SUBWAY STRIKE COMPANY UNION TRAFFIC ON LINES CRffPLED BYl WALKOUT. Lew Wages and Fake Union Cause Motormen and Switchmen to Revolt By Louis Silverstehiu ASTRIKB to secede from a...
...Sheehan's personal resentment of the criticism of the Teachers' Union, we can cite the incident of Mr...
...The atrike was an...
...Lefkowlts's name on the eligible Jist of the Board of Examiners, whose sole function It is tc create the eligible list...
...Leonard C Kayo, James Oneel...
...Twelve o clock came... « BT generally expressed, "as-fa/* The news rankled the men...
...there was little of the spirited enthusiasm that has characterized some other conventions in the past, but neither was there any of the gloom or despair, nor yet the bitterness of other years when Communists came to party conventions seeking to Jam their "theses" down the throats of the convention, as was the case six years ago...
...In case of disagreement, the two arbitrators were to choose a justice of the State Supreme Court to render'the decision...
...We want to give our ¦eople a reasonable - assurance that hey will have enough work to see hem through a season,'' be told the' trikers, amid applause...
...Bark'a plea won the day...
...tu*n appointment and as a^eoed^^n of •Yellow Dog" Clause And this "obligation!' of the workir who upon entering I. R. T. service must Join the company union reads ' In part: "In conformity with the policy adopted by the Brotherhood, and consented to by the company, and as a -condition of employment, I expressly agree that I will remain a member of the Brotherhood during the time I am employed by the company and am eligible to | membership therein...
...The General Committee, composing some (2 delegates from the ?J locals, found itself up against the same company argument...
...I w*n fPfttttf far the Party, up In New lTr^a*>mor* about that later—*t the base < th* convention, but I wa* dethjfhmf whfn I learned th* names of our osaySJdftoe...
...It was organised, as many company anions are* organized, immediately after a broken strike j in which the workers belonging "to the A. F. of L, union were beaten Back to their Jobs or fired and their, leaders blacklisted...
...About 80 persons came to the meeting...
...Bark and Phelan, called at the Interborough'a office, Hedley was too "busy" to see them...
...This activity on our part explains his resentment...
...tb* morale ot* tba wot bass la high...
...5fc) cenrmtion got seriously to bual£Vuiaay morning...
...All right," aaid tha Commissioner...
...Th*y ought to appeAl e****to eome of our Al Smith Socialist*.__ SERMAN LEADERS URGE SACCO-YANZEHI RETRIAL '. „ -•BERLIN.—The infamy of Massavcho*etts in brasenly framing Sacco and Vametti, labor leaders, has .reached far beyond American snores...
...Cooler Heads Prevail Aa the afternoon papers began to appear announcing the stands of the night shift, cooler heads began to prevail...
...Another measure promoted by Mr- Mandel was a pension MB which was killed by the opposition of the Union and the teaching staff...
...They returned to the company's offices, and, growing impatient, left their ultimatum with George Keegan, assistant to the president, and proceeded to the headq-_nrters of the Transit Commission, There they were given a royal reeep-r tibn...
...After two hours of debate a substitute by Shipjacoff was adopted instructing the incoming State Executive Committee to draw up a resolution defining the party's stand as condemning the Volstead act as contrary to democracy, denouncing the two old parties for their making of the drink question the paramount issue before the people while ignoring all other questions of every kind, and demanding » nationwide referendum of the people to "get their real withes in the matter...
...It flays the two elf jeyUet as being completely bankraeCaa-l it presents demands embodysaf tie Socialist proposals on housing, afar power, labor legislation, millstemming and civil liberties, ^¦je committee brought In a plank staffing that drunkenness is an evil stttadt Socialists in all countries had ¦M striven for temperance, that gm it sober working claae can eman¦H Itself, but that prohibition haa ¦pafailure, that prohibition la part en movement with sinister implicafkpt, and that the two old parties are llfcse condemned for making a major ujsf at what should be only a minor, sftpsr: the resolution likewise detfrnt tn favor of the manufacture m tate Ot light wines and beer under ewWament control, flsayidn Samuel H- Friedman, Fred Meter, .Weber of Rochester, Morris m*m*D, A. J. Shiplacoff and others BtSf vehemently againet the plank, I****** :ln some cases in favor of srpMPtlon, and in othere against the Strjy...
...Thar* were speeches... tha forenoon, iaid the ground, dh the evening the aay shift carried >n the work...
...Hall, hall, tb* gang's all herel" sounded lustily through th* hall...
...Tha motormen haw been th* first ta become conscious of the aemlpaternaliatic chains with which th* laternorough Brotherhood' he* hound them...
...Hugh Frayne muet have undereetlmated the eeriouaneaa of the men, knowing aa he did how they had been fed on company union lam "bluff.-' But there was no doubt about it to every obeerver at doe* rang* that theee men were in earneat, that they were through with Hedley...
...The New Leader assures Comrade Pine that it-will never cease to strive to make The New Leader worthy of the support of such genuinely unselfish working-class leaders as himself...
...Shallow -displayed his bitter hostility to labor's views on such questions as the use of the Injunction in induitrla...
...Thomas Urges Strikers to Seek ' ^American Federation of Labor Aid . . \ Herman Thonjas, Socialist leader, spanking at the subway strikers' meetfnftv urged them to seek affiliation with the American Federation ef Labe* at the earliest opportunity...
...He thanked the Commissioners for their efforts and informed them' that only arbitration between the Interborough and themselves would do...
...The men were furious at the delays and the trickery...
...The responsibility placed on them by reason of the nature of their jobs...
...It is a device to make it a Bttle easier to hold men -in slavery ttlfhe lob...
...But, let me hasten to add, "by no neons is the proper remedy the abanfonment of the five-cent fare...
...It was remarked by many that the chairman of the second day's session was O. August Gerber... The crisis occurred on Thursday...
...It was not until nine o'clock that the meeting got under way...
...4s* men might e\-en strike...
...Hedley.or criticize the company union official" dummies, or ask for an t Improvement tn working conditions and he finds himself on the street...
...Local 7 Kicks the Trace* This year it happened again...
...Comrade Shiplacoff reported that be understood that saner counsels in the Communist ranks were striving for expression, and that in the event the campaign of lying and slander were ever ended it might be -aell to hold the door open for some sort of reconciliation...
...These employers not only refused to consider the demands of the union, but in turn presented counter demands that would rob the workers of essential gains made in the past...
...Twelve were members of old Local 7, including Lavln's six...
...SCHOOL BOARD PLAYS LOW POLITICS Lefkowitz Ban Exposed as Case of Revenge Against Labor Leader By Henry R. Linville President, Teachers' Union "W" N anticipation of the purpose of I the Board of Superintendents not only to' refuse" earned promotion to Dr...
...A political machine, which one worker compared to the Tammany machine, runs the business and controls the election...
...Then, too, at this stage of the game, the company union Idea had not yet been shattered...
...Settlements with a number of large independent manufacturers are now being made which will result in the return to work in several days of about 600 workers...
...Lefkowitz stated his potHtcal sympathies frankly before the sjaperintendenta, and the' Teachers' tjjjien will defend him in hid right as a citizen to hold whatever political Ytows be desires to hold...
...So long as you stay out In solid •anks there will be no cloaks made ind if there are no cloaks made your ttnployers will have to come to erms," Hyman continued...
...It was a fine, Comradely, thoughtful convention of men and women who^ had a job to do and who did it with spirit and good cheer...
...Would they be importmg ¦trik*-breakers...
...The convention- closed with short addressee by Comrades Claessens...
...A majority group in the Board of Superintendents has inslnosre'ly made use of this trumped-up cbarge in an effort to discredit a redieted leader of the teachers and to pievide a cover charge for the real oases of the board's action...
...He appeared Wore B* Board of Superintendent* and was jjjestioned on his political and social ftsvs...
...They called', at the... nssrany «r fxJ**d ed t]M-arerhaxe...
...The jobbers are our real employers," Hyman went on, "and when they learn bat without us they can make no iloaks, they will acknowledge that we tre their employees...
...The presa waa kept In the dark about this move but Lavln was able to send down a half dozen of his representatives...
...Until then we are entitled and must have a guaranteed peace- The few who will declare their places open shops will have to abide by the existing contract, which provides for a new contract -backed by cash security...
...did not arrive until 11 o'dock—»# eras o3»» ' toctlng hi* Mr aa * matter of routine— tat Bark...
...This la human freedom on the fines of the "safest railroad In the world," one hundred and fifty years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence...
...But they, did not budge— or was it Hedley T Bark returned late In th* afternoon...
...Within hair an hour they' arrived...
...Who will make theh:loaks In their out of town establlshnents...
...The strike committee, through its chairman, Jacob Roberts, presented this agreement to a large mass meeting of all the strikers for approval, and It was accepted by an overwhelming majority...
...They war* the first of the hundred or so that were to follow...
...As a matter of fact, *h capacity'of delegate to the Cestrst Trades and Labor Council ot jffW Tork, %nd elsewhere...
...VI.e night shift, me--in...
...Everybody was on edge yet tew, would admit It...
...A. Well for the resolutions committee, sent cordial greetings and offers of complete co-operation to the I. R. T. strikers and the striking cloakinakers...
...Let him question the motives of Mr...
...Lefkowitz in the recent hearing on the views of organized labor as embodied in its reconstruction program that was submitted to President Woodrow Wilson, Mr...
...These officials are now seeking reprisals against a leading member of the Union for what the organization has done...
...The prospect of an independent union, eventually embracing all transit lines in Greater New York was looked upon' favorably because it was the simplest to understand...
...This resentment was Intensified when Dr...
...The Teachers' Union's records give tbs clue to the full explanation of the vets against Dr...
...2 Paul Loebe, President of the Wflichstag, has joined'with Msxi^"ilian Harden and other German *»fcerals and Socialists in urging jOovemor Fuller to grant the two * new trial...
...They thereupon suggested a "united front" in the shape of a joint labor ticket to fight for such revolutionary ideals as municipal ownership, development of water power, restraint of the injunction evil and such like...
...who had recently returned to the company's service after having failed in an independent business venture, arose and heatedly demanded that arbitration be rejected...
...It caJb j*r th* union of the workers at (tefseialist party...
...Any more questions -would have been risky...
...the Board of Superintendents has made use of a trivial collection of "backstairs" gossip brought together as a report by one Aaron I. Dotey and presented to the Teachers' Council In 1919-20...
...It was Hedley's fault, if they did not yet kaow...
...r — to be packed witli eager motormen and switchmen there was not a man that* did nog swelter...
...Another worker, a motorman op strike, telle how the few fund* the new union haa In ita treasury, taken over from Local 7, w*re collected in the face of the opposition of the company, and tha General Committee...
...Over 125 delegates were credited to the convention, representing every part of the State, and at the convention dinner held Saturday night over 350 Comrade^oroke into, the threeday Fourth of July week-end to meet their Comrades and renew their loyalty to their cause.- - The 1926 convention was noticeable also for staging, the first debate on prohibition ever heard In a Socialist convention in this State, the Platform Committee having brought in a plank calling for modification #t put' lath...
...A atrike se?pie<I certain...
...The Consolidated Railroad Workers of Greater New York emerged from the old Local V of the Brotherhood...
...There was the usual Communist incident when a letter from the Communist organization of New Tork addressed the "dear comrades" of the Socialist party, and suggested a "united front" was read...
...Substantial increases in wages have also been made over the present wages, as well as over the present minimum scale...
...Lefkowitz with bets...
...At eleven th...
...A committee of nine -il|i-n>te» area likewise chosen...
...The Commissioner at the other end of the .wire then continued, to read to him that portion of the vsrdiet which dealt with arbitration...
...Everybody was by now reconciled to striking, so hi* message made little difference...
...Although the Board of Superintendents in 1020 did not consider the fanatical demands of Dotey to be worthy of being approved, it has used what suited lis purpose in preventing Pr...
...ages for work ot equivalent difficulty, "{either the stockholders of the I. R. T. !t|g'the City of New York and the traveling, public have a right'to expect tha workers to pay in low wages the MWt'o'f conducting an essential public service...
...The tacts, as the New York World admits editorially, are against the company...
...So th* atrike was on unless called off before midnight...
...Inform him of the new organization, present their wage demand** and announce a walk^out for Tuesday...
...He said that settlements- will be made only with legitimate inside manufacturers, and with Jobbers and these only after careful Investigation...
...The President of the Board of Education and the Commission of Education dls...
...Thus balked in their attempts, the Board of Superlatasdenu bided tta time and took the...
...We've chosen four: Samuel Untermeyer, Bishop-Brown, Father Duffy and the Rev...
...They work seven days a week and they have upon their shoulders enormous responsibility...
...Lavin could not be trapped, anxious as he was for a peaceful outcome...
...Joseph D. Cannon, Julius Gerber, William M. Feigenbaum and William Karltn took the opposite • position...
...Comrade Merrill read a letter from Comrade Thomas declining to run this year, and Comrade Claessens declined...
...Theresa B. Wiley, finks* M. Feigenbaum...
...K*wa free* th* front cam* thick and fast...
...By every test .this is, an Inadequate wage...
...Sunday, July 4. Lavln, Bark and Phelan appeared at the Transit Commission's offices at ten o'clock...
...The members instructed them to call at the office of the president of the Interborough...
...Frank Hedley, the following day...
...i - Ha said that, because of what hoe aeon celled the "company union," . the men had been held in virtual slavery for the last seven* years and that slavery for the workers was worse than inconvenience to the public . because of the strike...
...The delegates of the men consented to the extension of the time...
...They were: SI...
...Let Hedley or whoever wanted to see them come to them...
...They recogised that the company union idea waa still kicking for life...
...The Union called public attention to his participation in the dropping of 300 or more evening school teachers, which brought about the establishment of unwieldy classes with an attendance varying from 90 to t*,5...
...H* recognised the proposal as < sections nine, ten and eleven of article six oV the Brotherhood constitution...
...They wanted to know whether or not they were to strike at midnight for aa the night shift, it concerned them most...
...Fred Sander and MA Ii...
...m ita opinion, do** net consist la raising fund* to Carry on a strike against the later borough Brotherhood form At slavery, Th* Consolidated Railway Worker* of Greater Nnsy fork, on* *f its official* explained, wants to take In ell workers on tba I. R. T. and other lines and b* th* union tb*t will deal th* death blow to tb* company organization...
...TOJe company refused...
...For pmpeses of their own the majority of the members of the Board of Superintendent* charged Dr...
...Lefkowitz from enjoying the promotion earned by virtue of the fact that he stands first on the Board of Examiners' list of teachers eligible to appointment as first assistant teacher, or head of department...
...Sheehan's promotion was sharply criticized...
...Ray New kirk...
...sslddl* s^oeasa, It i« quit* too late to (lii ani* whether tht* t* tb* beat tune or thee* the heat condition* tar a striae...
...Let him express the vaguest hope' that some day the workers wilt transfer into a real union affiliated with the American Fed era- j tion of Labor and...
...Hall, hail,'the gang's all her*,'' waa taken up* again...
...The animus of Associate Superintendent Edward ,B...
...Waldman, Karlin and...
...555 Hiledorf...
...It* leader*, who had already tested their strength a few weeks before In making th* company rescind on* of It* order* requiring more work for the* same pay, decided it would no longer stand for the fake "wage conferences" dominated by Hedley and his company agents...
...They went the other traction worker* of N*w York to rally to their fight against tb* "reptile ce*np*ny uai*n">B* Levin call* it...
...Other measures were • his educational "ripper" bills which sought to destroy the merit system, his salary bill which would have given local educational authorities control over teachers' salaries, and his recent pension bill which would have undermined the tenure law ef teachers...
...Jig platform, as amended by the aippittee, was presented by Chairman T*|tnhsiitT) and after considerable tejjnts...
...If there was ever a "yellow dog contract," there it is...
...Resolutions, reported by Comrade...
...The men scattered to go to work as tba amok* and flashes of the photographers added to the excitement Th* decision was told to the waiting Commissioners... had thwarted tlfe increases demanded by the subway motormen and switchmen, i Men Are Desperate This had caused a state of irritation that had become marked within, the last half dozen years, but really dated back to the founding of the Interborough Brotherhood in 1916 after the failure of the subway trainmen's strike of that year...
...Was known to the Union at that time that Mr...
...The sentiment was wholly against joining the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers...
...The contract shall be and wlil be earorc-d» -i...
...The defeat of the Paaaalc etrike wflf set that cause beck for an indefinite period...
...Io 1925 Associate Superintendent Joseph m. gheehan was charged with irregularities by the other six memo's* of the Board of Examiners...
...The strikers were willing to have this question, arbitrated as the Transit Commission requested...
...Levin denied thl* emphatically...
...He was aaked please to wait a little longer...
...They knew we would strike tor conditions at soon as we had any money la tha bank...
...2. By enunciating an educationally destructive policy of withholding advancement to persons who are not political conformists...
...There may not be work for at th* strikers...
...v Settlements wOt be made only with legitimate inside manufacturers, Ninfo declared...
...Tow ItTa quite likely that by bribery, and Bleats and the appeal to the wou/ided Ugnity of the hand-picked officers of (he company, union, Ac I. R. T. has been able to make its puppets say the words, it has put In their mouths...
...It has already gained' some substantial victories and the outiohk is for a complete victory for the workers...
...The courts might make' the >rbcess'difficult, but the city: adminipxation should be on the alert to do "hat it can...
...Th* last way to do It hV*i check the Sow of rtlitf by apreadihg, openly and aecretly, unwarranted l»slnuailoa* a*, to the conduct of relief in Paaaalc...
...They decided not to...
...Nevertheless, while charges of unprofessional conduct were pending before the Commission of Kducatk...
...Mandel has openly threatened Dr...
...K la no* y«l too Jtte for th* A. F. of L. to uas»»-***eu} to eld these heroic strikers under e***Ulo*a which need not involve any endorsement whatsoever of Communism or Coeasnunist tactic...
...I know that the United Front Committee and the General Relief Committee would both open their books to proper inspection...
...Soon the leaders emerged with a proposal...
...Again the men wor* rammuirtaatsd with...
...Later a message of greeting »was sent to Comrade B. Feigenbaum, who is not in good health...
...I hope that, whatever else to accomplished, the strike will put aa end to the.Jobbing evil which is an...
...The man were satisfied and waited for the aero hour at noon...
...Lefkowitz, the legislative representative of the Union, supported the merit bill which had been introduced at the request of the Public Education Association in the 1925-26 sessions of the legislature...
...with automobilee left for tb* terminals to bring in the atria*r» a* the latter left their work...
...Comrade Waldman named Comrade Panken for Governor, Comrade Feigenbaum placed August Claeasens in nomination and Comrade J. H. Diskant of the Bronx nominated Comrade Norman Thomas...
...The union is determined to fight to a finish not only in refusing to yield previous gains, but under no circumstances to return to the shops until the workers' demands for better conditions are secured...
...Feigenbaum declared that prohibition had corrupted a whole nation and had made America a nation of lawbreakers...
...When Lavin arrived the meeting got voder way...
...Biaich Will Make Race for Senate in New York By Wm...
...What could be better than three clergymen...
...At ten thirty several others followed suit...
...Hyman contended that what the nion' now seeks is in effect work, or bundles...
...Hyman took up the assertions of the Jobbers that they are in no wise ifffcted by the strike because they »re not employers of labor...
...The primary question is: Are rueway workers properly paid for.their iHBcult and...
...was driving them into a position of complete separation from the Brotherhood by his consistency, by his loyalty to hi* own union...
...M. Feigcnbaum WITH a. fighting ticket of Socialist propagandists, and with a'State platform that is a rallying cry to the workers to unite in their own party, the Socialists of New York entered the campaign of 19Z6 at the close of the'State convention that/was held Saturday and Sunday...
...I The General Committee dominated rby the less skilled workers and by delegates under the thumb of the...
...H. D. Wilcox, Darwin J. Meserole and ^'illiam Karlin Jo All it out, has struck fire everywhere...
...It night to be the business of the city idminlstration to use this new evflenee of gross mismanagement on the Part of the operating company to force the Company to surrender its contract in financial teems that are not proHbitive...
...Here before the eyes ot the world is revealed the real purpose of a compssy union...
...The men were impatient...
...It is these contract-breakers," says Fred Caiola, general manager of the Paper Box Makers' Union, "who may be characterized-as a bunch of doublecrossers and panhandlers, that keep the industry in Its present muddy condition, making wrecks of Its strongest workers, weaklings of its youth, and paupers of them all...
...Hli attention had been called to a statement hy Hush Frayne...
...George H. Goebel of New Jersey was -given the floor, and be said that prohibition is a question that has been .deliberately interjected into politics to divide the workers on non-essential matters...
...There is another argument used by the L R. T. and editorial defenders of H like the New York Times...
...We're dealing with him alone...
...important work...
...July 3 and 4, at Finnish Hall, the home of the Finnish branch of the Socialist party...
...The platform as drawn up by the preliminary sub-committee of the State Executive Committee consisting of Comrades Feigenbaum and Norman Thomas (printed in the two last Issues of The New Leader) was referred to a platform committee consisting of Comrades- Feigenbaum, chairman...
...The reply of the .convention, while emphatic and unmistakable in its refusal, leaves the way open, in the opinion of many delegates, to future negotiations as soon as the Communists give clear and unmistakable evidence that they have abandoned their present tactics of lying and villiflcation...
...Abraham Lefkowitz, but also ta attempt *o discredit him In the-public estimitjon...
...even if it means inconvenience to * It is unfortunate in thisi as in Passaic textile strike, that the reg,'*r A P. of L. unions were rot agPtesh-ely on the job organizing the "»r«anizpd...
...City Hall, "* feif - streets awa...
...Phelan and Henry Barnett, treasurer and acting secretary, ware busy enrolling tweruit* not <TTrty rmrar anbway motormen and switchmen, but •Jao aaaon* ma la otksr division* c4 work...
...AThls we will insist on, because we isve learned that mere registration >f contractors is not enough...
...In our judgment, safflcient explanation for his bias and Personal animus In this-case...
...They have always held meetings separately,' for the purpose of the company has beeti to play one against the other and'naake *a*h en* hetteve it e»uld d* nothing...
...He was placed in a room next to that in which th* Gen*ral Committee was in conference with the Transit Commissioners...
...The preamble is StlillfifTT shorter than the draft 35 ay ilnJeitT appeared in the party ml toB* essence it is Identical...
...The nomination of Panken was then made with enthusiasm, the delegate* cheering their standard bearer for several tti InntpR Comrade Gerber named Claessens for Lieutenant Governor, and the comrades showed their lore and admiration for the little giant of the soap box by their affectionate reception they gave him' when he rose to accept James Oneal was named tor United Statea Senator, but he declined, and Comrade Bhttch's nomination was made unanimously and with cheering...
...f«r sB tab otfcer*^ Wwald be aammet It...
...Many were due to report for work...
...It is the right of the public to know these facts in order that tbs teachers of the city may In the future be protected against malicious activities of this character...
...But Is" assume, that the rank and file of ^th#' gorkers would strike against arbltfaQbo proceedings which if successful in raising the wages of motormen ahd ¦witchmen would probably tend ' to raise their own... too absurd for belief...
...The Union has en, occasion called public attention to Hr...
...JL Tmr high cost ef living in this oity...
...organizer of the American Federation of Labor, that the atrlka »« an attempt of the motormen and ewitchnen to help the 1 R. T. boost faree...
...Hedley will not deal with thfe "outlaw" worker-controlled union...
...The Union's strong public opposition to the appointment of Mr...
...1 believe that they might be willing to have a sympathetic A, 9. of L- man c*-operate in the bn*la**a of relief...
...j At a recent dinner given Pine by fellowrwerkers in the movement in recognition of his great services, a collection was takeVi up with the object of making a gift to Pine...
...Would their oTitea, tha Babbitts of Paaaalc, Isj aa active aa they are against the Btrutfc...
...Hedley and Quackenbush spoke...
...Those who by accident may be elected and.who put up a fight against the company are soon disposed of...
...The contractors are just as badly iff as we...
...having Insisted upon a betrinir, was summoned on ThnnvJUV June 24 th...
...In this manifestation of prejudice, the Union criticized him' publicly at that time: When Mr... see Mayor Walker^ . He was occupied with the momentous) work of entertaining "Bobby" Jones, the golf champion...
...The General Committee was still in session...
...The men's minds were thus turned In one direction, a ballot now seemed a 'tedious process...
...Now we have the spectacle, perhaps for the first time in the labor history of this country, of a company union corporation shouting "outlaw" at a group of workers who attempt to unionise themaelvea into a real labor body...
...Every one ef.the five associate superintendents goo voted against Dr...
...Hyman told the workers that the union would be in no hurry to make Individual settlements except with inside manufacturers and Jobbers, explaining that to do so would endanger the objects of the strike...
...In . proof d£»U this it cites the action by the paeral committee of the union...
...taking pay stand in a matter tttfiJU)* Opt across party lines...
...In fact...
...He said that since the main objective of the union Is to bring the Jobbers to terms, it will not make settlements that will give them an opportunity to have garments made up through subterfuge...
...Mandel as associate superintendent in 192S and to his perilous political activities in the educational system are...
...ot Local 7, a dreary lodge room of the > regulation type...
...Lefkomfflk has opposed Communism vlgor,uS5r at every opportunity...
...The tew Communists prominent in the Isatsr...
...They howled down the "proposition...
...But there are two awrf th-ony* i muet s*y... hear a document of Quackenbush...
...It waa not mad* clean to tha men what the Company waa sapposed to do but evidently the workers would have a similar privilege with respect to 'three named by the Interborough...
...aTft&<asr«ilC^---*^fr«S^^^ The...
...The sgreement is to last for three years...
...with a report by mjm Berber of the Constitutional Sgitttea...
...t any union's president, and his oert...
...The men were in an uncertain mood when a switchmen by the name of SchaefTer, a former motorman...
...In an address before the Newman Club of Brooklyn a few years ago, he betrayed strong racial and political prejudice against members of the Teachers Union...
...The Jobber will have to eglster his contractors at the beginning of each season, and during hat season he will have to keep these ¦ontractors supplied with work...
...The night shift waa told of the situation...
...1 Bosses Seeking Peace With Garment Strikers WITH the opening of settlement headquarters in response to the plea of numerous manufacturers who wish to sign up on the union's terms, the strike of the 40,000 members of the International Ladles Garment Workers' Union has entered the first stages, of complete victory...
...Sheehan, calling attention to the demoralizing effect of the promotion upon the morale of the teaching staff...
...Cassldy and several others, and with the singing of the International...
...There was a semblance of conducting the regular business...
...When finally the decision of Hedley's "snakes" as the men preferred to call the General Committee, was read to Lavin over the telephone, it turned out to be a long-winded legal document in the language of Quackenbush...
...1 Mfehin* Like Tammany'* .' According to the striking motormen and switchmen, aa well a* etation men, with whom the writer bee discussed the matter, the General Committee i* completely under the domination of the company...
...Untermeyer's rich," called out someone from the floor...
...Nominations were made at 2 p. m. on Sunday...
...Lavln and his co-workers did not want to give ; the company the opportunity of plac- 1 in'g the responsibility of the strike on' themselves...
...It win not be Communism but tb* whole labor movement which will suffer...
...Hedley, you see...
...Starvation wages aM .company unions are no cur* for a aWk industry...
...The labor leader asked that the funds be given to the Socialist press and as a result The New Leader has received S9S collected at the dinner for Pine...
...calling for amendments to Epairty's constitution, abolishing the 2* aentniittee and placing all ita Egrg ta the hands of the state exSatre committee to be elected by the Zyestioa...
...Within a few minute* th* first strikers came running Into the hall with their kits and tools...
...He declared that prohibition is of the same nature as legislation against tobacco, against playing cards, against the stage and literature and the movies and that its logical conclusion would be anti-evolution legielation and laws prescribing the kind of books one might read and the kind of thoughts one might think...
...making an eloquent and brilliant plea against legislation of any kind that emanates from the small town Babbitt and Rotarian...
...He was within hearing distance...
...Lefkowitz has been gjBBated for many years with the jrjnner-Labor political movement, n lilt supported the late Senatar y& Follette for President...
...It was not until one o'clock, when Lavln went to the phone again to demand an Immediate reply, that the Transit Commission informed him that the General Committee had rendered its verdict but that it was sealed and had been sent to the Commissioner's office by messenger...
...Twelve fifteen...
...approved of the conduct of Examiner Sheehan...
...The cry waa taken up...
...On Thursday, July 1, the men were In a del* rmined...
...Come down here and we may be able to straighten thing* out...
...Hedley would elt&eT**^toma acroas or £hey would strike...
...How the Phoney Union Works What we have here is a 160 percent "closed shop" AGAINST real trade unionism and in favor of a boss-inspired and initiated "brotherhood," witli wlvcth Mr...
...Had not Hedley given its members order after all, that they had to hold a discussion...
...Counsel had to bo given time to draw up a statement...
...We're coming right up...
...That evening the Intarborough officials called a special meeting of loyal motormen and switchmen at Anderson Halt, the meeting 4>laCe of the Brotherhood...
...The keynote of the convention was struck In the words read by State Secretary Herbert M. Merrill in rendering the report of the State Executive Committee for the past year.> The convention was opened by Com* rade Merrill in the absence of State Chairman S. John Block, and Julius Gerber was - elected chairman ot the day's session...
...Where do you stand...
...It was at thia meeting also that the qusatlob Of affiliation with other unions became prominent...
...The company objected to our having duee or raising money...
...I rejcMn In the genuine ualfed treat that he*' been achieved for the purpose of thy' etrike...
...Wait a minute," came the voice of the Commissioner over the wire...
...Why should we...
...We don't warft...
...The General Committee was to chooae one arbitrator, the company another and the wages of the motormen and switchmen were then to be settled...
...It is these few Irresponsible* who, perhaps, suffer from an acute attack of G. R. Q. mania, that never grow big enough...
...It was charged then by cerjaja members of the Board of Super^BtendenU that Dr...
...the policy of false economy and its general condemnation...
...And "welfare...
...Few realised at the time tha full eignlncaace of Utfa de**lupiiient...
...The motormen had continually protested against their rates of pay...
...Comrade Claessens urged that the letter be filed In the most convenient waste basket, while Comrade Samuel H. Friedman asked if there were any way of getting a real united front...
...By amend, meat of Harry Macy, a sturdy motorman—even as motormen go—a time limit for a reply from Hedley was set at t o'clock Monday morning...
...We don't car* wham Hedley ha* to aatlafy...
...Hedley tells- us—with tears in (his voice—he cannot break faith...
...Lefkowitz with dismissal tor bringing about the defeat af the Farrell Pension bill introduced in the 1926 session...
...The," na»i had ecoufc-!' of the General Committee and the "S^'sieihood," they declared...
...The associate superintendents who has been most aggressively malicious in Us attacks upon Dr...
...No they ware through...
...The State ticket, headed by such fine propagandists and Socialist leaders as Jacob Panken, Harriot Stanton Biatch and August Claessens, with Charles W. Noonan...
...Later he...
...Lefkowitz in the Board of Superintendents...
...The Board of Examiners, after an investigation of all the evidence, voted unanimously to place the name of DrV Lefkowitz on the list...
...No conferences will be held with manufacturers unless ..they mage jsit sJesft'sl fag aaace, tatd»ttlfc«JBi advance...
...4% ' Tile skill and experience required to operate the trains, and switches...
...I want to ente^d spy good wishes to the'grait •trik* at* th* clpakmaker...
...Sheehan's ordering.a reporter of the Brooklyn Eagle to leave his office because his newspaper had reprinted an editorial of the New i York Teacher in which Mr...
...In August, 1925, certain members of the Board of Superintendents endeavered to prevent the placing of Dr...
...The settlement committee -im composed of Salvatore Xlnfo, chairman, David Dubtniky, of Local 10, and N. Miller...
...12:01 a. m., if-their, wlshea were not complied with...
...Th* important thing Tfe that ther* should be recognition of th* worker*' own organisation and something ilk* a decent wage for then* wbe can work...
...They war* lined up on the platform...
...This material, which reflected on practically every liberal In the entire country, was approved by the Teachers*' Council, which In turn requested favorable action by the Board of Superintendents and by the Board of Education...
...Stop," interrupted Lavln over the phone...
...The Emergency Committee far Striker** Relief, 7tr Broadway, which if raising a mRk fund, will be glad te submit yohr aaewer...
...The settlements made with the independent manufacturers, it is believed, will force the others to settle with the union...
...Th* tension waa r*ll«v*d...
...July 1. 1926...
...Will Hedley arbitrate or will he not...
...severely criticised the promotion of Mr...
...a Communist...
...atjuftel has been active in legislation designed to favor individuals or special groups within the system at tbs.expense of the city and the teachers...
...Pine immediately rejected the Idea of a personal testimonial: "Turn the funds over to the Socialist movement," he urged...
...The Union has led the opposition to these measures...
...Inevitably we shall either support tb* strikers Or w* «b*£ seaport the bo****, with all that that inputs...
...that I am not and will not become identified • in any manner with the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes of Amercia, or with any ether association of street railway or ether employes, with the exception of this Brotherhood and"the Voluntary Relief Department of the company, While a member of the ' Brotherhood or in the employ of the company, and that a violation of this agreement or the 'inter-'' ferenee with any member of the Brotherhood in the discharge of his duties or disturbing him in any mannmr for the purpose of breaking up or interfering with the Brotherhood shall of itself constitute cause for dismissal from the employ of the company...
...These spokesmen say that the company Is on the verge of bankruptcy and cannot pay njpre._ The,crgirment has no,merit...
...Thi* is no time for id*a*> of labor to Ignore thia fact, aa they da whan tbey talk of Inevitable seat at Remember, there ta only one choice before a...
...GIVES FUNDS TO THE NEW LEADER y^XOTHER example of'the Inspiring unselfishness of the men and women of the Socialist movement has been given by Max Pine, for many years the head of the fnited Hebrew Trade's and one of the builders ot the great labor movement in New York City...
...The application of the president of the Teachers Union for a leave of absence, to make a survey of the schools in 19:o was refused by the Board of Superintendents because of an embittered report prepared and submitted by Mr...
...There -were Harry Post and George Camp...
...Tha Consolidated Railroad Worker, automatically became An laduatrlal union...
...The Teachers Union, in presenting this statement of the case of Dr...
...Commissioners Gilchrist, Godley and Lockwood...
...At first the Issue was not clear...
...Lavln went to the 'phone to call up the Transit Commission... By Robert W. Dunn Author "The Labor S»" * • THE Brotherhood of Interborough Rapid Transit Company Employees is the name given to the ten-year-old company union on the I. R. T, lines...
...ana acattate aa ta widtt a* ttand...
...There were dispatches announcing new recruits from thia division and than that...
...Comrade Oneal...
...Their three delegates to th» General Committee- of the Brotherhood, E. P. Lavin...
...The letter that was adopted, drafted by Shiplacpff, therefore, recited the fact that the Communists had shown v an utter lack of responsibility, and that until they could give assurances that they would cease their treachery no more communications from them were wanted...
...More striker* arrived...
...t have repeatedty aaid that I wish tba strike were under A. F. at L. auspice...
...The men were asked to give their reply by Sonday, \0 a. m. "V/Vv J The Union Forms . " Saturday morning, July 3.' the night shift reported at she old meeting place...
...Saturday • evening was spent by the' delegates in their various committee meetings,_ at the dinner given by Local New York to the delegates, and at a eoul-stirring play written by Slgnor Xathan Fine, entitled "The C-khit-it m which certain ten4eaciea 5C teTOlutionarr Movement ware L|ea ap la a serious way...
...subway motormen and switchmen...
...Shallow, is explained*-by- the following 'record' of facta: The Teachers Union, on the basis of the Hanus Report of 1912, publicly recommended the abolition of the Board of Superintendents, and the substitution therefor of a democratically elected supervisory council composed of teachers and school officials...
...After the election of committees the convention was addressed by Comrades Hillquit, James Oneal, Panken and George H. Goebel of New Jersey...
...mood... Is for this reason that In adition to our demand for contractor egistraUoo and limitation, we also ask or a' guarantee/ of 36 weeks of work year...
...It seemed to many at the time that Hedley waa simply passing the buck to his General Committee to save his face...
...PatSsv-f Murphy...
...Another half hour that seemed an eternity...
...Especially does the Union call attention to the menace in the policy of the Board of Superintendents to every effort now being made by enlightened educational authorities elsewhere to improve the qualifications of teachers and the quality of teaching...
...They answered question* but nothing new of any consequence developed...
...As a result of the campaign of enforced economy, adults were forced to leave the evening schools In disgust...
...Hyman added...
...He was heard to say at a meeting of the Board of Superintendents, in the midst of an attack on Dr...
...For rhen a Jobber fails to give his conractors work, it is equivalent to disharging all that contractor's workrs...
...A certain Green, who was once a leader in the company union, waa removed from office by the company because Hedley didn't like his attitude...
...They ire not our employers, they have lothing, and can offer us nothing...
...It could not be improved as a weapon for destroying any worker who might have the faintest interest in real labor unionism...
...The leaders themaelvea were not quite sure of what the beat step would be...
...The Teachers' Union opposed the appointment of Miss Margaret J. McCooey as associate superintendent because of her lack of educational qualifications, and because it was generally recognized that her promotion was due to the political power of her brother— a fact admitted by herself to a reporter of the New York Herald, The maladministration of Associate Superintendent Edward W. Stitt of the evening Behoofs was first exposed by the Teachers Union about January, 1925...
...It was evidently a camouflage to conceal war preparations...
...The Zero Hour Comes Monday morning roiled around...
...Oaly those who are "sold" to the company's program and acceptable to management ar* admitted to th* General committee, of thia bogus brotherhood...
...tb* one thing that tnay defeat these te laek of relief...
...listened attentively to their tale and tr"~> offered, their good offices to act as arbitrators...
...At the suggestion of Jack Gallagher the funds of did local 7 were placed at the dls-peeal of the present officers...
...It is well toewn that Dr...
...d*rmialng all union standards...
...Every cent that can be got for relief muet be used nt order to hold the striksrs together...
...Would Hedley arbitrate or would he not...
...They re-* peated their publicity releases orally...
...But- the men also had to be convinced a* to the desirability of submitting the names to the General Committee...
...But this waa too much for th* motormen and, switchmen** local...
...Shallow personally resented the attitude of the Union, charging it with a desire to oust him from his position...
...Thoy would strike out for themselves...
...His record In this matter is open and thoreoghly understood by organised labor, as well as by the Communists them¦rives...
...These employers agree to establish the 40-hour week beginning with July 1, 1917...
...Tb* company union must be doomed If these men are sick of it...
...The so-called Brotherhood op*rates a "closed shoo...
...What the purposes of theee "practical" men could have been in ceiling this meeting la bard to tell...
...Pap«r Box Union Warns Ccotract-Smashing Firms Paper box manufacturers haw been won't to wreck the Industry by their irresponsible breaking of the union contract each time the dull season Ih the Industry draws near...
...The fact that it cannot now ive up to the contract—if true—except it the cost of sweating its labor, la idditional reason why it should surSnder that contract to the city, so at the I. R. T. lines may become part Jf'.'a citywide system managed by a tottbicipal corporation on which the workers as well as the users of suo*a» service shall be represented...
...They too are employed by he Jobbers, and they too are starved mt by the stockhouse men...
...S a united front asm be achieved among tha striking cloakmakers, it can ultimately be achieved In the textile taduetry...
...No worker who Is considered "disloyal" to the company or a believer in real trade unionism Is permitted to run as a candidate for delegate to the General Committee...
...A. F. of L. affiliation met with approval, but it meant very little to most of the men with their lack of trade union experience...
...There ** a great da*l of e video** with which I am perse*, ally familiar to th* contrary...
...The present strike ta the result of this blind revolt against company union tyranny...
...1 The •company union is divided into many local units, some 33 In number...
...The activity of the Union in calling public attention to the scandal of the evening schools brought about the abandonment of...
...At about ten a number of men asked to be excused to report tp work in time to go on strike...
...P Thar* la oraly on* eonaslraW* reaaoa for withholding relief, and that fa grace muthandling of fund*.' Of that there la no evidence...
...r to* are far tb* be****, wbe bene •-ployed *t**dJty avery »|f*jilajaai aaathod anawn a* ea*al*yoi» r*r seeabV law*trtb*n<Tb*ra h) an...
...for example...
...He runs vacant trains, and ohce in awhile takes out a passenger train...
...Let him choose to Join a labor union, even the ultra-respectable and conservative Amalgamated As soelation of Street and Electric Railway Employee, and he la masked for im- , medlatC discharge...
...It is a popular ticket among the Comrades, ak it was a popular ticket in the convention...
...disputes, the right to picket, their stand on civil liberty, and the curtailment of the power of the Supreme Court as advocated by the political program of the American Federation of Labor...
...The committee to which the letter had been referred reported through Comrade Shiplacoff...
...Suppose they did accept arbitration, the Intarborough never would...
...Incidentally, they expressed the view that if any member pf the General Committee came up, that they would keep him out...
...Lefkowitz, both' is Mew Tork and in the discussion of legislation at Albany, Is Associate Superintendent Edward Mandel...
...boras elevator motormen brought the house to its feet cheering...
...They wanted to keep ua powerleaa and bankrupt.* Thia in spit* of tha fact that Article V, section s, ot the company union constitution does permit locals "to assess their members for local funds, welfare funds, or any other fund* a majority of the members shall consider necessary far their welfare...
...son of tfie first day's chairman...
...Don't forget, Lefkowitz is the legislative representative of the Union...
...Settlements will not be 'made with any undue speed, Louis Hyman, leader of the general strike committee of the workers' organization told the striking eloakmakers at mass' meetings...
...They told tfte, commission of the decision of the men they were representing and retired to another • room...
...Th« officers, ivho headed the fli'ht, were, of course, retained...
...They informed the commissioner* that they would not accept or decline the offer of arbitration until the General Committee of the Brotherhood with' whom they had an agreement would act upon the proposal and since this committee could not be assembled before ten o'clock Monday morning they "asked for an extension of the time limit to noon of the same day...
...and 3. By arrogating - to the Board of Superintendents th«v right to determine the fitness of teachers—a function which since the establishment of the city charter has belonged to the Board of Examiners alone...
...The motormen won't'go out with you.' Now the motormen and switchmen are leading in th* fight for wag...
...It seemed to bo the laat wiggle of a drowning man...
...Hyman talked of the union's denands...
...all the employees of the Interborough, except the" supervisory staff, had the day Wore Accepted a continuation *t The exist iog^age scaTer^or...
...By a standing vote arbitration was refused...
...The amendments were Sapid, sad the first- S. El C. elected convention waa then, chosen, gmSftinM, ef Julius Gerber, Herman gpsp...
...But can they nove the 40.000 striking eloakmakers >ut with them...
...They say they can move their places out of town," said Hyman...
...Switchmen begin with" i (tally wage of only $4.64 and motormen with a wage of 55.25...
...Lavln returned to the phone...
...Tne company lias contracted to give a cer!ain service to tiie oity...
...was adopted...
...Lefkowlt* la a political radical of the most extreme type, and hence unfit to have charge ef a department ot history in a high acb^jl...
...with reter* tT tne Meal* earth...
...During the last two years} they bad proposed an amendment to the IJrotherhoad constitution making it possible for them to negotiate separate wage scales, but the General Committee bud turned a dear* ear...
...The leaders began to realise that an excellent strategic move had been Overlooked...
...It has fnrendW the most extraordinary excuse for refusing to arbitrate the demand df»otermen and switchmen for more wjfes ever invented...
...On* further point must be made...
...Th* uncertainty was removed, strike preparation^ war* in order...
...Sadly he told the "boy*" the news...
...The Girman Federation of Trade ¦ilnians has urged the American ,*Tede.-.r,tion cf Labor to intsreede in tehalt of Sacco and Vanietti...
...and in special releases...
...Tb* ****** if en...
...The action of the Union, although beneficial to the public, earned for it the hostility of Mr...
...That meant another delay of half an hour...
...eetfc>B above referred to...
...They were receiving, if they were motormen, <S to 82 cents an hour, and if switchmen, 58 to 81...
...They began' to feel that Hedley was playing with them, that he had broken his word...
...however, the A. F. of L. by lie action help* to starve the strikers Into submission...
...Ask them and (hey will tell you that year after year they have dome Into th* June "wag* conference*" with the company and have been told that their demands for wage increase were out of order and that they would have to Walt a while...
...An early measure promoted by kbs in the Sulzer regime was a bill specifying peculiar qualifications which as, alone could meet...
...The contract, to which we and they are bound, and to which the New Tork State1: Department of Labor stands as witness, expires September 30, 192ft...
...Shallow quizzed Dr...
...The on* vital thing in America today la the organisation of the unorganised workers...
...Originally it ittade a very good thing out of the iontract...
...They were demanding flat rates of $1 for motormen and 75 cents for switchmen...
...The day was hot, sad ;* —to...
...will continue on strike against the association manufacturers and jobbers...
...The second thing that la on say aahaf7 la to express my gratification 0>* splendid ticket chosen by toj stow Tork State Socialists...
...That' fact is no reason ir tvkwiPl* if ? «r ¦ mi Wag ejtw aaM*n« ta tb* WfS***** . .. ii r fall to nitllisTatha) hew (My unfa* seen, or...
...All right," said Lavln...
...Why are they sick at th* company union bluff and pretense...
...We are going to make no settlenents with contractors," he.added at his point...
...And that was entirely impossible...
...2,000 CAPMAKERS SHLL0UT 600 Return to Work Victorious — Fight Now Is Against Association and Jobbers ALTHOUGH the strike of the New Tork Cap Makers' Union is only several days' old...
...Its periodical, the New York...
...Congratulations on all side...
...No answer...
...All night long th* ovations war* repeated...
...the Exeeutvle Board .of the TeaeTiers- Upton >ea .authorise* against the action of the superintendents Una to endeavor In other ways to secure just treatment for our member and Legislative Representative...
...It tt sign ill cant thpt th* Jobbjr* cearteaaftn* ausiy Ignored the report of tb* Governors Commlaalon...
...The remainder were what the workers called "beakiee," secret service men...
...I'ne uommissionera imn» w closeted themselves with Lavln, Bark and Phelan In an ante-room...
...Yen are etcher Par na* atrinere, who are pntthag u» earned*** aaaet gaOLtat eght* hi braber adatory...
...So that was why the General Committee had been so long in session...
...said Levin...
...Jfc Since that day attempts to rjjganlze the workers on the I. R. T. have been wrecked by company spies, guards and under-cover men, who, if they batch a union man distributing a leaflet to an I. B. T. worker, promptly kick the "agitator" off the platform or hand him over to the police for disorderly conduct...
...It was the best attended and most fruitful convention of the party in at least six years, according to Comrades in attendance, and it showed a remarkable recovery both in size and spirit from the slump of recent years...
...The Communist interpellation was in the form of the usual letter from that organization informing the Socialist party that Capitalism is an evil thing, that under capitalism the workers are exploited, that the capitalists stand together, that only when the workers are united can there be any progress, and various other things thai the Communists seemed to think hadn't occurred to the Socialists until they told them about it...
...Mendel's record in promoting this selfish, unworthy and unethical piece of legislation...
...At the Tranait Board j The following^ morning...
...A switchman is really a motorman-apprentice...
...He warned the workers against exerting pressure upon their leaders for the settlement of individual shops...
...The minute he opens his mouth out he goes...
...They would have nothing to do with the General Committee...
...This will not be an autocracy as it was under the Brotherhood...
...It 1* a tragic failure In duty for official* of tb* A." F. of L and other* who claim to champion labor's cause so to act aa to punish th* striksrs by restriction of relief because they are mwpiclou* of Welabord and the little baneful of Communist* who have beta active In this atrike...
...TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas ¦"•tT^tJ certainly have to give credit jf"ip .'Slew York's . rlnterborough JtMpjd Transit for nerve...
...i Thomas cited three reasons why, he said, the motormen and switchmen should receive higher wages...
...After 1 the roll call of delegates the first business of the convention was the adoption of a resolution presented by William M- Feigenbaum on tlje death of Comrade, Meyer London, and the sending, of a message'of greeting to Comrade Debs, who is recovering from a serious illness...
...In this shift, also were the more experienced, the more moderate men, since, through the exercise of seniority rights the old-timers generally avoided the night runs...
...One worker 4**crlbing th* company union sham said, "The cerporatlon haa always depended on the motormen to etand by the 'Brotherhood.' Every time any other class of w*rk*r* asked for more pay, Hsdley or his agents would say...
...We have heard the term used before in referring to unions outside the A. F. of L, But here we have the "outlaws" a union that la on the way to.becoming a part of the- A. P. of L. And Mr...
...Lew Wages and Fake Union Cause Motormen and Switchmen to Revolt By Louis Silverstehiu ASTRIKB to secede from a com-' pany union is the remarkable* occurrence which has taken place on, the subways of New York City, it will constitute a landmark in labor history... rack and ruin...
...This summary of our Indictment of the majority members of the Board of Superintendents shows conclusively that this board has become so degraded through the prevailing system of political preferment for those high educational positions that the members are willing to prostitute the ideals of the office: 1. By denying to a teacher whose qualifications and fitness have been certified by the Board ot Examiners and the Superintendent of Schools, of his right to promotion under a merit system...
...Lavin, the president W caafeman...
...No answer...
...To the open shop advocates who are forever complaining about the lack of "individual freedom" under trades unionism we recommend the above "document" for careful study and contemplation...
...As evidence of Mr...
...Certainty that Is Bttle enough," Ir...
...This eroup consisted of the...
...Tbey submitted...
...if The rest of the strikers, numbering over 2,000...
...If .there 1* any stateemanahi* in the A. F. ot L, any such devotion to * cause as Welabord ha* shown, ta^ A. F. of L. can handle the Communist problem at Paaaalc and elsewhere...
...What can you boys do...
...Harry Bark and Joseph C. Phelati, had reported to them that the General Committee, representing...
...Quackenbush had declared emphatically that there would be no strike...
...Who are the three we named," came from the rear of the room...
...German leaders haVe Joined British laborites in urging jww trials for the two Italian medicals...
...g«mu«l Orr...
...hip ft the strike could not amass % ' war chest for other than strike purpose*, even if tbey wasted to...
...In cool reasoned language, interspersed with a story or two, they and others .deliberated wjth tha men...
...They did not realise that they would come under the Jurisdiction of the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway t Employes but when later this dawned upon them, they were willing to-make such affiliation...
...REPUDIATED wrteN * 'Brotherhood' Reduced Men fa Slaverjttfby 'Yellow Dcg' Contract...
...We're not dealing with them...
...Walt a minute...
...He said that if the Interborough ie bankrupt, then-it.Ie tha duty ef the officials to notify the public of that fact and not keep the employes in slavery by paying starvation . wages, fttm said it would not take the riding publie vmry long to realize the vale* of trained motormen after they had ridden a.few times with the strike-breaking (motormen now running the trains...
...If they try such tactics this time, they will find themselves up against a- different proposition than they have hitherto met...
...They refused to advise the men...
...It mad* his heart feel good to bear the Committeemen roundly reprimanded for their attitude...
...He will carry on his spurious "collective bargaining'' only with the company "brotherhood," which he Controls body and sou...
...But neither board has ever taken action to accept the recommendation ot the report that all the condemned citizens mentioned therein be excluded henceforth from appearing on the platforms of school buildings...
...7 *ov*r* th* m*tot***n and switchmen on tha subway division, it fa thia group of more than 7K workers who have become afck of fa* cesnpeny muate and are now out to lay their own tune In a onion owned and controlled by themeelvee...
...There was a demand far increased wages, but as events Continued to shape themselves, it became more and more evident that, com* what may, no real victory ¦ could bs> gained if attachment' to the errfporaUoa's .hand-made union constituted ft oasis of the settlement...
...Arbitration by another standi** vote was accepted unanimously M4 since the day outnumbered the night' shift the total count of the Consolidated -Railroad "Worker* was In favor of arbitration by the Transit Commission...
...up th* wavering el*vator man...
...The delegates, however, were loath ta leave the hall, and for several hours, knots of comrades were gathered In the cafeteria downstairs, discussing the party's prospects and the work to "be done, to make their great dreams a reality...
...The atrike la not already, kjst, If it war*, do you suppose th* employer* would TH trying so hard to, frame up Welabord en.a false breach of promise case...
...The Mayor's'secretary, however, adttsed them to sen the Transit Commission...
...The older members told of their disappointment with the conduct of the B. or L. £. in the fatal subway strike of ltOeVs Besides, Joining the Brotherhood would mean exclusion of those who were not motormen aid switchmen...
...expostulated Bark... rule, but sometimes grow numerous enough to rove and rpar...
...They were thrcugn' with "Pat" Connolly, the c...
...he thereby severs his employment' contract with the company...
...It is the conviction of the Teachers Union that the action of the Board of Superintendents in the Lefkowitz case is sufficiently explained by the evidence of bias and personal resentment against the Union for having criticized these officials in the public interest...
...tone of the delegates* <was sober...
...Abraham Lefkowitz calls upon all public spirited citizens and organizations interested in public education, to take note of the injustice against a teacher with a notable record of 22 years of successful service...
...This action was then approved by the Superintendent of Schools...
...Lefkowitz has tsen severely criticised by the Teachers* Union within the past few years...
...He said that so long as the prohibition question is before the people it will be impossible to get serious attention for any social or political question...
...The zero hour had passed and strictly speaking, the strike was on...
...At laat year's conference, which jested just I* minutes, the same action was taken as previously...
...They would choose three arbitrators from which the Interborough would select one satisfactory to tha General Committee...
...told his story...
...The strike waa placed squarely on their shoulders...
...They carried the evening...
...The p^lic has no right to' maintain even the five-cent fare at the cast of such a wage rate and such Working conditions...
...on* «f thee* is**h> - N...
...Th* day shift appeared in th* evening in leisurely fashion...
...t . The stellar moved rapidly mo lt« ¦encmd da...
...It was decided that Harry Bark ahould accompany them to their office to await the answer *6f th* Interborough...
...The following morning the leaders1 of the men, Lavin...
...A meeting ot Local 7 of the Brotherhood of Interborough Rapid Transit Company Employees was In session...
...Article I, section 4. reads as follows: , "Each newly employed #eraon whe ie eligible for ntemb^rahip in tha Brotherhood shall...
...So, aa the time for the evening meeting of the day man approached the sentiment for arbitration grew...
...Frank Hedley and James L. Quackenbusb.' attorney and during the strike publicity man for the company, wire called into conference...
...In building up charges against Dr...
...Certainly the textile Industry la In a btd way...
...Th* company ha* tried to Interpret the word "welfare" for tha workers...
...A resolution- likewise denounced the proposal to erect a monument to the notorious Charles F. Murphy in ^nlon Square...
...Thar* 1* not enough money...
...The leaders were optimistic...
...because of political .Pressure, was elevated toNthe position ** associate superintendent The Teachers' Union, on various occasions...
...Fifty were members of the General Committee, who could not be gathered together in time to make up the arbitration question...
...An attempt was made to take a ballot vote en the acceptance of the Tranait Commission aa arbitrator...
...Tweiv* one arrived...
...I have cyme to tne limit* of sty Proper apaoe...
...V Meanwhile our sympathy and'sup*gt should bo to the underpaid Work...
...It says that'it jMis a company union from which these rs have seceded, and that this would have its feelings hurt if R(-aoould arbitrate the wage question...
Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 26