THE NEWS OF THE WEEK ¦j 11 as. ' an ir~*rV. JJJSV^pvr *4> Lir*^ v-b**"-^ totn*iaoi Tract a »tsr..ab t>b m^^^mni sentenced ,1* tna>roara f*i partes^ Oato witaaaa im baM tow perjury, sen...

...His idea of a "good Attaerican^ is a man who crawls into his fraudulent union...
...American politicians of the type of Gajlivan neverraised . their Voice in protest in the days when workingmen of their own faith were -literally worked to death on the peon plantations.and the torch of knowledge was snuffed out for them...
...tb* Bap*ftten revolt saaba th* sbrlftotMb lilf She te-aaften sf tl Patea in OaUcto and at the' Aapnral brto--**«*i,tn...
...And we who are made 0* wind gad r«ia and sea and sand will endure only with them tmrerugh rseunent stsraMy in so ear an W**f»ll*wnbomdo p stats of perfect freedom...
...For example, Congressman Gallivan of Boston franks a "speechless speech" under a caption of "Liberty Dead in Mexico" in which distorted history is presented to turn sentiment against the Mexican Government...
...JJJSV^pvr *4> Lir*^ v-b**"-^ - totn*iaoi Tract a »tsr..ab t>b m^^^mni sentenced ,1* tna>roara f*i partes^ Oato witaaaa im baM tow perjury, sen asnoetato ot eWryer ts fona...
...sbS*S*d tn nunrunnln* a* a sab* Has to their official duties of -sninii ssahis mm-runnin...
...Russian czars said the same things...
...It is an interesting fact that Robert T. Lincoln, became noted as .the head of the Pullman...
...Hst »*WoB>-^ We: "You know he was bem he a steals ** Hs: "Wett—" Ws: "Hs was barn in a stable Just sscaess * guy I Iks you refused ta rent Mary, his mother, a room...
...This has been a habit of many years... stately conclave met, Alas, alas, for ¦npjansV^ Critical Cruisinge By V. F. Calverton No More Ideals TO* a*i»'t-»osb4;^ wSsbjfl...
...Another important fact to keep in mind is that the- labor movement and the Labor Party of Mexico, which include a large number of Catholic workers, are united in favor of these laws...
...Corset th* wind In btwoen with ceased *»o*rb *wd window* smd it ,asb**n*b a feet deadly V0*m...
...All tab) waa going on...
...At leant they would not repay the workers by dissppolntraent, injunction* and anti-labor laws...
...That is, speeches that were .never delivered are printed as though they Were delivered in Congress...
...the fbffnt peo)enare eaxrdulry, sjssrdias tbe aniuaasjr asm as* tpilas bsvnd dosra fhb autaor* bf eh* krttara...
...Tuesday morning the presr earned the admission by Medley .that, the h>ss of revenue was nearly ' $11,000 on Saturday, Which, he said, was "the smallest loss*' since the strike began...
...mfS - There or* dbapbwtiaa senfSSjal Gen In the book, a* snerrtng *rta|l to Soviet JEtuasia...
...In the mssqhme, If... improbable, but tt may* bo able to survive . the Summer vacation of...
...On High The wind that moans on the mountain...
...tb* tirasiasj CesfnBjr th^ltallana *Ae*nnsueasij Mdbbanbsn sot-to sf XSSS—all these sj bat part of the msblfisnilssi sf sf | read abd agOatton that sa* sssthb threat- that another world war to Sfij tor Iratfaaes...
...Tbe totsi, amount invested in these various political commodities is a little lees than a million dollars, about onethird of the sum spent to the Pennsylvania Fepper-Vare*Plnehf>t contest...
...Minnie A. Shin*, it pleaeee us indeed to hear that Lab* Mabspas - Inn has at last succumbed to the invasion ef terasl...
...RusaUn of Polish blood was on* of the moot snergetic and pracUoal ofnciaJs of tbe Bolshsvist administration, and renprts foam...
...who is content to lick his boots, and pretend that he is not degraded to a chattel by consenting to such servility...
...Let us be frank about it, gentlemen...
...Thus day by day itT every amy an "eaaentud industry* becomes better and better...
...I am serious about that...
...WhatevSr we came with, we carried away...
...The covenant I herd wtth Death Silent I walk Life's swarming marts, Wrapped...
...Sosinsss Ccrr&s French Anger When the antiAmerican . o u t - bursts in the streets and cabaret* of Paris, due to the resentment of some Frenchmen at the ostentations way in which some tourists from the United State* flung around the paper francs that meant hardly anything in "real money,'* reached a stage where there waa a possibility of a wholesale exodus of these visitors, French business .quickly Intervened Premier Foincare ordered the Prefect bt Paris to take steps to prevent any more such scenes, the press ceased its abuse of "rich" foreigners and ths road was quickly smoothed, for the buyers of tbe things French hotel men and merchants have to sell...
...AH members of Congress are nyjt rear>oh< tfss...
...prepared' - tb take what has always "goAe_^tb^|j^ JToTa* -~wjcnuw • whatr"tratjapsnati- try JvWtotas- and the.-*• rsatnted Louis XVI.- Well, your castor oil nut represents what Nicholas and Louis represented and he is likely to reap the same harvest of retribution...
...And in ths years to come we will find them married, tending one or two children, working te keep their humble homes debt free, and all in all going through the tangled and tortuous path of living, as all the children of the earth have done since life waa poaeibie...
...Liberty or death was a fine phrase, but co-operation or poverty is more accurate now," says- Mussolini,' and adds: "Fascismo replaces individual sovereignty by State sovereignty, the nation for the individual...
...A Man of God...
...Bakeies* te a] so much uencrunsd wtth th» «*SI|en of whether the modem tzrbsaaapijfl suffer more than ths *ctMl ^Mbjaw ants, whether she lnvrsflJipV «JJ paralyse th* very bnate...
...It is * sure sign of the passing ef-the Ku tthsa Kken in this stats...
...bottle up the epa or the ram ta a ha* or • ¦sffUs aad etagnation ensues...
...for this junk, as it costs money to print it...> Mr...
...THE MEXICAN STRUQGLE TF IT isn't booze it is...
...Max Press...
...The speeches are Then sent free to voters who are led to be. lieye that"they were spoken before the assem' bled statesmen...
...Parte intimating that Dsershlnsky either committed suicide in despair of ever seeing Russia reconstructed alone Socialist lines or waa poisoned by supporters of Gregory Zlnovier, the subsequently deposed member of the Political'Bureau ot the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party, are probably based upon the wishes aad guesses of Russian emigres, but tbo fact raws ana that ths two leader* war* political enemies, as Dx*rshlnshy*s practical mind scorned the Elnoviaa romanticism and his aaastic tongue frequently Bayed the head ef the Communist International tor th* latter'* clumsy interference with the problem of increasing production in industry aad rsnsnefHas the interest* of the peasants aad the city workers...
...Th* literature of these days is flushed with ear mine tints ot an orotic dawn...' pm'.'tot 'mmJM places singular siidmt,^* -1 * /"Tbo 'war to and war fatted, sal forces ssosnHsHy ntefrtirnl with thffi that caused tb* bust World Wwi actively at work today...
...We are marching unfalteringly toward a glorious future...
...Ia China and JspSbt S population psebbun te acnte SM wtth disaster, ta.wsetar* BbpWB tbe other hand, tb* MsHnwajSWH 'te ineupportehle...
...This report shows the loss to be nearly five times the amount that Hedley admits...
...The eiekly emart set at the Algonquin sit all night through their poker * game* and phrase Jobbing, turning nest puns and...
...Th* flippers •ted flippers are filllnp the pipe line* of the news with sensusl fluid* of episode and Inwneral incident...
...Baketoae haa aOt'3 ten a book that prstcada te-pafl nonce...
...Mussolini gives the impression of having invented something new by indulging in obscure language...
...Then love's magic Justice feeding, homing...
...ita errflcenJajTj brc*tTi** * faith 1* "aq tetoOspaMH prwbraistiinf the tesues at atdM te rosdbsary »o*d-vcUl," Gsj^W Of tbe rises-character of oemwBM bat it* snAM-aa an tosaj^W...
...tb* werld Bstrts predicted, tbe threat at huaak* eaanral nation is steadily converted Into a* pj proachlnd- reality by our isiiiiirbb manufaeturtng era...
...ffft *f: jBjl .{fa JJft that sesjphspB-jfDe^ ic$^ tnscnjtte wajsrTi sjuMtes osnstfnasy Sa tnc_ n*asBb...
...of dying-"fer our- ill ¦ liianans jfc any qibsiT saBSteiiTf bt ths aafibnSjjB of oaauauitenw Bat wwu tte.Prslli oaire* are fanUcted, tb* peqc* smsp« lets dlsssutbislsfl...
...Modern - capitalism shaped Robert T. Lincoln to be the bourgeois aristocrat and hater of rhe wprlbng dsn^anul as < such he wUt he) sssssajp^ssj^^f -:- -:- THE CHATTER BOX -:W-fc-rHENEVep, ves hear the prophetic thunder of WW the high oejSQT* prurabling and bombarding ~ * about the moawra-yQuasS' asisNntis*, ws sat^W*beb'snd.smlrk b*muse*B*rgjUrmUrb*i ehar* must -nbrln tWaeft" tAsp and the heydsnish manner of the ^saj.sabid (aad^urei*:.tha«aJ* a ares* deei tp the unreined gait of the latest model lad), that ia irtcaeme and irreverent to the ' self-appointed barker* at Heaven's pate...
...TttbtisM cannot change and save our assaaV world without a profound caassSj .S oar economic organisation ta tbSepM and forceful thealat...
...We' nave watched them in East Side donee hello, and in the Social Club* of the West Fifties," we have edged in on their town dances, and Tom-peeped through their curtained care parked on lonely highways...
...If siiuaiiiataTJjrj sraanlaaf... is an linposanf baste - Jj^M tahaely timely hook...
...Whatever may bo the position of the reader on tbo question of boose it is evident from these items that the present policy la no solution...
...This is the complete degradation of the legislative department of the government...
...MUSSOLINI r ONE of the striking tilings about the glori' fication of Mussolini by some of our • - - Babbitts is the assumption that tie Italian nut has formulated something unique in statesmanship, something unknown to any period of history, something suggestive of genius...
...This is now a frequent .custom...
...Tees ef the Urbervilles to Replenishing Jessie* Is merely e slip-from the secure walk ef fa natural garden of romance, into a slop hole' ef intJhtional pornography...
...Mexico is going through a struggle with the Church that France and some American states have experienced and is meeting with hostile propaganda which France and these states met...
...The motor cars and tbe road inn*, the Jar* parlor* ¦nd )he speakeasies, the night clubs and the Barbery Coast dona are alive with millions of our youth...
...ot btst SbassMJ rdhaarfcabteboob...
...glib-phrase about replacing the "nation for the individual" has been used...
...bnt daefg Adjust the economic situation sBfj •bfspstfsuasoal problem U red milM tesfshssp...
...It is not the first time -that the...
...Brennan staged at big demonstration for Smith in Chicago a few months ago...
...Tat tbe eadstence of * snjj at other facte*** resulting ness-'l flnrtarstiag' econosaic rivalrfes at sf tlons ard more fundamental- 5 ' Mr...
...And they that rote bt rSnguusd...
...of'9eea*sBjB bestead of cripple and oosusser M warring fnsoas as with tb* StobJf'sB nation that 1* so pmyooativ* «t*xB Slot aad...
...The right to religious belief and observance of any creed are not at stake in Mexico...
...Our- bodies •wtng' freer, out bobbed heads Jerk about with * pagan errogsrfce, we dance wtth a liberated rhythm, and wo t*Nc with a scientific precision about our Intimacies...
...Tbe, acoootaJc astM evoked bT the arewth of absBSJgB th* jterllae of agTlculture, djM teas, oon vents the proWetn of ttedM Pbr bat* an bans* ef foreign...
...Un't it a charming picture of capitalist politic...
...We get the impression, of the son that with the accumulation of...
...Araeus, The Inner Sfleace Tab last farawetle *f* freende dtw eeid -And Ydntn- «nd taeauty ftown, % I litmer wtwre rsy rove haa *abd " Around ma horns of msdneea eh risk I Their thunder is * wind-blown beaadb, They can lis* eater in or Shake...
...Latest rebslrts ars that two other New Jersey stasias* are involved...
...If that is what you want here, say so...
...plastering sslscious labels all over the tottering in- - Stttution, only to trundle heme to their anoosing families, with * doaan exeueee tumbling all over each ether* in their haste to reach the irate dame of ths flat...
...The urge to crawl, to grew * opine, 0 To fly, to walk, to stand erect...
...And none of us need fear in the least that our maidens and lads are following the mutability of modern fiction from the grandeur of Hardy to the sordid smut, selling ef Bodenheim...
...wealth he took no particular pride, in the father who had been a coajtmon W^rer sad grew up in a frontier community...
...Rumors front...
...Moreover, their leaders, represent nothing of vital importance to the masses, but much of importance to those who Own the nation and exploit the workers of mill, mine, railroad .and farm...
...from ouch groups as those half-cooked wordy werfdliea, tbe suspicion steals forth to the Grundy ear* - of the aotri saviours, that our children are deerped...
...baa**a» bssweea f French fad Arabs te Syria, betsjejj th* BbsB*te,*|bVtbm4r*, tb* Basaj and SThehisaa, the eaarfch of the net sssnbiBi est* Bwagary, .tbo ˆ i fan r*v«Jt te Bbeth Africa te lta...
...It gives hs a picture of the work of Congress, which adjourned on July 3.' It is notorious that what is known, as "speechless speeches" are printed in the Congressional Record...
...The Times notes that Congress adjourned on July 3, but alleged speeches in Congress are reported as late as ¦ thirteen days after adjournment...
...Hedley of the Tnterbofo hands out cheerful statements each day regarding the revenue of the lines from fares, his figutesi, are in' conflict with those of the Transit Commission...
...Biding tha dousts yesritlota of head adtbe -O*7payoo- «he sees...
...A. deWftt . Their Graves Tb* men that worked for England, They have their graves at boons...
...Behold • Man of Lavs at lest I '. And such a man ia he—Gens Debs 1 First born of millions that shall live end lea...
...The Catholic Church alone is" opposing the laws...
...The Hedley policy simply means a wJH*t»g*«e*s to spend large .sums t*.mat&$ &tttti&breakeVs rather than to give the workers a" voice in a semipublic institution., Hadaey- dlsJilays the intellectual type of the old Prussian unkers who hated every assertion by peasants and workers of theil right to a voice in matters that intimately affect the welfare of themselves and their families...
...The sttaal upon Soviet Russia that fuBiiaaf M Armistlee of ISIS...
...But steel against white Are ef love - - Hold* no strength at allAnd if love's wings are well-built things, Who esree how high the wellT —Philip Gray...
...That the hntsst govamlng cembiaation w411 hurt very loan...
...Of course, the masses have to pay... interesting item in tbe Chicago investigation is that Samuel (nsuil...
...Ths birds and bees of England ' About tb* cross assy roamBut they that fought for l>lfflsjsd...
...Only the other, day a Federal judge w~ Philadelphia was repotted as -saying, -that "to have respect for the laws we should have a dictator, a Mussolini, here...
...The Protestant Church of every denomination in Mexico accepts the laws applying to religious organizations...
...When the law-making body of a nation has no more respect for its history and traditions than to make its official publication an organ of deception .and a garbage can for receiving all sorts of trash, that body has sunk to such a level that it forfeits the respect of intelligent men and women...
...Wp remember how...
...The masses tn the urban, centers show no Intention of being ruled by rural sentiment while it is evident that the capitalist parties have contributed nothing tp the problem but bungling...
...Moscow Indicate that ther* will be considerable trouble in finding two ma* capable of approximately filling his posts...
...Following * falling star, Alas, alas, fer "England... the UaSsJBjBJ conservative u te mvsJushes, :H economic causes of war barfd^H pointed out by radtoal thlaksr*BJB| inaumerabie occasions...
...Hedley is very much interested in pad- . ding the report to make it look cheerful for his workless investors...
...And whet with the unfortunate passing ef the double ribbed corset, the quadrupled petticoat and the tresses of the Sutherland Sisters civilisation is doomed...
...To th* radical, tb* M Without sign ill cane...
...We have seen them com* Into the world ef art and letter* in search of themselves...
...So did many of the Bourbon rulers of France...
...endl busja^ a^ann nusstbssd ^Ztm+^*im?m...
...bers and a gar^aarn^ *1S£d k;be • stff|tejifW that in the face of these taxes rfce *^k*r* oi 6«Jd> f *M*^, *h-*V and railroad get ao Uttie rxwsideration while the rassterr of capital and finance get what they want Z Only a strong partyof the work, ing class with an irrcreasing number of repre, sentatives at Washington, can traruform Congress into an intellectual forum where ideas clash in debate and make tin omcn-i publica- - tion -worth reading...
...dM- aaaaabaper SMB -^^at^ t^phiatS-wilb p1 fbfth bt ti»t| tba-asv^stterbtt wish the *»e*Jra»l Cb*ftm**^aW"b>r*aa* tbe coming mjm social fVdeaWassv Jte the i issgM chanttet* "r i jMil'tm blows, urge J* upon as as * an*Bt way...* three yeara ago, we came weary and lata to lta deer add hnasksd When the keeper saw the mark ef Shea uses eur noes he immediately advised as that every room in th* house waa taken, so wo pulled the eld one as follows: We: "Say buddy, you knew Jesus wSb-a Jaw...
...He means the State representing a ruling class of exploiters and keeping the toiling masses in subjection to those exploiters...
...The canned stuff is then handed-to the printer of the Congressional Record... evident that the strike is sufficiently effective and costly to constitute every reason why the company should enter into negotiations with the only genuine union on the lines that represents the workers...
...said to he "the greatest holder of public utilities in the world," gen... triumph over their internal enemies...
...and a niunhor mf dsfe*abKb*a> arena rataaasd for lack ;«** cvidsnos, JBsisn enaat guards ahnna.stjSlliii on tb* HwJetj soy const ar*** stand trbU«aat month on chars** e«* bavin...
...Dear, unknown Source of alt life...
...To fish, ham, bricks and other' commodities we must odd Senatorships, governorship* «and other public offices aa tbe source of American "prosperity," with Illinois following Pennsylvania aa a brisk market for the merchandise...
...We do not like the harvest but we like the sower still less and certainly have no affection for his American apologists...
...Moreover, it is a problem that concerns Mexico alone...
...than the votes east for such candidates...
...fee, dear'outdee to the porta is ef Heaven, we refuse to fie year spec Is I ways ef damnation...
...It is not the first time that the head of a nation has identified "sovereignty Of the State" with his ideas of what sovereignty and the State mean...
...LmTtBitjGap Soviet Osissbmsrit of Bpasla ssuTsseg a great loss...
...A BOGUS CONGRESS WE HAVE casually remarked from time • te time "that the two major political parties of this-country do not possess the brains" for which the Clays, Websters and Calhouns were noted...
...What Mussolini means is what every despot in history has meant...
...It ia...
...Silent, alone and free, Is.a different wind from th* wind that moans, . On th* land or osa The wind that moans oh the mountain, Is proud in its secrecy, — For it kisses the cheek ef the mountain man...
...On its face the Congressional Record 'has become an organ of a twoparty machine ss devoid of ideas and principles a» the smut "literature" that was secretly peddled on...
...Alfred E. Smith, Governor of New fork, and is active in supporting Smith Cor the presidential nomination...* Chamber of Deputies...
...Into that publication is dumped not only "speeches" of this kind, but addresses sometimes made at dinners, county fairs, over the radio and elsewhere...
...V' *.'-_ A canopy of brain to think, to dreamt Tha inner seeing eye, th* lev* ef-one...
...The SjBM and conservative, however, stflE^SpB under the Olustoa of ideal...
...That body reported that nearly 1,000,000 less passengers ate riding in the subways, each day . thasi before the-strike and the loss of revenue from tares is $50,000 per day...
...It h**a*njB ins that ia too Utti* hseded sjjte predated...
...prepsrtesj| way for a new one...
...Tb* Versaifles treaty, of ssspt bt a superficial way, i* reeporjaSSf • the greater- part of the political Ml tton that exists in the Biuupsras afB a tion...
...Company, Which is fighting the organization of Negro porters in its service while has father is known in history as the "emancipator" of the Negro slaves...
...religion that is preI sented to divide the workers into warring camps...
...Though an nnfl consciousness that thia 6 s* PfdSB pretty generally, the fadts bave-'S hitherto been frankly faced"" -jS In the first chsptsr tbe sftiSh*K since' the World War te deocilbsH careful and ealenstv* delaU...
...One fact stands out in the present situation...
...Evan on the basis of the Hedley figures the loss is at least $280,000 a month...
...Senator McKlnley...
...Both are public utilities exploiters...
...Brennan is the close friend of...
...Votes of workers deposited in a swill barrel would accomplish no more... say cloak of mauiderlng hearts...
...We have atweys wanted ta visual is* these pompous balloon puffer* fllHap' rap ths thin skin of s supposition with vsin 'bursting efferta until It explodes with a hilarious crack into their own foolish end seared faeee...
...according to disclosures this week, invested neerly SSOO.0O0 In the senatorial primary and lost to Frank L. Smith, who obtained the prise for about half this amount... fraught with bpjntufl disaster...
...It is at ones a palliative and an escape, a dungeon and an evasion...
...B nidbie fh cadnn...
...v- - The death' of the son of Abraham Lincoln at the age of 82 invoked little comment...
...Tb* winds and ttrnaiaa and* the reins sre teaching us that ths closer we come to freedom, th* nearer vas afiprapjli parmawancs...
...Mussolini represents the property owning classes of Itary"and*by ruthless power is trying to reduce the masses to slavery...
...when Britain aad V key were be Psrojctoo* dispats Ss saved treat rearisetlon oaly sy P protest of tn* British ootontes- W worse the* the actual eoaffistn, jag ever, are thajaeeatives to furnxarsPJ fttete...
...our tednatrial^ GSfJM •an abundantly support fto «r**S| nattonfj far beyond their presssBifl ItortJon...
...M It te aped tab p*ra3ue*hB bbra^jl 'the world' situation before tbe w*r-3| the aifoation...
...The more accurate figures of the Transit Commission show the loss mounting up to $1,200,000 a month.' If we accept the lower figure it...
...The Mexican workers have a sad memory of the old days of merciless slavery when Church and State under Diaz were one...
...Marriage ie all that the confirmed spinster or bee bettor ssy it ia...
...But also he...
...Described by his loss aa a bloody fanatic, with tb* death of thousands of innocent person* upon his conscience, and by bis friends as tbe tender-hearted, but inflexible "sword of the revolution," rAershinaky will live in history aa th* man mainly responsible for tb* efficiency of the terrorist organisation Which enabled tb* Bolshevik...
...aS\ttit^m of tV ^ssbBbt^siiob this threats seriouarty...
...Babylon, Sodom, Gomorrah and Division Street, Albany, N. Y, are mushrooming into poisonous proximity—and all Denmsrk i« rotten...
...One has to imagine every seat in the House empty and a phantom member addressing these empty seats...
...Of course, what the member does is to either dictate an "oration" to a stenographer or order a speech written for him by those who specialize in writing speeches for many of the dullards...
...The -old struggle, for the complete separation of jCmirch and State came late in Mexico, and it is that struggle that is being staged and nothing else...
...They-have their grave* afar...
...v In The Driom ef th* Nsxt War <fm)i tea Press...
...Silent, alone and free...
...Something there ie in all youth, in epite of* the sectors of it that munch on Mencken and gusala in Greenwich Village, which remains a cleansing constant...
...bM| Bnt th* origin oft this JIIWi sBfCaff clear, aVSMf popsdetkmeJ...
...Enfolding all in one greet Human Bisihsr hsed, In beauty, sweetness, in Wisdom?* tender, light...
...Miles' End Ths mils* may bind, may blindfold ue, Ribbons forged of mailt . Or they' may rise and stab the' skis* Like walls too high, to scale...
...eroucly contributed to the McKlnley and Smith fund* and Uien Just to showMs impartial affection for both capitalist parties he made a present to George E. Brennan, the Democratic nomine...
...Tbe **t| to end War" is seen to bare bWBM war to foment etaev wars...
...Th^-evolution :pf this custom to the next stage is the printing of speeches after Congress has adjourned and mailing them out free to voters, who believe that they were delivered during a session of Congress...
...We have no more to do with it than we had with -France when that nation enacted similar laws.jSome of our clerical politicians who nave protested against the Koo Koos seem to be doing their-best to -revive the knights of the night shirt...
...gniauaiorb • plana Par ' -sarin* tb* franc" appear to constat of raiato* about s.soo.eeo.000 franc* ft* now or increased tax** 'and eehsaeaanr tb* h*dget...
...Bakeieaa* laatebnas* apas^ pepulaHen problem as an efa**psj ***** of modern wars is an bbnBJjl In which ea*dn*ar*aten baa r-ssnsdja eelleney...
...Th* tragic aid* 1* seen in the fact that the trade union movement la made the footmat of this vulgar game by insisting that it ahali confine its political action to choosing Its "friends" among- candidates selected by these methods...
...Now there is nothing profound in all this and nothing unique in the history of nations...
...behind the back* ef the voters in the primaries, who were herded mm emtti* back o*their respective drivers...
...He: '*n»fi?* ill )I!S-f* ¦M...
...On the same day the Transit Commission told a different story...
...The work- - ing class of all faiths have nothing to gain and much to lose by encouraging either type of medieval bigots...
...Tb* protoplasmic portent...
...The Times of Monday piles up a heap of evidence to support this view...
...She terrible ., iSSj between PbntebnVaant Poland wbSj tested from tSlfV to IfIL tbe tbpj years* •nrvb^asM rttfc the ss* te 1111...
...And perhaps, for the sake of humor, it were best* that the condition remain...
...The elements .that are insfds ef us are no freer in . their* liberated and singular states...
...We cams searching fer youth in quest of a mate, and we found them pairing off...
...That which hampers, aasbedq, andtftoa* us —*Mj* a...
...Qeidie Booker, On reading . Blanche Watoen'e poem-etohlng off Eugene V. Deb...
...Liberty was dead and buried and these politicians said nothing about it...
...To add to the ^____i^tm ^_j,— Sset^w enben^se^pusar, mWmM^m^mf^ w«*n»^^BrW* ^ajt aVdjasjjsjaV...
...The Philadelphia judge who talks of "respect for the laws and then tosses a rose to Mussolini is simply paying homage tb a man who usurped power over the bruised, and *in some cases the murdered, bodies of Italians...
...poHttml.'pnilse (bat atasesednfl the Tobshn) and dbalraisp of tbe Supreme Council at National pnaabnany this mud - meriasred...
...trains some thirty years ago...

Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 29

Developed by
Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.