A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Going Going, Gone %¦ TELL you, folk*, this govwnmeat of the people by the people, efev fa getting' to ?T be something fierce. Talst that Penney*vaaia election,...
...In fSSST, J| would be willing to nuke tads lisiaaiii^Uihl ^^rws,^t be wfiTgo*to*st least two ff*a*: , tfootball game, six or seveB^saSosss^sM' sack month at least ftity^assres bss ssi.rasjf' tventh Street, New Yorkylsd...
...wader the sea aad mean...
...There was talk all over town of the price for carrying certain "weids...
...Don't let the ladies wait...
...Pepper I •erned to have the moat money, however, • * least be paid in $10 bills, while Vara paid . a to ton...
...Ofcourse, accidents will, igsppen in the best regulated campaigns and so jtcernes about that once in ever .so many Pgoa's ages'* a poor but honest men actually i§SfAinto the American house of Lords...
...The ladies' of the Bethel Baptist Aid Society will serve a four-bit chicken dinner at the close of the sale...
...As a matter of fact, the union today—and in tha near future haa vary Important eoctai tasks to futSD for the trades...
...Susie MeBWea, bad haaa a music teacher to Baab ftty., BTbca aba married e)sytord, tbt" a~ lantaswhittee Jtnm e>iaase oasst*, taw case* to tha atatttajajUi to-Uvst tbe rafuaaft to employ a *>*arataf, gf waft saw aSvtoa itteut" tVttamf tor tab Sayiard boave...
...dsaaavaiaasy '' te sa» Though on imortality ^^^^^^^^^^Jfe^ ^as^aaste time the bank gites^asra to itealissj lina<i|^j though radical Hterature oat aBatoateQGaV4pe*i tory and pbiloaopbj, is In 'bed ;a# .SVr«^*lK ten (except for Saturday nights, :B%ajr^JK sits ap until quite a IsWlsenr' plsylps* -fmfk cheeai with his aant...
...Thar tend to destroy "the ahaolatlam of capital and to procure tor tha worker a direct Influence In the manaStment of industry...
...4sate igVvBSsgfe otmnskai comedies,' I, fa.turn, wjB jf^ftS^ P^SwBst StTdtsValw ^•teTOsHd^ ^^S*SBBpSstfeeBr^Sm«tt teres tt^rawtstein VebJeaTMsVaharyrr^ sa...
...Dictatorship Att«e*»atoe...
...They bad talked passionately, then, about Ufa, and ut« perplexity of to*aaaUty...
...many of Socialist theorists have adopted phrases used by Socialists to the days when poUUeal privilege ruled throughout Europe, and have treated them as though the progress1 of the movement depended oa these phrases rather than on an understanding of what can and should be done...
...It changed, however, to tbe Implement by which to transform tbe representatives ot ths people from masters into real servants of the people...
...Dan had tost hi* ^ reason, it hsd seemed...
...i saw at least 10,000 people paid at the two a eedquartere, Many at the Vare headquar- eta received money in bandfula...
...Or the city, or life, or love, or fate...
...the sUaX heavy raraltare...
...Hurry up...
...what I wast to kimirm ± *»*&*&m+m T™**?*miuijan^C 4,"sJthXl;^SS^SB *mF*r&rrr^V^B*~-"J^ ^TT ma T*W aVaal...
...tt certainly proceeds mora slowly than many weald wish, but in sp>i* or teat It to at work...
...Vote f erawf over year* Ta ttto tta ptooo r* Bar veto* quavered...
...tbe easy bad epeat ItoaU...
...Bury m* under the saad aa that amy aorrow shall he Bidden wader tta dunes from, the world's aye.1* Tfa so beautiful, tt hurts.- Agatha had said...
...Ia there any seass, tor example, .to maintaining the phrase ot the "die* tatorahlp of the proletariat* at a tlma when in aU possible places sepreseetatives of soda] democracy have placed themselves practically to the arena of FarUamenUry work, have declared tor the proportional representation of people and for direct tegislattsa—aU ef,wkioh is toeoaalstsat wtth a dtotatershtpt I "The phrase ta today so aaUaaatod that it is only to be reeeneUed wtth reality by •trippmg th* word dicta torship ot Ita actual meaning and atteehlag tt...
...Bow eraay he sad Agatha had'bom tor each other...
...During the day felIsaring tbe primary the workers were formed pa abreast before the door and the Uno es> ftaudad for a full city block, Beutel said...
...Universal franchise is, from two sides, toe alternative to a violent revolution...
...jo.' the Hawthorne place, we have never agreed on tha subject," This is what had happened . . . - , \ They came home from Chicago, vibrant with happiness...
...igtMstos ber erW date msjiiai...
...ajnyKy who spends enough can awing an .eiecu During this campaign many people .fauna to us offering to work for our ticket, but, when they found there was no money available, they quickly left...
...do act demand, aor are even consistent with.' ita emnlpotence in any way...
...Twice Agatha bad telegraphed home for money...
...rarpcceable, SMnn n is eassi#'iH^BJp...
...If tha thought is aroused that the transition ta to take- ptooo- by means of agencies utilised te aa age'which knew little or nothing*of the present methods, of passing- sad eatofviSa: ^ws a raae-ctas to ewew-va .take SJaoa.** (to Be OenMnaed Stox) Week ' GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor Nooel of the Northtbtst By M. H. HEDGES 3. (Continued From Last Week) ^4T¥^AKB thu bouae business,'* hs " 1 tbought "Bver stooe that time I save to...
...And,' |ay, don't it beat all how careful the banks ire getting nowadays in their endeavor to reward only the right kind of robbers...
...Five and a half—fare ana a half—do I hear another bid...
...It had been an orgy for him i of pent, up instincts sad daatrea He ' had not cared for expanse...
...f. But let Brother Beutel continue His tale of teoe: At times the confusion about the Vare Isndquarters, which ware nest door to his own office, became almost riotous, Beutel Ud, because the system of paying was not Issnay so methodical, although the payments apparently were larger than those at the Peptor-Fisher headquarters...
...Talst that Penney*vaaia election, for rastaoce, wW dry Pepper* tone dry Piocbot and wet Vara con^eeted tor the trig* honor of becoining U. S. Serines...
...Whoa Ufa alto faU the ggeJ...
...The right to vote in a democracy makes its aeem<bera virtually partner* ia the oommnaity, and their virtual partnership most In ths sad lead to real partnership...
...t» some kind of weakened laterpreUUea, The whom practical activity of aoetol democracy Is directed toward creating circumstance*' sad eeadKtoas vrhtoh ahaU seajer posstbls and aeoora a transition (tree front ooa'Vedstoa owUwaatsy jof thb'modern aoeial tovJar tkftt a'hlstiw aaav 3^.f *-> The dictators*!* of tta alaaaaa belongs to a tower civilisation, and apart froarfctae eaaattoa of the expediency and practicability ef tha thins, tt ta only to be looked apoa as a reversion, as political atavism...
...mocraoy m Oermany haa always to pracUce taken such a stand...
...saw torted'hrte aaeitmeate...
...Make it four million, gentlemenThink of the honor you are bestowing upon yourself and family...
...Actus) paint of the ceremony, Senator Reed JhJgMyfclrith the question: "Sow can money ¦Paaw to sway an election—how fs it "Used* » Pittsburgh ?^ ^fln Pittstwrgh/* answered Beutel...
...they had grown into a comradeship—a league of youth, cemented by the Joy of discovering like tastes...
...Well, then, five and a 4taif—thank you, Mr, Gotrcar, Thought you were ton visa to let a bargain Kke that slip by you...
...She Utrew bar bare arms impulsively round his neck- *T west to be good to yo*£ Dan...
...sKaA h w/L take a lot speedier vehicle than a bicy^to get Scroggs out of the range of a toaalHfoehjt...
...To their heightened senses...
...So Dea had read to her tram a book b* bad purchased by a new Chicago P*M*te -Or the atrassta ateee ttme begaa at the rich and poor* Or tta law that drives the weak tram th* tempt*** door...
...Bismarck temporarily as a tool [continues Bernstein), but finally It compelled Bismarck to serve It as a tooil . . . Ip UTS It could bring Bismarck Into a position to forge the weapon of Socialistic law...
...ostensibly to rest, ta truth, to be atone together...
...Vare spent nekriy as* a»ueh, while Piocbot, who came in *t the telt ¦ end on account of his predilection for lKmettyjr jrtarality and purittnhy, blew in nearfy twoftoiidrtd thousand.' . ^ £ Frederick Beutel, the chairman of Fin<ebnt*s speakers and meetings committee, told...
...They had been eione amid luxury, color and* the stir ot Ufa...
...Her faB ttpa had aat la a datsraatoed Sao...
...She dto not atova...
...Agatha longed to have bar own house to Slay with, aad Baa wanted to asaapa tote a spbera Baa weat lines* haaBsg wtthoat eonadlag la *to wtta, Btverstoa abaraty aat -1 bar retail sareat, sa teaad a wsqjhbto haadr sit teat ssatuflj...
...I Jdye Jhjs%, greasy foojb made from the fiesh of asteaysssjj msis and despise most *ag8Utem;aaa^^pef no hankering to be n strong man hs 1 SB*iai ville I cannot see tbe advantages of bfsaflh.^ ssa...
...in whose eyas the onion Is only sa object lesson to prove tha uselesaness of any other than political revolutionary action...
...deeply or poshing dunabseus about...
...V But in the myopic eyes of Scroggs'I sea g" farrand to be plucked from the bsiinBte aaaV mind, you, because Scroggs beljevte to^lhav "old-faahtcmad moralities, no tedaen,' 'bfjf simply and purely because Scroan ^belaaydB that every man owes it to lusaseu Sad tkk%, cause to be "fit...
...Zven $w*> urday Evening.Post might give Sarsjgate sf ' better idea of what men and wemtes1, te>WsB are like, than Spcngler> "DecW.ei -Satei West" or "Trends Sock»l<rA>ai;TA^5Spi-^aS feel and TeteogoUcal," by.H^.PftfaSsSjf , Hinunterbahnwagon of Mnajch...
...sad then oat over tha Drive, wtth Its clicking, whisking traffto, and somsthlny of the greater myatary of the...
...m»J?kh th« P1™* f«» to the WgbBSSf?* ^7*1 fuss sad bother of < Stti Vs when the WBo'» business could ha T<*E»L& 0o*Mm*n» *°* that an auctioneer...
...general understanding," said Beutel...
...described Imp paymasters and workers in the Vare Jndquarters tumbled out in the street When S tear gas bomb placed in a bag of money byWbdnk exploded when said bag was carelessh opened by one of Vare's paymasters...
...There are socialist...
...w*i»r' be aaaa...
...Make it six...
...the patriot who paid four asilHoa dollars for a seat in tbe Senate of this glorious deniotjaejX ..tassly four million— ! seat made sacred by the imprints [of Daniel Webster, Mark Manna and— "Pour million...
...They had shopped extravagantly at Field's...
...They had explored the new l*Un quarter above tbe Rash Street Bridge and had drunk tea out of cracked' tea cups at aaa of the tiny tea rooms along upper Michigan avenue, kept by the widow of a famous poet...
...h>'*r" * • * *:>- ' -hlS*3* part, I am in favor of abolishing all fgetStes and set up m their place public aucto kmI...
...4*1 honorable Senators who are investigating jfe Pennsylvania election that the Vare and pyper headquarters, in Pittsburgh was.be* jiirrri for days after the primary by long- lines Stretchers and ward workers demanding pay ttfer $ejr service...
...certainly, tins is the way the game ia gVei not only in Pittsburgh in Pennsyl*te», but in virtually every strategic political f°Wand bailiwick...
...TJJut let's be fair about this...
...Universal suffrage to Germany could serve...
...Bast SMae a saad-laaklaa boa** wtth a. raaaeaable seat, wtth the added advaatage at satos vrttbla watotos atotosea tresa the aewly-eaeaed tow eSJee...
...TaBfr'sT-ft enestion in my mind and apparently waste li ¦ the minds of my loring/friends^ftet'f csafifi swap a lot of my nabrsf" BeTfeqbj^taiwi Scroggs and greatly benefit by' ssa 'asto- WheSer Scroggs could take en sny edssiaBtB bis betterment is still open to debate* w*JB-& have a sort of hunch that a-counk of axteaa>now and then might not hafsa •wesaejSB'torg^ Again, it wouldn't hurt him a W to twir Scott Fitxgerald or Sinclair Lewis <w attw ej| the other young writers who are aMMMCi the American scene before US...
...ping aeroplane...
...Vare paymasters were struggling with similar crowds at two other headquarters in the city at the same time, Beutel continued, and, according to the testimony offered yesterday .by Vara jaaders, the payments continued for aswSSjJis^faf BsV *we^^*a^esh...
...Two million one hundred thousand once, twice—ah, the gentleman sitting on the cracker box is offering two million five hundred thousand...
...R* found himself wanting, wanting...
...Five and a half, going—going—gone...
...asked Reed...
...I have learned th* aeeret ef attsesa, silence long aad deep...
...The trade anion, "as mistress of a whole branch ot production, the ideal of various older Socialists, would be only a monopolistic productive association, sad as soon as' it relied upon Its monopoly or worked upon It It would be antagonisUe to Socialism and democracy, let ita Innerconstitution be what It...
...Yes, that is the...
...Someone already Uvea erer...
...The Bomb was placed in the sack as a protection 'against robbers who, it was feared, might swipe the Vare payroll and thus deprive honest patriots of their hard-earned boodle...
...VerO?, Verily, I Sny Unto TwOaesfYea Shall aWtrey Mo** , Democracy and Socialism THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRY W. LAIDLER BERNSTEIN rauaa on th* mstnoos of damoerser rsthar than on proletarian dictatorship tor tha attainment of Socialism, anions' *»• eamoeratte toreoe in tha commnmitT he Stvaa a prominent placo to tha trad* unions...
...Universal Suffrage and Demoeraey Bernstein deflnee demoeraey aa an absence of class government, though it does not yet in voire tha absolute suppression of classes...
...they had seen the Tomes" at tha Olympic *nd warSold at the Blaekstone...
...Two bkwks away Sbs araw vp to -tta «urb aaa *^tea...
...So they came bases to taste easyBud's hoato) oa FUttaatj, sr...
...He is also s -seate* tarian, a New Thoughter snd an earnest cycle rider...
...BtrueW assert* l^.M ph...
...A sixts1es.'^ew^|H%JalBav^ man on the right aide of a marhine ajtoiSBwl shoot me just aa easily ifl buate aavee^afi < Wheat for breakfast as If I had pSTtskterMT my customary bacon and eggs...
...but through tt this weapon became blunt and broken, nntfl by the help ot It Bismarck was finally beaten...
...sitting down to a hearty meal of a sbbbsBbbV of oafs, some lettuce snd s toasted aaat aapfi reading one of Haldeman-Jaiius's blue hasfiaBi •on the subway on bis way to work...
...bar eyes Stowed angrily, aad Bar hands ware ettaebad to bar top...
...merriment when' he...
...about th* rich and poor...
...When he- button-holes.yeat Btsf: begins kneading your arm te find out seVeju strong you are, when M^jhjfcjgfi P» aV» chest and says, "Comrade, you dOgh| n> coast: Sop to the gym with jam soma afternoon afj#' lay a little haad-baJS, you are getttStg am abby as a bourgeois,'' then you can UBUto^ stand what fun it must have been for the Ba*v msns to have watched the aariy Chria^aasni entering the arena...
...Scroggs happens to ba s>.' Socialist because that fa just one athasrwdajr of master things over...
...Tha ttoer akin wtth tha gaplas Jaws oa tts Soor...
...Here, far away from the city...
...baas by the yellow dunes...
...Who will makTft four million...
...c tacwf...
...They had visited private art collections, end had purchased several pictures, expensive ones...
...gentlemen, make it five...
...Bis soul had seemed big enough to embraoe an the beautiful things in tha world...
...i_/Qnt candidate could buy an election by ¦•y-nf aha Ward leedera and employing ward ^erbsmand watehers, is that it?* asked Sen. ^Vby X think that even the organisation "Mara would admit that," answered Beutel...
...I em absolutely convinced that it was," answered Beutel...
...v - '-r- ., v r'¦: • ¦ ¦¦, mil wteasa...
...Make it six Whe-wOl offer sfxt Do I hear six...
...Were it not for the Scroggs of she m srhj . my personal habita would be of iirtarsBl to* none save myself and immediate fassBy* ea*>cept, of course, when the attention of she atott lice is attracted to thee...
...She waafsj* to «a ft era woman^ She did U. Tbe bouse never ree*vvred...
...They qouM do aatttoa wtth sate, or tova, or fame, or atria...
...yaa aaeakay," So it waa that aaa summer afteraooa ttay drove as -batore aba la1^*** chosen by Baa...
...Be waa at tt* wheel aad watted tor ear tofsat sat hater* ham...
...mtter ta.Baato KaBaaato bawaa.» Senator Sayterdw wtfe...
...To Sidney aad.Bastrlca Webb and other English writers he elves the credit of betas' forcibly before the world the fact that the trade unions are indispensable organs of democracy and not merely passing coalitions...
...With a worktae else*, undeveloped hi numbers snd eatture the geaeral right hi veto may lenS enpeer as the rlgkr to ehooae the "butcher/ Wtth the growing number and knowledge of the workers...
...Here, boy, take una toga to,the:*We live to dye and dye to Uve'~ clesnmg and dyeing emporium and haWibundles and bills asaWaSwl to the residence of Senator GotrestT . ». -M.t^1' -»-~- ---~r :^G^verMsent ^p^* ^"l^^ ^ A Conference of the Labour of Nation Pones...
...crowd had atoton into their room and sobered them...
...fgWther did the abolition of nominating wgfcntions and the substitution of the direct .aptliun of senators improve matters...
...Agatha sawUy en n* aat el to to aad toSaaet It wtth htew "Just to humor yea...
...Why,- cam* to thtok of tt, Aawtha, their nam* Is MormaS, tea...
...I estimate that not Ilia than 20,000 persona were on their pay gBa, It haa been testified by e Pepperfjtber manager that his organisation in, | Wsborgh had 17,000 on its pay roll alone...
...toto tea soul at aUeaee...
...Agatha hated it, aad Daa—but for different reasons...
...And feeevei aa toae aa the worht steads or the stars flee, Be aaa wtth the aaaada of tts) abate, aad one wtth the aaa.**', XieneaTtor Agatha, had teUaa asleep, be bad IsJs there tatoktor qboqt hSS bmUmt a*jd what ha waqM as whoa ad bad* >etBmed to anaaaaboBs Bsasiawa eaettomeat had Sewa...
...waesd sBsa seder fas aartt as a shadow ever a dune...
...They bad made frequent trips to their room duHae the day...
...According to all reports* pepper spent * eeu||« of Bullion bucks...
...Poetry had tola about them everywhere...
...In the hotel at Mackinac and to the days spent at the Drake, they haa won something mora than a harmony of Umbs sad lips...
...Tha dead knew all that J knee* - that la way they sleep...
...Am I right,1* asked Senator Reed, In aayisgthat h is hopeless for a men to seek office inKttabmgh unless he haa a lot of money and lewffliug to spend it?** "Perhaps it ia not altogether hopeless," answered Beutel, "but the balance of power, can be bought," - , "Was the last primary bought...
...Tbe scene resembled nothing so much as ?ajv°n a bank, he declared, and there-was ^WjgHerable...
...m5EL*^ faau^onar, from iwl^L ^ „ S*at* Capkolr *T am-oaTered ^milhondellera for aten thousand doJlar: RaSassssy^aa^as^ it two million one hundred thousand...
...she had swJdento aUpawd Hated ths wheel aad dr*»s» odC bmvtoe wtoratoaw aad per* Stoxed hi the eatot stisst...
...What** that—three . million?— Dully for Admiral Newberry—the gentleman, offers three million and cheap at that, cheap as dirt...
...abate a shady, aaadaal atoae...
...Par what can I do wtth strife, ot what can I do with hate...
...Good, tin honorable gentleman hanging to yonder lamppost offered two million one hundred thousand...
...and talk •^^rt^^^mjtj^m Tpf famrse, there's no g^j^jftafilg :*|pp«ausg...
...Five millions.4 Thanks...
...But universal suffrage is only a part at democracy, although a part which la time must draw the other parts after it ea the magnet attracts to Itself the scattered portion* of Iron...
...In feet there ware enough Brid*workers te tbe Pepper-Fisher and Vare ergentaatleaa to swing tbe election to any of tbe candidates...
...a » a / . Why...
...He loves gruesome perfotu»ajCsj£ such as getting up hours before SjrM<decess folk are about, breathing deeply befire ctdjn 'windows,' practicing with - edber dembbfUBh...
...And social demoeraey cannot further this work better than by taktes- tta stand unreservedly aa tbe theory of democracy...
...When fa* had cttsabed over her ptoyfuny...
...tta toaumerabla vases...
...Now this would be all ¦right with tea,' fP Scroggs didn't insist that I, too, mdute sat aU these unnatural practices...
...Think >of tbe-^unborn descendants who wfll go thundering down the corridor of time as the sons and daughters of SenatorWhartssrsd...
...Vasi bat ttay are S*tog to m*v»" to mrsbitond ssbtly...
...X want to be saad to yea** Be-bad read te the and...
...Asm.' I nice Scotch whiskey, Fatima cigarettoa, asaj, have spent hours trying to learn the fhSffto ton...
...Chicago had been like some romantic, foreign city, where men like deities existed only as a background against which to project their passion...
...fmyat out that vrbue has ssoatebel | ^atTjjfil...
...the stiff, heavy, alts, aat aaa of fham by a master tbsss things mads tha Oaylard hooaar about Basis McEwea at oaa when one entered...
...W ^« When I ask Scroggs, "Fit for whet?** B«P becomes a bit vague and nukes nunssjrefi^ references to "the Revolution.** I ensdhea^ don't exactly see what ijood jt will M,Wm% Revolution to have me all bauging wtSh atefi looking, biceps...
...That does not mean that the trade union should' be the controlling monopolist of industry under* tha democracy...
...tbea * kttto Ufa...
...Tsst Sate toaes,** aba awswered wtab, '—ainuatei aatterafss "There ass assy a abase, atorrecoae to the aity dU reetory.** . But she bad set sarfaf...
...and be does sot SwnjBjsj^ drink or chew, use words that appear ja) a*kw^ ies in The New Mssser, play tew ahulssai dance the Charleston or iiethfc3»>$$t%;||«fj Scroggs is a credit to the Socstlist tfv^Tp^ hard-working Higgins, honored by afi wauf know him and the godswfulest bore in Chrfs-' tendons, or Zionism either for that ateWaK His appearance will empty-s rooss--epsdJBB* than a fire...
...On their last night at tbe Drake, they bad lain awake looking first out over the lake, with its soft, enfolding myatary...
...Then tbe system is to get the ward leaders Irst, is that it?4* asked Senator Reed, i' **YesThcre are leedera who are out for the coin and will swing their warde to the highest bidder?'' continued Senator Reed...
...The HBy change wai to increase the expenditures fNath, for it ta obvious that it is cheaper to jPjff;a convention then to buy a whole state...
...ally have to be threatened wi|h iiiiiial|aW>lssl' before I arise in she saoTmjsnjs...
...I win no aad soothe my aaart whare the ssa orooas...
Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 25