Silverstein, Louis

Behind the Scenes of the New York The First Great Revolt Against Company Unionism Failed—Why? By Louis Silverstein WE blinked as U'i newspaper photographers flUfl their flashes. EMwer-: T*....

...Others congregated outside to breathe the fresh air...
...The "Experts" Enter It is evident, therefore, that what the strikers lacked most was experience and, as a corollary, what they needed most was expert advice...
...But there,, again, nobody was on hand to keep them out...
...had passed through several European countries on his way to America...
...They were just as lrreplacable as the skilled men...
...This distrust helped to ospjjfe the strike largely to the operating tofls of the subways arid the more atakbjg workers at the other crafts aad Sf Ja...
...Labor officials are sensitive about their fields of Jurisdiction- The Amalgamated on the other hand adopted a policy at "watchful watting...
...As en .indication of his sincerity, which soma thought was synonymous with his accuracy as a prophet, he vowed not to share until the strike was over...
...He once remarked that he was a conservative...
...Not only that, but It was soon recognized that the sub-station men did not occupy a key position...
...He pictured himself and his men tying ij*> the Interborough lines completely...
...In the last two days of the strike, another figure appeared... tbe meantime the strike leaders had applied to this committee for help...
...One main power house did, indeed, suffer a considerable depletion of men...
...craftf Skill which the...
...He feared receiving a "Mack eye...
...Is endeavoring to obtain the adnriaslon of unorganised electrical workers Into the bona fide A. F. of L. union...
...Hedley (president of the company) is seared stiff...
...It was the realization of the inflated value that had been attached to the mptormen and switchmen that really welded the men into a consolidated railway workers'-union...
...Carl is president of tho Electrical Workers Association, an organization which...
...Strike Committee...
...there was Jealousy -*AbPJ» the different crafts and lines, d«MM| historical reasons...
...As waa well described by Mrs, Nearing, the Amsterdam meetings were the scene of'.All aorta of festivities participated to by many thousands of Socialist young people from all over Europe...
...He says he hss 147 scabs from Chicago...
...It is qusaejeaahes shiihaf the a. t, of L. can coannuo to be feSy useful If It refugee to budge from Hi set policies of forty years...
...He antagonized the newspaper men by refusing: to give them news...
...One more point to account for the early defection of the power men...
...It certainly must have dampened the .enthusiasm of the recruits, even if after a short while Joseph G. Phelsn, one of the chiefs, came before them and in a short address explained that their leaders were upstairs catching a few minutes of needed sleep after their incessant labors...
...Hugh Frayne...
...He was young, ambitious and bad a sense of the melodramatic...
...Ho knows they are no good., They'll ruin the road far...
...tbe piesspk structure aad philosophy of tab A F. of I» prevented this...
...Coleman explained bow the Consolidated members could affiliate with the Amalgamated...
...Tea,' tort they would have to ha given up to the machinists, electricians', teams tors' Or any other unions that might decide to claim JurletlHtoa over the> dhTsrsnt crafts...
...Carl made a grand display of support from his union which, though well lntentloned, could have but little practical effect...
...Then what seemed a miracle to the men:' the road did rum...
...Why should a workers' union do the same thin...
...Only the more daring and Intelligent remained true to the' movement then...
...This wis done, it is to fie remembered that Cart Biedsky la associated With the Emergency Relief Committee...
...But the evening was hot and wearyjng...
...His publicity , statements smacked of the manifestos of the Workers Party before the NEP (New Editorial Policy) was adopted...
...hat, to accordance with the rules of the Amalgamated, the international would have to take full charge and ha solely responsible for the outcome...
...They did not even know the ABC of unionism.- Matters of common knowledge to Active trade unionists slrnply went over their heads...
...Who Is going to Orand Central...
...Bark and Phelaa—dkc representatives ot the metormea agdj switchmen...
...His sound advice waa Immediately appreciated by toe Madera...
...How can they replace us...
...It disillusioned these - skilled men and helped break dowa their morale, so that some deserted what they sized up as a hopeless cause and returned to work, in addition...
...A few accidents and hell be begging, us bask to work...
...The-tosae.,'waa,.dearths company, even more than the men...
...Coleman 'expressed a willingness to accept the strikers into the Amalgamated If their leaders approached him... ho expressed" it...
...They ware advised, aa a matter, of tactics, to ap> ply to thd Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employee, the A. F. of L. union, tor affiliation...
...Yet the American laser" movement was not equipped, to tote ssj the gauntlet, it had dignity to pre* serve...
...It was his Idea to calf the general strike 'of transit workers of tho city, not because it was bound to be successful — although miracles might happen—hut aa a diplomatic move that might result in concessions for the workers...
...Joseph R. is a labor lawyer...
...The) slevated adC It was said, had not been herped'jl IMC by the subway workers, while fjtf motormen and switchmen had nrs flB> trains when the guards had sli ndshl Ml...
...It seemed strange that they should have to affiliate as a mere local of another union, even If it did have mora than one hundred thousand members to the United States...
...Whea affiliation wan Anally requested under tha dim instances mentioned abort, k waa marely a dying gesture...
...He Is also connected with the Emergency Relief Committee of the Passaic Strikers...
...There work no pickets as yet to stop them...
...When the etrike became.-certain he'dug- Into his pockets, got seme financial aid from his friends, received permission from trie printers' union officials to have the leaflets made on a legal holiday and had them ready tor distribution in a few hours...
...The news hM just been telephoned la that the last hope, of arbitration had bMn muhM...
...As a matter of fact the company was perhaps even more frightened "by the walkout Of the unskilled "black gang" of Are tenders and the like in the power houses...
...And day after day tho company dtd make improvements...
...What waa the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes doing...
...To clear the ground he explained the statement ot his that had been pah-, llshed m the papers that the subway strike was only a take move to Increase the fare from five to tap cants...
...president of tbe New Tork Waiters' Union, was the leading adviser...
...ia/ada* The e*geto>a*vti...
...The strikers were aakod to await their Arrival...
...Young Socialists Build Strong World Group Official reports of the Congress of the Socialist Tooth International held in Amsterdam from May it to t9 supplement the account of the meeting written by Nellie S. Nearing and printed in The New Leader of June 19, and show that the various organisations of Socialist young folk are rapidly growing in power and Influence...
...They had no labor background...
...Whatever sympathy the strikers had in official labor circles- was alienated by his attack upon the "aristocracy of labor" of New York City...
...flashed through tho writer's mind as he risked making a further .remark...
...Tho writer approached him the first day of the strike on the subject of affiliation...
...The Speeches had lapsed...
...The day shifts had arrived at the hall with Walsh at the head and been given a rousing reception...
...Tbe balloting tor new officers of the International of Socialist Tbuth resulted In Karl Heinz (Austria) being elected president...
...Tho strike was on...
...Coal Region Tailors Get More-Pay BCRANTON...
...Their only hop* of ssfcV tion lay In affiliation with the orgSsv, toed labor movement, hut...
...had at ovary tun consistently matt...
...they exclaimed proudly...
...As collaborators the following were elected: Ernest Paul (CsechO-Slovakia), Verrlnk (Holland) and Llndatroem (Sweden... had traditions to malntaasr It was stiff when the need was a* flexibility...
...Discussion on the report centered round the relation of the International of Socialist Youth to Bolshevism and Fascism, to which connection Beermann for the Russian "Socialist, youth, and Re vent low for the Italian Socialist youth organization, took part...
...They began to sneak back to work...
...He insisted that he waa there on purely routine buaineaa in connection with some minor adjustments on the municipally owned Williamsburg Bridge line...
...They were shocked to learn that the jurisdictional rules of the A. F. of L. would prevent them from joining that body directly as a group...
...I suppofe- so," was tbe reply in all innocence Plainly these men were absolutely .devoid of all trade .union experience...
...The real task was to shut down the sources of supply...
...m Zotog fk* paper waa aa impo*ta*.t eeitritetcton to the striker*- tnAneee, sot to eye** of the ot*ortsmtty The Ne*v Leader Afforded |a spraiatog the strikers*"at**" of the ease...
...Lavin, burly leader of tht Nev Tork subway rr.e-n... crafts...
...He had had ian opportunity to observe the labor movement abroad in.-..action...
...As the men were leaving the hall he waa seen actively engaged distributing to them handful* of leaflets...
...wit being lifted to tho Shoulders of his cheering admirer...
...Walsh had not only raised whiskers, but also false hopes...
...After Plot Vbogd (Holland) had submitted a report on vocational education...
...When the men Of the 6 to 1 watch arrived there were very few to greet thorn...
...They realised that victory could not be theirs in a day or two...
...Nothing, particular," came tho answer...
...Each carried wag* him some followers...
...Jtn_ addition, ~TM' New Z-oaiar rfprMsdtatft'aa' war* bagtttBiAa to assist with the relief work...
...the international linking up of' tbe actlvi7 ties of the individual national organisations...
...Not a leader was on the platform to give them a welcome...
...Then, as for Walsh's beard...
...But tho leaders had no knowledge ot tho situation...
...InternaOonal Ot tkitiallsf Tooth was to collaborate actively with the Socialist and XAker- fnTsrnational1 to ojgaaaKax waatpkal (Germany) -aid Judge De- fjraeve fJMejua) epoke oa jfetatfat* -ttt BafeAfVatioa^mt oft ¦witangf tmm toth* eaaiisiiiCpguth...
...Ha would make no advanced...
...A decade Of company unionism had isolated them completely from the labor movement A Man With Kxoerioneo In contrast to them was the solitary agent who had risen from his obscurity to Join the ranks of tbe strikers...
...Who to BrooklynT" Comments expressing surprise and praise tor this lonely station agent were heard...
...Qutoa never struck at sJL Camp returned to work the first wsSjft, Post the second...
...present leaders be- permitted to conduct the strike...
...He: never kept his appointment...
...First to appear upon toe scene were the brothers Carl and Joseph R. BrodSky...
...How many will you take...
...And'remember," he added, 'T have a heavy date for Monday evening...
...Tbe service was poor...
...practical experience...
...Joseph De Graeve (Belgium), vice-president, and Erich Ollenhauer (Germany), secretary...
...They were still flushed with the prospects of victory...
...When the strike did riot come to an end by Monday evening the morale of many was shaken...
...Traitors and History : —Matters ware further cemplicetofife the pros ease of traitors in the rSAkqal toe strikers- Three of the minor kss...
...fT "Babes in tho woods...
...Previous auggeatlons had also fallen flat...
...They were still good workers, but they were more humble about it...
...A weH-known character could certainly not have been employed...
...Aa interview with Coleman was requested...
...To the rescue came James F. Walsh, head of the sub-station power men...
...Well Just lUy out and alt pretty...
...The report submitted by Erich Olierthauer, secretary of the International, to the fifty-three delegates from twenty-two organizations , in sixteen countries, showed the multiplicity of tasks before the young Socialist workers, aa well as their strength and...
...There was no doubt that Sherman was or had Been a Communist...
...Their job was to transform the electricity which came from the two mala generating stations at a higher voltage to one at a lower...
...Several times Individual nujtormen on the floor made remarks when off their guard which made the other workers believe that their interests were not being attended to properly...
...He bad a theoretic understanding of how a strike ought to be conducted, but he had very little, if any...
...It is not its habit to act where one ot Its affiliated national unions la concerned...
...For a time this was practically the only effective organisation work carried on...
...They, therefore, wisely retired into the background and sent In as their representative John L. Sherman, who became the official adviser of tho strikers...
...Starting off aa the official jester of the Strikers by appearing at their meetings and buoying up their spirits with his good humor and biting satire, he ended up by spending bis one week's vacation in their, midst...
...Leave them at the stations that you pass by," he was saying...
...They were even younger than Walsh...
...Finally, he awakened mistrust by refusing to tell anybody, even his closest associates, who he was or whence he came...
...It would have given the strikers respectability, financial support, expert advice and recruits...
...His ex plana t ion that he had made toe skatemeat long before the strike had actually octnxied seemed satisfactory to the men...
...Speeches by Ltodstroem (Sweden) and Totley (Great Britain) dealt with tho international oo-operatlon of youth as the means of a Sort*Mat psace policy...
...T^fca ¦ osf'th foMa fpaaalom'a i*aa^tartfc" ¦ way, ¦ * As* Human with ear sorrow* ~ -Kn*> m» the martyrdom if ftjasT Subway Strike Some Facte That May Prevent Occurs rence of Similar Losses KM aaerefico «h« feflituajfee...
...Now, nobody had heard of Sherman before...
...The latter worked unselfishly and untiringly throughout the strike...
...He waa counsel for the New Tork furriers in their recent strike...
...Tbe road waa then clear for business...
...Tet, that is exaetly what happened in the Subway Strike...
...Da Roods similarly stated that the International Labor Office, within KB ptuvtnce, waa always ready to support the Socialist youth 'movemeat...
...Mistaken Craft Pride When the strike broke...
...Both are Communists...
...Later this clever ticket agent told his story to the writer...
...The truth is that the A. F. of Lt as the official central organisation of the American labor movement did nothing...
...Serf eras a company union that had A fair, chance «f being smashed...
...In back Of his mind waa the poaarbillty af "a...
...Would all tho men Be taken in...
...He was simply John L. Sherman, During the last week of the strike Louis Rlfkin...
...had to support turned out to be a sapfA All were grown up and most wen asset #. i<£ Ffnally...
...he said, testily, "the best organised unions, like those la the needle trades, generally have picketing, special committee* in charge of that, of speakers, of halls And other natters...
...The craft pride of the men was shattered...
...ment to the press had to be drawn ^ ' twice...
...V l>**- Bushehnen...
...They lacked what the educational psychologist calls "apperceptive mass...
...That very evening another Communist came up from the Bmeigancy Relief Committee to assist to gathering finances tor the stifKeis...
...Both men, therefore, can claim experience to their credit, ft was they who first convinced the strikers of the necessity of picketing...
...Would the...
...The Touth Congress waa preceded by the first International Socialist Touth Day, to which young workers from numerous European countries took part...
...The men left with a contuaaaj of notions In their heads about sates pita this and per capita, that, sal ana craft hero and another there, T1% were thoroughly dissatisfied...
...What union would permit a company official to take a score of men—In this case the forelgfiborn "black gang"—into a speak-easy, see them treated to drinks, promise one day off In seven lh the "sweet by and by," and witness them an march back to work without lifting a finger...
...1lft' years of company unionism and low dog" contracts had deprived dip Interborough workers of all trade asms' experience...
...Pa—Scranton union tailors have won a «t-5o wage increase retroactive to Juno I and to force until Aug...
...Now, that tho otriko lo on for a certainty," aakod tho writer, "what will bo your procedure...
...Incidentally, the most that the Amalgamated could offer tbe strikers was to arrange to have the contracts of the different crafts expire at the same time: But aa the days wore on, affiliation with the A. F. ot L. became more imperative...
...Many had gone home...
...He was Q. August Gerber of the Socialist Party...
...The plana were not gone through with first, because the response to the general strike call was poor, and, secondly, .because the Consolidated members themselves began to desert...
...Somewhat more than, J*e4f pf ihe substationmen walked out, hut the giamor of the' first few hours of haranguing soon wore off...
...It was granted...
...tatoad that the fight was to uiosowsj the efficacy of the new "Industrial rejsj tions'' schemes of co-operation at less*, and capital...
...At this point the reader will naturally ask wher*w?as the American Federation of Labor during all these proceedings...
...Having Conceived the idea, this man was put in charge of...
...That the strike leaders could not understand at all.' To tSfcsr smsophtatleft ted minds they could t«t understand how labor leaders and labor organisations who prof eased to have the raterdata of labor at heart should even think of splitting up workers who natojfl*/ belonged to«*th«r...
...What of the A. t. of L... t p. m. Tho hall wa« soon cleared aa tho men, mostly of tho night shift, loft to roport to work to wait Impatiently for tho soro hour at U:01 a. m. Tho writer made hla way to one of tho leader...
...It was useful for publicity purposes, but It certainly' did no good as a strike 'weapon...
...Were net these the proper experts to take hold of the situation...
...Welt, yea...
...Otto Friedlander was elected secretary...
...A conference ot Socialist students' organisations, held at the same time and place, decided to found an International of Socialist Students...
...He is not trying to disparage Walsh...
...ers—Qwlnn, Camp and Post—-are gj...
...The guards, towermen...
...That wss Monday,' July 4...
...WBo the subway strfka fsned...
...leagues and to official Institutions tor the care of youth and the youth movement...
...Its- New.England organiser—it has no office to New Tork City—Jamee L. Coleman, by name, appeared la town the first day of the strike...
...When this reformation waa communicated to the strike leaders they were not In a very receptive mood...
...After a report from Comrade OIlenhauer on the significance for Socialism of educational work in the Socialist youth movement and the lively discussion which followed Kim ml (Austria) spoke on tho international and national fight for the Socialist Youth International's program for the protection of youth...
...Well, you know...
...They were not -certain just what benefits they could derive from Joining the A F. of L. It is quite certain that had affiliation been perfected to the first few days of the strike It Would have made two whales of a difference...
...this-work.' Leaflets were thereafter distributed calling dh the subway tad '%" workers to join the Consolidated Railway Workers...
...Let the writer not be misunderstood...
...The Powermen Fall It was soon realized that something had to be done quickly to swell the ranks of the strikers and hit a severe blow to the Interborough Bapld Transit Company or everything was lost...
...A little after 1 a. m. the men In the 8 to 1 watch were expected...
...There were) ahertag' of trains and low speed, but after all the ears aid not stay to the haras...
...Hla leaflets were a call to his fellow-agents to rise up from their slavery and go on strike...
...The secretariat, as that ot the laternational of Socialist Touth, haa Its headquarters In Berlin...
...New Tork State organiser of the A. t. of L. waa alao present...
...He announced on thd first', Thursday of the strike, when'the sub-etatlpn men voted, to walk out, that victory would be attained by Monday...
...The 44-hour weak fa to fore*, win lam P. So land, umpire an the board of arbitration, g*»« the decision...
...Joseph R. became counsel and at first spokesman for the strikers...
...Yet his OTgeMsstlon was willing to- step in and de whatever was possible...
...It disappointed those who- were not motormen and switchmen...
...Tot ha stayed oa throughout the strike and had his representatives—and justktoWy so—cover the strikers' meetings...
...Peat's 1 seals ill bragging about the thirteen rnlldren h...
...station agents and others were welcome, but it was the motormen and switchmen, after all, went the theory, that-occupied the key position...
...But these two men well knew that their Communist affiliation could do the strikers little good...
...The chief features ot this event were a fine torchlight procession and a mass meeting at which Jan Oudegeest spoke tor the L F. T. U. and Arthur Crisplen for the 8. L. I. There will bo a conference ot .leadera of Socialist Touth in Copenhagen next spring,' and to 1911 the next congress of tho International of Socialist Touth will be .held to Vienna...
...The strike, however, tasasfl out to be genuine and got sat, it bounds...
...He probably acquired a deeper intlght and perhaps a more enduring interest in the labor movement than his associates, but he was inexperienced...
...operators and prssssrs...
...switchmen and guards by a person familiar with organizing waiters—end he was helpful...
...It had been a heated affair...
...The stae...
...was evident that the leaders relied upon .the monopoly of the...
...Otto Sassenbach for the I. F, T. v., and Arthur Crisplen tor the 8. L. I., promised full support from the organisations they represented tor the demands made for the protection of youth...
...lieved to nave been used by the sAs*» paay to urge on a strike in order ta causa aa increase to fares and at A* same time give the company aa ea> portunlty to dismiss the mlsrhtof" makers—Lavin...
...Thus constant reference to the craftsmanship of the motormen and switchmen had two unfortunate effects...
...But then It was too late...
...motormen and switchmen possessed to win the strike...
...There was aa initiation tee of S3 and a monthly tax of $1 per capita...
...The ear before the strike eatoo to aa end Oarber was elected to the Genera...
...This was what a little labor background fiad done for him...
...After that his griszly physiognomy only served to remind the strikers that victory had escaped them...
...He gave them the beat advice that could be given to motormen...
...The conference broke em...
...m«t' cause...
...They had learned since tha strike that their separation into loe£» by crafts in tha Brotherhood had eghr estranged the workers from eaeh ether...
...Way dirtae op ts* "gang" 7 F>en in tha companyt faioa they were permitted to belong to on* all-inclusive Brotherhood, with a General Committee representing afl...
...who got in" before, new get 142.' Women helpers flat «« instead of ill so...
...He had the energy of ten men...
...It was) especially pointed out that one of tho chief tasks before- the...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 30

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