additional hours per week, with no extra pay tor overtime...
...Hto wife and Ave children are frantic with21 worry...
...Miner* Blown *Ciks tsavea SCKANTON...
...The officers of the latter, swcethey didnot have the authority to expel the editor, demanded that his local do so...
...The confederation was formed n year ago, August...
...and to eeuUal labor bo die* and to the- inlaw* In the coal fields...
...With his colleagues...
...presented the case for 1J0IJW locked-ont British minora...
...of Cuba, decreed the suppression of Cuban unions and the staff of the official union paper was charged with conspiracy...
...The New Tork locals of the A. F. of L. organisation, backed up by their International, have expended huge sums of money for organisation and union label education work in order to counteract their rivals...
...An intensive drive to close non-union shops operating to Brooklyn was begun when ISO members of the general picket committee were diverted to that borough tor picketing...
...In truth, a serious asibacVtor ta*c*v c*to* 46-hour week as the greatest, of its achievements...
...Salvador Agullera, an active unionist, was the gallows' victim...
...Tbe obstacles to he overcome are jurisdiction, ratings of the A. F. W.'s members in the beneficiary system of the International and disposition of the non-bakers on account of the craft rules of the A. P. of L. Eventually unification wlH have to take place...
...The bread thay mad* contained huch prcportion delicate' handling to arrive at the proper' fermentation that they developed a monopoly of its manufacture...
...THJett, himself, who to heading a mission - to rai*&/und...
...Is administering the affairs of the organisation in New York City in accordance with the policies and principles of the American Federation of Labor...
...but a nation needs equal vigilance to escape militarism's blighting influence...
...The police told these two when they arrested them that they would be treated as "enemies to war...
...The investigation > was unexpected because of the highly sh.iissful nature of our Substantial wagO advances...
...Because hah* a dozen grasshoppers under a fern make the field ring with their importunate chink, whilst thousands of'great cattle, rep seed beneath the efkstfs of the British oak, chew the cud ens...
...Federation of Labor, was kidnapped July 20 on his way from home to the local office...
...of the extra shtB reqntored to their yorh...
...A basic industry is :ruined by cut-, • threat competition...
...given now, .will snafels ws to hold *U untu w* arte...
...In addition, united action has become necessary in order to fight the Bread Trust, which is now even encroaching upon the Jewish trade...
...M, Then they *g*tr*sesf...
...Mine cars were blown off...
...AH promised to give every possible assistance and as quickly as possible...
...If the porters and maids answer ln the affirmative the next step of the Brotherhood will be to call for a conference with the Pullman Company...
...We ,wfft fight a* lecar ag w*> can get - tend frost sgj wfem...
...Oar Joint Board desires to know also open wBee* initiative the Investigation was: ordered...
...If Germany were soJBy yftf ef war...
...And the comhinarW*terrIbIe...
...Wa apcgaggg|ft know things about the Worst War the* others are only now- nisi iiiwgagj wag know things about peace chat etssssg ought soon to learn...
...There was dissatisfaction over limited local autonomy...
...The padlocking of Broadway cabarets has depleted it of its restaurant workers...
...Miss Wilkinson and Tillett addressed excellent meetings of the garment cutters, who, though strikers, pledged every bit of aid possible...
...At Plight of IrWs . ThW nhusupl spectacle ef lie*"hard-boiled" efbafe ewtbppi mop... ih> "American . FederaUon of tab...
...Conditions in the non-union fields have passed from had to worse...
...Does the separation *< Ourch and State mean that the ngkurch must keep silence on questions jg, social ethics...
...are silent, pray do not imagine that these who make the noise are the only inhabitants ef the field...
...She said the fHHtUr would be taken up with the Jkf*Sf\jpt Committee and President ^gtewsrt when he returned, and she be„|wved that they would be certain to do ,.all they can to help the miners...
...the controversy to an end...
...His enthusiasm for Nationalization found expression several years ago when be was chairman of the...
...If there Is to be forgiveness of debt**'it should be primarily at tha expanse aa* that class of Americans who pregasat most by Allied loans daring the ess* and still go on tending money to ssev eiga debtors...
...And If the investigation Whs asked for by our International why doe* net your letter make this clear...
...It by It the United State* had wjt> colonies and reparations from fglilany, if...
...fiBgo delegates made bo delays, as is -^fli-ft—» by the following, which are £ftkms of Tillett's report on one day's jSfefc in Washington Monday: JPS)fcy tot two days* experience in " agBfsrrlng with the heads of national %gf fcitemational organizations in the -tfeftsd States encouraged me greatly...
...that, of causae, they are many in number, »r- that^ aftsr all, they are ether than *e little, shrivelled, meagre, hopping jWa^QlhjM^^u^^farou*lesoms insects of GraenAidsMmefUli^^ Woik He*** --'"-v/miners fey datoattog, fWna to xh* homes of the strikers, the British lahsr delegation couspWtad on August • Ma , conferenoef with Tysslgggt Green and Secretary Mnjstoan...
...It has lost nearly all of the Southern territory and part of the Northern fields...
...I request that you give to the membership of this Committee oil assistance possible in its work of Investigation...
...The Communists* at pne time were a predominant force...
...can't be wrong whose lire is in the right,—Pope...
...jgy-,00d that our cautious Presij^*^1 not .oven receive-'a committee *P* Knights of Columbus to urge «^r'r'ti0P ln Mexlco on religious -TW**- We wish he would not even l5W*' committees of bankers and oil flfc Who want intervention to ccdjlect 2*4»ots- Petroleum is at least a* _flS»jj*sson as pletv/tor our meddling '**ft«xlc»n affairs...
...If German Imperialism wsa* ware black while an the rest white, if the United States had y had a stake In the war Ilk* that •^France, If the peace of Versailles— ranau Lean's peace — were s a good SSg...
...Do you want the plan of Employee Representation of the Pullman Com-, pany or the-Brotherhood of Sleeping' Car Porters...
...Qemenceau'a extraordinary letter to ****Heht Coolidg* will only segm Just r*8*- fair to those' who accept, certain j*y*Ptton...
...Please give the Committee access to all books, records and accounts of the Local Strike Committee, of which you were Chairman, and the books, records and accounts of any Subcommittee create* by the Local Striko committee.The following Is a copy of the reply Of the Joint Board to President.Green: "Confirming our previous letter acknowledging receipt of yours of July It notifying us Of tha appointment of a committee to investigate tha conduct of the recent successful strike- of the Furriers Union of New York under P>* leadership of the Now York Joint Board, we beg to state that the following is the decision at tha J»mt Bear* after thorough consideration of your letter, which you wtH recall wo informed yon we bellsved of sufficient importance to placa*befere a full meeting ef the Beard fit the eartiost oppert unity...
...Within rsesat rsars th» AajuUgamaU remaining, locals of the Bakery and Confectionery Workers in New- Tork city...
...Negotiation* win be continued...
...President Green to sdstossi gfead east and middle west, wfesx* tfe* g*»W shall render an MatotoSMg tfeay ^Jjj^ igajetiTe use of their brief Urn* to Jjfff one place...
...International Association of Fire JJ^tem—Fred W...
...No, there is no infallible, fool-proof lorntuia...
...They have kept their shops open for over a month, for that matter, and by this time they ought to know that cloakmakers are not deserters and that they are in this strike to a finish...
...His friends and family firmly believe he was thrown into the bay near Xorro Castle, where sharks are plentiful...
...Cuban workers are organised In syndicalist unions...
...HI s/m sjgjiiiglii h •^•'•l^OsgasI WM£Sn^^S*l Isg^g^gsT...
...Thar* was internal politics partly to Mams...
...hrok* down at on* ^ point end stopped for a few moments before be was able to e*n-, tinue...
...Gold proposes that tbe Joint Board be permitted to name three of its own investigators...
...The second is, . Nationalisation—public ownership of the coal industry—a program the union is' formally committed to by Its international conventions...
...The idea of remuneration is in Itself wrong...
...That fact successive Popes have made Jfeta...
...And now the house of representatives' Is considering a motion that would authorise the acquisition of ten more death chairs...
...Chart** Kieha, who met with the G. E. B. on Tuesday evening, August 10, in...
...Catholics, -•h» less than Communists, can accept • ¦real faith in freedom of conscience...
...Bread and its allied products, w* often ferget, are racial or national in character, to New Tork city, for exams)*, ther* are two flsasss the Gentile, or America...
...There followed conferences - with President McMahon... amy ghsdr appeal for aid to th* odtosrs1 of th* ' various International imlan...
...The district Attorney had refused- to proceed against the worker* en tha flimsy evidence...
...Private ownership hae utterly failed...
...For modes of faith let graceless zeelots fight...
...I am an old man and often, want to ease up, but when I think of The i.OOO.OOO children of British miners starving before our eyes...
...and cafeteria employes, butchers and grocery clerks...
...Do Armando Andre la known to have been killed and a man named Cusart was slain while being taken to jail...
...timely topics 'BfrNorman Thomas - JTST Sjjdi us riif Mexican struggle Soft^*|Bsts, I suspect, pretty gener.SE back Calles against the 'fgtta...
...The Amalgamated has ever been willing to become affiliated with the A. F. of L. Hence, the prospects of a successful outcome of the present negotia...
...Protestant, Jewish, Jgtholic, Agnostic or what not Jftarch associations of free thinkers Swd be, free to express their opinions BKjtssstlons of social ethics...
...During the war its numbers rose to 6,000, and gradually It extended Its control' of shopa outside of NewYork to New Jersey, Philadelphia and even Chicago...
...waa ' check-weigh man at Nant-T-Glo...
...There must be a well-planned national 'move- , ment that will enlist every possible support from the rest of the labor ' movement...
...Wo are sending a copy of this reply and of a letter ot inquiry to President Scfaactman, to an, tfie labor press and the Central Labor Councils throughout tha United State* and Canada" The poieoning of the bam**) s**ri by hstrea, the darkening of the human mind by lies, anal the hardening of ths human heart by slaughter- and f Sam ustion are evils that spread end footer long after the sum have stoops a.ig> uoU B hut We Cuban Unionists Suffer From Fascist Methods SENSATIONAL stories of what is happening to active trade unionists In Cuba are coming to Latin Americana to New Tork...
...It U a ens* of winning by figbttog off starvation, which to th* weapon of th* mine owners and ther allies, th* government and th* Tory party," said Harris, of the f^uJtWstoi miners, to ' th* Federated Prdss.- '"Onr pee si* 1 hav* shown a heroism tBhh tor that ' prove* they cannot he defeated so tans as thay can live...
...There are Idle mines and miners and a loss of all - security...
...President of the New York City Central Labor Union, to serve on said Committee...
...I Bat in sll this dteenswion there to something mors important than,' sear winning an argument...
...Pennsylyanian to Eater Race in December Election CLEARFIELD, FA.^ohn Brephy, president of the Central Pennsylyanla Miners, la a candidate for the' office of international president of the Mine Worker* of America, the post that John L. Lewis has held sines MM...
...Isidor Nagler, chairman of the cutters' meeting, assured Tillett, with great emotion, that the cloak makers, though on strife* themselves, will.contribute to the fullest degree to the desperate cause _ of the British miners.' ' m BAKERY UNION CONVENTION sented ^at^^I^ons Opening in New York By Laboritc THE convening of'.{he nineteenth convention ¦ of' the Bakery and Confectionary Workers' International Union of America brought this week to New Tork city, the piano «* meeting, ISO-odd delegates from about 130 locals" in the United States and Canada...
...Our great 17-week struggle won not only the plaudits and support of trie entire mass of needle workers, but of wide ranks of the general labor movement as well...
...The Executive Council deires to know whether those in charge of the recent strike in New York City were conforming to the laws, usages and administrative policies of the American Federation of Labor, In their managenaent and conduct of the strike...
...It was known in those days— and the reputation has clung—to consist of radicals...
...Our Joint Board requests from you a definite statement of* the specific reasons tar tha proposed investigation...
...Edward F. McGrady, General Organiser of the American Federation of Labor...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 31

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