The New leader Mail Bag WfTjtm lasue of June 1» yon hew* fclrtW* «n Brook wood «tM fa ft* K^g Waya excellent.. For what ft «Tt commendation of aVaahwaaaTh IghjarwnanU and alms wa ant...

...whlcb Is th* clearing hdu** for workers' education under trgd* union auspices tit the United Four of tha executive oemautiee members of th* W. B. ft-, Bretker* Mgurer, Brophy and Baeoas...
...In th* United States all workers* educational enterprises uadsr A. F. of I* trad* union control at any rat* are...
...Does any one contend that tha official labor movement Should have ao share la ths "control" of the educetaon, of Ms members... ts th* pitched battle between the W. B. B. an* Brookwood that th* *utbor of your article seems to envisage, both organizations doubtlee* can Sad better use for their time...
...I am not now rimrirf to the attempt of Its aathar jTjnisriWit certain trends la the workaef esacatkm movement, Brsrrr*** la yitlsd to speculate on that subject ?5 he tkcasss A discussion of tt pill sat, be l"» Place in s brief eomSpphatlon ss this must be...
...of these three sr* fi***j**f*d by th* executive oouactl of tbe A. F. of L...
...that irrespective it where Brookwood stands on ¦ the fancy under discussion, the Teachers' Conference above referred ta doe* not represent or speak' for Brookwood officially In...
...As a matter of .last, however, th* W. SL Ate* » *aeeutlv* mwniaiti** of- estvea members...
...8. and of Brookwood, Inc...
...Laborite will after a tew comments on tha above neat week.—SSdltor...
...AHo, oa tjus point of tns w. k. a. practically becoming "ths Educational Department Of the A. P. Ot W I as* not blind to tha pdsaibis svlls of "official control," hut without going lata tha matter st length, may I suggest that tear* sre at least two sides te the question...
...A gtenoe at tha htAy number of "Woakers* Education," th* quarterly officiat journal ef tb* W. ft...
...of justice af* of pt ****** la workers' etuesttav Where Brookwood frtsaja as tte problem under dtecneilis mrmm made abundantly dear, tot ft would be a great gala tor that cssssst labor which ws all profess to serve if there could be thorough and •vie bsatsd discussion of policy within ta srgsnlsatlon or movement without ear falling Into ths Infantile notion fast somebody ts plotting against, dttsetonf, fighting somebody else...
...Conference Is fiat Brookwood hi psssing may I make clear what id basiled in your article, but not deflliteiy brought Out...
...Chairman of Faculty, Brookwood Labor College...
...There is, however, on* Sstat There Is, however, owe lap sot J om article which seems to ss* exm>s1ieT*T unfortunate...
...In uetog 11 hurt phrass I da not, af coarse, jut- to imply deliberate and tastecar* JsnanssT Of facts...
...policy implied ta the ¦frmntul ta' year article that th* BV E. ft...
...Such unification ths British workers* education movement seem* now in process of sen loving—but only after many years of strife...
...The W. B. B. baa cooperdted with Brookwood fa numerous ways...
...B, might be illuminating ta soma OX th* nix leadin* articles, one Is by a Brookwood exchange student of tha past* year, and two are by members of the Brookwood staff...
...Differences of opinion, emphasis sad tendency there are bound to be, aa there always have bean in the American Tabor movement, hut...
...weekly educational serviceissued by Brookwood (BUSS) and of thd Very Teachers' Conference, referred to ifi this letter, a* evidence of Increasing interest and activity on the part ot the trade unions along . the tine of workers' education- Brookwood On its part has coopers ted th numerous ws*.y* With th* W. K. B...
...An* would not soma of our good friends Who now belabor the A. F. of L for its Interest Is the "control" of work-' srs" education Belabor It for Its lack of Interest if thing* war* etberwtosf W. E. ft...
...Calttoua... anions, but for the rest grants comDiet* local autonomy to such affiliated crgsausttens...
...three are eteeted by ths jopssssntatrvss «f fattaraatl*aal 'uwten* affthV atod with the baroaa at tha biennial cauientioua thereof, twa are similarly elected by representatives af stats federations, local union* etc, two try representatives of affiliated workers' educational sainprisas, aad twa...
...Leber's Educational Department Tb* point just made ts of importance t* OMmection with th* insinuation ss to control...
...The article a>m states that tha resolution "was gspjjf st ths W. K. B." I cannot proejsi to read the mind of ovary ineprtjaal at the conference, of course, |St I can state emphatically that setter the parsons who conceived tha afti of introducing- the resolution nor ftp conference ss a whole "aimed"* the Shftlon at the W. B. B. They wars 4ft Interested tn an "attack" on thai BVE.' B. They were interested in djreasslng aad placing themselves on sword with regard to a problem thst tor...
...gTth* first pteec, refersncs is mads fa a rMotsfton passed at the Annual assfaaace of Teachers la Workers' fa^gtasy which mat at Brookwood la Pekrssry* rTb* resolution, as your sjfftew appactly suggests, placed tha *aB*B*wB f attendance oa that conisrenee sppacord as opposed ta having ess*etcaSpbcatteaaJ enterprises aoospt ^gaedappsas from foundations or or' jisisjfir ' hostile to the fundamental abas af organised labor...
...They were moved in arriving B'their decision by considers tlons Alar to thoae which move the New pbk State Federation of Labor a g. |s piecing on its educational program if demand for the revocation of the charters of certain educational foundations such aa tha Carnegie sad fhs Koeketeller...
...Break*****1 arves aa its annual host...
...I have heard no complaint that any attempt has bach made te interfere with such autonomy...
...1»|Diffsrsncss Are Denies...
...mind thst while there may bo differences on rasay points in th* officially recognised workers' education movement in fh* United States these differences exist within the Wt B. B., the W. B. B. tolerates them: Tata tolerance is provided for by its constitution, which require* that control of affiliated or* ganisations most be la the handa, of representatives of A. F. of JU..., while there is, or ru, some difference of opinion apparently ss to fhe advisability of workers' educatlonsl sntsrprtess sacuptteg funds from these sources, to giv* ths impression Brat the deliberate aim and animoa was aa attack on'the W. B. B. la to serve the end* neither of truth no...
...Educational Unity Urged Hay I express tn conclusion one of my firmest convictions f It would her' Indeed ideal K all th* educational enterprises under the auspices of workers* organisations In ths United, States could bev affiliated hi one body snd work unitedly...
...David J. Baposs, tap book Itself being on* in the W. B. B. series...
...through the W. E. B., affiliated ta oa* body and able at many points to work unitedly...
...confronted -every warhsrs* sducagesal enterprise la some -farm or after...
...a* long aa thee* are not suppress**, ** teng aa fr**d*m of activity and discussion prevail, this unity must be maintain ad...
...any sense...
...I am pdniUa rather to what aavswafs te SSbjoareoentatlon of fact...
...srs also member* df the Brookwood board ef director* Brother Maurer 1* president both of the W.'E...
...and Sister Fsanl* If...
...I .for one am constantly at a loss to understand ¦some who cry loudest for unity, hut who seem perversely bent on disrupting what unity th«r* la Bven as between the W. S. B. snd its affiliated organisations, on th* on* hand, snd workers' education enterprises not affiliated, on tha other hand, it will surely be more profitable for th* workers thst ssch engage wholeheartedly in hia educational work rather than la wordy cestroversy with th* other...
...For what ft «Tt commendation of aVaahwaaaTh IghjarwnanU and alms wa ant duly -fgjofnl...
...ft is Important also to bear in...
...In the news notes mention is made among many other things of tb...
...P|L tetpresston ts (Ivan by carta in '^srmr* of the article that there is a Sgpts battle «n between Brookwood S ftp) Workers* Sdueation Bureau...
...A. 4. MUhTE...
...On* of tha ftp* books reviewed la by another member of the Brookwood staff...
...has "practically become the sad'ilag ta pre vide teterpsataatea sf trends I hav* ao peasant dtopoetuo* to was** wtta him...
...and Brssliwced Csspsrstiag Now...* president aad secretary af th* bureau, by at* convsnttesi ss a wwote...
...Kiss htaeXsy* snd Dr...
...New York city...

Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 25

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