Hedges, M. H.

GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor Noved by the Northest By M. H. HEDGES The Betrothal ¦JffHftEE days had passed II- since the fight, and yet P Hugh Bad not returned to |hj brother's boose. Every...

...he cooM net say •tea,- A& his nfa be bad been foUowtag the Isederebip ef ABoo MMsr...
...Reason la the life ef law.' I discern...
...Dan conjfettti that his mother, like himself, hoped that Hush would forget the Sens which had precipitated the fight, fetnrn aad take his place In the alee Idhllfiin at the family circle...
...There was nothing about her that suggested wUohood...
...lamp with voluptuous yellow shades and langoroualy drooping stands...
...Don and his Spetasi declined to discuss the quarrel...
...Though clad In,an ordinary store suit with a khaki shirt and a wilted tie the young man looked hard and strong, and carried the expression that crowds feel and pay homage to...
...waking in these two modern children of a realistic and cynical ago the emotion commonly known as patriotism than any other moment in their Uvea...
...It made him oohefflod .It created within him an awe of the great store and Its tormenting array ef finery...
...peaV^ • B* eeeae near seetag,.«IM>M»^ ^ * ********* Asmmmaa kennt Mat' gasp hi sinssenisst at bar prepesnt He was grateful, however,ttbat she wag as matter-of-fact he III Is* naeenefce'ae In all things "I don't see hew we east, ABea,** be replied with conviction...
...He never found It Irksome to wait for Alice here...
...They climbed into the ear, found a double seat wen back where they spoke but little...
...They could no* be indifferent to tho imperious building with' its soft lines and golden dome...
...She was —he seeped.far hmginjSP a feilowworker...
...pea as i&vteg pwaQxetifke-MBrtarsT This was fha-ABee Mtfler whom he saw...
...teat as ncen... Ms£b~Jibs beey AHoe lafflea, s apotping gist .whose ragsnl fsr b^bxtuxn swings aShe from...
...aad X gap be g exeat mepp to pen: ta...
...Tables with satiny tope and long, graceful legs like atones of wine glaooeo...
...If It's babies yen mean.'' acta say get on," Hs waaefhmt...
...That discovery of the legislative halls together came nearer to...
...Under much esaeffiiiifnr she told him that Hugh had some fee his clothes and was going to board at a neighbor's...
...There one can go in with * dollar and feel like a millionaire...
...davenports—he called them lounges—with deep, airy cushions...
...TH go en working...
...When Dan turned back to her., her face had lost its look of expectancy...
...He had the distinction, at least the show of mastery, which Representative Mlnturn should have.- He oaw in the mirror a young man of unusual height, slender, almost too olender,-*o seem robust, wftb broad shoulders, and gray eyes with something of a-fanatic in them...
...Beyond, through the window, he saw the flaming electric signs on the huge manufacturing plants, past which they whirled as the motorbus swung Into its ungainly epssd these broken by vfirtas ef residence streets with their vigilant rows of lights...
...Bergeant-at-arma conduct RdpioooataUvo Mlnturn to the hooegewVnd there enchain him...
...He bad a right, a duty, to be there...
...Speaker," he said, clearing his throat, and stepping forward in hie beet manner, "I rise to say that I approve of the sentiment written above our portal...
...He was surprised and sorry for what had happened, surprised at the unexpected sentimentality in Alice, apd SOrry for hint self...
...It Isn't much Hke WooJworth's," ho said...
...It made him want hungrily the things h« saw...
...maintain them in food and fast Ifan was making only 113 and pee spending most of this sum for ttagtes...
...She dropped hia hand which she had been holding ehfldfashhnv What was be te dot Be did net wssjtte any "yea...
...There came to his mind a term apal frequently about eentimenfal glrU Mteppy...
...Then pointing it peremptorily to Dan's direction, ehe announced: "Representative Minturn has me Boor...
...Stupid that he was, he did not see any application of this vicarious shopping to himself until she led him Into the furnished cottage—tho pattern home for lovers—Honeymoon Nest widely^advertised by Donton's, a model from the porcelain bath room and white tile kitchen to the long, conventional living room done in glazed chintz...
...Ae the ooavarsatlon progteseed Dan became oashjr...
...He allowed himself to'aoooarpaay her bate her room, where she teek^own her lovely hair, donned negligee and showed him her puriHissao Intimate things thai warmed him to Brood upon...
...They noted every detail...
...Don't you like the ariks though, Dan," Alice exclaimed...
...She: laid her hand aoftly and casually on his knee...
...The fallow evidently took htm for a pickpocket or a male shoplifter...
...Alice wanted Dsn to gee "aeenethiaa...
...Such colors like—like a colored waterfall...
...There wee nothing about fear that suggested nurtbarhood...
...He liked to "shop by eye.'* He was warmed as well as depressed by this modern basaar so colorful, so luxurious...
...I love 'em when I know it's wrong to love them.* Slowly Alice relapsed Into her brisk colorlessness...
...There was animation and stir before these...
...Sensuous impressions of Alice, peel associations with her came beck ht a ttsht hamt an Bee aaplsaf heeA weft* wffa-* Maak rfhtea St the rhred, aJlihfiE atlif fan* taSB* ieagati tooth...
...It seems reasonable that they bo fined...
...The legislature pays only while we are ta session, end...
...and suggested teeties aad etrasessr tor the minority te wbieh Bam besonged...
...Alice said: "Well take a bus, Dan...
...It erected a barrier between him and the persons who came there...
...This angered San, aad it did more...
...Dan, beholding them, thought of the home which he might sometime have, and recalled not hia own home, where Sugh dominated, or tbe model house tiich Alios had shown him that afternoon at Donton'Sr but the houses en Pinsbury, where there waa luxury and refinement...
...Speaker, some empty niches hi this ball... she looked fullblooded and pretty under the lash of her delight...
...They're so shlmmery, warm and womanish...
...v Their play broke tip hi laughtof...
...Iter personal regscdl fee Bjfan seaS hejcanss ox tfls ssbobbsi sf thecaoMof tlteworhara...
...The flag-draped* portrait of Lincoln above the speaker's desk...
...A quick, Pm rotative quip of curled lash, pennies' with dark, and she turned away...
...sometimes •Sewed himself to follow the femme rhtoonnue in bis awakened imagination...
...Where did she get that stunT about her waiting for Mm...
...To Dan, the seventh floor was an astounding parking place for unfamiliar and beautiful household articles...
...which invited to ease and comfort...
...Ho was thinking about the time when he would introduce an amendment to the minimum wage law at the legislative eessien la January...
...a precise, mahter-oftact, energetic, oh so ptttabbr oaaigoUc girl, end be decided an a defensive palicy of coldness...
...Should he suggest going by niotorbus...
...How hard ehe had worked when she was "rescued" from the factory by a weeaan*a Welfare organisation, aad given an "education" which ah* eocrotly deoptood for what ehe called "tta class approach to her class... others could •notVeslst the lure of them and took devious ways of getting them Sometimes by acquiring friendships with floor walkers...
...Hadn't we better be getting on," be asked, rising vigorously, "it's a good hour to St Paul...
...Occasionally he would catch the bye of some one' of them...
...I haven't a cant...
...Tie yea think that would metre a heme," he asked, "year war king aed aBt Ton want more than that...
...Tbe unadulterated nerve at the exentme ¦ eu his heart hooted at her...
...They talked about the paaaesanpalgn and the esenteg legtetattvaaiseiBs, Ahoe tarstatp discussed Isauea, coaJeceared iiilsusnsg...
...AltcegMIUer had always seemed anemic and coM...
...your tew presence wnl Ihstisss...
...Da twenty-eight, and X cant ge fcej waiting forever...
...He decided that It would not be oquare to spend the extra quarter it would take...
...Ho breathed the fragrant Mr of her garments...
...He waa safe, he thought, when without n>e> Uminariea alloc saldi * "Danny^ dent yen think we aad ssarry nonj Tan have a good postflea...
...te eegacdJai w^sWsayw that SMea^kf ^NsoaasJ ee^wnnflss^ w^sssjsxl esV ^s^^ssO^^Se O^^^^ftvjp^^^^^ . "Wen, TB teS...
...It awoke in him desires that he could not satisfy...
...eniesdlai we egg sfersgedj than te^aas^eSkaa tta lafjasgtex^ "^iaxep* eses- aeS here, bet¦¦¦ijt ^ "ABoa, I eak tePmg a* jab«u»SBt at bare rigkd ewey...
...endlessly in and out of the tears...
...He was fascinated and he ¦ waa Inarticulately peinyd...
...They left the Hoaee, their constraint of ea hour before disponed...
...On Saturday morning, when he went Sewn to breakfast, he saw that hi* getttW had been crying...
...Hs alighted with Me at some splendid house...
...she confessed, "to keep from burying my face in them' as I soli them over the counter...
...George Xtmberiy —he's the ablest lawyer ta town—waa telling me the other day that he wae Just beginning to make a decent living- He tried to be Jovial...
...i The bus did not take them near their aelghborueed, and when they sBgxted ta Minneaeehp- they found thoniapivsa, en a cross mUeK blocks from »heme...
...HI pay this time It is late and cold...
...He followed her nation try from room to room, marvelling at the workings of her cool, female brain- ae ehe stopped to read price tags or measure the aeethetle value ef some piece that attracted her...
...aim said, .en the seventh Seen, Bother climbed the leas nights ef Iron stairs (the elevator had quBBaajn^aa) to what ooomed to Sen were aerea, of furniture...
...He observed her covertly where she eat thoughtfully beside him...
...L Cwr common agreement...
...He swept her eager face with a glance...
...with a cynical remark about "speech In chains," they went to the . Senate Chamber for a moment, thence tn the street...
...tBut when she had been offered a soft Job which obUgatod bee to go back into the knitting mfil with the "torch of culture" for her former associates, ehe rebelled and quit- How Donton's with Its Ions hours aad low pay...
...Ameng Dana ajypoctsta...
...Ak (hey entered, though constraint had iprnng up between them, the-' i Afreshint...
...Bo liked to watch the pretty women Pi wee hi and out of the revolving doors, aad his senses were enthralled by tho great array of goods so cunningly displayed against so dazzling a backrfreaad...
...He did not look like a crook today, he thought...
...agtd iesa gatesj beck te work at Bsrablseae aV IBeiuVw Mtm* m^4Sm*mamam^ymmtammtMmMk naaTfc Ton see i fM^mu*t~tntom tt that Way** , *• ^AJtoe^f...
...Today he gazed into the mirror opposite with satisfaction...
...In a moment of expansive feelJig during the campaign, he had once oaSad her his "little campaign man...
...For the moment.he toyed with the idea of taking her'into hie ahtti...
...She answered with alacrity: "Of course, we had Dan...
...Things with a magnotio pull en the emotions which stirred to him desire followed by frustration...
...Re Celt tedlgneat at this piace of gune on Alieee pert...
...They saw the cathedral dome aero as the Jagged heading line ballooned against* the sunset sky, aad tho thronged streets flooded with the glow of lights...
...She was looking up at him oddly, permiaeively...
...Alice broke In upon his dilemma with tales of how girls at Don ton's had been caught stealing silks...
...So be tried gune ta turn...
...He feared that Alice Miner wanted him to marry her... he waited for Alice...
...His question "was incisively answered «for him by thought of Hugh...
...yes, ABce," repaed...
...then he turned away to scan the crooked Bps of buildings that etched itself against the sky, framed tn Donton's plate glass windows...
...Dan, Banemberlng her touch, now decided ft* be roe trained tn his relations with her...
...Was ever...
...The diminutive speaker waa hammeringv for order, "Silence," she commanded...
...Dan searched her face...
...After leaving the committee room, where Dan road oenteatieua inscription above the fireplace, "Free aad fair discussion will ever be found the first friend of truth...
...A*thnsiss SSSSjSSmrSSL eeoobed by aPtkogi her lot of oSgh* Bears ton a day by ntenufsutmiag a snperabnriflsnni et i aeoeos energy iiasV whan ease cm tod with breeottag...
...Alice clerked in the silk department of Donton's, and was off at X o'clock on...
...When Alice found him at their usual rendezvous, he tried to tell her something of what he felt...
...l-1 Bke to have you can me that, Beany," aha'had oaid and had rubbed par cheek against his shoulder...
...This was serious, Dan knew...
...He strolled up and down the aisles trying to seem impersonal in hie appreciative scrutiny of beads from Paris, fans from Japan, and the hundreds of other preciou* things from the" porta of the world...
...He pretested that Alice waa a "fool to rave** over these pieces of wood "atsdp for the fat boys on TLowry Hill," but he acknowledged their power over hie eensee by his too patent show of aversion...
...Be had formed a habit of ndtjpg upon her for advice, and he had ¦SJaS a Certain aatlsf action in confiding sVher...
...They turned homeward...
...The cdfcbratien is marred byarcssjfflst between Dan and hie farrttber, Hngh, the lat*er rasiiillpg win* he feela to bp an unwarranted euuetkailt in Dan's nutnner...
...This excursion revealed a new aide of Alice Miner...
...thought that this waV Dan's place ef business accompanied them...
...An angular chin, dark heavy hair that fell in a shock over the forehead...
...They emerged Into the slats twilight of a November day...
...a month, wide, mobile, capable of displaying passion...
...It's all because they get ouch rot-' ten pay, Dan," she asserted.' Dan nodded...
...eta had allowed her ee a pte-tsJled ntd ta pixefores to do moan at has Tntaklisf fer Inaa...
...4 Dan and "Alice had never boon hi tho Staje Capitol before...
...Dan occupied himself with watching theVocCupants of the stage—mostly stleaAbuslness peg-sons,- traveling men, a young lawyer with a brief ease fresh fromV the chambers of the supreme court,' a woman with dark, engaging eyes end a pretty face behhtti a veil toward whom Dan felt a lone alow attraction, several boys ta beU-trousers and tighi smart Jackets, students, no doubt...
...It don't cost so much...
...3 They did not take a ear at once...
...deep, luxurious chairs whteh suggested fireplaces, leisure and pipe-smoke and good talk, sucH scenes as Dan had glimpsed through windows as he walked home dawn Pillebury avenue of winter nights...
...They decided tei walk...
...of fettered disspeotetmCat in her voice...
...Hew hard Alice had worked at the Mbgthweet Knitting Works...
...They felt that the chamber was magnificent, bet they did not aHow it to awe them"Oh, Dan, wait a minute," Alice commanded...
...He could not even conjecture ways fcy which he coujd satisfy these waking wants...
...By an arrangement' with his pathos, Dan was tree to pay only a negligible smn—<what he could conveniently spare from his scanty pracetae—until the Legislature convened* in January...
...above the central doorway the inscription "Reason hi the rite of law...
...Here one can...
...He wove a romantic net of meaning about the Oriental rugs, the Engljlsh tea seta and German sHver handbags...
...pad it* painful InvaaionSof the outraged enim of the household...
...To Dan it waa but a place cluttered up with pretty things that made him uncomfortable "Haint it swell, Dan?* Alice exclaimed ap they ventured to sit down on the davenport...
...Henbleom, Soon after noon Ban went to meet Alice MOlar...
...GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor Noved by the Northest By M. H. HEDGES The Betrothal ¦JffHftEE days had passed II- since the fight, and yet P Hugh Bad not returned to |hj brother's boose...
...It waa an aglow wlth*reeHng he had never seen before...
...THE STORY THUS fj& tbrc^h^the bm^*tfrm\imhT ^nJm^iJbS^^2!i Mitotan ntmad *M»h*ammic&oo1fyntyXt*mHbtmt with his famCy...
...sifter sating a dieh of oatmeal, - and fcunhwlf drinking a cup of coffee, Dan took his hat and coat, said goodbye to hie mother, and hastened down to Hornbloom de Glanz, proprietors of a large printing house, where he bad once worked...
...He now understood tbe tear under which he had been la boring aU afternoon...
...Paa arrived at Don ton's a few mlnktet before closing time...
...American patriot, be enshrined in the east niche now empty...
...He saw at a glance that it was impossible' for him to maintain his grasaat relations with the family If Hugh loft as he intended...
...He saw aad balked with Mr...
...Bat that waa just it, Alice Was not sloppy...
...Ho let hia out-turned palms tell the'story...
...He stepped with her into her tannine...
...Iii the House, 'they examined latently tiie paintings of battle scenes on the walls, the Indian massacre at New Ulm, and the battle of T* Ha Konty...
...He was Representative Daniel Minturn...
...Paul Trades and Labor Aaaemtey en the nee of injunctions in labor Ske)iiNe He was anxious to make an 'egiseillTS study of the question from Its early ase of court orders until the hay when the four Minneapolis labor BpSiri defied the bxw and wenfto Jail, gad so he wsa turning over many books tg Bis room, at Kimberly'a law office, gad at the municipal library...
...She mounted to the speaker's place and lifted^he gavel...
...X doubt whether pontics helps to lew...
...Cross streams of- women, women* MI groomed, with subtle arorn^ of rohaneo emanating from them, women in |Koh fuss, women In tailored garments ht smart design accentuating every line K their supple bodies, women- who reneged Impressions ef ease and culture, moved...
...X suggeet that the bust of Bugone Dobs...
...Dan went etoenoisJUaaaaBgh mere eagerness than bp auarWent So,feel in associations wSh her...
...One* Den had boon accosted by a store detective, ae he stood near the entrance waiting...
...Dan arose to the occasion...
...He allowed her to pay...
...We'd starve.*' # When she spoke he caught a note'of wistfulnses... teat fair te i em self...
...W&m busied himself with a speech |kat he had been asked ft give before Ik* St...
...Every mornC following the quarrel, Dan Sff risen early in the hope of Stag his brother in his acensHSSM chair in the kitchen where Sk ate—before leaving for the gagndry a hope too long dcisrred Dan now felt...
...Wae asked her to waitT Dan was angry bud baffled...
...Rttgh*'i lontribotion ef $10 a week to tho comssca family fund was absolutely necessary a...
...It is all that I can do sometimes...
...she'faded out as a brilliant lamp is extinguished: Dan considered getting to St...

Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 2

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