Subway Construction Men To Call One-Day Stoppage; 2,000 Sign Up With Union The Field of Labor ASHOCK is due the New Tork subway"~cTJntractor* within two weeks or so. when they find that the...

...Florence C. Hanson of Chicago...
...The workers have kept flocking...
...God, what a world 1—if men, in street and mart...
...The Painter*' Union article Is the first of a aerie* telling in simple terms the story of the rise of each of the greet American/labor unions...
...LABOR LEADERS ENTER BUSINESS The announcement that a group of union leaders in conjunction with some business men have bought out G. L. Miller & Company, a concern specializing in Investments in first l mortgages, may have Increased the re! spect of capitalists for organized labor but it Is doubtful whether the latter has anything to be jubilant about...
...The employers have found it easy to...
...a large proportion are Italians, but there are many Negroes, Spanish and other nationalities- There exists a veritable Tower of Babel...
...In order to show bis gratitude and to give these generous -foreign capitalists the moat favorable opportunity of compensating' themselves by the unfettered exploitation of the workers...
...His last Illness began In the autumtjj of 1923, but he persisted untiringly in his work until compelled to withdraw in March, 1926...
...It can only be with the ending of the commercial and military classes aa classes that peace can came to the world.—Edward Carpenter...
...Following the death on May 26 of Anton Nemec, the veteran Czech Socialist and labor leader, came the untimely passing on June 3 of Oswald Hillebrand, one of the moat popular and militant leaders of the Germanspeaking workers...
...The law Is defied and will have to pass thru the gamut of the courts before Its constitutionality can be finally determined...
...Home distilling is to be com batted, the interests of the consumers of fruit are to be defended, and the net state inoome from the liquor business Is to go to the social Insurance funds...
...1926, this is not the case on the subway construction work in the great metropolis...
...He realized that the Federation might demand new blood in its officials... Silesia, the son of a stonemason...
...A more enthusiastic lot th.e writer has seldom seen...
...j At the July 1 mass meeting several Important steps were taken...
...A campaign to raise $25,000 was also approved...
...R. dynes, M.P...
...Slnpe then about a half dozen, meetings have been held In all...
...The date was May li, 1926...
...At the same time It was decided that hereafter admission to meetings will only be- by union...
...The- subways that are now Toeing built in New York C ty...
...He demands further that they have Congress grant to Porto Rico the right to elect her own governor...
...Taking up the question of control ot the liquor traffic, the Executive Committee adopted a resolution calling for a revision of the liquor laws in the Interest of the people's health-and the support of social legislation, such aa old age, widows, and invalide, pensions...
...We are all wedded to modern Industrialism but a line can be drawn somewhere.—L...
...An Executive Board was organized from among the men...
...of five dollars—on the Installment plan, if they pleased...
...According to the law on the statute books, the workingmen on this public work, as on all others, are supposed to receive the prevailing or union rate of wages...
...The employers also put forward a demand for holidays to be cut down...
...The proposal to call a twenty-four-hour stoppage of work for the purpose of permitting the day and night shifts to ratify these demands simultaneously and of showing the union's strength met with a rousing reception...
...A report by the party's treasurer showed that the membership was increasing a't a good pace...
...THE TEACHERS' UNION TURNS THE CORNER The tenth annual convention of the American Federation of Teachers at New York City will no doubt be looked upon in the future as a turning point In the history of that union...
...So the work has progressed...
...Wu- Pie-Fu and his ally, Chang-Tso-Lln, over tha so-called Government of China aad the rg of- the advance of the forces of the National Army under General Feng's subordinates...
...Some other companies, the statement says, are taking advantage of the political situation to get great portions of land without the consent of the people...
...This convention is based on the principle that the official inspection carried-out on board an emlgsant vessel for the protection of emigrants shall be undertaken by not more than one government—as a rule, that of the country whose flag the Vessel flies—in order that the present duplication and overlapping may be avoided...
...Wmro WAGES WAR UPON CHINESE UNIONS Piiectly attar the recent victories ot General...
...e • • The world is naturally averse, ' To all the truth it sees or hears...
...the question of assistance was discussed, the chairman quite Jrankly stated his intention of giving open support to Wu, and the British Cigarette Company arranged a loan of i,o00.000 Mexican dollars...
...If that ^>111 Is passed he anticipates election for himself...
...Wu-Pel-Fu now obliges by suppressing the labor meets ment...
...In 1907 he waa elected to the newly-founded National Party Bxocutfse In ~*e*i nils and four years later entered parliament...
...The American Fund for Public Service (the Garland Fund) will be appealed to for support...
...The cost will be the same, if not more, and...
...Matters had been coming to a head for the last few years...
...This was decided as> a mass meeting of the Subway Construction .Workers' Union held Thursday eve-.Ing...
...The delegates also adopted some Important organization measures...
...The Executive B -ard meeting on July 6 made detailed plans to execute this move...
...This reorganization of the Amalgamated press Is not done as an economy measure...
...This year criticism against him had become quite severe...
...They make up about 86 (per cent, of the^ffotal semi-skilled Jemployed...
...the foreign language reader will actually receive more reading matter In his own tongue than before...
...Everything is begun by the hand of Labor, and ia finished by the hand of Labor...
...t —Butler...
...Fortunately, the information says, the Cuyamel Fruit Company has been aware of the situation and the excitement that prevails among the population of Honduras, and has suspended for the time being the taking of more land, owing to the prevailing situation...
...Thus the Subway Construction Workers' Union has become a full-grown organization...
...Labor has produced all the wealth of the worlds—American Steel Magnate Charles M. Schwab...
...It Is another ma'tter when this experience is used to undertake exploitation according to the rules of the -capitalist system...
...The next fewyears ought to bring Interesting changes in the American Federation of Teachers...
...Poi-to Ricans Alarmed at Wood Scheme Washington,—Antonio Barcelo, political boss of Porto Rico and president of Its senate, has arrived in Washington, breathing defiance of the Coolidge administration's scheme, hatched by Gen...
...In the elections at the convention he was, therefore, replaced by Mrs...
...Albion W. Small...
...when they find that the workers engaged In building the new tubes will cease work for a foil twenty-four hours...
...As a young man he became party secretary in Silesia, where he won much attention on account of his brilliant eloquence...
...Santiago Iglesiaa, head of the Socialist party in the Island, Invited by Barcelo to join the delegation In Its demands, has asked his chief opponent what interest the workers in Porto -Rico have in this struggle between their native and foreign exploiters...
...In 1920 he entered the Czech Parliament, and later was elected first vice-president of the German Socialists in Czechoslovakia...
...Standing committees with nuclei in various cities were created to work out recommendation"8""for the Executive Committee to consider and carry out: The Committee on Promotion and Organization was authorized to draw up an order of business for next year's convention to eliminate floundering about in the future...
...Following completion of the series on the painters...
...This suggestion came from none other than Delegate Scott Nearing, a member of the fund who is noted for his extreme care in appropriating money...
...July 1, 1928...
...By 66 votes to 33, the Conference adopted a resolution In favor of the appointment of a committee of experts to examine the annual reports from governments, under Article 408 of the Peace Treaty, on the application of conventions ratified by them, with a view to facilitating the scrutiny of the reports by a committee set up by the ensuing session of the Conference...
...It Is simply a- recognition by the Amalgamated of changing conditions Within the union...
...Frank A. Lewis and Ernest Chermetz were asked to become delegates to -dec.l with the contractors when the moment for negotiations arrived...
...He asks Barcelo to Join him In getting an investigation of wages and poverty in Porto Rico, as a basis for improving the condition of the masses...
...The Immigration restriction law has, of course, had Its influence...
...Grab Honduras Land Information has reached the Pan-American Federation of Labor Office, through organized labor of the Republic of Honduras, protesting against certain American corporations' activities in connection with representatives of the dominant political parties of the country...
...s No lawa are binding on tha human subject which assault the body or violate the conscience.—Blaekstone...
...trades, 17 per cent., and boot and shoe trades, 17 per cent...
...Countries continue to profess friendship for each other, and to pour out money in getting reedy to smash those friendships,—J...
...Their action Is reprehensible...
...In 1905 he became editor of "Volkswille" and branch secretary , In Karlsbad..., which could be secured upon payment of five dollars initiation fee and three dollars fo« a quarter of a year's dues...
...It is one thing to learn the intricacies of modern business and prove that any bricklayer or garment worker can comprehend Its mysteries...
...Besides, it is desired U bridge the gulf between the foreign-language speaking members and their children at home who are subjected to the anti-labor propaganda of the schools and dally press...
...Little by little, English has been advancing as the language of Its members...
...The cause of the struggle was a demand by the employers for reductions in piece rates of from 30 per cent, to 40 per cent, and an average reduction ot 25 per cent, in the wages of other workers...
...Within a month of the first meeting an organizer, Oscar Mazzltelli, had to be brought in...
...In 1925 the only paid officer, the secretary-treasurer, 'Charles G. Stockert, had stated in his annual report that he would not be offended If another person were to replace him...
...If labor banking results in training union officials to become bankers or financiers, then it ought to be condemned...
...A set of demands waa adopted demanding (1) union recognition...
...Leonard Wood, for broadening the powers of the American appointive auditors for both the Philippines and Porto Rico...
...But swallow* nonsense and a lie With greediness and gluttony...
...the Conference adopted a recommendation concerning the protection of emigrant women and girls on board ship- This recommendation provides for the appointment of properly qualified women conductresses to give to...
...S. NORWEGIAN WORKERS ACCEPT COMPROMISE The wage conflict In Norway, involving about 30,000 workers, or about 30 per cent, of the total trade union membership, which began on April 24, when the employers locked out their men for having refused to accept a wage reduction, came to an end on June 9, when both employers and unionists agreed to the proposals of the State Arbitration Court...
...It Is made clear that the Individuals concerned are acting entirely In their private capacities...
...He was thought to have been not active enough, to have neglected to capitalize the trade union affiliations of the union and to have done little to increase the membership...
...Meanwhile contractors have brought In workers, chiefly foreign-born...
...The Executive Committee unanimously censured Deputies Killer and Oprecht, members of the Alcohol Commission of the National Council, tor having come out with a decidedly unsatisfactory minority plan of their own without having consulted with the party officials or with the other Socialists In the National Council, GENEVA SUGGESTS PLAN TO HANDLE EMIGRANTS The net results of the Eighth session of the International Conference of the Labor Organisation of the League of Nations, held in Geneva from May 26 to June 5, are summed up by the International Labor .Office as follows: By 72 votes to 35, the Conference adopted a draft convention concerning the simplification of the inspection of emigrants on board ship...
...The Yiddish and the Italian papers are not affected by these mergers...
...And new members are ever coming...
...THE REVOLUTION IN THE AMALGAMATED PRESS It may now be publicly stated that beginning with July 2 the Advance, the official organ of the Amalgamated Clothing Workefrs of America, will begin to carry a rfumber of pages of text in Polish, Russian, Bohemian and Lithuanian...
...By 89 -votes to 18...
...when the national convention opens in Neuenburg next October, the delegates will Sod everything ready for tha launching of the financial institution...
...So much the worse...
...He demands that American business Interests, with whom he has been In close alliance In Porto Rico, kill this measure...
...At a recent meeting of the British Chamber ot Commerce In Hankow (Wu-Pei-Fu's headquarters), when...
...U. S. Corporation...
...At the same time the separate organs of these respective language groups will be abolished...
...The consequence was the lockout...
...ANOTHER LABOR CHIEF GONE IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA Another severe loss has been sustained by the workers of Czechoslovakia...
...By 75 votes to 19, the Conference adopted a resolution in favor of the carrying of an interpreter on any emigrant vessel carrying at least 50 emigrants speaking a language not that of the country under whose flag the vessel sails...
...The Conference further adopted resolutions concerning native labor, the scientific organization of industry, unemployment, the hours convention, and the establishment of a correspondence office In India...
...Organization was based upon the /section of the subway and the gang of workers as units...
...When the evening of the meeting arrived the hall was sardlned with'subway construction workers...
...The New Leader will begin to tell the inspiring story of ths growth of the International Typographical Union...
...women and girl emigrants while at sea any materiaPor moral assistance they may need...
...A member will be able to ask for any edition of the Advance he pleases, Including the all English...
...Under Hillebrand'f direction - the "Volkswille" became * great dally In West Bohemia...
...Not only have many persons of the second generation entered the trade, but even the foreign-born have been turning more and more to English as their vehicle of speech...
...He placed notices in the Italian papers announcing a mass meeting at the Italtasa Labor" Center...
...As was pointed out in The New Leader of June 24...
...At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Social Democratic Party ot Switzerland, reported in the Bernez Tagwaeht ot Jam* 1. the progress being made toward establishing a labor bank waa noted aa satisfactory, and it looks aa if...
...Labor Doings Abroad Swiss tabor wiU soon have a bank at its own, in Una with the ngsalsii workers of tha United States aad aeveral European countries...
...Finally, the State Arbitration Court intervened and gave an award which left holidays and hours of work unchanged, but proposed the following wage reductions: In the mining industry, 14 per cent.: In the building trade...
...The obtaining-of Illegal concessions of great lots of land without the consent of the people of Honduras Is charged...
...It must be remembered that the suggestions of the International Labor Conferences must be ratified by the various governments concerned before they are of any practical value...
...Barcelo realizes that control of expenditures means control of the government policies...
...This award the members of the trade unions concerned rejected by a large majority, chiefly on account of the proposed re-sjssessment of wages on the basis of new index figures to be published in August of this year . (which would mean another, reduction in wages...
...More than 25,000 workers marched ia the procession, and tens of thousands of others lined the streets...
...Story of the Painters* Union'* To Be Concluded Next Week "The Story of the Painters' Union," which has attracted so much attention in labor circles, and in the Painters' Union in particular, will be completed next week in The New Leader with en article dealing with recent develojamants on a national scale in .the Brotherhood of Painter*, Decorators and Paperhangers...
...or will In the near future, will entail an expenditure of perhaps a half billion dollars...
...By a unanimous vote, the Conference adopted an amendment to its standing orders designed to enable all delegates who so desire to take part In tbe discussions of committees of the Conference- The Conference also adopted unanimously a number of amendments to the standing orders Intended to substitute a "double discussion" procedure for the scheme of first and second readings' which had Seen applied experimentally to proposed conventions and recommendations at the two preceding sessions...
...Felt the same kinship ef the human heart Which maksa thorn, in the time of flame and food, Rise to the meaning ef true brotherhood...
...Ella Wheeler Wilcox...
...Large as this sum has been to most of them, it has been no detriment...
...Nothing has any value until turned over by the hand of Labor...
...Finally, closer co-operation with organized labor was agreed to...
...No changes have been made In holidays and hours ot labor...
...Oswald Hillebrand was born est August 7. 1879, • In Hotzenplotz...
...Frlsina could barely find room enough to stand up to deliver his message of unionism...
...Men's discontent dig the channel* of their progress...
...To Join the union they have been required to pay an Initiation fee...
...The, construction is let out to contractors in sections, of which there are now about thirty...
...Addresses were made by representatives of theGerman and Czechoslovak Socialist and labor organizations and of tha Socialist and Labor International...
...The delegates were duly grateful for his proposal...
...Then, the Italian Chamber of Labor took a hand in the situation...
...It is Labor which produces everything, ell the riches, ell the splendor, ¦II the wealth...
...12 to 13 per cent.: textile, 17 per cent...
...General Wu baa, according to a statement by the-new director at the Peking-Hankow Railroad,- or-dered the suppression ot tha railroad men's unions...
...Under the new proposal submitted by the Arbitration Court the wage cuts will range from 12 to 18 per cent., but the provision for a readjustment In August Is omitted and the agreements are to run until next February...
...2) a forty-fourhour week, Ume and a half for overtime and double time for holidays and Sundays, and (t) a wage scale, Increasing the lowest rate of BO cent* per hour to 75 cents and the highest, 85 cents, to one dollar an hour...
...No union man should mias it...
...The demand was made on the occasion of the expiration of wage agreements, and was based on the appreciation of Norwegian currency and the fall in the cost of living...
...Two thousand workers have already joined the union...
...The Amalgamated, as usual, sees the future and la guided accordingly...
...Hillebrand's funeral tn Karlsbad was the occasion of the greatest demonstration of sorrow and affection ever recorded In- that city...
...Leonardo Frislna, one of its organizers, was put in charge of the work...
...keep wages down...
...They accuse the financial authorities of Wall Street of being behind these enterprises...
...The Information says that a tremendous manipulation of an Imperialistic character dominates the activities of Honduras on a commercial and economic basis, and as a result misery and oppression are being imposed on the masses of the people...

Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 26

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