Miller, Henry
Beatrice Webb's Story ^Bfejr Henry Milter- ; rJSS^Jt^mSl p»w*tejaa, Beatrice an* tMMr' Web* be** ios been names to conjure with. Hte¦swtas sad scholars ef the BriUln Bemftst pjovsassat....
...sad assist in a^fniaistratioa add la arranslag fh* curriculum...
...Mtatn ****** e**ate to hsvi chosen the th**M novel...
...Coffee for th* table, furs for miladys lovely throat, straws for th* bald a* wen a* bobb*d>bead tire imported...
...poverty aad lokiar lgaoVancs start much aa many of the expertnitntal *dho*i* at on* apuatry...
...Her father waa a 'capitalist at large," one of the etrteet praat railroad builders, and president f tha Csnsdlsfi Grand Trunk Railway, fhe references to tabor fat her father's sports, "Water plentiful, labor docile...
...sutbore of more than score of hrtiriajtt volume*, they bap* old s*em meager end ejaateertea... its place * mere eoeial dons df activity is planned- la all atbar rsspects the schools of Russia—savs fecthelr**r*at hanSicapa *i...
...I answered that tha author was giving a realistic depletion of iff* among tha inhabitant* of the Teaaeeaoe am country...
...Sha'awBst of the petty ambitions aad gtrssBfibsj •* A &mJP*Sjm* M4bs*r..*pjpB...
...After which he seems to have been able to present his material entirely from an objective viewpoint seldom letting any aubjeetive prejudice or reaction color his vigorous and vital narrative...
...the year m* and ltli, and covers fourteen and a halt typewritten page... fa intirsstiasr te net* tn% fin*atl»n* pot by a'srasip at student eoasmittewnen taBontt Bear** lag: "First...
...In "Mary Glean...
...Taa n«**a ortginalty mad* a hbigtapj of demand* *s*a* of whiah ft hAd been wiuwg ta eat •atd* in order ta raaah a eetUanaant...
...Xven whoa one grow* peasimlstle concerning them, one cannot help*but feel somewhat sympathetic, tor on* realises that the fault Ilea not so much within aa It Joes without, and that It la the bay* roan tea aad uneven tfuintsa of their environment that renders them ao petty, so pitiful to ua eephietieatee...
...Ts thl* end th* win g» shaodfBT BfiMfiB ' ¦sscriflciag ths man who teva* ber, giving herself ta aa Sieoapoqaefitla* aum baeaufi* ha ccaned *f good 9ha*> ttsh Fsmily...
...Mlllls aaa writ* fareefvJhy sadeteartp ** ssktaat m "Mary 0****,"that aha te a grsat artist, ws-a**:•aawtmng W oeeeede...
...whlah te areBrdf si means *f sffbjaawtlns fh* pwguavfifiahpj teacher...
...Is economically dependent on other nations, not in small unimportant comtnoditle...
...It is to Mr...
...Tha obtest sf aor dohoai i* foBjt Ta rates a naaful m*mb*r gf haaiahsociety, jeyova...
...Socialist Bombers Parliament quietly arise ind pplnt out the gen*alog7 Of the new rtatOamanshlp...
...f" '¦ Mrs...
...spsrsttng ta Bxaaaa...
...tenjBS ' tha prsatlsi sfths toaahsr, te sBm upcst«-ctaldr^o^ve.fh.*aB;£ af *awv*fBasaa JO* exscutioa Sf was rtaaahar... least en that aide at the rater, are comparatively antoows...
...Had ehd lived la * Ms troubled time- she would have beam** a psychological novelist, la the Manor of George Bitot...
...hrshM.B*aaaSS.aj fate S^^SptSS JtajnTax-TbT mmm***.mf ****» *^e*j -tpIhStt^BSfV^ate^d^tpjl^ ^^B^?ps*-^<,* aila-ii^'apaal'hwa' a**t^'!toeiHcaa sasOspjp...
...Staah af, her **«aired hardnssa -.-] Mr* Milan write* ctearty...
...However, like aaay another sensitive spirit of the tme, she felt Irresistibly drawn to the isrvice of the poor...
...Stribling populates TeeftaUoWs world A hard, primitive lot...
...Th* unteo, Vrw*-v*t...
...Bo w* Conclude that Mr...
...characteriatically attempt* to vent the rest of their sublimated passion Upon the girl Abner has seduced...
...laws pad should be let alone, was scarcely a octal rebel...
...Tha color* *f an* pte*aP... because nine.tenths of tha law they see functioning is either totally asinine or totally ineffective... stinting to* separately th* fievstepcaent of the individual...
...She had worked for mdaths in the owaejl shops ef the aest Bbd and had teamed' that •**weatto«r was' the result o* tpjT sc~ dial sasrehy wblah •>¦!# hedTTfcrtfted rate a nafei-ai kg...
...bat drawing th* object* around thaml Th* class...
...There can be no rubber for automobile tires, tennis and golf ball*, oversboes and galoshes' without India and south America...
...Mary Glenn...
...Of course, the point la that modern commerce and tet*rpailon*l finance bag made the world aa economic unit Th* logic of the situation la that ware should be impAseJMc, . Bat w* know wars at* set...
...te it a practical method for «udyhB)> ths wurhiaga of *ha oonstitutiea...
...anal dsvsteplSS hi hOrsOB .*a unnaturftl htfffsoag which bring hat defeat aad **rro*f...
...j •Wjt iff A*** by arista** wbfite *a * kuattet hrlp wfth *is tatfasr...
...So th* Ust expands in a Mattering array...
...p*rtl«aterty i lililiafiJB thai iiaaatltnil...
...SB) atrBrBj* a ***** hopeful tte*r*l*ue>« ta*n ta the **oay of the system *v tha United State...
...tarah tte*esi B** fiBsa^BPBs^Ssi'W ahtestts *aBS*B»> _ »*- Tb* tl*^Tlite^wwaph'%M tetwaan tha ebjoets - that wa^tgaagta , ter tb* soaool and rhd** taat 1J-* Vtar» cMva taBoaaml^ object ef stadsa* autsaoasy...
...Redfleld had flleeovOrOd the very bad nanners of American Jlngotst* and nilltariats, and h« deplores the fact that America manifOOtatbe "irrltablUty and hastiness of national boyhohd...
...In our schools **hV...
...Bar that tha Tartarian dagma that the poverty «f the poor waf due to defeetrve fdf*p*as*Bt wdd » myth...
...society, knowing haw to relate BBBMBl | to tha march of events, a firm de-M fsndsr af fib* Meals af fh* *aarkteS* class, as ahte naiatraiiitw af n ofirs'1 tat society...
...Moat intimate 4 the.praat men who frequented.the •attar household waa Herbert Spencer, hr whom Mrs...
...He .offer* no realistic conclusion to his figures...
...0jktmmm m**fs*d VaaaSte.eawJ s'-mtJttSSm'rraat Mt* Bamaw, r*eaasy, t*s Ssd...
...A conservative aa iwrwny Already wen In her twenties...*** ta*te...
...yet nevertheless the eons ef our pioneers and the fathers of our future Americans...
...ta a land where the church deacon ts also the county usurer, and charges two percent above tha legal rate of Interest oa leans...
...The oovot blurb loiarmo ua that herein Mr...
...Th* list received in reply give* th* quantities and countries from whlcb th* variou* material* war* brought for...
...heme aad abroad...
...cttstoavod to oTganinad activity, aaaar**-, standing his place ta nature sad fit...
...llfisBWj Oaate a*vete teste that whtch ssscte of Mary aa uaSjsBas JB>J aa* aad...
...n«ntiy Pads ht th* schools *BTbfiV bsassay at mmtbir type...
...Tat Abner...
...aad fourth, what the chances were for . th* development of a radical tendency hi tae labor movement-" \ A Bright Spot Tb* interest of the teeofcera aad pupae tn their work, and srncstslTy Its relation to their his...
...each member of the disss draws aa object that is pout at the vints* street scan...
...ftedm»!d*e heart tail* him ought tb he, a world natty, international good wiH, cannot *xlat oolong ** prfvileged group *0 upon**** with prtrileged group ta alt n*0*n* fh expHrtiag th* pepulaUoa at...
...even prisons (as* far exsans*, ' th* George Junior RspubBe ht A*Mfi*^ tea...
...aaaa * group* far that pin pes*, is* tesshar^ ts tha reprsseatatlTe ef state ps*apA> aad ht fighting against ban the •tat...
...uiaiilisk* with ao il*iht| ward* If- taythfwB bay stePF to to* bare sf say iiikHfito...
...Si DM BY WCBB Famous Britten Fabian SoelaHat...
...tears to live sad wash^ Small Town...
...w* havi h*oh* like Mr...
...They disrespect tha...
...IS a mean* by whlcb the pupils fdK...
...It dhows fdrty commodities brought from nfty-*even countries...
...What Mr...
...a* won ** *.«M kindergarten* With over P00.0O* pre¦ - -* -» sn addltloft^*e*nste*l nias...
...Tungsten, which lights our homes, la a tor* elgn product Steal, our basic product, without which New Yorkers could no longer ascend toward the hedvent, in tower* of atone, is absolutely dependant on foreign land...
...Pago A Co.: 1100) when a friend of mine wished to knew "what it i was all about...
...Well," I hesitated, "gat exactly . . . ." aad then sought t* formulate my nettiMud tkeught, hot before I eeuM do ao ay friend had Interlooted,, "No, I guess hat, for Gad has dona that already.'' Teeftallow la to Lane County...
...did att «**)* to *¦**-< Ctde Potter uatfl eke ^pUvtc** . apt study of the Go oparatias pfevement...
...Tennessee, what Main street la to Gopher Prairie...
...Red field's -book will win distinction for the statistical data It contains...
...Herd the book ends, fa be followed T4y.-**> other volume, ckOtd **Cw IrPxtonrsblp.'' ^*™fr»^dw'W*d •¦••'Mall gagaaapa aapy ^fi^lo^ ^^^'^ ^^v^wlaJssawim hW MaJsTaf ^Sfm^^ ^JJ^J^ **IWp>0 (tog^MS ^^^2^^^^j|sa| It* human Tm\ST££eanaijr An* as I hear WdUaoYal mmj& Megh in the daw* SX Slled wHh eadbB I pray artthla aty OPiaH *0 UrSt-^' © Lard...
...ML unlike moat publicists, thaw psranaUtle...
...He is advocating neadurea proposed for year* by th* Srltteh Labor Party.'4 Socialists of America may ao speak st William c. Radflcid, former Secretary- of Commerce, now that he has Ouhtlshed his 890k, "impendent America: A Study of the Economic Bases of Our International Relations" (HoughMa...
...Thus are the people with wham Mr..., aftve with social mstinots...
...Not oven the .nickel which goes into fft* Jitney tar* come* from America... vary grsat On* project, for example, may aa to make a sanitary survey of tha school district >ll work done is followed by a report of observations and accomplishment, the making of charts- aad dlagrasns being stressed from early years, in thl* way clearness of seas* la *ach a acheot the instrwaieV lBJa^ tha part sf aa sbntuts ujsstsi sa**j fh* eaaas aad ever fh* stsdsaa*^*^ syatsm sf ninliBimti and iiSrs Sjr8 ----------1 iiF -that sr* ahaad ts sssatt thateiiJjgd < tar to reach at* destred sad, Bg* ! dhfihtrag are at hat mercy... friend asked with interest...
...Stribling "arjruaf no cguse, pleads for nothing, suggetu aa change.- Ha doesn't, put one cannot help feeling that aa a creator of characters the author la eoatewhat akin ta tb* creator at ear oeamos, which la to say that oaee he gats the toe of his hoot working regularly oa one's pooterler regions ha fuaaite to redkova It 7 -1 s^tc^t' Abner TeeCtaHow, the title aftaraaahri ts a hill-billy raised In the peoraeuae, and "with a brain unspoiled by book tarnln... a double ¦haa to the American public Beatrice Fetter waa Mara* aa anyhint bat * Socialist Baa drew to Fsauabsod fa the Utter part of the rtetorian ape...
...Meanwhile he eaperiaaaas an a4eiesc«at sex affair, a whipping at the hand* ed the "white-oape...
...Bh* relates hew, many years later, tetgaaa by* teoeeeant reading at dreary was***, gad longing for the bseiing sMuty of d poem Or novel, the realisation of the desolate faces of the intabitaate of th* ¦*sf'igind would ebatn wr «e a*r task...
...hess ta relatloa ta tha bit world outdoor*, snd rat BBkag hesriruudlo* fo* th* perwate wha^A fhsaa...
...managsr of tha uhtea...
...Mifflin Company...* a. tevabis aa*> xr&m... with a rainbow cloud of sentiment...
...It we are to advance," bo cries...
...ttgoioua aad] ahte t...
...Th* member from UvsrpooU' they declare, "1* aa uncondoas Socialist...
...I'- Thgaip-aaa...*> wished to SMVbo* American students ware organised and what kin da of activitiss were esrried en by theft* student organisations: * snood, whether the Saltan plan waa a success in the United Stat**: third, whether there was say Ira modiste prospect of tha United States* recog-i nixing th* Soviet Republic...
...Ta* totr*du*tte* af ssnfiaSt **> tonosay fa sank a schasi haa far at...>' ssas>" douhie tha inbi...
...Thee* people gossip because they have ao other subjects of conversation aave tha activities of their neighbors...
...In th* high schools tha stud eats have chart* of dlSclplln...
...paiate^oat »« .of a gjb*otac* May i. whom tb* otd agreeshsflpE *apfr*d, ht *rd*r te dhp> an soft t us tdl Tha wus'hors are haw hwteg p«ti«*c* e*d fnatat open a dtrta* 2hlwl*ft»aaPWs^ Russians Hope By Jhoseph T. Shipley isimis*s th* awah of th* class, sathh* zrtz %t£»S...
...To be sure, like an well-intentioned liberal conservatives, Mr...
...wholly in tune with his environment, dead survive, and sots ss a catalytic guide for the redder through this hot-bed of fervid fundamentalism...
...matetad apap a Bier anas te wag** of U par aeat -mtsft * similar ascrwaae ta tha saJBhaPaPJ araia, the estsbHahmaat at a mnumum ar*U* far helper*, a tedPttJea ht hwara, an—uiii jinssit iaearaaoa aad saewcnl Mhsas of equal Importaaeai "¦ : A etetemant laaaod by A. L Shlplateg...
...Ftedfieid sendtudes his careful statistical study with passional emphasis, much In the aanker of a prophet of old...
...The Brat ccw^pJete vtotda of ha attarnative, howevse...
...Who Haa Written the First Volume df Her Interesting Life Story terr early **ntriinns waa hep pertieipation In the famous ttudy **d*rt*h*n by her cousin, Charles Booth, The Life sad labour Of the Peopid of Lett***** futatty of rafter we**.*** sntfitorn 'of the prates** **J*£*m ^ Fatter «m drjven to tbteh fb*r* taepS fe* a mar* radical sReraatrML...
...Dependent America" By M. H. Hedges JTIThen Tories of Bngland apWV propriate measures first proT posed by Socialists...
...teresd t| Bve by tha help af the man who wa* Bbmorto h*l teva with her... may s**d •**> "i drew fir*** use class...
...Minnesota, and what Barren Ground la to the depadent bacMreoda at Virginia...
...They indulge ta religious fanatic lam at the mast fervid kind, because they moat have some outlet for their re pros aad urge* aad their riling Inhlbrtioa* Thay lynch a haptens black or ah unlucky white because they have ao other farm of passional* epiebratioa in prblch do participate...
...He Id hard-headed for 240 page*, and muddle-headed for ten page*- He does not come to the conclusion* hi* facts warrant...
...ta aa tvpirlgiintetten on h aattoa-wid* ***!*> eoaa* MAM aelxMla with over |JM*,M» pupus...
...StribUng'a credit that he takes account of these things...
...The aehopt oenunlttea OOtUlsts af th* principal aad r*pr*~ ashtauvsa of tha taschar... *B*Md care far tha mother* wfte as* not reached by ataar agcadss of- adntt edaoatleav •' Studeat* Am Oisslailsswtans tBa "HaHea plan" of esrsartessatel edaaatten has bee* huraaty dtesacdett...
...tore hardly Socialistic... stadp of the casual meaner dt* tha* dec** had convinced...
...Maw flna} »t>tr hpajP*^ • . ¦ ^idS^V^aflle*B»VMan makee hw aww hfaftapJ iaaTBa does not 'make M out "«# MAjmlfk] deethi he does rrtt Jpaka * aaV^daoacttona ohoada by: himsetf, l**a< bea *f euoh aa hp flnde dt hakeV Tha •»**tlona ef aO past a>ne*atlsaa weigh Rk* aa Alp upon tha heaia of ^eho Bviiuh-»«ara<:' . -. ,\:\l - \ 4; " Bryan's Own People By Wallace Thurman 1WAS reading Teeftallow** (Toeft*llow,»by T. 8. Btritllag: Dottbleday...
...BaoBaMav v*hta»i» tar its facta, but thBMiii* is BB^eBeKshpasaaa4.^/r- »j^.^r^ 5,000 Podrtbook Makers On Eve of General Strike Oa gatat *a pre** wa have warns* that tha fateraatiecat Fcaa*tho*k Worker** Itnionbas mad* *fl arraag*tttante tor * genaral strike a* the paacibmty of a aatfhmt*** wttt th* ataaafactarer* era no* vary gresafsttng - . Copfarenaas aave been h*M tar ta* Mat tap weeks wtthaut any and*r**apd> U>g being tatntod...
...By Sarah *h MlDin, N. T.i Boat aad Uveright) In Mlthaf volttsa* has sha gives a auflcMttt shea af Ufa with aft Ha naapras and fins shad** to give her a ptece among th* treat aovcUsts of tha day... tthaftfi datatt...
...The elementary department of the tabor school provides what is called "aoettl eduisrlta...
...that era what* ebsrsemrtdtw doctrine was sxprssosd hp .'east, "The man who sella hie oow too heap gees to h«U...
...There can be no ahellao for Our floor*, tot oar buttons, our phonograph records, without Hindustan...
...Anaibfiiow By Maadelin Leof SARAH G«P;TRUr>T* MttAAN wrote a f«*oaful...
...treatte* hi "G*d*s Stepchlldrea," SB* wrtted a vivid character story hi "M*xp Gtaam...
...4 "J...
...She vlsloaod fBd aafftatt *»!*»*»» of the- co-operative tdea—d, pap-yrofrtmaklng organisation of consumers eateaded to the state: ta other word* the Co-operative Commonwealth- ta HtJ, at the age of thirty-four, AS* married Socialism ta the person 61 Btdi aey Webb, "the Other One.- leading member of the Fabian Badiety...
...Her first ideas oh be problem of poverty wore vague MteUgh- Her earliest contacts with the MOT ward as Vent oOMeater for a phlaatkropio housing project in the-Baat ted of London Th* pictures of degradation add help* ages***which aha gained ta thla expertaac* Beatrtoa Fetter never forget...
...Bryanitm Explained » tb* peepl* of Tenaaeeee are trothWily delineated ta thla volume, an* need ao longer wonder a neat the pkenomaaal .oiBeaae of Bryan ism and other aoeh .eavHeaiperaiy h*b»ni In a. huid where the, eatRary Matcl teacher aligns hunseif with A fanatical preacher to aave the young tamba of the land from being taught that their graadfathers were not monkeys...
...Webb retained a deep Section until bit death...
...Mrs Milan's story to woven about a beautiful, smbttteas girt, ths daughter ef poor star* keep era la Lebanon, a very aat*Sp*s*aai town ta South Africa...
...government ts pat a means af g*v*st>j ta* the stuasat* mar* readily...
...Baa* he damn them...
...Following a general class outline sat by tba committee, thay thee discuss tha prejaot of their next ttsdsrsklng...
...Th* most important of Beamed FetMRS...
...States Steel Corporation was asked for Information about the importation of eitments used In *t**i making...
...shfaci tha efihtitrteUon af Cat BrrafSsT' astasea tsacharsaad students...
...ft* Wm*h»«p*> fa*a*at-^Th*y 'aayasrgk* ssahaaf ste i rates, violate raw inifboiaistj...
...for evsmpla may decide -far tha class decides ta study th* vtiktt* street They tnaat then find a way of securing paper aad drawing materials (Scott Nearing does Bet tan whether th* dsns goes ta work until It earns enough ta hay tha nc«e***rv*ttppU*s...
...Redfleld tape* off ! hi* valuable factional...
...When these privileged groups f*H **t w* have war* Whan thop faB ta...
...ahd fib* agOvttie* aad teafeavil** yeaopfiit a tb* v*lapj* f'TtdumtlOA a* |h>vlat Baaste-** By Scott NiOrtPdi M. 'Tfs ia**r*attenai Fubpsaera...
...but In big vital commodities...
...lalsigaasi gBS , thd rmtiteatte* sf th* aduaheaaal *tp> teen-re, aroitpo* a spirit ef Saanuusna, ' intensifies ths heetlllty...
...htary Otena eeuld haa* hes* BJ* wft* at tha moot successful bntttllH man te tb* tpwm buy sha f oaad hsrsetf th* wtfe at an a^rtetssatful^BVlfiah cterk...
...That anyone could survive in this morass of moral whoremongers, religious fanatics, aad uninspired Ignoramuses Is more than one can imagwd...
...Th* dhfldrea are taught hp th* ktatrUa* aasthaaV wst learning at aac* t* read aad- write with tha artificial symbols of the *Jnndbet...
...tha jaalteya aad the stuasat...
...In 1111 the president of on* of the subsidiaries of th* United...
...Sae ate** ta* eetfi facts, aad draws $m tyiiilluSllst B*S...
...Far lama tnssn« the appearance of Beetle* Webb's <ae* Fetter) autobiography t the first thirty-four years of her Ufa...
...He shows beyond doubt or cavil that 'America...
...whom he htdtaelf Had helpei ta organise, and s, - second lore affdir which resulu la hia losing a recently aoqulred aad long withheld fortune...
...thus he gives the impression of having spied upon these people and of having penetrated Into their every native emotion, iheor every concrete thought...
...hsr oahj resnatetag Mr to Me a beaatOfto benj whom as^-teapfi^Vtex *- fa tea r—* Maa...
...It must be by a closer sense of unity with all men everywhere, aad with a candid Mknowledgment of common duties, common obligations, common respopibBttlda...
...Physical attribute* Mary has...
...ASstaa*h« or cr4dtuLtfy, titer* M latrsdaatd fafitr th* sahaal a c*amitatl*n: Ifla* f**Mf | th* bourgeois democratic repafit**^ with All Its attribute*: a7as*a*wA$ eaorte...
...But aha *d tar too TOeeTutS and independent a •had «• become just another member ˆ -tosiety...
...but her ambtusa ta far social ******* snd rsnasmtrdkem...
...Bant* lee Patter describee herself as "oen¦*Tj>*t1vs hp temperament dad antilemoeratic through training...
...Iu couatrtes where **ar*BK: domoeratic rapubScs are soBdfiy catMp' •; lf*hsd—Amertoa, twuasrlgpd fiaSjp>,f...
...Then, oa a great ran of<papef...
...a judge tor a grandaddy, and a crasy woman for a mammy...
...Burlap come* from foreign land...
...ta a wkd where the chief charity worker aad Christian beacon light will go out of her way to Inspire mob spirit, and then bound a "fallen" girl to tha potnt ef desperation: In a land where aa a: sequential reaction to a revival, Kluxism, fueled by the Aery fanaticism of frustrated old maids, aad non-satiated married men and women runs riot, rides bootleggers aad ladles » of joy out of taaat'en ran*, tar* tad feathers chicken fblaan, hangs a white man aa the premier pMea de resistance of the celebration, aad.tbaa...
...Thus he escapee being assailed aa a myopic or partial observer...
...are let* entirety to th* rooster., that Mrs...
...The American farmer cannot harvest his wheat without consulting the peasants of Yucatan, who make the twine used In the American-mad* binders...
...Indeed the Hat Of dependent commodities U so waf and *a Important that ft leaves u* wondering it the United State* produce* anything at all... t say, th euca a land one would expect matt anything to happen...
...Sack'a'stesa^gte awMw^ajg* ¦ group* af students, iiishoaa fits atastig* af th* aatharitfas...
...impossible., W* know that the aituaitea offers mar* reasons for war*, spore market* to scramble over...
...With thla auspicious ancestral heritage and envlranmental Influence Abner Is preelpfuted into a typical Tenaaaeeaa milieu at the ape of seventeen, and left to "sink or swim...
...Bat Spencer, •fed taught that society waa a natural jggSPjapj which grew by Its own... contrast to her seven aspectstly married slaters, she set nor 4a rt en a career...
...outer the title "My Apgreatieoahlp* CTUntTatsaa, Oreea dt Co...
...amaat a*a*r tatag...
Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 25