The New Leader Mail Bag ?gL.- . 4Jfc— Th« N«w Lssder Bps* **&• New Leader: SLg may never know how much I g—^dhred reading The New Leader, 1---i.i.t. and your latter of 5* me «• / Bbms' I...
...He also points out that the union is now preparing a vigorous drive to organize a number of the large uptown shops and bring the workers employed in them into the union fold...
...But higher praise I would give to him- Meyer London belonged by every right among those of whom It has been said: They do justly, love mercy and Walk humbly with their God...
...In your columns, to say a word In appreciation of our Comrade...
...X apeak as a pacifist, and for the many pacifists who admire and honor him tor Ins honesty and sincerity and straightforwardness—for we know hs was all that, even though he may not always have acted exactly to the line that some of us would have hewed...
...New York City...
...Brooklyn Shoe Strike Partially Called Off Because of existing conditions in the shoe trade, the executive board of the...
...Erainus Brooklyn, Laundry Fights Union Drivers Mt» Erasmus Wet Wash Laundry of "jijdklyn is continuing Its fight against pusundry Drivers' Union...
...The New Leader Mail Bag ?gL.- . 4Jfc— Th« N«w Lssder Bps* **&• New Leader: SLg may never know how much I g—^dhred reading The New Leader, 1---i.i.t...
...I never |htt stand our vainglorious boosting Staacy...
...Wril may the Tribune speak of him as "a good American...
...Local 818, njldng to recognize the union or emgn¥ anion drivers under union condl|hm The strike is now on for a sasber of weeks and the firm refuses b> settle...
...switched off-with jpSttte, and found In 1924 that bis hyasls...
...The strike began seven weeks ago, following refusal of members of the Shoe Manufacturers' Board of Trade to arbitrate differences as provided by the prevailing agreement with the union...
...this'amounted to ah abrogation o{ the agreement by the manufacturers...
...We felt glad throughout the war period that we had some one in the House of Representatives to voice our ideals and to keep prominently to the front tbe idea at an ultimate peaceful and peaceable world...
...Moves to extend and strengthen its organization are to be made immediately by ,tbe union...
...In Georgia at...
...Workers still on strike total 2,000...
...The-strike continues at the plants of tha Premier Shoe Company and five other companies which obtained temporary injunctions against the union...
...and early* in life took up EE standards of Abraham Lincoln to' Si snt that his followers Uke Thomas ¦Ssrson's, were damned financial lions _sb**P's clothing, going about, as old hjjan the prophet Put it, showing Sh fcve with their mouths, while fiaja brain conceived mischief, and jBh> hearts run after" greed and gain...
...Ihe union won an increase in wages of ten percent, the registration of all contractors used by union manufacturers with the union, which is of vit&l significance, and guaranteeing union wages for the workers in contracting shops by the manufacturers and jobbers...
...Six thousand had been out...
...A statement issued by the manager of the union, Louis Posner, points out that these gains are of the utmost importance in helping the union to stabilise the conditions of the workers in the industry...
...will, and best nwfltar, far the success of the sweating hpnraa' I thank you for past favors, JJJ jasj [l» God of us all bless our Every koJwt effort...
...Mayer London...
...Wish I were able to Efeft* 41,006, to help your cause, but BmfPbi past family sickness, and ^fSVlaisfortunes, I am unable to give ak<Tfiliir save good...
...American Shoe Workers' Protective Union has called off Its Strike in-all but six factories...
...Children's Washable Clothing Workers Win Their Strike jBkwea hundreSVworkers, members fjl^Jftttillli Jacket and Knee ¦Mb^lHprs^pnlon, Local 18% A. C. ». A* returned to work victorious in their demands after a brief strike that lasted about two weeks...
...The'workers is continuing their struggle in high ¦kits, as the public m showing1 Its ¦spent by refusing to give their ¦gator to any but union drivers who ¦•play Uis union label...
...Tbs New Leader: May I have the opportunity...
...least,( were a sbJI 'Sf pre-election' campaign merJaar/ibeodlers...
...Arguments on these injunctions are to be made in court shortly...
...Star, in 1»08...
...In short, this man kept intact his vision of a better world in the most trying period of this country's history, and this against odds that would have daunted most men...
...Meyer London represented humanity -during those dreadful years, and he spoke for the Internatlon—the mere Idea of which was beyond the Intellectual' and spiritual-grasp of all but j, pitifully small number of our "representatives" In the halls "of Congress...
...From the very outset of khhftrUce, the workers were terrorised haasrillas and gangsters, who beat up mkMber of the pickets, while others ¦Nfrested almost daily on all sorts tfimped up charges...
...Jp JAS* M' ELDERS, Editor...
...and your latter of 5* me «• / Bbms' I have always been of the Usaii —' anyone to even approach C thnUarlty of Christ in church, •ats, or party form, should be a ¦htattst in faith and practice...
Vol. 3 • June 1926 • No. 24