SUBWAY STRIKERS FIGHT INTIMIDATION SUBWAY STRIKES THANK LEADER FOR EDITORAL .rtSADOUARTCRS. «0^Mpt6-' dated ft. k. wur&mwxm f Mr. Jamee Oneak i»^k«V' '"*•' .The New Leader,, »¦ *^ 1^,* •...

...40-hour week which ia now •being enjoyed by SO.OOO workers in...
...VTbm line forms on the right...
...He added to the railroaders' arguments that discriminatory freight rates max* less work for them, the miner** pretest that such favoritism shown by tho Interstate, Commerce Commission is another weapon against unionism...
...Why haven't the rest »f us the intelligence and ambition to lo as well as these Finns...
...waa: announced by Abraham Backeimen...
...Ths two hundred delagatea presawtsd a must unusual sfarkL They were rmtosr elderly men- mora so than at tbf averjkgs 'eoavantton...
...Lengaet and RAnaadeL with BELGIAN LABOR RESENTS BAN LAID ON RUSSIANS whan a ftaaalaaahlp,cellars...
...Edward P. Lavto," the thin voice of toe X. B. T. agent begins...
...the budget...
...Addraeslng a mass meeting of garment, strikers...
...Fall Ti*k*t Fldnned Fighting- for nationalisation doesn't mean giving up th* old true and tried policies of the trade unions but It Is supplementing, adding to, them...
...They advance to the platform- The strikers thunder their contempt...
...The opposition policy thus defined must be conducted, not only within Parliament, but also throughout the whole country, and the Congress calls upon the Socialist group to make a great effort at .propaganda In order to explain to the IWryftffc the epnct position taken by the~(pfty to Increase Its power of organisation, of recruitment, of Influence, in order to prepare ultimately the growth' of the electoral and parliamentary power of Socialism...
...Paper coots money...
...Eggs were eonsid•^ergumenta to use' against "them...
...Be urged delegates to make a real fight for their program, asserting .that the program would Itself attract votes for their candidates...
...The local dealer, - during...
...fajaflhig labor, lawyers .have 'tn...
...Charles-' xkvto...
...tft:% grim commentary on human ftMgence that in order to...
...Oeod night...
...In the long, run that blow cost him dearly...
...Wo assure a goad tome to everyaba who comes...
...Let every dawn of meming be te yew as the beginning ef life, and every eetting sun be to you aa Hs close then 1st each of jtheee ehort lives bear it* •urn record of him kindly deed done tor other*, eome goodly strength or knowledge gained for yourself*—Ruekin...
...With the regular edition of The New Leader, the special'strike extras give the New York City workers a paper" of their own three times a week...
...arid Orey persona who are able to pap* do their ¦hare toward balancing...
...and give the militants a chance to vent their energy upon the common enemy...
...fcmmdhtg Alex Cohan, head of the Shirt makers...
...LEADER ISSUES STRIKE EXTRAS Mwir' StrtUars Sett Copies of'Special Editions at Stations and at Street Meetings Two special extras, of The New ijeader were issued by The New Leader last week to give the Striking cloak, cap, subway, shoe and textile striker* In and near New York City the real news of their great fights...
...The expensive legal •machinery' .of to* toterborough,' maintained at a -tremendous cost to the city Of New York...
...eouraging the strikers MS thfir very worthy eawee...
...rbjKTAO«, Pa...
...arvln'a- adyje T^M^R cramped by the preaanoa...
...i • Dangers of Not-Voting "Moreover, the Socialist group will have to refuse its votes to any measures for the statu* quo by the Government, and if, in certain circumstances, the Congress admits that in order to avoid increasing difficulties in the struggle of the working-class, the refusal of- -the Socialists should take the foWnV oT a: reasoned abstention, yet it "warns the Socialist group of the dangers involved in such tactics...
...Am age hoe dawned In wtitoh the desire t* nsfilor WsOory...
...A cablegram waa sent to the British miners assuring -them that an intensive- drive for-funds is now under way-tat toe United States.' A resolution - waa adopted declaring: our solidarity with oar British comrades, sending them, our greetings aad 'declaring -our intention to do our ntmoet in supporting^ them In their struggle...
...impartial ' chairman, ^"No Stoppage of f general nature win ha called tola season to New York by ti»e . union, it...
...m& least amusing of this Con...
...A "They've sued us for t2tl.oee...
...In Arlington Hall, Manager, David Dubinsky, of the Cutters' Union, .said: ."Within the first two weeks we have showed the world,' our friends as well aa, our enemies, the spirit of . ltlO, 1«M, lli* and other, years in whloh we- wrested one great gain, after, another, from the employers...
...They, therefore, believe that their plana of campaign aad their havleW of past events should be analysed without the flare aad trumpets of the public press, M honest ami frank- discussion m to be expected.*' ' The trade la cess hundred.per seat, organized...
...The relative- strength of the three wings within the party, is shown by the way the Clermont-Ferrand convention votejl a^heipolicy resolution...
...peace Conference were., siibJgj* annoyance...
...W. district executive "be* fd member from Nanty-Glo and Labor party oxoctruen mm* 1 gngs ¦* 111 dhs...
...It's the miners in England, it's an the workers in Italy, who must pay the price for the recovery of "prosperity.** ' And here are some rules for students that the Minister of Education would like to enforce in Japan: 1, Any society or association in which dangerous thoughts are to be studied or reasi is absolutely prohibited, irrespective of what name or' form it takes...
...The strikers gathered In Manhattan Casino, took the papers as though they were grand prises of honor...
...An AA- , peal," appearing In yiSS Igssw w> Juty 1A ¦ j ,<i'r We realise that an editorial Well as "An Appeal* has seaaMarakas influence on the public ia gaining, their sympathy and eo'-epaiisOsn in the strikers* aid, and else ha en...
...and Thomas J.- Curtlsm president of-the International Tunnel and Subway Construvtlan Tlnlen...
...Convention O. K.'m •land At the national convention at Clermont-Ferrand, which -ended on Hay M, the Socialist atand waa reaffirmed in a resolution reading, in part, as follows: "The Congress recall a and confirms the two decisions of the extraordinary congresses which have declared against participation tat the Ministry, decisions which remain, blading on the Party and which determine its collective action as VWr as • the action of each of its members...
...A Finnish leader, proud of what his people had done, sadly told me he doubted if it would last in the next generation...
...atenogra pher...
...which >4Tf tta laadto» poata...
...2. Private studies are also prohibited if they promote dangerous thoughts...
...But they refuse to be mad* the toola of Br land or any other bourgeois politician- In Vain efforts to cure the ilia ot France without making the bourgeoisie take a dose of It is nasty medicine...
...At iKo matter whether they be scientific or not, students are prohibited from delivering speeches outside the lassrobms...
...the amton, has been one of toe leadem St the fight to New York to force tos city author* Hisa to Bvs up "to toa prevailing rata at wag* law...
...Aa executive committee of twenty-live was selected by toe .conference, and at lis first meeting on Thursday, July'i«, it wUl draw up pkus far an rslasslee Socialists Ban Coalition to Aid Priand Schemes workers Will Form Their Own Cabinet or Dominate Another, Convention Decides |\U»mO the...
...2J*t P^mlnent leaders, aacoralng to 2...
...its real business, ghisto-m ssSsiSan upon the speakers Invited to address the convention...
...Then they themselves •Otofiy kept away and later reJJ*»tea the violence they had invited...
...In present: ov*r-d*v«opmesrt bf th* Industry, ordinary trade union practices fail because they do not go far enough...
...Why is it that the various aV#V Of L- unions are not so active ¦» fssganUlng the unorganised that iMais neither need nor opportunity ssjtfraalaldera" to do the job...
...The discussions behind closed doors must be stTSctrts^ SUB to New York city proper, even the Pavers' Union has...
...Some little booklet:" he yells...
...A strike without an injunction is like Christmas without Santa CiaUsJ" Flynn tells them...
...hours and wages to accordance with the terms already j decided, upon with'the Independent •«b«P*.- ' • I JLeadera of manufacturers, contractors "and union In ths clothing labor , negotiations promise a Joint statement : l#£er this week on the outcome of conferences for a hew agreement tat'the Nine York market...
...thak Is...
...In addition, the subway strikers took more than 5,000.which they sold at subway stations or at street meetings propaganda to tell their side ot tha story to the traveling public...
...Curley Flynn meanwhile is telling the men what an Injunction is and how no strike Is reaHy a atrlke till, the employers get desperate aad run to the courts for "relief...
...recent CAMset sfclfts I 1_# i» P**dKM...
...This New England trip of mine was undertaken primarily to talk to the big Finnish picnic on the Fourth of July...
...extsttog kkb> '^^^^^Ip^SSxV'ext'SkSfif^sa, ^"^* ' be secured by conalssrlng three resolutions which they adopted with muck their departure, far1 C a first Use* to the history of toe Ama.lean Federation ef Labor, from q» traditional poury ot non-partlsanshrp in nattanal- ejections...
...I -Couldn't- w« get the boys to cnSB deem, to the office for them...
...been Increased from MAO to SIS per day...
...Shirt Makers •The Amalgamator Clothing Workers of'America are conducting a campaign In Philadelphia among the Shirtmakers and several organizers have been assigned to organise the" nonunion workers working'to toe atairt shops...
...The Congress considers that a spirit of unity and discipline was never more necessary than now...
...To the lanpni i isbsT |i in 11 > that adopted the Leon Brum-$yr6m4ky% resolution, there was opposed a- small extreme Left wing under the leadership of Maurice Maurlrv, editor of the weekly, L'Etincelle, and a flight Wins led by Pierre Renauda}.' i '— The resolution was first voted on in two parts, In the first place, on a general policy, and in the second place on, the section dealing with discipline among members of the party...
...The men cheer this Information...
...The convention of ths Pavers* Union differs from that ot ether unions in concentrating all its oratory the first day and...
...Kftiaudel and: his friends declared that alur what had transpired they must forego membership bf tli* Permanent Administrative Committer...
...Briand * coup]* ef dan fl from hi*- more or less-gsi ins Men...
...protect" ewMntry we have to make materials epSiafch powers of destruction that achtnaa bolt of lightning can bo the toat far an explosion vast- enough to hfrsnsU an entire ceuntryaidej 6ne ¦aifttt «f the disastor will "doubtless ai smm improvements in handling' and Shsng these explosives...
...Ernest Bcerm, ef toe-Bcokkesp...
...Win or lose, ^RSpBarplty that-ltsa** mrnrn^y important strikes, unlike ^eWjaJher strikes, have not had A. F. ^JEViCklng and support from th^ ts|HHng...
...Is loath* to talk...
...Privet* management of coal stand* thdtcted by present conditions ;as w*tl" as by competent engineer*!' When th*' Labor party blip* the union deihahd nationalisation...
...e>- ' -' - ieWtoe moment the appalling Map Jersey baa taken the eaMar of interest in all our minds...
...Eight seats for the Renaudel group and tiro for the Maurin group were left open* The representatives in the Socialist international remained as bAfcrs: Braefte...
...saw on tha platform —eh seed frleads as Abraham Lefkowifg...
...comes a Shout-from the floor...
...and a play, "Beaptyr which wto be followed by prommeht speakers...
...These things are not a sign of the strength but of the weakness ef the lords of things-agthey-sxe...
...yob or reconstructing Oorernm«nt« whQa Eauuerd...
...Warren Worth Bailey, of his congressional seat in 1024...
...Rsnaudsl Seats Open After the decision was taken elections for the- chief offices in the party were held...
...He denies that ha is connected with the iegauV department of the Interborough.'fee...
...There wJB be music, dancing, prise SOStoSj...
...How many of our chambers 'of commerce would like to enforce Just such rules...
...V*^tecent speaking trip in New Bng^jW^y*** b,ek to Concord and heard 5f»,ef we story than I have pre^gf^saas/ble and weQ informed witgaastold me that tow trouble''was fflgtod by officers £Wd prominent Wjff* «* tie American Legfcm...
...wwUe other seamen anaier...
...The co-operatives are already in many respects well Americanized...
...They pay the farmers a little better than the prevailing rate for milk...
...S COWARD P. LAV IN, 'Prssidsn...
...member Broth erheed Locomotive Firemen h> Enginemeh...
...Ca'thought ha was wltnosetog a aoens wherein, ha waa setvtofi neetossi that he had ioat the strike, instead...
...1 •• - A sssAton i* not nsAno greet hp S| sJsssWisJ^*^^^!* m'lM "* "^fpr Labor Party Future's Hope, Brophy Says Portage Country, Pa., Organization Holds inspiring Convention Fall Ticket Is Planned...
...The middle-aged man with the white moustache snd the professional look informs the Civil Liberties sgent that be has no papers to serve...
...Resolutions sgMnst outstanding abuses' outlined a constrwotiTS course at eorrecllort- far the JAber-' party's fight tn tha faa aOectloas...
...Jamee Oneak i»^k«V' '"*•' .The New Leader,, »¦ *^ 1^,* • people's House, *)& ^ . ? 7 Cast 19th St* -Pr>^T Dear Sirt ' ' - " -. • - Wa, the eeawtWaaaaf Weskere a? N. Y. C want ««T 4g>prees our sincere spareels^ettn and thanks for year editorial heeded To the Subway Strikers...
...Boys, I've got my diploma," he about...
...vThatevar- toe reaarfn...
...In fact...
...i "What a pile of paper," shout* *% ether in the confusion on the pto» term and floor...
...H3hWe ** **• w record «fta# ^^most valUnt patriot a. b m# pears that several of these heroes managed to avoid the draft until Just before the Armsitice or got a safe berth in the Navy on this side of the water...
...on, the fuller realisation day by day of the claims of the working-class...
...they «r» likely to be rated not aa public lenefaetori but enemies of their kindL ftatil the very end of their sessions ma 7«8»g people at the Concord, ^Saag...
...ltaO, aad wtto ths growth or...
...Is;4ftoUdden to ..g» aa^are, sad «e*a... . ¦ -i-'¦ HAVIIVO-failed by other fialut . fair means to- persuade . Its striking' employee to return to work, die Interborough Rapid Transit Company is now resorting to open intimidation...
...L* Trotquer, Longuet, Osmln, Serirac, Zyromska...
...The artlcls to which Lavln refaka appeared, to'one of The New ImAaJj^j strike extras...
...The first day...
...a| STjl-T 1 the connection of'ideas fcy»t time to explain -It...
...But the Congress, in studying the political and pntfteihofttary situation as shaped.'by recent events, in the presence of a government of groups, which Ik only In reality a Government of social Immobility, not only— it goes -without saying-—consider any policy of support as impossible, but eitfpowers Its parliamentary group to follow a clear, vigorous and energetic policy of opposition...
...Branches, Socialist Party, Young People's Boclalist League, Jewish Socialist Verband, Forward Association and numerous other radical, labors and fraternal -groups...
...There is also at Fitchburg a successful Finnish credit union conducted on co-operative lines...
...Bug insets...
...The strikers greet them with cheers, boos, cat calls and whittles...
...the strike of 1*22, not only charged high prices but was arrogant and unreasonable about delivering the orders of the workers.' One Saturday eonje Finnish' workers who had gone to try to get coal saw him reject the prayers of a Polish woman for prompt .delivery of coal to her home, where a child lay sick...
...Sixty-two of them...
...Furthermore, said Budish, no concessions can be made to members of the association' aa .against the Independent shops who have already signed up aad are doing business with, the union...
...wishcopies to distribute may have them by calling at The New Leader office, 7 Eaat 15th street...
...adJH sat iiatlonalssatlsjbi jbT coU and* urged th*, party tOTjp* Its iesuoa to the fuJIeot la the campaign...
...The Finnish cultural life, organized around their Socialist locals and their co-operatives, will go...
...What is their crime, or what Is leased from tkianT* -¦ Th* »Hewtrvw ewomttto* .ot the St^h^^iiiairri T-T T Uhtoa has TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas Ijftti no derogation of the Impor* Sifknce of the strikes In which to* If amp makers and' cleak... the Govern^ mettt itaeif...
...ers Union: Jeremiah .OXeary, aMer« man...
...Wltliam Welch, U.M...
...e£-^ ;_,-v A_ "Are the...
...THK CONSOL1DATBD H. .--9f& WORKERS Of N. F. C >r*jn An...
...If fee 40-hour week, will no* solve the -problems of our Industry we will take Other steps to brine about toe aesdsdjsjipravainsaiai .. ^p^ki^aky^gtoaMed toa^^^artosgs^of against toe Jobbers, who control 7i percent of the industry but who owe no responsibility to any group in it...
...tSarmed, the-^ktrlkers toai: the»'l»r*n«J 4'isA^a ifOf-'aVdSatoas»>-aetkm.' aad tha...
...But take courage...
...own Freddy '2?.** »Pe«ker...
...Thomas M Xkmghertn of CtoetonsAl...
...In Maynard the co-operative supplies furniture, groceries, milk, bread — the creamery and bakery are a Joy to see—and coal...
...A, Hoping that yea will sswtlsgM > to give us your wkele-h aartsd sssja '' pert in the suture, we are 'Very gratefully yours, Signed...
...Trustification or nationalisation would reorganise the industry to overcome present iftefflclency but only nationalisation with, democratic management' would^ protect the .workers...
...We can force th* operator* to ** 011 the defeaXrvt," Bropny tttted, "by pushing for nationalist tied...
...labor injunctions an off*nn* tor Jufy trial, Bttch A bill would curb tho court atetatbrshlp sat up by injunctions la labor disputes if such use of injunction* c*t)t4 net be completely end**, h* salA Jam** B. Qlndlesberger...
...At tow', esnvoatiosi ha explained to detail tha...
...that is what they . considered At 10.SO o'clock a rumor reached the stage...
...and without'the ooho.eeticau and yatotionsv ladlspeoaabls to practice, - eyar assuming even" to SfcV>earance the character of orgtnlc cooperation...
...Renaudel's group declared It would refrain from voting...
...The strike la seen to-be * limited weapon...
...Sesae *A Jeiask>ea -fipm Ohitod Mine Workers* local unions...
...getogi to to executive session, .to...
...Yofi _y*_Ja*t if we love our mothers w£ E*"* ">ust stop talking peace.' HJ*Woa* leafleta were distributed ¦g^more er lees incorrectly a. Who's ff*^«* speakers at the Peace OonS***- A- still more inaccurate Who's E5.circulated mail by one.-qt Hto-bnsetts' imtoy-Seelsatos-for'-XlB^ gT* ^Tofita under Cover of PaSJ** credits the innocent writer nf uhes with being toe founder of R* W. W...
...Son** eeuvenir," say* another" SI Xiliniin, who refuses te g*r*H ap te a xnewpsper man...
...ev*V%heIeaa, the Party-remains resolved t»*ren»W this endm/voi" to c«Jtoberate SrJtA.' any government which, while flghtgtg reaction, works towards restoring the financial and economic situation of Prance without yielding to the resistance of capiaj^Lst forces, without uniusfiy burdening labor and without ever, forgetting that the general interest' depefl&a...
...Look at toe document, boys...
...reenarfcs a herd-boiled natal Paper scribe...
...and the crowd cheers acid laughs- '..»..¦ * Harry Bark gets his next and Jumps to the front of toe stage-with tha pride of a college cheer leader...
...An Interborough legal agent la standing, outside the Casino...
...Re predicted the success of the strike...
...It aStUsSgd with the American Federation st Labor to IMS...
...Add an hour to the working day...
...inthere is eaasorf»H belWre, ;«qt JwV tome ot these alleajaSdWtrftUc Wdefens, societies, buf atMedht Indl•» the War Departmant Itself...
...The beat re*ould be a new interest in'rid•ajSp> world of the threat of -such • f/hen a man or group of men set fisyielves to inquire how to get better protection, than powder and: sheila...
...Make them come out m front...
...of 'eo.Me "cloakmakers and lf.OdO capmakers in' New York city continues 100 percent effective, no shops being open.- Meanwhile the Amalgamated Clothing Workera ^appear to be' reaching* a successful culmination of...
...v y • •• Conditions, ef lsg&fj.- '•" .% I "The-' support of the Party, should occasion arise, .will be given under the conditions: formulated at, the Grenobje Congress'i.aad "baaed qn experteaaje gained In tn% past...
...The most Interesting story I heard wag about the beginning of the cooperative sale of coal in one of the towns...
...I tives of themselves of ing'no millennium but they are a mighty useful, practical 1 aid to the workers when they are well run, and they are a splendid training in one form of democracy...
...To tha middle-aged, and eiaesiy kaawtocrefore, fallen the task at lgatotsjafng the nation's highways...
...This conference was composed ot delegates sent from some fifty trade union internationals...
...The United Mine Workers Is inevitably compelled to declare for n long term program that spells com* hope for the men against the forces making for the destruction of the union...
...on* ¦ them asks Levin...
...The reply need net be i.ects3teA' 1 Bulky James Deugherty rsmarkedJ j "Heavens, the strike will be over S& fere I'd ever get half through th* document...
...Soma five thousand dollars was collected from various organisations present and sent to England...
...A second declared themselves to favor of real beer And light wines, aad a modification of the Eighteenth Amendment to disqualify "any representative whs waa or is mysr on the payroll of toe AntiSaloon league from aay coosldo* attest I i or participation in the liquor —Hi ij tiOn...
...charge rock-bottom prices, and pay a dividend to members of the society on their purchases at the end of the year...
...NEEDLE STRIKES CONTINUE STRONG 'Cloak and- Cap Indns' try a* a StanUtill— C W. Necotiatmm Progress . THE strike...
...their negotlatione with the manufacturers...
...namlt» and T. N. T. aflord...
...first .to: establish ¦ the minimum wage," .a . week-work, instead of piece work - system of...
...ledge tli...
...The gathering of the Labor party here epetls hope for the fu. ture," John Brophy, president District t United Mine Workers,,told the convention...
...The New Leader will continue to issue the* papers every Tuesday and Thursday' mornings for three more weeks and longer...
...lbl*f they helped to organise a Ig^tfc" meeting with a chaplain, a SKJ" Preacher, a w email ariteh Jc^' New York's...
...How much alike are the lords and masters of men under the skin...
...Has aome papers to serve...
...Poor Hed» lay...
...Neverth lisps.- • they ' look robust enough...
...But all's fair bait for MS rich suckers bite...
...of Vffft...
...Announcement . is made from the platform that the gentleman, refuses to be identified and denies he has papers to serve...
...Finally, irritated by her importunity, although the woman was ojbvioasly soon to have a child, the dealer hit her no gentle blow...
...A member is dispatched to see what's up...
...Workers and Road Buflflera ia dtartlngulahed not only by Ito long ' title,, but . by' the met that it has sot had a strike, to mora than a aepro oTjesj^, The union traces its asistsoaa to...
...Tli* k»*a this bound, frssssd ek precss rod ta alcohol for my gi'ssilsSS •an*T - - By thAs tires tho legal agent* h*A Wippefl nsrgy with their unserved a per*, he v tag prOTkJsd more vaeaesi thaat tan strikers have enjoyed | their own stage since the strike bsgn BctsT'lIb^ and Lavia: .fj "The sseet oadaue injuoctlea sorsfM Pre ever seen to yeere et the spM gxsx...
...matter comes down to a question of whether or not the association la merely bargaining over the question of - hours and wages and using* the other (Remands aa a amok...
...The Cambria county party has , been active for five years 'and has elected officials In many communities as well aa gutting two members- In the State assembly and one to toe State smmte...
...Don't push," chips to Ltfkin...
...The majority decided for the present to leave vacant those- seats which would fail to the Right Wing, according to proportional representation...
...manager of tha tSiw York Joint Board, although atop^^^T agAbuA ..lndividaaa usTaadkis DANAGE ACTION FARS TO COW MEN Workers Continue Out Aganaat^ow Pay and ; Company Unionism...
...The Congress, adopts as Its own the | manifesto- published on March it last by the Permanent ' Administrative Committee and the Socialist group' iu Parliament, in which 'are clearly diefined the delays, the retreats and the hesitations which have prevented the Democratic Pertlea from taking advantage of the attempt at support offered them by' 'the Socialist Party...
...Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, and Bhginemen lodges, from farmers' granges and from local' Labor party unite participated...
...te aeeey kef ntfix theuiht with f^aats* *#eet le thd r*«A*hl**jaa of th* •eMHlea* af axlstana*, ha* iHsis with • fxran Mtk**hJ ursknsws, Hlhtn D .OofclQy...
...The union leaders .are perfectly, content to discuss questions of...
...r^'n The party executive tnexfaWw* wax •mpowerod to spsnpjst* th*>taff tlekst without a wether serXton or the eodnty coavesUesx ontfi the regular e*r n* the- end of September...
...both have |irlwilltoajagalniti the obnoxioua docisjbje mat the cure for a aiek industry mm* Ttasto i believe the Passaic ^trlke nvu.aUU ha won if relief funda ooatnvatiT^*' case of tha subway ¦lltjiniis iMgajsg difficult...
...We ward the...
...At Fitchburg the society has several fine grocery stores, a beautiful creamery and bakery, and sells clothing, too...
...These enterprises are well run...
...John Coughlm, secretary of the New York City Central Trades aad Istom Council...
...aWgW part, tha crew...
...v»inly .trying *»«U» a •come-back, Amrh»ivii<«tpape...
...The president of the...
...The workers are told to be ready to receive them individually if the I. R. T. agents refuse to serve them collectively...
...and was as well run as Finnish affairs always are.' I inspected the Finnish cooperative enterprises both at Maynard and Fitcbburg...
...The building ot roads does net attract young men for workihg to a bent-over position, exposed to the slain en ts, isolated |n toe rural sectkms, necessitating very often abssnss tram] family, Is ^ rather Irk some...
...He seems to be v(siting for something or someone...
...If the Finns onu do this sort ef thing...
...He charged them with demoralising wage standards, with cut-throat competition and the lessening of the number of weeks during the year that men and women can obtain' work...
...LABOR PLANS MINER'S AID Socialist Party and Union Join in .Meeting to Raise Funds for British Workers ALARGE and enthusiastic body of men and women met at the Forward Hall on Monday evening, July 12, and organised themselves into a, relief organisation to aid the British miners In their great struggle...
...Nattonadhnttioa sxuPoamocratlc' iisjsiaganiani of tha eeeX'tad>itsiy,dti*» Sksjgfsd Sxh protest against ^tb^^^^^^^^r freight rams granted by thM Body to favor non-tmloa coal, oparatom Legislations to compel coal companies and other industrial ccn earns, leasing hejaass to- toeh-^eenpingss to obey the to-day evjf Oon notice provtslon of toe the Labor party, campaign...
...slightly more than 100 Resutlee...
...action waa ahewst at ySs-imsto atosttog In Manhattan...
...Ia the past few months the campaign has been a great success which has made- It possible to establish a. Shirt makers Local 1...
...That is a problem for the workers to think over...
...He returns to tell Lavln that the man ia standing on ths sidewsjk..s...
...feaT °' ,lbel *ults- So'M himself with talking about jvJjJWMnati (of course you all kwW "^Wtod eulogizing his mother...
...Isidor M. Jaffa, the president ot the association, also declared that he preferred to deal with tha worker direct and make him Independent of the union as far as possible...
...T hope he is too pessimistic...
...editor si( the *A4PAVERS UNION IN CONVENTION Organization Has Not Called a Strike in Score of Years By Laborite THE International Union ot Pavers, Rammers, Plag-Lepsra, Wood Block aad Brick Pavers, Bridge snd Stone Curb Bettors...
...Stop, right along...
...It notes,however, a definite relaxation in the observation of discipline within the party...
...Th* resototmfi cam* *ut wholeheartedly for* toe nommariaa snd election of AKred E.- Smith aa Prastdspt of the United States...
...Experience, sssgag to canfirm its Judgment, for without a struts to twenty-five years, the rata af pay has...
...The .others follow—but • the whole Sikdy^sys^a^suu^as^^ S^.afltoX passing out ten or more th*p L it agenu decide they have given enousf entertainment for one evening...
...a three-year contract, providing for 44 hours a week the first year, 43 hours the second and 40 the third...
...Brophy called attention to the three and five-day eviction notices used by coal operators aa a union-breaking lactic...
...the' association must atop fooling themselves, tor the union will not consent to even consider giving up paid holidays Which have existed now for ten years...
...A.- repreeeptative of tha American Civil Liberties Union- goes out to' look -him over...
...Delepine, Louis Levy, Orazlani...
...If the final result of the Americanizing process means their elimination, then it is time Americanization means a loss of some ef life's richest values...
...iussjti Mi...
...Joint, boards and local labor organisations and some two Irondred delegates representing -Workmen's Circle...
...The reason was soon made) dear...
...Who's first...
...and toe nickels' ot the subway riders who pgy tor 'service and not to fight OM sasnwho give serrloe, at aow to-be placed to metlon in an at'terapt: to take frees toe...
...This-policy of opposition:which, can he neither eystemaUo nor demagogic, will be expressed by putting forward, in opposition to the Government's solutions...
...and head of the Compenemtkm Suisau of tabs Building aad AJUed Trades of Maw York City... say, without renouncing its independency., without.being tied" by- any pannanent jmct to other parties-or...
...He reviewed briefly toe vicious injunction of the Buffalo, Rochester A Pittsburgh.Railroad coal interests at .Adrian, Pa., which the State supreme court upheld, aa a use.'of government to help operators' union-smashing...
...which «ar» ArUUd...
...Lavln grabs big summons—a legal booklet of 10 pages—and to quiet the howling, hilarious motomaea...
...sf the Teachers' union: Michael Murphy aad Matt...
...J. Students are barred from reading books add periodicals to be named by the authorities...
...BetV I didn't knew we had that much la «*£ treasury," exclaims another sesjjf burning ike pages to catch the sispl spets...
...We are the pioneers in revolutionary activity...
...This promise followed a meeting between, the representatives of the New York toothing' alanufaeturers' Exchange, the Amalgamated Clothing '^forkera ot...
...It wee a wild west shM and a- comic opera rohed into 1M Seed oopy...
...has laid suit-for SggsVOOfi against S2 of the strikers,..' sihed far an intonation and with- . t HeM the bask-say of the men - psajdlag decision as tha suit...
...But how bravely they can curse . pacifists...
...Fifteen minutes later as Louis Llfktn, president of toe Waiters' Union, is addressing the meeting, enters the gentleman of the papers with the papers sa well aa three assistants to carry' them and help him dispose of them...
...wages, and were the nrst who began, tour.years ago, the effort to establish the...
...The following were elected' te the Administrative Committee: Brack*, CalUe...
...the dress - industry...
...The rake-of toe Pavers1 Union to conduct it* business strict* ly behind olassd decern arises, literally, from political necessity...
...highways' It has, sjC eoUrse, progres'ssd in jnumhers...
...jOrandvallet, Geullard...
...common after free discussion by its ordinary assemblies...
...secretary of the general strike committee, stated in emphatic terms . to the representative of The New Leaderrthat the,capmakers' union would never go back, would never give up conditions already a part of the agreement and standards in New York...
...Russian scfimgn Mpsrs or criminals, or are thay dengereus to our' port...
...makers aye ejfiaged— to them both I wish all sacy^S—to say that the most significant jgMr struggles of the moment are the jgjjgde and the New York subway jNgSS*,' In each-of these are involved Wffit questions of enprhjoua unperggga to workers everywhere...
...The employers of...
...Baldwin ot England and Mussolini of Italy are Poles apart, but both Of them know only one cure for sick industry...
...Wholesale Hat and Cap Manufacturers' Association on Tuesday made public the following proposition to the striking cap makers on strike: A 6 percent increase in wages...
...McD*rmett talked Sheet th* anti-injunction bill Which he Bad introduced in the laft l*fj*Uttar*.whjcx made contempt uader...
...fsVsji^ ia Bjtoreb/ ah attempt at lafmfMattba on, the-part of tha r. R. T. i i^kar toe workers themselves' toe legal...
...r ' As has" beeti pointed 1 out several times In The New Leader, the French Socialists are guiltless of this charge...
...MeCoavme, of -the...
...Nor will the union talk about eliminating the unemployment insurance' feature which has already worked successfully for the last two years...
...Let's, pass the hat for him...
...Louis F. Budeas, editor af "Lakes Age...
...It was held at the really beautiful grounds owned by the Finnish Socialists near' Maynard, Mass...
...The leaders signal them to come up front...
...Socialist solutions Inspired by the doctrine and the program of the party, and by trying to get them accepted, •ven partially, employing for this purpose every means of parliamentary procedure...
...toaMy talked y)vaf ;eftth-the »toHg*n« plans for7 the first egatng...
...It is giving an ahswer to th* question, "What are you -going to do about depressed conditions in the Industry V Unification, public ownership, democratic management of coal ar* necessary to got a reasonable, security and a fair annual earning to the miners...
...Other speakers Included August Claeesens, former Socialist Assemblyman from the 17th District, and 1 Natrier, business manager of Cutter Union ,No...
...The union claims that at only requires negotiations to gain Its demaSMs...
...Strikers and Socialists who...
...l£ JL It- sogiassltw movement to Ek acquaint tha people with ¦<*•*• rthe need for natlonalis*don" of the coal industry was declared part of the-campaign program of ths Cambria County Farmer-Labor Party to Its Jfoy-crmrsntlgft at-Portage...
...Joseph Washington (B...
...abolition of the unemployment fund...
...The elderly legal agents of the L R. T. drop their big package ot- summons on a platform chair... the other attempts, however, this latest move ia meeting toe complete contempt of the strikers...
...ksjfckliWiia Hi varying decrees, have tajght the'companyoinIon...
...A third resolution cefiad umgm the New York city aatocrtUes to appoint a Board: ef Inquiry to lajsastfLzmdjaLskmal gzmmmmmtomm^mmmfxsl ¦^^--^^j^jgj a « ue, iwsTJ^esosv^e...
...Improving the miners' position is batterlag the common weal of th* Community, Bropfiy declared, so that other groups of workers ajr* amply Justified in helping along tile Labor peHy^pV*grant...
...Twenty thousand copies were grabbed up by the strikers...
...Amsrtoa/and the contractors' associations, which took', place to thf offices of Jscjp* Blllikopt...
...And Hedley says h# poor...
...Both saMiss are strikes*tp organise the un•ts)ala>ed .in genuine labor onions...
...For the general political section of the Leon BlumZyromsky resolution 2,280 votes were cast,, with 6*4 abstaining and *1M absent .For the second part dealing with discipline 1,*X» Votes were given with 312 against, jSi abstaining and 19 absent Thereupon the whole resolution was adopted with 2,240 votes, 685 abstaining from vot'ng and 19 being absent...
...The cabled reporta of'Hwriot'i fail* are to gnd support and Brianors return to$the post of Premier blamed the Socialists for not being wflltng to a/sume the reeponslMnty'' of- helping bulla * Cabinet that rtrfght be "able to check the fan of the Trine and estabnth a, certain degree of -financial and' poUtleal normalcy...
...A. C W. Starts Drive Among Phila...
...It made no difference...
...There seems no doubt that the best thing that could happen for the Socialists would be a general election, which would probabfy heavily increase their Parliamentary group of...
...There are several hundred' smVtasaksra to toe union at present.' • • ' ' This new utgsiilstd Local Is girtrsr a Maple Orov4 Park Saturday, July M. They extend sa Invitation to all workers of the trade and friends to spend a day OW In toe open air...
...In fact, sack smb aa Qcvernor "AI" Smith of New York, them whom there la nuns other tha delegates esteem more highly, were asked to be Its guests...
...If necessary...
...It was one of the acts that tod the Finns to establish a. co-operative coal yard which today doe* about half th* business of the town...
...not 'been adds to break sown U»e opposition of the- Demacratia Administration to paytog toe pi avail, tog rate of wagas EAward £ rlsmtaky seeretary.f*feasurer -of...
...thdtr aittdaaot agraemsnt 'M^#fg4'^^ *** the rest of «M a*WBJatloa Uks free mew, the Ruae^ae&en kre forbidden toi'-dsMraUe' thM' rajpht...
...The road workers depend/- tor their MvsMhood upon the good graces af • legislators and other governmental amVrlsla Highway sppropriattons saw then* bread aad butter...
...She had her money in her hand...
...Freddy 'baa 225...
...m?^tototocs^to^^ ms^^^^s^k^'os to Xsw York city under the chairmanship at its president...
...This acilrfn taust be conducted with & view of Obtaining "'a capital levy, stabilization nf the currency, peace In Morocco, the transfer to the League of Nation* of the mandate in Syria, the reduction of the term of military service, the Introduction of •octal insurance...
...only $1 for holidays...
...J. M. Budish...
...striken what ltt*k* personal property or meager savings they may have...
...They have repeatedly affirmed their readiness to ' organise either ah nllSo ytaflisf 'fiVecrnmont W one fa...
...mentioned that two reads hauling non-nnn-a reel near have strikes of the rxfireeer men: The Virginian and the Wejttcrn MarylandDiscriminatory rata* of the Interstate Commerce Cntnmtssien . very , directly affect the amount ef employment of railroad men, ho said...
...Denounce Vets-Buying Severe prison sentence is advocated aa proper punishment to accompany a Corrupt Practices law which the Labor party demands to stop "wholesale election parnasslng" such as toe ]&v&fte^^#^g~$ow^ -a mere fine would mean little to men who are able to spend mimosa in elections," the convention declared...
...Read 'an off...
...Teds* It' has a membership of forty Thou mad, scaitsrsS tkkoughout the United States...
...With It, he thought, the co-operatives would go...
...Qeneiral Election' Sought The resolution ends by citing some recent breaches of party discipline, and emphasising the necessity of the party officials making the various groups and the Deputies realise that only through real unity can the Socialist cause be carried to success...
...o* L> F. * X.) and Pit MeDershdtt (minor), Cambria county Labor party *s**rhairmen, and Charles Plummer, additional candidate for assembly, spoke to the convention...
...Yet in order to pass through the present period, full of difficulties as It is, the party needs a faithful adherence by atr its members, individually and-coHeethreiy, to the-decisions arrived at 44n...
...eorreapondenta In Pari* took OCOaMHon-to^l^-thet .the Soeiallsts were playing th* part of dog* In th» manger...
...Courts should be compelled to open ballot boxes to verify disputed election results, the Labor 'party asserts to its resolution' denouncing the election steal - which deprived-- Its candidate...
...Let's see what they look like.'" "Show us the company agents'"—In a half disdainful, half bantering tone from the men...

Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 27

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