THE SOCILAIST PARTY AT WORK MAURERATWORK IN CALIFORNIA Pennsylvania Labor Head WeH Received at Socialist and University Lectures 3y Lena Morrow Lewis ¦ * OLD -party voter* and...

...Resolutions adopted favored child labor amendments and condemned ;the granting of power sites to'private'corporations...
...Arthur Miller, Ogden...
...hand concerts, mala andv mixed , Directions to New Yorkefe: Take Weehawlten Ferry at 4tad St, then bus to Fairvjew...
...August 6th...
...Every effort must be made to render our fullest assistance to British comrades In this heroic struggle arid strike...
...AH Socialists, sympathisers and those interested in learning more about the movement In Westmoreland and adjoining counties are urged to attend...
...Edward H. MacDonald -for Assemblyman, Albert W. Brower of New Hamburg for District Attorney, and Claude Coumbe for Coroner...
...31 when the candidates on the Republican and Democratic tickets will be determined...
...An encouraging list of party Item* la th* following: The,sale .of due* stamp* daring Jury to branches of Greater New York Showed a gain of ' 400 over "last year...
...Without organisation nothing' can be accomplished...
...18, North Adams;'Saturday, Aug...
...Upton Sinclair, Lewie and Levitt should receive the vote of every American Appeal and New'Leader reader in California, and every subscriber should feel under obligation to donate something to the State campaign fund...
...baa- not yet don* his or her share should report-«U onoeato his' branch organise* or the City Executive Secretary, T East 15th St, Room see...
...8, at Wood side Park on the McKeesport and Irwin Street car line, on tbe highway from Lincoln to McKeesport highway...
...If-every person in this State who expects to vote the Socialist ticket In November would send us ONE dollar for .campaign work, we} would not have to worry over how to meet printers' bills, office expenses, wages And traveling expenses of field .workers, etc But, because there are so many wh\> are not willing to do their share, the burden must be borne by tbe faithfu^ few^^Wot wfeom have been most iifteVauitn*thole support...
...Poughkeepsie is arranging for Monday evening openair propaganda meetings...
...don't forget to certify your petitions before sending them in...
...He collected $142.05 on Debs' Liberty Bonds...
...Thursday, Aug...
...In the Sea* Auditorium.of the Rand School...
...Monday, Aug...
...It, Holyoke, at Suffolk and High streets...
...Chairman, Mathilda Tillman...
...Members who are willing to help te the literature distribution, which is so important a part of our campaign, are asked to gat » touch at once, with the state office...
...speaker, S. E. Beardsley...
...The Committee on Headquarters submitted a report of progress and was ordered to continue...
...Speakers': Hyman Nemser...
...The County Committee adjourned, to meet Monday, August 30...
...v 'x: Soon It will be cool again...
...Fairview, North Bergen, N. J. - Tickets are new on sale at the City Headquarter a, Room 606, 7 East 16th St...
...Con D. Sllva, Ogden...
...W. Van Nette of Clyde, besides sending in his petition, deplores the fact that no local exists there now, also that there are a number of people there who...
...A very fine program has.been arranged...
...Speakers: Dr...
...winning- circle will be given by the City League...
...Do not make any other arrangements for that date...
...11, Pittafield...
...Salt Lake...
...Ohio John O. Wlllere...
...Poughkeepsie Edward H. MacDopald of Local Poughkeepsie has proven himself a live secretary...
...must hustle the petitions...
...The candidate for Congress from the district will be an old-timer of the Socialist movement, James C. Hogan of Monroe, Orange County...
...Speakers: Ethelred Brown and I. Korn...
...L. Porter of Sprmgvllle were placed on the district committee of the Second District...
...Some encouraging reports are now coming in and with your help we will spell success... director...
...May Harris Mainland...
...Moreover, Herfcemn brought In 47 new members, derflyered four lectures and attended ten meetings during, the month... of the old-time lighters of that state, pays up his dues and Insists that he is still in the firing line...
...Peiintylvania Birch Wilson writes of a big picnic held at Reading recently...
...They are: Jack Altman...
...Mlnni* SeMen...
...Bayonne, Broadway and 23rd street...
...11, at 8:30 p. m., in the Hall at 149 West 136th Street...
...Do not wait' until we bombard you with letters from the State office at 20ft Grant Building, San Francisco, but get our your check book, 'or go to the post office snd send us something for our campaign fund..We want half a million votes for Upton Sinclair in this November election...
...West New York, Bergenline avenue and 14th street...
...t - ~ Those named on the special, finance committee were AI Sorenson...
...term* are 17AO sffil flsSgs .-'..y— Esther FrsVrltimn wfll also, begin at tour of the State en TaasdSV, Sept...
...Socialists who appreciate the opportunity to .yote the Socialist ticket must remember that they would not have this right were it not for some of us who keep the organisation and propaganda work going in this State ajnd look after the technical Wm$mmfa'i1» Pbtce our ticket uu the harlot...
...iJs , . . Arizona W. S. Larcom of Nogales writes the National Office for information and supplies forathe purpose of organising...
...The State Federation of Labor, the Workers' Educational Bureau,- the California civil Liberties Union, 'the press and publicity agencies were represented In the person of John D. Barry who spoke in behalf of peace, and representatives - of the Socialist Party all had a part on the program, while Jim Maurer's speech captivated the audience and left us All with the feeling that the workers should strive' tor political and industrial power In a spirit of unity...
...Indiana The State Office reports greater activity among the Socialists of the state with dues and contributions for State Office work coming in...
...Also the banner to the...
...A. L., Porter, Bpringvlllei W. E. Trlnnaman, Sr., Lehl...
...warn id wj-ge'jhe ticket, but are not willing to work "or contribute, but will follow the Band Wagon if some one else' will start it...
...One dollar will go farther and do more than a hundred dollars in the Republican campaign...
...National Socialists everywhere are/ reminded of the speaking tour of Mies Toay Sender, member of the German parliament, who win make a tour ef this country beginning Sept...
...Arrangements have been made to hold a big all-day, picnic at Rlverview Park on Sunday, Aug...
...Wednesday, Aug...
...Joseph Tuvim and Samuel H. Friedman...
...Our aid should be a substantial contribution.: A city-wide collection of funds win be undertaken in a tag day drive by the Young People's Socialist League of New York City on August 14 and 15...
...All funds collected for the-relief of the British miners and their families should be forwarded to Secretary Claesaens, Room 605, 7 East 16th street...
...Tou will hear from them often...
...Petitions for candidates have been made out and are already signed up ana ready to file...
...Leon R. Land...
...L Apply tar dates at once, and help make this comrade's trip a big success Ton may rest assured that the speaker la first class...
...Fourteen new mehgbers were admitted...
...Speakers: Ethelred Brown and Anna Plat off...
...come with us...
...Address the State Office...
...Bis statement is aa follows: "There is a beginning, an awakening...
...Lot* N. Parsons of Toole and D. J. Nyveld of Ogden...
...W. 8. Groeabeck, Soldier Summit...
...Advice te Locals . State Secretary Merrill announces thst inquiry has been made as to what extent Socialist party locals were Justified In co-operating with Communists In Sacco-Vanxetti protest meetings...
...Party August 29 at Orchard Grove, Fairvtew, North Bergen, N. J. The picnic will be "on the old-fashioned style that has made Party -picnics In the past famous...
...Circle 7 Last week Circle 7. Manhattan, held an- open-air meeting which proved a great success...
...Tickets for both events, the picnic and banquet, will be ready for distribution in a few days...
...E. G. Locke of Salt Lake.acted as chairman and O, A. Kennedy of Ogden was-made secretary...
...W..EHubbard, James Kauffman...
...10, at 8:20 p. axj y A Mew Branch A Branch was organized last wsek in the 19th and 21st Assembly Districts in the Harlem .Negro Section...
...Leon R. Land and I. Korn...
...Sadie Labelsen, recording and corresponding secretary...
...10.—144th Street and 7th Avenue...
...12.—Rlvington and Pitt Streets...
...Herman will be engaged at Buffalo until the 14th, but is willing to take up work still longer in New York State if there are local* sufficiently interested...
...13.—Clinton Street and East Broadway...
...This increase, however, was confined to New' York and King* County...
...August Mth...
...William Hiram Erkus...
...A -*tat*^ campaign «cx> malt*** and a special finance com^tapdv^ee* ktao selected...
...Fred Michel, Spring City, and A. Saperstetn of Ogden.' K. G. Locke arM'A...
...Louis Pr**a> financial secretary...
...Phone Stuyvesant'4620...
...J. G. Dobsevug*' and J. G. Friedman...
...Labor members from Great Britain and Germany will speak in several sections of the Greater, City during September and October...
...18, Springfield, at Poet 'Office Squaae...
...John W. sTIayton...
...A large number of'People' this year registered as Republicans, not because that Is the party ef their choice, but because they wanted a chance to vote against Richardson as a candidate on the Republican ticket...
...speaker'to Be announced...
...The traffic was so great at the approach to the grove that the services of a borough policeman were secured to avoid accidents along the pike.' Addresses were made by Bireh Wilson, former State Secretary and El wood W. Leffler, candidate for the assembly on the Socialist ticket...
...New Eaglaiicl Fat Quintan's Meetings Patrick Lk Quinlan, welt known by the Irish and the Socialist party, will tour Massachusetts1 for a month beginning Aug...
...have' so we - can estimate the progress made...
...Rush your orders now...
...New Jersey •tat* Convention The' New Jersey State Convention will be held on Sunday, August 8th, at 256 Central avenue, Jersey City...
...Philip Hoffman...
...All American Appeal and New Leader readers in the state should pay np their due* if they are members...
...His speech before the summer schoo.l at the southern California branch of the State University* was a most significant affair considering how thoroughly big business controls things In that section of the State...
...Speakers for the banquet and picnic will be Socialist Congressman Victor L. Berger of Wisconsin, the "only representative of the workers In Congress today...
...The presepce of James H. Maurer in California the past few weeks has enlivened our movement and given new hope and courage to the comrades...
...those who are not members should apply to the State Office for membership and in every way assist in carrying forward the campaign...
...Queen* and Richmond Branch** purchased no stamps during July...
...ft.—7th Street and Avenue B. - Speaker...
...I. M. Chatcuft and A. Scall...
...naatarr- - grps ¦as^p^aet at Wreerfeased caaauaB-vtxesta... August 20 (Friday...
...New York State Efflil Herman'* Report The summarised report of Organiser Emit Herman for the month of July shows a total of receipts snd pledges of $465.70...
...Friday, Aug...
...Morris HUIquit, International Secretary and member of the National Executive Committee...
...Yipseklom Srownsyill* Ytpesls ' Circle S. Browns rifle Ylpsels, have el rated new officers...
...Hterature-, »*: for American Appeal sub* and*$7 on New 'Leader subs...
...Wednesday, Aug...
...ItMnfl* race wish famous runners Including Cari Koaaa...
...T. the day after Leber Day, In Pttfsfleld...
...Socialists' should try and get the bona fide trade union movement to take up the cause of Sacco and Vansettl, and should be wary of Communists under whatever guise they maw present themselves...
...State Secretary, 118 Superior Bldg., Cleveland, sends a ringing letter to the membership, of that State reporting work done and urging united effort on the part of all...
...Local New York ' A 4to*f days "*¦ alp tor sUmtog and filing nominating petitions...
...r An important meeting' of th* campaign committee win be held on Sunday, Aug...
...Maurer's talk was well received on the part of the teachers...
...Friday, Aug...
...The" convention will be called to order at 10 a. m. Street Meetings Newark—Central Plasa...
...Get off at the Erie R. IV-Station at FaBnrtew...
...Half a million votes for the Socialist ticket wilt make Socialism arid working class Interests the dominant issue In California politics...
...Address the National Office...
...8. Two hundred delegates and visitors are expected at the opening seas ion of the convention...
...Come and make this meeting a big success...
...and at th* various Branch Head quarter* and T. P. 8. L. Ctrele...
...The Socialists are thoroughly united in their support of the candidates named on their ticket and our task when the campaign starts in earnest after the primaries is to convince the progressive minded voter in this State that more Is to be gained by casting his ballot for the Socialist ticket, with its constructive program in the Interests of the workers and common people, than to vote for a so-called progressive on the Republican ticket...
...advertising furnished free...
...The City' Executive Committee will meet in Boom 606, People'* House, on Tuesdayj Aug...
...The Reading Eagle reports 7,000 farmers and workers in attendance...
...4* . oh...
...At present our task is to get the Socialist ticket on the ballot...
...of Pittsburgh...
...Oet together and try it...
...A committee of three was elected...
...The medals won,by the Ylpsels at "the last field day will he presented...
...Any local sssssjImj , its siring '»i|61 lata** service* aboaud write 'to Shatilst haadwaftars, at Base* street...
...Speakers: Ethelred Brown, V. C. Gaspar and others...
...16, Springfield, Post Office Square: Tuesday...
...Bronx The County Committee met August 2. All vacancies on the political ticket were filled and the names of the full county ticket forwarded to the City Executive Committee for approval and endorsement...
...Committees were elected to prepare for said meetings...
...Comrade Claesaens stated that better and more constructive work Is needed not only In Bronx County, but in other sections of the state and country...
...Frank Modlc of Warren sends In his petition, certified...
...All Socialists and sympathiser* residing in the 19th and 21st Assembly Districts should attend or write to Ethelred Brown, Secretary, 428 St_* Nicholas Avenue, New York City, for Information...
...Lock* was made chairman...
...The circle Is waking up and doing some real fine .work...
...THE SOCILAIST PARTY AT WORK MAURERATWORK IN CALIFORNIA Pennsylvania Labor Head WeH Received at Socialist and University Lectures 3y Lena Morrow Lewis ¦ * OLD -party voter* and politicians are anxiously looking- forward to Aug...
...S.—Clinton Street and East Broadway...
...Brooklyn Monday, Aug...
...Local Colanrfcm swnds - In for dues stamps...
...Claesaens also called attention to the annual reunion and ball and suggested a committee be elected to start arrangements for proper and successful handling of this annual affair...
...Sixteenth avenue and 18th street...
...Springfield avenue...
...A financial report covering the time February 15, 1926, up to and including June 80, 1926, was submitted by Comrade Murphy...
...Let us know how many signatures you...
...Maurer a banquet which waa pronounced by those present as one of the finest spirited occasions held in this city in many a day...
...12, Adams... Orchard Grove...
...In addition to the banquet...
...speaker . to be announced...
...11.—Monroe Street and Broadway...
...The same was received and will be referred to an auditing committee...
...E. G. Lock*, all of Salt Lake...
...Vj Th* following persons .were .Placed on th* district committee of the First District: A. W. demons of "Ducheene, chairman...
...Joseph Sharts writes from Dayton: "I have Just received word from Millard Price-that he has secured 2,180 signatures for the state ticket in Lucas County and hopes to get 2,800 or about 3,000...
...It will be the strongest kind of a pressure to make whatever good men may be elected on the oM party tickets come somewhere near doing the right thing for the workers...
...The Socialist Party of Cook County is planning big things for August...
...August 7th...
...6<—118th Street and Brook Avenue., Speakers: Ethelred Brown...
...1$*—188th Street and Brook Avenue...
...John D. Rockefeller, Andy Mellon and Vincent Astor and others of their class spent tens of thousands of dollars each on the Coolldge campaign--their man' was elected, and they got their money back several times over-la the legislation thst was ,passed by the' recent Congress...
...The Young Posle Zlon have invited the Socialist party to be represented by a fraternal delegate at the national conventioiK^of ' the Young Poale Zk>n to convene at Albany' on Sept...
...This Is real news...
...Eugene V. Debs will be invited as the special guest of honor...
...They are going to assist in building the party...
...That is the kind of work that counts...
...16, Worcester, behind City Hall from f te 6 p- m...
...AT, Hartford, Conn...
...The next meeting will-be held Wednesday evening, Aug...
...W. L. Smith,' Green River...
...Lithuanian Branch of Akron IS arranging for lectures...
...The State Secretary has expressed the opinion that the cause of these persecuted Italian working men1 is being injured, and not helped, by organizations that believe in physical force and violence aa handmaidens of social progress.' such as the so-called Workers' Party...
...Alfred E. Perkins is candidate for State .Senator...
...he* been' lUstat.' They are W. 8. SMras, W. Turgell »'RotJrs*>ber«T asm L F. Prjass...
...Writ* Ctrote 1 far furtherin formation...
...Those who have attended the .Mat WMtlng will certainly not miss this one...
...29, and a large banquet on 'the evening of Saturday, Aug...
...Thursday, Aug...
...Ethelred Brown of New York was scheduled for speaker last Monday night...
...Further details will be published in The New Leader...
...Socialist Party candidate for Governor, and Sidney Stark, a member of the State Executive Committee of the Socialist Party, . will be among the speakers.' The interest in the campaign for state-wide offices, and especially y>e election of James H. Maurer and Andrew P. Bower to the Pennsylvania Legislature is growing rapidly...
...A good number of old and new members responded to the call...
...Comrade Maurer addressed the San Francisco Labor Council, the Labor College conducted by Jack McDonald, and the summer school at Berkel-jy^the State university...
...8TP.EET MEETINGS - Manhattan Fridmy, Aug...
...These figures speak tor themselves...
...His tour as settled so far is aa follows: Wednesday, Aug...
...James Oneal, editor of many Socialist books and pamphlets...
...This paper reports that scores of machines carried entire families from Reading, rui-al Berks and adjoining counties...
...A. -apisaSM program has bean arranged for th* day Including athJettrr conteets by sasmhoi s ef th* iasarlsaii Athletic Urden...
...At Los Angeles a dinner at Talt's cafe was well attended and a good sum raised while letters from there to the State office are full <of enthusiastic comments on the timely and interesting talk made by Comrade Maurer...
...Oklahoma W. W.^Haney, of Mellette, an old time fighter, writes that he la back in harness and asks for application-fercharter blanks and other -supplies to start- a new local in his city...
...206 Holltday building, Indianapolis...
...Bronx - ' Friday, Aug...
...Executive Secretary August Claeaseru» was present and stated that prominent...
...2663 Washington Blvd...
...Sunday, Aug...
...Other speakers were J. Henry Stump, -George W. Snyder and Raymond 8. Hofsee, Westmoreland Local Westmoreland has arranged a picnic for Sunday, Aug...
...Speakers: Joseph Tuvim...
...111.50 e> Mite...
...New York City Th* picnic held 'under tin} Joint auspices of the Socialists of'Greater New, York, Young People's Socialist League Circle* and the Finnish Socialist Federation will be held on Sunday...
...The high school and ' .coring* classes ef tap Brownsville Socialist Sunday School welcome all Junior and Bonier XIpeels of the city...
...J.-Van Essen.of Pittsburgh, also member of the National Executive Committee...
...All Juniors are invited to attend...
...The services of Merman • cost the locals and state office $270.80, leaving a surplus ot $166.90, or $175.80 if unpaid pledges on Debs' Bonds are taken into account...
...2 is the last day for filing...
...The San Francisco Socialists gave Comrade and Mrs...
...89.26 at meetings, $48 for local organising, fuads...
...Members of thh-i **rdc*\l*T> committee are E. O. Locke...
...Our two...
...A. Byrd...
...Every member who...
...Picnic Grove .to rte/ht doe* by...
...Friday, Aug...
...Joseph W. Sharts of Ohio, prominent Socialist attorney...
...9.—Havemeyer and South 4th Streets...
...Members, take notice ot the time and place...
...They cost 98 a thousand and proportionately In smaller amounts...
...The - convention beard the report of the state committee and then proceeded'to business...
...Friday, Aug...
...C. Tv Stoney of Bait Lake was nominated for United States Sekitor: W. C. Sumner of Ogden for- Secretary of State: B. Clin* of Salt Lake far State Treasurer, and Margaret V*J Unity of ¦art T-fcn far-PUt* Buf Hlntsswumt si gross from 'the First rConaP^asejenea Thstrlet, «na1 Otto RV ParsenS'af Top- ¦ eie for Congress from the Second District...
...Then th* entire- circle of 86 members wot begin extensive eonraes in ' Seehtrtstst and other ilitsaeeUag subjects...
...It goes without saying that the same and more pan be said concerning the standpatters, if they win' out-at the August primaries...
...Petition blanks for the state ticket are now ready...
...Brother Socialists and reader* of the American Appeal and New Leader hi New Mexico All Socialists, In the state should get into communication vwith their state secretary, W. F. Richardson of Roswell and co-operato fully In pushing fhd*p*r*yr- work ood-placln*- <pie state ticket on the ballot for th* fall election...
...Help is needed, particularly in districts where we Have no bra il oh or*-anlaatipn...
...Good luck to Circle 7. Yipsel Fienie The Y. P. 8. L. will hold a plenie In conjunction with the Socialist...
...Trie prospects are that "these Socialists will again have the opportunity to serve the working' class of this great industrial state at Harrisburg.Utah Delegates of the S^dsflft Party recently mat la a State convention In the committee room* of the public library, adopted resolutions, reaffirmed the platform of the national Socialist Party and selected a ticket for the cpmlng election...
...Over 70' names of young people Interested In the Ylpsel movement were received...
...8, at the district headquarters, SI Essex street, beginning at to a. m.- ' Any comrade* : with - suggestion* aa to oar campaign are Invited to write to Comrade Lewis, the state secretary...
...The workers must Organise...
...state leaflets, the State Platform and an unemployment Insurance leaflet, are new ready for distribution...
...Comrades Crosswalth, Brown and Claesaens addressed the gathering and Ethelred Brown was appointed temporary Sec-, rotary of the Branch...
...James D. Graham, member of the National Executive Committee and active in the Labor and Socialist movement of Montana for the past twenty years, and Wm...
...Thursday, Aug...
...Spend a pleasant day...
...athletic director- The aateaaUta Committee c*tuUsts of th* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ eeanflaaSawa, t» work ¦wtStmS$S3fi Party fer the «rniirur easettes...
...14, Greenfield...
...George Burt of Eureka, Mrs...
...August" ttn.r t ¦¦ ' Hudson County Meetings Hoboken, Washington and 6th streets...
...Don't be the one to follow, but LEAD...
...Remember, Sept...
...Tuesday, Aug...
...Charges for a meeting are $56.00...
...Illinois W. R. Snow, State Secretary, reports a bigger dues stamp sale for July than any month this year...
...Samuel E. Beardsley and I. Korn...
...Will you please help...
...L Phnge"Press, educational director...
...Attend to this, comrade, for the time for filing is getting short...
...Don't fall to report and...
...Comrade DeWolf of Alliance contributes her mite and hopes the comrades will put the ticket on the ballot...
...General League Meeting All members ef the Senior Y. P. 8. L., kindly take notice...
...Including a Play by the Dramatic Society... 8:80 p. nt...
...There will be a general leaaroe meet Ins...
...Wednesday, Aug...
...Speakers: Ethelred Brown and A. Scall...
...speaker, Timothy P. Murphy...
...and wtH follow Fat «*rinh»ji's route...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 30

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