Miller, Henry
"Wishful Thinking"The Substitution of Thinkingg For the "Hobbiitg Habit By Henry Miller ' v j/T¥THIN s person thinks wtthWy out curiosity, has' an Opinion because h« likes it....
...Ellla has led a atcluded, uneventful Jtfe, far from the Mencklan every-dt3e^tuirly-burly...
...These words, from the preface of Miss Walton's translations of Blackfoot and Navnfc songs, (Dawn Boy—Indian Songs by Eda l>ou Walton...
...New York, 192S...
...whtob to tha space ear a tow weeks has gome to tts fifth pvtottog...
...Harcourt, Brace...
...Individuals who lavish cars on -children cherish passions which expose toese same children in - later life to death in wars which are mere collective Insanities...
...Even about his Shavian beard an aureola is cast...
...describes what psychologists call "wishful thinking...
...has put forth a vastly engaging, if not world shattering, philosophy, lust the same it la 'difficult to swallow such adulation as "Ellis Is an Intellectual Titan ot our modern Renaissance," and other encomiums which the author heaps on the modest head of his subject...
...The teaching must be inspired by love and mutt aim at creating love In the children...
...Chimes abounds with shrewd iasJriBha into the inner workings of th* fsMto aortal mind...
...The university, they felt, had acquitted itself handsomely in th...
...At tost we have a man...
...Jesus ot Nazareth may ar not hare had a historical existence;'but th* Christ ot the New Testament la Washlngston's cherry tree upon the back ot Baron Munchausen...
...great Htstlgtisa coe0d swmA y , . FkWsstphy M to abetter* as ***»*¦ at to desire...
...to distribute her feelings about Optimism...
...Ward makes clear that ia this case' at least the children have inherited tt& 'defects of the parent...
...A consciousness etthe futility of this minority defiance saturates the pages of this novel...
...It may suffice beautifully for her—dor she is one soul out of a hundred million that can, safely bs guided - by dresms like these...
...A Barnum to sap and gown, he waa eminently qualified tor coaxing coin from tha dyspeptic old Baptist tor putting on the monstrous vaudeville show which an Irreverent wag dubbed the "University of Standard Oil...
...Moreover, ho bat with pellucid persuasiveness written largely in terms of actual practice— what to do, how to go about It No one implicated enough in th* social madness ot today to poetess offspring, and therefore obligated to plumb their children arid lay their futures somewhat can possibly turn from Russell's treatise and exclaim 'Well, what of it...
...Then likethe legendary Cadmus be throws the stone of dissension among his warriors ..and gleefully watches them destroy each other...
...Raymond Fuller...
...By Henshaw Ward...
...Swinburne waa physically weak, and that this childish boasting waa merely a wish. tulfument"bever' occurs to Mr...
...It it worth all other agitation and protest and relief measures put together...
...Mirrors of Experience Teding Pbilftlpfe Story By Arthair W. Calhoun W dt*re**«sjsry awok to - ***** autmapsSBcsliOn...
...nothing of honest arTd scientific history appears known io her...
...Not * that ths novel is about Christ...
...Indeed, "Ths Unknown Guest" is Christian Wahnschalte himself, hero of the earlier book, returned to present a later aad mora comprehensive vltw ot life...
...So the wealthy bourgeoisie supported th* rationalism ot Voltaire and • «v.ty - Sjammis«4 '"'^*v4 tassuk^aastrdts sett teriietstosokK fckf and tkauskt, te sssm toe sjotaa to »sssrii**Si aad ohsdAe, ealete...
...But Mr...
...But for those who would become aware' of "thobbing" in others this beak, vividly and charmingly written, will prove a rare treat...
...Deaptt* Descsrter insistence that phtt**Ot*y should begin with tk* self and travel outward, the tnduatrialIsatidn of Western...
...While the author asdSres vis that his Subject la by no m3tol "bookish," 'Ellis la certainly ndrrnfcr of action, and his biographer, in despair, has to fall back upon long excerpts from Ellis' writings (Including some perfectly atrocious juvenilia)- to present any sort of picture...
...Europe drov* thought away from thought and In the direction -of material things...
...Some Interesting New Books in Brief Helen Keller's Optimism 1SUPPOSE the reason why I shrink from letting loose on such a juvenile treatise on optimism aa this ("My Key of Life, Helen Keller, N. Y., 1»2», T. Y. 'Crowell Co...
...The author points, cu* that Swinburne's development" Vis arretted at the sge Of twenty,-and spends the rest of the book marveling .over thjls fact...
...The Illustrations bring us face to fees...
...Just how, they did not know;* This autobiographical nerval might well be called a novel ot pressures a novel setting forth ths en* thousand snd one subtle pressures by which an acquisitive society moulds educational Institutions and individuals therein to Its purpose...
...It is simply a badly written aad mangled hash of mythology and aezal-history...
...Kant, with bis demoastratia* "that the external world la known taj us only at aenaa:lon...
...Goldberg has no aueh colorful character as Mencken to write about...
...The Birth ot the Gods...
...In conclusion, there Is one rule safe for every openminded person: When Bertraad Rueaell writes anything, read it...
...One school of .psychology has supplanted another in a series of "bloody revolutions...
...rather, be does these crimes to his helpless infants, snd they pass them on...
...The earth Is my homo, . It is powerful...
...Published by Simon & Shuster, New York...
...from Oblivion...
...The field Is now held by Watson and' the Behavlerists and, it is at them that he directs his speclel, derision...
...With a colossal amount ot common sense and his customary complete "ease of diction, "he has set forth an that is most meaningful in • a "modern education...
...But obviously te dear little woman lives cradled in such a sweetscented and symphoaied world that-it somehow does seem ruthless to be frank and direct to her about It, and to put starching and particular queries for her to answer...
...V* «b» stamSJ, healthy move for baggamlt^ cam...
...Science wielded by Love Without science, love Is...
...Ho "is* tar too keen a thinker to beiltve tost we will Over live in a "thobleat" world nor would be think It desirable, tor it it "thobbing" that makes fbe'.jby of lift...
...law—these and others in as many chapters...
...NeveitoeJaaak.* daea a wosth-trhUe job...
...j But the faculty contained a fringe si dissenters—the "Harvard crowd...
...Faculty members felt they had to come to us with seme of their problems—they did...
...often a recommendation...
...the educational...
...From the "wording of them, she seems to have read little outside the BrownlngEmersoa-Carlyia-Whittier type ot literature and history...
...On-tbe same principle of economic Interpretation, Voltaire and Rousseau "were the two voices ot a vast process ot economic and political transition from feudal aristocracy to the rult ot th* middle class...
...national crisis, had proved lta worth...
...Ward Is even more vehement than usual...
...Hare learning bocame a dismal process of piling up credits...
...In effect, the two had...
...Russell Tells the World By Raymond Fuller THERE la no use talking—Russell ia right...
...Indian Song ^mHX Navajo feel that only 1 through the ecstasy of slngtog can contact with the holy ones be,gained for any desired end...
...He afters ho solution, though everything he writes points to a strong fixation of the poet in the direction ot his grandfather whb died when Swinburne was 23...
...This song for a war dance indicates bow, by a sly association, the power ot earth, of water aad mountain, slips into the warrior.' Miss Walton has, apparently, dose a good job in bar renderings...
...Mereshkevsky's novel is the most obscure aad tangled writing I have over encountered...
...plant •tnobbing" By scientific thinking In a world ot conflicting troupe...
...much excellent ma-, ferial In It...
...Those studies which shaped the students into useful cogs to a groat industrial machine were pushed at the expanse ot "useless" learning...
...Vnd a desire to dominate the Other sciences...
...It seems to me...
...In thM now world, which they bad helped" to make, their place should be both saert honorable, with enhanced prestige aad more comfortable, with higher salaries...
...The book juet falls to come off...
...He regrets the poet's love poetry on the ground that eroticism can never be a permanent subject tor Tasting verse...
...02.(0): It was one* remarked that no new...
...theorem of science or history or no profound generalisation of philosophy could ho considered as established until it had been reduced- to terms such as toe man in tha street could understand...
...and that ukK mind la no mere helpless tskaJe siaaj the toactlve victim of sensation, but 41 positive agent, selecting and reeoaV structing experience as experience it- j rives...
...Thus everything that'wag psychology . fifteen years ago was wrong, and spycbology becomes right only when It converts itself into biology...
...whereupon Vernay sinks into something tower than the gutter, while Charlotte remains untouched by the tropic mire...
...bat it wenld take InflnUe aask-i to addition t* makt kls work sceMstofc," whtoh Is wmtt a history .ot phSeatajsto suited to th* requirements of toB^* will have to be...
...Water speaks in foam...
...The brief preface utter*, aueh astounding misstatements as that (1) Christ is historically real, and that (t) all universal history Is about Christ...
...Until which time the man in the street could, with Ring Gardner's nonchalance, ask: 'Wen, what of it...
...Overselling One's Hero By McAlister Coleman EVEN In these days when salesmanship has become a fine art it is possible to oversell your product This...
...Philosophy has been called the mother of all other branches ot knowledge, aad Mr...
...ceatatetag ana of the moat obscene (ia Sumner's syss) scenes la all literature- Even the "obao tarty" cannot aare fe...
...Voltaire and the French En'.lghtennteat that cleared the ground for the Rev...
...Th* todustrisl autocracy had created a university after its own image afid placed at too helm what Voblen has Aptly called a "Captain of .Erudition...
...A capital example i} gut analysis ot'tbo fervor, with which ear professors unreservedly threw them-f selves into the war, and ths childleh i optimism with which they greeted Its close: "For once the university hsd been" In touch with actualities...
...meat of them are fluid and picturesque...
...Not that Duraat falls to realize that philosophy is something mere than to* uncaused fermentation of fecund braiaa Ha pictures Greek philosophy springingvup with th* expansion of trade, on the principle that th* matting "of many races ot men aad of diverse milts aad customs .. .-begot comparison, analysis and tbottght...
...Or the Quantuto theory explain the physical nature flight...
...With the reasons for the Indignation removed, the reader is naturally out ot sympathy with the dead dynamite...
...We only can regret that' this valuable material was...
...e., with common tense strengthened by science—cannot possibly he over-estimated...
...Mankind does >aot think, he says, it "thobe...
...Price, W-) For...
...The importance ot bringing up children properly—1...
...A student of science, author of "Evolution for John Doe," Mr...
...th* currant phUctopbM IngS of Bergson, Croc*, and BerUsmm Russell...
...J m^HisA^ 4tfft sftmsrtAsBS§y Si wfcsgP b*J^§ns*' t»g*snkeaaii«jt^ Novels That Fail HEAT (By Isa Glenn, New York: Alfred A Knopf...
...One Safe Rule One cannot aay Russell hat created much of anything new in concept...
...He says that the evocation of the love experience "can produce no fine emotional vibration, no permanent appeal, and the poems which deal with such matters become inevitably but 'fugitive things not good to treasure...
...Cnfttfrerf meT be taught to b*1 bigoted, bellicose and brutal, under toe pre...
...Then we survey the passim sal of Schopenhauer...
...So far aa your reviewer can gate through the murk, it la only the gambling possibility that some time-1 pray soon!—the remotely human race win at tost truly rear Its cubs so that ths vision of the liberated few (like Russell) may become the possession, ot the many, wmch keeps him from moving to Denmark and renouncing the world entirely...
...In witness, ef his thesis, our Author parades before us the galaxy of learning—religion, morals, sociology, philosophy, psychology, education, economics...
...E. P. Dutton, 92.60) are the complete rationalisation ot the impulse to sing that marks all religious groups from Anabaptists to Zoroastriana...
...Sawlto WWDwesre -Sassy eg PbSeeftpby" (New York, Ssfitsa safi Sshustor...
...Science is ready for either alternative...
...who tried to ate the universe whole as a spiritual system...
...to the preface the author tails us' that hs has not "attempted to write a conventional biography or a conventional critique," and he is constantly 'flirting with the "psychological-biographical" style, but he does not hit It off as well aa he did In "The Man Mencken," his other biography, aad there is nothingjtunconvesMseukVto <tt$ professed' hero worship ofytaaUui ft • It may be that, much off the disappointment that toe reader feels when ho has set this book dawn is due to the fact that Dr...
...Nlcoir Son...
...agaabto record of to* groptogs aad the surge* of human thought to quest *f reality...
...Having given them strong bodies aad vigorous minds, shall wo let them use thslr strength, and vigor to create a better world...
...As tor Russell's latest book ("Education and too Good Ufa" Bertrsnd Russell...
...Chimes, an autobiographical novel...
...It) The first president of this .university (Tha University of Chicago) fita precisely into his job...
...A Sound Study •¦' WE HAVE come to expect from the author of "The World's -Illusion" a searching analysis of a soul in conflict with an environ-, ment or, as more conventional minds might view it, a temperament opposed to a duty...
...In the chapter on philosophy his task it an easy one...
...Jl is not sensuo'usnesa but too great' indignation that marred Swinburne's work...
...powerless: without love, science is destructive, j . . . The power of moulding yOung minds which science it placing In our possession is a very terrible power, capable ot deadly • mituss...
...Naturally, he" stresses education for character,, for qualities, rather than tor tact absorbing and test passing...
...He uses John Dewey to demolish all previous philosophers and than unfeelingly demolishes Dewey himself...
...bright and beautiful...
...and finally th* American csalj tributlons of Bantayana, James, afttfl Dewey...
...gaged in to* prefessioaai busiheto af pbllssopby most want to know it wast modifications and abandonments of Intellectual inheritance are required py the newer Industrial, political, gad scientific movements...
...The Macmlllan Co...
...It nsskkt phlteddphy live, so that it auty slam worth while to a competent tSiTai scientist to try to find out Sew sad why It lives, as a mirror of eaaalUa expertenct...
...1 go saw to km, * I am powerful...
...E. P. Dutton A Co...
...The very...
...Any sort of social progress at all worth hoping for must come through education—education of the young...
...granted that in "The Dance of XJfe" he...
...Duraat bis been ludicleei b) kia , selection of personages sad dj sismia ' and has happily aecompUskafi fiM a If- . flctilt task of weaving them tntt a cos- - tinuOtts tale by menns of skillful tranxl- ' tions through the lesser lights...
...not knowsad on the whole we did our part well, certainly as wen or bettor than those cheeky men of affairs who bungled ships and aeroplanes and grafted scandalously...
...But smong the Indians the sense of the possibility of control of the gods, and the belief in magic...
...the crudest of raw young cities to the burgeoning Industrial period of thirty years ago should reflect the dominant Ideals of the business world...
...A Novel Of Pressures By Norman Snider IT WA8 Inevitable that a university, which came into being in...
...The peak of th* story eome\f perhaps, in Dewey's contention thaW 'What serious-minded men net...
...Gloria Goddard...
...Tod -folk, whys are the adjustment off k parti euMr society to its tnvlroament and tors* ths, basis of its institutions...
...then its baptismal name of Theory could be supplanted by the label...
...There sits a hill, - It ts powerful...
...JJ.00) is written apparently out of a fullnsss ot knowledge of the degradation that life ia the Philippines means to the American officers and soldiers quartered there...
...As as example eg soeltl theory based on eflentifie observation mention is made of the coal caption ef the moras, or folkways developed by William Graham Sumner l to...
...In education as In other human affairs, add that Is...
...The hero, Vernay, a fresh West Point graduate, and Charlotte Carson, who comes out as a schoolteacher, fall to act upon their attraction for each other...
...Oberlin is a sensitive young- man...
...ftl aether case aa aatsssriiu* precede diUfstMi* from betowtheooakSeious thought above...
...When will most socially forward looking people unite together on this one issue...
...Or, when they turn to this work, shall we recoil In terror,, and plunge them back into slavery and drill...
...it It falls lata ths wrong hands, it may produce a world even more ruthless and cruel Was)' ftik-mttAaxWa worM of ltotora...
...granted that Havelock Ellis has done invaluable, pioneer work in his studies of sex...
...But talk about the mystic signs of astrology...
...magpie Sowo ¦' B»- toe white of his wings' " - Are Sis footsteps of mornings,' - Bars ts beauty, toe...
...add th* moat suce«skfat of ti* sciences became, the models of philosophy...
...whose life Wasserman traces through the adolescent influence of a radical teacher, who stirs the youthful idealIsm of the lad, through the sex-urging* roused by a base woman, to the full realisation of his powers, is bis love of...
...Or Einstein's geometry "demolish Euclid's...
...And in "OberUn's Three Stages" (Oberlin's Three Stages, Jacob Washerman...
...Interests aad passions, Mr...
...Now, Bertrai^mtueseU seems to know everything—sfim bow to...
...He asks merely that we bar aware ef toe process: That ws shau become aware ot "thobbing" to ourselves is perhaps too much to hope...
...Born desf...
...with, the human forms ot the mtodf we meet, aad tba whole workmanship a such as to make the reader prise fita book and wish to keep it sa a peexev aaat guide to the way a of thought...
...In the chapter on psychology, we might expect the criticism to be ap* praclative and sympathetic, for the conception of "thobbing" is In a certain sense a discovery of modern psychology...
...Bobbs-Msrrill Co...
...Ward is more successful than in others...
...Among them was Herrtck himafelr—deflaht...
...Through it.all runs the relationship of the boy—then, the man— Oberlin aad his mother, perhaps tha most effective study in, the book, Tha dreams ot OberUa pfer a part to hi* devetopeaent: they era hawaiad sbfitthe theory of Freud...
...And quite as naturally, he insists that we must, and can, eliminate repressions, inferiorities, narcissism, (polled childness, those terrible inheritances ot mankind, who ia his own worst enemy...
...Is ths same that used to deter me when I was a lot younger from arguing with sweet old ladles and soothing elderly patriarchs who were wrapped up, crutehed, braced, foundationed, sustained, even healed, by the mumbo-jumbo of the (so-called)' Protestant church creeds: namely, that I felt It mattered very little what a person believed so long as he believed It with sufficient ardor so that it actually was a guide and consolation...
...Isaac Goldberg does In his new book, "Havelock Ellis: A Biographical and Critical Survey...
...Once "Understanding Swinburne's affection for his grandfather and the ' lad's strong inferiority complex his strange life ceases to be a mystery...
...two slaters who are Involved in a weird murder and curious psychic identification through Intricacies on the spiritual plane of the story's conflict...
...bs humble—and In his "rnng awaited book on education" he'is translating the jargon of...
...The author ia further mystified by the young poet's claiming relationship with the Marquis de Bade and noted warriors and adventurers...
...he has mainly translated surpassingly well the whole foreign tongue of what Is to the layman an over-technlcally worded . science—Modern Education...
...the pathologic flirattot Nlttzscht...
...The author wanders far from verity when he attempts to criticize Swinburne's work...
...not illuminated by a deeper Insight into the realities that prompted the poet, and coupled with his" physical frailty,' warped His 'living...
...L1MVssmBAstM wtth hl«h fiivmsadA" tH'sp tbs* sJkarSfit that oar iaSMv kaa ar tease at the , I apii at sstsfif riflatfrfty tk tk* maim ot psnmsstStsJ Bs seas aat, however, teOew eoAskai eta* ts ssty extent, and that tba ssa^j totp o< pStmsajpky that he gtve* wsssM ttsinflsJty sfltorsat to outtoek tretotkaj chamaaarisfin attempts, with their g*c^ tor* Of ssM-sufiVlent sseatal >i ini|sgj| msTlslg liki jtlarkit tlnili si tisahsj * or ssss hstskt above to* wesk-t dag i kumacap* What Daraat baa desMMu to make tk* story deer, readaaK sszf| human...
...capacity of not finding what they wcys/ looking for...
...laboratory and clinic Into streetese...
...New to* sociologist Baa a basts on which k* might begin to work oat an latorpsetatton te terms ef social stages and social farces aai to exhibit too processes *t toe mind tk rdftoeUoa* ef individual aad collective experience...
...MacMlllan, $1.25), em ore more than ever convinced '. that no one should be allowed to dabble la biography until he has mastered the rudiments of phsycoanalysis...
...To be academic bad not bees a reproach...
...the cosmic sweep e£v Herbert Spencer...
...Something is out ot drawing in...
...more popularly known as rationalization...
...that due thousands ot our comrades who born and' raised just as essentially deaf, dumb and blind to ' tha facte of history have somehow teen a truer light and have thereby gained a sounder Optimism in an actual world of humanity...
...He asserts that psychology has become the latest Pretender to the Throne of Reason...
...The book has...
...On the subject Of bow we are to sup...
...With great skill and wit he shows the great philosophies of ths past each to have been merely "a private way ot imagining the future" without any - general or scientific validity, exalted Into a position of authority by "those who think it nobler to fish up pearls of speculation than to grub for facts...
...Not so very far removed from the stage of aavage "taboo," man sets about hlmaelf such obstructions had hazard a that are as deadly as they are nebuluet...
...jatosibly emerge from dainty beliefs llk*i hers...
...To bo academic, with a protestor or doctor before one's name, had not bean a causa of tolerant contempt, on the- part of tha men who do things...
...Bo charges it with carelessness of method, *' love eV^-display...
...bis book "Folkways...
...II you want to know the principal factt about Ellis, what he looks like, ho* he lives, what he wants from life, this is your book—principally because it it the only one on the market...
...The realistic touches, ¦while fiot inspired, tre depress in gly effective...
...When a rising Class it inconvenienced by existing law or custom It appeals from custom to reason and from law te nature...
...other words, when that abstraction waa resolvable Into ethics and rules of practice for the race to steer by...
...Is the history of such an institution...
...Here in these three essays bound in suspiciously Christmas-" booky looking covers, the singular and unique Miss Keller allows T. Y. Crowell Co...
...the' Aztec culture did have its roots In the Nile valley...
...Dwsdswt pises* of learning like Oxford and Cambridge Universities will soon be handed over to the Office of Works for . preservation aa ancient monuments, —J...
...morals, philosophy, laws...
...Thus, far it may sfppear that our author regards an thinking about so- , - v. eiety as "thobbing.- But Caere are a taw rays of hope...
...Chimes, by Robert Herrtck...
...12.80), fluently translated by Allen w. Porterfield, Jacob ' Wasserman gives us another of his keen and profound hooka In the preliminary story...
...In some instances Mr...
...products ot a more leisurely, mellow and human culture...
...right only when It disappears...
...In the power of associated objects, led to more frequent ritual than among less superstitious races...
...Henahew Ward (Thobbing...
...But for us, our -salvation and our creed mast earns .Strom richer roatttM...
...The task of tutor* philosophy M to clergy stmt Ideas as to to* at rStmwkaatiil strtfea of their own aky...
...What about It...
...How such pale pearl-gray generalities in the finest PoUyaneRotarian manner can posaibly be an Inspiration to serious-minded and well-informed people is a mystery to me...
...tense that they are being taught religion, patriotism and courage, ot communism, prolaterlanlam and revolutionary ardor...
...and of the fabric and practice ot business the lady is likewise ignorant—or willfully dlsregardfuL Working-class people must not be even momentarily taken in by such untrue snd shoddy rhapsodies...
...TkOk on the backgroufid of Plato ahdr Afistou...
...severed a long and intimate relationship three years before When the older man quarreled witBJthe* young poet.- Ail through hlsv lite Swinburne favored older men, men old enough to be his grandfather...
...There Is only one road to progress...
...One pauses to , wonder if the author ever.heard of Sappho...
...While the tre- j mendoua acope and social survey of "The World's Illusion" are not the portion of "Oberlin's Three Stages," in its more personal consideration the book is a true ana valuable study of a sensitive being in our complex world...
...It la powerful...
...Interest In and curiosity about E11U IS, however, widespread, particular^ among our young "Inteltlgensia," and tola assures ths book an audience...
...Boni A Uveright...
...That sounds to me like saying that psychology becomes...
...dumb and blind, there ia in my judgment, no greater 1 credit due to her attainments than...
...Believes what is ' handy—then f he . TSOB&" - f In these wards, Mr...
...Ward applies the gauge of scientific method to the, imposing speculations of the intellect...
...Again, '-The priority of matheebatios and fit* cbantcs te tk* development of modara science, gad th* reciprocal ttimuiatiOn ot industry aad physics under the eofhmon prsstua* at expandhig aieda, gave to speculation a raateritlisUC imptzltion...
...the picture: Only tS\ exigencies of the plot prevent Vemay't and Charlotte's marriage and subsequent joist subsidence into toe tropics—which might have been pleasant for bath...
...Ward la no, wiser than other men...
...By Dmitri B. Mereshkovsky...
...The presoat «S, does little mere than clear too m£B-s tor m real wsshtalng...
...F*Uowing-Out the sakta hay to SVtsrpratottop, tha author sees, in nrknptn hauar-s ptssuasim a retention at tk* economic and social Srosttotlen oeaaequent on tba Napoleonic sVar...
...Its reaUlstic touches are accurate and impressive, without being emotionally moving...
...Ma akm kto ssassaa, so far as is humanly poasibU, sja aagaa for dealing with these conflicts" The publishers have done their part te making "The Story of Philosophy^ k delightful beck...
...embittered by toe growing forces of academic efficiency and regimentation...
...an astonishing...
...Its importance, and they meant that never again should the university stump back into Insignificance...
...ntSsmf WotkfL Wsbs ask* ssmss) thk litskssmt wi ^"iffi^^y'y ?n 'iff11 re...
...He accepts the dictum of Thorstein Voblen that economics "is a spokesman tor a competitive system," and quotes Professor Wesley C. Mitchell who described economists as showing JA Veil About Swinburne AFTER reading this biography, (Swinburne, by Harold Nicolaon, Mew York...
...Will the lovers ot children learn to follow their later years with something of the same parental solicitude...
...the choice it betweelTlove and hate, though hate is disguised beneath all tha fine phrases to whlob professional moralists do homage...
...Repeat to yourself these four alms of true education, as given by Russell, and see It you can't fairly see a bigger and better order of things emerging from children: Vitality, courage, sensitive* heaa...
...represenufig ths peaks of theOftrt of the classic world, wo pass to Baeaa, th* precursor of modern aclsnti&o method...
Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 27