NEW YORK STRIKERS LINES HOLDING FAST L.R. T.SERVNE CALLED A MENACE Strikers Ask Mayor to Invetigation Use of Inexperienced Hands as Motormen By Edward Levinson 3lih far* tee to tin...

...The union has/ been . successful in signMg up the Independent bouses, that is, those not belonging to the manufnoturers' sssociation...
...Resolutions were satapOgdJ to support of the Saceo-Vansetti Committee and ot the British minors and la favor at recognition ot Soviet Russia and the release of the Sevier* petiUcsJ prig OS) org...
...The working claps of Europe is looking forward to you...
...T.SERVNE CALLED A MENACE Strikers Ask Mayor to Invetigation Use of Inexperienced Hands as Motormen By Edward Levinson 3lih far* tee to tin peopto y jbf&F*_^ ^ and injury...
...TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas /HRB subject of mi Wes * and gentlemen-, Jehy ij9r . Hall...
...The United Mine Worker* of America are represented by Percy" Tetlow and Christ...
...The function of these offices shall be to prepare and secure.,the passing of legislation providing tor the abolition ot an private, migration agencies, and also to provide for the ¦uppjy of, full,, am}, reliable .Information concerning wages,, etc., is the countries of immigration, the medical anamination - of emigrants before departure, the provision of good traveling conditions, the reception of the emigrants In the countries of immigration and air conveyance to the places where they will live and work...
...Bat the Bertha Coal Co...
...What has Tammany Hall to welch they both belong done...
...Ha disclaimed any idea that might have been going the rounds that this meeting was to have condemned the administration...
...Restaurant and Bar Employe* Wood Workers... international migseshm office, also with ad equate tradT vttttm representation, should be created within the framework of the International Labor Office to draw bp...
...The funds of the strikers are exhausted and the miners are in dire .-need...
...Smith is too busy setting the Sell ths President gave him staffed for luaasrvarian...
...They 'are net salth^fbr'^oharlty...
...It to absurd to believe that Dawes Plana ail over Europe will settle the problem of oar debts or Europe's other economic troubles...
...p—Ko should begin immediately the *gff*hlt*U*a ot a transit system which •inii to operated tar service aad not 'T»f private profit...
...It also •jfaortied certain emergency methods ••transit relief...
...arose to announce that ho bad just spoken to Green, who had said that the Philadelphia, affair wgg ot a national character and would require his presence *A*re.' Sot ygfle SuWvaa was on the floor, he would make an announcement...
...Ask lbs subway Strikers...
...Among the visitors were Hugh Frayne, A. F. or L. organizer in New Tork State, and for a while, Harry Bark, one of the'leaders of the subway strikers...
...With only a fraction of the recount completed.' 100,000 ballots are known to have been stolen...
...the tonnage miners...
...Give yourself and every friend of yours . give as much - as he...
...Tiij Omgi•»**¦ iimr rir' -~r—* to* S«!^«SlimS!r^S -»tatos !•>«* uutass*-ato -juuXjiiir fi jTWiwr as being an esteoflve ^<a# sswnssgumt method of uiiaotaumr in* eaoaspmic crisis...
...The steady drive of the organisation, the solidarity of the workers, and the drawing in of the unorganised, houses in New Jersey-are sobering up the employers...
...That criticism to...
...But none of these ¦'«lnr» bears on the problem...
...jfw eTSPf amaawn ji ar pumss **rvte* ar**a**ti»n that cannot oaorata «t a **»•) and yet gives It* workaaavs* inadstiua' a wa** lor their asnVM ¦• a alok induatry...
...the picket tinea and you must, by all aepeunts, maintain 'them...
...For State Auditor, Leon Arkin of Dorchester...
...and "That the' trade union centres should endeavor to secure- the equality of treatment of immigrant.-Members in respect to all trade, union- benefits...
...R Sch warts, J. Schioasberg, M. Tigel, M. Wolpert, M. Wolf and M. Zuckermaa...
...A number of other matters was reported by the chairman of the committee and...
...Irtaamsurg, Mexico, -Now Zealand...
...Two or three days In Jail do not matter...
...Thto id net an argument aga/uat FkaW hjptoi todesogsaaoe...
...Jt may mean failure for' the aimer's strike, 'livery dollar given in time may save a life...
...double the number of registered voters cast votes...
...This was the sentiment expressed and opplaudacL Morris Sigman...
...Mayor Walker should *et hooitat* t* wield tho operating Knife, - Ar* let it* remind Mm, though w* hep* it ia unnecessary, th»tJbM words of oaoual support to *B* *trlk*r* will not buds* t^s » Job* Boforo fHe Mayor Mayor Walker, what la heeded l* * ?arofoliy thought out plan tor a ualflot elty*wia* transit system, tho oontrsets ot whieh will assure to tho •mkert a bettor thin living wag*— a toeing wage—and tab right to or* tasirt ta labor union* of their own gaeoatnf...
...they amort* Stay**" of oil th* people Tht* ». aujsm ta* Mayor On* th* Transit t*aa th* newspaper comment on"th* jMtji - e*n**rv*tlvt aa wall aa nbS **per»--th«r* ha* never boon * Hjiar— denying tho Justice of tho 'qm—' c*ltn for hithor wage* By** 2TaM*y haa admitted th* mta deaam a* tEcr***s...
...using-he turned Mwh the uhiOh's application todollOe I*iundtloh* have ail been on tht other side, again*t union labor... their strike...
...India... stops to obtain for the worker« wages to which they are a«mlttedly entitled, no stsps to uss this Is test failure of the LB...
...The first three boxes, selected " with care from ' the "boas-ridden" ' Twentieth Ward, -where twenty, ft...
...Crowe, who is involved in the frauds...
...And empty coal •ns along the Monongahela tracks are *^»»b)ing with the tale: ' !j"be four thousand strikers of Scott's J** are setting toe pace to the whole yj*«aont district of northern West VirxfJ"*"- They gave the first big response *• general strike call issued July ^ * and their example may bring the feJ*oti»d general walkout...
...It has made a dent in a number of those who wen even members of the association...
...It **> «*rr** tho looking into of * sdswe'an...
...Significant planks'm the ptofferrn were the demands tor old age pensions, add unemployment Insurance... and should constantly keep moving...
...An additional' hour- in the mines Increases the risk of the' miner's life...
...These recommendations were * cepted unanimously...
...Most of them are minor precinct election officials and the "higher upe" have not been reached...
...This month, however, the frauds appeared so flagrant- that soma, ballot boxes were reopened and the ballots recounted...
...The International conference Is considering plans to prevent ton importation of coaj into England, and it is expect** that a decision will be 'reached In a few~aflMI Peiegatea are present from Gnat Britain.- America, Germany...
...T»* task* ere plainly before Mayor iBttker *t this time: 1—He should compel th* L ft, T. «» render the city the saf* and «fflek9U tervie* the subway contract* gjg for...
...This was gathered from the applause which . greeted such advice given by prominent union leaden at a series of strike mass' meetings beld throughout toe eity...
...What has his protege, •Bonny Walker, whom he put in office, tons...
...Their appeals to Governor Smith...
...But only a tool can believe that our settlement* have really settled matters...
...Tho Ifceeaa Republican candidate was PnM Trude, veteran municipal Democrat Orders Probe -'Jppn the votes were counted, electbf sight Savage was declared winner •fa slseabie majority and the Trude Jhetion howled "fraud" so loud that Democratic County Judge Jarecki, having nothing to lose by the revealing of "dirty work** among the scrapping aapabUeans, ordered some of the ballet boxes tote which the -votes had been sealed after they were first counted election night reopened and recounted...
...It was orderly, well behaved and not marred by any untoward act on the part of the striken...
...Herman T^sprtng...
...and the following international Trade Secretariats: Building Workers...
...Msg** Walker, tht* program le -apt tiuanre gut...
...Algernon Lee, director of the Hand School of Social Science.and Ben Gold, manager of the Farriers' Joint board...
...senaVJees anel lees boon-Ue own lm»vW*alrty...
...Nevertheless, having mad* the mistake ot going Into the war It would have boon both wise aad generous to take a different attitude with regard to debt...
...Po«4 and Monroe, 'N...
...Then,, Theshaa X Curtis, president«Jhe International Tunnel and Subway Construction Workers' Union and head of the Building and Allied Trades Compensation Bureau, took the floor...
...Beth of then assume, perhaps eorrectly, that If they shout enough about the right Of-the worker* to drink, minor matters like the right to carry on peaceful picketing or to strike for a living wags Will be forgotten...
...Most of these are "company" or daymen, or imported scabs of doubtful coal experience...
...Two bow local union* hav* been formed...
...Pat Crowe, steel-bellied devourer of red-hot Bolsheviks, has been caught at the game...
...Out-of-town actitttfto of the gtrifcan are proving productive of nsntto...
...Low wages sad the servOe -rsny anion kg** bnught about tba enter menace to the misty and eomiort.eC How York's pitlseas who need tba ombv ways...
...Their SUfny union is a slave's organ iza^jehl to force the strikers back...
...Meanwhile the recount goes on and the Grand Jury continues to sit-- It will be months before tho end of the investigation...
...then' came the Lefkowlts case...
...Haii'i stand on State development of Star power without pointing out jtew comparatively unimportant . la Stats development If distribution remains In the hands of private, companies...
...The chairman ot the evening was Joseph Ryan, president of the council...
...It was the special order of-the day...
...Yet another cause of emigration which it continually coming to the fore ts the political oppression of tog workers...
...49 I me that a Filipino legislator ha* introduced a bill facilitating rubber concessions to be effective the day Philippine Independence is granted by the United States...
...Beyond their legal "power they have enormous Influence...
...rffflav -N...
...time, *.*§ p. m. (Saturday afse^pg...
...Area By Art Shields Morgantown, W. Va...
...Just yesterday, Wednesday, July 14, 1926, Judge Mahehey...
...ecfually serious to international friendship whether or not It is altogether Just Germany knows that,its chance of getting a modification of she pdw** Pkm to lessened by cnar assistance oa payment* from totglUfJm...
...The unfair recruiting of immigrants must be stopped by making all emigration agents and all ether persona acting in the .business interests of these responsible for all prejudice caused to emigrants through: the violation ot existing regulations or interstate agreements...
...lAg nature-loving proletarians are welcome ; 'Tito...
...AB moneys collected should be speedily turned over to August Ctoss eJsas...
...t>o and behold...
...What does labor got out at It...
...D. Peeriberg...
...not kept pace with, this Increase of production...
...Judge tdtell*, a West Virginia capitalist s*t On that case, and aa this iudg* collects royalties from some, ot the coal, sands th* Faisley interests are...
...Rltahie invited the delegates and their ! Mends to speed the) taper Qay week; end at Philadelphia, it wait to be Lev...
...Bnt the strikers want to make a hundred percent Job of it and every day shows - a gain...
...Resefurioa IH*1 This Congress ^»tomteends that all labor bodies 'cooperate to secure for immigrant workers complete equality ot treatment in respect to an forms <~t social Insurance established by 1«t in the'country of Immigration...
...Such widespread frauds 'have been dlscloseTi that Jhs PftBPJar verdict is that no matter'who receives the votes, the aid* that counts them wins...
...Poland, Russia...
...under the auspices of the International Fed era tj on of Trade Drflons ana the Socialist and Labor iatsMajtonal...
...and mere anel .avers... tie Congress represented the following countries: Australia, Austria...
...The chance of getting anything out of Tammany Hall Is to scare Tammany Kali, and you can't scare Tammany Hall by being an Al Smith Socialist...
...Opposition to all forms of military training to the schools and aoUegog was alee expressed...
...chairman of the General Strike Committee...
...Boom la needed for another fallen 100 percenter...
...How tar French consumption ha...
...Such a toll is doubttoss Intended tor propaganda par* poses...
...long before ha was Mayor, it knows just bow much to give the people...
...Tftfc^ftye^riu,glnoe, -fwa'f ' kidnappings ano* a murder were reported Primary Day, showed that precinct officials made no effort ' to count the votes, bub'merely made returns giving a comfortable "' majority to the candidates "ty^ boas wanted In...
...Instead, the delegates were trying to get him the higher job Simply as a job...
...S. MargoUee...
...50 Politicians Indicted CHICAGO SHOVE over Saugherty, Palmer, Lusk, Fall, and you others who have served yoar country, not carefully, but too well...
...Let us arrange corner . meetings on the street, theatre benefits, and 1ft the unions, workmen's circle branches and all other fair-minded orgahfatatlens - respond to this urgent call with liberal contributions from' their, treasuries...
...which, they *0* a Joint comm&^K^Mkke a?-f urther study of the fwijSolPS-Social, national and radial faoter* entering into the migration question...
...UNIONS OF WORLD ASK PROTECTION FOR ALIENS London Conference Fails to Reach Agreement on Free Migration of Workers While adnflwfcr...
...Workers lit the Public Services, Textile Workers, and Transport Workers...
...but Joseph P. Bitchie, A F. of L organiser ai Philadelphia, had something to say...
...spd niore...
...wage our strike successfully instead of paying fines...
...Holland, Kanggry...
...N. J, two Others in Gut...
...U our people aad our officials have enough courage inside an 1msgins tton they can still work tor a solution ot the debt problem which wtR make world peace mere, not toss, secure...
...It was then that Lefkowlts himself arose and made recommendations for his committee, summarising the motions and substitutes that had been made...
...Albert Bprague Coolldge of PtttsfleM...
...No delegate objected to these recommendations...
...All the more inexcusable, theretore, is the action of the police In having arrested 15 striken on the "-nsy charge of ."blocking traffic" on the sidewalks... eorrtisued to tfibtnft to teat* Stttt wjnitlcm Th* surprttt u C t>«7 414 mt hteh over th* trace* FrtrUtl slavery ion* before...
...Comrade Hutchlns will be able to campaign and the party expects to raise a campaign fund and put him on the road for a month...
...Every a. m. at 4-SO the local f*"ket leaders make the rounds and \J*un* **• doers...
...Even Chicago la amasad at the wholesale' election frauds revealed in the Indictment here of SO politicians...
...unfavorable,- then la Increased eagerness among workers to emigrate to countries where economic conditions are, comparatively speaking, mon promising...
...the'individual, but for'the benefit of-tie-entire community...
...The preamble of the platform adopted declare 'The trouble with our State, as with our nation, is' that it is not truly ours...
...Grand Juries are under the Jurisdiction of State Attorney...
...There was a hurried «wpstiU»tton of the principals...
...tht spirit of -the striker* li htgb bad they hopt that the sink* wnl shut down the rest of the big rainnont district, s. hundred perceht, including the hug* Consolidation and Bethlehem properties...
...Their wives and...
...An ae> ditional cause has been tba- wlffcaal* to*- from these man of their >iaaiiw right—the right to Join any leans organisation of labor they wton ¦any Through a "yellow dog" contract, ta* employes of tba Interborough are too...
...On the kjMfcar hsnd, • great principle of jpba-iean liberty—the right of 'jgmiilnprnon to band together In tbtir own legal organisations—is -g» stake...
...This, too, was' sent to the Executive Beard.r " 4,000 Scotts Run Strikers May Tie Up Big W. Va...
...The plain truth Is, as ex-Ambassador Gerard said during the last campaign, that Tammany is the best defense against Socialism, or...
...J. GoMstone, A. Litwack...
...1 East Uth street...
...The ap |L T. has refused arbitration, and '•pa bad the supreme gall to refuse Jagee already earned by some of the Strikers and Institute damage suits against them...
...At present it is sett by Edmund Jarecki, Democrat, ' san-Ohe Crowe Republican faction put sp Jseeph Savage, assistant to Prose...
...This unemployment having chiefly affected those Industrial states which had previously reached the highest degree of development...
...btstotoont at the tact that romantic **tton* of political independence sefag attto bstoalsg to small nations untoai tody oan work out an economic pro-' gram whtoh win enable them to ep» operate with stronger nations wtfhodt Jg.1" *• r*r«ton gajf) Crowe Chief Figure In Huge Vote Steals...
...Tito **» Yorkers were planning their own celebration Id their own city...
...Ph.' Cruso...
...i<1«r» emlgratlolgv * •j**"'1 lUl^n<ni which ta an toj/vV 'r%AM,lltl & **p" italirt development...
...The leaders of the gtrike say that the strikers will not give in unless they are on the verge of stsxvation., 'It is the duty of all their brethren' throughout the world to come to their aid...
...Interested persons had been made to expect that the discussion of the' prevailing rate of wages and the Lefkowitz case would produce some firework*' Except for the underlying current of expectancy that something was going to happen, the ' meeting turned out to be quite' ordinary, though significant on that account,' The first order of business was the report of the Committee' on Education, of which Abraham Lefkowlts is chairman...
...In Franca aad Ureal Britain we have been gsr« egely criticised...
...This- large gain is at a ratio which may make Trude the winner When all the votes of the city are recounted It the 'same type of fraud la discovered with the breaking of seals on the as yet unopened ballot boxes' from' remaining precincts...
...opsrallng «* ¦tonejbjnasj to MB...
...Then the Cleveland-Morgantown company (Paisley Interests)., and the Gilbert-Davis company and smaller concerns, Joined the ranks of contractbreaker* wtBe* drepped to Mt» * ggy—trhleh at ptrt-ttme empHymeat meant a very glim income...
...Wed, It aarmanyf cannot bo expected to abide by the Dawes Plan, neither to it res eon able to believe that W*gland aad Franc* Witt bo bound for two generations by a debtto the United States which they believe was incurred to a common cause...
...The party also placed itself on raised for the ants-child labor saisiidssonl to the Federal Constitution and in favor of public ownership of public utilities...
...that self-defense sgamst lows* rfislffaiids of living Justifies, 'st lsaea^bs-Ja certain -extent, the support be/ ths^ wArkara of some countries of legislation restricting wholesale tmmlgnfeoUL UO delegates from two <dosen ooontAsV asid thirteen international labor fwdtJratfens who attended the World Migration Cong is se held in London, June 22 to ZE...
...Back of toe frauds lies a bitter feud ' Offerees two local Republican factions, SkS headed by State's Attorney Crows sjel the other by followers of United ¦isites Senator ' Charles Deneen, who tsasht it out for control of the, party * Chicago...
...Plasse respond at —so...
...It is no secret in our Industry that such appeals to cloakmakers by . employers over the head of their union usually create the opposite results and bind the workers men strongly to their organisation...
...Till last April some of the leading companies In their valley continued to do business with the'union at the threeyear contract nto which in this district fetches $T.X« for day men and corresponding prices for...
...After most election* here'In the past few years cries of fraud have sounded...
...If the Filipino* want independence by all moans they ought to have It...
...aiteaCsharp differences of opinion had arisen between the representatives of countries having a big surplus of Wtn bats, like Italy...
...Miners, Clotatng Workers, Eiasaond Workers...
...Smith - and Walker, in their official capacities, have power, less power, we believe, than the occasion demands...
...Resolution V, "The Congress demands the suppression -of all restrictions on the right to werk of certain categories of workers where those restrictions have the effect ot driving three workers bat of their native land...
...Sigman claimed, pf their complete defeat...
...It la, nevertheless, very dangerous...
...gujJ Secretary Mellon dees not make matters better by his explanations...
...bootleggers to...
...Meeting phvee...
...Ho has been snapped as the central figure In the most crooked election day perpetrated'la the city of Chicago, where guns blase, blackjacks swing and blood flows on normal election days...
...the Congress...
...The market has...
...T. ss a mesne to make more possible the recapture of tho X. B. T. lines sad ths erection of a unified system under public control...
...T. ' This kibe1 tikes1' us through.tho Upper Remaps Mountains and la one of the most beautiful 1? this auction...
...and wag being looked forward to by many with much interest...
...The other candidates are: For Lieutenant-Governor, Dennis F. Reagan of Brockton...
...agreed that under no cli Qiisslaaiiss must emigrant workers be discriaUnated against, once they are adinttted...
...For Attorney General, John Weaver Sherman of Boston...
...We must see Mayor Walker and tell him., about it Wo must write Mayor Walker...
...industry must go," Sigman told his audience...
...of people dally ' «**•» by wh«t ia new just a hole* ground through which grimy aS*wa*ay train* hurtle their than¦'obrlag way every few minutes, j* This hoi* It paeeed by with etuemmity, the people forgetting |5^^'£Sa42' Oee hnndrail -«--—^ as* ise'si war* svswm ewerrwa *ai »w*wgtedbedl— were eerrlad l* t*W -O—*«- netsb-a^ g a * j f ' TeBBBSBp laaW^eBgaagai Tfc^gy* w)r# w^erttftati *ff **m?f4wl* mtl *)*rege*d of Ufa o* ta* parrt •?ttm ttf-ill* Jltthlieg rapid wegstt eomsemy dasj ef daMMfp * diderano* t* »*o part off p**He offttdA...
...If the English miners will' whV their flght, it will Inject new life an* spirit into the working cuss the world over and bring their battles to a' gtoztous triumph.' "The English strikers with their wives and children are looking to us for aid and assistance and'we'must not disappoint them... be taken away from private ownership and administered by "the government, when the profits of the mines will net be for the interests of...
...In view of the Inequality of the progress made In the various countries' in fag Important field of social legislation, this congress welaqmes .the efforts of the International Labor Offlce to standardize auch legislation, and recommends that these efforts should be accelerated and extended to every form of social Insurance {compensation, for Industrial accidents, unemployment, sickness, invalidity, oldage and death insurance, widows and orphans peristons...
...Finland, France, Germany, Georgia, Great Britain...
...committee should visit Mayor Walker (who, anyway, owed the delegates a political debt...
...Labor Conference Urges Aid for British Miners THE drive for funds to the United States to aid the British miners in their heroic struggle against longer hour* and...
...ot the State Supreme Court, had decided that the Prevaittnjusito of wages law wax constltutionxg^^Shs decision is discussed on page • of this issue...
...Such as Canada, Australia and .New peeland...
...They are "on the side of the Jokers'* in every election...
...Scott's Run striken get up gfOrly In the morning, to fight the §g""*«s...
...fat* e+' every' mesabpr of;«¦ CaprtaHSt eemmunlty te-gay df...
...As I one* heard Jimmy Walker say...
...With its political power, it la forcing upon the work era a lower standard of living...
...The opening report of the world labor situation was presented by John W. Brown, one of the secretaries of the' Dr...
...Lapdworkers, Food and Lrink Trades' Worker...
...For Secretary of State, Edith M. Williams, of Brookllne...
...Local strike* against th* contract brekker* were called last April...
...conviction thal^lt...
...Really, nothing 1* moto important than that Americana should forget legal argument* and imdsrstaw'd that they hive' more to wta by generosity than by collecting what to due them...
...JEWISH, WORKERS OF AMERICA, the .miners .in "England who 'are on striae : are looking.' to you for;' aid and help...
...t« the" fat** mjbat of a debt to solidarity.' ." •The working class throughout the world is as one human being...
...ehberg and -Watt New York, and one shop...
...The owe thing on which Europe seems likely to get together is hatred of the United Statee as a bill collector...
...The" legislation ot every country must insure to all Immigrant workers, both male and female the.oats...
...Nearly all the coal diggers are out, and the companies an not shipping many black diamonds any mon, as the "empties" and the threeor-four-car trains hauled by dinkyengines show...
...The strike Is under the general direction Of Organiser Aanfora Snyder,'acting for tht provisional district Xb...
...Sigman urged, however, that In exercising their legal rights to picket, the striken should not congregate to any one...
...Germany bnd Poland...
...That-is the reason, why miners., demand' a sevenhour d*y...
...When th* gttitna itflkt call wad ttsued tt got guick result* in geou*k Run...
...All the arrested wen subsequently freed on paying small fines...
...J. Segaloff...
...It ft a.stoapto...
...On the contrary, the Dawes Plan Itself cannot tadesmttoly endure to Germany...
...No one else had thought through the problem carefully and while everybody was sympathetic, tew were agreed upon a program of action...
...While It has not yet officially given out the nature of the settlement, the union has won an- agreement with the New York Manufacturing Company, the largest jobber la the New York market...
...have enloved the privilege of low wages, lower than those of the drganlxed New York capmakers...
...There are 40.000 miners to this part of the on whom only a few hundred ^^•r*^ working under union contract ¦' *a«n the call was Issued, feilhe...
...That trad* union centres should do all In their power by propaganda, of every kind to stimulate the organisation of Immigrant workers In trade unions, special groups of foreign nationalities being formed only with the sanction of the national centre in the country of Immigration...
...linbsssjb tbsfir ltres an fun of hardships.'they sen mine means more than two1 hours in any other trade...
...Tto not let a branch siaellag go elfbaaj effecting an sigsqltsrliid for tan tsn> mediate ooPeetloa est, ftsads, Let an do oar beat, and ds> ft qatcttry," a seeeeThe Jewish Labor Cenfereaoa «af) sent the followtog oan to sS nnrbton and sympathisers eg ton laser msOs meat In Ameriba...
...At the first nsastosg of the comisMroo of 15, an administration sub-committee was elected and empowered to obtain publicity, and...
...UNIONS DEFEND LEFKOWITZ Central Trades Council Protests to Education Board—Speeches Delay Business By Laborite EVEN if great happenings had not been expected at the last monthly meeting of the Central Trades and Labor Council of Greater New York, held July 15...
...t|w*I ^4b^lt) 4aWe%tt of^-" efJrw*rw**wliV MsyWWsJtesr...
...District Attorney Ran ton and Police Commissioner McLaughlin, as well as their pleas, through advertisements to...
...They are tottCommitted to.the principle of mu*J**P«1 operation of subways—& princiJjf Which the World authoritatively y*toouncss that the city Is about to yjbjWon wtth regard to new lines...
...The committee recommended that' the Labor College of the central body be reinforced by putting the work In charge of a full-time director...
...strike depends upon the endurance, of the strikers...
...SCOTT'S RUN is on strike and it .la . telling _ the world...
...Some were getting impatient "lent the prevailing rate of wages the special order of business v Too...
...Miners' International Meeting in Paris to Aid Striking British Miners PARIS.—The Intersattofisl Miners' Federation which ssssmhVsd on Wednesday is igiislilsfftng methods erf hetoto* the British miners to...
...Preejetiy nothing...
...P: S." Vend all contributions: to the treasurer, Joseph Baskln, 17S East JBroadway,' New York...
...But they ought to be wis* iiiiegb to know that political tadependeau* does not ntoea much it It goes along' With orSortomtr vassalage...
...If the English miners will lose their battsk, 'It will encourage' the capitalists' to farther 'oppress the workers- " Despite the distance between the United Btates .and England the effect of the strike will be felt here as...
...Their work is...
...Ask the garment strikers who eVe herded in droves to a magistrate's onrt by the Tammany police because they were peacefully parading...
...indeed, any government genuinely friendly, to labor...
...For Treasurer...
...Civic and reform organisations denounced the frauds and a special' Grand Jury was impaneled to investigate, but here another snag was encountered...
...m^ttr* c«S^gfc^>|g atrin be*** • -vS* strut...
...Much regret was voiced ever the *bpence ot any representative of the) Atnertcea Federation of Leho,., a* that <**»to»**lofrs^y^j^*11^**^ sigman raps raid on pickets Garment Workers' President Urges Men to Face Jail for Right to Picket -. Acceptance of Jail sentences instead of -payment of finest growing oat of picketing activities Is likely to become too Policy of 40.000 striking cloakmakers if the police continue their wholesale arrests...
...bankers, textile barons, shoe manufacturers, public utilities and railroad owners...
...We must pretest to the Board of Education...
...euteeutfn secretary, anrtonsl Arty...
...liaiM trnif tab*- ten «f accidents of mbser character oa the subway' hen Mas oooeealod ttuBx pnhJic attention...
...Mfew... take all necessary measures for the...
...Our demands have very little to do with the fall of the French franc or* with the economic troubles ot Europe...
...That hatred is net altogether fair or logical...
...beautiful, artistic work, the work of our hands, at the mercy of lrresponaiblea...
...The resolution on the Pasipato strike declared that although the party teg opposed to the Ceanto unlets, the Passaic stalkers deserved our fulssst moral gad ftosg>1fl support because of the inbupij aondttlsbs they ware fighting sg4jp*t and because their success would help to encourage the textile strikers elsewhere to a steaUar revolt The Mgtoschatts comrades are weB pleased with the ticket aad are datormined to raise a cass»ia»Bji {mad so that we eon again make the party a power to the Stats...
...Sigman said the manufacturers were showing signs . of weakening...
...All workers through...
...Comrade Hutohtol will be able to go on tour and tad other candidate* are expected to do e greet deal ot voluntary cempaigdtag ka gad ground where they ltoe...
...Thp war never was our war In the sense that It was England's or Praaoo's war...
...At j&ss even liberal papers like, the New jjBbubllc and the Nation seem to join Wma chorus...
...He prowsd to be right In view of the lateness ot the hour and the decision of Judge Mehoney, the prevailing rate of wages question should .be...
...So far a* genuine was being is concerned the FBtptooa might find themselves bettor eC a* an American dependency with law* gestae flwg them against economic ea» Plettetion than as a nominally free nation to whfch American capitalists by corruption aad oeereton exercise to* reel control...
...M. Pine, M. Sigman, A I. Shlplacoff...
...In many preotnets...
...Leber Party Referred By that time it was 10.39, It was too lata to take up the special order ot business Besides, the prevailing rate law had JuSt been declared valid...
...President'of the'International Ladles' Garment Workers' Union, speaking' at Manhattan Lyceum, 66 East 4th street, gave expression to the sentiment when he declared: "As workers ysu tpsnd s !lf... that we forgave all but the post war lead* to France...
...add President WUllam Qr*tt7 | ei the A. F. or I*, was to speak...
...We have preferred to settle along different lines...
...Death lurks in...
...Sg£ -The Iny*Bpfts9*,AoW -¦¦ MP1"" capitalist ijHiiiWIiMm aa»»k>lutien of the World loawonilc crisis is clearly •«**» 1b;U»:1HI»<»«1» ¦»*• by Its WWWulsft*s*V Vnich usually tend to lnteaatfy^taer ttea mitigate such crisis...
...rights as national workers^ In respect to wages and working conditions...
...They are using every conceivable means to break the resistance of their wage slaves...' tb>.tota,.wr all ftmnuBoiti to previa4* lor fa* Solo"tton oC migration,' ptobtoino...
...Sweden, and Yugoslavia...
...Whichever Side happened to have support of the potting place officials seemed' to be declared, the* winner In that precinct, * TO date: boxes from 184 of Chicago's 1,331 precincts have been opened and by the recount of the votes they contained Trade has trained 3,400 votes on Savage...
...Workers' Conference Executive ¦ ' • ' * Committee "J...
...Raskin, M. Brown, A. Bruskin, A- Beckerman, N. Chan in, A Cases sens...
...As is shown: by the text of the resolutions unanlmojialy adopted by...
...Speeches Delay Business Now, in the natural course ot events the prevailing rate of wage question should have been taken up next...
...starvation wages is on to full swing...
...Fannla Cohen, I. Corn, B. Ehrenreich, S. Epstein, M. Felnstone, P. Geliebler, R- Guskln... r. /v«M*tt R** /"to ^5i?i 11 i fii ¦ ¦*¦ * m«-*n 1*1 kiiml sash¦ en*** f-aJJpa fttrlKvn w»i»J •»lwB gjn-'r— ^^>*^ datoteen* tnOeed...
...Oh, yes, the Police DeJartoent has given protection to the t B. T. and the Transit Commission nipy suggested arbitration...
...In emergency these leaders of the ¦*» Tammany Hall have taken no step* to compel the I. R. T. to give ¦srvtce...
...o daSalte stand was taken F4m 'tfrjmjMflhM absolute xtoedoaji of th«rsi*t«.Ooa7wUl psfmit a more exact deftnltkm air the Internatlenaj puslrten...
...on tbe^j^;hSiBd...
...Scott's Run striken have fresh grievances- The less of union Job protection Is too recent for them to have gotten used to scab conditions...
...Two non-union shops wen closed to Backensack...
...Every working man "should tax himself sccording to his means...
...A Miller...
...The co-operation with the Philadelphia labor movement was referred to the Committee on the Labor day celebration...
...With regard to trade union organisation, this Ckmgcsas recommends: "That lrtterbattonbl - - regulations should be drawn sp by the national centres affiliated with the IV JV T. TJ...
...Lefkowlts presented his case and then sat down, Modestly, he made no recommendations...
...after days of hearing evidence,- the -Grand Jury has indicted half a hundred "persons for the frauds...
...Ot you what Ml* tierear repedwr...
...It i* stiu true that the boat way out would beau International conference for too settlement at the inter-related problems ot Interallied debts aad German reparations...
...Bring your pup teutshnd pathlng suits.along as We camp hear a large lake which affords fine swJsnmlag...
...They-believe that the evils of the .coal Industry can be abolished when 'the'- mines' will be.nationalised, when'the' mines...
...A public hearingshould be demanded...
...The mooting adjdurhod...
...s> Issjbbwjs, The w ot hen in the mtasaan nttasnbs*, tag any new lianqds...
...It would still have been a disappointment...
...and bring about quicker success...
...The outcome of the...
...The speakers all made the Issue a personal one: Lerko-wiU wis "entitled to bis position...
...It also declares that the Socialist Party stands ready to cooperate with any recognised group of organized labor or the fin sitae4 farmers whenever' such groups nam* candidates In opposition to the Democrats and Repuhlseana...
...Hie motion was carried...
...Notioe has been given to an Socialist braaoheer and T. P. S. L. Circles to da their shan to the coUeetian of funds...
...It belongs to the landlords and capitalists, the...
...The rush of large numbers of workers to those countries Whan economic conditions an' better and watch an therefore st^ojfable of absorbing them, may to certsdst cases be a dsn-' ger to the working class t of toes* states, because then are Just grounds tor fearing a depression of the level of'was** and other working eondi* ttona for' native nA*» In these eemytrtos...
...V«u'** one) definite action Is aeeisd.' Not word*, 'i Over In BrooMyn, near drotpeet ;d"»rte, thoussnd...
...Resolution, II "The Congress demands the strict prohibition of all propaganda Ja -favor of emigration by private flfasport enterprises siid.iraWasiejtton at an private migration agenr'es...
...Emigrant werhere' who,' 'for pa* lltieel reasons cefibot -establish -their nationality, should be provided with passports by tome totornaUoeal body...
...Store ballot boxes revealed similar disclosures...
...The London meeting gave the British Government a chance to make an ass of itself, which it promptly grasped and barred, out Edo Fimraen, Secretary of the International Transport Workers' Federation and Jan Oudegeest one of the Secretaries of the International Federation of Trade Unions, on the ground that they had "tried to Interfere with British trade'' during the general strike...
...Then suggestions, diverse - irt contradtotory, began to coene in- At first no —*"->n was even on the floor...
...The result is a surplus of "workers and a formidable amount of unemployment, especially in Europe, which has suffered heavily from the consequences of the war... chrcuiarixa and visit aB trada union organisations and Workmen's Circle branches...
...Tba eauae of this 4— anjai fi os the ilglilg and safety og tbfbgbpjaj 'jissssngis, paid tba men now- on stocks...
...The cause of tba bad servtoa to' act the ' strike...
...It had been commended by President Wilson...
...Belgium, Canada, Csedboslevakla, ¦ Penmerlt...
...The spread of the strike as well as {ho effective picketing and activity of the New Yorkers augur very well for the success, of all concerned, in New York and New Jersey...
...The coal barons are powerful...
...Europe are aiding the miners In England .In...
...He had passed civil service examinations...
...key" position wan the office of ssspty judge, for that office in Illinois •Tit exercises Judicial control oyer the flfsMen machinery...
...The picket demonstration Monday to toe-eaiin.-e»oak and suit district, for fifty square blocks, was by far the largest and most impressive held in this strike...
...The coal barons want to place the entire burden on the shoulders of the miners...
...From territories which are greatly over-populated and backward to industrial "development , then is' also a constant...
...But the recommendations wen predominantly of an unfortunate character...
...In the •"interest of Al jbaith's campaign for the Presidency, Jdsrts are being redoubted to sell-not 2*r*mith himself but Tammany Hall LSfbe entire country as the chief hope progressive political action...
...referred, to the tikftcjiUvo Beard...
...Out the workers and wives tumble from the company houses, and descend the, hillsides to the road that msa 4m tw vbemlso Every morning the numbers of pickets have been swelling and the number of the scabs ebbing...
...Ut- ri '•Comradae, Friends and '"¦¦**if;jr -. "It is more than ton weekp aayr tent the minen to BBs/lssd an oat stribn...
...Teay Lm to t>* tongretulated ntMv brave MLagemrt on* of tho moot powerful jjiui-— in tt» city... we never took say part of Germany's colonies or sought any reparation...
...Ten weeks since the strike is on...
...CAP CONFERENCE near Many Manufacturers Capitulate to Do mands of Hot Makers Stike The latest dSSefspSseat to the NewYork eapmakers" strike which ban affected nearly 8.000 men' and women Is that a conference la likely—according to a persisting rumor—at which the association nnd the jobber* will meet with the union leaden to find a basts for settlement of the strike...
...100/100 Votes Stolen The same type of frauds were revealed when the votes were recounted for other offices In which- there was a contest between, the Crowe and Deneen Republican factions...
...Samuel Goldstein...
...As for organised labor la New Tar*, its officials, are hand In glove with Tammany Hs.lL What they get 00* pf it as individuals everybody knows or can guess...
...lag made primarily ta the rates "of ftw tercet...
...The delegates...
...Other prominent speakers wen Louis Hyman...
...That this seoreey is ttontlinal en Ub'pltt «f th* "Inter borough mar be Uknt ftmn tho tact that newspaper reporters who nttempted to get sjswe ot the first saddee* (Jurrng-: the ¦eOHaa- were rusted rrom taO- nrnjr pgr.ptf tnnii isfaei . sentativeer at J...
...Therefore, help must come from the working'class of America, where conditions' are comparatively more normal...
...The only time n-hen the strikers failed to carry out the order of the police to move on was when it was in, places literally impossible to move ahead tor a few minutes...
...The industry must be quit forever > ; thos- who come into it to make money and then leave to enter a *respccMble* business We do not want our...
...fare, ir.OO: walking tteae.1 about f hours...
...The English Parliament Issued a law whereby the miners will be forced to work eight hours Instead of seven...
...The Congress demands the abolition of passport and visa charges for emigrants In countries of emigration, transit and - Immigration...
...The conservative government' of England Is helping -the capitalists with all its power against the working men...
...The Industrial Council of the Inside* manufacturers have inserted another paid advertisement In the Jewish language press addressed to our striken, in which they attempt to wean the workers employed In their shops from the strike and coax them hack to work...
...fcatth done...
...The labor market being thus...
...organisation of immigrant workers...
...He had been anxious that the case should bo fought over the big public issue: the right of teachers to take part in the labor movement: without" beingpenalised and the abusive control that educational authorities exercise over the minds of the children...
...The tact, also, that textile corporations and banks have beqn forced to extend credit to even some of the largest manufacturers, was --other indication, Mr...
...and the International Trade .Secretariats to Insure the...
...We lost that chance...
...But, ho claim*, tht aohayaaw eannot afford it...
...bidden, to Join any labor organ fsattan but tba company anion... the manner best conducive to toternettonal v*m tma woeXtvVZ, end to the protection of the interests both ot the DDlpint worfcgrs Ml of the workers In the countriep- to...
...Golden, who suited that the British miners . wen waging a magnificent struggle that deserved toe .hearty support of ail American miners...
...Thus they acclaim Oov...
...These low wages and tba "toaaje**& uaiea'* are b*tT» Th* fstag* -f **«•****- to tb**e outrage* ispon a**S gard-working American aitiaan...
...What baa Oov...
...Tile Furriers' Union presented a communication enumerating the shabby treatment which labor receives at the heads of the old parties, and asking the central body to call a conference tor the formation ot a labor party...
...The sessions of the Congress were under the chairmanship of Leon Jouhaux of France and C. Mertens of Belgium, vice-presidents of the IF.T.V... any partisan •dtTjaJk, ILm a ease of dlr* emer¦aWHtouCIt th* an* han*V th* live* >**-**» eitlaens are in danger ?rem IsPxUient strike •breaker...
...and-to brtns the results before a future Congress.* "Resolution f "This Congress considers that every country should establish a state migration office Qfo.^whteh the trade union OTs*ani«a«tJagg#iiad haWe adoquate ropr*senta*gt»iT5*t\ sdrttflon...
...organised g*pg directed by Mr...
...For United States Senator, Alfred Baker Lewis of Cambridge...
...Th* whole achtt's ftalr geld we* nd^^eab *ha th* uhi«ft miners beg**' miking ot a general etrtkt ai the only way to get results...
...That was a bad move...
...It also dto»**t^>'*snpbagto» it...
...Unfortunately, Lefkowlts was reporting to Lefkowlts and that put him in an em harass lug position...
...The recount showed that the official returns certified to on election night by the Judges and clerks In precincts had practlcaQy so relation, to the votes actually eaatWbolosale Stuffing Revealed Investigation revealed wholesale ballot box stuffing and 'destruction of legitimate votes cast...
...Then an still some JO to 15 percent of the worktrig force along the Run to be pplled out...
...well as throughout the world...
...Picketing is managed by a police committee tt Art men from oath local union...
...Another incentive to emigration, whether temporary or permanent, is toe ever-present desire of the workers to leave- countries with' lower standards of living and go to others, when th-» standard of Ufe is higher...
...They will not sjjew their condition to become worse...
...Frederick Adler, secretary of the Socialist and Labor International, took a prominent part in the discussions...
...Senator The Socialist Party of' Massachusetts held Its convention last Sunday and homtoated a strong ticket headed by Walter S. Hutchlns, chairman of the Massachusetts legislative board of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, as , candidate for Governor...
...His yet petitions of patriotism avail him nothing...
...we htke to - Woodbury FaHs, Sutherland...
...the Bunker Cod) Co, the feepet-MHchel dhd a String of other* Rid broken contract* la 1UI and l»tS or else aid never signed tk* contract at eMl...
...every nook and corner of the mine...
...Men cast votes In the names of persons dead two or three years, These revelations threaten to upset the' entire result of the primary, and It is possible that the recount' now continuing will make winners out of many candidates declared losers la the first count and conspirators in fraud out of many of the candidates declared* winners...
...The platform points out that the Democrats and Republicans war do Both* lhg to save the State fresh the forces ot plutocracy because both those parties are fi danced by the plutocrats themselves...
...A protest should be sent to the Board Of Education...
...It is estimated that nearly twenty thousand persons took part in it...
...Mass - - ^ picketing and parades, and singing *W» are doing the telling along the •win-miie road -that runs past the ,%MNs of this field...
...Lefkowitz saw what a golden opportunity was slipping by... of 'emigrants...
...For homo consumption ho assured us that the French debt settlement meant that Franco recognised her obligations' and paid all that she' could, reduction...
...Sat the attempt tb at*, the court* tt compel tht corporation* to keep the Jacksonville wage contract—by ad injunction —was defeated...
...splfe of the fact that they are .povertystricken themselves...
...e^gL of the newer lands...
...tmV mediately there was chargin and consternation...
...For this par pass it recommends that, where these do not already exist, State migration offices shall be sat up to advise and give moral assistance to amigrants* The trade union center* must have adequate representation on these offices...
...The workers, want to hold', their previous - positions which they gained by hard struggle through years and years...
...Mayor Walker is too busy having Bis picture taken with distinguished strangers...
...Ofulek aid la urgent Every day may mean 'death, and sickness to the starving ' wives and children of the miners...
...H* advocated at groat length a stats compenaatton insurance fund...
...The ruohor' roacesdlohs our groat compost** wast would not leave much real independence te the Filipino...
...Thai, John Sullivan, president of the state Federation of Labor of New Tork...
...Battm godtoys excuse for this lingnssg and inefficient aankn which baa dtoeomnodM IranJrMi at ffimsmiits eg persona mad endangered tba safety of other hundreds of thousands who dkf chance * ride on the subway It that a} strike la" In plugisea This la not aa wmw that Weiss' Walker, the Transit Commission or tba people should accept...
...Gilbert-DdyU boss** ordered trie* tie** The wtrkart were told to "get out or go to war*.- This move da* been delayed by the courts...
...Hence ta thto mfitter (sesmany aaa Joined the chorus...
...Many Britishers Absent Due to, the miners' strike \n Oreat Britain,, many Britllh labor delegates wen prevented frfim attending the Congress, while several other leaden In .the International labor movement wen held In Geneva, by the Ninth Session of the International Labor Conference of the League of, Nations' Labor Organization...
...THIS IS'AN IMPORTANT OCCAsion, there is no time > to stint...
...We have-tost much by going off da the wreak tack...
...socialists NAME TICKET Walter S. Hutchins to Make Race for Governor—Lewis for U.S...
...boVs Day at the Sesqulccnteaiiial Xjg poaittoa...
...N. T."^ ^ j Tourist Club Hike -Sunday...
...the City of New York is in a •ay real sense the partner of the I. The State of New York, through lb* Transit Obmisaion, has large powj eje,to regulate-service...
...We must demonstrate ear solidarity with our British eusarades and the ijslttiTbslisp's ssmlBg from the- United f«e4e»must-be stoBstosOy large to «festrnggle...
...The American Fund for Public Service (Garland Fund) was to be appealed, to tor two thousand dollars ^rtth the provision that the college retain complete control...
...Ask' the citizens of New York who have bad to use the !j ' Per about two weeks New York has ; been'sneering from curtailed subway ajgjgbj£jka& the dangers Inevitable to -jnfcJMbjaflbm of .the train* by green - anjjj IRjXbe strikers ban a good ^¦Ps!a^arw^^«^b!s^*«* ¦-Jflythese same Interberough officials, pjpdlng poverty as an excuse, refused JMtoJ** wages while spending money ijib water to break the strike...
...They are "friends of the toopn...
...Finally a special prosecutor, Charles A. McDonald,' former Judge, was appointed to present evidence to the special Grand Jury...
...Wo must go slow, There is no time to bo lost Let us investigate...
...Be reviewed ' the details of th - affair as fully explained in the New Leader last week: how after thorough examinations he had attained first rank on the list of appointees of heads of history departments and how he was c.-Jled before the Board c"'Superintendents on June 24, 1020, and after a severe grilling, chiefly by Mandel, suddenly found himself stricken oft the list.N ' L.fkowitx'e Chief Crime The charges against Lefkowlts were all based upon his' activities In the labor movement and, what concerned the Central Trades Council most, one of the chief indictments was that Lefkowitz had subscribed to the Reconstruction Program of Labor of the old central body...
...The results of the congress wen summed, up In the following unanimously adopted statement: Introduction "The tendency of capitalist development Is towards a rapid growth of the capacity for production which gives rise' to a decline In' the number of workers needed to produce a given quantity of goods...
...Belgium and Csechoaloyskla - - On Wednesday it was reported that among the contributions from other-countries to support of tba British- miners was 11,100,000 from the Soviet Government., and the total -from all sonrees has reached nearly SJ.tOQ.OOO...
...It is ten weeks now that the strike is on...
...We must ask them to state their views...
...Our government had rather a magnificent opportunity to use our financial position to bring about a general got* tlemsnt ot the whole problem of debts and reparations on terms that might siao have facilitated disarmament...
...thn« in the factories, which Jim" equivelent to a jail •entonee., VVhs| . ^ffiff'^y'swl'hsro1 wrth Xu' ' todayv Oyr-ertemlee, the smploy' ers, oan ftniy feel our stnnoth on...
...Chambers street and Hudson stieer...
...There were speeches that had to be heard first John Martin OHanton, secretary-treasurer and legislative agent of the Now Tork State Federation of Labor, was proseat to give his annual address...
...Some Chicagoans said this was Just and others loudly shouted that McDonald was a political ally of Crowe'and the Jury Would merely "whitewash" Crowe...
...children are hungry...
...It Is founded ea the lie that Germany iar aolaly responsible for, the guilt ot thai war add on the fool's notion that tor goto gen* orations a people wm pap war tribute to its conqueror...
...So far more than 100,000 stolen votes have been revealed by the recount and only a fraction of this ballot boxes of the city have been reopened...
...Let us use pur funds to...
...Only Monday, from CO to 71 workers in the firm of Ressner and Rablnowlts In Union City, N. J., want en strike to compel recognition of a onion to a place which has been unorganised for six yean...
...Following on- the appeal of the American Federation of Labor, the Conference of Jewish Unions, the Socialist Party, Workmen's Circle and" other' fraternal organisations, and -their numerous .branches hare perfected.a relief drive for the speedy collection of funds...
...Many of the present delegates had supported that program...
...The calling out of the patrol wagons and the arrests an acts of brutal provocation which the striken and thelr union strongly resent...
...Ml Crowe, as Its- candidate...
...They had ranted a broadcasting station tor four hundred dbugrav -wltS tad assurance thai Oreo* woud speak tor them...
...Cortamly the Phnippto** are bettor oft today than Nicaragua...
...inttrnattonel conventions and recommendations concerning migration, and to .provide ample and reliable information concerning migration...
...This lsf not a sfrika, bp...
...The Congress also consider that everything should be done bending the achievement q'f the abovo Ito promote the adoption %t' the principle of reel--4 procity of treatment* Resolution IV, "This Congress recommends the I. PVT...
...prompt and smooth transfer of emigrant/workers from their anions In Jthp old cpuntrle* to tike competent unions in the new...
...When one part of the body is hurt, all other parts are' 'immediately affected and feel" the pain...
...The workers then have suffered long boon and with the exception of a few speeden...
...Defeated candidates have rushed Into court wtth petitions for a recount, bat have received scant consideration...
...the Jewish pros-, to the strikers to return to work wen evidence, he said, that i they wen pressed'' to too wall...

Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 28

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