THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK National the Kawhwat omeaftbm the Chains** ef tha MM-Waat siadsm. rnntsisafi, b»M ta Kansas City aa Jane Vs. 14, U: "My Dear Mr. Henry: -Wa wish ta thsmk ths...
...Wo do not believe that a subsidy Is the solution of the farmers' ills, hut we njedgs 'ourselves to... yw wlS net* tram the snclsssd...
...The next play ia now being rehearsed Sy another group of this club, aad announcement of details win be mads i* due tuns...
...We must have not the limitation of profit on housing for the workers, but the substitution of efficient building by the state and municipal corporations, publicly controlled, for use at cost, and not for profit...
...We pledge our candidates tor State and national office to work In their respective fields: ' (1) To nationalize coal mines and provide for democratic ^management, with representation of consumers and producers on the governing board, and recognition of collective bargaining with tha union...
...Viola has consented to speak as a volunteer as long as he is around Boston...
...Alfred Baker Lewis, the district orgsntssr-secrstary'ofths New England District, will*b* the main speaker at the Socialist State Convention Sunday, July's*, it is expected that Lewis win also speak at an open air meeting In Hartford, Saturday evening...
...July 8," corner Wilkin* and Intervals avenues...
...It is aa workers rather than aa capitalists and landowners that they must seek their, reward...
...Speakers: Etheired Brown and George J. Friedman...
...Palsgstss win he elected 'to represent the Local at the Pffata Convention, watch, will be held hilHaw feeve...
...July" 9. corner Havemeyer and South Fourth streets...
...Bronx members are urged to attend the State Convention and also ths banquet to the state delegatea which will be held July 3, 7:30 p. m...
...Bronx The Meyer London Memorial meeting waa well attended and the speakers, Esther Friedman, James Ones...
...They are all members of Bcnlur Circle 8, Brooklyn...
...Meanwhile Re: publicans and Democrats unite fo pass the infamous Mellon tax bill, in Now York.-Jn districts where the Socialist vote ft large, they unit* to steal it...
...Governor Smith has followed the Socialist lead In opposing the Republican plan to give away our last remaining natural resource to an alliance of the Mellon interests, the General Electric, and others...
...It bespeaks their support oh ths political A*ld...
...Thay Indicate ths way in which the Socialist Party approaches the task of making government our servant ta the fight, against exploitation, war, poverty and waste...
...Taa euaatiaa hf orgorrlslag Cusatap CemsaRSsas wa* i*tt t* the mh*p|rBff Executive Cawamftts*' It waa akmdecided that Th* -Executive QosnmKt— appoint a cassaatttss to prepare proposal* oa City Planning aad sppssr at public naarings on these questions hetor* the Municipal Assembly...
...Local New York City"CerrlrsT CormwrMee——---Th* City Central Committee met Wednesday, June 21...
...Fressaaars Facta Shop...
...We still have repressive legislation such as the so-called criminal anarchy law...
...Still nothing Is done...
...Each party should pledge Its u> take ths asosassag steps to give legal efficacy to this advisory popular referendum...
...Requests should ha ssnt to Ban Goodman, th* Yigasl Executive, 7 Cast tsth Street, New Y*rk City...
...Land and tha Fellowship for their kindness...
...Every election time sees tha amusing hunt for aa lsus with which . to divert ths people...
...Popular discontent, expressed In former years in Socialist victories, has compelled Tammany...
...oahsU Wednesday evwokeg, July 7, at Jo...
...Hall to espouse some popular causss^and to take over in emasculated form-* some Socialist issues...
...Henry: -Wa wish ta thsmk ths Socialist Fatty hdgrtfly far Che Utaretuv* wbiob It pen* t* th* Coafw-eno...
...oa/ Ot Isidore Pollststn, of tha Bronx Caatral Branch, Socialist Party* , Th* psrfarmsBce was well received aad aa ovation was gfvsn ta ETtsshsth' Friedman, Seymour Singer aad Irving Smith...
...of produce, snd loosen the yoke of banks and money lenders which the farmers have found so grievous...
...isotiint " "Most of ua ss yea will reensmbat...
...We pledge ourselves to work in nation or state, as tke case may be, for lower tariffs,, greatly increased snd carefully grsdustsd inheritance taxes, the_ increase of super taxes on great in-' comas, the appropriation of the economic rent-of land by the state In the name of society to whom it rightfully bejeng...
...Arthur RobIns, recording secretary...
...Leon R Land...
...Alternates—Lsonord C Kayo, Wilh* Hodman, . W. W. Brunn, A. Bratlowsky, George M-cMullen, W. E. Fitzgerald, Nina Prey...
...Thlrty«slx delsgates wsr* present...
...Its purpose ts to air th* proposals ot the Socialist Party oa' municipal problems before the Municipal Assembly^ Sdrwat MacfJiMfS Manhattan Friday, July 2, Clinton street sad East Broadway...
...This is the chlsf of the Issues before us...
...Foreign Policiss Socialist foreign policy map be summed up in the demand that we substitute co-operation of free peoples for the jealousies of rival imperialisms...
...need the old demand of the Socialist Party that questions of liquor legislation be submitted ta a popular referendum...
...Bronx Thursday...
...Taxation Our present tax laws...
...who aaareseed us...
...By it our own liberties are menaced...
...of tfae miSMs of ths many...
...The seat of any delegate who is absent without excuse from two consecutive meetings shall be declared vacant and the branch notified to elect a new delegate...
...o*d for *hgpwatlns C*ajrad* PhlfSr...
...Speakers: Ethelred Brown and Dr...
...Connecticut New Hsesw •' The rsgulor atosdhh/ muring sf ths Local wis...
...Many farmers are signing up., Plana are under way to organise a chapter of the L. I. D. In Oakland.City j County...
...This pwy gives a dear insight Into tha real eccmomla conditions ef th* working class, aad vividly portrays ths sort of legal trickery resorted to by tb* employing etssa la order to cheat their workers...
...The unofficial State Committee meeting will be hq)d at Peoplea* House st lo a. m. July 5. The State Secretary asks delegates fo the State Convention to take copies of the June 29 and July 3 Issues of The New Leader to the convention with them, as they contain the rules of the convention and the tentative State platform, and will be valuable for reference during the convention...* Bronx Free Fellowship, gave the hall free for this occasion- The Bronx County Socialist Party extends Its ameers thanks to Dr...
...Military Training In Europe...
...The Governor of New York State did nothing to protect the consumers against the rapacity of coal wholesalers...
...Norman Thomas, Ed' ward F. Cssstdy, G. A. Gerber...
...PRISED STATE SOCIALIST PLANKS Now York Dfieftitli Wilt Considee TIb*** Pluikf at Convention Here HERE la ths second section' Of the proposed Nsw York Stat* Socialist platform which will be considered at the State Convention today in New York City: A Leber Party The workers must bring shout their own emancipation by their own organizations: Their labor unions, cooperative*, farmers' leagues and their .own political party...
...Powerful interests seek to make our soleasn promises to the Filipino* a mere scrap of paper...
...Delegates tn the City Central Committee and te the State Convention should be present and submit reports of the respective bodies te which they are delegated...
...Kedsie and Ogdsn Streets, Chicago...
...Members are urgently^rs^awsted ts be present, ss very important business Is pending...
...Illinois Illinois Socialists are planning some big work...
...Prohibition ' Tke;Sy#ocrlsy snd corruption ^attendant'upon the enforcement or nonen forcemeat of our present prohibition laws Is a moral cancer...
...Speakers: Hymen Nemser...
...July 13, at Its clubrooms...
...v-""'" (2) Falling the Inauguration of effective national machinery, to set up In New York State machinery whereby the State will become a wholesaler of coal with>the"aWroach"of emergency and so protect'consumers'from paying to private wholesalers, an increased profit ranging last winter as high aa 300 percent...
...Taxation, which should be used as a means of obtaining social Justice, strengthens special privileges...
...Military training in high schools snd colleges exists only to promote that psychology of militarism which -menaces at once the peace of mankind and the cause of the workers at home...
...Next year a soft coal strike Is likely...
...The Mellon tax plan now enacted into law uses taxation for the benefit ot the rich...
...JThe Tammany tiger may have been combed and brushed...
...The tariff gives to Mr...
...Jacob Panken...
...Speaker*: Staalrwd Brown and Dr...
...T'NeW England Norman Thomas, well known te'all Socialist Party members as a candidate for both Mayor ot New York City at various times, and also Governor ol New York State, will be in the New England District July 4, i snd 0. On July 4 at 2 o'clock he will speak at a Finnish picnic In Maynord, Ho alec speaks behind City Hall In Worcestei at 7:20 p. m. The following day, Monday, July 5 at 2 o'clock, he will speak at Front and Commercial streets...
...Branch 7 will meet Tuesday...
...The President and Congress did nothing to avoid or terminate a strike caused by private owners of a great natural resource...
...We pledge our national candidates to atapd for recognition ot Russia, generous co-operation with European nations in undoing the iniquities of the peace of Versailles, the refusal to put national force behind the collection of private debts in Latin America and elsewhere, justice to Haiti, Porto Rico, the Philippines, China, and Mexico...
...belong to the L. L D. aad want to dpi everything la our power ta further tha jjndsr standing of tha Socialist movemeat by thd seUoge staaants especially...
...Ths courts and the judicial process are too generally friendly to employing Interests and great wealth...
...Loutd Waldman, Joseph D. Cannon...
...psononncsd, succesA The Central Branch, comprising Districts 1. 2, 2, 4, 6, wlU meet Tuesday evening, July C, at" 1187 Boston RosA Members ore urged to be present- Important business, including action on applications, must be transacted...
...was acted last skubarSay night at tha Dsbe Aodltartssn af fh* Raad School by yb* Ttpsd Dramatis Club, under th* pereoaal - direst...
...Speaker: Samuel E. Beardsley...
...States and cities must co-operate in working out an effective giant power system, publlcally owned...
...We reaffirm our conviction that the nation...
...TJrrT^eon rteoscr Land, on behalf pf...
...Vl Giant Power The "private owners of giant power will be our -masters...
...The following are some articles adopted: Regular meetings shall be held on ths first Wednesday of each month...
...As reported In last week's Leader, the July '* holiday is responsible for the changd of dates...
...The control Ot the mesns ot communication, the press "movies" and radio by aad for great vested Interests Is one ot the most serious evils of our times...
...The larger part of this .session wsa consumed In adopting the >«port bT the ^mnflttse on Rules and Methods of Procedure...
...Even pew It is not too lata for all parties to agree, not on a vote-catching trick, but an honest phrasing of a rani Issue to be* submitted to a papular referendum...
...The old parties are th* twin puppets of the owner* of America...
...No quarter of ths globe but feels the onward march ot our economic imperialism...
...4215 Third Avenue... haa not changed its stripe...
...The Committee on Nominations presented Its report recommending nominations for City Executive Committee, permanent chairman, auditor and recording secretary...
...We also pledge ourselves to work for unemployment insurance and old ago pensions...
...We pledge ourselves to every effort to keep education in our democracy free from the taint of what we once called Pmsslanism...
...Herman Volk, auditor, and Louis Weil, recording secretary...
...A permanent chairman shall be elected to serve for the term (one year), the vice-chairman' to be elected at each meeting...
...Comrade Thomas' subject is "The Rebirth of Americanism," w|eh special reference to the Passaic strike...
...Morris Berman, Frank Crosswaith, SanrueL R Beardsley, Harriet Stanton BMtch, Olga Long and U. Solomon...
...Corner Pitkin avepue and Bristol street...
...Sunday, Jary 25...
...In the Finnish Hall, 2068'Fifth Avenue, near 127th Street...
...G. August Gerber, vice-chairman...
...The policy ot the present national administration In Haiti and Latin .'-merles generally, in thd Phntpplnes and In China haa been dangerously Imperialistic...
...We declare for the Steinmetx Plan as against either the Republican plan or Al Smith's proposal...
...The Socialist Party pledges itself to work with every labor group which In good faith,and with honest belief in democracy< will unite to establish a genuine party of all useful productive workers...
...The State Executive Committee will meet at Finnish Hall at 10 a. m. Saturday...
...In the fight before as the Party* pledges its aid to alt economic organizations of ths workers who seek emancipation...
...July 24...
...Melton's aluminum trust a subsidy he would deny to the farmers, end to the textile manOlgcturers a bonus that they do not pass en to their exploited workers... with the farmers for all aound legislation in states and nation which may moke easier the path*of co-operatives, facilitate tkn transDortatlpa and marketing...
...Just a* a**ital'»m grows, so grww* *•* aosasrhuw* thst milhwans scound the mmm it *Kiiisatieni th* revetting srweltlss ef saw feetsry system i the squsloe of greet, aitlee snd ths prosenoe ef dssp po>el|s ssstsd hard by the gate ef enermoue, weelth^-karl Marx...
...The attempt to make prohibition a political issue distracts' the attention of Jtha Voters from, those groat economic . Issues on which paries should rightfully divide...
...Asia and America the growing militarization of the United States Is causing alarm...
...The People's Liberties, Democracy without freedom of speech and assemblage Is a meaningless device for counting noses...
...July 7, 'corner Monroe street and Broadway...
...Muscle Shoals should be retained by the Federal Government and operated for the public good—not leased for a song...
...On Tuesday, July 0, he will epeak at the Parkman Bandstand on Boston Common from 12 o'clock until 2 p. m. In Lynn on Tuesday evening he will speak at the Lynn Lasters' Hall at 8 o'clock...
...Unlike the ordinary plays...
...He held two meetings In Lyrm at Blake street snd Central square on Wednesday and Thursday, June 20 and July 1. He will also speak on Boston Common from 4 to 0 p. m. on Sunday, July 4. Viola is a vigorous and forceful speaker and very well worth hearing...
...It cannot meet the need...
...It brings th* labor question to the front, and hoc**** ot this, it should be utilised for educational purposes and propaganda . The ssrvices ef the, Dramatis Otuh sr* aval table, free ef sharps, to any Socialist Camp within SO miles, during July fnd August...
...State' Secretary Snow ia In Chicago assisting ths Cook County Socialists to get a county ticket elected at a convention which will be held on July 11 at Douglas Park Auditorium...
...Uld street and Lenox avenueSpeakers: Etheired Brown and V. C. Gasper...
...Chairman: Mathilda Tillman...
...We pledge ourselves to continue our fight for such legislation, including, if necessary, a constitutional amendment as will permit municipalities to undertake large acale housing enterprises of the sort that have been successful abroad...
...Indiana Indiana Socialists ore trying to get party activity by rushing tn Subs to the American Appeal, and they will succeed...
...Ntrw Yortc Stat* The following delegates aad alternates to tiie State Convention have been accredited from Local Now York: Delsgstes-*-Morris Hilkjult, Algernon Lee, Julius Gerber, William Kariin...
...Add these agencies of thought control together aAd It will be apparent how far we are in this 150th year of American Independence from realizing the conception of liberty which underlies Jefferson's immortal document...
...Several new members were enrolled and, all In...
...Fred Paulltsch was elected chairman...
...July 7. corner Seventh street and Avenue B Speakers: .Samuel E. Beardsley snd Ben Goodman...
...Samuel H. Friedman and A. N. Weinberg...
...The Central Committe* elected Julius Gerber permanent chairman...
...Wa pledge ourselves anew to the fight tor civil liberties aa against all attacks by religious prejudice, autocratic officials or vested interests...
...Speaker: Etheired Brown...
...Mexico is sever safe from ths threat of America* Intervention...
...Adolph Salmi, J. A. Vilatser, Eli Cohen, M. Ravitch and Andrew Rigaldl...
...Oldahoma Oklahoma Is going to have a Socialist ticket this year and expect a big vote...
...I New York State's water power must not only be developed, but the resultant electric power must be distributed by the State...
...Specifically, we urge In the national field legislation to protect the radio from the political censorship, monopoly control and profiteering which make It today Ss powerful weapon la ths hands of ths few for the centre...
...I an prssMSat of the Sociology Club of Kansas University and tn charge of speakers far ths T. M. C. A. If you have a aatteaal organizer in this vicinity say tints during ths coming school term, wiSgyeu plsase let me know, so that I o*a h%ve him speak to seme of the groups here...
...all, ths masting wa...
...Labor Legislation We heartily endorse the demands repeatedly made by the State Federation of Labor for legislation to end the Injunction evil, give better protection to women and children, and make the state's own insurance system the sols legal body with which employers csn take out workmen's compensation Insurance...
...BUnchord, LID, field secretary, will not be through bars next year sad 2 wont to kssp the ban rolling...
...During his life the great engineer, Charles P. Steinmetx, In co-operation with the Socialist Assemblymen, drew up a plan for the production and distribution of hydroelectric, power...
...In Conclusion These specific planks de net 'sad cannot indicate precisely the attitude of Socialism on all the pressing prabW iems of State and Nation...
...Formers' Relief Farmers are workers engaged In what in the most essential of all employments...
...Cost The inefficiency of.both old' parties and their subservience to the profiteers was strikingly shown by their conduct in regard to the great anthracite coal strike last winter...
...Housing The Democratic-Republican housing law in New* York State Is a grudging snd belated recognition of enormous and shameful evils which the Socialist Party long ago pointed ouk It is inadequate...
...Crmiinttyj»a win shy b* stsatsd to a»aist I...
...The difference between them is that one haa offlc* and th* other wonts it...
...arranging the convention...
...If, bowever, under the Governor's plan the power Is produced by the State only to be turned over to private distributing companies, little or nothing will have been gained...
...By united, intelligent action ths Co-operative Commonwealth canTbe estsbhAhed, It is a flaw not for cynicism or despair, but far saw and vahaat affect...
...This motion arose oat of a' suggest*?* by the delawetas of the 22d A. D. Kings, supplemented and amended by Julius Gerber...
...and Samuel Orr...
...Leon R. Land...
...were well received.*'As each speaker detailed some service for labor on the part of the deceased comrade, the applause was both hearty and, spontaneous...
...Brooklyn Wednesday...
...Including the tariff, sre a hei'vy burden upon both farmers and industrial workers...
...The State Secretary requests that all delegates' be on hand promptly at I p. m. Saturday, ao that the convention may be organised without delay and convention committees appointed...
...We Uva on terms of cordiality with all the swsshbucklers of Europe but refuse recognition to Russia...
...Jury 2A , ' - "V YkawIocaB YIFStL OrtAMATtS CLUB r Ssrveses Free So taalsEdt jCamss/ j Upton Slaciai/a pavr...
...If you could send us st copy of the American Appeal which contains the Conference story, ws would liks to have It for our publicity file...
...In Worcester...
...H fattens On th* misery of the poor, tb* degradation af the worker, and the bvutatising tail af hie wife and children...
...Joseph F. Viols, one of our former national organizers, spoke behind City Hall in Worcester and had a very fine crowd...
...The Bsooad-1 Story Maa...
...Tuesday, July A 112th street aad Lenox avenue...
...Special meetings may be called by the City Central Committee, or on demand of one-third of the duly accredited delegates by a eigned statement addressed to either the Executive Committee or the Executive Secretary...
...21* Congress ¦ avenue...
...Such statement shall give the order of business for ths special meeting...
...Our present evil case IS due to the failure of ths old parties to...
...Capitalism i* the mast tarvlbia scourge pf humanity...
...Queem The first step toward building up a big circulation for The New Leader in Queensboro aad at the same time promoting the reorganisation cam^w4h*tl*as frasb hisssih ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^eW^r**dhde *f Tsar^Jsam LsaAwr ax* PP receive letter* trass tbjT^Ssiaidjig t^SpZS ^STswU —en****l Brspah ismslca wtB be held Frwtfar evsalac...
...The following Comradea were elected members ot the City Executive Committee: Morris Hlllqult, Julius Gerber., j^BPeS^ wttceas sad fttchasoatd...
Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 25