The News of the Week -l^^thV*Wwkisxa^ X. am*s«VaM ssana easaan, a*. *s*y *a with the same sflatfnaiia. - TThn/rswrapjnisasssnv** ha wsttesi'' "oeet ess* perty a larse number oc saseahees and...

...MORE "HISTORY" W'E cannot resist calling the attention.of . our readers' to another contribution to...
...This accomplished en your part, end the baton writhing through the opening bare ef TschsH-owskf's "Pathethjue," and you are perfectly prepared te oeneider...
...It has always keen a puxsie te mm why people will persist in travailing ee many woqryt sweaty^, and ugly mile* Just to sleep eight heure ef a dapBut since there are eeonemle es well e* methe-" mstical impeesibllitiee" to our suggestion, would It he too much to ask all true worker* in the sous* ef tan underdog in this hard rHei ruR'to use the subways . even under the pain of an hour- icee at werlt and Mistered feet...
...Senator Edna contributes the year's prize stupidity by intimating that pacifists are in some way responsible for the New -Jersey disaster...
...I wonder, '¦¦ ¦ Can yeu descend from the geld border' ' ."* .'5 Of your frame...
...that hare ocenrOi htdUmrimm red In the army ? - navy service withia p year have brouyht a sad death toll...
...Evidently, this corporation with its "company Urribn" wants to make the news" papers "company" publications as well...
...Tee puey indeed to mention here against the colossal portent ef our brochure... surprising that this letter should be received considering the excellent contributions of Harry Laidler which have been appearing for months and which are considering every phase of Socialist thought an4 history...
...DoAfjaal econoriilc pro»aMo^ aa THarx would eoo«amd,osisFof4aa^w«tnr ' powers-to shapo eoniety awd history ns^-pad y r ter would day...
...THE BARBARIANS CIVILIZED human beings who disagree as-to what is the truth gather evidence that will enable them to find it...
...stage coach, canal boat, railroad, automobile and aeroplane...
...Why not go on and obtain an order of "the court to prohibit any citizen * from saying anything "lo further the strike...
...The Meal system, wrote Oratian...
...It be*' seen how -sloa-ans" wm win the brothers bach...
...Cabled reports told of hotly contested sporting events and of a great parade staged last Sunday in which nearly 30,000 members of .the "Relchsbanner" (the militant organisation of German Republicans) played a leadiag part...
...This, in brief, is the Socialist view of modern society...
...this respect...
...1; v...
...If Washington had beet* Ihrfeti in 1276 instead of n*f 1732 would tie ; known as a leading founder of a nation or jb...
...ejstablish JthVv Labor Party and tirrough their party they have succeeded in protecting their funds from seizure by corporations...
...Socoeea in business, according m& the preacher...
...y Hid Ford make all ^tmm?ASmmm noaailnm ,«xr nuteteorth>uld behavfe aepa*arexl aa., ; a flivvei- Idas...
...Booauee Conununtata orsranise in thin way 'in Jtuaala they hare been ordered* to do so to'all.countries- In...
...Heave) te hP<s*to» hna\_ toesiee, and eee V. w* san*t heap *he gea*esejg^;g)bj**^ Kafl §hl^_ot-tomt«i* Critical Critiatngl By V.F.Calverten AND REAFLTY ^e^ajge^ pg^jt...
...Money- making Wtt now Janrtined as virtuous and profit attended- aa a form of reUxtous wisoeaia< Tne economic virtue* become **r*Vdorainant...
...and was preparian* to- resist Its- enforcement- to a certain extent at least...
...The useful workers will have power to manage industry for the welfare of all...
...j> Of course, Hedley has a precedent in the Danbury Hatters' case and the decision is the Hitchman case of the miners...
...Thus we ppy the cost of militarism in human life even though no war is raging...
...One report said that the Institution of the nine-hour day .ansa to he eeSaydd, while ethers told of the arrest and Jailinc of etrikera- In the) meantime, -a duesT is ehonttoa" fur economy, while Italy's adverse trade belanee nrowa and the lira continues to fall, despite opuaetirttc statements by...
...HebrewAmerioeri Aiaractors ef our little-'drama...
...htejhdi Jatlrlsl jmnllInn or that *ubee«bent]yeSg spar'luive enough to llv* without labor, or that his sons assy bfenrae men ef wealth and bar portsnse all aaoh at* Incited by a damns W* avarice, sensuality or pride...
...It represented a faction that split from the l W. W. in the West...
...Onr anti-Socialists have charged us with desiring to establish intellectual slavery...
...Perhaps a little word painting of a nightly scene at the - Stadium Phnharmonie concerts might help in giving corns form Sal our inchoate urge to say hare what , were just aa well left unsaid...
...waalayinn the corner stone of a "victory monument" in Bo sen to "Southern Tirol, reports continned to seep out of the country Indies tin* that Italian'labor had sensed the import ot the nine-hour' day • edict...
...The suit at least indicates that Hedley is very touch concerned about .the strike and that it is sufficiently effective to worry him...
...The "eternal Polish PuxmI* Polish question" Stitl Knotted has not been sim» ; pliiled by the PllSUdPki coup-d...
...Antonio, exiet for man, not man for riches...
...Thess people are swept on ' To dream and to defy...
...Kate H* ma...
...In the first _ case a corporation actually levied on the homes £nd savings of strikers and American .trade . anions contributed funds to pay the damages awarded by the court...
...2) There was no "organ of the banking and manufacturing interests" of that name...
...hare auatered bis lessee ,aS...
...Quackenbush, attorney for the company, chimes in wjth the statement that "any newspaper that attempts to further the strike" . will "be proceeded against in the same manner...
...The submarine .that was rammed last September has at last yielded its gruesome output and the blowing hp of the hfaval Arsenal has added other victims in killed and wounded...
...problems of .a . Socialist society...
...Ownership and useful labor are now* divorced...
...He sells labor power for wages...
...Announcement is'also made that the Industrial Unionist of Portland,' Ore., has suspended publication till December' II...
...order in which Jt pointed out that Italy's economic troubles were not dne 'to /hich labor coet, but j<*jj-1kIP>'» Sjosdsasn *r ¦ A'a^f...
...But we can collectively own the great railroads, mines and industries and dispense with private owners and thus unite ownership with useful labor...
...that ha may gain by selling It again unchanged and as he bought RV that man is of the buyers and sellers who are east forth f rom God's tech...
...t is dead...
...Im*sgine, too, hew you have already been' squeezed Into your proper pigmy proportion by the multitude about you, and that you hove...
...After all, we ere interested only in music, the language of...
...the .emotional reeetiens of aonia antf Vladimir, the 100% Ruaaten...
...Wen as here...
...This wee to be prp'ilid, OnV ?Xetta" are rnahpelled tnnre»pt orders from hfoeeow and the latter ordered this folly of *ehop aacIeT aad -street nuclei.'* The only - thine;-that Jnnter can odfer to rssgifj...
...a very little bit that the people who travel do to-, word encouraging the** punitory Important mMkmrm, will hasten their victory sap-riant th* h-a**!** gnum> that has been meletlns them and up far a* awa*> Too damn long we dare to say...
...en^sllS •mmmmSSt trwmTn en^'pw seat, son-pared with ssens Pa* St ist lWpf, aeweu-she Obnfilisaniyu of labor's oav nernent that proats warn Innrsasiiis at an wnnrenodented rate while the than'evor hefore...
...On the brave current of the melody...
...f aonia is seated at the top tier lest aisle eeat ef the 80-oent eide...
...Texas lawmakers have heard something about biology...
...Franco and other countries they...
...How the $1j00 scatters, the oO-oent stone perohers, and the...
...What have they to say of their barbarian troops in Texas...
...hUnhrter of Flsnnee Volpi...
...The relief of the poor was ota* ef the fundamental duties of those who had escaped poverty...
...We are not promised what we get but we get what We are not promised...
...The musie front the weM.oomee like a pligrimase of weeping peniesnts hefore the wails of a Holy City.-A wind of tretnuleee miitgiiitg with ataeeehs blasts tear* at the heart of night...
...heaven and the literature of - the gods...
...While this event was not a regular Olympiad, like the one in Frankfort, Germany, .hut July, it drew many thousands of contestants and spectators and was another striking, demonstration of the increasing part being played by oat-door sports in the labor movement...
...Whtte-hf uaHotion Labor ' solinl was re viewStir* lt—U ins...
...Oratian's statement: "The man who hnya (eoniething) te orete...
...In no other book has fkt* change of philosophy bean tSaoed wtfh such assiduity of application and such completeness, mt vision- The method is genuinely Scholarly, genuinely netentiile and awnntoety mdicaL Feudalism, with Its beets fat agrarian system ef production, had IPs castes and its fixities of organisation its/ static economics and rigid metaphysics, hut about Its philosophy waa a sociality of attitude and a eonunun- - Ism of sentimeat that gave unity *> life and co-operation to endeavor...
...It can hardly be argued that if he-had never lived some one else would now be doing his work," says the World...
...With the great productive powers possessed by society the workers, will cease to be a class dependent upon owners...
...eriniHflrally portpayeJa the philosophic raw of this capluway teneper and trend than *c*awney*s ***V«t liglea and th* Si** oT .Capits^sefJ (*3eSrcsurt, Bruce St Co.^ft.09...
...Evolution does not evolve...
...How the eoemepelitan Gethamite reacts to its enchantment is Indeed significant...
...My gardens, flower**) window pibe * - Overlooking eiteye...
...It is intelligent and necessary today because capitalist society laa»reached a stage when fundamental change ' jj^ssrble;--*/•'-•>- - .--</<: Industry has developed out of the small shop of colonial times into the factory and on to the great manufacturing plants of our time...
...ejrak ji...
...Each of us cannot own a big industry as many of our grandfathers owned a small shop...
...A few months ago another "historian" ol the ."militants," Brother Wicks, told them that Jefferson was re-elected in 1804- because he eSctende'd'the suffrage to the masses, Brothe'f Lewis' "follows with the'-above *cd*ritributiohr Certainly, the hopefuls are being "educated" by their profound thinkers...
...The disappearance at, sociability and fhe* rise of tedtvhtaalfty, the .evanescence" of commoaian] and the rise of Mdtriduaiunn, with iteK eeming of the new social order, ess vreatecf with 'competence Sad- costeseaa Calvin's Justification ef interest see...
...And this in..the "sweet land of liberty" in the san>e^month-that these barbarians gathered to cefebrate the adoption of a certain declaration in 1776...
...Near Milan 1,000 mill hands were reported out against the nine-hour day...
...Pront-n»ae>j llpg becoroee an attribute of the fvmjf life...
...In eemmnnlam...
...Like pilgrims to a rare ehrine, the people gather at the tour gates to the semi-coliseum en West 187th Street...
...In lavender and faded laee, -' • "¦ You are like a bit of Dresden chins-ware, •at en an elaborate mantte-piese, , n Or like e Reynolds portrait, Hung en a lefty wall...
...No need of experiment or research...
...fore the insistent rhythm ef the baton 1 an exotic eireue of shape and*e*und held in the -cupped hend ef the aooustieen...
...Public ownership of a little colonial shoe shop would be absurd but public ownership of a great steel industry is possible and necessary...
...No need of study or investigation...
...No hook ot our geherattoa has a«H soundly and...
...On the other hand he has not paid the workers of the company a wage sufficient to enable * them to have any homes or savings which the company"%aa attach in a suit and, fortunately,, the debtors!1 prison belongs to a past age...
...1 . • *h» disasters ThoDmathTott...
...The Socialist demand for reorganization would be absurd a hundred years ago...
...HEDLEY SUES WHETHER the suit for damages brought by Frank Hedley for the Interboro Rapid Transit Company against the .. strikers of the company is a bluff" we do not know...
...There ie a eplrituel surfeit in reach for the meet sensitised Ariel among as...
...Xn* change that occur red wah...
...Then the Executive Committee Ot the General Confederation of Labor (which has continued to exist in...
...I* merlidaemrfy devouring the railnslfi life and' uhnei inlnlrig the social "• hjf Stlnct...
...Pass a law'declaring that this is the truth and that is not...
...These essays were afterward gathered into one volume and published .under the title of •'The Federalist,' and they have appeared in rrunierous editions, the first one in 1788...
...Uaury was Cenduisnsd ¦*mm)>wti*mtt gain ea>-ehs^qk»Mie ef sacrilege...
...j3| . -WUhout iafls minatory denuaclaBsBE Of - gfalsi III *l qeibbllng, Tawney %gt Jf/JUtlis « Peek, in style stately aa'fM...
...When he cannot sell it to owners of Industry he must remain idle...
...The theme is the success of Ford as the flivver king and the assumption is that his vast enterprises are the creation of Ford alone...
...Perhaps Senator Bdre is too dull to comprehend this or does not want to...
...To held to the view "of the World one haa to forget'the labor and genius and invention* of millions in all ages and ascribe them all to, .a few oligarchs...
...defense of the merchant, now a ekusnsv tn ecclotegy...
...Few studlee is hliV torlcal materialism are as therongb to...
...The Christian hlerephaatt, of the Middle Ages, reflecting the etaacal outlook of th* feudal order, were, opposes te ayariee...
...Once possessing cheap hand tools-, he does not possess the costly" machinery of' today...
...tat of May 12, judging from late ^reports from 'Warsaw.- Un...
...branches an<t...
...and competltiad...
...We may look into the future and suggest some solutions,«but it will be the task of the etnan- . cipated workers to solve the...
...TThn/rswrapjnisasssnv** ha wsttesi'' "oeet ess* perty a larse number oc saseahees and no ec-mrae* should shrug hte ahouldora and any there fc ho tons fa taie party, it the mesobers who left ohnaSd not rejoin...
...Frank Hedley official distributor of gags for all impious persons who criticise his holy-corporation...
...for economleactivlty which is not related to a moral end, and to found a science of society upon the assumption that the appetite for economic gate Is a con-' stent and measurable source to be accepted...
...would have appeared to the...
...29-cent side eejuintere manege their varied entriea furnishes only a study in the vanities ef humankind under the easts ef prices...
...criteria that tort*rvJaleery and fP^kft...
...Thanks, many thanks, for the ad...
...a more or less qnieeent .. state kunder the Fascist restore) came out with a Sharp'.protest aarainst the...
...Imagine then the star-spiked rafters of the night above the amphitheatre, 'the glittering ensemble of manikins busily hewing away in curious uriiaon be...
...less fhe' Marshal la "playing possum** and is biding his time to set up a real, 100 per cent, dictatorship, it looks as if F'sVsaew^r^a'^r...
...The fBienandoah disaster has been • f orgotten topether with the stupid orders of" bureaucrats that sent its crew- to their death...
...There"you are...
...ttellgios now becomes UntaacVdyne 'Of captfallsm... other words, riches, to the words of St...
...Among the many blessings not promised by the guardians of the capitalist system are suits to plunder trade union funds, wage reductions and injunctions...
...Hundreds of tbousaiitlsfpf afclatejtl inventions and disco veries...
...It is worthy of a member of the upper chamber of Congress...
...that it stores destruction that occasionally comes home to plague us...
...There la no place in medieval the...
...Italx's battle fleet off Ostia and the puppet hins...
...been hilled - into an intellectual anaeethesia by your unknown neiflhbor*s dissertation On the left motif of the Qotterdammerung...
...4-) He could not read it for, as stated, it did not exist...
...Centuries before Ford lived men learned to smelt ore^to build ox carts, to establish villages, fiq^rj^nc^cftijej...
...heroic farm workers of MoUnella, who refused to recognise the black • shirt union and its chiefs commands...
...Somewhere the flute* and pjecelssethin out o wnveriep.'waU, i muted string picks us* attaint em lie ef hope, a haa* ¦Mnsjk^f«B tha **hMna again.'* Anew, the grief and lamentetiew inouitt to tne" plana**, Agsin the pofgnepwy...
...Lewis writes: "One needs only to read the 'Federal1-, ist,* an organ of the banking and manufacturing interests m which, most of the writing-was done by Hamilton...
...How' ctoMtapaWeceoomics alter Ideas and seutinuHnav te Illustrated with copious wrrfUtte* and reference...
...v —Lueia Trent, Limitation V '' ' My heights are only little hills, ., ~ ' My depths) are little valley...
...Th* lust of gain" was ioeritahly scourged...
...Prudence and piety are ikiUeea-sMsrud "the best of friends...
...TewJK ney has contributed an analysis ««*' U**PJtwB.from feudal.soeiety to onafefiapiiigil spil Jnduetrial ctvUisatton Oap) la mapftda...
...labor of countless millions^ established the cfvttixatibn in which Ford)was torn...
...roerannhW by shops, atrpota and noiebborhoodja...
...Pass a law-and there are...
...of the aims of the Socialist movement much . ' Would be missing, but in brief it may be said that it is founded on the claims of the working class for a reorganization of society... the truth they will be no nearejr to it than the clabber...
...The Outstanding Leader," reads the caption in large, bold letters...
...Texas law says it is dead....Whafrnore do you want...
...Vladimir creeeee hie beiloen-cutTed limbs Just' eppeeMe, top tier fb-jrt aisie as-eent sect eide...
...debt and the fisrht between' theptWo ¦rroupa haa materially weakened the -wobblies...
...weuasL ,And then freny behind a cfoed eemee the tear-spent moon, apeakins her *ena*lati*a* ef epim end honed ration in beema enfa ntew of white silver...
...raedtsval thinker as hardly lees rational or teas Immoral than, to make' lite premise of social philosophy fan' ware's trained or leas immoral than "to mahe the premise of eoclal philosophy 1 th* unrestrained operation of sueh necessary hasnan attributes as pugnacity or- 'the sexual instinct...
...ory,** writes Tewney...
...Vladimir ie poised like Grief, his curly head' ef hair clasped .ender his mteMoeked hande, and Ms closed eyee turned te the atone between hie knees...
...Barbarians use a club or pass a law to determine ' what is what...
...The plants of production have expanded into the great industries that are so large they can be publicly owned...
...and the...
...In transportation there were countless inventions from the two poles dragged by at beast to the invention of the whe%fc#thi*6ugh a variety of conveyances to the sjijlini^vessel...
...ami no paurer "Coskfbesoms mayor, oosmclUor or toaster ot the gufid-" It was described es an uapardonable sin...
...t***y **** **** * *** iea<"Fe>^lla«*ei',^»e|«j ' ¦jn*y*««*ia***l Vienna, tne bigLabor Atklotom geet 80ciailstTako Vmmmrn ruled city of the world, waa an easy prfate for the host of husky young workers from Austria and eight other European countries that invaded it for a great athletic carnival held- under the- auspice* of the Lucerne Sports International...
...Once "malting and marketing articles for sale,, he stfll . makes but does* not.own or market the products he and his class produce...
...Finland and Switzerland, and similar international events will be held every year up to the great world-wide Labor Olympiad scheduled for 1M1...
...There will be other big labor .athletic carnivala this summer in Latvia...
...the eetantlen la "four slopans.- - What our •-friends" did was te break up their...
...Having accomplished this it rs an easy matter to make Mr...
...If the barbarians enact legislation ' declaring that a partjcular'view...
...No need of gathering evidence or sifting it...
...fhe rte* of conuBeroe and " eapttsMssa, which can be but touched npento thte article, is described to detail shgA to extensive and enTlghtenlnx., In*"** other volume of this century te the Inocese of eoclal ratlonallxaUow so excettehtty reveoied...
...The Rotarians and Fundamentalists of Texas know how to ascertain what is the truth...
...The pang* ¦of a thousand eerrewe stab the dark body ef the' sky and every star, gape* like a fresh...
...Tney don't know, what it means but they kriow that the word "evolution" also appears in a number of text books on biology: They vote evolution out of these books and order New York publishers to strike .it out...
...While there below in breathless row* People ere straining, Te the rebellious striving ef ea orchestra...
...Meantime the stricken area of the explosion is a scene of desolation and death, a grim reminder of the fact that capitalism cannot be reconciled with peace and...
...The problems of distribution, hours of labor, quantity and quality of production, will be theirs...
...I.' ¦ -..Suppose all the thousands of workers who are on strike and the many other, thousands who-want them to win were as united in .opinion And action, for their own candidates, their own platform and -their own party in the THE CHATTER BOX P^rtiT^that neve no rnoste fn «JenV eoaie these - f deg nights are lit for Congress or a cabaret...
...eager' for 'bw «¦»**, he tovente ~tnejpj nJahp that fhrthar .deesruetkia snaf 'ehaoaw It fa the eapitaltst trend that...
...He is a commodity like-the raw material which he transforms into the finished product...
...hardly remembered as m Virginia planter...
...Tuesday morning- papers carried a full page announcement paid for by the New York Sun...
...tJarury waa cntegerteed with adultery asnt'^evaladtten...
...Once independent in the shop which he pos- - sessed, the workman is today dependent in the plants owned by, the capitalist class...
...SOCIALISM RECENTLY The New Leader was asked , ^'to"answer.a dozen or more questions c regarding fSo^ would have required writing a small book.-It...
...AsnV' th* dleclearire^ of "the duties of *seseVS Sn«te"'becomes "the loftiest of refhdui sua ana moral vfartuea...
...hp thei-ougbnees Of detok* aentenen* eC aWsght and brtfUanns «f eonchnuoe...
...And face* peer down tsnsely From the balconies...
...We eeoure yeu^the Mrikere to giving up the few comforts their uederpeid Miphtymant afforded-them a.-e doing a great deal mere for the werM of ore '.er hapsineee—about which we all e>**-m...
...Btchard Steele, beceneffj ^a proof thatA man has labored fsutsg fuOy tn hi* vocation, and that *vhPP ha* blessed his Trade.'" — -^j ¦flrue rettglon Justifies ^capttaUsshH defends and exalte the • beurgessaTsfi hsilows the exploitation of the nssi*l ^by the few, sanctifies wars and te *Js1 to htesa aa teduetrial plutocracy...
...My stare are wistful wre-flie* That in the twllejht plimmerf.-i ' Per who am I to rob th* skies ' - . Of their golden ehimmer... understanding of history which one of our terrible "militants" offers 4n the Worker of July 3. Commissar Thurber Lewis tells the faithful about Alexander Hamilton, one of the "fathers", of the Constitution...
...A schoolman ef tha f*a*teenth con-' tuny expresses the sssae attitude la even mere Hiiiialseillng detail: •3Eto what naa eaemsds-to A*tlsfy his wants, and nevertheiees ceaseleesly labors to acquire IrMhee, either in order to obtato...
...Th* common seed was paramount...
...It saves an awful lot of trouble...
...Labor sports are becoming big features of the union and Socialist movement in Argentina, Judging from the accounts of the activities ot the numerous clubs ot yousgf^working class athletes found In the Socialist press at that republic It looks as if the American continent will be properly represented at the tag affair of If SL MR...
...The Campus at New York University, the audium at C C. N. Y, and even the Mall at Central Park, hold forth in melodie artery...
...Its comrrrent on Henry Ford in relation to Karl MMrx was particularly stupid...
...The night air lie* atilled |*> a,moment umler the last son...
...Raus mit 'em...
...The Chicape faction is heavily in...
...And then if she should find him acceptable, wHI SSL20 be enough te buy n Snatch of something or other at the Russian Caviar Cave arid supposing she lives in Brooklyn . « . To a Lady at a Concert - In lavender and faded lace That sets your beauty off, Te strange perfection, ; You languish In your box With passive hands...
...Bat - this is not enough...
...It was a decision like - this that brought the British trade unions into „, politico ape) inducgd iteto 1...
...3) Lewis rreVer read an organ of that name although he implies that he did...
...What he really has reference to and what he does not understand is that Hamilton, Madison and Jay contributed a collection of essays to "rhe^New York Packet, the Independent Journal and the Daily Advertiser urging the ratification of the Federal Constitution...
...Once you have the law signed, enforce, it...
...Easiest thing in i the world...
...V Revolutionary changes in industry have divorced him from ownership and control of the plants, tools' -and produce...
...The arrogance of the company *is only equalled by its maintenance of a fraudulent "union" which is controlled by its central office...
...Yon da hot have to know anything and you do not even have to think...
...In the .lead, came the...
...You, who look as if year life were spent Beneath s peaceful end cloud-dimpled sky, Which hes not known the mystery ef nightt 'Npr the passion ef stars...
...ut youT What do you know of passion and deflaaeef 1 ' Whst do yeu knew ef the rebelHeus striving That surges' through this meeter'e see re, . And stirs the hearts ef these tense and Iters...
...Ae for ourselves we are inclined to think that a warless .world would have no use for great stores of exptosivee, undersea war boats and war ships to the air...
...Ih brief, ft was the social casraster ot wealth that waa at th* bsate i af the medievel doctrine of feadal feI llgten...
...te bared to it* ecot-osnta*1 basis In the new system of iriudao^ thm...
...THE "UNIQUE" FORD THE WORLD reminds us too often of a man,with normal intelligence whooccasiQnall^_has an intellectual collapse...
...When the club is used to knock down an-opponent (he clubber may enforce his view-but itisn'tdikely that the view will be the truth...
...rondo end rsepe smf the moon pauses snhlndjthe •ssraaia) 9$ a etossp tg weep^;*^en*)-(a « AH tiy*-uah the mevsmswts of the sympheny ehay ait tnofa*^gisH-edd ni stsris ef eloeed eyee end eleeped twaaylm eewaatnysdi a*n*4>-: AadaH th«e«gh *np ^j***|^a^**irtsn '••ala at tagpalsvlsjsj If profuelen ef eengy TnktlmUU werMfar?iMjT>re*je vrtll anuh him If he speaks to her...
...nOnia's head ie thrown hejek to .the stars, eyee half lidded wish the dasxis of} sound perhaps, her breast heaving In slew uftuulatien to the pain that throbs en the air...
...The air hi laden with fhe eeeenoee of aeraphle sound...
...wocttd be hare'amfmf nlssfv frontier aa ofca^tareT lamaB » farmer ¦tninijp homespun and e%tiRff corn bread...
...All of which is good history with -the following* exceptions: (1) -Hamilton'did not write' for the "Federalist...
...Rather than aeab on the f. R. T, etriking werkera, we suggest that yeu elf nsev* down te Oreenwieh Villsge from the Bronx and Brooklyn, a* that yen will he quite efoee to where yeu spend year deys sent evenings...
...sw-*^^ in 'm^Awm^bm^'i^i JMtoJ.kf^ nwre, abjectly a ahrre f •epajn^aaia *cencento pbenosnsus *mmg le^h* hptp^rlal society ef hte reeejat mmmE ArRferhe^ineeAheereefa...
...Pterin Illustrative of the feudal attitude toward cupidity and exploitation...

Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 27

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  Kanda Software, Inc.