A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Wanted A Sane Fourth ^rtrrfEN the reformer* substituted or*- ( %plfY1 tkmts pageant*, aad dbmauuul tiag- ' IP iof for Roman candle*, ftreeraekwn, K|| toy cannon*,...
...The motor whirled...
...We oaat go In so hard for tha "light, fantastic'' which hi suppdasd to ho the gist of this c stoma when we think of the dirty deals that tha workers are getting...
...His old supporters, who had looked tor a violent apostasy because of hi* changed fortune*, were disappointed...
...whites with childhood's in-, difference t* outward conditions Uk* heat, A nsorsw strip eg shad* fsS •eroae the burning pavements,' Bar* otes* to th* sheltering wall*, old men ly faaaeg ihsmsahrss...
...Thar* i* aothtac too underhanded that they can do to discredit tho strike loaders, Croat tha pristine <of cheep libel to downright blackmail Of course noon* In touch with tb* P***»lc situation payt anything hut contempt to tho ravings of this C*a...
...Joyc* drew up safer* a email tbam* "Let as* g* to) too,"tDaa ssspgmtn...
...Wlllard Joyce came in...
...I sent tttto the General Hospital...
...TO* better get out of here," Joyce whispered to Minfurn...
...Mm turn thundered against child labor, and legalized restrictions on working .men and women with his old fire and seal...
...Joyce had been best man at Dan's wedding,N largely because he was Maggie Tollefer*s fiance, and inasmuch as Dan bad no groomsman to propose...
...A decade later, in 1910...
...Then, the mood passed...
...W# a second Columbus comes along and hand* us bemUpbere or the strong agree te a mere goal distribution Of their wealth, which omnia be nice of them hat hardly probable, w* may y** wother wtndfan of aas^-demooraey...
...But whether weakling president }¦<* kmg imbeeil*, there always was some strong man, §£§•*• ooned boss or prim* minister, who ruled throu/h gabi over these puppet...
...At 4 O'clock Dr...
...We wake up these mornings feeling quite jovial aad at peace with the world aad than we get a seutnt at the morning paper aad we flu with bile aad gloom, atsea the soft advances of Isabel, our black eat, fall to move us when w* have finished reading the latest statement of Quaekenbush...
...5* .1 With braggerd aisgiiig aad rattled swords...
...Its f ace flushed *nd swollen, it* lungs laboring for breath...
...It wa* this same bunch *f cheap skates and tin-horn bootiicka of the mm ownera who fought every bit of lobulation f mm to roller* tho ntHutrnn work condition* of tho toztOo employees...
...Tho **» caned -CltUene' Committee" of Passaic...
...focu Of competition to tho tutor* by dividing up aad limiting it* risks and liabilities (it should, be remembered that the assenc* of tho o*rp*r*ttea 99 limited liability), and bp providing a sort of mutual tesussaii b*> tween cspftslist* ana oapttad*.'* This new devaibpmant n*aa*P*»9ty...
...who are to filthy wHfc jhdr that they have their own polo fields, gdtt courses, fleet* of auto* and yachts...
...But'in 19*4 an of the** *laiated only a*% at th* total vain* of tho products, and in 1009, notwithstanding the increase of numbers, only 6.5...
...city need milk...
...typists and clerks kept perfunctorily at work, long ago, manager* and proprietors hod laid oft and...
...This is What MM happened with the advent of th* corporation...
...In other words...
...That to th*' salient question of *th* times...
...This afternoon Joyce wanted Dan to go with htm on a oall...
...future development at the capitalist system and the transition to the cooperative commonwealth...
...Judge Gary oouM pot up a ahweyi stoma* «t a Pitta*ur«B hanme...
...Dan laid Ms brief aside...
...There ar* but two lespW...
...One thing is sure, however, and that U .that the flgrott approach to democracy in this country was *hsn land was tree property, easily acquired, and *bttth was distributed to small but fairly equal piles...
...a half hour...
...of „th* great westward migration as.Jefferson may have contemplated when he penned the Declaration of Independence...
...They're so Ignorant...
...1heee 91.000,000 establishments produced but 99% of the total products...
...Aad spies, and keyhole listsslags...
...by the heat *d the mux caving la hi* wife's decao with a meat ana, aad Prank Hedley could hare a neat Bttl* thmg plot ail— himaeif m tte act of taking away an fiereerHah worker'* farm...
...Here lay a chUd, about three or four years old...
...Not hurt by success...
...It was on th* beads *f that —qnmpriisn that Marx declared that Aaring th* pregreo* of c*ptfsli*t d«v«k)pm«nt 'on* capitalist kill* off tan,' thereby centralising all wealth to the> banjos of a ¦|s*sW<| dimi*t*bmg number eft porscsts...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Wanted A Sane Fourth ^rtrrfEN the reformer* substituted or*- ( %plfY1 tkmts pageant*, aad dbmauuul tiag- ' IP iof for Roman candle*, ftreeraekwn, K|| toy cannon*, they flattered thfhnielve* of Etafe established the sane Fourth of July, fe* They did nothing...
...Their attention wag directed from the** to an army cot that evidently had been pushed out from the darker bedroom into the Crowded living room...
...a* state after state Joined the original thirteen' atstea and each granted a\larger measure of political democracy In tba competition for settlers, even the aider and decidedly aristocratic commonwealths bad . is *sil|iHTlflm their form* of government...
...Thsy hand out long-winded statssasats m which thay urge the public not to subscribe to tho Pa a*all ohfldrs*'* mine fund on tho ground tha* ther know that not more than loo children la thaw tab...
...His mind raced along ahead to Beechcroft, to Agatha- He wondered it they would have time tor a cool plunge before dinner...
...He experienced the quick, fanciful satisfaction of peering down a deep, coot, wen, at himself fa unplumbod waters...
...the essential difference between monorchism and jj •smoeracy appears, to be that In monorchia] times, ,- •» strong made ifo bones about ruling by the "ijht strength, while in those hey-days of democracy, '<*» rtrenr bambooxle the weak into the belief thAt •* ;msy are electing strong men to govern them, when ;..*• a matter of fact, the strong men are choosing ft themselves...
...So that by now,-we have the fajotbv le of a. political democracy smothering in the <^W9 of *n industrial autocracy, such as the world has * ajjrer seen before...
...commented th* Unionist...
...They did not speak much until they had reached the country pavement- - "Could you do anything tor it...
...And smiles, to mask a covert sneer...
...He felt as if an old Internal wound had opened, end was bleeding, drawing off drop by drop, bis own rich and sustaining life-blood...
...With the occupation of the free land and the abf\P9rptfen of the natural resource* by ever-growing ^monopolies, there came a tremendous change in the iJffe of the nation...
...But this democracy, be it clearly underI steed, was not the fruit of the Declaration of Inde* pesdssca, nor the constitution of the United States, but u the existence *of tree eon and unbounded opportuni. 04a, meaning thereby, the right of anyone to crab a* ' mack of the natural resource* of the country as on* ecfcvexWy could lay hands on...
...It was a d*y> hideous with fifes and smell*, a desert day, propelled from the western plains, it seemefi, by an Impalpable- wind...
...Thus early the gauntlet was laid down...
...In reply to this, the Marxians maintained that the important thing was not the number of small, struggling concerns (bat continued to' live, but the relative amount of the product of the small and of the large undertakings...
...With forgeries aad sharpers' tricks, And pitch tkog steins and mud that ¦ticks...
...In agriculture, while the process of concentration ia a slower one, n*v*ith*l*a» a gradual process 1* going on...
...Twice they work forced to tarn ant tor speeding ambuJanees, as tbay hurried north to Sixth avenue, ta some sections, half-naked children were playing ta dusty, narrow streets...
...pppi$a to the new "*ane Fdnrth" as they were rtt* the old insane Fourth...
...Por years hack these children hare been denied their rights to a decent American youth because of the merciless exploitation of their...
...and then drive, wtth htm to, the Oaylard estate...
...Thj* collection of acuta la now y«ry busy trying to prevent the supplying of fresh mint daily to some bo* thousand children of tho striking taxtfl* workers...
...Two chances opt of- a hundred to get wail...
...it may bo noted that, whereas S9.i*% of th* employes worked hi the large-sised establishments la 1999, 4BJl% worked than In 1907...
...In count*** lastancas the workers have turaed to those who do not leapt srjth their hand* tor help at a time of crisis...
...Excuse us for dwelling oo heavily en strikes, but they ere very much In our mind these days...
...Th* day* work woo practically at a stonfiftll, In office*, where electric fan* beat back the humid air...
...It look* like diphtheria...
...Tot's to to the north shore, and on to the Rockies" She added, "Don't forget we din* tonight on the'terrace...
...By 1999, concern*- with a turnover of from 95,000 to 920.000 produced but 1.1% of the total...
...This strip of woodland never strand more srelcoam than oa this afternoon as Joyce and Mratura east* home...
...the fire-eating counsel tar the New Tork laterhorough or sea what tha foreign cor* respondents are trying to do to the poor devils of British coal miners who, by tho way, are putting eg one of tho moat gallant fights in the history of mteraattoaal labor...
...mat* reasons for orgsiffting corpraJ tions...
...Thee* hugged th* shady aid* of th* thoroughfares...
...Now York city...
...Tha passerby tai au**a*od to ha imiBhia" at tha afcfht of thi* aad break into tear* ore* caw fheoehf at tai* treat man tho* tacitly acknowiedgl...
...He bad wanted to ask that question for...
...That could not be denied: The Corporation and CentraMsatton Bernstein, as wtfl be recalled, matotaiaed that the appearance of the corporation, tar from centralising ownership and wealth, was an agency for-the diffusion, rather than tor th* concentration of wealth...
...Ia tho first place, it la an effort "by those whom competition be* toroed out *f th* oeonomio arana to stay la, by repreeantetien...
...Of iSpl P*°*»e, they diant aonn all of tba paopt a. '^pW**tr «oeh poop]* who** virtu** (toeem*) entitled PH*t ar-M ia pivMimaU tlUltt...
...JUptolla tion, indeed...
...Firemen had been ordered into the lees open section* off th* etty t*v open hydrant* that boy* and girls might find refrOshssent in **tQSdtat *bowar*V Tho dnwateein street* . **** •*910JI» fy aad as leisurely a* their teg* would let them...
...Just how thay arrived at thi* agora thsy do not state hot they go ea to say that if there ks any need for relief thay (the Clttsenr Committee) wiU ho on hand to pap vide It...
...fit the meantime, "Gold regtort ate ¦aaF*'" meaning that "money mgkes the mare gd" From a Wosdsitt fty tsX Usjikss Marxists' Replies to the Revisionists THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRY W. LAIDLER THK keenest controversy between tba Revisionists and the> hterxisto prior to the World War did not take place over Marx's philosophy of history or his abstract economics, but over hi* sociological doctrines regarding tba...
...They prose the* there is •till aa important place for the brain worker in the labor movement...
...It* euro* aa Ida...
...Nevertheless, something like the democracy ¦Ii mil il in the Declaration of Independence developed 9* the course of time...
...the** farm* constituted M% of th* total number, and their tend JMJ% of th* total land...
...I dout know whether at wfll be safe...
...by God...
...To this point of view, KauUky replied that the corporattoa *i* ho wojy MstfAvad the growth pf great fornm...
...But What hT eompetmon should be checked...
...They didn't talk much, that is, together...
...Daa was glad to flee Into the scarcely more inviting street...
...Wait la th* car...
...W' Could it be that revolutions are nothing but a shift',T ** «f powen and that they change nothing deeper fc*oa names, symbols, and shibboleth*—cross to nag— ^••rch father to founding father—monarch, by the *r*o* Of God to magnate .by the grace of gold—Santa mm to Thomas Jefferson...
...With secret door*, and hidden springs...
...a* l***t> tm\ ta* secoaO case it is an effort to bmit tho off...
...t* wether* a rather duMoas Jswme fehaeah wheat yea saa has* a fapBee of your real ted made tee yen by say good seerpter...
...Dan usually listened while Joyce talked shop...
...His heart was pounding...
...He had decided to I run for Senator from the old 119th, his residence at the Oaylard home af- i fording the necessary geographical...
...But 1.1 «*n hot blink away the fact that there is damned § tto* democracy in the world of reality...
...Steam pressure can not be Kudueed in an open veseel and neither can an arte-> Sseraey develop or mala tain itself in a sparsely set-7 Ipsa country, comprising untold million* of square jjmfles of unowned soil...
...Of course the actual reeidencea oi theae stuffed shirt* ' are so far *way from the gaze of common man ; that you earn only see their chimnie* way behind the hit tree* that screea them m. Bet see taifl** I noticed sad that was an Amerloaa flag dying on a tail wtctes pets eat tha J* we e* every - estate, had why set...
...Th* oar dashed pest , th* about lag children, aad th* hous* was toft bob lad...
...Qtiitj demand* introspection, *clf-critici*m, S^ihn thinking, and these <jtjalification» are...
...Vtm\ pvooeM' tewfteftf w>ettoeta^e%Ooii might bo atowsrr tk*a tMarx aaUdu pated...
...i -*t £ It to true there have been some terribly weak sis. tsrs m the presidency...
...the heirs oT King George the Third, said, constitutions, declarations, aad rds on fragile paper while economic stibl* forces which compel men to do ' lether they .like it or not...
...K Td been called five or six day* ago it woudl have boo* a different eto*y.'T . ." ' The rood to Beeehcreft tarn* off sharply from the boulevard *nd wtrtd* pleasantly through cool, twiltt wood...
...abawt to ***** oat of the wtadow far tho act of a—mmtaeT msUMs...
...Tho percent**-* bf employes in the middle-sized establishments increased from 19.91% to 25.09%, while the percentage in th* small establishments decreased from 65.90% to 99.47...
...J., show* saa how HttJe I really know...
...they are being exploited: And still some really otherwise sensible foiki wwidtr way the chorea aad tha worhora ara so <sr apart...
...The primary parpen* of th* corporation i* to blunt the edge off osmpetltten...
...X#t M g*v* *j»pr*«t to tho hmb who fbrmui*t*d .V^ga signed th* Declaration of laaopoadsaes...
...ta sauro...
...He did not expect the indorsement of labor, but he knew that he occupied a strong central position in the district, retaining the allegiance of many of his old supporters, and winning new ones by his unpolitical alliance with the Oaylard family.: Dan had spoken a half a dosen times In the.district since March with pleasant reverberations of public opinion...
...driven to th* lakes for relief...
...tea toasnt wesjjd a* t* ratira tea gMOe^s^opV wOWftrtl ojefteejrtefe^eflsM* dieted by Marx...
...And lying, practiced a* an art...
...If I had ¦HJiihil ear msek masuma as rksaa hoys haw* sec at these hers Uattsd • a couple of eagle* aad saaha say hash erasrl, •??nine at suadawa...
...Radicals watching for a misstep watched in vain, until it was discovered that Miaturn had not put himself on reoord oa, water power legielaUon...
...5FM's*ia* democratic evolution and for the same Pin Canada, Australia aad Now Zea¦ still under tba morg, or less b...
...Thi* k on* at* j * ¦ the wtsuthltst commmtitiee is the country: The< reed » Hoed with the prfaate eetste* of plute...
...v As baa been- stated, Bernstein saw the movement toward concentration of ownership and control of Industry a* slow gnd extremely irregular...
...With lips vouch prat* of "God on High...
...According to the American author, "the Marxian analyst* *f the capitalist system and hi* deductions as to th* tews of its development proceed upon th* assumption of tho *Moiut« reign of th* principle of competition...
...Dsn at last gov* provisional assent to the' erection of the house, the reservation being his election...
...his maibtiaaie* to amber** Brawn...
...Agatha had telephone him at noon to urge him to come oat to Beecberoft at, one...
...One is to enasl* those wtffi insufficient capital to remain in th* Ssefi by combining their several insufficient capitals toto * capital sat - Sefeat * to - meet the- newer requirements Of the industrial process...
...And setf-reepeet and honor gone...
...Just as there have been imooellM on thrones...
...ilbl*d Of etatuae ea .rushoU, Whaplia* Cam***** •ebwab am* a. tltantle statue of 4 *teet puddJer «m the front lawn of hi* RJrerside Drive hlllln * Maw Tack...
...Thay hay* gone as mash farther into tho mire than some of their eanaognoo that it would take a deep eea drrer to tOhow thosr dirty wake...
...yurtasrmora, I weeu* erect *>.: hue* Cumin tan suras at aady Ksttoa Ss fsssst et say - eardsaar-e lodes aad heti tei*hegrrl*»| die*** eg aa ltd he** every Sends y. "Why bather setae...
...These were some of the comments...
...A man with an obvious political destiny-" "A brilliant young progressive...
...I den-t^ossn* wp take way often, an* getting into...
...For a moment he was faint—sick...
...2 Came a July day that brought pain ta its wak...
...sareOSs by the profit-greedy textile barons...
...They have g chance to eat eat In the country and incidentally take a trrp to New fork aad now...
...such as Pbr American people oajoyed to the Utter Salt of f ' h eentnry...
...sttmmotteS th* midd> clasp and leavtag sSbiotr «Md*a bste - cam alsssoa oray...
...Aad at that these strikes, bringing artth these as thay aa, suffering to thousands, ora to tha good...
...li • * * f Of courts, I ami believe ia democracy...
...What it tho capitalists should decide not to niniipsis with on* another, or to restrict th* area aad intensity of such competition and divide profits amicably instead of fighting with each other over their division...
...7,* .Thus the United 8 tates of America came about, .as . spjiT.t" * r*aJ political democracy toward the end...
...Alaaa* that Una...
...At the same time, the introduction Vsf steam and electricity and the piling up of Industrial appliances, demanding tho investment of ever* growing sums, the independent craftsman and artisan ;' sesame absorbed by the industrial corporation Just ' erthe placer miner was abeonbed by the mining cor' paration, and as the independent farmer is now, being VaOparbed by the packing, mining, marketing, and j,basking corporation...
...When the subject 1* approached from that angle, a very groat amount of concentration is indicated...
...X wish we had net been fools enough to brave July," she had counselled...
...It was succeeded by a colossal Indifference to the dirty, hot street, and the .dirty, hot...
...Dan stuck doggedly at th* brief he was drawing ta bis twelfth story offle...
...As indicative of the growing importance of the large establish agents in Germany in the twenty-five years' period from 1999 te 1007...
...flhallar" property Qualifications existed in an states Had persisted clear up to the middle of the nineteenth Mmtury...
...On the contrary, the corporation not only makes th* control of...
...With conscience drugged, and faith asleep, Aad secret treatiea, hidden deep,With mean advantage, has sty won...
...Tha answer to all this Is to send la your contribution today to tho Emeryency Committee for nki rasas* Belief at 7»» Broadway...
...Dsn asked casually...
...Joyce was an enthusiastic believer ia his own profession, a rare fellow wtth a worm Interest in children, a wide reader, and a bitter Protestant against poverty aad attendant malnutrition He and Dan never talked politics...
...And—in the end a ghastly Way, And half th* world T^es^e^^afsMsjwS easBa^SWtsrW^Jem Drawn By German Grand Stars and Stripes Status and Smooch ¥7 H rode down Iimim RmI N«w jet* WW tey, the other fey...
...These Chrlwlsg brethren sent oat s statement protssting against tho ¦exploitation of the children hp tho strikers" when s> bunch of -strikers' youngster* esroe through town tho other dsy on their way to summor camps...
...For example,, in the United State* in MOO the largest Vised establishment*, the value of whose products was $1,000,000 or more a year, produced 414% of american manufactures, although constituting but 1.1% of the total number of estabHshnieats * Five years before...
...Joy** answered...
...Great Gad, I'd rather ha a Peaaa ruckled la a creed outworn,'* than a Christian ta Peaaalc or any other rain town for that matter...
...With titled guests, to trap their hoot, and letters opened ia th* post...
...They shanty Bfoppod one mcaniojlea* noise for another...
...They /•pp* ***** man, an doubt, and, too*t of tbam war* * sjfsssiil by a *inc*ro dtelr* to establish a governtfj**-"* nnd for tba people m tbia country...
...Where up to now, the tendency gajM been all in the direction of democracy and the * «ffngion of ownership, it began to swerve in the Jopsotite direction...
...all f other things being equal, this so-called government of, by, and for the people belongs to the highest bidder, while the sovereign babe* of the woods stilt amuse themselves with elections and Fourth of July celeV. Oration*, which to 'the thinking are as exhilarating ft*s the hard cider liquor licked up during the cam- . •aaiigo of "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too," which marked jpfbe smith of American democracy...
...They ere spending four to frre heutirOt dollar* o day advertising la fnB pages la tho roseola paper* urging tho worker* to forsake their loader* aad go hash to the textue hen...
...of the kind...
...As illustrative of this slow development, he called attention to tho persistence of many email businesses in manufacturing and distribution...
...Tow may bo sura that every cent you aire will am dtrset to tho purchase of milk tor the children of the coorafeous Passaic strikers...
...Throngs tho corporation tho saving* «f eveen th* poor are placed at the disposal of great capftahsts, who are eaabised to use the** savings as if they were a part of their great capttsls A* a result th* centralising of their owa great-fortunes i* mereaoed atm more...
...John D. mi*ht erect in trout of tho hockefeUsr ahack a-status of an on Us***eO*Ut...
...They prose...
...production by a few bonks and industrial combines posmble: St also furnishes a means by which th* smallest fortunes oa* be traaaformsd into .capital and tl»*r*by be made to contribute to the centralising process of capital...
...Tho pity is thst * lot of regular folks who might contribute to help Um PumIc kids got through tho hot summer months will ho scared oft hp soch stories...
...This CltlsenT Cmh*»i*f*0 t* i Brag *a 11 dt -Oood Bike," Klwanlana, Rotariensv CrrMane, Chamber* of Commote* hanyheoer*—all the rag-tag aad bobtail, fa short, of tha underworld of small tow* bustnes...
...By 1999, be ft said, the largest concerns produced no less than (9.4% of the product) A* against these giant establishments, there were, it is true, in 1004, 149,099 establishments producing less than 990,000 worth of products each, and to 1*09, 190,997...
...bat* th*^t*nd«nc^^was tlira...
...Slav**, bodyi*arw*pn,,tanaat farmers, and wage oaroor* were- natB&|Mpeb*a*a from tba -rot in* and office-hoidfng -ojeji* In Msssaehusotto, for instanco, a candidate - ' 09* office of governor bad to* be a Christian worth Jb* thousand dollars, which would have prevented -\J*f*» Christ, tho' Kin* of Heaven, from becoming e**»rno(r of Massachasetts...
...Eras these that may ha lost have their inestimable value for an who are struggliag tor tha good Ufa...
...At 7." It gave him satisfaction to keep stubbornly at work in th* midst of the general lassitude: There was quiet here, too—he bad sent the girl away— and solitude, such as' he had not had tor months...
...In t*e ewrM of a •ornrwTut Intimate aaasrlsaci with the way* of espttaHsts when thay are **> against tt, Z thought I had earn* up with tha wees* **rt ad low-life dee One- of which they were eapeble...
...And as the people who .own the ;•- Productive wealth of a nation have always owned the ^-government of that nation, our democracy ha* sunken f to the level of * commodity which is bartered about I by the big boys in the manner so forcefully Illustrated ; by the revelation of the Teapot Dome affairs, the alien property scandals, and the recent primary election in Pennsylvania and other states...
...In th* shad* of low, decrepit houses, negroes and...
...r*quire* the revlsien of the Marxtaa fusml* of oentraUsationr tt fitv- tearbtoso, net ittkhWi* of th* hUrxian analysis of ta* capitalist system to show thai taagsnalis in th* devstopenent of that system which Marx, said would otattaoo to exist a* long a* caprtaltem treed, disappeared i* whole or ta ps.t whoa th* basic principle of that si stem (competition) was abolished or steals**" (T* Se Cewtiaued Next Week) GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor Novel of the Northwest Br M. H. HEDGES' Chapter XII The Choice l WW THIN summer campl-th...
...Th* mother, who sat in terrible passivity beside* the sick babe arose as Dr...
...Joyce at length axeexged from the house with professional celsriness "Well, that's that, Now we oaa get out of this," a* added genially...
...Then it is that we-want to go oat sad bam some brass hatted captain of industry spang OS his bulbous nose...
...Tho checkered shadows on the) CT*pp*d grab*, the long aistos of fragrant bushes, seemed te Can *a Meal sMes for children to play to (To be eentiaim* next week) Diplomacy With face* schooled to act a part...
...Just as I § boheved in fairies and Santa Claus in my youth...
...Boudin approach** th* subject from a somewhat different angle...
...What candidates do about the proposed power act will make or break them...
...short, WW intensive, northern surrtmer— * . it found Agatha busy with plans for the new home, and Dan getting ready tor the fall campaign...
...In more liberal Virginia, ".'** aspirant for tho governor's otic* eonld dispense j wtth Christianity, provided,' however, he was worth ^A*M pounds, or 950,000, which was almost a RockejjHIsr fortune in those times...
...Wherever I JMSck, be it .government, lodge, or church, .I see a .¦baa clhjne of strong men at the helm and within r" that clique, the strongest as the boa* of the clique...
...Ia 1900, for instance, m the United State*, the farms with over 500 acres ctmstitntodT 4.4% of the total number, while tan Mod contained therein coflatltufd 99.9...
...The second 1* to enable those whose capital is sufficient to split up their large capital tote away part* and te invest in many ssnaO and*tt*kinga...
...Thsy prove for one thing that the unorganised American worker, supposed for years to be the most docile beast of burden, win,kick at the pricks whoa ho sees soma chance for a bit mora fr sashes Thsy prove again that a* labor movement ©e» Ova wttheet Hulls— aad a spirit oC tateTMgent milft»aey...
...With scraps of paper *n*d wtth < word*, with flatteries, inspired by fear...
...Bat on*** ess.- -; fin Tbay^ssssgwg, g^smnB...
...Joyce advanced...
...dark r*onu chans and a tattered rug mad* qp th* furnishings...
...Th* torrid sup climbed op tho coppery sky, and showered its ray* down upon steaming sti—ts and buildings, which sent boat wave* book again into offieo and shop...
...Aad giant anas, watch shake God's eky...
...With poison pn* gad peace conclave, And every man a weapon** slave...
...Aa it U, the Cltisens' Committee has snored in a lot of sky pilots to help giro i leg liiessBIg to their union-smashing ' attempts...
Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 28