THE NEWS OF THE WEEK ¦ r —» *»--*da*BBhssk - fiaa*»jw|- -*uw-* #*aaas ******* ^zJrt, halted. Vlseouot C*e«*eaaouaceo%M the Hottae of Lords that the MB wesM not Tea pressed* for the prssset...

...The trade unions of the city owe a duty to Abraham Lefkowitz for his devoted service to them not to let this issue pass without a challenge... amusingly ridiculous- Ho matter what man Inherits, it ia environment that determines his expression and achievement...
...Maybe they 'taven't all been delivered yet A peer- . sntly sur swn city worker* are being nsglsatod ie ths distribution...
...The "union" was created and maintained by the company...
...THE ILLINOIS PRIMARY THE humiliating results that may be reaped by the organized workers confining their political activities to a choice between two candidates of the capitalist parties is strikingly illustrated in the Illinois primary...
...Ths Wlggsma and the Stoddsrda srs mnnifmjj sf fas, same group...
...We have fought the latter and must fight the former...
...They propose to return to the rata of VII which provided for a division of proceeds at the ratio of Si' to wages and 15 to prod** instead ot the ratio of S? to it...
...There is work to do...
...There will be'figures representing the forces of oppression and others representing the blessings of freedom, the coats of arms of the thirteen original states and forty-eight stars for each State...
...he approaches sb*~1...
...holy shrine" and the liberty Bell aa a "sacred relic...
...The color ef ths msgszins cover wiR ehsngs from month te month...
...What other nation on this earth would be capable of stag* ing anything like this...
...JTS> aaasiaa that one gean*» lae date sC -vigorous protest from the U. S. Haas* mn sal would neve belted Mesioa'a hand and piesoived the Charch's privileges...
...That ts why bis book is significant...
...C&trtooSOCIETY hi a web ot ecosearda <e» Sdseese that strstdh, out^gd countless directions...
...They persisted longer than any other quarrels that have appeared in the Socialist movement...
...Langden-P»vta| can scarcely be called a revorutioeary, bis conclusions are fundamentally radical...
...Abraham Lefkowitz has been one of the most valuable members of the Teachers' Union and has been untiring in the work of trying to obtain some measure of democracy in our educational system...
...THE TRANSIT STRIKE WHATEVER may be the status of the Interborough strike when this appears, we cannot do otherwise than rejoice over this revolt against the company...
...recently paid a visit te, Mexico City and seemed te and things ra pretty good shape for hia oompaniee...
...Iy false are the prevailing ideas of ¦ score of writers who masque themselves ss scientists, and the nonsss, steal notions that they promulgate ei scientific knowledge...
...Three Poems . MARTYRS ': '~ Some die upon the gallows tree N Because their souls srs greet... fact, Smith ta also a. wealthy man and a utility magnate...
...An important aspect of the* situation in New York State is the influence of Gov...
...Too wise to prey ths prayers he'd havs to pray...
...Thanks, Dr...
...Now that they have defeated McKinley for the nomination the railroad unions must support Smith for election if they are consistent...
...reasoning is frustrate and hap il peg " ThU book marks a trend ta tne> peychoiogy of the new society, tt ud>" dertnlnes the psychological and bio-i logical defense of the con tern porary bourgeoleie...
...And we even find.time te read "The OutII," significant only te us since Mr...
...He has also offended the political gangsters on this score for they realize that a democratic system of administration has no place for them...
...A legend is being built up around the man which is based upon the assumption that in some way Smith represents and can- deliver some vague sort of fundamental democracy...
...Few of ue have ever stopped to realise how intense the romance of the philosophers really haa been...
...It is a long hike from Isaiah to King David...
...Tammany is going to erect" a statue of the late Charles F. Murphy in Union Square in order that, future generations may not forget this profound thinker, statesman, humanitarian and philosopher...
...Smith on large masses of voters...
...If the strikers succeed in smashing...
...Too loving to pay ths pries he'd hsvs to pay To be "s man of God** today...
...Lsngdon-Davies has showi thst we also are living in A New...
...We hope that the committee in charge of the proposal will select one df these pearls that so appealed to Murphy and carve them on his statue... is not because fas Is Inherently Inferior,- but simply because his environment has fnrsiabed him neither with the desire tor seeh knowledge nor the opportunity of aequirfog u. - _ Laagdon-Davies- e«wv ses this sttttode ta bold snd candid diction: ' "though the smsll differences between men end msn may bs dee to heredity, ths great dHlsrsrsss, ^ the isspartsnt differences srs dus i to whet the social milieu dees with the Httis differences...
...Hedley visits the Ponce Department and shortly after nearly 7,000 police are summoned for strike duty...
...Stories from Southern Tirol described renewed arbitrariness by the- Fascist author...
...He was in line for promotion to First Assistant in the High School of' Commerce, but the Board of Superintendents of the Board of Education has refused him this promotion...
...American marble ami granite dealers object on "patriotic grounds" to the use of any but American stone to mark the graves of American soldiers in Europe...
...In defense of the r .ushtarian psychology of the seventeenth' c-ntury bourgeoir'e...
...Edward P. Lavin, head of the Consolidated Railroad Workers and leader of the strike, puts Hedley in the pillory when he says that the workers for all the years that they have refrained from striking and endured intolerable conditions they have been "girdled by a reptile company union...
...Here it is necessary to emphasize a fact that is quietly discussed in every newspaper office...
...Aside from some sniping from the side lines the Socialist Party is free to give its entire attention to educational and organization work...
...I seen my opportunities and I took "em...
...Smith is a flag under which a swarm of brokers go into office and serve powerful interests just as faithfully as the Republican section of capitalism...
...The intelligence-testers of the Tm man type, who believe that the (intelligence quotient) Is an index tt native talent, a barometer of laheribM human capacity, are an example of fta psychologists today who v— theS science to defend the present eystse of economic inequality...
...We are called upon to regard both as others regard "the Holy Land...
...Agi of Faith (The Viking Press, 12.50) The faith which we have put ta art instead of science is less deleterious however, than the faith we put is pseudo-science...
...White it,-as true that the regulations aimed at wiping out the Church's political power- in Mexico acem very drastic to...
...In the sciences f biology and papd cnotogy the influence ef the elass-stsajiV: gle has always been' lb-sued lately eadjl emphatically apparent...
...the queer muerc ef hod gaped ged sight and sound on a summer's night on Deianosy Street...
...If ths warktag msn often does not achieve im...
...We must forget the detention camps of Tories, the occasional hangings, the test oaths, physical assaults...
...Moreover, Smith is adroit enough to present a program, which has the outward appearance of an approach to the Socialist view...
...Democratic education cannot be reconciled with Tammany, capitalism and clerical politics, so Lefkowitz must be denied what is his due...
...So that's thst...
...Perhaps he never will have the psalm strumming magic of the first Dsvid...
...Julius Perathoner, a former mayor of Boxen...
...The poems, are the thins...
...His pretense of not dealing with the revolting men on the ground that he must "stand by" this "union'' simply means that he feels it necessary to support his fraud...
...His : a Uric explosion of Mr...
...This proposal, goes beyond what other mine owners have agreed to and what is incorporated in the Government bill...
...Why in s country where there is en 'seta*' mobile for every family, eaeordlng . to the latest...
...Those who were )chiefly responsible for barring'Lefkowitz represent that covert clerical-capitalist alliance that has its clamniy bands on the public schools...
...Its attitude is that the public schools belong to the Republican and Democratic parties with the big favors going to the clerical-Tammany gang...
...The Declaration "was the re-' mesa -She, severance" ¦-¦UAeefc she Fathers *wad gee the thfreja that are bettr...
...This is especially true of housing and superpower, but a careful analysis of his proposals show that they always leave, capitalism as securely intrenched as it is now...
...It ia probable that a delegation of the British miners will be seat to the United States to put their case and obtain, funds tor the strikers...
...Why should I break my heart snd spend my breath Upon s tribe ef singers bent en deathT Sing snd I fellow...
...Here are a few suggestions culled from that volume: "There's an honest graft, and I'm an example of how it works...
...They appeared to be more interested in hitting ah ijiuiisj -ttaao to help themselves, for.they^appcrtei Fdk&k I*.'' Smith -for the nomination...
...Pan pondered deeply, but the whip-peer-wiRSang in the hollow...
...Imprisonment of Loyalists and confiscation of property...
...Left hope for one ss gosd sash happy and succeeding year...
...He has a party of his -class which he has also served well...
...However, ws ask ysu to buy it at any stand, read it and disagree with our prejudiced lefl-retting, ?tosry haa asked us to writs ths leading editorial fa* need month's issus on the subject, "U Fred Leys Mere Prevalent In the VHIsgs Than Elsewhere, end if So, Why Net . .-.'** Unaccustomed as ws a re to publie spssking and profound ss ws are in our ignorance en this subject, we are sure our article should sain, tillato a men a ths remarks that ethers will make sn ths ssme subject...
...Too broad, he, for the pattern you would Isy...
...But Judge Talley apparently- forgets that Mexico ia hag inning be pay up the beck interest due en her obOgatiooa held by American iaveatore aad bankers and that Henry X* Doherty, fairly welt known ia the domain of oil...
...We ssy necessary because ws rssliss right now how shallow snd half-baked ws hsvs been sll thess year* in our higher lesrning...
...2 THE CHATTER BOX THOMAS SELTZER haa just published s book of poems by David °G0orge Plotkin, entitled "Ghetto Gutters," which Is te us the first genuine fruit of the* Jewish Quarter...
...As a' result of this unforeseen manoeuvre of the Yorkshire mine owners it ia rumored that tha eight-hour bill may be withdrawn...
...Its purpose Is aa high aa anything can be high in the pises It preeagates for-^the Village —Greenwich Village,, Of course, when we gey anything ws ask to except cent for one room, two room, end three ream affairs—snd the pries ef its asset . swfeT lisntcU...
...Wiggam's pet affection for the i In oaseeasnss is a delightful and inimill'syasj flash ef intelligence...
...But "Big Ben" haa been cheered ap by a visit from Charles K. Hughes, our ex-Secretary of State, who is reported to have declared that the "profound esteem" In which he held the "Savior of Italy" had been enhanced by the personal meeting...
...Calling the pious to worship, CooUdge speaks' of Philadelphia as "a...
...Will Durante "Story of Philosophy," published by Simon and Shustisr...
...When the matter came to a vote Thomas was given a vote of confidence by an overwhelming majority...
...Blanche submits the sbeve poem ss her own birthdsy greeting...
...intellectual things ths wisdom of the nsmdlt...
...But ha has no lyric touch...
...lC INLAND The sss sings snd its dssp sees rsschss ase Over the leagues between, * My bJosd sing* t* Jhs beating ef the see «- "' So clear and keen...
...Brass is the appropriate metef...
...The address of Cootidg* Call* President c a o 1 - Ustto Worship »dge at Philadelphia ia another contribution to the decadent philosophy of the capitalist class...
...At one point be wandered into reality by saying that the causes that led to the American Revolution "were largely economic," but he gets back to piety again.' Our revolution wasn't one of those unpleasant affairs where people get their clothes dirty and dp not observe the rules of polite society, but was "maintained on a plane which rises above the ordinary conception of rebellion...
...was the first to declare, in hia book on "*he Human Understanding USSO...
...Americans, ft roust be remembered thai the labor and agrarian lead era harking President Canes know the history ot their country's struggle te free Itself from ecclesiastical domination and that they consider the situation such ir to warrant these measures...
...However, se» consciously, they extol exisU-a conditions, justify the exploiting domiRSBOj of the bourgeoisie...
...Whoever the lad is, whatever his parentage may claim or disclaim for him (and ha spend* suite s few futile Maes doping future .brickbate from past maetsra st critical confetti) matters little...
...In the nineteenth century' Darwin's doctrine of the 'survival of the fittest" was distorted snd used aa...
...And while we are book-reviewing, may we make mention of a real treat we have been giving oursslf in the form of Dr...
...By all mesne, sand hi year earn plaint to President Ceelidge aa feliewst "Peer.Cat i My Rolls Roycs has net arrived yet...
...The railroad unions, to repeat, wanted to accomplish his defeat...
...that our knowledge" of the hlnliwtoalrsv'iris* of tehsrltase* is very limited, sad that control of'It...
...f-sel •We find poop's (whits) teHtjaM ¦ asset the thick lip of the Negm iBj primitive .and animal.' o^>en*dfi| • however, cannot sdmit the Jussheg ef sesh e Judgment-for among sbfj| oharaetoHetica which delimit asfifj team th- apes physically sn imps*Jl tent sns ie *h*'scquiritien sf-l>g external lip;ths feature, ttaaejgj "-ye» the Negro is svsn mere <H ¦»-*- from ths, ape than *>• whfMj In other words, if we tiy to...
...It is just this sort of thing that has promoted the rise of the Koo Koo in this country...
...On levy-ing blackmail on disorderly houses and gamblers : "Why should Tammany leaders gojnto such dirty business, when there is so shUch honest graft lying around when they are^in ' power...
...What is still more humiliating for these workers is the knowledge that Smith distributed as much boodle as McKinley did...
...He may believe in himself and his program, but the latter cannot survive intelligent Socialist criticism...
...Let us do it and do it effectively...
...Then a Rome dispatch told of the arrest of thirty-six Communists 'accused of plotting, with two Communist Deputies, to win the army for a revolution "against the government...
...Davie* points out In rich sal convincing detail the error of ths "heredity-fiend," ths absurdity of ths belief that one's mental progress is determined by oasts ancestors...
...Henry Harrison haa stepped out of ths "Chatterbox" and ths Grub Street Club into sn editorship ef en honest ta wickedness magazine... a brass panel bearing the text of the Declaration of Independence...
...Then, ss we entered work end adulthood, philosophy waned info a miaty otherness end uselessness...
...Under ths wsnd - of Dr...
...There is to...
...The Illinois railroad workers have got somewhere now, but we doubt whether they are inclined to boast of it...
...His ability was not questioned...
...except perhaps a casual mention of a name or a platitude during summer vacations st camp, sr boarding houses among ths rsre intelligentsia...
...which was established in ltzf...
...His utterances have alt the hurly-burly nsstiness of an East Side chipping clerk smashing his way into a crowded subway ear...
...This" comes of .voting against something rather than for something...
...We move that they supply the stone and as they are only interested in patriotism that they be paid by a vote of thanks extended by Congressv Is there a second to the motion...
...Thomas in relation to the calUdP- on* of the general *strtke...
...Langdon-OavsM hss shown how grossly and egregious...
...The poet runs true to hia subject...
...the black shirts even going se far as to forbid the use of the old colors of the Tiro!—red and white—on wreathes, decorating the coffin of Dr...
...He has a splendid hammering diction...
...Br V,;F...
...The first day of the strike trains to Brooklyn were suspended and the rest of the ¦ service was seriously crippled, and yet there were no incidents warranting this show of police power...
...The East Side is no flowery grove in Attica...
...T. haa sectored e strike on tha subways, ws trust thst the workers si New York will simply refuse to ride in the eld settle cars sny mors, snd use taxi rah* and their own private limousines...
...H ie net heredity which %mm vthe individual potentiality ta^ata direction of being s gosd shhsp, rather then e gosd sotar sr e^tasT , bhrglar...
...They have ail the acrid smell of state leaves betas, burned at the flutter's edge before Passover...
...ties in their efforts to denaUonaMse the German Inhabitants of this bit of "Italia Irredenta...
...Duranf s peculiar talent—philosophy becomes reel, snd necessary te us...
...Cetaddsrtag ad this need it te surprising thajt "About the DsttareUon thefce is a finality mat la exceedlngjy tearful...
...It remains for the local organizations in the State to cooperate in plans for a vigorous canvass to insure a creditable Socialist vote in November...
...Government statistics, the breadwinners sf thess families persist in jamming themselves mte un*pssh able express trains ie mors than our peer mind see encompass- Ws just wonder what these famifwa de with tha autoa that government figures sties to them...
...As science destroys old superstitions the ruling class fears for its own myths and offers a state faith for the gullible...
...It is an arrogant clique that hates democracy in education while giving lip service to democracy...
...All of our present conceptions snj proof thst we are living in an OM Agl of Faith...
...LsnsdonDsvies implies rathtr tale declares, this point which his analysts proves It tt does spectflciaUy stats...
...Tweed with a jimmy and Croker with a dark lantern would round out the idea if each were placed on a huge bag of boodle...
...Njow Smith is no more representative of-the claim* of worker* than McKinley is...
...McDougsJl who, Ie his "Is America Safe for DemoemcyT* decries' the immigrant and laments ths rise and organisation ot the prp]e4ariai, upholds same attitude...
...To preserve this fraud' the Interborough recruits shady "characters to replace the men on strike...
...From his rostrum, a bootblack stand in the County Court House, Plunkitt dispensed the philosophy of Tammany Hall...
...The workers were simply drawn into a fight waged between two big utility corporations for a vote in the United States Senate...
...We have even been silly enough in youth to tote around the bulging and imposing tomes sf s Francis Bacon or a Herbert Spencer secure that the bulkineas of our burdsn would impress our Isdy-loves how unapproachably smart we were...
...It waa the environment which gave the mind* its ideas...
...Those who denied Lefkowitz his well-earned promotion are inverted Koo Koos...
...If we ssy much mere, yeu might belisve everything we have ssid hers, snd ysu might, svsn refuse to buy s sample copy...
...Thes the concept of heredity was employed in the same fashion...
...a Justificatory class-sociology...
...It is aa attack upon the sociology of a decadent class, the sociology of ths bourgeebrie —a sociology that is Invalid aad injurious...
...Is Torkshtas it appears that same owners hare, posted a notice that after these months of the currant wage' and addition of one hour each day...
...He has the aid of some powerful newspapers which ha*>-e been efpposed to Tammany...
...ABRAHAM LEFKOWITZ IN SHEER intellectual ability and conscientious devotion to his profession Abraham " Lefkowitz ranks high as a teacher...
...Pope Pius baa asked all catholics in the world to fire e volley of prayers at the Mexican authorities on August 1, but It ia hardly expected that Calles will let that shake his determination...
...Ghetto Gutters" aa a find...
...They have now receded so far into the background that they no longer have any influence...
...If yew are out ef Roll*, send me s Packard...
...A reply to one who saw in ths "domed hssd** snd "prophet's sye" of Eugene V. Debs' photograph ths asceticism snd ths piety sf a churchman—''a man af God...
...Those who cannot see tn *B th(e the euK of ancestor worship and the State, as a tribal God are ho pe lees...
...It is this point Tf^KJfr...
...Now thst ths Union ef the I. ft...
...Moreover, the negative attitude in political action can never accomplish any good results for the reason that it keeps its partisans active in merely striking down one enemy and raising up another...
...PscBt* Jag that "science cannot permit, sajpjfcmsat from differences in mental dt^M...
...Because of the transparent character of Smith's program when subjected to careful analysis, Smith is vulnerable...
...Durent, for teaching ue se, pissssntly at thirty-five what we ought to heve plodded through during our undergrsdusts sessions...
...It is an old story in "free America...
...isj , atonal high soundFmaeimt §tafy t»t pronouncements by Mussolini to the effect that ha ana hia black shirts have Italy under complete control and are wiping out graft and corruption In high places, together With liberty, reports continue te get by the censorship' indicating that *n ta net wen on the Peninsula...
...Its art ia somewhat above thd standard set by the New Masses in clarity for tits old masses, and Ha literary value quite se a per with Bobby Edward's judgment in turning its practical fortunes over to Henry...
...which was used to intimidate them for ten years... announces the decay eeV the scientific concepts of the retainer class...
...Meantime delegates to the National Union of Rallwaymen conCapence heard criticism of the policy tWSfgl...
...The answer of many who object to organization of a party of the workers is, "We want to get somewhere now...
...Blanche Watson...
...Before nsfJ time of John Locke the psycholegrasL doctrine nf innate Ideas, that at bilSt" ths mind is born with certain MsasV had been used to jlefend social ays*' terns and their differentiations st caste John Locke...
...This is of a piece with the conduct ot the Fascist Prefect of Milan who broke up the funeral ceremonies being held for Menotl Serrati, the veteran Socialist and Communist leader, some weeks before...
...Alfred J. Talley...
...PAH Pan aat in silence snd ths break was still...
...It is' appropriate that the announcement should be made on the Fourth of July...
...Th/srhad- answered In a speech ot two hqars and produced documents to shmr that the chief leaders in this criticism followed Communist instructions...
...Chairman of the Committee on Catholic Interests of the Catholic Club of New York, an ex-Judge who quit the bench explaining that he could not "live" and eduad pa)Ha...
...It la thd economic substratum that nmYifuitiMs the kind ef thought that em have, the kind of sciences we create, the kind of art we produce...
...t "Be it so," ssng Pan...
...There is no reason whatever for believing that Smith' would act otherwise than -McKinley ha* aa $%__ Senator...
...THE SOCIALIST CAMPAIGN THE Socialist Party convention has met, adopted a platform and some important resolutions, and nominated candidates whose service to the movement war/ants an effective and intelligent campaign...
...One advantage we have in this campaign was not present in recent years...
...While Mr...
...It promises, however, implicitly, the lies'7 c*f a new science, a new pay- • chology and a new biology, that willderive their ^ultimate sustenance, their' ultimata advance, from th* economic* et a new social order...
...the aha sd the eugeplcists...
...The only thing lacking is a suggestion that Tweed and Croker be included at least in the background to record the idea of continuity...
...Maw, we lie bsek en our couch and perVever se*me five hundred or so pages of adventure and romance as alluring and enchanting aa the fairy tales ef boyhood...
...He ia rough, soft, ragged, bitter, tiredend dull in appropriate sequence...
...The quarrels that issued out of the war had not entirely abated...
...McKinley is a bloated millionaire and utility magnate and has served his class well...
...Whether Smith or McKinley sits in the Senate is of no more consequence to the railroad workers than is a choice between -the attorney for the Standard Oil Company and the attorney for the Royal Dutch Shell...
...This is what Lefkowitz faced when he was denied promotion...
...With the issuMexico Again mg by the MexiUnder Firm can °o*e«"nent of the regulations for the appUcation of the laws enforcing the provisions of the Constitution of 1917 regarding the separation of Church and State, President Calles and hia advisers are again being made the targets of the mud batteries manned by dissatisfied foreign and nstive capitalists and champions of the right of the Roman Catholic Church to defy the laws of Mexico In the name of freedom of worship...
...the unutterable curses, ths unuttsrsd dreams thst visage the sad, pale forms thronging East 8ide days and nights...
...We are ta preen- need ef asms awing to the subway strike...
...And it is stat* employed in that fashion today...
...The railroad organizations wished to defeat#Senator McKinley for renomination...
...Vlseouot C*e«*eaaouaceo%M the Hottae of Lords that the MB wesM not Tea pressed* for the prssset because of the terms posted by soul owners in one district...
...President Hedley of the Interborough has from time to time gone through the motion of negotiations with this "union" when every intelligent man and woman has known that he was dealing with his own creature...
...they win enforce another reduction...
...It must not be forgotten that the miners are opposed to the Government -proposal, aa it means one hour each day of unpaid labor...
...Our sacred affair was maintained on a "higher plane...
...Really, this is delicious...
...P* Madison Grant and Stoddard, s«l*w* in the innate superiority of races, Ja delivers an annihilating blow...
...It has been an instrument to smpther the initiative ancl selfreliance of the workers on the lines and ftnded to f roduce a relation of serfdom between the workers and the company...
...His political, social and economic views were subjected to an inquisition and because they were not satisfactory to the obscurantists on the board Lefkowitz was denied the promotion he is entitled to... proof 4*9S Inferiority of the Negro ta 'Jie sisMp evolution, we discover eyldencee ,"*a-> Wlse that indicate his superiority...
...We have always associated philosophy with the dry and heavy subjects that all college curricula demand before the diploma ia handed over on graduation day...
...All lovers of poetry end the Ghetto will not go amiss to read if...
...V > |- Despite eccaNa Peg re...
...Shortly after the' arrest' of a number of Fascist leaders in Parma on charges of corruption in connection with the failure of the bank for which Roberto Farlnacct was working (which brought the former "savage" Fascist general secretary into conflict with the "moderate" Minister of the Interior Fedsrsoni, who was tied up with a rival banking group) came a story of a personal row between' Farinacci and Musaoiini ta which hot words were exchanged and there was a Bear-prise fight...
...Verily a man of God, Ysa, verily, butStay...
...that the mind was born without ideas, that all mines were hern Without ideas, that aB minds were an equal "blank" ft first...
...This Plotkin lad is its singer—and*a true one...
...Did you ever consider that...
...Scientific concepts at social character reflect the nature ad the class-straggle, embody the* sitt^ tude'end psychology of'the »espmr>n> class or classes, as watt aa da) tjdk changing forms snd shifting sew ktances of Btereture sad pbUososdy...
...Too just to take the churchmsn's wsy...
...We must, therefore, *f " esrefui shout supplying Iswe d» -•' facts about biological her*C**y •* ssyohelsgiesl phenemsns," . "Granted I get my brain frsmsqr parents, I de net get from them '%f numerable stimuli which aaa ta- ¦ shsps Ma product," - «, . Auto ta reference te- the faiteeafisMef tsntiona of ths Nordics, those who...
...Too honest, he, for the words you'd hsvs him ssy...
...But then we euppose it takes an elastic imagination to sing' melodious quatrains over a dump-heap...
...Its roster ef editors cents ins C. Ralph Chsynsy, Bud Shipley, and Clement Weed, sH who hsvs risen to eminence in spits sf» appearing in this column from time to time...
...We will treasure...
...Hedley's fraud they will render a service to the organized workers and give many others in the service the courage to organize a genuine union to serve them...
...This is the truth...
...Here's hoping, oh proletariat, yeu get yeses in time...
...If Smith is successful in the election it is certain that the unions will have to oppose his renomination seven years hence...
...called Biological problem of the namely that the Negro Is by the^jB* nature of his body and brain rnsish*l| tafcrtot to the white man, and reeseBj Its tragta absurdity...
...This July issue is blue...
...Murphy wrote an introduction praising Plunkitt and his views...
...Gene are the dusty plains, ths hill* are down And sslt is in ths air, "r I sse the tell masts of the harbor town-— . Ths sss is there...
...In 1905 there appeared a book by William L. Riordan entitled "Plunkitt of "Tammany Hall...
...Whip-poor-will," sang Part, ^ "Your song is more to me -than any men.** " —David P. Berenberg...
...Dent dsrget...
...Men do net love the risen soul Until it is toe lots...
...For years the latter has maintained that fraud known as the "company union...
...having left ths masters stons with s hand shake at ths ass of sixteen, snd plsyed . wise men through our maturing years, just because we snickersd with Shaw, ' snd * rib-tickled with Mencken...
...As Plunkitt expressed Murphy, why not record some of his pearls on Murphy's statue...
...dW biological analogle...
...He haa rhyme and rhythm at his command with alarming facility...

Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 26

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