Meyrowitz, Nathan

Woman s freedom Female Progress and the Fuhire of Chrilizalm By Natjian Mcyrowitz TQ^ROM time 4mmeaWhut< whra our Wl long-tailed ancestors held their f*^ congressional sessions on top...

...Friday, July 23, Havemeyer and South 4th street...
...Speakers: Hyman Nemser and Samuel H. Friedman...
...I Mr...
...Woman s freedom Female Progress and the Fuhire of Chrilizalm By Natjian Mcyrowitz TQ^ROM time 4mmeaWhut< whra our Wl long-tailed ancestors held their f*^ congressional sessions on top of Slant trees, and...
...Mies Johnson is the young Sagamore /school teacher who wrote songs for' the strikers* choir to sine...
...This week we have an urgent letter from a student in KirksvlUe State Teachers' College, ftissouri, as "tying for assistance in the Way of literature, for pushing the propaganda in that school...
...what their destination is, mothers, and love children, to ] whom sacrifices must ever be offered, and from whom none are to be obtained...
...Friday, July 23, Clinton street and East Broadway...
...Speakers: Ethelred Brown and V. C. Gaspar...
...Considering her station within the last two centuries, we shall have to confine ourselves to a discussion of the rise of the American woman only...
...YipseMom, All members, of the League should Immediately fill out entry blanks for the Tipsel field day...
...OpeH-air meetings of the Yipsels have'proven a great success...
...Aside of the fact that it was very warm, and the preparation was not very extefri- I sive, the debate met with the approval of the audience despite lack of debexing experience by the contestants.' PA...
...New Mexico The Socialists, ot- New Mexico, are avorable for placing a State ticket in :he field for this fall's election...
...leaflets on...
...Hymen Gitals the, 'affbranative...
...It is by women that Nature writes on the hearts of men...
...New eJersey Since the Legislature changed the date of the primary election from September to June, the New Jersey Socialists have had more or less difficulty in holding satisfactory street meetings during the summer months...
...Every girl, as well as every boy, should be given an opportunity to grow into a physically healthy and morally sound adult...
...However, New Jersey Socialists are not allowing themselves to be discouraged and are now arranging for their summer campaign...
...Thomas 3. Smith of Estancla, State organizer, s working hard to...
...Those wishing to do so are to get in touch with the City Office of the Y. P. S. L. Circle 8, Manhattan, 1ST Avenue B. is now conducting a membership drive throughout the" East Side...
...1, Coalport, has «Swomea learning about Industrial Re-* lattona...
...Organizer Emll Merman has made an excellent start in Rochester, collecting nearly 890, including 1U10 In dues' for the Local, adding 17 new members, aad speaking at a street meeting—all during his first week in that city...
...Roy Ntcodemus of Local Cheyenne Is working to have a ticket nominated...
...Inil., where fifteen workers vere killed and sixty Injured, is not in the program ot the Industrial Accident Prevention Conference, sumnoned in Washington by .the Depart - nent of Labor...
...The Bronx County Committee met Monday, July 12...
...The more women are enlightened, the mere profit wo shall derive and the better our offsprings ot tomorrow...
...Leon R. Land...
...Tuesday, July 20, 7th street and Avenue B. Speakers: Ethelred Brown and Ben Goodman...
...The Bronx County Committee wfl...
...addition to cooking and baking for her ever-Increasing family and taking care of her Offspring...
...Comrade Hillquit states...
...We are desirous ot hearing from organizations of the party and others who may be Interested In having meetings with this well known and able Socialist...
...The factory owners have realized that women do not stand together aa men do...
...New plays are being selected in which comrades will have the , opportunity to play...
...The State Executive Committee has had invitation cards printed and are mailing them to all -known Socialists and sympathizers...
...Kansas Arthur Bridwell, State secretary, writes that their State ticket has been filed and they are now making preparations tor a vigorous campaign in Kansas./ We hope all American Appeal and New Leader readers will get in touch with Bridwell and give him whole-hearted support The Socialist State convention will be held at Arbelter Maennerchor "Park, top of Alllngtown hlB, .on the New | Haven and Bridgeport bus line, New Haven, Sunday, July IE Convention opens at is a. m . All delegates should be on hand...
...Readers of he American Appeal and The New Leader should get In touch with Smith lffd assist...
...The Verband branches had no representation...
...Inviting them to attend the convention...
...Well, sweetheart, what's the difference...
...July 23, 138th street and Brook avenue...
...A sub-committee composed of Orr, Gross and Hoffman was elected to take up the matter of headquarters and of heating during the "winter months, which was especially stressed...
...She baa reorganised the local at Florence with eight members, and has organized a new local at MllltoWn, with nine members...
...Montana Doris Morris, working under the auspices of the National Office and the State Office, is making a good start...
...the American woman had p strong foothold In industry...
...Many wives of printers turned to the care of their husbands' shops when their bread-winners took their last breath...
...There are about 60 days yet to get the work done...
...Miss Sender has the unique distinction of...
...Speakers: Samuel E. Beardsley and Em" Bromberg...
...how ever, wages hegan to slide down' the scale with the greatest hurry imaginable, and then feminine communities' started to strike...
...The committee organized with Paulitsch as chairman...
...This* will cover every-' thing...
...Frank D. Hajasrjr...
...men worked.' The three -mines of the Northwestern Mining A Exchange Oe* an Erie Railroad subsidiary, halve been cloeed since April 1...
...The *Nnel ¦ sisters and brother, the Phillips father and-sqna, Vivian Ballet the dancer—all, of them cheered the crowd...
...She is now working In Flathead County...
...In addition to developing his mechanical ability, he sowed the seeds of philosophy, art and literature, whilst the woman was deprived of the privilege bf cultivating her mental faculties...
...Brooklyn Wednesday, July 2.1, Monroe and Broadway...
...A real live man interested In the Socialist-movement in the department of political science...
...sister, although the development there . largely parallels our own...
...In view of the large expenre incurred by her in the travel from Europe, it will be necessary for the national office to make a charge- of 150 per lecture...
...solved their social and public affairs bp means of sanguinary, savage debates, the place for woman was preserved beside the hearth and within thft l&undsjpjs of Per father's or husband's hut.^ in the days of yore, the* woman did f her cooking, sptnnrag, - weaving aad sewing while her mate either with bow and arrow terrorized the peaceful forest: creatures, or eagerly investigated the ohenoroena of Nature...
...Last season Fuller held 10 Labor Chautauquas, all over the district The' response, is' always worth the effort, bucking up the spirit of the miners and their families tn this trying period...
...In both eases the strikes were Won, but, -as happened many times subsequently, as soon - as the strikes were over tho workers left tha unions, whereupon the manufacturers seized the opportunity to again reduce the wages ot the female werkefb...
...The season's fourth Chautauqua sponsored by District 1 eame to this isolated community where formerly...
...conventions of the .entire community...
...After covering a number of points in Montana, she wlU move into Idaho...
...for this reason, i that they might be...
...Despite the Blurb {iT^AXZAI,'' by John Paris (Benl & Liveright, 82.60), la tha story of a young- Japanese who, as our alleged cousins, the' Bag-' Iish, would say, and as the author actually does say somewhere on the pages of his present book, is a thorough little rotter...
...Speakers: Ethelred Brown and Dr...
...During the next couple of weeks, meetings will be started in various other cities to continue every week to Election Day...
...July It, at club rooms, 4215 Third avenue, and started real constructive wortt...
...He Invented the varfous contrivances to facilitate his dally life, while the woman carried the infant on her back, aa she kneaded the-dough in the .barrel...
...Sender of Germany will make a brief tour of the United States in the near future...
...Aceident Cenferernce Not to Take Up Gary Explosion WASHINGTON, July 18.—Discusdon of the explosion in the by-prodicts plant of the steel trust works ' it Gary...
...Bronx Party members listed as enrolled Socialists are urged to call at headquarters, 1187 Boston Road, and sign petitions placing our candidates on the official ballot...
...She is equally at home In tfce languages of the1 two"countries and she also speaks English fluently...
...As our time is.'limited* It is, therefore, impracticable Jo record the history of her European...
...rally the old guard, end' is being ably supported by the tew local at Roswell, of which W. F. Richardson is secretary...
...United Mine Worsens...
...During recent' years "the position of woman has been vastly altered...
...which opened the channel for Industry to women and led a large number of them to leave theirs homes tor the factories...
...Rlchter said of women: "Nature sent women into the world with this, bridal dower of love...
...Madera and Gross Flats have: each- irnjoyed the Labor Chau-" tauqvm-thln^»uAmer...
...the second took place in...
...The employers have taken advantage of the changeability .of the feminine employes.' The manufacturers were profoundly versed tn feminine psychology...
...eineT "Dawn jnhaorm...
...She Is an experienced, . forceful and eloquent speaker and the leading position which she occupied in Germany during the revolution in 1918, and which she has ever since maintained In the Councils of the German Socialist Democracy, and in the Reichstag, lend Interest and authority to her views aad statements...
...A new program will be arranged and the most prominent lecturers will be communicated with and, if possible, arrangements made for their services...
...meet again Monday, August 2. at local headquarters...
...jnrle of lt'te M attended the specter | women's meetings and Joined the hew Wesneu's Auxfitary, Local S, termed ' with Miss Johnson's assistance...
...Mara, e^m' *r** twtvfmfor, ByrnesUe, 12 miles away, miners and their wives and children trooped' to the Labor Chautauqua in the hah of Local 2044...
...The financial secretary presented a report on the condition of Branch 7, which was satisfactory and referred to" the Auditing Committee...
...Newhirk ot Oneida, Orr of Bronx, Sander of Onondaga, and Wiley of Schenectady...
...while Local 3, Madera, has 80 'devoting themselves to Public Owner* ishlpl...
...On Saturday night, July 17, the Rev...
...fjjtxium minks...
...Leon A. Malklel, who has long been active In the movement In New York, now resides in Keansburg, N. J-, and has volunteered his services in his part of the state...
...Brophy ojsstod ties engineers* SndieahMhjtitf tha present'n^nhgement of the tsadustry...
...but fUhttV for the Chautauqua have to be raised outside of miners' pockets...
...She is prepared"to lecture on all vital phases of the Socialist and Labor movement of Europe and particularly of Germany...
...Local New York 8TREET MEETINGS Manhattan Monday, July 19, 189th street and Broadway...
...having- been active in .tha Socialist movement .of Germany and France...
...to be held, July 26 at Pelharm Bay.Park...
...According to the rulings of the'Athletic Committee entries will not be .taken after Monday, July 19...
...Leonard C. Kaye presided...
...The establishment of public schools gave women a wider scope for activity...
...With the steady influx of inunigranta...
...Bronx Friday...
...shfiauu of the TeibeP^Tismeiinuaa...
...On the cultivation of the mind' of women depends the wisdom of men...
...At present, co-education la making colossal strides with the speed ot an airplane...
...In the days of Fulton (1810—• the first man who applied steam to propel a boat), woman still continued to spin, weave, bleach, dye, sew clothes, can vegetables and...
...Ida Wetklns Uphehf the negative...
...Thursday, July 22, Tompkins and Hart...
...Fuller is hoping that enough friends of the miners can.be found with the means to give for carrying on Labor Chautauquas throughout this region - for the rest of the summer...
...It seems, however, that there are some who are not so enthusiastic...
...Speakers: Ethelred Brown, L Korn and Abraham Scall...
...State and Judicial, to be held In September...
...There is seldom a week that we do not hear from students in various universities...
...Be' toM the miners ho^Work' with ether groups ef workers '.for the aouompliahment of natlonajiahtfrai when Democrats and Republicans .tarn them down.' fcMany of the younger women ane...
...State Secretary Merrill has urged Locals to est osndidates In the field darty " fissnga-sp*Sesk— n*sfeJSjea*ttt- nsaht *nwfiled on or before August 17...
...One of the first occupations that took women away from home was printing...
...An excellent program has been arranged by the committee...
...The State Committee his elected Malkiel Organiser for Monmouth County and 'the State Secretary will send him a list of prospects in that county to work on...
...Inactive and in arrears will be visited by committees who win urge renewed Interest In party matters...
...fruits, in...
...This party unit with a large membership composed mainly of workers should make rapid progress under a veteran like Paulitsch...
...Members and sympathisers' cab rest assured that the program as presented last winter will be improved upon...
...A play hy the DramaticSociety will be one of the fen I wins of the evening...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK National The national office Is...
...plan* \o come to the United States on a - visit...
...Other nuna*a> towns pre sjexeuring for their 'chance...
...Not only candidates for public office must be designated, but members of the official State Committee, one in each Assembly District, and delegates to official conventions...
...Comrade Newman, who has done such effective work as Organizer of Essex County, is going to put In some time In Trenton, and is very hopeful about putting the state capital beck on the Socialist map...
...The ypungsters' eyes eearly popped out -watching with delight .tits clever volunteer entertainers—moat of them from miners' families themselves...
...He does, however, write-of them with a 'sympathetic owaaseUesunxu* ¦asr understanding which he msnagss te get across to the reader...
...Paris hands the Jape- ' nose ao bouquets aad attempts to,excuse none of-their faults, many ef...
...to atmhti.urheer picketing was banned, Ctjalpert...
...The' Committee will also designate the dates for the official conventions...
...Hem Aster tea Lives will be studied by the group...
...The district union treasury cannot finance even.this Important work when so much relief has to be paid...
...A still greater epoch was marked by the appearance of the cotton gin...
...This week the circle Will celebrate Its fourth anniversary...
...Members of official county committees have*to be elected at the primary this fall, unless the party rules In force tn counties provide for biennial elections of county committers In uneven numbered years...
...In those days of yore all women were expected te marry (this ancient, honorable custom is not altogether out of - style even today) whether.-.tit or unfit for such a great.and noble task...
...The mentally balanced girl' of the present1 generation believes tn delaying no nuptials here use the purse.of Grant complete rights to woanenl her lover is not- unite so fun as bar heart...
...in" receipt of information from Morris Hillquit to the effect that Miss Tony...
...and selected poctteel pfajesbeV i egy-^te ehetr present.Vleeet...
...Ethelred Brown will speak at Washington and 4th Streets, Hoboken, and meetings will continue at that corner every Saturday night...
...Wyoming A number of Socialists are desirous of having a Socialist ticket...
...the American Appeal and The New Leader Is urged to be the coming campaign...
...Both branches were fully represented...
...The Educational Committee, which supervised the series of lectures last winter, will again function...
...Through the dark ages,--the same phenomenon took "place...
...prominent questions will -be started after our candidates are placed on the ballot...
...There are a number of live Socialists in this State, including Lawrence McGivem, C. E. McEwen, C. J. Johnson, Lester W. Woolever, John R Kemp and" Alec Lucy, who arc an working hard...
...Tickets for the Joint picnic on Sunday, August 1, will be distributed and members and Socialist sympathizers are invited to be on hand...
...where l.SSO working women marched out...
...Refreshments win be served by the Maennerchor...
...University of Michigan,'asks for Socialist Party literature, its constitution and by-laws, so...
...Recently "we—Che men have., returned the toilspuoehls nuasmsfris most precious gift to man...
...A. strong State and Congressional ticket wut be nominated aad a platform ratified which win be presented to-the convention by A committee headed by Edward P. Clark ot HartfordIt is expected that .a-number of prominent Socialist* of the State win he put torwnyd by the^LrienJs aa candideW tor...
...MM, In Lowell, Mass...
...Horace Liveright, the publisher, explains In a blurb on the somewhat hideous Jacket that Takao Ono is a real character, and that the book *ia not a novel although It reads like eae...
...The woman fcras the man's complete physical and Jnental slave, while he was the complete master ot ell affairs...
...p| woman Into the ixetery was'the cuts* mancamont of her liberation tto*n>«ae etanhary deportment^ ad It was tn another gens* the eaglaventent at woman as welt as man...
...But somehow, when you have come to the last page you put the book down with a distinct liking tor Takao Ono...
...Arizona The- Socialists of Arizona are discussing the matter of placing a ticket In' the field...
...The first strike afleefdua women occurred in 1828, ip New Hampshire, where SOS girls left their Work...
...Queens Branch Jamaica will meet next Friday evening, July 23, at 87 Beaufort Avenue, (near 188th Street, south of the...
...With, not a movie nor a e55fi J w.-' Ihjsnv ssWltonal director rn...
...By utf...
...The "sweethearts of the Labor Chautauqua," the Wamreman bisters, Leila'and Maude, lived up to their name.with their singing and . recitations...
...The LeeaTue Athletic Director will visit all circles for- the final settlement of all business pertaining to field day...
...The present personnel of the State Executive Committee is as follows: Arland of Westchester County, Feigenbaum of Kings, Gerber ot New York, Hllsdorf, Jr, of Monroe, Kobbe of Rensselaer...
...Tho national office has compiled with the request...
...She will be prepared to go as far weet as may be practicable...
...Dinner will be served by the ladies of' the Arbeiter Maennerchor Singing Society, at the small price of 50 cents...
...Branch 7 Branch 7 met Tuesday...
...The semi-attractive spinsters, or the age-stricken virgins who had no means of livelihood, were usually given a license to .work In a tavern...
...ehwaanssaes^asnpuhr the minora itnapsdj their preblaujsyte learn about"* LtH'adjShwssJfBAS** "\<*>al proararn .ejMch' the unl«w-~1e^osuele!ly cam-' mtttad...
...She will be available for lecture engagements in September and October, and possibly the early part of November...
...Her ejjbjalon and throne Is the faeaibr...
...Speakers: Ethelred Brown and L M. Chatcuff...
...Speakers: William Karlin and J. G. Friedman...
...Branches of the Verband are especially urged to he represented at this sensing.', will be filled August 2. All subdivisions are urged to govern themselves accordingly...
...Although the woman of the new world had a little more personal freedom than Eve's daughter* of the Eastern Hemisphere, nevertheless her condition in America at the beginning of the nineteenth century was not much better than in earlier years, f The church continually reminded her that her sole place was at home within tho ever-functioning culinary department that defies the Fourth Commandment: "Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep it HplyCir «, • The man tilled the soil end attended to other important matters which the woman was thought neither physically per mentally adapted to perform...
...Mlse'Tony Sender, Socialist member of the German ReiehstaSg...
...It was taken for granted that those women who conscientiously objected to matrimony were wilfully and wickedly acting not merely contrary to the wishes ef their families, but even against the dictates of the Bible and the...
...In former years, when the primaries were held the latter part of September, there was much political activity during July, August and September, and Immediately after the primaries the campaign for the November elections got under way...
...and because women are more docile and submissive than men, and do not intend to acquire a name in the profession...
...There Is no reason why meetings cannot be made a big success, both financially and morally...
...Owing to pressure of business, D. Kasson resigned as organizer of the Central Branch, comprising Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, S. Fred Paulitsch was elected organizer and has already started constructive work...
...Now the primaries are held in June and there is practically a cessation of political activity during the summer and until well into the fall...
...A better dues collecting system, a continuous distribution of the party press and...
...Over a hundred people per week are being circularized...
...Those wishing to take dinner must notify the State Secretary, Martin F. Plunkett, Room -2, Wallace Block, Wallingford, at least four days before the conventionAlfred Baker Lewis of Boston will address a mass meeting at the park at 1.80, rain or shine...
...l*e se^fine...
...aaetstaut at jjPsJsap...
...Every reader, of...
...1 Utah - O. A. Kennedy, secretary of the Mountain- States organization, writes thaCJIihe^taj'ayC'^^ ot^s^.jsjrty, E. Q. Locke, of Salt Lake City, has called .a State convention of the - Socialists of Utah to meet July 24 at 2 p. m. in the committee room of the City Library Hall, half a block south of the Eagle Gate on State street...
...and tf anything Is withheld that, would Tnaxfher more efficient, uaeful or ..heppy-ts that sphere, she Is wronged...
...progressive aptivJty^.Not pnlsss we) do this can ere expect the ffisajmum pirigrtoa, Modern Invention has' banished tiki spinning-wheel and the wooden Plow, and ' the ¦ easae lew ef prog > sap hep) thuieughkr broadened the- vision /Of modern men, and bps made the women of today a different woman from her grandmother...
...The women were able to do the work because' almost every man who was a printer taught this family the trade...
...that they may proceed to propagate and organize their forces...
...Two successful meetings have been held* In Newark, in the Central Market f'ta.xa, and meetings will be held there every Friday night...
...Locals will please take this matter up and write national.hea&Trjuarters at once...
...I know Comrade Sender quite well and am convinced that she will do a lot of good for our movement if we can secure for her a safe number of speaking dates In the various party local...
...Chairman, Mathilda Tillman...
...What is possibly still more curious, you finish also with a friendly feeling for the Japanese a* a.people...
...Joe Martina did a fast Charleston to the tune of Steve Bacha's mouth-organ and Alec Macreedy and John Marusa put on a funny.mock boxing matchill four boys coming up from Madera...
...Letters inviting old members have been sent out...
...In every girlish heart ore implanted the seeds of dignity, respect and self-reliance, a love for the beautiful, a passion for the j growth ¦"'oar mitaar ¦ naSgfsinnsiw -.tVet us ete« Msaxdsjg dfd.entsaufabTw |ns eaeS ether, "men naM women, tether, let a* Jetnbaadu and epmbfho our pfaysacel and naantal faculties along every Hue of...
...I. R. R.), Jamaica...
...j The Dramatic Society W.HI meet-Friday evening at the Rand School...
...Are Women Inferior to "Men?*** was the topic of a debate held at Circle/ 7, Manhattan, S Attorney street, lent Saturday night...
...New York State The State Executive Committee, will meet In the State Office, Albany, next Sunday at 10.20 A. M., and put In a day disposing of the matters referred to it by the State Convention...
...j We—the men—aauet rsmember that women bring* us aodT the future generation into being...
...that many of them think of only one thing—getting married...
...We urge the Socialists to get busy, get a ticket selected and filed...
...G*r»V»w*.., Amen*' *-£* will be Jasper McLevy of Bridgeport, Karl C. Jurseck of Greenwich and Martin F. Plunkett of Wallingford...
...This snaeattp* had seem mveete* MfeV3»Whit...
...JS3d street and Lenox avenue...
...Eventually, men began to realise that no amount of preaching, exhortation, sympathy or benevolence will fjsoywoason dshted to these 'fntr seawt Of cur' »•*» t*jva^^^jeaanvsstt jsjspseeg* £aap yatsftsnienap _ aofefo^ ¦ hehttb...
...Reports submitted by Secretary Murphy showing financial condition of Bronx County were received...
...JWy I4r~o«or the hBls freea'Xevsey and up she hef> lews'from the' strung-oct settlement of"Dagu...
...which he depicts in considerable detail...
...She even supervised burdenSome employment connected with the farm she was able to do, such as taking ears of the chickens, milking the cows and so forth...
...Wednesday, July 21...
...The man still kept the woman at home, while he engaged himself In religious and political Struggles...

Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 27

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