The News Of The Week K would *«>*ax Capital Abroad from Arthur H**-. si Lull J fn Tiip»*nil to tho N.w- Tor* t^sfcfip*. neously that ha W;a>a^ th«-^o«doo Daily Mails Taaaaw^ the...

...Your musj* he* tthe eadeooe <rf •>!*• , ¦ ' And ell the *oefhi*g rhythm ef a.'Jiymn...
...patient until they- are toW where they get off...
...WISE M ER TQMBxtl': WORKERS in the needle trades wjll worry no longer after'^ September ;10...
...On the other hand, there are Industries and regions in this country where the workers are...
...Of eourse,VCal is required to »urvey the work of.the^G...
...being recognised by' more saS)/|g«fsu critic...
...M work ta "The Weaver* ta QePfltgj LrSsratur*- la...
...So we "Just sit ' down at our typewriter sr>d *f*wty peond eut trii* ***aa\ssa^a* *s*^a*a^*,ah*UkaV...
...Government " of Swiping RmkwwT the pecmle, by\the FrwmNatJVm* politician* and for...
...banker ahdtbrporatiort in <he fJWted Stiftes: There' should be-no" favorites...
...the power of government among alt corporations: without discrimination, and thuspwerve irrvibtate 'our "free ihstitutnTO*1*;fo*t all time/: . . y'¦'' r Where is.the statesman vrhq will-rescue us . from our peril and restore our institutions by acting on our suggestion...
...right of buying voters, judges, senators, governors and other merchandise should b>: preserved-';for* every ea^tatfsr...
...5. - ¦ Or rovtafl *le*p svray...
...When they get...
...slvu* puuS^AlWIfl^P *P^*M * efuNI &£W'wjt¥KQmd Wit* a ptu*-*M aw* ia*«w»tu*J .liSJuSsn...
...between Or*at Britain add Italy,, practically dividing th* ancient African ' empire Into the well-known spheres 'of...
...Foster's Needle Trades' Section of^iftfTradej Union Educational League...
...Italy In Pautflj* fafflM , . and a few other S.'• J~, ^ fliUtopsa'n eeunwith th* fhutnc4alan4 sontal problem* growing flat ef the'World War, some 4,#08 young rspreaantatlve* cf paitgkt organisations in aoout thirty coontrie* are meeting in Rheimk...
...lnriueir*p for their own benefit England 'wants to build « dam across the Blue"KUe ta Abyssinian territory te help Egyptian cotton growers, and .l^J wonM, to build a,, r^f\rqa~d~ t^rpUSf...
...rted hi* criticism to even fiiimaV^ttensteas and conclusions, ta -*n**nVS arid Bngland, however...
...Ju#t as simple a«-f#41ing-_ofjE-a log...
...Abyssinia has protested to th* Leagu* ef Wat Ions, ot which sn* is a member, against this deal and the matter wtfl come up for discussion In September...
...hh>as% rust *tu*3*u ta German Weratm^s^uefly rwreal a InuaMatuVtlaat ^»'a^isfllj l^aVlJkwauwta^TSt, which reasnsS Thomas Cooper thai appeared ta BBg land at a- not distant date, hspsnjj wJ^TuTtisgef) {MB atbldX IhrOUjjIl -twf *P^bb ef protest to which even^FrhsJSMl ris* of Iflni^tatoreet ta th* pr**its3 •a-the part of the "lrtarati" is axjfl X>rBsdcs ks correctly empnaaf The arrival of Wflllwmn'i PTC*MtsJJ novat* sa early as IMS is a pbafsij **a ef no little importance...
...The Labor and Boctahat movement has demonstrated Its...
...and trees- . ¦ire cheat* ef theuuht, all wairmflte a* .reviewed here, * But the madneee ef Auguat it'eitt...
...a: Bge^tBflSnV.i...
...The Weaver* In German Ltteiature- 9s a *e*Uawitlea...
...1 - '. At tlif "vet* petipd whert American iftd French Capitalism 'are making faces at each other, French and German capitalists are becoming affectionate...
...rsVSr* CHATTER BOX More Som^Cts io > l^ark Lady , -^•entrthlns within yeer* s^nesp s.**ttg;A*t mav aou>'i»<i And I am haWed in my atsflful - streesv...
...The b**d» frpm p*»**lrlae> siiffl *t*nd* rati down In •njssdieaaraaary a* I think ef tflie nifht I cannet count them and i sgnnot *ta*p...
...Meantime clerical politician* in the United State* aeva been pulling the wires in the hope of American Intervention while : their propaganda ignores the meat vital facts in Mexican history...
...Jn Drive Your Own *uuf Fay *y ' - the Mile boeta, Hlndeeini trafllo aa th*y ewerve swd...
...anal women sweet under th* unwha, la the offleee, and on th* laaatmiiisbl...
...Of course, it was real nice ot this rubber baron to go to the Philippine* and prapara a bUl to 'cat what be wants...
...Talne, fur lne*gflS encumbered by hi* theory ntpjeatl differences snd his paasten' mom«pt," failed to er^w\a»a proaert with anything mar* than ejflpt tertng diction...
...The «ar* pass up and down, ' Tip Uisxie* end Buiek* and R*tt*-R*y*e*i Farmer* from Keokuk, e4e*kr**k*re from the...
...As for the Democrats, they Wait for an opportunity tb'lflerve the satire "rjfltioiif" The union men, pursuing an -old poKtical policy, became caught in the dirtiest' political mess in a generation.,The Illinois Auction cannot be forgotten...
...k We therefore suggest that the Jlnuofr Leg* isJature enact legislation which will fix a general schedule of the sums permitted, in the articles mentioned.above...
...der«tarid which nation has become prosperous under the tender care of Coolidge...
...that .the.|..PubKcj^ryjc».'Go£-: pora^km^f N^w Jersay isi-cenvincj...
...With the rige" of thew great industrial corporations and...
...In the hotel, men end Women Sweat aaneiwg at*** *A**y...
...and owners, preotottateeV by- uflj rts* of the auauumus and taeaulaBsjtf fbhpUea ef the) manual craftsman, mm dlsrusai 1 to careful, extensive snd (Jft trnataattaa detail...
...Only • etream - ef* alien teortsU «*•* fry - - WporrinS, m*on*nr«*l w*Bon...
...One ot her ¦ thing...
...They hug and gyrat* *n th* reef ganouji of th* netei...
...tke-trMsfK ¦teadllr moving ta the *am* uwflStJB j The esthet** hav* ah-eady' eflflH pallid and anaemic...
...ARISE, NOStLE l^El^riEl^ VtS H#R^V*v«» a ttme when tjie Unitsrf I States-was ruled by owners of slaves and phtnutions...
...Tbjr^.hW «p...
...the foreigners expelled...
...AltogefflsB^ however...
...In Russia the spirit' eMMPg ta Trotxky'b .'"Literature and'sWeek*-^' tlon""waa*to be expected...
...Although tkesJJh thor la more concerned with pter*taflfl Phttoeophle...
...e^ravwee^tnalVdied: Fl^auuT,|uW?Xi"»# ti%4 Hlt4Ntefl*i Hnrtewi hx a swUntHm mtrlaW* 1 Bum *f « blMtrand tee d*n*e^ar...
...This is strikingly demonstrated'in an article in the August number Of the Fortnightly Review which is reprinted in the New York Times...
...artist instead of the social moveauafl of which the artist was but the aaflV ary expression...
...essential industry, *distriinite...
...ur*r*V 1s^*PuBTv*jfsl Of...
...ABaueJjB this nsay b* true also of hts sssflH book...
...r ' !'.'•¦> ' -l- Whil* P^aac*, Mmf0B&?mVik Belgium...
...Act which would permit treat plantations sa large as acres and submlttad ft to tUm "PhWpptlne aalbormes...
...tiae^itaJmCettsw has rarely been better demonstrated than in the report of Harvey S. Flrijstone, flr., sdn of the tire maured**)trjrer?o«y Praatdent Coolldge on *<*>' rubber resource* of :the 'Philippine...
...A.fat person buried in the *u*>ilon* *f_* **o>n . ^.Ibs^cjS^jfe ^^Mi^m^iMh Wsst "bid ypu Uke my *dvio* andaell Iranes *n*rtr' Fifth aveou* was en** a Madam* Dw Marry...
...9% In thU vetaxoe the lyrics, drasaaaagf novels of Oerxaan Buuatm* that s*p*V out of the weaver-motif, th* SIM *jj| era...
...if;the corporation became public property, what would...
...nSountaift retreat... irtorstur* that w* bar* today...
...Fortunately, the organized worhaea at Mexico .and* this country understand each other .and win cooperate la Ojppoelng any intervention in what la purely a problem that belong* to the Mexican people alone...
...c.- • • •«£ ••-"?»* T* earmy askt % mm asm i nitinlah that Mad...
...This wiU.preserve competition in ah old and...
...lie Belgian and rVenchfrsne* have- both risen censidwrhMV =fro«¥-thttt»r»c*flt lew marks, hut the lira stays down despite repeated cheerful report* about Italian finance...
...water playlsp *n tie* pier spits...
...They simply mean to gather in New York and settle all the problems of the unions...
...Turning from this cheering spectacle of international amity, one eeee French trbdps engaged ta , hitter battles in ' Syria, a slight refrudescence Jft the war in Spanish afofoece, and Abyssinia, indflrnant at^dtscloVuraa of an agreemeht...
...While Liptxin's treatment of fSSaV changee is competent, there is ia'aV description a tendency to deal aMV with, and in that sense emphaahffS a point ef hyperbole, the lndrraalff...
...the Uw lhVUs ownership of1*** 1»X W»a»a company to . l.ip* ttm and ^•;»t* to American capitalist "development...
...had arawiei i*it»l»*m *«a*>- *uref**e ; fm* thirut- snd ^dip^ vaSr'* humid' ^lankef dsrtnues M» Vm sttfljenjaf - and no...
...vat**, and h**t- nnpVs* us fretful...
...Her* la a case of direct representation of a his...
...Members of the unions wflt please be...
...In the pres*e3 tlon Uf'ihl* facta, and certainly ShfK reetratoed than jwvoluUonary -1*' mf method, the aoetol origin of k*.sj> tsrial is never obfuscated...
...other writers sflSM tared ever the country kau* i sliftBjj ted sporadically to the same lh*stofc starry...
...In ;'e*her .words, Europe came out of, the war and the .pest-war, "peace'' with...
...neously that ha W;a>a^ th«-^o«doo Daily Mails Taaaaw^ the SNMfcp partty** o* the United •tote*, ate s*serts that American "big btalna*' 1. the first "to reccejnia* the valua of th...
...You make a decision sere and it is vetoed by' the Mbecow "Plenum...
...or hew they w*r* buried...
...Floyd Uffl wFHL "Literature and Machine AgF**|»Sl nirtatieuafy careeaed tha'them*, MM' •klrUrrg so gracefully and* peauhBP around Its edges had failed te' **Wfc to direct grip* with Its *ab*ta*c*.i<k^ top BiackUr ta hi* "MsjameaauW SjT explofted the appreaeh t* an esSJausfK mat U rtdtwk«^hi tt« *K upuuuttwff^aluBetHat stsWerur- ^fttftmWf '^W^tttS^ff1 tnuatoattaar ef^tn* fm-*wtas -qTml tea -a... pay a minimum charge of one dollar for electricity .even if they have only consumed the value of a.dime's worth...
...J Boyer ha* dealt sue i essfup/ with SK poetry of th* afl**fpMS rrvotafl* Joseph Vaaster ha* aaplorW OreafJB art ta pursuK of th* bum tntllsysBjTj tkm...
...metal' wefk»r*' and 1 s**iu*u have' received- mst*r»»l rains* tat CALVIN'S NATION CONFRONTED with the widespreadftrisr ery of a great rural population in the west, and increasing: hatred of the United States as a Shylpck>y.the pcooles of . Europe, -C«>>irlge chants a song of satisfaction in his cw...
...unfortunately, Ssayq u-entajy taam- taterpretativ...
...Te htflaw Bogdaaov and Lunacharsky ssfsu 4fB...
...Beoics II* uppn our e**k, new seek...
...Then^ there .wjITbe" a dozeh""down withs" and ,<flpi withs" and -I'hails lb," and there you are...
...A counter-move -. was tnade by arm* Catholic member* in eirsnlattas a manifesto .of protest, but haw than, twenty sishatures could be obtained for this document...
...feceipt bf that iuieyftuh would not convince the owners that the nation "would slip into.hades...
...Its vote will Trteasure* the,which the working class is thinking this year...
...Thin "la the theory of the Dally Mail, which sent a 'labordelegation to the United State* .'to prove'It...
...Tpmght.»h* (» • lady of th* hour...
...i '-s...
...Where "high wages' " are paid the rata baa been wrung from the employing class thy ths unions...
...Does he mean thejojaar devils in':th,e mills-Of the...
...On;8ie other hsnd, the serf* of Ndwjtefsey Vfe feWcke^ltke a'tuYkey-of its 'fathirs^fbve ChHsttoaa 6y this c^ponctidn.' ;TKeseiTS calrVtly pay a nickel for, a ride of.a few blocks and then cough up more...
...Cdolidge and bis firm of politicians have lovingly nursed ^Ae '^tesftile industry with an affection that a, mother lavishes on her first born.while jt^.owne^^aj^ skinned the workers to the bone, • * By f^^rhberroif wtrat has happened to the tillers 6* theiV^ hi thf West and the texitift workers of the East we'are*abfe to...
...Fame awaits the bird' who responds in|T,HEN the history oi'oar ,period;'ta:wr\tWy...
...which should be respected...
...brtghtbrshininaon Wgh...
...i.- • ••• ' ' • '' - , » Frftft sveair* surety is s grand •bj fsuVi" .u'..i They danee in th* trill room of the betel...
...They eeem ** Irreverent...
...They are going to tell the "labor bureaucracy...
...Tlth - leW__a ffBLala, I__»____ taii**atn —ft an si - -» ' ' '• AyVd . Cv'lsjj^fcuhe^ v w^lla^WPelfrteJ tal'ww^auv'ua...
...This" Simply means that the ruling dassr-s, who only a few years ago wefe hurMng the workers of*the two nations into Bloody- ditches to cuteaeh Others thr bats, each s^ri^ "Rytfjns of hate;," tetlly hjiirii mtich'to ;*»bn for thtsis itkgG&b&jtjujfe ism is tapidly Yeebverffig^"fro^the «tethpt df French ^f>h»lism...
...TbV^s^tiotf has ^ecome a j^avV;r^acV and we protest that the Utility barons' of, XV Hnots are destroying our beloved "dembeiraey'.'*-The...
...The Spanum-1 priest* Shane* far ranenUoiii...
...Thlo he contrasts with a aJnropaahi l»fUeT« a* low ware* on the ground that Wrw,p*>d labor ie eonaideti«^ea»nmti*r^->»*' coete...
...iWly.or«<riotBl appear* «vthe horizon and it Wars onr illrnoi^^^rflittmy it appeaj-«,th*t public utilhies aridjiydroelectric areJ*»**m*» their rM*t.-to role over ail o»cr corporations...
...s Firestone reported on'tis eoll and cUmat* of the rslanoa.'the *uppfyrubber, the'land" Aw* and ether PhHippln* legWtle* ot SFeat tetervsVxeHfie nrbbeV corpoV*dbmr bf the United States...
...sit nfrue that ihe workers have been many years organizing, unions to take carcof these problems, but they need somebody ,to: take care of them and the problems as well... becoming mere aadflw|a ' emphasised 1a critical di Shjsgg| llfl tbe sociologies...
...Opened letter* Ii* unanswred...
...i ¦ *; * : f...
...Would it not-beioolish for the owners to permit this rich cow to pass into the hands of those who feed it and care for it...
...Yon do away with "bureaucracy^ aitrj have "democracy" .every day1 and every week and ever* month—direct from Moscow...
...They are net even eurieu...
...And they do it-cheerfully...
...Now that French capitalism l»nd its governing machine are in bad financial straits the German ruling classes rrisjce affectionate advance* acfoss the freotftr: which tof'^clepted by thf Frenoh...
...Say $I0,tXX) for a governor and' not more thah $20,000 for a senator...
...that, public ^ownership of th^^ccm^ern w<»I^^ad^r^to has announced that for the y«»r e»^ng June 30 -its gross revenue was $100,983^56, dn iarSse of $K)^28,4G0 over the previous year, the...
...connecting her^ twj» ffricaa'ejjpnie...
...formed into a minority by the mysteriou*"Plenum" or sOme other body in Russia...
...In new and radical interpretations;.**, art and social life...
...Coolidge now has the report, and all that is necessary la to legalize tbe'appetite of American ruober interests...
...The wise men oppose" it... flj» sociological approach te Uteraxexu^thaj cannot be neglected by the** inter...
...All these services are socikt th to farrtr Ijat the' ptiblic library, TOr the health department, ot the fire department to private exploiters...
...So we await the great dar when the" wise men opposed to "bureaucracy* gather M solemn conclave...
...quesUon once several y**ra ago were it not that to* Government had «*any reconstructive problem* to aoiv* and it bad to aup. pre** the military adventurera **•)*> were a con*tant source of danaer to any ieraoergtlt regime in Mexico...
...They never stop to puss I* over a pyramid, .Or quest lew a sphinx...
...There's:a.brusk in the eMuds... would be unfair te Juflg*, unless We are in good nature and can be penereu* at times...
...means for making peaej* perpiansmt...
...But Cslies and his aasoctatee' are deleYminW to.'settle the...
...W* are.sure...
...That heralds th* dawn of a Ion«-ptmnls«d day, . When-right shall b* s*isdrtuapfl.*aaB flseaSjfl faw • aye— . ''•'•'•-'• ? When wan to th* strength '*t -hi* manhood shall ' fSkMht...
...Certainly, Butiwhat of those whoMeed it and care'for itr Ask* them: They-seem to like it and they seem to agree with those'Who milk the cow that-disaster would follow if the wofkless owners ceased to milk it...
...All their problems will be taken care of by e^petft*' Whd:wilT assemble .for^that* pttrv pose...
...While . HsssSttet Is trying to tack another'new upon th* worktag day of Itsflan- Mhor,' the Belgian 8*nat* has ra«ffW tou Washington Eight Hour - ConTeutlon, and Behjfia* mtaer...
...Prance, to discuss wuy| ahjd... ^destroy, it...
...An example of his reasoning is found in hit reference to the textile industry...
...Church, and f^>*»*^^T««« "rfset parade ta Mexloet city ta wnleh *0>e0 workers peitielpated...
...In whlsb bPJ **ti rati has pha*u*a*ta tar ^^j|B •^euftoj uud .Arbiter" (1930) which the problems of the in proleter were given »WM6> istoMsaas *f ^i^S^M sympathetic portrayal, are sigxeaflg*9 too ta chalking the change f rosj fin) old to the new literature...
...wise men...
...This will also rive the President another opportunity to declare that the "nation" Is prosperous...
...O. P. and call it good...
...A ^id-Siimfjief ** Nightmare in . .Manhattan The Ohette ties Ilk* s psrlsh . Seurvrad, gasping, tongue Ulling Aggtaet a. refaee ean.-t :2i...
...A FRENCH-GERMAN UNION fWpfHE'- raring •classes having - big stakes in V»V the capitafist'system of production "may ;'- from ttme to time throw humanity into the bloody wallow of war but fundamentally they have'common interests all over the world...
...If a clod of...
...The good news comes from Chicago...
...And sell- simply drink the strains ye u. sing . And dream that l.slene er* listening...
...Bujj *T**rl* Maurdalena...
...step ansf start - Along the curb in s—nh of romenti*aJtufl...
...A rseted Uhr**** rhjNfry tied with ete^ girder* .And uiau- hasms - ta>, a-nta** wTAsfett araf sertn...
...What is true of these city services fs 'true of: the great .industries which are ¦sources of...
...As the writer points but, this is due to their "common economic -riitefestsH which will iead to ""political developments" soon...
...prbgratn worthy6 oTtB#'mah aM woman with a vb... wfih deterrr-iriing t|ie polftic* of Europe than all the treaties that rSfljr\Be' signed and^ accepted by the foreijfn If^miihid^y^ii^A^^^ In&m~ national relations, shows the folly of the WorkQts...
...We hope that our-British "cousins" will hot... *we*t j* the parks, W**fle*j sw*al ¦ th* orty sweats trylayj te sfSbp...
...welfare of, all:vriil be Kired with, the witch superstitioft...
...owners pBtsidef^The textile'lrfdustyy has heen a scene, of_mer.ciless exploitation of men, women and , children, while the owners have extracted more and more surplus value—unpaid labor—front these American peons...
...Th* 'Frr** oftfi i*y^ias^ t%^^-trf— S.MO nntreaa" are eenptoyed...
...Jeauph Bhipler, rjp stMag*.' B Social;Criticism meats tL ^tsuua^Bfls chevotsfl to* f i<SSjp tos tb* effeet* ef aeckU chailM" l*f) literary trend* is to be touad taj?fl (John* Hopkins University Pus...'slsJaflBBl ¦¦ ¦¦ Mill ¦¦ I i III Bcshuauanuk...
...And .there you are...
...Critical Cruising By V. F. Calverton Proletarian Poets and Critics w* N fln* wtffeh* general Qreaj&ltjj I pssmded ta my vofcassap^ *; BhAspr'ahjsult,- we axel that M cat attftudes Seward literataW Mafl ahbriafli.t ska snetekagy or tflaU It ts wot the msBesflnal critic u^B fotnuilat** csttsrta, but aoctal .3 tastSU thai.'reformulate She 'TJK ^set-'^ ;. . Among few critics of th* j9 tesnth- century it was ta* fsanflfl speak ot Ut*t*tur* as- the proa^gS tt* "mflteu," bat there was abesfl)3 agotuuu that flare tor abstracthhrp that penchant for ^*ji**»*j|' jUg wreeksd thalr method and- sfawj their oonelnstems...
...Letter* from eewta-fbe- lie- ur*e*er>ed...
...ten a hundred years.hence our Consent - ffor small groups to own great tedustries'essential to the...
...retojrung any national prejudfee*-* They also havV' common interests across frontiers and the more they fraternize and cO-c$>erste with each other "the' sooner will capitaliim go into the discard...
...LlfflB ur Okie of the most premising crfJK sua-SSid-ta the eoctologieal *llli>g...
...a3*Wl* . 'r...
...Shelley' ta Oar many...
...sasw* ..'Of.'»r**t buildta...
...dirt that American caplUllsts get their hand* on ever reverts back to tbe Philippine people at-the end of a thousand years unless a social revolution takes it the Filipinos will, be a people unusually blessed...
...not paid sufficient to enable them to live in accord with * decent standard of existence...
...Brans, And reel estate pkirtp*r* from Flatbush...
...Still eaterlafl to a select trad*, Still .carrying her somewhat frayed And outworn fln*ry . With •¦> ancient *rue*.'V...
...Nerwr that pablie utilities and hydroelectric power have forged te the front they are entitJed to S share in ruling our noble ''fre«n«n" and they new exercise the ^rtomtrpri«|ls|mv...
...Sernething wrrhtem* hears a irMledy feu full of srtlee* depth to b* denied...
...Tb- bnitg "democraty'* and dethrone "bureaucracy," all that the members have, to do is to follow thfc example of the...
...Now It is disclosed tilf** Clement Studebaker and Ira Copley/.two more utiTuyJtnagoates, invited some mce...
...Th* phen* - Hneo-and rtap* urttit w*'' rale* • *w**ty arm t* a newer, fled re /net In" hie' ¦ hepven, and the aeeeid** out ef Joint...
...They take as 'much as they can from the working class and concede- no more than they are forced to concede to an organised working class... taken in...
...He is happy that it is recovering...
...or top latfl...
...a boycott, but so fair "its activity ta fills respect has pot produced any marked, effeeV Tbe priest*'are by no lams* a unit...
...y -j Thus American "eWaWraey" marches onward to its aoWfl 4le*ti«sr...
...through with-the needle trades the wise men will turn their attention to other unions...
...sasfg*, . k-' ^ * 1 ^ - * * wTWwg ** ^r*flfl|si' ws...
...But H«rlem is no flaMruam fleer Fer the,* II ef Her gown...
...private plunder...
...In the meantime...
...there* a gleam » th* ...sfly.- ¦ There'* a beeutlfoJ...
...The aDcasbflSfK approexh, based upon the '-eBlH Struggl...
...But don't misunderstand...
...T-H*"upe)er Cast Sid* is a.leper ' StrwAes*,** the edge uf-.* peel Toward whWi ha...
...Of the Versailles Treaty he says that .instead of the peace negotiations limiting the evil consequences of the war and...
...should not permit the •former, to monopolize the market,1 believe -in equal- rights 'for' all* and special^fv1tegV5:to:fton...
...It saves so much trouble and then he is sure -thatthe legislation Is precisely what American rubber corporations desire, the *bUl also provide* for land leases for It years, after which the lands, improvements.- building*, roads, etc, ar* to .rarart to the government...
...sytMhUS on th* thenw^ WBjH Long • to Assarted has iai**a*flj method tpto th* Sold of AsaerflJ drama, and supported It with scfcobagf aaalysU and *oclal vtsto...
...pitn bring bagpagraBd repieter wit* wvve* * Te eleep In Itttl* reem* ef th* awtsL...
...That is rather selfish...
...banks "the transportation companies sharedthflir framirtVon with the new sovereigns...
...The economic'boycott does'net appear to have' had much effect and for a need MUon'-that oppoewS the< Government's prosram atjC'the income of these unfortunate^ masses is so small that they cannot participate In a boytrott without-starvtas...
...forget out and.if it does not get -cut U' will*have to be thrown out, ;N& bureaucracy tbr"fhe S*ise men...
...y •"••^•'~' a KlsUj •VJ+JSl'mmtii** " Aaut sw^wiafl^lasen* ef 0*Mry T*n**..' T:*"-^ > *¦ * tJJ't -iv»*t £?A...
...B*h*» *w**t in the erihe...
...A. OsWNC...
...conditions other than those that face the United State*, we grew f*t and Europe jean.;;.The~d*htraet is not explained by benevolent capitalists here and malevolent cap - itallsU abroad...
...sums ny th^^njiAnes...
...Tr"*Tf*r' " - TwSMsxiein Mexico Cpeutsn* Govern^m en t R'ttftorrom U still' embrofled >-¦¦•^ in "itp political controversy with th'e Ctrureh as' we ro to .pre...
...In the cities quite a aectlon of the rich aristocracy Supports the Church and It can carry on...
...high wag*, policy and the eonrmereial fallacy of low paid labor...
...capita rut Interact...
...The red lisht* hsh, snd the green lights Start, . .L* -. Summer bachelor* with <helr wivu* **U •*!»•>*« ¦ Bafety;summering 4n^fluHivun Ceunsy, Cruise op and...
...The capitalist class is the' same in .a)l countries...
...te ^n* Phttip»tae...
...Today it has ajgjy of- 'proponent...
...A majority is transn...
...This probably means the American Oer»•riror...
...Bptb are drawing tdgethet for thi^lntrthafl in> tefesUi a9d this "unvrtitten economic aHfaitce will "have mot*'to...
...who .represent textiles, steel, coal, banks and railroaos-fviLl soon go before, the voters.and ask to be sent back P«otif^,1Pp^ i^^r^ deceit pfiof to ereW'nadonal elhc^oti.' " vv The other side of the political situation ii interesting...
...mVmV : '.'.- -i'S: •¦ ;.-':-*-" The red light pveblem I* servtafl rauwf...
...mitigating their effects, they have' only succeeded in prolonging and .intensifying them...
...r •• ' . " „ "•' : • ' .. I kn*w net what tp eh*oee, - n* mere than en*, itnsh* flaa^fla.^' ah^autuipe,^ eahih*^ '^ • ss»fatntent for a eoler that the *un ' Pour*, out in »**otrvon en,a sreond ef **ld...
...Today, the 'B"T iTiskgam...
...lln the ge...
...This tendency, flflt pleasant to note, he has largely overt come In his new book which wm fee published next spring...
...stagnant and wages generally lower there...
...With Plechaaov,' flasjej eVeT, the economic approach to B%gp_ ftire received its ftrst aaU*faet*rpvsJg£ rjresalon...
...Among the** attendtaf thh) flf^-is-ernational democratic pMec ecflference are m Germans, {a 'fact, tavdrably commented upon by the mere stae section of th* French ' press...
...I tr*mWe en tb* edge *f an sbyts '• kv' •Wtween •eeleien end s Wanfoh whim...
...N* one eeem*'to give a damn, whether the Fliei sah* 1 liueeV f Or died...
...He asa^rtj tliat "the natfbh" is prosperous, ignoru^.Vthe'fict that in all ages there are two nations, .one .the nation of those who toil and the other those who live by avoiding it...
...This isn't "dual unionism-" Not at ail...
...nraotona pMvarad a Rubber Land...
...The Socialist Party alone present^ iPrfrfdyes, ¦ ideals and/a...
...Man•>' Ws^e^'atas: and th* seal' tunc can - -Wm\mim%f»Mftaflflv-purfMt-nj|cn:' rtoshtng^to hhn -fABp *Awtr...
...On September 10 the experts Will gather fn New York City a* the call of Mr...
...cities a group, owns the transit service, another the water power, another theCJighting plants, another the gas supply, another the elertrjc...
...ploying- class of the United States are prompted by motive* tie different than in any other country...
...AVhen* the wise men assemble they wifl raK#1fp'the-rjfroblems of the jobber, contractor, ' organization, wages, hours and other trade union questions...
...method tesitk we h*v« Just referred Was vS*TnB*T known by literary critic* SSnT^B^ •oantily applied...
...Because utilities may be able to invest more than other Corporations in these commodities we...
...Accept the rule of - a small group of other wise men in Russia...
...with erf the promt** of rare' moment*, wftti'*e*»eta...
...About the middle 'of the tita*-' teenth century tJ»U power passed into,the hands of th» owners of railroads...
...Flsarev, with hasten clatnaUon that a pair at shoes w*sm more value than a "Memlet," ¦ *lf%B his approach with dJdaeUctsm and Safl aggeradtien...
...belief has no basis in fact.' 'TW'.eg...
...bathe inspired propaganda of the DaHy Matt...
...Henderson himself, later in this article, . stumbled across an important reason why Europe ia...<T B*st»tacomee, Willie a large hnmber of the" poor priests have had te' subsist oh what .the 8pBf>t*rds le«t them, snd th* poor, sroup are' not aver** to *e*tn...
...9 ' ^*7<nSya wSSSSsi¦¦ "lap mffiSSkWEnmfi nsut'l jgfejfc i ^",x Mansions snd palace* stand untenanted, iffslees ' Against th* Heavy heevene...
...joyed the privilege of choosing go&tv&t%^ s^atw-sand-'other tribunes mfkf _&*.-'tbe , sovereignty ^.'el-ow*them ot&rs~to *priv* them, of the inalienable rights • of man:" »-V There is.dangej that equal sharing, by:,«sbe corporations in ruling the population of-We', state that sent XfncoJn to Washington may be upset-and .one grOup «sf barons: alone may" tiBwtfika:prfviUig6 JiistlM afltf,^^' ley distributing Urge wads Of boOUle;-*te faTr rfter to -caiwidateV cA: two parties, wfe had an alarming situation...
...Mussolini and King Albert have started to put'Italy and Belgium on semi-war rations, and the Potncare C*>i**t if busy planning new taxes for Frinee...
...High efflclals of the Church have mad* approaches to the OoVernment f ot a cohspromise...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 30

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