Crawford, Ruth

Debs Dreams On The Great Socialist Leader Considers Prison Reform By Rnth Carawford > 4 CRAIUWOX to tB* modern 71 *orl« 1* tot *ta c**f*t* * -a*"*- prteou with no Wi IfTtotsj of controlling...

...but jtstoag treat tho abyss...
...but hU fingers St a*t atrty from fhrfr task of dantsagttog- abrufitt* thd temperate,' with Ms toano* to eheek, h* hat produced—dot a veTy brilliant book, hut a trustworthy one...
...But, 'abovo ail, they must ho abia and eager to think freely and faarleaslyj for it is reason, and not •motion, Orhiok ha* Inspired men to build civilization...
...tries to ward off tho end : It cannot bo that I Shan know pale death...
...ta * very true MB** th* work* St Ood art terfety toatotbte to man...
...That would have boon aa contrary to what Deb* haa...
...aad apd astiawtog MoJM teaipreaaad it tk*H CathoUt Churek tag tk* asnghah oovarnmeat burnt bar...
...Ho aad hie followers ahowedno respect for the culture, conservatism and refinement of the elder statesmen...
...JwXaxrfeldi At times, too, the writer a beta sped into oosaptosatto* of ovar-buroess* rr*udlaa teraateotogy: '*tocapabte ateao pt...
...was ahM to stad aad successfully tortoiaato toewmarabl* strikes and >igttitt Mrge number* of working women...
...As a phase ot American capital lam and American politics, it teaches us little that to good and much that an intelligent movement of the worker* must avoid...
...What a contrast to tho usual way of planning dad building, to eociety which/ bends all efforts to get in "with th* right people...
...Neither his master, D. H. Lawrence nor Joyce, Pachardaon...
...AagoA*' to* empty nutittm ot «**• gesaaatiaa aad roaabidtataa gra reseated...
...manual worker...
...Ib oat poem, indeed, she snares the pessimist "to tat imagined darkness ot hi* trivial helj," but the a more frequently the person who declare*: 1 have held oat my greedy hand* to1 - Ut...
...When will tab gay d*we* When shall we weary tt litatiig atorsi or medical Judgment*, aat sxttapt l»H stood to ua**rstaadr j Hem...
...she only thought sh* heard, and saw...
...n m«ke*^* atfferanoa to-him that .bib children, perhaps, went evoV...
...Hat ea . the •J**a**"** tk* adl.arimto*., ast »5eS^S?%*^ J"«S>'Sfg *VX Jtoak, aaadel aMJtfc J: *tottgto**-j* fwmfS...
...It seems to have made no difference to him that roepgnlsing and knowing himself to those same feliowmea either did not want that power or It they did wanted tt tor its own sake...
...It la a d nam, only an Ohuttaa...
...dr*.toitM caroor* ever a* Atoortoaa bdd, atoa a Do* Quixote, nbtntoge...
...wee Oa* eide ot aat obaraeter a tototv ngihl* enough boeaoae w* eaa taraJai a to oar owa...
...Two probates confront him and all sortou* students: a) Did thro* betage catted St Michael...
...he often draw* c^rvciuaiou* which go net dew from* Vm *r*/ifaa...
...After" h*r death the became acceptable to all thro* for various reasons, and now sue la an orthodox sada* and art International herdtoe, a sets card to play in any official game w no Institution could tolerate her WkSB aba wa* alive because the appiaM bb s tribuaal at htr own...
...tor a** eaty to ggtothitd bat to amhfttoa aad tor* gat ort gggfc **# Oonthto showy cruet catted *Mttory» by Wstertahs ea* *«ver bb M**g**d da da aottant *t tod paMby gsU'sdd w**g baa btmsett abftoro* and Strtvem...
...While there is a soul in prison, I am dot free...
...Baa mora wttb a talker* of a modern world, to MBdorauod bow tbi* 71-year-old Willi oka atlH remam a dnamar...
...saaro was a rteghor* aoJtod rlutiaiama, for Kuttari bki two* into adtta exaibnsng tho ***** a aba aigtotto...
...aba* tainaa the lore* of bat |iiin**i1iv t*» aatteoe, aad abovo *tt Ma firttwag...
...s*r gabmslng character, and his page* tottbtddy reoorct it* double nature and WtspHiiliig power... tho Cavalier* ot Kaglsnd - snd tho last noble* ot rranto, daac* gaily oa tho edge of a volcano that eoea will gulf them an...
...Tt Is simply my ballot ia the* evolution of the race answering the Ood within the lowest.' But I believe it Bads Its nearest expression tn that creed of mta*/.**"'.1...
...Ha aaaweri...
...Such vprvo may detract from th« Critical value Of a man'* writings, but it leads power aad adds int*r**t far th* not too exaattog, ind—what a more important reams* d**tre to read the work discus*sd> Mr...
...He, too...
...tho pessimist may concentrate upon the unending nis of lit*, and moan or rail or rant unendingly, or-he may...
...It it passed some legislation limiting the hours of labor to the cotton mills It was not because of any affeotioa tor wage workers, but because ot Its hatred'of banker* and' capitalist...
...It/will com* true...
...Whda a» toafjtr thd eauegt ot JtoaYg to the oa* tad ***y kmrksl tea which IS our splrltoal geal, SB#the tegton* of ought asil might apt wtfl never **¦1st us any more than they assUtad the rival asooabiat of Paitier* aad Xooaa, Sack reels tk* world rote darirhee*, and aaaa eriea of -Pevc -do, I *Moa...
...The Ninety and Nm** there art ninety aad atoa that ward that oat may revel » luxury And be topped to tba ***** toMl m...
...y^.OoiBttotof->Te;y;..,aba, but Ood Iftuttarc i« Techaiooily eauiful...
...What power I had," he explained, *T could only use to confer power upon my tellowmen...
...Tillman himself waa a demagog...
...More Americans, Etc...
...Reason ha* - exalted our newer ever the world, end eha*t*n*d our ares...
...aa *aa»gtoa *d e**«btroI ublua...
...Upon what authority Is this pronouncement madot Nonet that I know...
...THE deliberately colorful proa* of Iteatafeid (Hen Sees, Paul ftosenfeld: Dial Pro...
...N. T„ Oxford Pre**), "ta » statement ot tho point ot view of manual workers...
...But he cannot tola her character away from tie...
...TBhaaa earned th* nam* of "Pitchfork Boa" to th* United States Senate, where he was violent la too as* of language...
...aad hit answer was: "Wen, it Z didn't, tho damn tools wouldn't vote for me.** This was said wtto reference to the farmers who lead boo* drilled aad mobilised by Tinman against the old aristocracy...
...Th* Tillman movement itself gradually came under the control of tho corporation lawyers as capitalism developed, but It had bred a type) ot politicians modeled after Tinman who survive to this day...
...KmoUon, according to thie author, played a* part at all in the buUdiag ot civilisation...
...cieernese aad atottnee...
...Tlilraaa wad sventually successful add hit type appeared to Other Southern Stat**, voicing the interest* of the same class dad retiring th* old artstserat... ftod* something good to SOg tor almost everybody (otherwise, he might protest, why preserve one's consideration 7>, hut he says Uttlo el**, and says that good vary emphatically...
...fUsMdto f*wBg**s Idl*** a g conVwWssMeapt itsBwMstavSH f satllwST ' wU*al|M9l>t)sft atogtah ttojwatton...
...They are the realeet thine* In the world, Cm* generation* Illusion* become the reality tor tho next ¦Am real aa grtjfhat ta the world ta me id By dream, my illusion, my vision of what Is to Be...
...aba aide era oboe** tt can human...
...V I aS ±fr^-&:mvw::'c * "<J ""i* J'r • ¦-W 'tnj *ii*h) esgwi B**" ' •¦>¦¦¦ - *»*» »^a^arA*s>sb...
...They wore lawyers and plintars, pollahed gentlemen representing, the culture and graces ot tho old slave, system...
...v < * -.!•-*:• r\jPd"Ra' i- > ~&m*%*r *> A i ^- ~.eefcaigsk • V -• 'f...
...There is something of Abraham Lincoln in bitnv Incidentally, the peon* 'to democracy a* sung by the former, aad the accepted doctrines of the latter od the glorification, and worth of the individual* are a big part of that library with which Debs has surrounded himself...
...It la the soman person who ask...
...Tillman's manners were also alarming...
...v-, I **¦ ^f*k --'^mBSBBBBBaaBsswas"obbbw...
...A deeper breeding pervade* the brief '¦fjtoj' ' *d *r*afct*dra*C- with -pop* &*dps **r greatest phUosophioal grasps da wen aa hoy highest r**che* at fffad gaagatt ffWa wklto-Uppod sea* gnaw frc^hteg WfePP*^Jto*m^trom Heaven tSl ft nee*, the worm that eats through the internal substance Ot hi* product, gives it aa early bloom aad a promature ripeness, aad mstototot a d*ov perate dalliance with haateaia* death...*dBsss**vjissj <\ * pwfew,¦«>-<*a^>o...
...It it go** that...
...My few dear, guiot autumn Ibyg 1 wish I oculd leave all...
...for what a Btrjo baa come front to* e*r**xto of a bettor day for mankind whteh tblo man Debs baa tried to make aoa'ebwaaaa, bat roaltttas...
...Tho small farmer class prospered In attar year* and became more conservative with the result toat this "radical" - movement promt*** nothing ot advantage to th* thousand* ot mis workers aad tenant farmer* of South Carolina...
...There is something at the two ot them In th* epitomising ot hi* ideal...
...V.-: i#to • 3...
...steoh ere AAatoto ffldtei ttt mate o«acluel*r,a aad it a e**y gg Sto why b* irritate*- a siaiimaiabaw Bke Asdrew.Laag, whe pursued kda with angry arttoltg through an toe KngBgh magaaiaoa...
...wanted for bis world as would the present control ot power, for he has staged many times ¦that there waa nothing to bo gained ¦imply by an exchange of power from one group to another...
...I) Did Joan raise th* siege ot Orleans, crown tat *T3ar at Bbetoto, aad perform other •th* Lit* ot Joan of Arc By Anatele prance... a toaoptiag...
...r* may ecaetfer that we walk la the dusk before tk* dawning, or In the gloom that toad* oa into night, Tbig method of dividing optimist and pessimist toils, however, to take account ot a certain flippancy, or even frensted gayety, that marks one type ot pessimist, for within both groups a second division holds: the optimist may be seriously mindful of aa ultimate good, to bo won at lengthy coat ot onward wo*, or may blithely geeume that Gods in his Heaven and also kindly guarding the world...
...Camming*, not t. y other modern stylist, posses*** e talent for verbal e*ch**tretlon essentially richer than"—Waldo Prank...
...What language da poor vetoed apeak r~ aak* a Mtatay theologian...
...see it Nothing makes any difference to him except that he lb satisfylng his inner-** If, the Ood within oven the lowest form of human being... tan Heiiy, an of it, la not the point ot view ot...
...Ho never sake, "Whenr It make* no difference to him that he won't see 'the chads* brought about through hls.effbrta, arnell though they be...
...The determined flippancy that hides to* iatlpfls* ai tho pessimist today a bast ab^wa, parhap*, in '* PHILOSOPHT : ' "Ood needs a* oarh>M*da«r* Pantheist mutt***, ^ , -Lav* open* shpttort ' On Heaven'* g^bajjttomnosh, key-bote iigt*atog...
...eame of them, thoee of Mm...
...Ssanc* a very wgK • oaea* to step a. so long at tt daeg tat try to prove that puberty eagbt hot tt be arristod...
...Vary Ukeiy, bat ht did net auto good Jeaa 'wlistd at* aav* game- good S she -add heed cogtojod two yOATI tordtr...
...She orb* to flat Irritable...
...He oat ta a low reoker hp the library table...
...f- *i 1 -f V...
...It waa aa iCtterat* agrarian democracy that-had overthrown the old regime...
...j^--*g> "Vf-rSf-..- ' ^pUff tt-A» - -i.ii.-w..' ay bytjejemsi» r*T^'V^'*to>*j^» y'i*y'i'**T^*yWa,rew w ***e^Jtoessea»wgjB...
...ta tho betterment set prpsear oasditto*** - Not mockery, aa o*o* *iio*4 baa* from th* poop* wbo resttse, of ooaroa, that the i-htTthjsT* «*JB *oro» bo accepted...
...Par to laterwov** wore Miss htoaarthm-* activities with tho tadoadrgd bad poitttoal movtmeou of atrarktod that to write hop story Ik to writ* ta* Story od those *nOi**a***m a* well...
...They appeared at political gatherings armed...
...a ha ee*to**tor to retain th* rime), tad he might be compered to tho Breath g**d**aato, •specially to the young Cactaaa, wbooe eagerness to be ahead off toe . newhe stem* to share...
...Under her tebdorahip the Britten Worn**'* Trad* Union League took on its working class character and rose to tarn* She mainly waa responsible tor organising tho National Wesson's Pedeaauoa a* w*Bxs*atot Aaiud?w*etto* t<e*gug> She wad redponatol* tor some legislative measure* affecting to* Uvea of work, sgg, but every social legislative m0aa> ure found in her a staunch supporter aad indefatigable worker...
...pEa^^P^E' ¦X»nr^ri^nr> *f l|f I * * * t^toitoj k*> a* an enemy, and hat- < tog her sa an individual, the oflcais Htat key, as they had killed ChrSd to th* past, sad were to kin Bdltfe Caved tad Aogor Caaetoent they ce*M apt adds island her, and she sat: a* pataac* wath them, ffor she bad HwhsV rtattto ray Voir...
...aftor odd of tad tooat cotorful...
...jfj-<-a> .-'¦'V''-.- . ; • -'^---^ '-»^f-« v-f"t» vt* %- .w.*a,f...
...Th* tax burden gf...
...When the oary thtog too whole world... of her poems (Stowaways, by Leonle Davis Contstor...
...The Sodley Head...
...The author alto trust* "that the readers of this book win not think of the doctrine* of Marx or Mill, but of too experience of wwkais in factories and mine*, on rood* aad on railway...
...N. T. Seltaor...
...My rotting legvot tad fields *poagy with rains...
...He knew oar Wl»1i ******* aad Me keew our hetgbta u eddy wa understood we could not dad tt ta ear hearts to hate any one wo could pity, but wo could not hat* Than some gay we would leant that there is only one thing for aa to do—to love one ¦aether...
...It It herdly neeoeaary to recall the cruelties perpetrate* sate* snea...
...Tor that res sea Christ could andersund...
...In t vol...
...Hi* chapter , ea "fioortoin" Is r**T>htle/*ant of >nms peg** of too philosopher MfJB, aad much of toe root of th* book reads like p*g**V oull*dbaphaaardly...
...He pronoun cods that well-known Dobs treed: "While there Is a lower dags X am tn It "While there is a criminal class, i am of it...
...Both the** wrttors have appreaaaed tat Maid wttb eg** aatoda add wttb th* sincere wkotog fit gaoevertog wbAt^sa* was ton aad what she did...
...rosHty ray CdeaeU^r, roakty ("Metotr*")^ th* pat it tba way aad that, *«m a eve*, k»t tt rooaatoad retiity... to tospiro bar hearer* with a ¦ease ot hope, she...
...It may have boon a premonition ot ha death that turned Mr...
...When this rule toll the old aristocratic class ot pollfloions married to r*ow*r...
...Thn* w**He to*** wretched ot pater ee toiled with not 4 glimmer -of hope, i Mis* Macarthur waa ptotogj hwaf tor lack of work of a nature to, fin her wit* a soa«* ot servtca...
...Alio wtnr' that this may be a parody ot its subject, wo road that "the world lias mellow tn hi* novel* nk* light eaaght on turfacas of highly wsxsd old wooCr Net only th* proa* of "Cane," Mr...
...i i» •.- r^-t Thojboek doe* not Oat forth Apbisps* a spgrkgtje,*to*x*»*at...
...While her early death is no doubt a great lost to British saber, her work win be continued by th* innumerable disciple* whom ah* left behind...
...Nothing like thtt bad ever been abserveg to the .South beter* Ot court...
...Serious Is the World...
...P***« ^ .*ss^*ka •- smiwi•*¦»*** - p atWussojj -» i'^--, .VrV-ir-f <~ -Axufc,r ***** ™ '^f,rr "***r fvewj^r*" ¦Pe*eow>» ¦ ^-.-«~*^r -^i^.-^yai,.5» j*tosm*awv' r»* j...
...who* treattbg d taint sympatMt|o*lly to step a tota«t* and play the organ past like a to** aauever, and ba epilogue to partMiamr Mffers from this, sfittoa ttmwmh IS more sure tn tone...
...her twenties, wag ta the ¦tough* ot its darkest industrial history...
...atoo* the a toll*Kin by the Maryelatry of the church sad the mteechtetto aaskMOB of his mum...
...And night a to* toft bony of a pregnant negiass aad •her mind' a ptok aesh beg mad with baby toot...
...X* aaowa th* maid neither otattct with heavea nor direct infiuenca en toe aoair* ot earth...
...H* thlaka at hi* own lite, •do own few years, Instead of the life of tho race...
...Reason will find the way to extend her gifts...
...froeteg b'rsafr from a fcsjw tton upon kto dead aaother...
...a worti to lot alto operate a> jtrteaa «h love, with eddy o*a oresd ttteded a* ai...
...Aa ae*ktoatei artendaae* 6t a meeting of shop assastonto wa* the , significant . •v**t wtos bttohad her fwxegtgi petae*AI|to to labor's oaata Aa a giftod gg*bai*l...
...Seienee tups in at the dot* of AasV* tote yranct'a book, and ascribe* toe whole phenomena ot her career to tors**** puberty...
...itosontold't language, as usual, t oves along the far strand* ot teapiesslonieiti -Ot lean Toomer: 'Momentarily the pro** ot 'Cane' a arelacialiy exalted, hooked to the Pbankian pitch 'as a noil high up to tho wall...
...No proof is offered to support of this assertion that reason aad act emotion has inspired maa to buttd slvlllgattoa...
...the basis snd rsossn i* the erewn ' of...
...Wesson I...
...Bod* *pok* -That ia wharb the world make* It* aahrtake tn tPJriktog Sat Mutton* are not real...
...Yes, aad I rot too . . . Huxley translate* Kaliarme (uatortanato...
...dlt was also hteexpreee intention not to discus* tap program or policy, but rather to sot forth Ihv attitude of labor which arises from their experience...
...I know it_ "When* wm top dream of tho brotherhood of man com* true... seems to me...
...Mp» tttoiy «very agar mo i till gdd ski earry tatoers whoa* V*k]mt waafli are a* aagpiritton asm g**sl* to ta* tnngsjswsbi* dueipto* w*to egrry etV Mrs...
...Translated by Winifred stepben...
...Maligned as ho has boon on that point, abused by both sides, ho haa maintained and does maintain that the consummation of his dream mean* the bujldsag up of man rather than tearing down...
...Prom pampjoiOto oat Marxian Socialism...
...COlUeter to sober thoughts...
...Debs Dreams On The Great Socialist Leader Considers Prison Reform By Rnth Carawford > 4 CRAIUWOX to tB* modern 71 *orl« 1* tot *ta c**f*t* * -a*"*- prteou with no Wi IfTtotsj of controlling te*«M» exr*pt that Of lovb alto bo mad* ta th* forthcoming book, "Wan* an** Bare," ta* w*rk at Buawn* V. Dab*, tteatiet rat at ta* age of*Tl...
...He not only boUovOg ia it, but M practice* tt/ Ho told simply the story, of one Sam Orr, a Negro prisoner with bat in Atlanta, a man codaiderod go tow that even the prisoners ostracised £ ftw lo^vts* ' - Add aow Debs, to* poet^ the...
...They frequently prevented a representative of the old aristocratic traditions from speaking...
...or sober aad ingjk tote a one ot the contrasts nrtosgi <1t| gp> erature prsssata, ..J...
...A bettor oat than yoarg,- th* tnato-i she oa* ttotlto*to»' ho**a slid a'tobaK-aB* stack to lo^-yat sBe often contradicted htablt tor her masnory wad podr...
...Their* it I* to taestloa, bat aet hi* Their, tt haa boo* to O-QJltOt through .the year* why 111 aaon, OOBM low of thorn, remain kryei Co that driving force within them which earn* ****** the mlsunterte**ja*tag Of the world...
...Southern State* had never received too'reprosentoUoa to tho legislatures' to which their number* entitled them while, public power was administered sa the totorost of .the aristocracy of»the coast arto th* old sections at the forator groat'stove owners, unegual taxation also weighed against the upland farmers...
...St Margaret, and St Csdhertoa constantly apeak to Joan add sedtetiffles appear to her...
...Goggling In Ob too through tk* absty panes...
...Not Quite a Philosophy By Louis Waldman ACCORDING to the author, this -book ("The Philosophy of Labor," by C. Deusl* Burns...
...That urge win make him work tor a bettor day...
...Bngtaad ot igba, the time "Mary ot Apr* appear* as a girl to...
...a perceptive, sensitive mind...
...Sodden or goldeaty cr ratal, sB too etffl...
...Sa* waa bay**, sh* waa pious...
...TjiM No Consideration He paused to make the contrast more effective, "but it is the enlightened pettish man who will five his life to his dream, and aak no further eompeasation...
...Stnee labor leaders do aat ***** to aad ttm* to tell taetr *wd gtory tt to hoped that Mia...
...need* to lost the art of boeng ktod** "Prtchfork Ben's" Movement By James Onel ONX of the meet striking pbetos of the class struggle to American politics waa dratoatiodd to th* Southern Btatosia the last two decades Of the nineteenth century...
...Tho email farmer* to tho interior of the...
...the labor which makes span civilized... other word*, the harmonious development of the boat ta the race to the opark of WgfM wS*>tas Bagbtf* •"wemt beam a* t Baa* tor totoBttt that the worst is gsOwtag bttty t lax* that sf sty tetojtmea, as ; ***** |MW*l fttttsff at l*»Vf% ffv*Wft tMMMSa t**w y*-**\ tat* br0Ws|-lit W*rtUMwv teUt*fc* AlspsBsMt* TlsBwaM tawftal §p*^w>tskf gelTwL -$%w) OeftaM a* flat ssBawf ifwttwe^tsPww* waMsawt sfesaaW^T tokraoi those thatga too, aa they hav* ItTMsftt w4ss(ss*f...
...By Joseph T. Shipley CHJtSTffRTON to his "Defence Of NoaeenM" lndioatea that to this twilight world of our...
...vCo^'-e'ie^SSr.--^: ^a^»c*J^iw?^!» . '.;-- • - jr...
...Himself admits: My green aouanum at pbsnt*m deb...
...Professor Praaeia Butler Slmklns (Tho Tillman Movement to South Carolina Duke University Press,* purham, N. C. It.50...
...Tea, but wcenr Ho can see mr farther than his own life, hi* own few y*ar», aad on that *a*u and th*> aad* dsdy will a* bead bib efforts...
...Tot Debs, humbly recognising and knowing himself to have that power, oaakl do only one ooascientlou* thins aad be true to himself...
...galdTho* he repeated toat oread, a UttH poem he had learned lend long ago: ^ eTdbaV •o asaay path* toAt wtod...
...He waa once aaked by a friend why ha tn stated in raising "so much hell...
...Perhaps ft waa the war «h* light was taltlag oa his face which made it ooom ad tt tt arpre radiant, as if a bright maak had come before hi* face obliterating hi* Sauiioe...
...Many had been Impoverished by-the war aad office-holding was one method of restoring their fortunes...
...It wa* the first time that the Old aristocrats were challenged and they wore shocked 'The prospect * of 'the "wool .hat" boys of the uplands turning polished lawyers out ot office appeared, to be the test thing in impudence... make* a*> sdegaiob upea, tatotogy...
...Th* France •adrtsiaaest dig not try to tore' her...
...Tillman himself was a small farmer-who Organised and led his hosts against tho ruling class by appealing to to* class interests of the farmers...
...mSJm - FeW^j^r^^*^^^*v7^^^?f A Leader of Men THE LATE MARY MAGARTHUR By Bertha Tigay Sappos fk M evoato 11 ft St itm *to**wg Sawswdsty gxatfebbr bi^Sy«waJp^SsB»» ^BaBwagaBs Jg«aWe$ appeared in u,* last »w yeas...
...Tinman himself referred 'to the 'wage workers as the "damn factory da...
...woman aa* uul* cexMre* Wtokisg a*bearabiy long hours ta moot aaeenl tory conditions for starvation wagea...
...It a tdcraao* ttagod adfb rogret per hap...
...P***« ^ .*ss^*ka •- smiwi•*¦»*** - p atWusso ^^^^^f^s|Sx« ^^^^^^ W^^Ossli »a*aa wa*' ex!rtw!^*a^oabe^d^ *ad wad, saoreove...
...His coarse language, violent denunciation*, and his very appearance were typical of the Illiterates of tho uplands...
...My ideal can't be put ta so many word*.*' he answered simply my question...
...After tft* CivU War came tho x*ceastfu6tfon rule of the Bepublican...
...There la something, in fact a great deal, of Walt Whitman la thle man Deb...
...Had n6t the "wen bora" gentlemen of the South' ruled It for generation*, except for the brief interval whoa "carpet-baggers" and "scalawags" controlled with the kid of Republican bayonets...
...who, •*•*«* ha owe peace ia Atlanta p«nH—mrr...
...tost mustag, "Christ waa perfectly human.*- Th* eesghssta fell OB perfectly, not on haa...
...r<< |¦<• .iftv • ^Jw'-'-"^' * fly|bOS|gi*irw xpoi Tbtoabte tpatotal eaaroae* hav* atoa g-attosast at tote years upea Mom tt Arc T*er* a Shew* aobte *a<a*aattfwl pay, tad here u k* predeoessor...
...t have **ag*d at her *ksrte Like a spoiled child .. . . - :ws^**w*M*4P*w Som* day T may hear Th* staging .rates* ot the star...
...skaw* perhaps does not «utt* osoapo th* anwree of dtvetltatliaa...
...There are nla*ty «** gdgjt to >f»*a «»*t **'*' '; giii a rsskc* ^ fskma the sweat of their brow t* ^^daead-t baexda ' • t eteasM^ llJHs^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^5^^" i"l . ,-»«A...
...BP*r» 4*l4**t (Mol^ ^*»Vw) Thar* wag Deb* agate, transiting th* world lata tgfba* ot htg own groat heart He spoke tajaia...
...Hamilton'*^ M*rp^ hfboortho* (By Harp agaea fflggsdll Maw York: Thomas *WtsPP> tow tody aposrua but is also a phisBwWk si *tog> land gf the last daaxtor ot a eeatory...
...TT The dogmatism With which, th* an*, tbor sweepinghr Oxeludea "oohjtIO*'*1 ** a builder of cirlli*alloO.'glTla* sol* credit to "eiasin" to iikeie^eyhwio at the rest tt the book...
...The True Joan Is It Bernard Shaw's Or Anatole France's By E. M. Forster -^eK...
...7 . Often the author make* Isold' agserfttas wltootat aa-bttomt* to waTgejottthem...
...Par inotonoe, the gtrt era* a nice girt She liked Baa clothe* She was brave...
...these assail formers was lightened aad tho burden shifted to the obrpotattoa* A' reapportionment at rapr*e*ntkQca wag made to th* advantage ot the upland farmer...
...Deb*, too, ft Is acceded by hi* most sitter enemies, has a personality of such force aad power that had he chosen other than he did, gds name could have boon written large with those who achieved power tor It* awa sake...*c*" ska **Hstl ougrat to have Invaded Ni-atosdy gp> Met Aad a* has no «g*d**y to iklwtii that a ****** ot to* ryg* wore bfted used in ; ta* b*s*btog*B tttdalt word...
...11.50) hen splashes vigorously over twenty-fivs recent literary figure* the enthusiasm ot the writer seams all-em bracing...
...It lent rata thaw *»y...
...To Induce then to submit to th* rate ot th* old aristoeratfc politicians the latter always warned against political division in the Democratic party, which would disturb "white unity" and invite the ascendancy ot the Negro...
...Shan know-pale death, and another wonders: It I should dis Before I feel your love . . . What has boon gathered ot her writings, despite its rough, apparently unfinished development, indicate* a toy to tho world aad ia fragile' beauty...
...X reload too gaaptlng a* we oat talkma in the riiMtg iniaa of hi* homo ta Ton* Haute, Ho aaowerod staapty, •Whet tho world haa called my dream* bare been reaiitiee...
...But out of bar &yarty aa« piety—common auahtte* whieb safcay nice girl* share—the ether aid* of ktr obaracter epnnga, the **lisaifgls*>i j aid* which tgatt bar oontaanporerie* - *-»- v < * -.!•-*:• r\jPd"Ra' i- > ~&m*%*r *> A i ^- ~.eefcaigsk • V -• 'f...
...prepared to demonstrate their political prowess with tad kbU* gg pistol tl necessary...
...The railroad* were brought adder too control ot * comlabor agent* seeking to aatio* Negro farm head* from th* state, Th* legialative program was datlgaed to old the white farmers agemet the eld ruling alas* " "' But while th* -wow bar boys detested the old kiriattearacy th*y**te* the Negro even mora It was the Tillman movement that finally obtained the constitutional aad legislative change* thgt eliminated the- Negro from politic* to South Car*ana...
...The** avowed intention* aad hopes at th* author have not boon materialised aa many portions ot th* book are clearly doctrines of Marx...
...tell* the story ot the overthrow of the aristocrats In the nineties and tho rise ot the small farmers to political control...
...ffamUto* wm agtv tteue to a*r a-srviceaWe tos* off «rrtt: tog labor biogroxAiea Mary Macarthur Mtttdd her auatoHty at a tisba wis** Xh-itlsh todastrtoUgto were at their maddest Is taetr pursuit of pronto add to their totot dto* regar* of human live...
...asm* PA", ewer as Shaw*, though phrased more uneocn promisingly...
...SO runs ta* ento>gi*dag catalogue...
...but OuiBaudto ***** nc great stir—th* Bnglish palled htm efl tut htrbe and *atowned.ka> o* the oetosded ot tS\ tbrenaUoa tt atPBg ttoary VI Wa* that Galliaum* abto a saint...

Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 28

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