THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK ghjMPjr ENGLAND district fejr**^** at th* West End™ Jewish IHm, oa *»Labor Contribution to Kpjilun Civilisation." F Attest Baker spoke to aa'audience Bpn...

...Taylor will uphold tho affirmative, Hoffman taking the negative position...
...also at tb* Forward offioo, ITS B. Broadway, 'and at the Carneglo HsO box office...
...These are very good dates and the comrades should arrange to eee that play...
...At the meeting Saturday...
...8*4 Bast Broadway.* en Sunday, Jan...
...847 East 84th street Room A At toto meeting Nathan Fine of the Rand School Roeoareb Department win apeak on "The Mission of the Socialist Party of America.'* All comrades are requested to come aad to bring a friend...
...The Mesleyo have advised the representative of the State Office that they are willing to help out the movement in New Tork State upon their return from California...
...State Secretary Merrill has given locals to understand- that It win be a case of "first come first served'* ia any meetings that may be arranged for Comrades Oswald and Lady Cynthia Moeley...
...Comrade Newklrk's address is 1884) Genesee street...
...Send orders to Local Now Tork...
...Local Buffalo win hold a general party meeting^Thursday evening...
...Tickets are 8SJB including tax, NEW YORK CITY City Committee Newe The City Committee has seat out letters to trade unions, workmen's circle branches, aad ether progressive organisations, inviting each to send two delegates to a Labor Conference to bo held at the Band School on Hon...
...aad every Thursday thereafter, a lecture win be give* preceding each meeting...
...Arthur Bobbins leeerding secretary, and O. A Gerber, organiser...
...Tho executive secretary bee engaged a clerk .In tho office and from now on th* office win bo open for the transaction of business...
...The next mooting win be held Thursday, Jan...
...editor of The New Leader...
...In addition, the Tinsels of Worcester are co«eperattar to make the Claosoena meetings...
...aad expects te presdbt It to the Labor Movement Shortly...
...Morris Hillquit win lecture at Breach 7, 4314 Third avenue, Bream, on "Europe and^Lmerlea," Friday evenlna, Jen...
...12... 8-80 p. m. sharp, at th* County Headquarters...
...It lo up to the members of the branch to make It a auccesa, Auffutt Chastens in Brownsville Jan...
...Everyone signs, he report*, including professional, business men aad Judges, and they don't care if the Socialist Party did get up the petition...
...NEW YORK STATE Ray Newkirk, financial secretary ef Local TJtlce and Oneida County, has been elected by referendum vote ef the State Committee to fill a vacancy existing 'on the State Bhcocutiva> Committee...
...Comrade Hein of Local Syracuse Is proving himself" the champion collector of signatures da coal-nationsllnatlon petitions...
...24, at 843 p. m» The question of the relation of tb* Socialist Party to th* trade unions win be taken up...
...20 at their t headquarters, 21 Essex street Comsadss Roewer, Bearak, LevenbergiVnd Lewis, and also Brent Aliinson of the ; Fellowship ot Touth for Peace, will Speak at the meeting...
...12 (Lincoln's Birthday) and on Sunday, Feb...
...a«W-Sard A. D. " _ feaBjg ¦ejaeat editor of "TIM Mew Leader.** win leetare for toe branch at the home of George Myers, Ml West 181st street Tuesday evening, Jan, 23...
...V Indications show that the Claeasens airr""r* win be a success...
...All those who are weary come Saturday night te the S. Pi Club of Yorkvine and wo guarantee that yon will forget all your troubles...
...8 p. m. The Jewiah Branches of Boston and Vicinity arranged a big meeting on Wednesday, Jan...
...The unemployment insurance cothsstttse has a bin praeticaUy drafted...
...26, 27...
...Have a good time...
...AS delegates are urged to be on time, 4-14th A. D. . . Beginning Tburoday, Jan...
...s*^Tw*prsZeee^ isswiisllon...
...a Bar that I* tb* sbrerueaer of eg iftsaasl to oboe* Sabtseal take place at Oamogls Hafl aa Tuesday sisnlimyyeaeeaey 3, wkem'sforrts HSkfuH ami debate Ctorenc* Darrew am the subject: "Beeorood that the Halted States eater the League of Nations aad the Word Court.HUlquit win take th* efflrmotloo aad pros set the aStttnde of Che Telorae ttoaal SealaBst aad Tehja Mb t anient toward the Leagu* and tb* World Court Ticket* for thl* debate east be procured at the following piece*: Social1st Party HasAdaartars...
...The Boston Central Branch Ts arlBTirlT'g a supper and propaganda 'meeting for Saturday, Jan...
...Make reservations at once as the total seating capacity of the theatre la email i (212...
...AS ofaeere-are to serve wttheot pay...
...22 August Claresens wfil deliver the third lecture in a aeries being given In thd Brownsville Labor Lyceum, lit Bookman street, Friday night, January 22...
...147 Tempklas avonne...
...Frank Bepp...
...delegate to local Executive Committee...
...Christian O. KoelbL It was decided to conduct a membership drive, arrange for a public meeting, with some prominent speaker, aad to arrange to meet as a branch the second Thursday of each- month at TS2 Brisbane building...
...Petitions must be Sled before th* primary election fa Jane aad the matter cannot he dohx/od to the July meeting ot the Local aa la previous years, when the prhxuuries wore held In September...
...X. H, has beee reorganised...
...In Lynn, abe meetings will be held every Thursday evening, Feb...
...MEW JERSEY STATE During tt>« nasi week State Secretary Leomaaa has sent out three communications to all Locals and branches...
...Beery mimbsr ef the najnmlttss was designated to took after a parUcnhubranch and arrangetneato wore made to previa* opsshora far th* branch meetings aad to assist the brhJba officers la getting their breaches active...
...Newkirk of Oneida, Sander of Onondaga, Noonaa aad Wiley of Schenectady County...
...A third letter esfls upon an branches to enlist in the ThiBrtls Army" of the American HUDSON COUNTY A ¦seal siiiuisl membership meeting Of local Hudson County will be held Sunday, Jan, at, at 2 p. m. Every wtfl be see red aad daerbnj w83 toOew, bat the program win eaeae after banding to tho foOoerlng bustnoeei Btoetbe Txeomivo oawlttn...
...We have secured the door now occupied by the Workmen's Fire Insurance at 241 East 84th street but this floor will not bo available for some ttm...
...T Beat tMk street Msnhattsn, 1137 Boston Read, Bronx, aad SIP Sorb man street Brook* tyn...
...84th street j The S. p. Club eT~the branch assembles a very Saturday evening at the Labor Temple ia the bowling elley...
...aad alee bring a friend...
...Plans were assde for pushing the organisation work, aad from .the enthusiasm displayed it seems certain that the Jewish Socialist movement in Boston and vicinity will soon'have a great increase fa membership...
...The Executive Committee has engaged the Pro vines town Playhouse for a theatre party on Friday, Feb...
...Another letter urges the holdbig of public meetings during the wlnajain all the larger cities, the State ' tjjfrf promising financial assistance...
...secretary, Ernest W. BSlsroan...
...nomination ef candidoto* for the November elections...
...Branches that hare not started to raise Bmb* quota are asked to set busy...
...Beth the players aad the characters ef the plays they .present are well known, and we can nee a good play acted by th* best actors te the efty...
...Organiser Stllle has written the State Office to the effect that he expects to return from Yucatan about the middle of February...
...It, and Sunday evening,'Feb...
...aad at tb* same time help"the local financially...
...The speaker win bring with hint seme rare eld documents of th* early Amosleaa labor movement of * hundred years ago aad offer some Interesting suggestioas based upon a study of these document...
...IS, aiv members wore' present aad a' number ef new members from the brancheevSJtopreeentatives of the main breaches were present aad the situation waa gone over aad plana mapped out by which Organiser G. A. 'Gerber will reorganise all inactive brghcheo...
...84 at 11-34 a. m. The flrst lecture win be delivered by Judge Jacob Peahen on 'Where Are We Drifting To...
...Men of progressive and Socialist affiliations are invited to attend...
...August Class sons will begin a series of lectures oa "Sea sad Society" at the Socialist East Side* Center...
...The Boston Centre...
...The public ia bxvttsd both to the supper and- the - stsi Hug The supper starts at 4 p. m. sharp and the meeting at...
...A new Forum at th* Labor Temple, 14th street end Second avenue, will begin on Sunday, Jan...
...2>, with N. Chanin lis the principal speaker...
...Vfpsslrfem A sew Tlpeel Circle has been formed tn Bncksind...
...One caffil attention to the need of the .^tradag njdnors in Pennsylvania and W^'Wrgtnla for warm clothing and String,addresses to which it can be spat...
...The annual election of officers win take place sad all members are urged to attend...
...F Attest Baker spoke to aa'audience Bpn /ojocioJism and RoHghm" at Sk, Egfg«*e Chareb ia crhsrioetowa...
...Maine/ and another in Westerly...
...X. I. The circle ia Troy...
...Buffalo Tho Deb* Branch ef Local Buffalo recently elected the following officers: Organiser, Irving M Weiss...
...Very few tickets ore left and all those interested in bearing Hillquit and Barrow should eseare their tickoU immediately...
...Local Syracuse Is now having weekly meetings, business and social aad educational meetings alternating...
...4, 11, 18... Providence, every Wednesday evening, Feb...
...Business, sapper, then dancing...
...Wednesday evening, January 27, sa interesting' debate will be held under the auoplces -of the Brotherhood of Salem Evangelical Church between William P. Taylor, State president of the Evangelical Brotherhood Federation, and Robert A. Hoffman, secretary of Local Buffalo, on the question, "Resolved, That the United States Should Join the League of Nations...
...LSast^^ toefc -jAmfZ reference to the il Hill ail"1 « «*• seadgQAa jmmmV^M^I^^m^ tbA ettyv Aestoa wad saliiflA nets after the etty iiiiHllia if BP held Th* aiiilUg abjoted Be qaeto ef mombore to the BhaomttyA niaamlltos sf th* LoeiL Thl* umiimlHos with the i opt as hut* tiros ef the brsartjes met the oulhinkia Saturday aad sleeted Julias Gerber executive aiaritsaj ef the local...
...In the meantime the branch moot* every second and fourth Thursday ia the month at the Labor Temple (Room S) 347 East...
...The theatre the Prcvineetewn Playhouse, 133 MeDeueal etreett the piny The Dream Play" by Serindbern...
...Dont Forget the Theatre Forty New York, Friday evening, Feb...
...An Innovation wOl be tried in the way of mas* staging ot social and labor hymns...
...All comrades who need anything Should come or call at tho office...
...4 it, 17...
...A number ot speakers are available, including Norman Thomas, recently fpe Socialist candidate -for Mayor of Hew York City, and James Oneal...
...The Ejla— showed their apereeiatiea by Mtktttr teunieent questions...
...The members win take notice that the house te which the headquarters of the branch was located for the last seven years has been sold...
...January 28, at the Bast Bids.Labor Lyceum...
...TJtion, N. T. The present members are Arlaad of Westchester, Feigeabaum aad Riley of Kings, Gerber of New York, Kobbe of Rensselaer...
...BROOKLYN S Central Committee The Central Committee meeting will be held en Saturday, Jan...
...if7 liimirT 1> nomlng in...
...The subject win be "Race Prejudices: Cause aad Cure...
...The members are therefore urged to come not later that S p. as...
...Subject "A Cultural Basis For the Socialist Movement la th* United Statea...
...84, at 1.14 p. as...
...Questions, discsusslons and music win follow th* lecture...
...Room MS of the Peoples House, 7 Bast l»th street...
...28, at the Labor Temple...
...the Proviecetown Players win present Strlndberg's . "The Dream Play...
...on ttt* one,dot?jbr aeeeeement...
...fain-*- baa raieed part of Ha quote tsar the rbrateh branch in Charter ifna sent ht a check far lis fan amount...
...The Executive Committee of the Local wUl meet •very Saturday afternoon at 8 p. m. at the office ef the local...
...On th* Job...
...Socialist Party, Boom Mi, 1 East 18 th street New Tork, * 14-1S and 1eth A. Ow The last meeting of tho branch was weJJ attended, ft waa the first meeting held at the Labor Temple...
...Meetings will be called and speakers provided and it is expected that within four weeks every branch win be In working condition...
...A meeting of an New Tork Ctty Socialist Party members, win be held in the Band School Auditorium oa Wednesday...
...Room SOS, 7 East 18th street telephone Stuyvesant 4(20...
...The Frovincetown Players need no introduction...
...SB, at Laaters* HaTJ, 84 Andrew street...
...Anna Ingerman led the discussalr>n on conditions tn Bnsata sad its effect on the Socialist movement of the world...
...sbwtkm ef Sjtate Comnsitto* delegates and ef asosttbere ef hnpertaat ctomasJtteea...
...ha Worcester, every Friday 'evening, Feb...
...A number of comrades participated la the discussion... B. Bests street, the party's headquarters...
...24 St Bay State i Brass Building, corner ot Main and Exchange streets, and in Boston, every djehu-dsy evening...
...84 at Amalgamated Textile WeTkers* Hall, 17SS Westminster Street...
...Arrangements hav* boon made by which we have sole possession ef the bowling alley floor oa that evening...

Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 2

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