Fisher, Sam
The Early Labor Movement By Sam Fisher Nationalization (1860 to J886) DURING the Civil War period merchants . forced manufacturers to keep down wages, in order that they should make...
...By 76 votes to 22, the Conference adopted a "draft-convention" relating to the rights of repatriation of seamen...
...Their union lasted about two years...
...Those gradually turned Into Joint stock companies...
...Workers were forced te sign contract* premising never to belong te the tfni«n...
...a'hualnees of insurance without a proper certificate from the state officials was held to be invalid on the ground that th...
...It is a far cry from the revolutionary outbursts in mass meetings...
...which saW many sharp clashes between the spokesmen - of 'th* maritime workers and the representatives of the shipping interests, especially the British...
...Because ot the competition that existed among the manufacturers, the union came out victorious...
...The Chicago group included syndicalists who believed that they ought to stay in the trade unions, and prepare the unions tor revolutionary action...
...Thus defeated in the attempts te conquer th* capitalist system, and at war with the powerful organisation ot the A. F. of L...
...The country, which ' la under a French protectorate, asa...
...They began an aggressive campaign for a higher standard of Irving, waging* Strikes along tr/e line...
...And for you...
...By 72 votes to 17...
...The results of the session are summed up by the weekly bulletin ot the International Labor Office a* follows*: By...
...The text follows: July 22...
...It ksev... be a Christian...
...They, therefore...
...They were really the most effective repressive fore* daring that period...
...employers used them as scabs...
...Ordinarily most of the grievances are settled through the regular adjustment machinery set up by the agreement but after the strike the workers rjorroked) #je« •delasu r .They took matters into their own hands, da addition 'to these stoppages came the usual crop tor the purpose of wresting "July raises" from th* "bosses...
...An evangelist cant* to tows and BOl and John, hit the sawdust trail and Joined the church...
...and violence...
...But I can't Join...
...Conn—Stat* arbitration waa rejected by the American Thread Company for its plant in WllllmanfJc The United Textile Workers has conducted a- strike there for* nearly two years...
...The prospects of the party aid* very favorable...
...Karl Marx was, the leading spirit of the...
...Conference adopted a "draft convention'* concerning seamen's article* of agreement...
...This was tie first strictly Marxian organization that understood Marx and was armed against any attacks of the middle-claas-radloal or reform schools...
...Other "resolntioM'* were adopted relating to procedure for the appointment of group secretaries and for the consideration of objection* to delegates raised by international organl*a-> tlons...
...They published several papers and advocated violence...
...At the same time the congress decided to' transfer' the International from London to New Tork...
...In this predicament the Jojnt, Board did not feel it wisW %tt try thHttfka genuineness of the threat and find out whether it was a "bluff" or not...
...The X. of L Sneer***: the eight-hour day strike a a* anna t in 1886, although they were utpr***1* this movement...
...complaining iii*t, the arrest of several leaders ot t%*< trade union and Socialist movement dered In th* absence of the French.'^ resident...
...votes .to 0, the...
...The opposition was lad by tho famous apostle ot revolutionary Anarchism, Michael Bakunln, who was the founder of the "Alliance International de la Democratic Socialist...
...International auxiliary language...
...To all appearances, the Joint Board is doing Its utmost to prevent stoppages and thus give the manufacturers id excuse to break the agreement...
...On the face of it this, letter Is a complete wrv^r«-*K of «p«rcy* -of the "left wing" administration/ p| the Furriers' Joint Board..., socialism, land reform, and other "Isms...
...the bosses are likewise not allowed to make any lockouts...
...In 1864 the American- National Stove Manufacturers* and Iron Founders" Assoclatlon, organized to resist all action of the Molders' Union...
...they trained themselves with arms...
...Is the company representative on tbe tipple who weighs the coal for which the men are paid by, the-ton...
...None of the rmrfoyers* associations was behind him... ta...
...Court O. K.'s Jobless Fund The Field of Labor AMOST...
...A lockout was threatened...
...In 1866 national trade unions formed the Rational Labor Union...
...permitted to make any stoppages...
...During the period of 1878 another attempt was made to form a National Federation baaed on national, or-international, trade unions...
...It seems to take away from the furriers the right to strikB, an indefensible crime in the "lef^ .J*i'1nK...
...inviting1 governments to take steps to insure the repatriation of fishermen left in foreign ports...
...At the close of the war labor leaders were forced to* make an effort to extend the number of local unions, and enlarge' the membership with a view to upholding wages, and avoiding a- crisis, when, the workers would be unemployed and tho returning soldiers would also bo seeking work...
...Poland with th* Socialist and Labor International was confirmed., Anieriuan TTir-ead...
...Since then unions have excluded Negroes...
...In the end the economic balance of power between the two sides will determine the extent to which reality 'will be made to conform with descriptions oa paper...
...Tho greenback Party became a power when It united with the Labor Party (or the Workmgmen's Party) In 1878...
...In spite of these persecutions, th* Socialist party of Morocco, whtoh forms a section of tbe French Bociahst party (8... certain officers wan wanted to- continue, the reprssarnh methods of the French ex-govera**^ Lyautey...
...The Man* fins believed in organising the work* ers in trade unions for economic action until they wero strong enough to organise politically...
...As shop Chairman said as the representative of the union in your shop, you are requested to observe all clauses of the agreement...
...There was sn element in...
...The ssme year the Knights jtsaaTed open war on th* A F. of L...
...The Early Labor Movement By Sam Fisher Nationalization (1860 to J886) DURING the Civil War period merchants . forced manufacturers to keep down wages, in order that they should make large profits...
...the Knights of Labor disappeared in the nineties...
...In 18tT tho manufacturers were better organized nationally and renewed the fight which lasted for nine months, "and almost destroyed the union...
...John Most advocated propaganda "by "deed)" against the church, the State, and all kinds of authority...
...But what is the reality of the situation...
...Having crippled the railway system they were able to win recognition snd-concessions from the most powerful capitalist corporation of the day...
...the Conference adopted a "resolution... autonomous administration...
...Insisted that the union take steps to force its members to live up to the agreement...
...By 96 votes to 6. the Conference adopted a' "recommendation" concerning general principles for th* inspection of the conditions of seamen...
...In reality, the union, officers c"6urlte>na*rlb« the practice...
...In this battle they introduced sabotage...
...Just aa the new organization was launched the panic of 1873 swept the, country...
...With the paralysis of Industry employers began to reduce, wages, and this was ¦followed .by desperate strikes...
...The clause providing for no stoppages and lookouts seemed'to...
...They iesued a manifesto not mentioning trade unions...
...The two organl-afiena had a membership of hearty a aflHen...
...Karl Light involved a Jobber In the cloak and suit industry of New Tork City who refused to pay his contribution to the fund in accordance with the agreement made on July 16, 1924, between the International Ladles...
...of association and for political deamedj racy...
...In particular Casablanca, where district organisation hast, -been established, is 'in the way of...
...only advisory chambers, recently ere* j a ted, which has* th* right of exprges tag their opinion on th* acts of th*> gqvernment...
...By 1880 tho workers deserted the Greenback movement...
...What made the ground favorable for the propaganda of anarchism .at that time .w*» .the qqtragesa^'tytt-|^ of the police, the armed PYnkertOhS' that were used Vn time ot strikes, s*hd also the crisis which set in about 1884 and lasted until 1886...
...Interesting example of labor'realism Is afforded by the recent communication of Ben Gold, manager of the New'Tork Joint Board of the Furriers' Union, to 'all shop chairmen...
...No stoppage of work should be mad* «M>der any circumstances...
...recommended by these chamber* are, opposed to the Interests ot the wmkata.' The workers have not yet obtained the...
...It Is in these difficult circumstances,, that the Socialist party of Morocco...
...LABOR DELEGATES BACK THE USE OF ESPERANTO At one of the group meeting* of th* labor delegates to the.June sessions of the International labor Conference, of the League of Nations In Geneva, the following resolution was passed: "The Workers' Group of "the eighth session bf the International Labor Conference, having during the- session, experienced the difficulties due to differences of language and the impossibility of overcoming them even by the use of three national languages, declares that the language ¦ problem constitutes a serious obstacle to ready and complete understanding and co-operation among workers of different countries...
...Oo* day a 18-ton mine locomotive got stuck-o* the seal...
...The first to Join the International in tho United States was the "General German Labor Association" (or Allgemeln Deutsche* Arbeltervereln...
...The employers felt that the union after a laing strike would not be in a very strong position to resist their demands...
...Garment .WAriMKBj Union,-the New T*#l/ji{ri&ri&n^ the three associations of the Jobbers, manufacturers and sub-manufacturers...
...Our policy of strict observance of the agreement is an important moral weapon . in our possession against those-manufacturers who violate the agreement...
...The rank and file became so radical during that strike that they swept ***** ta* officials who tried to restrain In May...
...If a all right for yon...
...When they returned to the shops they called* - stoppage after Stoppage...
...The other group was led TO)*" John Most, who did not believe In the trade unions, but in individualism or communistic anarchism...
...The removal ot the International from the center of the labor movement was the suspension of the association...
...These were- well edited, containing labor and national news, and were read even in England, Canada and Australia...
...Th* affiliation of th* German Socialist Labor...
...In 186* Negroes who wero excluded .from the unions, formed a national union of their' own...
...has undertaken to fight for the right...
...Td Ilk* to go to heaven, and rd Ilka -to be happy llkfe you...
...Thus, "July raises" have coma to be taken for granted In the industry1...
...They organised the Metal Workers' Union, they drilled'and armed for the coming revolution...
...It was In their appeal to the lowest paid and unskilled workers that the K. of L. developed a menacing revolutionary character...
...peranto," TO ORGANIZE WORKERS IN FRENCH MOROCCl - Attention waa recently drawn to thai condition of the working people *¦ French Morocco by A couple of iasfe quiries and* in th* Chamber of lMa*jjj| ties hp th* Socialist members, Rer>**>£ del and Fontauier...
...Here are a couple of the stories they are telling «b*Uf weigh bosses In the central Pennejrfe, vania toft coal fields...
...They believed they had guinea a great victory...
...They advocated armed resistance snd became quite influential In the Chicago trade unions...
...In »plte •f their difficulties, however, th* K. of L^ hid done much successful organisation worn- in their time...
...But tt I Join the church, who in hell fit gping to welch the coal 7" All Car* Leek Alike All cars war* alike to th* weigh boa* at No...
...Revolutionary Radicalism The Germans wero the first ones who brought with them revolutionary ideas...
...I cant Join...
...Dear Shop Chairman: We call ypuj attention to a mat- - ter which requires the earnest consideration of' the entire union as well aa of the shop chairmanAccording to the collective agreement with the Manufacturers Association, the workers are not...
...700.000 of them were Knights tf labor...
...with jinrd...
...M goes without saying tnat it can do nothing in the matter If men and'women will not go to work unless they receive a wage increase...
...The group accordingly suggests to the national and international work., era* organisations, aa well as to tea, individual members, consideration of the possibility of adopting as a sola, tion of the problem the neutral...
...Tho union will hold you .responsible for disobeying this instruction...
...Eventually the unions had to fight them for undermining -other establishments, by working longer hours and being satisfied with lower wages...
...The Chicago anarchists were in control of the most unions...
...Therefore they must organise and socialize the means of production and distribution...
...The form or organisation of the K. of L. waa simple...
...becoming a real • stronghold of'Socialism...
...Emphaals Jay.thie^ original...
...Rejects Arbitration HARTFORD...
...N. Y. Furriers Warn Against Shop Strikers...
...Most of the co-operatives failed for one reason or another...
...At wfr *ith powerful craft unions, the ¦faints of Labor rapidly disintegrated, tatar aggressive strikes generally ttfett Arbitration was refused by the (•Mplnrsn who used the blacklist...
...They naturally at-' tracted radicals of all sorts including non-wage earning intellectuals, who are always hovering on the edge ot the labor world...
...the European through the quarrels of the Socialists and Anarchists...
...This was the feature of th* session...
...They elected several Congressmen...
...right to Join trade unions, so tnat they are appallingly exploited...
...L. 8 Weigh Boss Stories from the Mine Fields Th* weigh boss robs the men In a non-union mine, but th* -miners often gat their revenge by making him the .butt of their Jokes...
...The Knight* also exercised lnflueBcS upon legiitaWn...
...Tou are only the superintendent...
...Through the hostility of the 'press, of the Catholic church, and a trade union group m the Knights of Labor they were forced to abandon the secret character of the organisation in 1876... to seamen wftt pr*babry be bronget np at a special session Of tbe Intemattonal Labor Conference of th* Tlsagpa of Malkma m 1828 as the result of a, lanulothm adopted, over th* opposition ot most of th* employers* representatives, during the,ninth session of th* InternaUchal Labor 'Conference, which was concluded on June 84 in Geneva...
...The Knights were st first a -local -secret order...
...One of the most severe and successful struggles was with th* Gould railway system In 188...
...Bill was the mine superintendent* 'John, the mine foreman-,, and Jim, the weigh boss...
...But these "chamber*** era, elected only by the merchants, Vts-i trtalists and farmers, while the westSM era have no' right to vote...
...There is hardly a. parallel in this country today with the labor proas In the sixties...
...This care was important because both sides had agreed upon a statement ot facts and because it was the first instance where the court handed down a .written decision...
...By 88 votes to 27, the Conference adopted a "resolution" requesting the office to collect information on th* conditions of work in sponge-fishing, pearl fishing, etc...
...This society waa partly open, partly secret, with a highly centralized organization having as Its aim the destruction ot all forma of government and industry and tho introduction of a social system based on co-operatives, agricultural and industrial associations...
...conflict oi the Knights of Labor «f*ft the American Federation of User began in 1886...
...The Haymarket tragedy was the end of the anarchist movement in the United States...
...Full amalgamation with the German Socialists of Eastern Upper Silesia has dot yet been carried out as regaros fs-ganiaarinn, but a represent*tlv* from Eastern .Upper Silesia stated that there wore early prospects of this...
...If you have any complaints to make report same to the office of...
...In 1881 they organised the In*tarnations...
...But how can it prevent tbe workers from refusing to Wortr...
...they were mora strongly organised than tho English speaking workers...
...The year 1872 witnessed the dissolution of both organizations through Internal „. dissensions, the . .American through the political actlonists and trade unionists pure and simple...
...their triumph was received with alarm and amaseraent by the press and the public at Urge...
...By a unanimous vote, the Conference adopted a "resolution" Instructing the office to continue the study' of seamen's welfare ashore, ahd requesting the g-bveYrrtng- body td coftolder th* possibility of placing this question on the agenda of an early session of the conference with a view to the adoption of a recommendation...
...Brothers," be said...
...The terms' of the agreement were particularly fresh in mind...
...the union...
...While the case ?was only a municipal court cciion because the'sum involved was less than a thousand dollars, it Is doubtful whether higher courts would take any different position In the absence of any legislation in the matter...
...Unsuccessful strikes led unions to go into co-operative enterprises...
...In 1869 the National Labor Union' met In Philadelphia and sent a delegate to the European congress for the purpose of regulating immigration and its competition with American labor...
...In the early eighties the K. of L. grew by leap* and bounds in membership and strength...
...The National Labor Union carried on an extensive campaign for the eighthour day .and for paper money ( Green - backlsm...
...The workmen did not east many votes tor Peter Cooper...
...The Three sVethers •' Bill and John and Jim war* three brother...
...The case of Arthur D. Wolf, chairman, et al., vs...
...It seems to rally the union officials, to the aid of the "bosses" against the workers in one of- the best examples of "olas* collaboration...
...Two years earlier 'the first International Workingmen's Association had been organ' ized in England by Karl Marx...
...The Greenback Party and tho AsrUMonopeiy Party held a Joint eonven-Uon hi I87t, and nominated Peter Cooper for...* agenda of a special maritime session in 1928, and to submit this question to the Joint Maritime Commission at its next regular session...
...Under such conditions tho National Labor...
...In normal times, when stoppages are less marked, the union has always taken the position that it is living HP to Its agreement insofar as It does hot call for any i>oi*vitVln - of . vrsacta j*fftcially...
...In 1888 a Joint convention of revolutionists and anarchists was held In Pittsburgh, where a compromise was reached- ttjajopsr- the jlw gejpwj A resolution wVrV axrbpted enoertong* trade unions...
...It sought another way dut...
...Tou are only th* mine foreman...
...employers coupler...
...The situation became a rSuisance...
...They organised the intellectuals as Section • In the I. W. A. They advocated woman's suffrage, free love, etc The German, radicals Jn the International Congress in 1872 fought the Woodhull* and Clafiins and won...
...In 1878 the K. at L. became a prominent national organization highly centralised.- They decided to accumulate a fund for strikes, co-operatives, educational, etc...
...S mine...
...The opening of the trunk railway lines made it possible for the employers tq use the unorganised work* era to compote with tho organized, either by sending out their work to unorganized centers or/by Importing non-union labor...
...this year the- rrmnufarttirwrs had Just returned from negotiations with th* union...
...It is claimed that stoppages have not ceased...
...Judgment was, therefore, rendered, in favor of the fund...
...Unemployment Insurance Fund was in no way covered by tbe insurance law and never had been intended to come within Its scope...
...In 18*« the strthasMesd to the most powerful inifasfrpji esajur...
...The congress supported th* Polish Socialists' demands for an early election of Parliament and denourtced the Pilsudski proposal* rnlonlaied to limit the exercise of the franchise...
...By 67 votes to 26, the Conference adopted...
...this wing was net "claat-censcious," they had a middle-class psychology...
...The Knights were net in favor ot strict apprenticeship which Was advocated by the skilled workers...
...times discouraged strikes...
...He weighed them all alike: 1JM pounds...
...The Greenback movement was purely a farmers' movement...
...The ostigress demanded wider authority for elected communul bodies...
...They were expelled...
...And if there is...
...It Is, there a fore, not surprising that the measures...
...They called themselves the Revolutionary Socialist Party...
...Their weird cabalistic signs were chalked on the sidewalks and fences.' These signs were to let the members know when and where they would hold their meetings...
...Union want oat of existence in 1876...
...All these things compelled tho workers to organize on a national scale to meet the attacks from tho employers...
...V*y; suc<!*s»fui lobbyists, and were mainly responsible far the first restrictive immigration law—the Arm-Contract Labor Law of 1888...
...selves advocates of all kinds of panaceas: greenbackism...
...This is one of 'JW&Uanyf ihstractlons that you as shop chairman must observe...
...The union is obligated to observe the"agreement under all circumstances...
...International from the start, and his policy and views maintained undisputed -sway until about tho Basal Congress of 186...
...The main strength bur in Chicago...
...the weigh bosav to join...
...But there was something in the •say...
...strike for the eight-hour day to begin May 1. 1886...
...By 55 votes to 25, the Conference adopted a "resolution" in favor of the placing on the agepda for an early session, fat the Conference df the question of articles, of -agreement iter the fishing industry and other forms of navigation excluded from the above-mentioned convention...
...What does that weigh?- a miner •*------ / "Nineteen hundred'.- shouted the welch boss unssrtWntly without looking Seamen's Working Day on League Labor Office Program tor 1928 Season Labor Doings Abroad SEAMEN'S WORKING DAY ON PROGRAM FOR 1928 The question' of applying the eighthour working...
...The slUglt...
...Tho Germans organized their own unions, their own press...
...Furthermore, it seeirufcgft e^darniv'a,^practice of long zVsVr^eOS iPwSl'* fur industry of workers calling shop stoppages fn the busy summer months In order to, force the so-called ''July raises" from their employers...
...They were very happy in their new faith 'and begged .Brother Jim..., with a membership estimated at 100,000...
...By 75 votes te 22, the Conference adopted a "recommendation" in'favor of measures., for the repatriation of masters and apprentices...
...It dispatched the very official communication printed at the beginning of this article...
...Bakunln aided with the two women...
...Th* delegates approved, th* loose cot-, la bo ration between the Gasman Socialists and the Polish and Jewish Socialists In Poland...
...The Germans brought with them two kinds of Socialism, th* Marxian asd tho, T»a—Ilaan...
...Local unions organised on the basis of trade assemblies, and later on district assemblies...
...They demanded suffrage, which the Southern States were limiting...
...they urged workers to appear in full force to protect themselves against the brutality of the police...
...Joint Board, Furriers' Union B. Gold, Manager...
...Light claimed that the agreement was not- legal and not binding upon hint.because he was not a party to it . justice..Genung ruled that this was not eo and that the tnat-* t?«a of the fund, who consist of representatives of all parties concerned, bave the authority to enforce the agreement, As to the defendant's-second contention that the agreement was unconstitutional and against public policy, the Judge asserted the opposite conclusion...
...In 1877 workmen's parties sprang np an oyer the country...
...MORE SOCIALISTS HIT AT PILSUDSH'S COUP Great dissatisfaction at th* results of th* Pilsudski coup d'etat of May 12 was voiced by most of the delegates to, the annual congress of the German Socialists in Poland, held in Lads en June 27...
...Bw-wsjrfced- to Join...
...In spite of prevoca*M**>JjBg)regylon, inexperience and lack afeWIUde...
...Finally, the argument that the trustees were carrying bp...
...R gradually declined and want out of existence by the end of tho seventies...
...Moreover, It especially emphasised th* old demand of the German Socialist* for, eompjsjft autonomy, in' national culture as- re* garde education and- autonomous •ant* ministration far' th* Org man minority In a public and lsgsSy rerpgiilssd body...
...Jim thoxojht tt over...
...natural wealth,, has given rise te a. large working class which has no rights, and is entirely at the mercy of racier, talist exploitation...
...Working People's Association, known aa tho Black international...
...The ritual 6t the- Knights declared that "open and public associations having failed after a struggle ot centuries to protect or advance the Interests of labor.'* The Knights hoped to keep their organisation by the impenetrable veil of ritual, sign, grip and password, so that no spy of the boss could find his way into the lodge room to betray Mi fellows...
...the Lsaalleana wanted political action and oo-operatives...
...UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE AGAIN A ' clear-cut determination of the legality of unemployment insurance funds has Just been made by Municipal Court Justice Genung In the...
...In 1869 the society Joined the I. W. A. as "Section l of Now Tork...
...Thus they drew to them...
...a ¦¦resolution", asking the goverhiBg Ixxly to piaoe Jjhie' q u«*tkm of the regulation ot hours of work on board ships on...
...the Federation ot tfsse Unions decided to call a genets...
...F. L O.), has steadily progressed since Its congress of December, 1826...
...bear more weight than usual...
...It 'should be explained for/ 1h> benefit of city workers...
...They had been driven out of monarchical Germany after the revolution of 184*7 Tfiey Introduced- the idea thai tho working class la permanent, hot temporary...
...By 64 votes to *2.> the Conference adopted-a ''r«aolutW>n',Vie favnr ot further study- by -the office of penalties in respect of violations of articles of agreement, particularly by desertion or absence without leave, and the submission qf the results to tho Joint Maritime Commission with a view to the possible treatment of th* question internationally...
...faarfy '6t EhS w*oVker*f got MMght-hour day... union "eheekweighman" aiongaidV <ata scales, tbe miner usually has- had to do a lot of loading for nothing...
...An Intense and bitter feud between tho two, organizations was waged until The Hague Congress of the International in 1872, when Bakunln was expelled...
...When the furriers* strike came to an end after a long struggle of seventeen weeks, the workers were in a Jubilant arid militant mood...
...the K. of L> who believed in producers' co-operation...
...The lrfPasion of capitalist enterprises into this country, rich in...
...The Pinkerten Detective Agency plsyed their part during this Struggle*: they were used aa spies for obtaining information for the employer...
...It remains to be seen Whether the manufacturers will rest content with the formal notice to shop chairmen or dare a lockout...
...Tho - International Worklngmsn'a Association, popularly known as tho First International, was organised in London -on September it...
...They wanted education, a liberal homestead policy in the South...
...At the close of the war 120 daily, weekly and monthly journals and newspapers were published...
...From 186S to 1871 there were formed thirty-two national unions scattered an over' the...
...They believed that all laborers skilled and unskilled, men and women, white and black, should band together in one organisation without distinction of trade or craft...
...On top of It all stoppages were even.more frequent' than ever...
...This nuecessful onslaught by organised...
...The cha-r'wa- are that Justice Gemini's decision will stand for a considerable time to come...
...From 187S to 1880 wages were cut in soma Industries to almost one-half the fori tn*r standard...
...Some of them piled high with coal Hke a hay wagon with hay...
...Co-operation which bad been among the first ideas of the K. of L. was never entirely neglected...
...Now the reason' was the discharge of a shop chairmap, at another time It was the dislike of a -eVreman, on still another occasion it was the presence of strike breakers...
...they urged general strikes and sabotage...
...They prepared- for -the overthrew of the capitalist system by force.- There were two elements among the Anarchists—one known aa the Chicago group, and the other under the leadership of John Most...
...The Anarchist movement In the United States was in the beginning quite influential...
...suit referred to In this column on July 17 1926...
...Claaa-consclous radicals Victoria Woodhull and Tennessee Claftln came from tho South...
...They afterward organised the Spring Street Council and called themselves the First International...
...Tola strtks gar* them a world wide' reputation...
...It is - part of the labor costs...
...The Knights of Labor (18se te 1800) The first labor organisation of distinctive national influence In the 'United States-was the W"*J5g, Of****?' the Knights of Labor founded*aV**at- ¦ adelpbia in I860 by Uriah 'smith Stephens and a few other local garment workers...
...their .employees...
...He wanted to have peace of mind and to be one bf the company of converts and go to heaven -when he died...
...Moreover, it is highly improbable whether L.ght will press the eas-i...
...tftafi in turn quickly retaliated...
Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 30