A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES A Job Ahead ^•IkTOW,'' say* Tom Tippett, one-time JN «*l-digger, still 'a member-of tbe United Mine Workers) of America fed at present educational director of...

...Longworth told the ladies of the National Republican Club that it would be a blessing if all Aliens with Bolshevist ideas should be deported and that it would be" a national calamity if Jimmie Wadsworth isn't returned to the Senate...
...That outfit is mostly there to-undo labor's gkJtories...
...Likewise did the Indictment of the capitalist order from the pens of'Ruskin, Carlyle, Kingsley, Maurice end others...
...No, *j*t I do see the beginnings of «n idea that has ¦heady been accepted by our more progressive JjeedJe-trades for example (and that I fear is hring lost in the shuffle of internal politics), the idea that organization alone -will not suffice to tackle the larger .problems of industry and that with organization we...
...tf the institution of private property necessarily carried with it as a consequence that the produce of labor should be apportioned as we now see it, almost in an Inverse ratio to the labor-~the laiflket pertkrea-t* these «b> have never worked at am Use neat, largest to those whose work Is almost nominal, and so in a. descending snale, the remuneration WwiodJtag as the work grows harder and more dhragreemM*L until the most fatiguing and es>, naustlng bodily labor cannot count with certainty on being able to earn even the necessaries of life...
...when the rule that they who do not work shall not eat will be applied not to paupers only, but impartially to all...
...It is good grist for their propaganda mills, the sort of hokum that is coming out of -the brief-bags of the fat "leaders...
...Mow what Andy Mellon has been trying to do ever since he got on the job is to cut down the taxes of-the very rich and make 'the benighted proletariat supply the deficiency in the form of indirect or consumption taxes...
...Contrary to the expectation* of the brilliant young authors of 'the Manifesto, capitalist industry, bad survived and expanded in England...
...aHaw incapable the old, hard-shelled, so-called Pgpr leaders" are of tackling any such task is NHuiLtd by their every public utterance...
...my pocket again...
...He had found no such statefaent in any...
...Right now the* official organ of the Illinois' Mine Workers, "The Illinois Miner,"> in my opinion the best labor paper m the country, is campaigning for the establishment of a research ^tteau consisting of engineers (coal and electriSf engineers), economists, sociologists, research jfren, publicists who will give of their best to p» miners' union*, who wfll sit down with the Jfcters' officials and attempt some practical soh> !*aB of such tremendous problems as the, coming *&the machine to coal, Giant Power, the stabihgffion of the industry, etc And out among., the gnkand file Tom Tippeft'sclasses are looking pwerds the same goal...
...11 . ¦ • Later be wrote of the beliefs ot his wife and himself: "While we repudiated with the greatest energy that tyranny of society over the individual which most socialistic systems are supposed to Involve, we yet looked forward to a time when society wUl no longer be divided into the Idle and the, industrious...
...For Tom, doesn't resort to the cheapness of propaganda font propaganda's sake...
...the margin for the possible improvement of their lot is confined within narrow barriers, which cannot be passed, and tbe problem of the elevation is hopeless...
...Gone but sot forgotten.1 But gone, nevertheless...
...of -the books on government that the class had been studying...
...His finger comes to rest upon a l<nure labeled, "Supreme Court...
...when the division of...
...The ordinary progress of a society which increases in wealth, Is at all times tending to augment the incomes of landtordss...
...must have the help gf experts .outside the official labor movement...
...e * Leaving the painful subject of direct taxation as illustrated above, let us now examine the artistic beauties of indirect taxation...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES A Job Ahead ^•IkTOW,'' say* Tom Tippett, one-time JN «*l-digger, still 'a member-of tbe United Mine Workers) of America fed at present educational director of SubJfcgtrict 5, Illinois Mine Workers' Union, tkehet is the job of this buhch.up barer**' He taints to a chart hung on the wall of the local fcmon hall showing the .various divisions of jbvernment...
...Andy Mellons Lemon -/.-'X'^>Wst tevettwfa tt *SllssJt^ ; read ft- On the mimfi n*m & yoxt heye s sohic hafri-erinf...
...a, These teachings and those of' others gave birth to the organisation of...
...and when It will no longer either be, or be thought to be...
...What claim have they, on the general principle of social justice, to the accession of riches...
...As a body they will not rise at all: A few, more restless, or more Energetic than the rest, will from time to Ume escape, as they do now, from -the ranks of their fellows to higher walks of Industrial life, but tbe great majority -will remain substantially where they are...
...Then the government comes...
...This'is actually the case with rent...
...Or again: "If workmen do not rise- from dependence on capital by the path of cooperation, then they must remain In dependence upon capital...
...gorging at a feat to which they have contributed nothing...
...Stammary The early eighties, therefore, found conditions of industry and the physical conditions , of the working class aiff*ˆ^bJBPsl* °M»?*-^SJttJ...
...This would not properly be taking any thins .from anybody...
...tf this or communism 'were the alternative, all, the difficulties, great or small, of communism would be but as dust In the balance...
...Among.the most prominent,of the progressive economists : were Cliffe Leslie, David *Syme and John Stuart MillMill was tbe economist of tbe transition period...
...I appreciate this sort of kindness about as much as the threshings I used to get from my dad with the consolation that it was all for n«* good...
...Here he maintained that the arrival of manhood suffrage would sooner or later lead to af thorough discussion of the foundations of the system of private property, and that, in fact, this discussion' was already taking place...
...They had seen some of their worst evils ameliorated through social legislation...
...Finally» bare-limbed young giant drawls out slowly...
...the product of labor...
...Every thinking business man should gladly subscribe to our^jolicy" says one of the latter-day union "leaders...
...The workers had passed through a number of crises, but bad not revolted- Conditions had Improved for numbers of them -as a result both of the economic organisation of the workers and the enlightened selfishness of the employing class...
...exertion or sac"rilice on the part of the owners...
...What is of interest right now is the fact that here and there their philosophy seems to be taking hold...
...Tom," said he, "I'm all for your education stuff...
...Now there ain't a mite of life in that pork chop...
...The whole paraphernalia of government including strike-breaking, militia and injunction judges was operated for them while we dumbbells footed the bills...
...Quite heretical attitude toward the "sacredneas" of private property in land...
...They got something for nothing and paid part of the something to the government which passed the taws and installed the' legal ma'chinery by which some people get something for nothing at the expense of those who get nothing for something...
...there is none...
...just swaller it down easy?* When you consider the isolation of the average coal eainn...
...Instead of depending, as in so great a degree It now does, on the accident of birth, will be made by concert on an ackniwledged...
...If it does nothing but break down the Chinese wall between the miner and the rest of the organized labor movement, the Sub-District 5 adventure prill have won its place in the big achievements of labor...
...may say the government- earned that 20,000 tracks and so it did, but whether the money is well spent or hell spent, its gone and the only good*money I know is the money in...
...We hvNew York and Chicago and the other big $Bes are well-nigh^ lecture shy...
...TNow the Illinois miner had, not been told that this was the time-honored function of the Jrnpreme Court...
...m _ ffijNpng5from a sheaf of statements issued ffi»bierardiy the present cifficial potior M to The Views of John Stuart Mill THE FISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRY W. LAIDLERt Ph...
...along and socks me ^$20,000 income, tax/winch leaves me fS0,000 to mourn over...
...By .this method, Jeremiah Hardup, ablebodied section hand with seven kids paid seven times the shoe tax paid by Hetty Green an unkty dunkty times millionaire with one child...
...Moreover, Mellon is my- senrsntl., I pay his maMty maA I hate like heritor a ImsTw of mine to try to sell me s gold bride ' Now dear, folks, if this scfefttmc expose ol Melkm's little game has perc«4a«-a£ioto ynr cranium, cut out this artkle aad.seiid ft'to your senator...
...forties, when the great Manwesto of Marxian, socialism was formulated...
...written in the bond...
...Brothers and sisters it grieves me to say...
...Though feeling that they exaggerated these evils in certain .Instances, he nevertheless admitted that "the intellectual and moral grounds of socialism deserve the most ¦attentive study...
...Thus Professer Cairns bitterly assailed the...
...They grow richer, as it were, in theu» sleep, without working, risking or economising...
...Now if brother Mellon succeeds as he certainly will, because there is a sucker horn every minute, while the death ratejs still going down, the war debt will be paid off at a much slower tempo...
...We are against his blessing and welcome the calamity...
...The wealth accumulated by, their ancestors and others on their behalf, where it is employed as capital, no doubt helps to-ssustaln industry...
...nrinelple of Justice...
...He first showed...
...I am still making pit-shoes for'you guys...
...8q great was the interest ot labor in the land question that M1U maintained that '"an active and Influential portion of the working classes have adopted the opinion that private property in land is a mistake...
...Mill concluded: "A proposed reform In laws and customs Is not necessarily obJecUonal because its adoption Would imply not -the adaptation of .existing ideas of property to the growth and improvement of human affairs...
...They were able to effect changes through the ballot...
...The socialists, in attacking competition,' have pointed to a great evil, and...
...What gets my goat is that he, an intellectual lodge brother of mine is -trying to make me believe that he J* doing it for my own good...
...ca*n get that twenty thousand back...
...that labor unions can never do any harm...
...And assuredly the terrible case which . . . the socialists are able to make out against the economic order of •society, demands a full consideration of allmeans by which the 'institution may have a- caaetae of n sbsg aaede te work' in.a mannsv more b.snilfslsl to that portion of society which m% present enjoys tbe least share at iff dh-act benefits.- ¦ y...
...McAlister Coleman...
...To.atart -ffith...
...For, as direct taxes on the rich decrease, indirect taxes on the poor increase...
...By an means they must have their rents and interest, as tt is...
...That's evolution getting started...
...Thanks to the direct taxes levied on the people who got rich or richer in the war the government was able to reduce the war debt at a satisfactory rate...
...It uses tbe money to protect me against: firebugs, burglars and striking pit shoe makers, which ought to close the transaction, but it don't...
...But you leave it lay there a day or so and when you come back and look at it it's just crawling around with the hfe it got out of/ the sun...
...The other day a miner who had not been getting on well in his .classes came to Tom...
...women into, uriions, they haye heard Dave Saposs and Scott NearIng and Schlossbexg, great hearted idealist that he is...
...Here it seems to me is an undertaking that P£«H re-kindle enthusiasm .in Jh'e heart and ppdrof every Socialist For in the king run gjtan only be done by" those, of social vision who HI: mfuse the cold logic of science with the jP»mth of love...
...Thfty had created for themselves such ecpnorotc agencies for peaceful - progress aa trade unions 'and cooperative^ societies...
...But aboiit twenty years ago, along came the muckrakers and started an unholy nullaballoo ahput this pleasant flimNJam with the result that direct* taxation as exemplified in income and inheritance tax made its appearance irf the country...
...f: There is a stirring among the twenty odd real diggers ranged before him...
...for human beings to' exert themselves strenuously, in procuring benefits which are not to be exclusively their own, but to be .shared with tbe society they belong to...
...e e -a ' Outside of taxes on income there is the direct tax on inheritance which can not be shifted on innocent bystanders...
...PbT>ihstance, I made IOOiPOO bucka clear proBt Mat year manr/factnring pit sfaoed* for yen guya...
...These taxes become part of the fixed charges on my plant in company with insurance, depreciation and interest...
...The social, problem of the future we considered to be how to unite the greatest individual liberty of action with a common ownership of the rasv material of the globe, and an equal participation of all in the benefits of combined labor...
...Now the men and women irf Sub-District 5 have heard Ben Stolberg tell them that labor must recapture some of its old time militancy, they have listened to Theresa Wolfsohn plea for the organization of...
...those owners consUtutlng a class In the community, whom tbe natural course of things progressively enriches, conslsteptly with, complete pasStoeness oh their part...
...when you realize that„up to the time thateTom brought in lecturers' from the outside', many of the miners had never heard a lecture save at labor ceremonies, and a possible Chautauqua, you understand some of the "things that Tippett and the others 'im^t^gtMff this JHmois experimeiit*are up gjTheir'S' is essentially a pioneering job...
...decades ago,' the only taxes levied in the land of the free were, indirect taxes...
...When I sell my pit shoes to the retailer, the fixed charges, including taxes, are put on the price and when the retailer sells the shoes to you, you pay ¦ysj-u part of the taxes mi my factory^ In other words, yon pay my taxes and I take the glory of being a leading taxpayer...
...Mill Incline* Toward Socialism In the latter part of his life, Mill leaned more and more toward the socialist point of view...
...1 Again Tom asks for an explanation of evolution...
...But the extremists, forget as usual, that there is something between a return to feudalism and a plunge into catastrophic revolution...
...Sir Henry jrneroett, JTofesaer Caime astd AJtssd Rusael Wallace...
...Society is fully entitled1 to abrogate or alterate particular right of property which, on sufflcrent consideration, it Judges to atanof in tbe way of tbe public good...
...In the 1852 edition of his Principles of Political Ecdnomy, he said: ."If,'therefore, the choice were'to be made between Communism with all its chances and the present state of society with all its suffering and injustices...
...Great numbers of them had received i the franchise...
...The government taxes Miry factory, leather on hand a tad shoes in stock...
...So it seems that the struggle that is just ahead for all of us who are not too tired, or too prosperous or too impatient is doing all in our power to help bring about newer and stronger liasons between the technician and organized labor.' Tf we are writers, here is a theme that should thrill, if we are\ professional men or women, we can make our influence felt in many ways, H we are technicians, we can work among Our...
...Rttt down here in the "miles on miles 6J, desofetion" that are the coal fields of Central and •Southern Illiiiois it was a rare thing to have someone stand On a platform in front of a group of diggers and talk anything but politics, union and national, and religion...
...I realize that there is nothing particularly novel about all this and that Thorstein Veblen, Stuart Chase and others have been working on it for .years...
...Now they know that the w^rld beyond the tipples is aware of their existence and that other men and women are with .them tn their struggle for decent living conditions and a fuller measure of freedom...
...colleagues, if we are workers'we can spread the" idea through our socal unions...
...I think it is doing even more than this...
...All this was, of course, very pleasing to Hetty and her kind...
...The writings of Mill, of Cairns, ot other economists, had * considerable effect on the social thought of this period...
...His student had simply come to this conclusion by studying some of the famous decisions of the Supreme Court, looking into the social, political and economic backgrounds of its members and using the good sense and shrewd knowledge of humanity that nature had given 4itm...
...No wonder our friends of the Left cry "class collaboration" and condemn every plan to increase productivity and eliminate waste in industry...
...Mill planned a book on socialism, but only completed the first four chapters...
...This society, founded by Mill in 1870, contained such prominent theorists as Professor Thorojd Rogers, John Merley...
...The workers bad achieved many of the political forms their predecessors, the Chartists, had- demanded...
...At the same time government expenses "rose inter astronomical figures which made it necessary to raise* income and inheritance taxe*s to hitherto unknown heights...
...the Land ' Tenure Reform Association, which claimed "the unearned Increase of the land and the produce thereof .tor those' who- are' the reai authors," society, and which urged the nation to take control of the land...
...I Read any number of books on "Evolution Made Easy," etc., and it's still hard to find a more colorful or compact description of the beginnings of things than that...
...my jeans...
...On top of that, we poor devils, shall have the pleasure of paying, interest on the war debtMor .thirty or forty years longer, said interest wandering in the-pockets of the 100 per cent, patriots who bought our liberty bonds for sixty cents on the dollar...
...it would merely be applying an accession of Tveaith, created-qby circumstances, to the benefit of society,,Instead of allowing it to become, an appendage to tbe riches of-a particular class...
...In auch a casew^rould be no violation of 'the-principles/on which private' property is grounded, if the State should appropriate the increase ot wealth or part of it, as it arises...
...Tn addition, instead of being paid by those who made moneVgput of the war, it will be paid by those who gSt cooties, flu and prohibition out of the war...
...I hope mat no one will think 1 am over optimistic and mat I. take one Sub-District of one State divi**» of the U. M. W. of A. as example of *hat is happening all over the country...
...It seems as though almost every night someone were givmg an Interesting, talk somewhere in town...
...IdU Rich - During tbe same period other aeeqomists wore pointing-QQt tbeinjustice ot .the social system ¦ and jsaggesting some form of cooperation as a remedy...
...The^deSna^ia gong...
...Ia there any way by which...
...but let them take their proper, place as dronea In the hleb...
...Ttwsr iMill suspicious of the "high-brow," they still Wfi-ho know what your particular "graft is HWfyou, who are not perhaps manual workers, |ffi8-ft yourself in the labor rnov^rnent...
...Realizing" that there must be e change In the attitude ot the State to property if a hew social order ,1s to be brought about...
...It is an older man this time who rises diffidently to his feet...
...When a fellow has kicked the bucket, leaving a million or so behind, of which, the government takes a couple of hundred thousand as inheritance tax, there is no way* under the sun by which you and I can be made to indemnify the poor and deserving heirs for their financial loss...
...With the Dogma of Docility that the labor skates are howling from every roof-top, rises this still small voice of science that has in it the answer to some of labor's most baffling problems...
...there are.tnit>-jb*fsaa eilrnxk' tm«--Dii-ect and- IndtrteL Dinm 4m3o* %*tt paid by me out of my own podcef and never get back In...
...to bev^xafi tti»W f» I and Andy- HeBon, put on ye^.sfaxsa^ ioSow me...
...But it's tough going for mi trying to reaa these books...
...but what' they consume in luxury and'idleness is not capital, and helps to sustain nothing but their own unprofitable lives...
...Then came tbe war which created some 40.000 new millionaires and promoted other millionaires into the ranks of billionaires...
...idle rich found in society...
...mm I don't complain that Andy Mellon is trying to make me pay his taxes...
...Suppose," be said, "there Is a kind of, incorne which constantly 'tends to Increase, without an...
...There is . science for example, with its new techniques for making men the master of the machine...
...D WITH the increasing influence of- the woriripg class, the economists of the day gave greater attention to the relation.of labor:to property...
...The remuneration of labor as such, skilled or unskilled, can never rise much dbove the present level...
...Until about two...
...I like the idea fine...
...That is, taxes which were shifted on the consumer in the manner already described...
...Teacher and taught give solemn promise not to laugh and the miner continues: "You take a pork chop and lay it out on the back porch in the sun...
...one which grows and tends to grow*with the growth of population, and wealth...
...It may not do you any good but'tt will at feast show some os*the gents, in Washington that all of tu are apt quite as big jackasses asthey think we argl In', the meantime ytnt may' have also feast the, arrtele by Stuart Chase entitled, "Soap, Soap astd Shoes.* which treats tbersame subject gSsgjgh*^^ len^^tfs'0-^asnCe' *^sj^|§^m^ 4ss^ssn^Ssanaa...
...I think mat it is slowly but Very sufely bringing to me rank and file of the real proletariat of this country the organized coal-miners—the realization that modern- unionism implies more than the mere struggle for hours and wages...
...The right to private property in land, he maintained, was not "sacred,'* "for no man made tbe land, it la tbe original inheritance of the whole species.'* Rent waa the effect of a natural monopoly, it waa a fit subject fpr taxation...
...These, were published in the "Fortnightly Review" in 1879...
...Ain't 1 there some way you can put the damned stuff up in pills so that I can...
...111 try to explain it," he says, •'provided ypu wont razz me...
...It went te the support of the government which protects my pit shoe factory against firebugs/*burglars and striking pit shoe makers...
...In the last year ot bis life...
...tt is important on moral no less than on economic grounds to' insist upon this, that no public benefit ot any kind arises from the existence of an idle rich class...
...Wish this was the last line of capitalism...
...r affc+ffln**!^ meTfiy, cases the guiding principles of improvements necessary tf give the present economic system of the society its best chance...

Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 2

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