Road Workers Brutally Murdered Berger Proposes Nation Seize Coal Mines NORTH CAROLINA PERMITS LASH In*ese£tmtJ0sv Reveals Bestial Treatmeot of Road Makers Ibw Contractors By Art Shiels THE...

...More-tklk, we' see, of' a possible break with Mexico because ot laws alleged to be retroactive - which adversely affect American invested 'Interests...
...The .United Mine Workora to using the lesson of the Oklahoma, disaster in its campaign to...
...Ms abundantly clear, that no tar from taking the wet-dry issue out of politics the eighteenth amendment put it deeper in...
...Cotv «pres«m&n Declares 1 RESOLUTION providing \ for the seizure and governnieht .operation of the thracite mines was introduced fcorigress Monday* by Repre_nxative Victor L. Berger, Socialist, of Wisconsin...
...Thto ¦Piked lie power be deeebs raw- - 91 Miners Die in Pit...
...Boatings and other forms of sadistic torture...
...Even if an absentee New Tork landlord how resident In Los Angeles thinks that the New Tork State emergency rent laws Injure his property he doesn't dream of getting tbe California militia to Invade New Tork for htm...
...Since we established employe representation to 1921, much progress has been made toward removing possible causes, of misunderstanding...
...was dragged by his chains behind a truck.'' then stoned 'by the boss and dogged •almost dally...
...He was frequently kicked and beaten...
...We can produce nails 129 times faster than.-couM...
...If Mexico, like San Domingo...
...hi Jerry bniaihur...
...The presiding Judge has barred'all testimony relating bo the sanitary and working conditions on the ranch wbere the riot occurred...
...Let gee wet alliance say what it wants, ¦felt and the Anti Saloon phrase, the ¦JJ"*7 «le»rly and then let the appeal P* **«n to the people...
...Without organisation...
...15,379,05s 14,129.897 Dividends... tho prodncttoa of sttbndy clothing...
...One of the strongest assets Swift A Co...
...By Wood row Wilson's siftnature- -to "the treaty tho UnHod .States had incurred an obligation to undo the- wrong, end to rev loo the treaty while considering the war-making influence of "fleegraphical situation, population and...
...wr.....- I...
...Hohry Woo ten...
...Fee, same reaaen the names of the raurdererf nssn are_he*i.'efvan B» «he ptata • repartL »' Ss*«a«onaeo2aa»^ to ldeatb'l» given...
...January 24...
...By the snbslitutlon of six percent bonds for oUtatandShg* capital Stock all ezieting capital could be ^retired tn fifty years at a cnoaseS 99 cents par am while the host official Bgures indicate a present cost fir Interest, profit depletion...
...Around $140,000,090 would cover the value of the service which Swift sel)s to the public...
...he declared...
...The miners, in 1821 proposed, a plan for the retirament of the capital by...
...The interests which have already virtually added Mexico to their economic empire fret o£ every obstacle...
...United Mine Workers from IfcAletter, Oklahoma, read at the anthracite scale committee in Haxlotan, Pa, - said the uee of "green, ineaperieneed men" was responsible far the disaster...
...Tbe proooni situation ito>«atti»ar_swifwiL 'tea cannot is...
...Some sis million people Jkft oi forty trillion workers were unemployed either because of seasonal unemployi ment...
...Such rneagrf ariwrtkm aha given this id the capitalist press that The New Leader • sought more details and.obtained the .official report of the North Carolina State Board of Charities investigating committee, on whose evidence!.the .indictments were based...
...It Is inconsistent with the people's welfare and with democratic principles to permit such autocratic control of industry...
...and the trial !• likely to- be concluded this week...
...fight Florida for him...
...They sleep in chains at night...
...many persons reside who aro familiar with Ford's career, them is much eentiipeat fdt the defense...
...The akin over- snklos...
...Affidavits ten of men strung, up oy the wrists, one man over week-ends...
...That might Pa* way out of the hypocrisy, Irvjus§to» and chaos of a. situation which ftaes^the serious business of getting iktolligent -political action on vital isalmost impossible...
...Where there is between men a realisation of each other's difficulties, there is usually a deeper sympathy and greater respect...
...If my fellow townsman la rooked^ by real estate sharks In Florida he doesn't ask yen and me to go...
...We can produce plows 22 times faster...
...Bo .much for what Swift employes get for thefr "devotion to the company's interests...
...In this general Oklahoma, nmvoment...
...The two Negroes were beaten with a hickory stick and the stick Was rammed >dewh the' throat ef each tHr the bfeool earns, their death* eeourring' noon after...
...announcing that ISM profits exceed those of any postwar yean The-oompany .union, introduced - ta¦' flh' to "lower wages and Ie$B*bna^houra, .tov...
...S47S.1S2 2.18M87 Tptol surplus...
...l . -• '.' .- • element woea won opook-on the sb|> lowing Sunday on "Xeero Poetry and Kante...
...a reel Leaguer of lfsUws hsfotw-Wosdrow- WHsea/ cvsr appeared on the scene...
...mSm ^m^mmm to sa...
...180400400 180400400 For eon* profit...
...The^ publicity given thla authoritative statement Is csustpg those who have been closely following the coal situation to aak of the Oklahoma*catastrophe:- "Was it murderr* Are the lives of non-union miners so cheap that no precautions need be taken...
...Coke baa gone from tf to $18, and ooft coal from 94 to $19...
...Woekrra jf^HILO labor, the 10-hour day A\ and conditions • similar to those . mt feudal Southern i^totoe are sought by Massachusetts fertile mill owners in a bill filed ^**th the- State Senate elerk...
...Was it Murder...
...1240Q/M0 12400400 Added to our- • ' plus...
...helps produpe big profits,' President Xouis F. Swift of the gtont Swift meat .trupt boasts, to...
...We think race mast be 1 added... law...
...J£JL*H»¦* **oper Political and- ecoIw* l&tt>up...'i welfare...
...Women ^fertile- workers would be forced to ^toHc 10 hours a-day instead of •Wit as provided now...
...Content prohibition, ft Is an hnportant rU**i...
...Not only did these workers ooaot Into the union ef their trade In a peeVt 9wf they snJaad Sheaf hande anjon, to malntojw iriitraSaoj **• ahinery toiiHIn w*t» •hale ess* ^¦Tn^SMSisi" BsssaiVji 'itirn Utter Stoy praeantod to the sneaal nWtT9Bf"opTeJTea SpW «SBBifft SsTw Spw*PweVowd>*OSpTV' m f . -roamT sisiislm m adlUTa m ¦aeailaa ¦ Shi at SSBI^IVSespjanamBa ajananromnonnom gsmmajg^ga snoj» to -Sato way to She diighoat eVHied ojtva sw«.pao ewowog on voovwom...
...The anthracite mine owners have within the last ten years levied against the public the sum of $209.0OO,0O9jln Inflated valuations which Is charged up against the cost of every ton of coal mined...
...No precaution* had apparently been taken...
...The poattiott of the 8odaIist International oh the League and the World Court wffl-bt j>reejea*ed hjr Hillqutt in hi* debate with DarroW which U to take p&ee ft Carnegie Hall, New York City, Tuesday evening...
...Mas*., at tho time of my great grandfather...
...Modern machinery places at our disposal the equivalent of three-..billion slaves...
...Why should we stand for their nonsense of backing up American investors^ seeking high interests in every country in the world, by threat of national intervention in their behalf at our expense...
...vulnerability of frontiers," mention in the official invitation to the present parley...
...S-ltour Ptaassed in 191»r No mention hi HMa of the 1985 study by LewisBS* ***•' offieisls who found-that ™»alth record among the because ite women worked 10 WS!* ¦ d*y> 64 a week, moat of Mb m textile milisl ^aB> Arkwright Club of eotton Rp»oturera in Mesaaehueetts' Wmi* the 10-hour bill...
...prevent green and Inexperienced men from being fetched Into the anthracite sons from bituminous fields to break the hard coal strike In...
...Road Workers Brutally Murdered Berger Proposes Nation Seize Coal Mines NORTH CAROLINA PERMITS LASH In*ese£tmtJ0sv Reveals Bestial Treatmeot of Road Makers Ibw Contractors By Art Shiels THE most sensational story of brutality to convict...
...II makes the employe an asset ^to th« stockholder.' But how about the employe's, real...
...workers yet told comes- from -North Carolina where Superintendent N. C._Cranford of the Stanley Com* parry Convict System, in charge of prison lsbor°on the roads, has" been indicted for...
...says the report...
...the industry, itself...
...Mill Owner...
...THREE wopien are on the jury in the Richard Ford case now being tried...
...F ranee...
...The anthracite scale committee have assailed the Woodward plan.' it is not likely that a. majority of the legislature will find It politically expedient to pass It as yet, but as the strife lengthens propaganda for the^measure is expected to intensify...
...of a Bill Dayton, a Negro, hang by the hods ever the joists far two hours...
...the murder ef two Negro prisoners...
...If you dpn't *» this idea, what have you...
...Tho report shows such horrible conditions'* that the assertion Is safe that part, at least, of the fine, hard-surfaced highway system' that) North Carolina motor clubs boast of> was built with blood...
...09,478497 t«4M41B Capital stock...
...Admission wiH be it een^-Dtocnselan follows all leejbjreh, ajl are wojcomo...
...a blacksmith in Newbury port...
...It is either nationalisation with definite safeguards against...
...the employes...
...The "green, inexperienced men"-bad been- brought Into the field in the operators* movement, for, the open shop and th* l<m scale...
...Not easily under tht Constitution...
...That treaty divided up 1ajS9fcS0Q Oormans among hostile neighbors TlWs sheep, to be olanghterad.* - Control Europe was Balkantsod...
...etc,-touat%be'at least 92O,0»O,4«e, the tfbth -to that at toast 14 cents out at •very* dollar paid - Swift for handling meat goea into the profit chest...
...CONGRESS GETS BILL FROM SOCIALIST 4ationaJization w Chad*'' Is Choicje Before People... offer...
...a strikebreaking measure...
...What 'success Swift * Co...
...and depreciation of approximately $1 a ton...
...POVERTY IS RIFE IN MIDST OF WEALTH * Tr**edy ^ WasW^ ' Clllase;;;m.%\ Sectmd ; L. L D. Lecture ti\itr iiY is it that rnillions W"~ ofrpeople in the "United • States live i»~ poverty when * "modem - machinery has placed at the disposal of the people three billion slaves or 30 servants -for- every mamj*/oman or child iti this country'?** This was the question asked and partly answered by Stuart Chaoe...
...Weutinf " Man Pmwmr . Chase, declares that the cause of thii ! failure was the manner in which wo i were was tins nan power in this conn' try...
...The newly created countries beoame military vassals Vf military...
...John Hays Hammond sounded, the flraf blast for repeal at the Civic Federation banquet in Now York City last September...
...Ha concluded after a careful analysts that while he and bis family-had superior advantages intellectually to these of bis great grandfather, his great grandfather had a number of counteracting advantages, and there was pretty much a. balance of advantages and disadvantages in their respective Uvea...
...the workers fn the coal mines would be as completely at the mercy of the mJne*%wnens as ti>e consumers of coal aafttho public generally are now...
...who, Cranford said, had gooatpid about him...
...WMCN the SJS9 employee of the Arthur Plaah Company, largest makoro ef men'a slothing in.the United States eotting direst to .the consumer, ware formally inducted into membership in the Ajnalphmetad Clothing wVsfcrtcsjra of Aajiws*icsji» est a nt#*>»in0 in Cmory Auditorium...
...Tou can't be continJfMr voting on some phase of the wet TJjjpiir issue and work out a logical jSJBaia in foreign and domestic afMb according to economic realities...
...forced to work iff heura weekly, "provided the B***Wy average far the entire year RWM net be more thanTlS houre...
...He died In several weeks...
...He wants '.the AmoH •an dXogatoo to take pp...
...The ntofc week would be 54 instead of JS hours...
...Pfatoed fa...«riat: - "Since when do the Socaalut* Itwr the L«Agu«r* hsa been the query heard from'many peraxma who are not familiar with Jche proceedings of the Iawnrntlonal Socialist Conjrrsss and its...
...a too 'the hjaue of revieien of the VereaJHea ^.tnaatyi'^ ' ' ' ' Ha expldined that unlees the Voroallloo 'treaty ie rev food, no real progress toward poaoa and dio' armament In Europe la thinks Mo...
...has attained during the past year and previously," says Swift, "has been' due to the faithful work .of...
...They maj ato... adulteraUon of anoSs...
...aspired st ftodalist Psrty ha^d^uar^era, 7 East tsth'aireetf Bosma Road, ths> »««iir.t.2» Harfcapatj o^reev Jtosfch/n... drugs, IS wt^-hixaraM, rAoapv-hnttatians...
...York, from 414 to 925 and $90 a, too...
...Wh/should we spend money and lives infinitely more precious than meney to collect private debts...
...COMPANY UNIONS BRING PACKERS MORE PROFIT At the Same Time Wages Go DownSwift Sings OJnion's' By Leland Olds EMPl^OTB representation...
...ffcek to Lengthen Hours j£pf Young Chili...
...already served &. twoyear apprenticeship in the same field...
...forbid arS-ikars (apav *o*dlng prayer meetings...
...Total solos.....9*78,000,000 S77WXXMXXJ Met profits...
...Significant figures to the Swift report for 1925 and 1924 are: Swift A Co...
...bureaucratic management, or chaos...
...We have found that to.most cases frank and open discussion of problems leads to better approdeoon on both sides...
...Cincinnati witnooood one ef the moot dramatis stops In.the pi agrees ef the labor nvovoeaont of the Ohio volley...
...R- B. Sanders aad Boy ItBrown of the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare ¦ nay men wore afraid to talk in Cranford's presence, fearing they would be killed, bat talked more freely when out of oafshot of the boas...
...This ths operators seek to accomplish through the Woodward amendments—-already favorably reported By the- Pennsylvania state senate mines and mining committee— that would repeal those clauses in the anthracite certificate law ftfbiddlng the licensing of any anthraciw miner who has hot...
...jb*JtmmA Otffes...
...At present a group of 25 men hold undisputed sway over an industry upon which most either industries and the welfare of aU the people depend...
...i«7 Tompkins avenue, near Hart Street, Brooklyn, N. T., oh Sunday afternoon...
...It's our job to keep up this public sentiment sgalnst any war to collect yfhe debts of the, same fellows who/ got the wherewithal to buy up Jflexlco by exploiting us at home...
...1S2K 7*24...
...The newspspers are'said to be not quite so hostile- as In other labor casesi and tkrougbout the state keen interest is boing dlfplayedT in the.proceedings ^The state eloeed ite case on January 15th...
...Liberals" you jifJV "What do you .mean, libejtjuAr*' Read the Enquirer ar£al* sad' you will learn that tjpferaU are wets and Ritchie is jS)3r champion, likely to fall heir jpY'fBd Smith following if re-i Sodas reasons make our Al unmm*^{th* whole BnUairer article confirms |Mr opinion that American . public 'jsjirlm...
...on the Job on the part of the rich idler and the poor loafer.' etc...
...iraiunctions were freely-j»»ejj a»4 a jt^J^ jr-^Vsn^lar...
...Congressman Betger made the following statement concerning the strike situation: . • •. • "Aij cfza mi nation of the otter -made by the coaf mine bperators during the recent conference st New York discloses thai, they have declined to accede to the one condition without which all other concessions aro worthless, namely, .recognition of the anion as the representative of the . workers...
...The law' was passed in 188» as a safety' measure and its repeal to sought...
...One dollar in every throe carried' on their books is water,,according to the Coal Commission...
...Food of the convicts is red beans, corn bread and-a littlo fat meat...
...Oklsthoma Accident Caused by "Green rtr-^ -, y Brou«rht In to^Figfat the Union ; x^s FO^OWmG the death of 91 rniner»-^65 of...
...Including the wwtws can be '¦IllUff not along great economic is|Ma> not to the preservation of peace, ,hut only by the new three R'»—rum, jages- and religion...
...thern Ne| the-terrible dust explosion of the Degnan-McConnelj Oklahoma -the American Engineering Standards Q informed the public that two thirds of ajl' fatal accideri bituminous coal industry are preventable if well establistj •methods are ernployed Of dust > explosions th said: "Bufflcient in vest] experimentation has she v. taatrophee due to coal min can be prevented by the simple expedient-of spreading rock <dust thickly enough to cause an incipient con} dust explostoa to die out' rather than to trsvelAhrougk the atmosphere...
...And yet, his economic condition was considerably superior to tha^_B#""tbe average worker in this country...
...1^Jhajfc¦iii9*ssP4i^9jj<st>she Cwsajpo Mil hoi ojtissu New Nash Unionists Aid lowest Paid Men , - InUtial Action * Ciaolaneti...
...question and evolution or the Bible in tta^sahook...
...Fewiary'ind^ -Tlckata art going fast...
...prohibition ought in short to be' dlMeesd from politics...
...Norman Thomas at People's Forum Norman Tboma* will address the People's Forum...
...And the prices will mount higher If the strike -continues...
...of Cranford sticking his knife into, men's sides aad over their eyes, and of innumerable beatings...
...jtartty responsible tor Out SlS.m.tSi "profits which mean approximately, IS per oent on the real investment of the...
...And if It la Anally SettteeVtt will not be- a settiement bat .. 'The eoal industry fa ripe for nationalfatatjon...
...has is the splendid spirit of devotion to the company's interests shown by its employes^ It is our aim to make the employes feel that they have a real Interest in the company's welfare...
...They are Ruth Stratton, nurse...
...need-' less or vicious goods,, which B-usUn would caU "illth.'* BUlions of dollars ware being spoat aannaSy te.heening an % ajiutary -ostsbllshmoht...
...Radical and eoneervaJMmBbclaMst and old party men, may :MF or dry with no bearing on...
...As the actual operating profit before deductions for* interest...
...cyclical unemployment, absenteeism...
...IIJIBone of worhere were .employed 'In producing'ueeleoa...
...The average malt ¦worker in {be packing housed of Illinois gets' if 7.87 a week, compared with an average of 131.25 a week paid hit fellows in other irtlnois factories...
...These conditions were exposed In an extensive report Issued by the V. 8. Commission up Industrial Relations in 191...
...Children under SI wouM jftT* nine heura a Uay,*48 a week, S^toe* in manufacturing "where jfAPjeyment is seasonal...
...According to department of labor figures packing house wages art considerably tKIow the average for industry as a jfttiole...
...logs and buttocks was burst, with fingging^ Those murders were incidents (a a series of hundreds of -boatings, the report show...
...But conceivably all Stttleo might pledge their candidates M abffle by the result of a special ad* fVfcfcii referendum vote pn' some s'pe* jj*s proposed change In the Volstead Ml or eyen the initiative of modlfl^tton of the amendment Itself...
...TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas BjviTCftlE Logical Candi**f- date of Liberals for Presidency, is view after- Chicago Itieecb,* So In large headlines Sjy Cincinnati Enquirer, informs gjniting world...
...This |s more than one-third of the entire amount nal« la wages...
...ft^afttrtctR thought and' plays into the SJPnSs Of those who pick our pockets btfie we fight for the beer bottle...
...Interest in the...
...eotten- textile Industry «bmP»Jfa in a petition wHh the bill Pit wis 41-hour law iaterfares proIHa and- long work did net BP* ••"Pioyes before the...
...IgOa done...
...This is the- first time that women have been enlisted to try a labor organizer on a murder charge...
...A telegram to the president of the...
...Why., therefore, baa Sot fas health and welfare of the people of our country been . cnriespoadfagly increased...
...One of the, moat brutal eases tens how Gregory Sides ef the chain gang had' his wrist broken while driving a tractor.' No surgical attention given...
...and Maude Lu*«man, bookkeeper...
...could have been conquered bF the Marines long ago the job would have been done...
...Now while the common folks tare an "Krt'nf an these questions bis business can get away with almost everything, labor undo it hard «o organise the unorganised, and politics to chaos...
...Another Negro pulled the limb straight and ho worked with* arm dangling at side till his Arty-day sentence ran oat...
...Here ^yW'an would be...
...their Jpl creed...
...Frank Kent, the Sdtanri sottttcal observer df the Baltimore Bun says there are iwo public tanas to which Americans are spon3UUHKnetty interested: the prohibition... 2; 90 p. m. His subject will be "Socialism and Individual Freeeom...
...Here is a clear statement as to the purpose .of the company union...
...1025% SA1% These, figures cover up the full extent of the company's profits.' First, they show net profits as a very ama^l proportion of the total sales because about 84 per cent of the sales value represents cost of materials, principally live stock...
...Dora Dooley, housewife...
...86 far tbe interventionists have been deterred by public hostility- to a real, man's alsed war of Intervention...
...Reports from the export-room Indicate a vindictive spirit on the part of the prosecution, which is not mitigated by" the attitude of Judge Busick, wh« hi other cases has made rulings hostile *o labor, tn the town of Marysville, whore...
...M ; . "The situation now is this: .The price of -anthracite baa risen in some places, notably New... 6f •Tragedy of Waste,- In his address before the New York Chapter of tho League for .Industrial Democracy on Tuesday evening...
...They are at work in a "frenzy of haste, as the .writer has aeon Negroes work only la repairing breaches in a dam...
...Cortj^twiwi Berger V Attacks Versailles Pad f%pmftXg9*MMt MRaPrVfcaa \S aSJeree a»» amendment .to She ¦ apsWopilalien nonaonsw la the "HoWeo, giving the State Dssiprtofe%^S*P% r^SJajj^jDQ^ *ew'o^ig^ ^BPw^P^a^J ^g)9^^9jt 4|g9*J^P^SJVIlSj|| S^9k OgMsMfs * 4sK -filkWsSSJol the peeaibUKy af a e1oaorasn<iwt aanfaronos...
...January 12, at the People's House Auditorium on "Waste and the New Social Order.'^ Chase began his talk by contrasting conditions in tab time of his great grandfather with those of today... eommeretaliapft recreation, la quackWHY THE SOCIALIST INTERNATIONAL FAVORS THE LEAGUE Announcement of the debate lisWrnggn Morris Hillquit and • Clarence Darrow en the iMgy^af, Nations, with Hillquit taking the position that the Vpt&eS^jptates should xnter the League, has occasioned much...
...We don't believe fBj*t universal referendum on *n subject* make for progresaNbot prohibition iar>he Volstead Act, ought to be sufapftted to the people in a separate refjsnmdum as an . issue entirely apart jfiVB the ordinary political struggle...

Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 2

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