Workers Prepared to Teach Jobbers Sanity, Sigman Says By. Morris Sigman President of International Ladies' Garment Werkara' Union • The strike ot the 40,000 cloakmakera la one month old ttala...

...His voice is husky...
...They have heard this talk before in the strikes of 191*, 1919, 1921 and 1924, during the first six weeks of the strike, only to have later reached a settlement wholly satisfactory at that time to .the strikers...
...Boston Raincoat Makers Will Strike...
...5t, Bstructed me to send you the bOoetnj letter: ¦ -US Joint Executive Board con^gsjitfRs duty toward the membership af 0t locals it represents as well as rH sin to remind you, brothers, at rati time of the necessity of amalgama.«hrj of all bakery workers ot the city...
...Fare, tot- Walking time, about one hour...
...It is at the head of a valley of smiling farm lands leading down to Phillipsburg, a town of considerable sise...
...a>:"It la our sincere desire that one 2ong organisation of bakery workers «Wuld be established In this city to be Wtm to fight the battle of organised ahor against capital...
...our bakery local unions in "Sntii- to leave nothing undone to bring stout a speedy successful conclusion In ¦tor amalgamation work...
...Gilbert, asks the miners and their wives...
...The Sfth week of the strike finds the original contending aides practically in the same position aa on the day the strike went into effect...
...On Saturday evening there will be a lecture with illustrated views in the community tent of the camp...
...B. L—The Oehf Mark Knitting Cnsnpany la- closed Because the SO knitters- aj* .striking lor wags Increases...
...have to wait until ..April when the big' fight cornea and then go back In the union...
...All New Leader readers who hare clothing they wish to donate axe- asked te- communicate with I. Siodiitzky, TTI Newark avenue, Jersey City, or phone Montgomery 1418...
...the Trail, •afltiayv N. Y^ about a mile from the jBetaam Division of the New York jgptral railroad on one of the picjlsresque estates that abound in this .staradlse of the master class...
...Second, a guarantee of X weeks ot employment in the year,' 17 wssks during the spring season and 1* during the fall season...
...Martin Ryan...
...N. Y. Local Aids Them Monday, p. m, Angarst rtv— Announoement has Just been made that at a" eonferenoe between Morris Sigman...
...Gilbert Is fairly typical...
...Workmen's Circle Branches Of Hudson Canty, N. i, To Aid Passaic Strikers The Hudson County branches of the Workmen's Circle are making: a. campaign to aid the Passaic strikers- A committee representing all the...
...y Trusting for favorable answer, I am osth best wishes, "By order of the .Jojnt Executive *Beerd, >¦.., ¦ "Fraternally yours, fSlgned) "John U. Hesse, Secretary...
...p real ft sat, and Julius TSochman...
...If the manufacturers and the Jobbers would take the trouble to read a pagh of cloak industry history, they would quickly realize that it would be better for their „own welfare and for the welfare of the Industry, It instead of employing blind obstinacy, they would meet the demands of their workers In a spirit of Industrial sanity and a sincere desire to mend the Ills which are harassing the cloak industry, -of, our city...
...They look forward to-n national bituminous strike when the Jacksonville wage agreement 'finally officially expires...
...the workers are prepared for it- . The two hundred million dollars' worth of cloaks manufactured each fall in the New Tork market cannot be manufactured in any other marke^L Neither Boston, nor Chicago, nor Baltimore, as the local manufacturers admit, can help the strike-bound firms In Near Tork to make up their merchandise., The workers know also that this talk by the . "inside" manufacturers and- - Jobbers, that they would rather lose this season than concede the terms of the union, Is utter piffle...
...Ay should the General Executive iJMrd or the convention pass favorJHr on your proposition of amalgamates our organisation win be ready to nVnediately take up negotiations looklet toward amalgamation...
...The association bf the "insiders," the Industrial Council, la Just as unwilling...
...L W. W: WILL HOLD PICNIC SEPTEMBER 5 The members of the 1. W. W. of Greater New York have arranged a picnic at Harmony Park, Grasmere, Staten Island, on Sunday, September 5 (Labor Day Eve...
...TM?- tHIfvwife, sYter raising her own..., of your esteemed organisa3pp and...
...Richard Gilbert Is secretary of District 2, United Mine Workers, and has been since...
...iMfcr, Philip Berger...
...Bring food tor one day, blankets and bathing suits...
...Simultaneously, the raincoat workers of Nsw York Local M have voted an additional donation ot ,0ns thousand dollars to help out their fellow-workers ot Boston...
...Time, JjU p. m. (Saturday afternoon...
...Some as much as 28 pounds under normal...
...Tn the name of the rank 2nd file of fto bakery workers we appeal to you to take up the question of amalganfafgoa and act upon Immediately...
...Third, a fortyhour weak, to spread out employment In this highly seasonal Industry which In IMS yielded teas than an average of so weeks of work...
...MINERS' CHILDREN VMBZED School Records Reveal Little Ones From Coal Homes Are Underweight...
...branches in the county has been work...
...On the whole...
...The committee sent circulars through the Jewish newsdealers, asking, tor old, discarded clothes and household articles, which win help the strikers...
...In WashingtBgi WASHINGTON — Martin F. Ryan, ' president of the Brotherhood of Hallway Carmen, Is in Washington with his family, combining sigfafsostng with conferences with other members of ths> executive council of the Amtricta **sa> oration ot Labor...
...Hochmsn Is In charge of the organisation work at Boston...
...Including the two thousand dollars which have been contributed by Local to within the pant tew weeks, this makes a total of throe thousand dollers to enable the raincoat workers to unionise their trade In the Hub City completely...
...The demands also Include sat improvement ot the features already Introduced In 1814—the Joint unemployment insurance fund, the "Prosan is" health label, and » new minimum wage swale, mora nearly commensurate with the demands of the workers' family budget, the skill ot the workers employed fat the trade, and the ever-Increasing seasonality ot the Industry...
...rioe-president of the International Ladles' Garment Workers...
...Morris Sigman President of International Ladies' Garment Werkara' Union • The strike ot the 40,000 cloakmakera la one month old ttala week.' 'It la conceded by all p&rtlea Involved in it that the tie-up of production caused by thla etrlke haa been as nearly complete aa It is possible to achieve...
...A 16-year-old Polish lad who went to the Phillipsburg dispensary with Mrs...
...hfFurther we have also favorably de'iMsa for Joint conference between the •»*kery workers' local unions of New Ark...
...The few men who have work In the non-union towns are supposed to be on the 1917 scale...
...occasionally two...
...a- «Tb* Amalgamated Food Workers...
...Dear Brethren: , «Tbs Joint Executive Board ot Srntfer New York at its regular meet' *j#J«fh»r hearing a report submitted •aw'ntsffier Joseph Olaf of Local No...
...From the baby up they drink coffee Instead ot milk...
...The cloakmakera ara coshdent that they wiU win this Strike, and by1 their lavas* m thin fTtaotht and wmi&k9i d us try...
...Jtseting place, northwest corner 42d ttrset and Lexington avenue...
...lug for the past month with wonderful results...
...w Tork Joint Executive Board - j> fhe International Union has sent " f fjSjBwIng letter to the Amalgamated 1 njsd Workers: .5: i "New York City, Jury 11...
...The company promised them full time to get them to 'break...
...It was charged t*af »• Was mors ed • Frenchman tjhan an mternattouaHs...
...The results were very encouraging...
...Some„of them, answer:' ^We...
...The Jobbers' group, the Merchant Ladles' Garment Association, still persists in refusing to assume responsibility for work conditions In the shops of its sub-manufacturers...
...Pa.—One Way ot seeing that all's not right in 'the soft coal mine fields is to go over Mrs...
...A pretty little 13-year-old Polish girl was coughing violently when Mrs...
...BAKERY UNIONS CONSIDER UNITY ^arfectionery Workers' & Vp Matter at Mtg Convention Hare SlKHE question of amalgamation is fm being made an Issue of importance by the organised bakery ^gorkeri of Greater New Tork In both ttisHlrr"""* the Bakery and ConSSonery Workers International Union tAmalgamated Food Workers, ptlpn of the Bakery and ConWorkers International Union August • dn New Tork city...
...Coffee seems cheaper In the short run economy the miners must practice, even though milk and health are cheaper in the long run...
...It has been a very orderly and peaceful strike...
...It may take many more weeks before the Jobbers and manufacturers are brought to see the soundness ot the workers' terms...
...In regard to ¦nus we expect that your Joint Board •Ml take this matter up and trust it '.atH give it favorable consideration.** Tourist Club Hike ^{Sunday, August 8, we hike to the (latP of-the Followers of...
...He has frequent colds and sore, throat...
...Gilbert came to her tlrly company house In a row of identical little gray buildings...
...Ugly mine communities...
...She was too sick to be examined that day...
...She *eat with her older sister on the little porch, looking out across the railroad track, the slate dump, the tipple looming black across the sky, the mine entry...
...But one day's work a week Is all they have...
...Wlth our convention in this city %jt weeks from today, it is our deejba that the delegates take it up and at upon...
...This resolution was aimed so d*a> nltely at Paul-Boncour that his ardent supporter, Pierre RenaadeL promptly resigned as a French members of the H. L. I. Executive Committee, which will have this resolution before It at its September...
...Out ot 47 children examined In one month, 11 have had to have immediate tonsil operations...
...Hawk Run and adjoining Morrisdalo are non-union now, though others ¦in''the district are still adhering to *frie ' Jacksonville agreement...
...lev the Cleveland cloak market, under the fares in ent with the union, the cloak manufacturers guarantee the wwhets 40 weeks annually...
...Seven and 10 per cent, underweight children coming from these mine homes...
...Union, steps were taken to call a general strike of raincoat makers in Boston am August It...
...nieeting, }n\Zurich...
...The lantern slides have been photographed within a radius of loo miles of New Tork City, and depict nature In h» various stages of development...
...r >' ¦ ¦ But on Inly IS the rWpiaheat Administrative Commission of the Soetal- • 1st Party, at a plenary session, adopted a resolution fathered by Leon Blum and A. Bracks potting the matter of Socialists being allowed to ispiesent Governments on the League pt Nations up to the Executive Committee of ties Socialist And .Labor JnJ^rpationsj and recommending that no Socialist be permitted to accept such an appointment by n bourgeois Government...
...V -we beg to be permitted to state ¦ snrrpositlon on this question to your ^General Executive Board and to the ' convention of the Bakery and Confectionery Workers International Union ewaUk Is te convene In the early part of latent hvNew York city...
...Vh4tt*#v#B" tH#t*a it* an 4nSO0fid«nUrt plana, a large portion of the morality et the country emanates fro— fets elans interests and its fostlftgn SOCIALIST PARTY PUTS BRAKES ON PAUL-BONCOUR ' ¦BBeP' '^Mr* * enrnwJOaaneJB Ln^EsafL-M ^BsnVI ' f 3 jBfer- - - a«| aj- J ¦ oa-x5aoBL*L 'M —' " 7*1 "* *X^BB*******na*****s' JsnhJnannf ^anaanYaaaBal anaamnP- '' of Mb follow mseabers off the ¦insstsjf Party by msphQlnm what they aan*sMsrsd a spirit net in aoonri wtta tan) principles of the BochUfst^si rnhsngt...
...Richard Gilbert's records of school children's examinations from Hawk Hurt'and other mine towns around PhHllpsburg in »centra> Pennsylvania...
...Dancing, sports and all sorts of amusements are on the program...
...Admission 60 cents, -the proceeds of tho picnic are for the Italian and Spanish organs of the I. W. W. All our liberties are due to men who, when their eonseisnea has oontpelled them, have broken tho laws of the Isnd-—Dr...
...What are you going to do...
...To this communication the Executive '.^sarnm of the Amalgamated Food Workers replied as follows: TtSW York, N. Y., July «7, 19M...
...His tonsils should be...
...The family of nine live apd sleep in two rooms...
...These terms include, first, a limitation of the number of sub-manufacturers by Jobbers, in order to avoid cut-throat competition In a market already saturated with contractors, to check the spread of the old-time sweat ¦hop, and to Insure steadier employment in shops under union conditions and- an equitable division of work in "¦lack" seasons among the** contractor shops...
...t&iiy,f liu ~Mpiittt Vart last nine^and a half years in tuberculosis prevention work, chiefly among miners* families...
...The strikers, of course, are determined not to yield an Inch of ground until their terms are met...
...Hawk Run la one of those wretched...
...The child looked feverish...
...that this communication .•w»sMs>lgiven proper consideration in jl^sWnwsaentlorled*• respective bodies...
...Knitting Workers Strike WOONBOCKET...
...tion of the party at Oal iissnf'Tni rand, but no actlori was taken' to discipline Boncour...
...and that In his legal work all onsns looked alike to him.' This question was) raised at the recant national oouTsaj... confer with the nnlon on the program of demands submitted to them...
...The majority of the French Socialist* appear to think that it Is blgn time to draw the line on partlcipattee) in bourgeois government activities...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 30

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