A PAGE-OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Getting It Inthe Neck fflriE above headline ha* really nothing to I do with what follows. But my buddy;wh.o runs this great jourHal, arid whd, befweett you and...

...The legal day of A maximum number of hours* work, for example,- is actually a fixing of a minimum of freedom, a prohibition to sell freedom longer than for a certain number of hours daily, ahd, in prlriciple, therefore, stands on the same ground as the prohibition agreed to by all liberals against selling ohe's self Ihto personal slavery...
...There Js, In fact, no libetaj thought which is not also found In the Ideology underlying the Socialist philosophy...
...But as the It B.a medicine chest was Just but ot flaxseed and seithef the grocery, Hardware or hay ahd feed sfores (a town carried flaxseed at this season...
...But 1 have still one consolation If at the present stage of medical science, t had left Louisiana afflicted by consumption, I might have bad blind staggers by the time 1 reached St...
...u*e hlthdrea miles sttiil further north M. D. Nd...
...But it offers greater advantages where it is a question of the creation of permanent economic arrangements capable of lasting...
...She (fled to laugh...
...I answered, much relieved...
...with a dighlfied sheer, wftlch" conclusively placed the Louisiana doctor In the category of astrologers, Indian medicine then and gypsy Palm readerS...
...Well, we get poorer...
...Ot course, what unele did meant everything to me, everything, eblMgai meter ear, travel, decent clothes, sag anrrutdndUlga...
...I could not buy automobiles for all ot them, but I did my beat, and the good deeds a man has done to the M. D.s Uvea long alter the...
...he insists, thet-fc Is 1 certain Inconsistency betweth the declaration of principles ih thl ErfUff Prttgfam and fee demahds tot adclal reform h-hlch foliow fell statement...
...jL A i allowed that a red hot poultice of flaxseed Ifcpndi Ixtefnaliy nfty times during the day and twice Is oSldduring fee night would, make life so Infern^Bjr h»r for both of us that a separation from cartnscie and neck would speedily follow...
...AH he eared Shout WaS books and his pet Idea...
...In fact, "the security of_fclyJl freedom has always seemed to it to stand higher than the fulfillment of some economic progress...
...But hrtt he called uncle everything be could tne in hia extehslve vocabulary — Tils names, like 'grafter' and lackey t» the idle rlcB...
...the old defiance had...
...Critics of Socialism have accused Socialists of giving little consideration to responsibility, indeed, some Socialists have assumed that society tinder the inew order would give an absolute guarantee ot employment to all of its members...
...Ml never forget that day...
...In a headline ahd hb more...
...Her smile was ironic...
...Wfe are ahoul to go on a canoe trip wt$i, Charlie Soni arid Ai Leeds to, shoot ripidai We have nevef shot any rapids and we are all thrilled at the prdspect...
...Industrial combinations...
...He Seemed td feel that Unele Gaylard waa reapohkfblS to* all hia miSfertuheb...
...Leo E. ssldia oh "Maltt Tendencies In Hbderd Literature...
...However, . Berhstelh'a MtlkUfni bf Marx in no wky interfered wife hil Slip-port bt fee Sdclftl flehibcrttib mbvement, but merely lead him to the tfeii*f fedt tkctiei prbposeg by ittarx tat the attaiflmeht of A feo-bpeiratlrd cbnifliodwddlth, dbHhg the etrly ddys, snohld bS changed to meet the realities of feS SltuStibfl...
...The liberal organizations -of modern society are distinguished from those exactly because they are flexible and capable of change ahd development, they do hot deed to be destroyed, but only to be further developed...
...ClieSSehs en the "Sociology of Prejudice...
...t« feft beUS*, the house you were about to rent...
...by the time the famous It t...
...Pap* and mamma live -ih that HoUse...
...Now hfe ih busy trying td provt that the subway strike is i faililte.' A Ihbrt time ago he vibldted ill tKwspapct' ethicl Bt printing a confidential talk that he had with Weisbord, the leader of thfe Passaic strike...
...Have hdt aV veloped in a Uniform ftishldh In the vatidiis Industrie* ahd IH agriculture concentration in the generally accepted sense of that word has hardly taken place at all Eeondmie feriSeS there are...
...So the {frit pi us formed a committee and called on Medicus JrA 1 jo get the low dbwh oh the situation...
...Perhaps in the course of time we...
...Such freedom Is only possible by means of Organization, in this sense socialism may be regarded as organized liberalism, for "when one examines more closely fee organizations that Sdeialism wants arid how it wants them, he Will find feat what distinguishes them above ail from the feudalistlc organizations outwardly like them...
...But, Doctor," i expostulated meekly, "is there no ether way of putting the 'kibosh on such a trifling thing as a carbuncle...
...As 4 matter ctf fact OmriA Ik Always the star fieribrmer at L. I. B. fhm tnd just why dtif Jdaditi* impf*s4ridl Krff bverlooked her is a njystftry td di...
...is Just their liberalism, their democratic constitution, their accessibility...
...in such great and complicated organisms as our modem civilized states and their industrial centers an absolute fight to work would simply result hi • disorganization...
...t*h* gbih' bdek td b fe's'ele dipt, where a man at tagad can svfMr} m (jftin* to Iwadt for k wealthy guy who arts bi Ih dfttcg ehair...
...David P. 'Berenberg, in composition and literary criticism...
...Pill CdUH«3l THE JuriS-Juiy issue of THe Labor StUdSht carries preliminary announcements of the Rind School's plans for the coming fall season...
...But U emotion, li .often ah imperfect leader the intellect is a slow motive force...
...Where fee revolution sins by overhastej the every day legislator Sins by proeraStinatioh...
...Kbw '.rhktihg wai the sptctleie bf their Hves stretching backwhrds 18 perplexing wlba di caahca ahd moUvd...
...I wended my weary steps toward the Outt e£ Mexico, one* more attended by a faithful retinue of carbuncles...
...D. Arrived there, I was motioned into an electric chair trim my iac* tiii-hed tdward a glass case containing A choice Collection of cutlery...
...ahd father was so indifferent to clothes...
...Hb and Aunt Susie did ndt have children...
...Legislation works 38 a systematic fbrce, revolution as an elementary f6fSe"As soon as the nation has attained a position where the tights of the propertied minority Have ceased to be a serious obstacle to Social progress, where the negative taSke ot politick] action are less pressihg tHah the positive...
...therefore, suggest...
...Oscar Amerihgfet sajrh that he wis 111 wof*rilti about reading an account of an auto accident which befell the Prince of Wiies...
...Beatrice Becker will conduct a course in correction of accent...
...gtryker and others will co-operate ih the latter cOurSf ¦ Special classes for young Socialists will deal wife social theory and movements and ptoblerhs of fee youth movement...
...Father enjoyed a scene...
...Mdruius Harisdme, in data, of sociology...
...black cap over face ahd ail wires down between county Jail and governdr'fe mahsion...
...The aim Ot all Socialist measures, even of those which appear outwgrdly" as coercive measures, is the development arid the securing ot a free personality...
...senS, Nathan Fine...
...In Marx's writings he #hfl3 a dualism, resulting from the tact that his works aim both At seiehtinc irrtjuiry and at a proof of a theory laid down long before the Inquiry li started...
...the operation li paihiess and the cost but trifling...
...Its patH IS & path of compromise...
...D. No...
...5 broke the aad news to me chat while the wound was a very nice wound Indeed, there was not enough ot It, in consequence whereof a direct descendant of carbuncle 1 had settled down to housekeeping and was raisins...
...Uttdfer G6tti" exellithei Oscgf-, "I thought that novy thfe I*rinc* had* fdliCn out df his limotisine...
...One of his tireS blew'out and he narrowly averted gbihg itttb thfe ditch...
...fed* ft* wea% mind that, maybe-tlo, I wife ysu well trd I aktwer to fJU aUtV P tha aid...
...r*W glad « yau'v* liked my Bttt t rnymft H*M ready an' rough in' plain, i klh't one •' them hlohhrew berdei aa' at alajksa rVH nt#st profsifta*- j ¦y einain's peer Srr* if a out 9 tun...
...Led in economic theory ana pi-boiem...
...I coddled by pft with hot towels and electric light bulbs In the hops that he would heed_ the heat without the seed...
...fnS oniy effect t noticed, however, was an encourl|ihg growth in the size of the carbuncle which filled III solii with still greater ambition...
...He Haintaina feat Marx was wrong th holding that fee middle class Was deerelSI&g aha th4t the lot Bf tHS workers wan Becoming ever more miserable...
...j& ^Biahaat llataAdaamif *enaei sretafrsry...
...The recognition of individual responsibility Is the individual's' return to society for feervlces rendered or offered him by society...
...Wkeh rtald father airhprj t«at H seerhedHM rVrl*** ud thdd t ax*t#t Caaat OaJdadarg JWiswU Jse Straw melodramatic, ordered hie Slit at thd house, and disinherited me—not that t could see anything to inherit...
...There is, he contends, a real residue of Utopiahiim ih the Martian system...
...Bard be ait and spun'hls theories, aad ieft mother had me ss starve...
...Socialism is the legitimate heir of liberalism...
...Professor Brissehden...
...But this rflminai buoyancy was Sdbrt to be tak#n out of me...
...a, pocketing Ay btteks...
...OB, It waft Humiliating and terrible," She had paused Bare te matter memories that Seerhed tod hatdh td hadf...
...j lih Idih' ta 1611 that a human oral may lg*f hf ( ilMeoalndi While i deir Iwdet with my lipS pressed tight as* • wad o' nicotine...
...ho," M replied...
...while, aiifpliil value exists as an empirical tact, the Marxian doctrine of Surplus value Is aH abgtraetioi...
...M D No...
...He criticises fee e*^ ciuSlve emphasis laid by some socialati oh fee economic factor IH History, e maintains that...
...Coifemah With Wild Rapid Which Hd Shot in Oesperate Struggle...
...WIN*get a trafam aU ready.lor jrtim*\, Wh« rather buildib* another aacwj WRy start wth+y ind fret ahd btˆw , . . WHk wTfe ad £a^f to fiv* rdti ¥b*» IW We knew yqtir waHtl iff $irfl>ll ifid Mm feM like to hfclp.yott cat tftgtfi th tw6: V, Herd's how to mike ill your 4^1*91 coffttrtal The eomtMny union's all tdMy tor fdL* When Gertrtide Weil klain aan^ ^ial # m now historic Lfeaf ue for industrial Dctnocrac* CohfCrffacfe at Tirftimtrit, H wlh the hit at thfc erenldd...
...a ifflS* sKa/itlihg dn the death trap with noose, around oecx...
...Thus heire they meet agtiih ih liberalism...
...lie asserts...
...appeared In her vbice- She waitefl as if for him to grow used to the perplexing thought...
...But my buddy;wh.o runs this great jourHal, arid whd, befweett you and nie,st)tiferit to be A journeyman %oA carrier lor all he knows about running g newspaper, insists that there must bfe Just-so fflihy word...
...When I was scarcely out of ^plnafdres, 1 Used to run about the store trying to make up for his deficiencies, and many a tiihe I have come home, gbne upstairs, and cried myself to sleep because my papa had such Had manners...
...a Followed then a confusion of urine test, blood test...
...than hmTI slip over to the Oeuatry Otub and have dmner...
...of whom it was told that si wl& & bear oh bolls and carbuncles...
...Hahdsorne, in problems Of sociology...
...She had ended id lhamt, tadfl ioTtHini fief eyes, fdgdtnef thef hid Sat In silence...
...Bernstein disc pitta his hope fit the evolutionary processes of democracy...
...Joseph M. Osmah, in psychology ot Personality...
...I prefer Cheddar...
...Moreover, my carbuncles have biought a shower ot inner tubes, casings and Fard parts into the homes of hundreds of poor but deserving M. t».'s...
...There win also be courses in fundamental* 6f Socialism knd trade unionism and iibbi PtdblemS...
...At IfiiS stigg of development t was forced to take a filirheif to a city about 200 miles ndrth in which vr'elied a celebrated, M. t...
...When I entered the reception room of the aforesaid »iebf}ty, i realized immediately that I had struck U latest Ih the Si...
...At tile word cost, 1 regained full consciousness aha said, "tJbcior," I said, "hot changing the subject, but ui ydu ifl need of a hew car...
...it ft extensive, comprehensive.^ smacks of profound Utrnlhg and leaves the Impression that here at last £ Something worth reading...
...He moved his store from one location t* another, Until it came to occupy a dingy bole on Washington Strait...
...The doctor Ih Louisiana advised flaxseed poul—" •¦Did he...
...Tea understand, don't yob, etd destfr* Bb had patted her knee, tad smld, '•Pdot old thing !" "TdJtS me...
...The Kihg of England ind the Qiiten with her Umbrella of course, were inspecting sdfhd chefesei at I fair...
...religion, politics, nationality and previous eonoUlbn of servitude, which were indexed on a chill i&i revef card...
...But a right to work, in the sense that the state guarantees to everyone occupation in his calling, is quite improbable in a visible time, and also not even desirable...
...NowHere in the writings of Marx do we find & systematic investigation of what may>he expected front legal, and what from vibient, revolutionary action...
...She paused to ruminate...
...may even learn to love each other...
...Said the fohg a hit wistfully, "I like cheeses.1' Said the QdfeeH tartly, "I db not like cheeses, they are full df little animals...
...A -?«ttm Girl'i Prttjci ft tod* I will fid gfiad, el tUi-4 swiar ted will hat rahahHeta me after Nt ¦ - Will tdiik ft* bewai add seruh, and *W hag ftwH Wih sdVftr flgttti balll W* lieb my hawi Wih wtdr Ay thrhur ahead Mi Ungdr akirtti WIH nadir Met* te Tarn add dttt fUm ahhsk I kidded him and never ehriM d Wiwk...
...Berenberg, in modern world history...
...Lctrr is an eheniy of labor, g snake ih the grass anS f first-class, dll-afbtlrid tritftster...
...Then came thejHihd exodus of the rhdrgue maidens, and as each one passed, she gkve me a look *hich said plainer than words: "Poor youth, how sad to- die so young ahd so beaUtlfui...
...Father was tuzious...
...In cohcldsloh BerhStelrt makes a plea for thinkers In tUe Socialist movement whb basi their principles ofl ascertained facts, hBt ofl dogmas hahfled down to them frbtti *»ove...
...When we Ihddt onfe we will hhvfc our pictiirc tlkett with one foot placed on the back of a prostrate fipla td be priHtcd In the rotos Under the captidtt^ "M...
...Sdeialism and Freedom Socialism will create no new bondage whatever...
...BUt we're printed the song h*re, dot te frff Gertrtide 4 boost that she doesn't need put to stif|*st thkl h be made, the official tnirfflnj sohf bt the New York Interberoufh ^wd>, Aiid for that matter- the .-Standard Oil, tha) General Electric ifid all the othgr eoncerrjg that have dopdd bttt thift hew wijf 8f lejeditaf their help, If we hid eriough money we w6til9 f M hot a CirtUlflf td all labor and liberal organilitkifil wirtHrig them against ^obn t. Leafy, Jr^ffift St>can8d "lhbor reporter" of The New Yofh Wbrid...
...Aug aUt had added...
...Adam Coaldiwffer...
...Will, is 1 wis trying to say when feat carbuncle of ft about which t tola you a month ago developed £y neck, me and my neck were in Louisiana, ijuin is about as far south as a person can go In jlrth Xniferlca without getting his feet wet...
...Gaylard keeps them, i gdeaa...
...3. ^ -r Nearing Lake Superior • few days later...
...It iS irody ihdfeed that a paper which prided itself on its "liberalism" should keep such dv ldbd^baitet bn it* staff...
...A healthy social life is impossible unless the economic personal responsibility of all those capable of work Is assumed...
...tBhgiie: gaping,, pulse feeling, subdued murmuring l&tweeri Doc Mild, Squad of nurses...
...M. D.'s are through with him...
...Both Marx and Ptoudhon agreed, declares Bernstein, in this, feat they favored decentralization and federalIsm IH their hew Social order, a democratic organization from the bottom dp...
...Have nothing to dp with this bird, brother...
...Louis, and hydrophobia aa 1 neared Lake Superior...
...Mountains of tklk dn ftvety .conceivable Subject— theoeophy, birth control, socialism, vegetaf"anidm, . Tdodooiem, evarylahi He ia a coUector of "iama...
...If it's Only a case of casings, you may gb ahead with the operation...
...4 ^WesSed the ohinlba that the operation could easily |P*e Urefl tVolded through tlie persistent application ft Hot tlkxseed hhUiticM...
...Now don't Judge nie, Daniel, until yoti bear .me out-* He bad listened heivliy, kmhseinent driving him into a numbed silence...
...5 "Well...
...Oth-' erwise, t would* have called this literary baby: -The Present Stage ef Medical Science in the Territory Betwixt the Gulf ol Mexico afea fee JsSutheru febrt of ia** Superior...
...In the first place!, carbuncles are* not trifles...
...ess "Your case," announced the M. D. when we were, alone at last, "Is not necessarily fatal, but serious enough to call for an Immediate operation...
...In Sliehce thsy HSd driven, Shd did not speak df what wAs important to them until they had found a road they knew i-AOg liked, a tree-arehed, unfreqhShtea lane by the river...
...Oall If tad last knew aha way thfar awrtal ?aa, V wlH thdffy JgeHaaA, tdtW 1 All par llttW MMa, UM nette wMl gsmaC I g«a«w...
...i revision of Marxian doctrines it many points...
...M'0Ut yohaer to the country...
...If democracy is not to excel centralized absolutism in the breeding of bureaucracies, it must be' built up on an elaborately organized self goverhment with a corresponding economic, personal responsibility of all the units of administration as well as of the adult citizens of the state...
...After Ke had run through mothefa money bU silly ventures, and started his bookstore, he ruined fee little business that he got Wife hiS tongue...
...GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor NM*t 6/ ike Northamt Bf M. H. HfibG£S (CerttlhUsd FrSm Ltst VVdSk) j "Drive me," ShS had commanded...
...graciously overlooking the irrelevance at the question, "the old bus is as godd as hew outside of .a new set of tires...
...Raiid School *4nrtoitiicfe...
...He has MbfM His Shop again, i understand...
...It's strange where the ideas that fill children's beads come from, Dan...
...However, my pet was out and •"J** fttod...
...Above the cutlery exhibition htirig a chatt portraying that part of the hutfikh body which is left after the doctor and undertaker hivi taken their share...
...Oh th4 contrary, they are frequently fatal, resulting often hi death and similar inconveniences, in the second place, the therapeutic properties of flaxseed are less 'thin nil...
...one at those soft men Who defend theil- softness with the hardness of hard men...
...August Claessens, In public speaking...
...bu,t they give net lndlcetleh of leading ip fee wotld catsitrrJpHieS which Marmata predictj aTrtheugtt catacylsms due to, pdlitieai events are at ahy time possible...
...she had continued, quieter now, phinged into d Sea of bittet memories...
...a large family an Inch below the former habitation of his illustrious aire, and that the oo:y possible remedy at the present stage of medical science, was a better and bigger excavation on my neck...
...The individual is to be free, not in the metaphysical sense ot the anarchists—tree from all duties toward the community—''but frte from every economic compulslbn in his action and choice...
...Tkke the question df economic personal responsibility...
...that h« Hlrheelf had beeh mistreated^ and hkd 'bevet bSdfl given a ahahee...
...Oh* so shiftless...
...but father...
...aft the smiling surgeons and nurses fcJJ^b k^*-' 1 *ound myself ih ah M. D. dfflce "ar Hundred miles further north to have the wound rf™?ed- «s per painstaking instructions dn the part «lce hdilndi" said at...
...then I have aeen mothtf once a week downtown...
...The heat frdrfi these poulticed may delay the inevitable end, but that is all...
...For, if these kind healers had over¦°»«sa one item Intending to scare a fellbw to death, 'tailed to notice It...
...Morris Hillquit, David J. Sdposs, Roy J...
...As it is...
...98S knbw...
...Under Socialism society would indeed do far more than at present to see that the individual obtained and kept positions suitable to his abilities and tastes...
...V. F. Caivertofl bh "Cbhtemporary Writers ahd Social THOUght...
...Her paid had gone...
...Socialists have always) stood four square for civil liberties...
...He hai a high, sHrill, insistent voice, Stubborn intellectual priae, and a hasty critical Sense that make him the ideal dlspatdht "I Have seen him stand for hours trying to beat down a.customer*a opinions with hla own, wbile other eustbtners waited to buy books...
...T was about it at that time, and when 1 bad finished high school he proposed ta send me to Vassar, with the provision that I come and Hve with bim afterwards...
...and now a broken avalld ih ft wheel ehair' escdrted and perambulated J** goodness khoirk he# many mourners to thai ¦WUtotly illuminated dperatidii fdbm...
...blessed forgetfuliiess...
...entered this psychological torture efiajntser, I was hi as hopeful a frame of mind as...
...in descriptive economics...
...Revisionism " Summed Up TtiE historV of socialist THOUOrtf By HArtRY W. LAIDLER FINALLT, Bernstein believes that the Socialists should tiie moderation In their attacks on liberalism...
...Weil, since...
...tod doh't Know father," she continued, her mouth hard, her voice velvety...
...jcqw, a Headline like that looks like something...
...Kelt time we see you boys and girls ti will be ail brown and bearded Hkd the fttyih Sinclair Lewis's "Mantrap" which despite* Calvertonj we still ms^^|^j^d ^t^^ The Call I'm aefn' dawn to the sea* IfSIn, Srhdrd <M t» » event aa wittet I'm fleln* seen whdn thd taring arrives a#T «M M*t» gripe the spine...
...And tnen he continued in the bihterihg tbfle applied at the burial of Unknown heroes...
...pathagd ** edh *kne* t\ ait" bt* 9* cairtlausm Wadjt wadar} .Ws/fe otysmtn caj» HHp ea^ uVorkins...
...during a revolution, emotion dominates over lnteUect...
...M D.'s...
...SBd hkd hlfeetsd, 4b fe* top of thii Hill ahd let ti« cielfl drihg b:k>w away all fees* aril arimdriod...
...in other words, it is best adapted to positive social-political .work...
...I'm tfln* down to the same Meek helS wtth tJN aaaat black gang ta swSSt— Ft the land ia accursed wife gbve+ty that I wadM fain forget...
...Here she toM Him...
...Not willing to undergo the ordeal of another mental preparation for ar operation, and too patriotic to spend American dollars with Canadian...
...Though many ot Bernstein's contentions have been vigorously assailed by Marxists under the leadership of Kautsky, they have Had quite a profound influence on the movement and it must be admitted feat many of fes prominent social democrats of prewar days who Still officially proclaimed their belief In fee Marxian formulas, acted in their way-to-day agitation tor practical, peaceful, measures of social reform as though they had accepted in essence the teachihgi of fee Revisionist School...
...Constitutional legislation, on the other hand, works more slowly in this respect...
...I am no worse off than when I started...
...Ih . general It may be said that the vibient method is quicker, insofar as it deals wife fee removal of obstacles which fee privileged' minority places Ih the path of social progress: that the strength of this method liek oh the hegailve...
...On the ratdl day of the operation t had walked twelve blocks to the hospital lit the delusion that OtitW of my pet t was in perfect health...
...Onb/a^short hour ago I had waJRed twelve blocks oh »»> own hoofers, whistling and smoking toy old briar *" K *H eternity was before me...
...Summary fierhitWn...
...As tar back as I can-remember, I thought of myself as a grand lady...
...to piit it blunUy but truly, Mr...
...Ah, how Brief Ahd fleeting *re health and life...
...There will be classes in English, as usual...
...Uncle Gkylard, 6f coarse, took eare of US two after that...
...M> ever, may become inseparable until naught but death will us part...
...Ih conclusion he warns fee pfrty that a theory, that does not hermit i. movement to give its consideration at every stage of deveiopraeht to the actual interests of fee working classes will always be cast aside...
...At the same time he coils*»«d me wife m tfetemeHt feat the wound dreg * remarkably nice wound, thus corroborating *- M D. No...
...The 'growth of liberalism, Bernstein believes, makes possible a peaceful transition hot to he attiiifiga in former days...
...Immediate Tastes Bernstein then gives his attention to the immediate tasks before the social democracy—fee task of working out a peasants' program, tit encouraging co-operatioh ahd municipal ownership, of forniuiatlhg a fhrelgh policy, ot removing the existing class franchise, of "emancipating itself from a phraseology which is actually, outworn," and ot rhakihg op its mind to appear as What It Is in reality today, "a» democratic Socialistic party of reform," "a party that strives alter the Socialist transformation of society by the means df democratic and economic reform...
...A careful examination Of Socialist measures will indicate that the coei-cioh Involved in the application Of these measures is far less than the liberty which they make possible...
...After waiting an hour if so to get accilniated, a solemn looking female - ttatistlciafi asked me tor my name, address, occupation...
...Berenberg, ih American Socialist history...
...V As She had prbgreSaad in the narrative, Agatha became more impersonal— an impersonal fury, lovely and relentless...
...Feudalism, with Its unbending drgahizatidhS ahd corporal tlons, had to be destroyed nearly everywhere by violence...
...e Qur relatione are more friendly now...
...Algernon Lee, ih the History ot civilization...
...Thus the sum total of liberty in society is vastly increased...
...wlthbdt ^•ea I stirely w>ould have preceded my carbuncle to r*gbereafter...
...Then strapped* like a loiise In fee last stages tof delirium dtfE?' the wr°hg end of a funnel Over my mduth ¦ *hj!+" .r°raettulhess...
...Cut perhhrik a little too soon ana too WJIfc but h nice woiihd Just fee satoe...
...Ha got us tu Into the Uny llving-rooca at home and demanded that I choose between Him and Gaylard...
...In legislation Intellect dominates over emotidri tn quiet times...
...although many of his erlticilms Ire directed kgiiHSt fee crude statements of Marxian jSrineipiei, rather th^n against their more mature elaboration...
...by Professor Samuel C. SchUcher oh "Mah's drowfe into Humanity...
...D. line...
...I waa rhdre a Gaylard than * XdrreSon, I guesa...
...today fee movement Heeds* in addition to the fighting spirit, the coordinating and constructive thinkers who ate intellectuslly though AafahceA to be able to separata th* chaff from the wheat, who are great enough in their mode of thinking' td rfJcoghlzl also the little plant that hai grown on another soil than theirs, ahS who, perhaps, thbugh not Sing!, are warm Hearted republicans id fee dbmAin bf socialist thought...
...For that we need organization and ehergetic ke-1 tioh, but hot hecehsariiy a revolutionary dictatorship...
...Without responsibility' there is ho, freedom...
...Hi wis largely responsible tor thfe volte fact of thl New York Central Trades Council on thl tfcft of the last Presidential election vVHeti thlt ttfd ganitatioti brazenly repudiated it* erldbrtt* meht of La Fdllette and came out Wast biviL Pfetehdirig to be a great friend ^of the cofi mlHets and boot-licking their leaders, he wroth vifcibtisly against them during the last anthracite strike...
...th4h tlte appeal id a revolution by fore* becomes & meaningless Phrase...
...Popular lecture course will be glveh by Professor Henry E. dramptoh oh "The Evolution of Life...
...Nothing is more injurious to its healthy development than enforced uniformity and a too abundant amount ot protectionism ahd subyentiohism...
...Twb hours liter a ghostly female in the fuli regalia at the Knights of the ku kliix Klah picked me from the collection 6l sbrroving humanity scattered over tnS reception roohi and escorted me to what i took t8 be the otitfet- sanbtuary of the innermost sanctuary of the famous if...
...replied the M.~D...
...Add judgihg from the pictures we have seen df the Qtieeh we take it that cheddar wiU be served in place of cheese at Buckingham Palate...
...ClaesSefll oh "Elements of Social Progress...
...I recovered a little when A rftthet comely looking nurse took my pulse ahd temperature, but experienced another sinking spell when she ieft to make room for a somber sister, who announced that the execution room was ready...
...At the present stag* of medical science, we have ceased temporizing with cdrbuncles, hence we cut them out...
...He seek Socialism aS the logical carrying dut of certain libetdt principles, arid puts much faith ih the efficacy of the co-operative and' trade union movements as means ttf progtSsd, MM agrees with the Social democrats bt his day in most of fee Immediate demands contained in their program, and for which they so ardently work, klthough he insists that a number of these immediate demfthas are likely to ward off the cataclysm wHich many Socialists regard ad the necessary forerunner of an industrial revbltttidh...
...arrived at the hospital, I was put to bed in solitary confinement in th« comgariy ol a couple ot dead mints, Which Produced deep reveries concerning the futility ef me, the high tdSt of dying, uripaid funeral bills and 4 leaning tombstone in lonely graveyards...

Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 26

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