Amusements DRAMA the Many-sided Genius Of George Bernard Shaw By C. E. M. Joad i*lT*t*5N. Mr. Cnsstarten,. published l|v:r his famous, study of Bernard [*•? v Shew, the Utter , greeted...

...Harrison Ford... •kk^l sjsee with a cogency of arguhaanasks saaiahn ii-brilliancy at-laasoe nvsjwhieh rank him among the fore• sink satirists in the history ot literates, and incidentally he establishes hhjaolf aa the greatest maater ot Enstab prose since Swift...
...Shaw, again, is a great- comic* playwright...
...Wednesday and Thursday: Leonora Overture No...
...Rim skyKorsakoff...
...1, Beethoven...
...sjtd four of the classic symphonies—-Beethoven's first and third, Brahms' second, and Tchaikovsky's fifth—are among the features of the coming week at the Lewlsohn Stadium...
...Sam Krevoff and Evelyn Groves and eight Albertina Rasch dancers...
...I have, bis brother answered...
...taking Man tha hand, he laadeth him to tha entraaawtet* tha ptaykaasa...
...George MaeFarJaae is tba producer... Betrick Kearney, from the novel by Theodore Dreiser: The dramatization closely foUowa tha book...
...Lottie Atasrtons...
...To each of you I give one, to manage how you please, and taJijm who thereby flndeth the magic words I win leave the rest of my treasure...
...wCl open Monday nUt at tbo George M. Cohan theatre...
...J»y Wilson, Adelaide Randall...
...A special screen feature for the week will be the official pictures of the Delaney vs...
...Broadway Briefs Claiborne Foster will have a month** vacation before "The Patsy" begins its tour of the principal cities the latter part of August, ths run of Barry Conaers...
...Casella (first time at Stadium): L'Oiseau do Feu Suite, Stravinsky...
...July when it will open with a midnight performance as orglnally planned...
...d, Tchaikovsky...
...Prague la to have 'two more ape playa this season...
...On this Mr...
...Willie Solar...
...ike Gertrude Hoffmann girls will have ,eWr*ly new dance routines...
...r i...
...letting Married" and "Major Bar¦ bars,'* a series of political pamphlets whlah contain tha most brilliant and 'snhvarelve writing of our time, •f -sTaaw in this aspect la tha bogy ot 'ike- middle classes...
...He has not neglected to declare his allegiance openly to conservatism...
...The piece te beism directed by James iSSfST^ ^s*"t~ The Wild Man," a three-act comedy by Marc Connolly and Herman J. Mankiewics...
...When* the Devil Was Sick," by Arthur . Pollock, tbo critic of tha Brooklyn Eagle, based on a scenario by Horace Liveright...
...t Now the brothers wot not which were the magic words, nor cared they, for they had their own idoaa of management...
...sal, »raktss»*rk» a board ptacod without, said: ¦ , -. -.• - kfeapid tie — hfiistanar h||ll pinsf a Vaudeville Theatres MOSS' BROADWAY The international dancing star, Mtllssd Ten Byck, in a colorful terpsU chore ad presentation, assisted by George Boyce and Joe Evans, will head the vaudeville program at B. S. Mots' Broadway Theatre,'beginning Monday...
...Early In January he will produce "The Taming of the Shrew" In Modern Dress...
...With "Revolt on the Stage" we turn to metaphysics...
...Adlsr, Weil and Herman...
...Bba) she we- opera touts for -the Mat -ten) years...
...v 2 Th* story tails of to*, invasion of ,-tbis warM Ay -aprilya...
...Symphony No...
...Now, I have two playhouses...
...Braybrooke'a way of treating Shaw's characters ia to get himself entangled In a discussion about Individuals and types...
...They mean naught, said tba younger brother...
...PasqusH Brothers...
...tha Duke of Mamingaa...
...He fools that modern society Is basing its Ufa too much on material and physical needs instead Of spiritual ones...
...Braybrooke comments: "Unless Clara had been In the habit of using 'bloody'—and I cannot see from the-Shavian interpre- . tation bt her that she would have been likely to—the line Is merely silly, whereas In the case Of Eliza Doolittle it is a stroko of undoubt- - ed genius...
...Naturally, the author haa been accused of being Influenced by Pirandello, but this bs denies...
...The surrounding bill will include B. B joyner and Clarence Foster, in a comedy "Running Him Ragged"} the tiny star...
...The toast...
...Symphony No...
...The New fork premiers of "0** Hemen Prater btaasaa)" feow playing ia Chieasre...
...Ape" and "The Man In the Cage...
...Doris Boe, contralto...
...Tuesday: Academic Overture, Brahms: Italia...
...Then he proceeds to the assertion that Shaw's soldiers and doctors are hopelessly exaggerated because Shaw knows nothing about scjmsrt and doctors—and this, yo gods, in-face of glorious creations like Bluntschll snd Sir Ralph Bktomfleld Bonnlngton...
...has been added to the "Querida" scans of tbo now Winter Garden revue, ' "The Great Temptation...
...Wagner... Philip Dunning aad Oeorge Abbott will open a thro* days' engagement Monday night at ths ahead way Theatre, Long Branch, Char lag K. Ocrdoa will produce "A Regular Otai," a musical comedy, with hook by William Cary Demean: tk* lyrics by Irving Cat tar, and the music by Stephen Jones aad Wtethrop Cortelyou...
...Ames' preaenUtlOn...
...So that the total income of these ex-royal families is really very much larger than the fiba shows, However, it seems a pity that he did not concede the censor's wish, and at the same tune add to his film a pm»< ture of the ex-rulers engaged in maintaining their "large gad highly expensive families...
...tarmorfy sf tkd Wagnerian company and more riasathj with the Hiasbaw English Opera COSM pany...
...The Hairy...
...The shrinking Violet...
...2, I rah ma...
...aa a consequence you can conafter him, and consider him fruitfully, 'hwaany aspects...
...The Berlin film censer tank a head and has forked the akewtng of a film entitled "Mat a Penny tar tbo prtooess...
...Be has built up his case by making people In public lite commit despicable actions...
...Shubert will bring the" revue to PS 4*th Street Theatre in a week or and Sullivan's 'lolantht t' • Breaks American Record •« v- «- •- s*_ i '.' - Wis tk rep Ames' production of "lo-, hafike*' is now in -it* thirteenth week at ta* Plymouth -. Theatre, thereby tassking all previous records tor this 'lobular Gilbert and Sullivan opus in Asmrlca...
...X. Ho represents the conscience—the physical embodiment of the inner yoice...
...So the elder brother produced another play (the similar withal), and yet another and another, but the common people would bare naught ef them, even when (on rare occasions) the critics ware united not in condemnation...
...Symphony No...
...Balloons," by Edwin Justus Mayer, author of "The Firebrand...
...The producer refused to make this modification, pointing out That tile princes and dukes who compose these families also receive targe pensions as ex-offlcers, and have wives who draw large revenues from estates...
...J Berlin Gensor Ferbids showing of kaiser Film THE recant "vote on the Wli tor tba sgpitnrltUan at the...
...i, Beethoven...
...What a book for a great ma* to have provoked...
...a fare* by Robert WeeneUen as« saerrin Webb, - - with additional scenes and dialogue by Frank Smith son...
...That ¦or la i»U...
...Jack "Pearl and Barry-O'Neal will have entirely new miterlal...
...Vtaossdaj Bcltasas, is weir known sa a leader aj opera in Italy asat-ftaath imartasj Ot the new- nrMtfcqstni^at thro* sat announced thus far, aW these In nines "The King's Henchmen," th* Opan written by Deem* Taylor aad...
...IOlanthe" was originally Snxkjcad at the old Standard Theatre i«a tower Broadway November 2k, lSt...
...The second edition of ths revue will open at the 44th Street theatre the week of July 2*, "The Cjuerida Girls," s new unit Of twelve gfri-musictens...
...Harry De«: Eddie Conrad and Company...
...the stsSser of hooka ¦Mat Shaw .had ast-yet run /into •OaMe figures, aad Mei^aoeatett plays kb* Stilt to noma, d*d^mwt it he ekssa with to, reeAkhvyerdtet totax, Oa* thing tor aaa*& A* weald zstf-Briy" genius of nafer has aa many facets as a disss...
...scheduled to •open next week, will be delayed one Week...
...Talea ot the Vienna Woods...
...Ever since the war kls work has dealt ^Fith the problems arising from the conflict of the two worlds—post-war and pre-war...
...Xagjy ksr, basso, who has bean with Mr...
...In addition to the above very definite schedule...
...Bra ybf coke's acknowledgment of the Shavian philosophy consists in talk about the persistence of "the...
...Tor the cry «f tad saalcttad* i»: "Amate u...
...He speaks st street corners and suburban debatteg-societies, contributes to Fabian Xaaeys, serves on committees and coh~ tributes in the prefaces to "John Saul...
...ami take pipce oa steptambor" tt at tba Ttsooal tkroar* Theatre with, a cast heasad sy Jap* wainsr 09 the Mende, aad ksstaShig jftaaa MUSIC Beethoven's Ninth With: Chorus of 200 at Stadium T|WD performances of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony with a chorus *of m-ahm^Hmi, soloists, a first hearing at the Stadium of Casella'a 'Italia...
...HO ends up by completely misunderstanding the character of Clara in "Pygmalion...
...Arson Decaerepy, Hungarian technician, is ss^sT to have ikstrumonta to tavercome tbo technical difficulties which ^have held up production on stories of thia kind...
...jDSfi Vetteri, soprano, who baa appear**] with tha Chicago and San Carlo Opsea] eempanies...
...Alan Coogan and Mary Casey, in a playlet by Eugene Conrad...
...He first tells us that Shaw treat a .characters very largely aa...
...Ths program for the week: Sunday* Sympboojy No...
...comedy at the Booth' Theatre will end tkta Saturday., night attar playing ill Umss...
...Benevenuto Cellini" Overture, BerUos...
...answered bis brother, 'tis tba nether portion* it ths body that it nertrayoth rather than the head...
...West and McGlnty...
...the man pictured by Max standing on his head and wgvfntr his legs in the air...
...They ar* bat tn* ttttar of tbo play...
...He ia present at the birth of the niton Society, and is a leading figare during its great days...
...Cover Charge," by Samuel Skipman.* baaed on a novel by Cornell Woolrlch...
...Jeante, n a one-act comedy entitled "Just a Sweet Child...
...for they show tha manner of fare provided...
...sjfijs lmpucit throughout these plays, k ***ces,8faaw in the front rank of asatsmporary philosophers, so that, at tba whole eum of his achievement wars cOfaftnad to his philosophical work, be would be entitled to rank with Bergson aad Niotssehs among tbo groat thinkers of the ageMr... make a picture of H. G> Welh}' war Tantasy, "The War of the WOrTtis...
...enter and see the playacting, tba thou will have to stand, for lo...
...Therefore produced he a weighty play, one to make tba people think and to raise the' status of the drama...
...One day be called them unto him and said: My sons, I grow old and must soon rest with my forefathers...
...Mess and Frye...
...These two dramatists are Wellknown Czech writers...
...But dn the first night the critics said: Behold, this te such a play as we must take seriously, and therefore criticise adversely (sr ws be not real britics and may lose our jobs...
...Robert Wobisey is t. the featured member of the cast...
...fil Vincent Miliar, which wm bs Strsst st Engitsh, "Turandot," Puotrtafs o-assrs and "fit- OtaraA oao-aet ballet, flff music for which te by dlfrtcte CssssM Th* revivals angosamd tnjhsat m -li^tt^%fSMis*ki -WatabW by Beethoven, which wot ha gjvsn h memory of tk* feundrsdth a-jhtversasj of the eompoaee's death, and •Vsgtwmt by Tbontas...
...The problem is debated through a rather complicated plot by two characters, a Sentimental neurasthenic and a rationalistic cynic—the Faust and Mephistopheles of our time...
...Peer Gynt Suite, Grieg...
...there Is not a vacant asat in tba bouse...
...and Frassr Gauge, baritone...
...He pricks -the bubbles of Victorian morality, lets 1*1* sad light into the Victorian home, thaw* tba rigor of tha Victorian family systssi, and advocates Communistic proposals to roquaiity...
...The censer wanted the sub-titles to Include also what he regards as ths fast that" the ex-rsysitiss have very large and highly expensive families to maintain...
...Wo will go elsewhere...
...Symphony No...
...Till Bulenaplegtl, Strauas...
...Tom Da vies Trio, and Jack JoyceALBEE "The Red PolHes...
...This njay will have its premiere in November...
...Shone and Squires...
...Id it,perchance, by some groat writer, another Sbafcospiar...
...sing' Ar* they th* magic words far js-kteh our father bade us seek...
...Caprice Espagnol...
...Walther Kirehoft Berlin ttnorj George Cehanovsky, harlteae ef tht San Casta Company, .aad Pars...
...Horace Liveright Plans Include Seven Plays THE forthcoming p r cd u c t>i on t planned by Horace Llverrlght for .the coming seaaon will Include: "An American Tragedy...
...Noil Pratt, Atas"f- worth Arnold, Margaret Walker...
...The screen feature will be Marie Provost in "Up tn Mabie's Room," the screen plcturisatlon of the stage play...
...That would surely have been instructive to the workingclass parents of Berlin...
...J—Ereica, Beetbovea...
...who In the sheer exuberance of hla talent has created a series ot characters—such as William In "You Never Can Tell...
...Pacific 2*1, Honegger...
...Do not seek to teach us or to make an think...
...Last season Prague saw "The Monkey Talks...
...vh»?v it ran an oven twelve weeks, the bagsst run it has ever had, until now...
...Marche Slav, Tchaikovsky: Impressions ot Italy...
...And what moan those two word* la tetters of BgbtT *ek*d tha aider brother...
...Tba Atasrtaaa singers ass Martha Aft* wood, soprano, who has been heard t* concerts...
...Ruth Page, Americas daacer, will b* seen ta*auniHM*ous adM*>dha*ea dmrlas tha season...
...Alfred Kappeler...
...PALACE Albertina Reach presents the 'Pompadour Ballet" with Norree...
...Incidentally, this"-' ^qnsday matinee waa the 100th par-, ,<astaace of Mr...
...The Soloists will be Amy Evans, soprano...
...L'Arlesienjie Suite...
...Lewis James, tenor...
...m Mara...
...Joseph MsaPhsrssa...
...In a dramatic trilogy, known aa "Conscience," of which this play la the second_ part, he points his moral...
...Thereat the eider brother marveled greatly, saying: What manner of play la this that it aa ettraetatk tk* people...
...He la a •taker of great {orce ana orfgtnaiKy...
...Friday: Roman Carnival • Overture, Berlioz...
...Mauri* Rubens and Fred Coots have three new songs on which dsao* ensembles will be based...
...Too Ninth Sy mommy 1s scheduled nw i Wednesday - and- Thursday evenings, under the direction ot Will em von Hoogstraten, with a chorus re"*" cruited from the Oratorio Society by Francis B. Marsh...
...A Night in Paris...
...JaTfoe Qriawold has been engaged by vSVaxBrlangsr to appear in "Service ¦jg.'lws.'.' the comedy by Martia' 'the War of the Worlds" - By,Wills to $c Filmed A.asws it#m coming from Lea Angeles says that the Famous Flayers'Laaky...
...Saturday: Rlensl Overture, Wagner...
...Patrick Braybrooke, k>M*"bood ("The Genius of Bernard Crane's, London) succeeds In kgfrg something fooUsh about each of ***** Instance, there is Shaw the...
...Tte smnkotsoat only we wiat...
...Jr., in -which Paul Robeson will a* Marred...
...Moreover, he would fain educate the, common people so that they should take the drama seriously and profit thereby...
...Therefore, stated they the piece, an that they who mad their writings said: This play knot even worth queuOlng tor...
...will open at -<•' tbo Sam H. Harris Theatre Monday evening...
...he Czech National Theatre Is to produce Lulgi Antonslll's "LTtola delle Sclmmte," while the German Theatre is to produce "Die Insel der Alt en...
...Black Boy," a three-act comedydrama by Jim Tally and Frank Dasey...
...and the Grand Duchess ot Welnmr $T0...
...The author has been daring enough to bring on to tbo stage three times an unknown gentleman known as Mr...
...TfTRAMIDS,'' a drsjp* by aamima JroaauV Otaldtng...
...Aad when ho came to hie younger brother's playhouse bs saw a great multitude of people entering therein, aad bis younger brother earns ant and saw him and said: Welcome, my brother...
...the Doollttles, father and daughter, in "Pygmaiten...
...Miss pkge fkart attracted attention j with her appaaraaca* ta tbi Adolf Bote Ballet Jntlmo in Now TarfcJ and last yVar achieved success ta Cat, essTo, also m Scath America, aad thai summer, will spar's*-principal Unite at lt*s luia 'Park...
...Ckrcagwr Other new lingers include htaltkg Ftelscbsr...
...for Instance, a president of an aeroplane factory which haa produced apme bad machines, but which will eel) them to the State, falls Into a bribery scheme, but repents his action at the and... Jaroalav Hilbert, at the National Theatre, and "Revolt on the Stage," by Jan Bartosb, at the Btavovake Theatre...
...Kemper and Bayard, in "Hokum But...
...BraybrOoke*s reaction to this Sjighlflcent achievement is to comment 'rajah "the underlying sneer that is so leift a part-of the method of Shaw," atwhiehhe tolls us "that It Is far from kajsasant attribute...
...George WIest and Ray Stanton, with Gladys Gerrteh...
...This misunderstanding, which is so gross that one wonders hewtt can have contrived to get itself into print, arises-ever tba use of tbo taawus n'Sarl > "til** lb*!*11 <t wilt be remembered ..that when the elegantlymannered and beautiiully-appolnted flower-glrT says, "not Moody likely...* Jed Harris' new production...
...Metropolitan Engages Nine New Aritists FOUR American singers, on* AxasTy lean dancer aad fear ter*igs> singers hav* been addsd ta tba personnel of the Metropolitan Operk Company, according ta the alalalsil of General Manager OatU-Caas sSa...
...Jack Oaterman, Catherine Gainaim, George Dobbs, Norma Terrls, |k<wt Parker and Lucita Corvera...
...Soesjaat, going as a young,, man into Sgrkrua training for his vocation by Madjliig Marx and mastering statists...
...Tet do they please the Bsosaasn psipU...
...types, and secondly, that , ordinary typical individuals are no use to the dramatist, who must needs deal in eccentrics and abnormal...
...The elder brother was a great student of the drama and loved art for art's sake...
...Allen Forrest, Idgle Shaw, Sandra Straal, and Elsie Davis, vaudeville debut ot Eddy Brown, violinist...
...three saw sketches wilt supplant those now lp uta and the' entire production will tarTSvanrped.- Norma Terrls, Katharine ftf...
...Ms has made an*important con tribunes to tbo :thehfy;of mektiya awoiuttek...
...It was ta have bean shown in all tbo cmama* ta preparation far neat Sunday's rating...
...v Shew, the Utter , greeted It auk tai sommeat, "The beet work of hrktn art I have yet provoked...
...Tk* cenJor's objection was that tk* sub-tniss of tba fiba mentioned the facto that the «s>K*i**r now receive* from the Republic tba equivalent ot IttS a day, the link* of Mecklenburg, $30i...
...Victory Ball, Hebe 111 ny...
...Or doth It deal with some important problem that agitate th tha people* rated...
...nery ' Straker In "Man *na Superman,"—who place their creator In a direct'line of descent from the great comto geniuses of English fiction, the Una of Fielding, of Smollett, and of Dickens...
...Others sr* Kathleen Lowry...
...Than, said tag elder brother, thou baa not pat found the gaaato words 7 Verily, vsrily...
...The Parable of the Magic Words ACERTAIN man had two sons...
...The play will be directed by Edward Goodman, director of The Stagers...
...Berlenbsch championship fight, taken from a ringside seat...
...It deals with ths question of a life after death...
...Franc)* Mi>rpby> Harriet Harbaugh '/ and Vincent Strain...
...Xouts* Lerch, soprano...
...The cast is headed by CarrcJi^ irconuj^, WsJla^andMli^^ _______ C&n9ciertce on The Stag* TWO now Czech plays have just been produced on Prague stages: "The Banner of Mankind...
...the middle class ladles Clara and her mother receive^It with unction aa the latest catch-word th fashionable circles, and Clara, in her character as social climber, presently brings it out with eclat to Higgins...
...Trsvsrs Britbers...
...So he found not the magic words and grow exceedingly sorrowfuL And it came to pass that one day hi said unto himself: Tin many moons since last I saw my younger- brother, t trill go aad see boar h* prospereth...
...Monday: Negro Rhapsody...
...i -Mr...
...huntress women" in Shaw's playa, conveyed incidentally In a chapter of generalized nonsense about women, ot which the sentence, ; "Women dress in the meat dls- - gracefully blatant fashion possible*, their whole Ideal te an appeal to sex, and the spectacle of woman's • highly lifted skirt is filling our lunatic asylums and keeping our prisons in a state of perpetual overcrowding," ' is a fair Specimen...
...USS country...
...tba srsmui ef lUcksrd ,M*r»4ta'» night...
...of income and tb»«»oBtsmof private property...
...Liveright te contemplating the production about thq holidays of Edwin Justus Mayor's adaptation ot Christopher Marlowe's "All for Love...
...The saw conductor...
...This contribution is'sex forth exTrtfbtay tn the prefaces, to ."Man and Sspsfman" and "Back to Methuselah...
...Phyllis haver and Harry Meyers are in the supporting cast...
...Meteter singer^ Prelude...
...J, Beethoven...
...This new Mayer opus la described aa a fantastic comedy in six scenes, ths locale of which is New York City...
...Lillian roth, and Vee and Tally...
...fckke another side of Shaw...
...The play will be directed by Mr, Mayer and Mr...
...Jaroalav Hilbert is a typical writs* of the oM school... H. - Ungar...
...ex¦Kttair and other Ocranan format royaJttaa waa snttllMngTy exciting and bitter...
...ijNight in Paris* Net* Edition in Rehearsal " | Rehearsals were begun last Thursday morning for the second edition of "A Night in Paris...

Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 27

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