A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Jonah and His Pickerel 0,1 SAYS to £gfc "Cgl." I civ*, «W«t« K 1 VOtt 46 tomttBtat to P*tify thefrt liiafc P Waltoa boyt, yoti may jtlit at wall kiit Satt1.tr...

...if* thd greatitt sigregation of rea-bl«oa»d...
...Tresesrsr of tke Brwjgh PBbaBgi Bevef Caauktotof at tt* Sroeaw*<r...
...In Daniel nUatura th* public has aa efficient aad loyal representative...
...If tbe questioner will step into the alley attar this meeting, in take that matter up with him personally...
...Ulyaeea" is muddled and Inchoate as an ultramodern painting by some "Buper-reallat," and it has the same aratal baaufy as many of the** canvasses contain...
...Com* •**' far public ewneorhlp ot water power resource*, and tot aa com* tat* the lltth...
...a pickerel win bite •whythmg that comes his way...
...X am glad that you are rid at them too ever, Daju Thay are aa undisciplined tat, and you are too ana for them to appreciate yen...
...or possibly six...
...Owls, TWWrtlons...
...2?wT>en I sprung that, Cai turned aa pile as thi Jdairi'lT of a carp who had strangled en in over.gawd dough bail, far there la no man quicker to see a ¦porHieel snag than Cai—X mean tha official spoke*: akan, ate...
...turned Hugh Mlnturn...
...So, beside the resources of the proletariat develop also those ot capital, and the end of, this development can be nothing less than a great decisive battle that cannot end until the proletariat ha* attained th* victory...
...Thar* ware compensations...
...Like hsees, ntJpNi work, but me no strung Irk* h*r*sJ*M 1 A Three women reported lnaMMStF -i-^U moral hazards from nlgMwark...
...I civ*, «W«t« K 1 VOtt 46 tomttBtat to P*tify thefrt liiafc P Waltoa boyt, yoti may jtlit at wall kiit Satt1.tr tirm fooflpye, £dr-" EfSeid «m," tayg Cai, "art you tpeaking to 3uit one private titizeh to afutthdr of art you 3ot«**ing me in my official capacityr* E^WcIl," «ay» I, "if throwing iway yoy>' ffeotet for another term it private 6ttAitt*M, ¦t privately I'm talking...
...Those experiences made him wonder If ha ever had been a part of that crowd...
...Wee Ellen...
...ant despair ta On undertones and muttering* loosed up from that *ea of face* below, hi* roetrum...
...2Th* time ' wnen most women • chooee to wetk by night Of course 4* when their ehfldres>'*Te young, in thi* study as in the earlier one, it was fotftd that all hut two women were married, and atl bet on* married woman said young ehUdrah...
...If hi* ••set was just a little bit longer...
...and that is the kind of a thing the silent spokesIII" ,h<» White House fetched into camp to make ^jputatlon with the Isaak Walton kian as a fisherM...
...Presently as th* figure approached...
...tke hours varying In the different mills...
...BEw b***g th* case," come* back Cai...
...This study, whose findings were published visitr to tke homes of am hundred woman night workers, selected at random, and the facte thus obtained were presented to tha Now Jersey Legislature m 1*21 in an effort to Secure a law prohibiting night work by women in Nit Jersey...
...As ,ln' ftU earner tavestlgattan...
...In the Botany mm the night shift begins at seven p. m. and ends at five a. m, with a half-hour for food...
...A bad break, a vary bad break," ha means, with a tele* quivering with commotion, "fortunately these .psffie have no organisation, least ways I-*—" '. -Ok, they haven-1," i •> interrupted...
...At any rate...
...Kautsky thus wame the optimists: "To be sure the co-operative* are Increasing, but simultaneously and yetfaster grows the accumulation of capital...
...loot some of his parliamentary tact sevsral flmes surrendered control of himself upon' th* platform and mad* himself a target tor ridicule...
...tbe roturna...
...Most of thee* women are Fores, Kuaajarai or mvestigator was America*- bom : and the information gathstsQ fist* tlrtttkis often- most, elementary...
...Thi* is my fight" ha tow Oaylard...
...Except tor the unmarried Worketa, a girl of twenty-four, ana th* woman with no children, the...
...Wages reported by th* men varied between tit and (21 weekly...
...NeMsessskssadilMi is* what we are vain enough by call tennis and *>ba*Ma*' to th* Atlaatic Ocean aad otherwise dlepartia* *«gselvea a* ttat whoa we get back we "can b**m gaga •hap* to took ever all that you have m | law atoge...
...Certainly the number of socialist representatives in Parliament Is growing, by t still -mar* ainka the significance and efficaciousness ot thi* institution, while simultaneously Parliamentary majorities, like the government, fall into ever greater dependence on the powers ot high finance...
...Mow the*** a a**e Tight rummer Job for some comrade with time ea btt hand...
...The fact made him indecisive AU fight went out of him...
...7The hours of sleep anitcBaa by • day by night worker* varied from none to four or fiv...
...It raprlnu a flltjjBtt we wrote some time back about tbe stand taken bp th* Protestant churches of Passaic aad vicinity ia regard to this industrial war...
...Most women shrugged their shoulder* at the question and answered, "One, two hours, maybe...
...By>t Saturday, she says ene "no essiS move from tired...
...ttgr ar* aat here to tear fb*gr...
...tgi* pickerel hat the/longest head of any animal ffT*" to science, and lass in it...
...To be sure, the socialist proas ia growing, but slaraltaneottslx grow* the partyless and characterless proas that poisons and unnerve* ever wider popular circle...
...Ksutsky on Violence . in fact ksutsky felt that vioisncs was a weak weapon for th* workers to use, and that peaceful methods were likely to prove much more effective...
...X did an I could to save the re^^M* from the Democrata, but when a man makes a gfjt out of me by catching a pickerel on a trolling 5M*|o«a a gallery at Waltaajtee and then delivers Hfgyaon into the hands of his strongest political flNhanta...
...far some, on*, readable history that wfll catch up AS th* thread* toft around by 'sftaom^aagr 'wi*t aM Beard aaa Oaeal aad ta* nth...
...KAiittky wa* emphatically of the opinion that socialism would be brought about aa a result ot a revolution, rath«r than, aa Bernstein seamed to f*eL a eerie* of reform measures, it must be added that rdrdtutiba to htm was not neoessarlly a. violent upheaval, but any kind of a change which placed in control ot government a hitherto oppressed clsss...
...Every now and than It takes tha reader by tha scruff of his neck and knocks him lata breathless contact with reality...
...Shft's this way," says 1. "Whan you told that delejmUon which asked y6u to stock the water-teles in qftihingteh parks with fish, that fishing was only a Retime fit for snot-nosed kids, feu hurt tn* feelings M every fisherman and flaherwomaa In the country, pfi that includes practically everybody old enough to fits with tha exception at these ornery farmers who Jtitftii the hog-wallows On their places with the Ijjae *no fishing allowed on these premises,- and they Salda't vote tar you nohow aa aecount ot your havSjg fought that relief bill, which would have landed Jgefi in tha category ot tariff barons...
...This work, they say, la forced upon them by the istsufteidnt wiaee paid to saetv wag** on thi average lea* than half the amettfit fixed ay the traitM sates Bureau at later a* necessary to sup-, part a family at five...
...f>ver heard of tha Isaak Walton league...
...Like a drowning maa, he aaw his hope* and plana sacked down into oblivion by the flood...
...Q There was general Complaint Of ' • the unsanitary conditions prevailing in tbe mills, of "roaches a* big as cups," of elementary And unclean toilets, affording no privacy, at the general lack of washing facilities, and...
...8The night shift la nine and * • half hours lons...
...H* toon olo**d hUAddre**—witAou* toTJCMng-thd quaatkm af water newer legislation—and left tbe platform...
...Oemeoraey and Revolution ' Cnfversal suffrage And political democracy cannot in themselves abolish the revolution, "but It can avert many premature, hopeless revolutionary attempts, and render superfluous many revolutionary uprisings...
...Some workers confessed to sleeping beside their machines...
...Oeeaslonaliy, she any*, ttSfl put th* turn youngest in char** afVi th* an* ef *ut and let* them pfay-^ in thr' str*^ below, but "Hrrft know they net get kHI from ssnSajj mobilef Then oomee th* evsnlaef ( meal, and her seven o'clock r*>ll turn to the carding machine...
...Th* coming of a child la always a source of scute financial anxiety In these Fatssale families, and it la only natural that night work by mothers should increase at such times...
...The practice la common also of working aa long aa possible, the foremen making no protest against women tar goo* in pregnancy standing all night before a ring" spinning machine, or lifting heavy card roll*, or running up and down.with the spinning mule...
...Reman Baths, hathmt beauties, secretaries, chauffeurs, yachts, marines, fit, aewtpepermen as to make me think ot tha openthe Chicago World's Fair...
...hsutss provided Tap the mtths...
...ftfi whit 11 I dOT What'U I dot* .-*K»*p coil with CColidft," says I. "All is dot lest r*t That mind of mine which has so often changed course «t empires knows the way...
...This wa* a signal for pandemonium, A bedlam of oat-calls, imprecations, aha laughter broke loose...
...In his opinion, the management would gain by abolishing night work...
...That* whom San stamped as "extremist*" seised the opportunity to expose what they termed the "pseud* progre**ivi*m of the millionaire atool-plgeon...
...of course, of any place to eat or rest...
...Hfctht\wofk by, women it encouraged hp the mills no* only during periods of alack work, but even new during the strike...
...And tb* more we read, of social ami aomessato and "labor" blatortas of thi* mad...
...B* would be nailed fJ^tUgator-gar and If his tail wa* longer, ha would •M*iled a snake...
...In retrospect, neither side was vary proud of th* incident and Dan never could recur to It without a flush of shame...
...the aort that naughty Uttl* beys writ* upon advertlslns billboard...
...Nor )• thi* battle to be waged by * degraded, "alum" proletariat...
...He found that th* crowd was listening...
...Net aha*- eher haven't done grand job* m their partaaugar f^ta...
...To Be Continued Next Weak) ••• GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor Novel of the Northwest By M. H. HEDGES (Continued, from last week) rS campaign waa hitter and vituperative...
...On the other hand, it should be realised, the revolutionary sections of the population possess far better weapons for economic, political and moral resistance than did th* revolutionists of th* eighteenth century, pre-war Russia being the only exception to thi* rule...
...fit Isaak Walton league is thd thirty-seventh ~Ptjjgfce/All the Masons, Odd Fellows...
...I have caught pick...
...swriH fly* the fat...
...they csJl hAf...
...Brtf if you think fflk j«b 6f youfi it w6rth hinging oBtf), I'm Stftious ail ovar...
...reel, arid tMkle>box and triumphantly return to Washington '•th a string of bass a mile long, caught with barbHkf broke as prescribed in Section l, Article l. fit the ntek Wait6n league...
...Why* dear," ha said to Agatha ever and aver, "they won't let me be as liberal as I am...
...All time call, "Mss£ 'flet up...
...th* map colorful and charming member., of wBtob <* ****** ¦pTrfTklneon, M. P, who for a k^Jhjg ws* brt***» wajfy woman ispi•Mutatis'* An^fAe^yg****** et do*skegaa...
...nw*J$j;flgj .sere...
...I bad in mlfid, of "course, waa a regulation ,'llfiiuian's camp under the silsnt pines, a bad of '¦¦as boughs near the babbling water, a glowing jfe firs, orlaf pipe and bottle, and no find around P we two and perhaps a few hundred reporters and #vie man to spread the glad tidings...
...WnUmbersnlp list Would make Bradstreet and Dunn Wk Uke the register of a. peer farm, au the folks in She's Who and tha social register are Waltonites, ¦I so are tha golf era and the sporting goods deal era pt th— "^rtdugh," cried the strong silent spokesman, etc...
...Several sky-pnote, both Catbetle aaa) Protestant, have since tbta served on tb* ** »*T**d "Cftlsen** Committee" formed for tb* ptarp*** af breaking the strike...
...In exhaustion she ""faB* 4fj 'th* bed," *nt>l six e'eleeCwjg She wHJ«t set up and srepesj ft hupbaner* breakf act, get him .8 . t* work, apd then get thr** SMel dran r***fy"for seheoi...
...vDaa coaoeatod...
...double-fistid he,men iM she-women that aver strung a minnow on a ftttk...
...to cap the climax, he presented the catch to j9*jnt Al smith, th* Democratic governor of New, ffgjj* who in turn, presented it to the Museum of P*JJ**J History, where ft win be viewed with alarm &****¦> visiting Waltonlfe Between now and election mm which win do Cat, I mean the silent spokesman, gp.** n*>cn good aa If he had presented a hog to ¦W Wise to be eaten at a banquet of tha United jfQ^JfeeJettea...
...reforms or as a result ot a revolution...
...Heckler* were present in all hi* meetings, net only ta fire sharp questions at the speaker, hut to about "traitor," "ple-artlst," "Qeylerd'a valet...
...tb*** fiekto have not been joined by tb* bridge of eoatlau*** narrative, shewing for example how the** vertot force* have contrived to make ta* Am*rteap want k*> la today ("I hope be'* satisfied...
...Passaic's Night-Working Mothers One of the Sore Spots of the Textile Revolt By Afrm de Ltm.v ' /\X1 *f eto,t*iat grtrvieees J the ¦ ¦ striking mtfi workers in r^uktaW i* tk* o#«anma«*e of the abominatioa df night work by women...
...The wide prevalence of such work may be observed by the fact that one may stop at almost any houae in the districts where the workera live, one may knock *t almost any door, and Ana win find a-dreary creature, who before the striki waa employed on th* night shift...
...The great fear la that the capitalist class, realising their ultimate defeat, win try to incite the workers to violent acta...
...Ha gat grayer, grlmer, mere pugnacious...
...thank God, you're not," Agatha, replied, "Tou era bigger and finer...
...Bom* Workers alternate between night and day Shifts, according to their capacity to stand the aided strain of night work, and th* needs of their families...
...Vaguely, ho or she understand* that tha »hy IX Miner -la trying to catch In print tha vagaries ot tha human thought stream, that here la a work so highly cUrobrated as to be highly celebrated and In greet msasur* highly meaningless as well...
...U did not account tor th* stem rancour ot th* opposition, the Bash of wild •y**, the gesticulating fists, the pat...
...XB* tauatakgap are largely wooden, with dasfc hAO* way*, saggini stairwaya, ha8 tafietA or yard toilets and tea* at more dark rooms for each dn*nra*7 Rant* vary between fit and $S1 monthly, ta'fearfleld and Walilagton tarSrA are skere two-family houses of a dupailof' quality, with rents corr»«ponfllngly Tsfajhsr...
...tor women IIS and $*0...
...Complaints were general 'also that number of machine tender* had been reduced, thus Increasing the strain...
...No institution aa Lincoln one* »*m*rkit...
...The crowd that 'gathered there wa* typical ot those-audience* vMeh have begun to show themselve* where parallel battleUnes between corporations aad the poop** are most sharply drawn...
...v .• Jtfhit...
...He insolently stopped down from the...
...It waa apparaat that there war* workers from three camp* m the audience tready to extract what e»mfert they could from Miatttfn'* etatemant* It wa* early apparaat alar* that there wa* bad blood between ta* fsrtlan* aad that each waa ready ta show lta, ug> kid* to tke ea*alam> Tftgfnr* ajtaag em fa* ganltmtm Dan had telephoned to the poUce for additional patrolmen...
...1 The following dairy routine ear night worker supplied by «X ' woman to typical: evwSnuxaa^SjSj^p ' 4a*u*ws4c Sja%a*g**a^ in th* sesalsi...
...let me handle it my way...
...Mew York's East 8tg*v is* a**1 iff bed...
...I believe they Oven gf]"* Mayflower taken to the camp...
...What la tha difference...
...1{| Moot of tJUe rfonsen,: vrrre employed In one ot the spinning processes, although there were weavers and carders among them...
...a* *Ae"*o>ors of tenement* or ef the-ttre and three ateey eettagt* fcmeerfen, t» piuitie** use, which abound be Ps>**ls ] While not primarily a Statistical Study," th* number of women vtsttetfla sufficienUs' large to be retseasutative...
...that crowd wag aomethiag alien to him...
...Bwt you knew, heft* ~H keep still...
...bTflt* WCkineon Sjad-her to*0>W-fclee»*^j»Tdj gwTthe wbdt* bmrted support of a* ****** et A*tar toe* b...
...Red Men...
...As tar us...
...He had proceeded perhaps an hour when suddenly In the far corner of the hall he saw a man arise and mount a chair...
...t*eri*fl ¦earvflfjss...
...Marxists on tho Value of Reforms In their endeavor to prove the neceesity for a revolution, the Marxists did not deny the ameliorating influence of those agsnele* roeritioned'hy Bernstein —trade unions, co-operatives, labor legislation, nationalization of certain publlo utilities, etc...
...In some mills, without even being pernttttsd to stop far food, and who then must return the seat Morning to take up the multitudinous duties of their hOraes and children...
...eopooisliy I* the te*sm**t aejetm* of Passaic, and ia thj rsmpsa...
...It is necessary to study also the development ot opposing forces...
...prinr it, for Ood's sake, spring It" yelled the •pkerig silent spokesman, a gleam ot hope returfilng #-tua eyes...
...Mpf saw right away that I had to get down to brass apt* or lose my chance of striking another blow tor perpetuation of the great wave of prosperity Htt is sweeping tha country Into the pockets of 9111 street Just new...
...He waa used to receive wave* ad oner ry from contact with It now stepped off tha platform exhausted and haggard...
...we are going to spend a «*aat* of week* with Morrto Era** o» e...
...Th* crowd wa* aaxfamato hear waa* the nuestieaar weald not settle it now...
...top *ae 1* * btt Mt* than five Met from the ground.' But there I* aathttg email about her when aba gate mte aettoa *a Utjij on tb* Tory beaches juts atoouvorea...
...The eye* of the Bute, th* newspaper* said, ware on the usth...
...Tremendous things are fabricating t* aTAXle*, Calies want attar big gam* Indeed waa* bt nbfiT longed tbe powar ot the Cathenc Church in as aaalaat aad priest-ridden a land as that to tb* south if at* From what we saw of Can** when he waa lp> tbis country he win aaa the fight through ta tb* anttK For here la a large calibre maa with -a splendid nt> fl ot achievement, a realistic approach to bj* werM...
...xew Bat wbatevar y** a*, b* ear* ya« t^.eergp **lrw|**^^S*'^aaeWt...
...The emancipation of the laboring claaa la not to be expected from its increasing demoralisation, but from it* lacreasing strength...
...To be sure, wages at* rising, but still faster rises tha maaa ot profit...
...The direction ot development is not thereby changed, but it* course becomes steadier and more peaceful...
...Wall, to out a long story short, when Wa tot to that samp what did I find hut a spread of landscape Smarting the also of a bdnans* farm littered up with ¦uny mansions, lodges, vines...
...It Uvea at a terrifying "paoa...
...Three .women tekl of witnessing,births of children ta ta* milts, and several confessed to lis slug worked up to the last day or tun* before giving birth to their In ids s ta families where children com* quickly the mother* return to their nsaohbse* when babies are twp or three month* oid...
...Toward election ho began to show the strain...
...Hft" aaya I. whan I teal recovered from my *urttfpf^tv* torn sleight-of-hasd performers put an jB*t "Hh h4t PnU *«* a rabbit, but this ia the -|P mho I saw an egg trying U look Ilk* a rabbit -fnjM* chancing countenance...
...the health of women and ta the welfare of their children...
...Whether Den bad misread tke sigrJS of defeat la his eenetitaency, or was** or Oaylard« silent aad invisible machine functioned perfectly b* ***** not tell...
...No doubt a lot of suckers will hustle to the stands t6 get the magazine having heard that "Ulysees" was suppressed because «f its vary frank language and that it is being booklegged around the shops...
...There wa* a very perceptible snicker traversing lta devesting way across the huge audience...
...State papers cams to his rescue with editorials aad special articles...
...This effort tailed, as did those of succeeding years, due to the 'opposition of the wool menu* tacturers of the Passaic district...
...What were you doing...
...Xtt what horn* crashed with the sense Of impending defeat Next morning Matt Oaylard found htm disconsolately pre par lag a Statement tor toe newspapers "There are Just two things J*gtsj got to do,- Oaylard aatd...
...At leasjth, bis*** restored a eemTAano* of order...
...And for an it* obscurantism, some of It almost laexcusable, "Ulysees" remains one of tha big hooka at this century...
...But If anyona think* they are going to get a kick oot at •eelng thee* word* in cold print he la vastly SflS* taken...
...Will the apeaker...
...The living wage fixed by the Department of Labor ia $50 weekly for a family of five...
...Unluckily far Dan, Agatha's denunciation of hla opponents did not satisfy him...
...Another' spoke of' snatching at her food aa best she could while working at her machine, and of eating always with "black hand...
...At the same time- the teetimeny of the^worker* la overwhelming that this night work 1* disastrous to...
...It creates clearness regarding . the relative strength of the different parties ana olaeaea...
...we hope to bar* * look-ht a* aba arrival of tb* British miners' deleeattoa...
...He adds: '-'The political situation of the pfemtAriat is such that it can well afford to try aa long as possible to progress through strictly legal methods alone...
...Of the workers visited, more than half had more than tare* chiidrea, a*d fitlHf at spy seven and eight c*HA*r» rMHtta6. "212^S^^m&Z...
...What Mlaturn aatd after-that did mx matter...
...Ft*t****** at* ligtoua monthly, la it* issue for August print* at t*br and nenttratmg aa analyaU of the.Peseaia aprfh* at w* have yet then...
...JJ**» true-Waltontta would Just aa soon be caught ?•?handed casting tor smoked herring in a fish-store ffcttt* detected with a pickerel in hid possession...
...Then came-eAha disgraceful Lake ¦treat affair...
...oaa long endure half slave aad half tree, aad Java beer long freemen oaa remain m a akarab that aaeitdta such slave* aa tbe Passaic ohurchmea riMttta bp h* aaada...
...Imported speakers for the left and for the right fined the district and waged a skilled, determined battle against Mlntufn...
...it waa aa armed peso...
...hasfg year eaa eeod to y*wr **Atrfbut*aa todhr bp Mies XTfreipa fbimbia...
...In order thereby to lead to a reaction...
...For a moment It looked a* If th* meeting had reached a disastrous eH-< max, when th* polio* stepped in...
...yeu have ^ataaib with tha official spahtomta of tb* whit* Bp right" tart X. Tfat him out" Jjpiariiir-- cai walked twtca around hu foot and jap h* f*e*d mo again, ho letredueea himself ia tft* IpfcMl spokesman of tho White Houao, ot Whom you pa*** road feo much...
...Tbl* to in startling contrast to tbe attitude of the aril tab clergy who have openly sponsored tt**oik*» At fa* striking British miners, tt seems strange that tho mm* creed* should be recited by such scam Aa tb* mei*rt*y ef tk* ministers of Passaic and tb* Mttonigaat editors of "The Christian C*ntury...
...Dan obdurately refused the aid of Matt Oaylard...
...Dan waa foroed to can upon aU his mental powers to meet th* opposition...
...Small weader th* Christian brethren are everywhere fighting among themselves...
...Tncadtters at tb* magasine print thi* aa one flew point aad prtat the remark* of some local drvtaa as another...
...Add to these,- the noise and shriek of the machinery, the oil-soaked floors, the cross, humid air, and the strain of night work seems past belief...
...Could M in turn be returned...
...tcow 1')th«i did have in it a terrible toft* wjat you might can Tenee word...
...TT*» potato peelings...
...iithefsupon I unfolded my schema of how w* two MM disguise ourselves as Waitonites...
...Aa the campaign pi ogresses, it becomes more apparent that the UJth senatorial battle la the opening skirmish in the gubernatorial fight two years honed," they declared...
...thorough-going knowledge or what fSIhrf Ar* *B about...
...Mlnturn raised hi* arena against it vainly...
...In tha Forstman and Huffman' mills, "twenty minutes is allowed" the all-night workers tor food...
...5The "average" family of five— * two adufia and three childrenla rare In Passaic...
...rttpV "The Christian Century," a liberal...
...Ia the revolution to ha a jpe*oetui,or * violent one...
...Tor, what...
...In i»io a careful study war mad* by the National Consumers' League and the New jersey Consumer** League of the effects of night work upon women In- the Peesalo- woolen' mills...
...Their . small wages are inadequate to permit them to pay tor a caretaker, or they fear with reason the ill treatment and neglect their children receive at the hands of strangers...
...Instead of answering coolly, Mlnturn gave way to a. momentary insanity...
...the lines we have ********** Before we go...
...Daa allowed it to be advertised that a* would discuss the much-mooted power adt at a climacteric meeting at a Lake street auditorium...
...However, Kautsky and others felt that It waa Impossible to obtain a correct picture of social progress by concentrating attention only on these advances...
...It began to, clash gad grind beneath him...
...says t dumbfoundedly...
...It frothed up about aim until he thought It would atrangt* him...
...Tha crowd fait his loss' of command...
...Mlnturn aaw that hla antagonist waa his brother Hugh...
...He considered the remark a studied insult to Agatha...
...tti," says Cai—meaning the official spokasrfian, i-^/Srhat is ttr-, -rtrwhat is it...
...Visits made during the past week to sixty women employed before th* strike ota ¦ night shifts in the woolen mills, reveal the same conditions as obtained six years ago, save that ja"ehiff knocking lndlstrlfAifiatety...
...W* OS* no reason to take back anything w* wreto —vasal months ago...
...Sfltt I tot for thi* pleasantry wa* a strong, sliont ^iSlplcating that familiarity with ths president of place in the presence ot tha official spoke* - VV the White House...
...sneak up on -Msge lake in the Maine woods with rod...
...Violence in the past has urns and time again assisted in setting back the labor movement...
...All the work is extremely, heavy,- Involving standing, lifting, and frequently constant walking...
...He waa interrupted...
...bad, ***, gtod toad, th* mora we are convinced that there la aaa...
...4' Th* reason given tor the mother's • going to work was - the obvious One that their husbands could not earn sufficient for the family needs...
...St simply did not fit...
...atbjpj far tbe th.umat* o* rbumtlpi at the «ik«|5 Children of ta* mnae* M'*b*ti *af seen **e aaw fi* aesperate str*UA ff you want to star* ttem **T **ttTB...
...a*m* *t tbana Joined ta a recent statement tending to blade* th* work ot supplying milk to the striker** children...
...folks, a pickerel ia so dumb that it would *»the RspubUcaa tlckst to raise the price of minIga...
...Stand a greater chance of Success in the more democratic countries, and among those groups who have the greatest faith in themselves and their cause...
...I'm coming up...
...QMhe pickerel Is a fish by courtesy only...
...ha claimed, the great superiority of the weapons possessed by tha standing armies to these owned by civilians practically doomed*, any reState nee of the latter to failure from the beginning...
...Everything might have gone peacefully If Mlnturn had launched into* a discussion of the proposed power act at the outset Instead, he began to review his own record, stressing in particular relations with labor...
...Anyhow, lip the great moment came, they hitched, a trawler #m a boat as big as th* Mayflower, m which th* .2**a*man, etc., took his seat armed with a fifty^*|R spinner and a 160-pound test trolling line ^ppaat Scott and littls fishes, imagine a man trying fflP*** a hit with the Waitonites, trolling for wailpiks from tha and of an upholstered trawler, fP*e worst is, ho didn't even land a pike, for conjgff *»d notwlthatAndlng what ths press hroad<P*sd, the thing he pulled in on that tow-rope was «W» a pickerel...
...v ^Pj&Jjn through...
...lO Several Women ascribed th* death or weakness of their chUdren 'to the strain of heavy njjil auxins pregnancy, but asked with fj cynical shrug- so common anions theft workers, "What can do...
...Ivory soap.'ana empty tooth-, f*ft* tubes...
...Maybe you...
...We would bate to get into a meta w$h Prsaldeat Calies, and just by way of passing, may w* *dviee thoee American* who are throwing large gob* af advice and warning ta the Mexican Gfcvcraataet In tb* eelamae of the old-line paper* not to stf*Aha>' with this particular buss-eaw...
...It soars into exalted realms and drops as suddenly 'Into gutterdepths...
...Presently she StaflflaV^ to her feet and set about wasftkW •r eiaenincv *r prmpmring smE thing far the children to saflsjH seen* heme at neon from aaaasjS After dinner, an* may aMsiaat sflTM nethsr nap, *r esaneening sJmB s>*eh heps, may continue her over-.efght ef her three chfldi en -'eflfi Isssn...
...When he answered, his voice waa shaking with eager...
...Workers from two mills reportol $}re, - men who forced their -**—*'rms ijisa...
...Kautsky writes: "The slightest reform or organisation may be ot great significance for the physical or intellectual rebirth of the proletariat that, without them, would be surrendered helpless to capitalism and left alone In th* misery that continuously threatens It But It Is not alone the relief of the proletariat from its mfatsry that makes the activity of tho proletariat In Parliament and tha operation of the proletarian, movement indispensable...
...He wa* prompted to this by hla pride and hla politic...
...fa refr***rmf contrast to fbe way m which many of en* t*artp beloved dmikiaii labor leader* pared* erowad tbg pfaaatvy...
...j W* have been essaying tt* high-brow *f lata arad trying to catch up on all w* don't knew about American history, which t* a sorumpUou* tot bettor...
...It la on these questions that there war* In tho pre-war days sharp differences ot opinion between the Revisionists and the Marxists...
...Fag hear er two she msy try SasflBs eesiy t* get e Jlttle reet with MaM at play, in the same ream, er ««jB in 1st*] with her, t* keep tssjag quiet...
...aba- ebjeot wee less to present Stltiatlea thAa aoVBmv nlah a picture of the Uvea Af m* gaunt weary women who, through five nights aieh week, go to the mtHs, stand nhve hours and a half at their macntaes...
...She the* r***sgjj J rstAflhsfl fas afls fram thr** ts> S^Efl tusflp sued h*r husband...
...1 eat wool with everything," one worker declared...
...In avdry aanaa of Ota Word toys***" is-a> tough hook, tough in lta realistic approach, tough to understand...
...Am I not the aims men I was when I represented them...
...Thi outstanding facta determined tram these home visits are the following: 1Night work by women la prac• tiealiy universal in PaAsalc While night workers abound chiefly in th* more poverty-stricken blocks or louses, nearly every working woman In Passaic tries night work at some time or other...
...1 I One evil universally recognised was the prevalence of pregnant women on the night shift...
...They are also ot value as a means of practically familiarising the proletariat with the problems and method* of national and municipal government and of great industries, aa well a* to the attainment of intellectual maturity which the proletariat need* If It ** to Supplant the bourgeoisie as ruling class...
...will Representative Daniel Mlnturn, please tell us what he waa doing in - the hotel reesn when th* anti-lnjunctlon bill wa* killed r "Hear, bear...
...If you are gam* tor a real spiritual and mental adventure try "tnysees," but if you prefer safety first in yaw literature lay oft this dynamic thing...
...Much material la spoiled this way, ta*> superintendent of the Botany mill told the investigator In the earlier study, and...
...Ton read along for a paragrapa or two of rational writing and than you are jolted by the seemingly irrelevant question, "Where wa* hfoeee * when the light want outr* Wall, altar "afl, that is a mighty pressing question to which, so far, neither ¦materialists nor believers in Ufa after death have bean able to Supply any adequate answer...
...Xa that article we mid that th* ehurcr.ee war* for th* moat part Inhriltti *> tb* strikers' cause, that they were licking tha ***** at big business ta the mill towns and that matr settee* bad served to drive another wedge to th* great gap between the worker and tfa* crrorchr...
...Democracy la to th* proletariat what light and air,are to the organism...
...Answer him...
...without them it cannot develop its powers...
...Ho wavered— paused...
...Are class antagonisms softening or becoming ever sharper...
...But somehow aa far aa wa oaa find out...
...he asked himself, la it like thi...
...9"hs aeetr are there, however, for aayoheio *e*V-the ¦ ¦¦eiiaejiH* of the nu>t*aj^ -emaried and aged long before her tknft...
...her cluttered t*o or three rooms., the swarm of sickly and neglected children...
...Jtt brought Matt Oaylard into the eamaalgn, however...
...its time to quit...
...Peaceful methods, including parliamentarism, strikes, the press and similar methods...
...Once I even found one in an empty lard* ?PI hid thrown inch the water, where it had sen* to hmadrlnk...
...These weapons include freedom ot organisation and ot tha press and universal suffrage...
...When S*w"' •re gauss, there are stilt tfl younger eaes t* look after...
...to be sure, the unions are growing, but simultaneously and yet faster "grows the coneehuaaon of capita* rid Its organisation in gigantic monopolies...
...women who did not dare not "to faff aero Marxists' Replies to the Revisionists THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRY W. LAIDLER IS capitalism imperceptibly to grow into socialism a* a result of the enactment of an infinite number of...
...ana week later, pjhowed that MtaUsrn k*A rolled up w- decisive plurality ever eg* other two- sa*m*s*ma* j (To be continue* next week) & Ulyses, Mexico, Passaic And the British Miners ISEE .that a bold, brash magaaine announces that it intends to publish James Joyce's "UlyseV in serial form...
...In the first niace...
...It fieAU WRh iWary-jaa^ag at sh* strike from the remote beginnings to tha ******* •*# deal* with these phase* not from an *m*tl*a*TI Ttat rather from a ¦centiflc attitude...
...XCven When In I8is, a night work law was placed upon the statute books, the wool manufacturers took advantage of a technical error la th* drawing ot tho bill to secure a writ ot certiorari restraining the enforcement of tho law...
...Other workers confirmed statements printed in the Textile Bulletin, of being followed by the night superintendent to the toilet* and being timed while there...
...chair, and being lifted and banded about, he was pa as *d .to ward tb* platform...
...and Woodmen of the World...
...reason givsn for choosing the night shift was to enable th* mother to be with her children by day...
...In tha New Jersey spinning Company, a shift has been arranged from S:M p. m. to 11 midnight, with NO TXMB WHATEVER permitted .for food...
...He raised his hand for silence...
...with hit laughing, sneering fen*, back toward the entrance, demanded' order, aad with the *ubs*qia*at election of Hath aad hla associate*, achieved It...
...It prevents the workers from attempting to accomplish the impossible, and keeps the governing classes from refusing to grant concession* that it no longer possesses the strength to maintain...
...Tha average mortal, including tha anther ot these deathless lines, can read page attar tvf* without tha faintest idea, at to what it la all about...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 30

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