10,000 TRANSIT WORKERS PLAN TO STRIKE B.M T. WORKERS CONFER WITH STRIKERS Big Detail of Spice Kespe Workers A way from Pre- Strikes Meetings tot ar wtfiktfut • SbMarddy - Wawt at J ;«* HE...

...They do* not" think that a strike will even be necessary if they stautF waited...
...I should dearly like to believe that thta ' move of the government was . levelled at me personally...
...Ten dollars for men and »7 tor susn a* high as «|f,SM...
...the unions in the recently won galas are taking shape...
...ihfthe, asrar spoke to bwvrtaaa* In Ws.BI...
...Be town* me world full oi.tW optimist of Macaulay's History- Thtt l* apparently the latest work Minister Churehffl hag read...
...This Is ths first set of facts...
...Eaehevlch, a partisan of Zinoviev,, has also been punished by being removed as...
...t Chicago (p...
...of ¦ the big abseotee owners of the esai lands, of Scatt's Bun, where 4.0M miners are striking- The Oil King's •ownership—hidden till a»V— comes out in a tax reduction appeal...
...New niesahsas wai be given £ year to which to pay the initutien toe on an installment plan, and wDI be confined to Seir present branch of the craft for at period...
...and,' falling to make anything of K, they have turned to treating me as a jpreat man...
...on .the Anti - FaacUt . Alliance that they will no longer have any dealings with -the Communists, but they have at the earns time sent out a call to all non-Communist elements to form a real united front against Fascist penetration of Italian colonies In this country...
...la the second place, even these togs*-salary requirements are defeated by employing only temporary "men, while no civil service examinations are held to give tbean the ^opportunity ef becoming permanent employees...
...Officials of...
...It Is apparently left to an Irishman to open the eyes of the British Government They said would I under_ take not to speak on any controversial matter...
...it la adht an...
...This brrnga the total above 10,000...
...At the msetlng there was also read a petition of thirty-four architects...
...Ws ntrjgt bring about a state of things la Which the' ordinary man...
...I am not allowed to do' what I like with tt...
...wan toiinstV enttld set retire on pension until T» Tears eg sobs will now be unuriubssl at...
...building unions reach million Labor Bodies T a k e Step» to Intrench < Gain*—-Painter* Vote en Htia)e...
...add to the strength it can bring into a fight, and throagh banking connections it is still further fortified in the coal trade...
...192«, page 6), tkd en-| gtneers of the) Board of Transportation of New York City have d#fiUte4 to affiliate With the American Federation ot labor...
...These figures point not only to a vast new revenue without any considerable expense in organisation, which Is being treasured tn anticipation of future detensive struggles, but what may even prove mope beneficial—the absorption of nearly all the new workmen attracted to the building crafts by the boom' who have attained a satisfactory degree of craftsmanship...
...own name, hn fact, it is by far the biggest concern la that part of the fixate...
...with partly non-union crews win not be permitted to return until those conditions aye corrected...
...The1" Communist a, the Socialists charge, while posing s* advocates of the "United AaU-Fsacist front...
...international unions...
...How Ions;' wUl labor leaders j^thls kind ot politics...
...And then we see the ciiffg and «ay...
...Non-union workers win not be taken m singly, hut in full crews, ao that tor #rery non-union wester taken in the/sarten will also acquire control of a^fcew Job...
...interrupted the speaker, but he eontlnutd unmoved: Preieee Labor Party Oh...
...It is not ths right ot stating to public that there are milestones on tbe Ttover Road—It is the right of speaking controversially, tt la the rlflht of controversy...
...It did nob make tbe world safe for democracy or*' even Increase its own security...
...is neceasary U tfjfcdortnsmto...
...Oa tbe q*eatien...
...The dilemma In which they are placed by the ousting-ot Zinoviev leaves them in a very embarrassing situation...
...have served notice...
...New- York trade unionists fare-pointing out, that this prograht • is precisely...
...It is quite evident that our government does not know now «o drive tt As a matter of fact there is no steering wheel in the ear yet...
...for a' number of years...
...In 1922 It came nearest, tlelng up the Somerset Ceunty, Pa., and the Fairmont, W. Va— fields entirely, and parts of ¦others...
...During the present boom period, of course, a greater number of its membership is employed on construction worst...
...There were vigorous protests against this kind of warfare at the same time that both factions agreed oa the plan of planting "ceils" in the trade unions...
...We go on thinking that this ear in which we are running away wui get into a happy valley...
...But Mm* ¦ snswsr to Our last question...
...It Is pointed oat in New York that this is a deadly parallel with Communist organisation la the- trade onions...
...Indicating that the powerful craft organisations ta the building trades have availed themselves of the oppor-, tunitles offered by tap building boom to strengthen tbefr power is the report of the Building Trades Department at the American Federation of labor, made public last week...
...largest stockholder in Consolidation, he thus becomes a big royalty collector from Bcptt's Run when the mines are ddtsjg business...
...We will got ready for pomethtag better...
...the seriousness of the matter known and then see what public opinion, aided by another" by-electlou, will do to bring them to their eepsss...
...7*0,000 , MoDewell county (southern W. Va...
...And who's going to do it for us...
...These thirty-s^rr^ neen represented the following grwjps: V\ ! liM...
...left ^Phioe...
...Then, too, some time ago the weekly hours ot work of the Field .Division were suddenly Increased from''the usual thirty-eight to the present forty-eight...
...and fee havS discovered the secret that there are-no great nations or greafstates...
...But the he- , poveriahed people of those nation* S*gj» unnaturally took at their face rated i-' our somewhat hysterical wartime jpnuw testations of having a common iesajf*J and a common purse...
...knows what they , will be doing tomorrow, the feeling that after war we bed really eons to peace at last ha* been anchanged for the feeling that the country if petting near to wa: at last - "I Took th* Right Road" I bop* that the next general el??: tioo, tn spite ot tbe suppression of broadcasting, will have the effect ot snaking me fed very much Jollier then I have been in a pontics...
...The engineers feet' flMat their sola salvation Ilea tat organisation and affiliation with the A. *V bf as the technical men In' Chicago...
...sea stoat ilsrhs asMtwnisgrlst ter carriers erfll he afSaSJbM for S—i ¦ How small v/tH be Che pension* fsr worker* tn the loww gradea of ssburV by the official tabuiatvm...
...organ tier of the A. F. of 1., and Jfdrman H. Blach...
...Binshijsa* whose *.var*M« snnoal pay tor the final ten rears of their serVlce has beam SM srUi got ably I1M.M umul sabba, H they aerrsd ocdy « years...
...Odessa, Plati, Oorek and elsewhere - confidential' documents of the Political Bureau itself by sending agento to various .party, organliationa With, the view to the formation of fractional underground groups...
...Lsufhevteh la charred with makln* a speech urging an organised struggle against the Central Committee ot the Common fact Party...
...Liberal and Socialist thought during recent yesrs, Shaw continued: Socialism, which 1* perfectly clear and unmistakable, says tbe thing you bgve sot to do is to take care a* your distribution...
...S nothing out of the war...
...Tc*>.-ss#snlres)« tbe work* of Mars wtthaut...
...Insuli to fear from BSpesI these old per Use or their caniXBoVt Has he not bought stock .lh ApSl...
...In the event the- pita M approved the District Council is prepared to set op complete machinery tor the registration of every union member employed to the eneft en the day of the stoppage...
...Bakers' Union Masts...
...This is the uppermost question In the minds of those who...
...The SocUliats charge that tn the anti-Fascist alliance the Communists have used their "usual methods of capturing organisations, that is:—crowd the meetings with delegates of fictitious organisations .and...
...J There waa no other reason for s* ¦-*', entering the conflict The hankers, munition makers and rr-r~ rsnnlste who put us into the war probaary:fooled themselves by the moral tdeaker ' which the nation later professed Nevertheless, if our bankers bad h loaned to Germany aa they bad leaaod d to the Antes, we should never had 'i gone to war...
...strikers 'that he t^^thiied with them snd that he fcWaVM be wttlinS to mediate tn their l^blt That was meant to ptoase ^b...
...In thia connection it is recalled that two years ago the American Communists wore engaged In a fierce factional quarrel, and one faction1 charged the other with holding secret meetings and organising what wa* practically "cells" within the Workers (Commun- 1st) Party...
...one billion dollars vftthta the next few years, a delay In either the laying eut of the tubes through a strike" of the...
...He declared that when Ramsay MacDonaid was at ths head of tbe Labor Government the country really bad a comparatively easy time and was not afraid of some horrible mistake being atad« abroad...
...Only steel unity and the restoration ef iron discipline," says the Central Committee, can save the organisation from disruption...
...Tbe Paiiley interests, who are' tbe leading operating grout) in Scott's Run...
...The biggest Item was 10,481H acres of coal land leased from the Consoiidstlop Coal' Cbmpatry aad valued at »3.0M,I10...
...TThb»so-osJV?* Cltlsens Committee In !Wj*ssil<} aa whjch are many of the ^ sffsB^RasW^ P*3,blJt'* boost era...
...Among those present gt .the meeting were C. 1. Rosemund, president of the International Federation of Technical Engineers, Architect* add Draftsmen's Union...
...or nearly half ef the total" . Now, as John i...
...When there is no longer a bousing shortage, landlords will be compelled to grant requests for redecorating, and this division of the trade is expected to enjoy an unusual boom as a remit...
...The sttsmpt to frame, itp ^^Hberd tn a breech of' promise case "t^Hp**" fatted the police now try to 'aKedlt' htm because they found...
...The engineers ^ the Board of Transportation are...
...Masaelmi sad Trotsky : Tjiep - titere/ - la "hat remaAa»le but I cannot b^^^^^^^^^^ nebt our Liberal newspapers reproach him for his suppression ef the freedom ot speech perhaps he will smile...
...C'Saecond ta...
...Of these snore thaa _ a million workers, vary few profess allegiance to organ!aations rlvaline units* of the American Federation of labor...
...The Board of Estimate next' fan win provide increases to* them without much ado...
...Tjgiat la the kind of warfare for Isjji leans to keep out of...
...Representing the international and New York cap makers' ..union are, J. Roberta, J- M. BudlsiVand Max Zuckersaaa...
...This section of the report Is also considered by New York trad* unionists aa a deadly parallel to be quoted against American Communists who Insist on "celt" activities In organisations of the working class...
...Hugh Frayne...
...In the first place, they feel...
...S. the uaton headquarters bt ChtSocialism Made a Man of Me,' Shaw Declares on His 70th Birthday By Bernard Shaw (An AUrm* £>cWW oa HU 70* fitrtWdp TMi Week it a CHrwm Given Him ** *e Briiuh fymUt t , ¦ FmrtuJ . OF late years the pubbe have been trying to tackis ma In every . \tay they possibly can...
...In^ther words, while tbe union did net gat an It demanded, it wttt to aS ashsnbsad obtain the 40-hour week atbrtfag July 1 IS27, aad apprecis hie rarreaasa in wage rates, tor Mb saaafbsts...
...This represents a substantial Increase over last year's figures and a gain of several hundred tbousend over the prosperous war period, whan there was a minimum of non-ualRi labor tolerated...
...Bomuaidt editor «d the Italian Socialist paper, la Psrcl a. Del Popoto and others,, have ;beeh assailed ta the Communist press had even in public meetings.: Also.' If novo Mondo, the ontr Italian labor dally in this country has incurred-the excommunication of the Communists for not taking their orders, 'i The Italtaa Socialists of New York and vurtaity...
...New York Twh, Juab 27th, ^editorial about Bernard * Shaw—4>aga 16...
...aecoxisBj.t* rt»eb tsaesaf aT«rsre fer the ftosTtea yistia w« sat from *WtMU> frse.*« aastaoX j >as*isj...
...t. Cotn^ny general .strike, r «s*-.«**i...
...That is a great lesson for sav r| Shows we must seriously s*t"to warbj •nd -et ths vsebntone at a^wsflunea*: we must bo ready eftfe the tiaxe truth—that is, that thia great industrial and financial machine en which the life of the country depends is MM a motor car that is running away...
...Moreover, the thsarjputu of Mexican energies In dHrbai oot^troversles wlU divert attenftaa fsom fundamental * social reeon• -'fba government may reply .'that progress la made impossible .% Mb ehttrch...
...Zinoviev and his faction had held secret meetings and his group constituted a "nucleus" or...
...The District Council has been careful to point out in this connection that the plan will prevent the ensiling Of Job* with newcomers, every possthte provision being made for the eeoqooet of aew work to an extent at CITY ENGINERS JOIN THE A.F...
...t i In anticipation of this spying, the I. R. T. striker* inerdwir Wlow-traiwtt worker* at, offiar plaefs than the meeting hall...
...the European governments g*f*'w|| nowhere because tt rests on false snSSeC sumptforrs...
...The Buroaea* j nations undoubtedly ewe us mabat^j which they Were glad enough ts aaovv...
...ta their boor of need...
...ttb to the everlasting credit of the ***e«a Socialists tWt they will make . WEssibbtosabb with Poincare...
...Perhaps the most elaborate plan for anticipating the problems that may arise after the building boom ends is that conceived by the District Council of the Brotherhood of Painters and proposed to the membership of its different locals, who are now indicating their attitude in a referendum vote which will be completed by next week...
...But far the tax reduction appeal the Consolidation ownership might not have come out...
...Already tl seeawe that the, city officials will try to spilt the ranks of the seen...
...With the belp ot Zlnovieff or Sinovleffi reputation, Baldwin and his friends got rid of Mae Don* id and took tbo jicnr themselves, They have been upon H ever sines...
...The United States as a nation wea...
...are college trained, though only about one hundred art the tadispehaable Grade X> men, who lay Out the final subway plans...
...Even greater progress is reported by the Brotherhood of Car...
...That to realty the tbtog w* bey* cat fo do...
...It's a crazy world...
...Rar| Man changed ths mind of thi world...
...Keynes tells us that Isjsac* fair*, the srest principle or capitalism, is dead, and he ssys it with intense contempt and moral loathing ot capitalism, and ear*-it is only to be tolerated because we are not ready for anything else...
...Wq have to begin with that private property, it it' stands in the way of good distribution., bag got to go...
...Sin a the conference, leaders^ol more than SA^fRW^Hjnel worio crs hayi>ledsfed tbek pien to join the strike...
...The church haa against it .* fcsd record of things done, and...
...This is a dreadful fate toovertske anybody, and there haa been a distract attempt to...
...It is a first and funda.^SSJB*s1 plank to any protreaalve pre! |sbb> that saner power must be pubkS-eWbsC and coatroUed...
...But the fKsens Commfttee goes on Issuing jBktspents...
...It ia generally remarked, the program of "cell" organisation within the trade unions would ha tnrned, . against the Communists themselves In their factional war for...
...If tbe high officials la the Russian Communist Party consider it an offense against the party for any members to organ - jo "cells," bow ¦ can American Communists object if the trade unions in the United States eons''or It an offense and take drastic action against it...
...Significant in this connection also is the suggestion of the District Council that the "stoppage'' plan, hitherto seldom invoked outside of the needle trades, be employed ae the principal weapon- in the proposed unionisation drive...
...Formerly the Saturday half-day was eliminated during ths summer months...
...and now, whan their heads have-been turned rather violently In another direction by...
...Why He to Prnud SUM Hajx made » BH» *« <SaSeelilisjp mad* a 'apa* pf sea...
...about one thousand In number, 'gtZ...
...at course, that is vary tunny...
...httb^wed belonging to the inside or neetgn Division, and the remalddpr to the Outside or Field' Division...
...a»ror Walker haa given an IntergelSf exhibition of trying to ride two qtfjast going in opposite directions...
...For that res sen I absolutely , declined to say' anything about the oAeeration ef ray 70th btrthday...
...He had used a plan which the Communists in...
...Whereas eapltaiitm was proud and oonfidsot splendidly progressive—as it still to to America, I «« sorry to e*y —everybody was then ashamed of capitalism...
...What ts tbe right of free speech...
...paid for by the bosses, ¦fast how happy and healthy and well ' Jbrtunately (or Passaic there are afhr groups of cltlsens, not long, tn gaBaejBa, with Slavic and Hungafian ^^Bajfaa, who have a better idea of What a SaarisaaJaai ought to moan.* We wish Wfe sticcesa in their campaign to re' •sir' the Mayor and the Director of ridtfc Safety...
...Communist tacUoa kave split the Antl-Fascist Alliance...
...With a contract in the Fairmont field while the Somerset strike dragged on for nearly a year longer...
...all countries have been using In the trade unions in the hope of getting oontrol of them.: The two ousted Communis** era charged wtth' using the machinery of...
...I have - tremendous admiration far MrTrotsky's talents, but' his laughter Is a little', too sardonic...
...sentatives of the wchea* oav the> I. R. f; and B.-M...
...SecdUsro gft, a man of hjr...
...He will even have the laugh a little bit set us...
...Erich Black, prepIdent of local 37...
...The resolution which ousted Zinoviev and Laahevich charges them with having used the machinery of the Communist International for their factional interests in ths Russian party...
...R. H. Ajuuaa...
...pent era and'Joiners, which 'does not pay per capita tax to the' Bnlidiag Trades Department...
...anti-fascists split Communists' Tactics Cause Rupture—New Group Will Be Organized...
...president of the Metal Engravers' International Union...
...The bulk of work, especially when there is no unusual quantity of building work, fa to be found in the redecorating known to the trade as "alteration," and in the painting done by members of maintenance crew* on office, bank, school, library and other public and semi-public buildings...
...Sbaw then came out flatly In support ot the Labor Party...
...onehalf to...
...It was first effective in the Scott's Run field,1 where it now turns out that Consolidation is a royalty collector...
...This year, July t, a general district strike against all nonunion operations in the Fairmont field, was -called...
...Hart Marx rtta4o a aiaa of mo...
...than, seyenty detectives df the transit corporations were-, stationed outside headquarters of the union last night...
...On tbe very eve of ths mass meeting ef July 21 announcement waa made that those Who bad tokea Grade D examine Ooni and passed and had basse ¦ patiently waiting for appointment would have their salaries increased from theii former maximum of #*,7f8 to tbe new amounts of *M0« and ss.soo...
...already, although there fa yet ao slackening ot building operations In sight, different plan*, for ea' treciehlnst...
...gSlMsr thsse circumstances, how EqMh aaa Mr...
...be brought mj miners fight rockefeller Millionaire Big Holder of Coal Lands in Scott's Run By Art Shields , MOROANTOWN, W. If A. JOHN D. ROCKBFELLSR la on...
...ImuII gave *U,:-W*> Gears* BrennsnTwho will be Mr...
...Finally, the hours of work are entirety unsatisfactory...
...I should like ¦. to think that I, Bernard Shaw, stood here, the one person who ean terrify the British government but it Is impossible to believe that Is really trie -case...
...Still another Indication of their willingness to adhere to the Socialist plan of action is to be found In the fact that they refused to attend the last meeting of the Ant 1-Fascist Alliance participated in by Communists, although in order to gain their friendship the Communists nominated them for the Executive Committee of the Alliance, even though they were not present at the meeting...
...He has at least three Ohio mines, at Fairport, Stewartavllle ana Lafferty and three Pennsylvania mines at Parnassus, Valley Camp and Van Voorhis, and a total of thirteen listed West Virginia mines, in the panhandle, Scott's Run and in the southern part of the state...
...cap agreement is near Fight on Jobbers Probably Rawing to Succeatfol Cloae After an all-day conference of union officials of 'toe capmakers who are on strike and the representatives of the Wholesale Hat and Cap Manufacturers' Association St Hotel Peaasylvania, is nub usnmlttoe^of hath sides was aaaigtied tbe faak of^working and wrltiaw Out an agreed -upon settteaVaent...
...Hero loud ertee of "No no...
...Th< unionisation will soon be ISO per cent complete, and there is ae> doubt thai these engineer* affiliated with organised labor will enjoy a complete victory...
...Incidentally it ia asked...
...were asking the Monongalia county equalisation board V> reduce the tax valuation oa their., l^cal holdings tram $4,»l*,*lt to S14QS.1S4V or about five million dollara...
...Well over one million trades "unionists are now employed in building operations, - it would appear from a compilation of, the latest report* of the...
...N ow York Timoo, July Z7th, report *f Bernard 8haw's birthday wMtm*— Pago £ "Ho i* famous and rioh, this exSoeialiat...
...Denounces Radio Ban I had hoped to address tonight - a. larger audience than this, but you -may remember that this government when It started, started wtth its head turned by lta success at the last general election, and, in the intoxication ot that moiaent, you wiil remember It dealt its first master stroke, which waa intended to- demonstrate to the world how very superior it was in the handling ot foreign parley to' the then iato foreign eerTsaa i-y, bbr friend,Bamsay Maodid not corne oft...
...It la generally believed that th* action of the Russian party wilt unwittingly weake* tbagCommunlt 11 in every country wltorw^Hoy^ar* organised and that Socialist* and trad* unionists win be quick to take advantage of it and quote the resolution of th* Central' Committee of the Communist Party against the Communists themselves...
...the' <*>a*m*alaV rfkertSatiwaaV «bj£ |s«ffod^^g>^»s^s^t^s^g ontr tors 0*'Brians*, BaratMf, Vladivostok, Omsk, Gomel...
...It hds been reduced k ajobudi irtantrdlty...
...that body...
...ItS -close Rockefeller affiliations With Davis Coal A Coke Co...
...While even at present thousands of men are employed la these, non-construction branches of the craft, their Importance is expected to grow rapidly as the construction boom wanes...
...Winston Churchill...
...the Con»«lid»tistf conferred with durty-feyen iepre...
...Tbe 0afaga9 States went to war to underwrite lfl3 enormous loan* made by America*: jB bankers to the Anted w i i si muss...
...No govern.bsaiaX action la called for...
...But in 1125 the Consolidation repudiated Its Fairmont contracts send went scab and a strike was called against its Fairmont mines that year...
...A search of the Coal Catatogue aad the standard Moody's Manual of Industrials, falls f« show tb* connection, fn these reference hooka the Palate* iaterests are treated aa an independent group, though they are actually, to the extent ef the i«U«t% acres, merely operators for tb* Rockefeller and other Consolidation atock' holders in much the same way aa many British colliery operators are producing managers for the land-owning lords who collect tbe reyaltlea...
...Ws snail bo over those cliffi presently...
...hpfHa IP** WIRM1^ ecoud of its fJaiBK^1'1 headsl * his' time Bor ala" 'peculiar notion of law ^"¦aKErder...
...This it what I want to tell you tt the really big job before us...
...Erea If It...
...For instance, at the ether, end Of Europe our talented...
...Artonl and Procop to ot the 4ms Iga mated Clothing Workers of Ajpertca...
...The Brotherhood of Painters occupies a unique position in its relations to other crafts in the bunding trades, hi that It la only partly a construction trade...
...a candidate for the Central Committee of the Communist...
...Nor can one admire lta present "*hipaa> Aa we understand Catholic taaslugji...
...Paisley, with offices in the B. of R. T. Building in Cleveland, Is president of the Valley Camp Coal Co., which has eight coal subsidiaries, as well as several lake steamship and docking companies...
...fund, than va h> scapee sddbtsast aupervlaloa by the eaapleyera...
...TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas tt&30L INBULL- ef Chleaao, uj Bb^Jabt the kings of the modern «ST^b>rId...
...Baapleyeea engaged is hsisrdbns ootasja ¦' Uoos, u< those who have ss«-rsS ha rears In the trepiSg, «r*u ha innsiaait at «z...
...Those who are tound to be working on Jbfca of union oenrrestori for non-union contractor* or...
...cell" Planted in the heart of the Communist Party...
...The Scott's Sun strikers are fighting big foes and need big help from the rest of the working class...
...10,000 TRANSIT WORKERS PLAN TO STRIKE B.M T. WORKERS CONFER WITH STRIKERS Big Detail of Spice Kespe Workers A way from Pre- Strikes Meetings tot ar wtfiktfut • SbMarddy - Wawt at J ;«* HE fj£ affVoKraji «kt"Mt md «irfftct e«r;'i|W*«ici y ,jbJm£ battan Mid Preottyv j—*»* lift Interbwoogh* ^*?*d ^ JJrooMyB-* Manhattan Tt»n# ffOfmy^ The strike ins ban catted by the Cofuottdeted Rellwey' ^prkerr Union of Greater Nw #bich for three Wh» W hewc condocthic an este<3h»"atrthe ot motorme*,' »*itaawri * i^d bftctt employed by the Jfetobppo • Rapid Transit Company...
...I think, that Isagh" wS* a* -distinctly on his side en* ft wfh be a Taugh against BngWbd, net merely ssralnat us bt this room, but against the traditions ef Bnghvnd...
...bamuel "-15* tare siM.OM to the primary ! Mjfi ef Frank Smith...
...This report reveals that the International unions affiliated with the dopartment hay* over a half million members, the largest: number yet recorded...
...W* were confronted with treat empt wttb long ttadftlon*, and: it seemed —. eieag that we ouid ewes get rid «* totm- Three ttf th,d empires) in th* last few years hav* been Swap* away, absolutely like eha* aofdf* tbej win...
...net being * student of political economy or polities, wffl find work, and weu.paid work...
...Party, fired from his post of Assistant War Minister and ta forbidden to engage in party activities for two years...
...What h*» happened in my lifetime haa bee t something very remarkable...
...For Sre^*r*' a* we now know, was one ' * to* men most responsible tor the TtsnaVwar...
...the shops...
...mtmmmron the proceedings, as they did at 'a recent meeting of the Anti-Fascist Alliance, When the combined delegation of the Socialists, the Italian Chamber of labor, the various Italian trade unions and...
...While aa agreement with the manufacturers, tboaa who work fer ths Jabbers exclusively, wll)-be a great gate tor the union, tbe strike was called mainly against the Jobbers, and ths fight will continue again at them...
...The resolution goes'on, to mention an "11*^^5^3^^^^^S^in®99^fw^S^ EcU^ee'that this secrM meeting o< thv Zlnovjev "nucleus" was arranged by a certain' Btelenkl, who 'had been exv polled from the' Communist Party as a member of the previous opposition' group, but,who was permitted to continue hie work In the Communist In-•mationaX This was not only "an unprecedented schismatic step in the history of our party," reads the resolution, bat also a "conaplraUve meeting with patrols and secret Individual summons...
...Qsmecrstlc opponent in the SjfcjfrHlal sfaetloa (Mr...
...And the Paisley Interests are the buffers, doing the' dirty work - of contract -breaking and cutting waged...
...660,000 Tszewell county, Va...
...We will have to (et control of the finance and income pt tb« country and control its distribution but wet want, above everything, thi solht technique of government and w« have to make our technique...
...a^ta< feist a* lid bt* work, Ton war what bapthiag that no government in this country would ever think ot doing...
...It was aaJd, however, by a source regarded aa trustworthy, that the basis of tbe settlement follows the sgreed-upoa condition* which determined the tasleg aC tb* conflict with the liiflSiaandajda...
...the suspension of public ¦*bsset and other services in the J'dbsrcbss must, according to it, seri*»sty hnperil the salvation of immortal ¦*asla The church is willing tb take 4Kb terrible risk in its warfare with government...
...The Paisley interests themselves 1 have big Ohio and Pennsylvania operations in union territory—while they are .contract-breaking and scabbing in Scott's /Run...
...f must not knock you on tbe head with tt...
...of tb* iiBsuijiliijiasiit laaaiauSs...
...which did win something out at-jHM war—our bankers and investor...
...Otherwise l should" pats been Oke a* s)«ny of m* IJterary cpBeeguoa wha> nave hist a* much ntrrary ebfflty a* I navi...
...i Urge* Knowledge of Gov sewing There must b* that, ff yot breaaj dew* •* that for a ihssrtf .jigsfcs will have gone...
...OtXMXX) Alleghany county, Md...
...the Italian labor dally, Nuovo Moado were out-numbered by the delagateo of a variety of paper Communist organisations...
...Drive By Philip HodaStcin After thr building boom, what...
...Weils, and ho be> do*a>Je«ethln...
...Whether the Consolidation's own operations - In the rest of the district will be effectively hit win be settled as the strike extends...
...That'has left a sore spot, too...
...To ananfpH stand tb* debt problem, one aasnnkB understand What happened...
...do it again now...
...WhyMgrV Collect them from the financial ebaa...
...The amusing phase of the ousting of Zanoviev is that hie opponent* declared that he had secretly organised ' within the Communist Party to obtain control tor his taction...
...Then he dld.AOthing at all .to BMP' the L R. i. «p Usten to mediajs That ought to have pleased even bfittr-either fe**i* pohee^^fap^fl dO-aedbtod* potto* It's a good gagU white it works...
...The grievances of these engineers are several in number...
...It is iinrssssadC ' able to expect them to keep on psybjIB these war debts through two isiiluisSbp/ It ta at least equally unreeeotMu** $M expect the American workers .fjflH farmers to pay these debts...
...It Is not true that aafjbfjS are like men grown large and tbssb the relationship between them is gS simple an between men...
...Valenti of the SBoe' Workers!Protective Union...
...J B. M. T. employes, 2,800...
...TJmfJK~ fortunately, we cannot be sure of Mjttn ting just the right ones, but high wf come and Inheritance taxes ii nsy reach the holders of foreign bond* whS* are net doing any forgiving of debhv* on their own account and the war isnV - Ilonairea generally...
...AH of these men...
...net prosarai^who elgnlfled their totsbtjon con^^h^rs** In vtew^o?ibe fact that the proposed subway construe ion in New York $vin amount to from...
...It is of'the basis of all Parliamentary Government, and this Government does not even know thatThis is a serious problem which has boon opened up by thtg particular action, and I do not know what la going to be done, I hope that everybody here will do all they can to make...
...HHnels "proares"Sfip Rapu oilcan . can didst* ^ tor the t Jfctorlel nomination...
...It is all veer-Wall for us here,' in our friendly . and good humored way, to laugh, bttt our laugha win go little further than this room, and there will be mm laughter which I passenariy shall not particularly enjoy...
...friend-Trotsky will most definitely have the laugh on Mr...
...After reviewing the devegipnien^f Bidleal...
...Munificent Pentions For Civil Service Workers wjicmaroTojf, j*iy n, MsasksM of ¦atebe ainnaaat with tb* jomt ocmferenee owmlttw ow «1tO ssi i Ms retirement pin sign* aha* issatUd fy*ea their ehsirman...
...that their salaries, which range from tl.ESO to 11,800 a year, with the majority at the lower end of 'tbe scale, are entirely Incommensurate with their training and the nature oi than- work...
...In other parts of the bbr Fairmont field 'the Consolidation operates, its own Mad* to lta...
...We ought ^yatsfc the facts and are justified in *Smsslug an opinion...
...The Consolidation owns two railroads outright, besides steamships and a canal towage company...
...In this country Mr 80ttomiey Jumped up- For France M Caillaux was going to do It He lasted about a day...
...Men like Ninto and Antonnil ot the International ladles' Garment Workers union...
...They owned up to it, and told everybody the kind of mistake they had made, with the evident intention of saving their people I belong to tbe literary period...
...Oar/' banker* and business men won a great .1 deal out ot the war...
...660,000 Somerset county, Pa......7,100,000 Its actual production In 1>2c was 10.794,405 tons, slightly more than the year before...
...However, these men' are all behind ths organization drive and half of them appeared at the strike meeting...
...Br*nn«n bad jBSsb fight on his hands for the nom\ ^mttaa as did Mr...
...Smith also ^Mtiha support of many Illinois labor j An...
...it la that which must •e seoved...
...Thus,' the Brotherhood of Carpenters and the Bricklayers' International Union, two of the most conservative labor bodies, ordinarily opposed to large scale admission of new members and committed to rigid rules of-admission paralleling the alien exclusion laws of the United States, record tremendous growth in memberships end great gain in the relative proportion of union to non-union men in the Industry...
...An-ihte fbridus -dMensaSon ot**«fc3 debts owed- to the United State* t...
...JSSr child ean guess the answers...
...There is thii thing which is running away with us— International finance that ts not controlled by anybody...
...His dominion la over sosV J*wer...
...OF I. Union of Teclinical Men.Augmented by Hundreds of New York Employes By Laborite Goaded on by the defiance with which their officials disregarded their pressing needs and by the recent vie-, tory of their fellow craftsmen lav Chl^ cage (reported in The New leaded tar July 17...
...Party Invited me bare 1 knew I should be all right- * We have discovered the secret «hdt there are no great men...
...Is It Mr- Winston Churchill 1 Seeing tbe danger, we are tbe peoplt who will really have to take the matter la hand...
...The plan sails tor a general stoppage for one day...
...Zinoviev, Arch 'Borer,' Barred by Communists For Indiscreet 'Boring' DISPATCHES from Moscow this : week which announced the removal _ of Gregory Ztnovlev from the Pelftlcal' Bureau of the Russian Communist Party created much Interest as wall as amusement In labor and Socialist circles...
...They $1 pJifd<^-then»eW:f» waflt trt Saturday.** 1 'a,'jw;J...
...In New York city, especially in the needle trades, the -formation of fractional underground, groups" haa been going on...
...not onlr...
...it took at the peat ct the literwpeeprf, sad yen wUt uncjeratond wby I 4« iaordjna«B> pro«4 of toteg 4 aVeciaUst . I #*% thg> cast* gbaw , snapped big finger*} far my KM*, ary eminence...
...Tor - about a year the Socialists and trada unl^fefce .have tolerated a campaign ot Communist slander and this they have done tor the sake of keeping Intact the united front of an an«.Fascist groupa But of lata.ths conditions grew to unbearable proportion and Socialises were forced to sever their ebnneCUoat with the Communists of' tpe AntiFascist Alliance...
...r4».5S^i.wr"S": think* ft % right that be should be) seegtod tor a dbfj list pension whiid k bbhjr hs 0* ceadto ts betap t*ugh| **k to ds> Jaw cburto becsuss tt bad •c* amy *»^s-d ft...
...This year no action was taken to this matter.- It was the immediate causa for the rebellion that led first to informal conferences and than te> formal man meetings...
...what Zinoviev and, his opponents have ordered the.Communists to do la .the trade unions of all countries...
...either in the tatter part of August or the early part of September...
...That strike was settled In half way fashion...
...that Mr...
...Sooner or later...
...My bolt is shot My time is past...
...I wish you could know wbat my am feeli like aa I lift It up—like this, i have done a great deal ot writing and talking- I have dons a certain amount in-tbe way of arranging Idea*, and we are all doing more or loss the same kind of work...
...P.), July ».—The llth convention of the Beajsry A Confectionery Workers' International Union will open in New York City Aug...
...It is during fbsjr petted that the Industry is at the height of its busy season, stoee landlords of new and old houses are rushing ta complete thetr apartments tor October eoeupanoy...
...I know an about my wonderful youth...
...but w>en my aid rrieaata of the labor...
...b«xic«'a wall wishers tn this country SBM, regret the present acute religloua eattrorersy...
...But Consolidation owner* are not the only "outsiders" fighting the miners...
...tevy than the kind of sal&!f^n Polnc*re wUl seek to bring...
...On' their, face the' gorsBaaent's recent decroas in certain resjjps—by no moana all—deny what •Jainerica we' regard aa vital rMlaloUs BUrty and ean only^ be Justified by Proof of seriojaf abuses ©T that liberty by the bharrb., Such proof, may exist, feat eras in deattng with a cormpt or SSaTttBHI church, the government shoaM remember that It 1a dangerous to give It' martyrs...
...He Jgfr ths I. H. -T...
...I am inordinately proud of* boina • Soci al i at...
...They have been gelag from ens blunder to another, and Oci only...
...We leave that kind of thlrig to the 1Mb century, where they proper lit belong...
...a Itjtf knife in the car he uses...
...Tbe .big fiabt wash sbsrjabbsts win also faa> dtoaea to what esttaaat the-strike wag, auccessful...
...Consequently a asset* lng was held at Webster Hall on "July St at which two hundred and 'fifty employees decided to loin New York local S7 ot the Union ot Teebetoal Men...
...However, it la thought, that the settlement with the association will bring the jobbers loose quickly to - terms, for they will have no place to have their orders made, and writ have to capitulate to tbe union demands that they as jobbers assume iespunslbfilt> for conditions to...
...Terms ef New Agreaeasnt No - -odJchxl pmguum'minn of -the terms of ths new sgmmaait was made by either aid...
...Wouldn't it bed--.': fin* arrangement to be generous to ? Europe on condition that Europe btt*M ¦ -Use once for all the whgl* tsnsjlSsHP problem of debts and isitsiis^Ibn* ant» than charge up tbe coats- to tha ooty chum which mad* aborthhur oat of tea wart But Instead irfStft wh g\*a er-^ - further present to those luminals m- r vectors by reducing Income and te-" heritance taxes...
...abtt*» ment of the changes tt la* new brw aa compared with the old Fbuwsoar Comrolaaloncr -Scott has-tosuid riSsOar information to tbe beads at aS dbpartmonto Laborer...
...Ths Misuse of Property^ The man who holds private property mutt bold it on tbe public" condition on which, for instance, r„carry my walking etlck...
...In arguinr their case tbe Paisley people had to describe each piece ef property...
...I know all about that...
...A uplted front aiming to help the Italian people tree themselves from Fascist tyranny...
...Zinoviev is also the head of the Third International, and it la generally believed that his removal will bring an issue into the Third International itself which will probably coma up In the next congress of...
...That these elements will respond to the Socialist* call is almost certain as they themselves have at one time or another shown their disgust for the Communist disruptive tactics...
...The United Building and Common Laborers* Union of New York, claiming to^SSS members la aha largest independent building trades anion new in operation...
...Miss Bondflold, they have got the curious idea'to try to -cut off the supply of ideas la this country by damming me...
...Te'\' More...
...When we tome into power we have got to deliver the good* to-the ordinary man and to remember he will never understand socialism s^jy more, than the present Government understands capitalism...
...At weH attended yc-strikc nssjee* ings held in Manhattan Casino, arrangements were completed for one of the biggest transit strikes the city has seen...
...And Its Interests run-into a*ve«»l -other States as wall, tte ats* a*4 power cap be seen from the following figures colled frees Moody's manual, telling the potential produotien from each of its .fields annually: r Fairmont held (northern tone W. Vs...
...h^ wea even more rsepon¦Wa for the occupation of the Ruhr :'-.*M^«ui government initiated the recki S***1* <51shon'Bt policy of unbalanced ; Jbdnia and wholesale inflation which a5~y0,8 fl*c*1 trials but of whicb ' &\¥ B°W asked to save his country...
...Starting with yesterday strfbe SlSS ¦ fits were being paid by the aaaasalnbT union...
...14kmm» Letcher county, Ky.......S,87°^0O0 Johnson county, Ky...
...Ths Central Committee of the Russian Comsaunket Psrty in lta declaration regarding tb* organisation of the Zinoviev "cell" cay* that tb* party must protect itself against internal conipirators and warns all tbe party members, no matter now high they may be ia tbe councils of the organisation, that it will take action against all others who try to follow Zlonvlev's example...
...Marx Chsngsd the World" And then some one lumps up t< steer the car...
...toeanlcal men or the actual building through a walkout of the laJorers employed is quite serious...
...have attacked and maliciously slandered the most prominent Italian labor leaders for not accepting Communist dictation tn their organisation...
...We h*v* not had an eaay moment ever slpcs...
...The United Mine Workers has never succeeded In mobilising a fight against the Consolidation and its tributaries on all fronts...
...icrlj|dn>abwtmrbn4 pay yon wia not find a single person w Sh» these drvtoei worM wb* s*w*e* WttB tbe sjilsting sretem of the distri* jrUtten of Wealth...
...have discovered...
...And w* have all found out quite definitely what we firs driving at...
...fettbi far a socialist government and .'¦.^•spita...
...Rockefeller, Jr., is tbe...
...Is ' Ishtsr...
...ara.progresalijg^anil forward-looking among ' the Sfeadershlp of the building trades' unions and...
...sense In the whole of pry sefepty years, i I am rather impatient that Ws should get beta the harness again- Our bustnesa to to take car* ot the distribution of...
...dhfy stared ma the Job Ser SO years.eff* ; arm «rt %t%*M a year, dioa <WS| WOO a year salary as Shear fesaJ tsp> year avera«s win got pensloaa ¦< tsseb saas to taaa...
...And how progressive la Frank "p»»Jth, "friend" of the labor leaders, 'sjjg;Jysasal of the super power king...
...wealth la tbo world, t do flat think there era two men—or, per* baps, *s* butn-ta our loyty-sevea nmttsns who approves the existing dlstrie buttonpfw*d»h...

Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 29

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