Lowell, Esther
Confession Vindicates Two Laborites CONFESSION MAY FREE SACCO AND VANZEFTT Sensational Confession of Celestiono Madeiros Chafes Morelli Gang with Brain tree Murder By Esther...
...The press agent finally admits that no admission will' be charged to those who come to the play after tbe dinner...
...Assistant AttorneyGeneral and spokesman for the Administration, makes the significant admission that diffusion of stock ownership—^whlch some employers brazenly call public ownership—actually makes for concentration of control and irresponsibility of management...
...He may be afraid... hardened and seasoned onea ventured Into the...
...Even a recent amendment to the State...
...Weeks is a lifer in Charleston prison, where Vaasetti is...
...As Litschich had failed the "mlhtanta" on this issue, "It is reeolved to meet with Comrade...
...President itfcMahon of the United Textile .Weftojrs of America waa one of the chief, witnesses demanding an...
...That is to say...
...79 .43 Idaho...
...If I am right, as I believe I am, that these men—Saceo and Vensetti—are innocent, I'm going to press to the»bltter end to prove it, no matter how much personal inconvenience it is to me," Thompson exclaimed to the court...
...He was not in the South ¦ Brain tree crime himself...
...CENTRAL TRADERS GOES AFTER POLITICIANS Curtis Exposes Scab Labor On Subways— Delegates Call Special Meetings By Labonte DISCONTENT with ' the politicians was more -than 'ever ajft parent at' the laat monthly meeting of thh/tlintral Trades "asfl Labor Council of "New York City anal v^tnlty "heft oh' June 17, 1tS...
...Thompson stated to Thayer, is not confessing in braggadocio, as the prosecution might charge, but apparently because he does not want to see two Innocent men executed...
...This is regarded as a hoast of the political influence and power which the realtors have at Albany...
...As was to be expected, the "militants" found bad officials In the union, for Halperbi is recorded as saying that "whenever the rank and file rebel against the misleading leaders the Right resort to the police, because the government Is with tbem...
...The company haw refused "to recognise tbe union or to- permit establishment of 'shop committee...
...Nevertheless, the tragedy of the situation is that these men and women, themselves the chief victims of war and a system which makes for war, should be led to turn with violence against those who seek their emancipation...
...Tfaih precipitated a shower of norsi .dec»ratioae that had adorned the •enter, of the dining tables...
...The historic Unitarian Church was closed to these young folks guilty of the horrid crime of believing that perchance a peaceful world might be achieved...
...tern .allows them to use in order that...
...Outstanding among these exploited States are Iowa and the Dakotas, centers of the farm revolt...
...Thompson told Judge Thayer that he had played fair with the State by showing the district attorney's office the affidavits supporting the new trial motion...
...Even government officials make Interesting admissions...
...and ¦ sales quotas...
...He Is at Dedham jail, while Saceo is finishing bis sixth year...
...Here is a sample...
...tha crime tor which they are now serving In Atlanta and Leavenworth prison...
...It is figured that such legislation or rulings means >an expanse on toe part of tenement owners, tod they would rather haxard human a>e« than to part with a portion of to* profits, „ . "another Legal Victory for United heal Estate Owners* Association" is the ''•Ming to this remarkable document...
...the few parasite States may consume1 twtea as touch as they produee...
...Just a dozen or...
...That a modest wage increase"1 or even wages sufficient for the proper support of workers and their families could be paid without increasing mill or retail prices...
...North Carolina Is responsible for 2.08 percent of the' Country's production and receives only 1:36 percent of "its income...
...Saociyand Vansetti and their friends are waiting to see bow .fair.Thayer win 'tmt TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas •ta.ttojjtften days Hiave attended m gaddS"^ "I conferences...
...that the situation ¦ BrsnaVlvanla is a gtorlns/ lHuatra|w 1st the lew estate to which our Bftisiijtenocracy haa faBtou Some ^^^^^a^^mou^^at any fsjgyhet merely to win seme perMSsfVwerS for Individuals hut as a t^fsahs means of • emancipation...
...The city officials laugh at us...
...inquiry into the coincidence of starvation wages, with high tariff rates...
...7/iese "cdf*" arc umfi iV JVBW< Union Educational Loaque, founded by William Z. Fotm •mmW*k#*'' (Communitl) Party...
...Then Marmelatein "reports on the situation In our trade to date...
...It appears from the "ceU" minutes that the condemnation was defeated "through a fight of all the comrades...
...He won't let the committee of the New York City Trades and Labor Council represent him...
...Lauck took eight typical grades of cloth-manufactured in Passaic, and secured < rehabVr data as the cost of material, labor and overhead, the Belling expenses and profit in .each case, These are the firat authoritative figures .to be- published on these costs since 1612...
...wssgejgene that la, and vtoa-veraa partsst Whncn thatr...
...Their activity mast "be directed toward the trade aa a whole" aa wed as the...
...atoa class ss to...
...The officers of each of the unions Involved ap'•ear before the Board of Estimate Independently...
...Gueasl All guests saw sadmd to be prepared to araaqoesads...
...It they beat the pious pSfer {t w»* partly because that jpibu tried to be wet and dry at jpjsx** time...
...U fjsfeni no difference, bnt let nn Wt' -the politicians know that we gre alive...
...Rose named his newborn son after Judge Thayer...
...An agent of 'that same bank threatened a teacher In the field of workers education with the loss of his job because that teacher had- expressed doubts about labor banking aa a panacea for labor's Ills... Investigation .of the wages and profits In tbe hl^lyrprc<ected' textile' and metal industries...
...Yampolsky take up the matter at the meeting, next Sunday, at 2 o'clock...
...Moore, without the aid of Madeiras' confession, cam* 'very near to discovering the guilty gang...
...Two columns in the General Motors table are of special Interest...
...A certain labor bank, not In New York, is now engaged in financing a combination, which combination notoriously haa an understanding that it will not employ union labor... rases to fits motions far a new trial any Uses hjfoea ssotoneteg., Assistant EMstrk* AUorto^JUnn«y,had amM that the pnMle'.waa Impatient, thinking fits pi sssl utlfm slow in finishing up (his long case, H# implied that there was impatience.for the sentencing and execvting...
...According to the (elder) press agent, although the play comes late in the season, it will outshine al...
...This was the wax of It...
...Bnt Attorney Thompson Interviewed Madeiras and later secured his -signed confession...
...The Roll Is Callea For the first time we hsve a rollcall, and the following cure present: "Marmelstei'n, Litschich, the...
...heed labor's scattered protests win be re-elected.' t At thJW" point in the discussion feeling ran so high that It was decided to giya...
...Thu organization ittelf is h^emnunai...
...In the South...
...Bashy parties, unsnlgraot even Ingn...
...anion, dad they 'toast become, stfttve anough .to occupy nosto In the executive and...
...Itos sad* ttst-Ai ajnbus did not sssoa to Itanrttat Mssss.ehnsstts law now permits tha .defense In...
...Not a single word is devoted to the cost in human life...
...Sam Do Witt Is the Legate from Moscow, and that's 'nuff said...
...nna speech' waa ntode...
...j;ett- Lauck", .eeonooiM'for the Pa seal 8 strikers...
...Thomas J. Curtis, president of the) International Tunnel and Subway Constructors' Union, took the floor to cite an instance of how the violation of the "prevailing ate of wages" law affected his trade...
...Interesting, and we will have to ussins, a continuation sf ties story till neast...
...SOCIALISTS IN SENSATIONAL DRAMA AT STATE CONVENTION One of the Special featuree of the banquet to be given in honor of tbe delegates to the state convention of the Socialist Party will be a play...
...He telle the... majtter special attention It was - decided that the next meeting of the Central Trades and Labor Council on July IS' will be devoted entirely to the question of the prevailing rate of wages...
...Of which he...
...have heard of Concord, Mass...
...these facts are cited by the as•fh*ion In the red circular, and n<st is said about the necessity JU ebtectlng human lite, which prompted sa|jrders of the Fire Departsnenc...
...Richards arrested thai Morent- assay for stealing freight from interstate «esamerce...
...The American...
...I-'a'i secured by Moore is now being...
...JfcaWr However, wdn't' do much Stjjs»njatlng while It itself is engaged hptjsymg m its bwn internal affairs ktosit-Ue same kind of politics that SST pliy in "Pennsylvania...
...General Yampolaky rises to his (set and "points oat the negligent attitude of many of the comradee...
...strtosaalag aad diving...
...real tbleves and murderers Is much facilitated Thompson has, however, much to do, a* he admitted .to Thayer, because criminals do not want to betray themselves for further punishment...
...attempted larceny for posing as a "fixer" In court cases who could save those who paid him from serving sentences...
...munlst aspect...
...THE organiauiieavifflSwhich this Communist "big?-' 'Sfe?*- th" Laundry Han4 *re(fi» sifullated with tha .AmerkmsvaMnW*** °* L*" borV "JWhattter thd'pi ||S»i's of this untos^advp knowleSge djma organised groufT of CstnrawaJSto S the union working in 'tsto'ljarg...
...Its title is "The IJ-Knlt-lt Front," an expose Of a deep, red plot to grow pink blossoms...
...Realtors Boast of Sacrificing Human Lives REAL estate owners In New York City are rejoicing that they save money by risking the lives of tenants in tenement fires...
...JsamiberVoT tba Sacco-Vanxetti Defensh Committee testified that Mfx...
...was a part, waa equally impatient in the other directlon-i-to see Saceo and Vansetti freed and blame placed where It properly belongs...
...tbe booby prise...
...4 This meeting of the "cell" tat vary...
...Hs observes that "we need not be afraid to display our Communist aspect" and that "it must be pointed out who the backers of the Right are...
...Halpern,'tar ctutirtnan of the Unity House Committee, delivered a fitting wetoesse eddreas...
...Thus in the 150th year of American Independence are the principles of Jefferson honored in the cradle of American liberty...
...Evidently a section of the population of Concord has its own ideas of liberty...
...If organised labor did not voice a united opposition, another election day will rdtl around and the persons Who did not...
...cloth, made In Passaic ranges from 10 percent to 30 percent of the mill selling price, averaging "20 percent for all'dotha...
...See* convicted for tha arisen, hsaae asaee be guilty, and why chase others, even though they seem strongly Implies tad...
...Bd the, atiiraifts ttowa new classes la feet" s»to*jSJsjk"JS ¦esn's and group ganass...
...This associate, James Weatfs, ban sa> tar stuck bybto^stostr*to stats s< tnttmteation' and tats testimony fx corroborated m masry parts tay that of Jobfl J. Richards, United Kates marshal In Rhone Island for eight year...
...The net average earnings of the Botany Mills for the seven years endlruj December 31, 1923, were about 97 percent on the invested capital, and the- New Jersey Spinning Company for 13 years averaged 63 percent, and for the years 19181917 its profits were 105 percent a year...
...He remarked that the prosecution had not replied with the same courtesy...
...They show- that .the- labor cost of woolen and worsted...
...conxtirptJoototo made litxto dttterence...
...Thaoa.W«W nrn.toterested atoy ssgdsgsj now at > ttlsk tdth stree^-iha L t» 43- W^TJ...
...One shows each State's percentage of the total value produced by the country...
...The figures were- worked out to determine the distribution ' of advertising...
...Mrs, Rose Zimmerman walked off with the todies' prise of a heauttful manicure set, and Benjamin Sachs caused tbe welkin te ring when he waa called to' receive...
...letter... aJO percent cut • in wages by tbe Botany Worsted sad other mala, which enjoy a 73 percent protective tariff... like a squeesed aj^ican only assure you that' it 3siaiiisTi in write this than It will •wa<t <t, Ton don't have to read H uglji** to write it...
...The three States together produce about one-sixth' of the country's total, but'receive more than onethird of the country's income...
...Kentucky, 1.60 percent and 1.41 percent...
...It has been there • for a generation—which requires that the prevailing' rate af wages he Paid for all, henor on pubjlo Wofka, whether carried out directly by the eity or State or by contractors...
...complain was the man-" ser tat» which the Democrats bad tonht>>¦ crqssefl organised labor...
...Tee1 object of the circular Is to get store members, lit us increasing the influence «( the realtors in preventing u»y legislation or rulings of the Fire Department to protect human lives in tenement fires...
...The eight leading grain producing States together, produce 15 percent of the country's 'production, but receive only 10 percent of the country's income...
...There w il'be great dotaga en the heko night tea, Aa for the eeasp-Sra nights their have a charm all thatr eerav^drhn* froHe aad what notThe house te ahnoet fhB 8to> Fwurtn week-end...
...The .actors constitute the Al Company, not from Stratford, but Bushwick, the Bronx and similar parts...
...frevide fireproof doors, winl ****4»i transoms for all openings L •toghsjj to stsir enclosures...
...Gepersl' Ydnipetohy* ffoes^ gsi to gaejaj eider s^scipltoe, (Thto-in to be «M*MK by "prefsi t lug 1 chnfn*ae we* **nto ojstoTqhi branches or brfvre tha I. w. L. tss> wit' cemtng...
...e*urse there'are lots of things to M^khout...
...stohfa nnai in is...
...Then follows this significant record: "Comrade Litschich presents a report of the Executive of our Union... ajseflngs" Than the ssasdsafc UaioB Educational Lasgns Is no* offJTp dally opposed to collective agliiliiSllfhTT' it 'Is...
...Stuart Chase uses the latest government figures In 4 recent article in the New York Times to show that at the end of 19!^ less than 2 percent of stock was actually owned by the workers who are now supposed to be capitalists...
...If he turns down this anal motion for a new trial for these two innocent workers, he will have to exert himself strenuously to make Ma denial plausible in comparison with the defense case...
...Report, tbe Present Situation, Important Work...
...When Mr...
...For South Carolina the 'figures are 1.30" percent' and 0.84 percent;'for Georgia, 1.79 percent and 1.45 percent: for Oklahoma, 1.C5 percent and " 1.47 percent...
...Advertisements have flooded the newspapers out-of-town" offering regular employment In the big city on subway constmetten, TVs scans thus Imported work «i|U» per day betew the union soaJa s^anton** , . • Jonosjnot of the firs* Workers repeated his . pretest of the previous manlhty WssCfsg against the duplicity af tha aid parties...
...In which, a municipal court ruled In favor pf paying .the prevailing rate of wages to a painter employed by the city which was discussed In The New Leader in the section...
...revolutionary hopefuls that they mast act In the union '"ae representative* of a Left Wing...
...tJjSajfstol J, repeat...
...It was quite evident that these disturbers of the peace had been coached In lies by the priests both of patriotism and religion...
...The author of the play is so qualified to write plays that by profession he la an economical research worker, Whose only visible means of support Is a cane, namely, Nat Fine...
...They know we will never unite to face them in our organised strength...
...least randy, to...
...Taking a!4 cents out of the mm owner's 85 cents would ftiU leave a profit of 29 V* cents to stockholders... is hard for Judge Thayer to have to look at facts...
...All around the world are object lessons In imperialism...
...All you boys and girls as my friend, McA lister Coleman, would say...
...Pmtriet Attorney Wither has been howling for the electrocution of these two innocent men...
...The .having took place May 26...
...The Callahan case...
...50 v...
...The Field of Labor, two weeks ago, was' cited, Tbe lawyers for the city Intend'to'appeal the cose...
...38 . lOtl'2% Other ' producing ' sections ' of the country show the same "situation...
...There is the tremendously gallant struggle of the workers In Passaic to show ns what can be ddne to... of the'clerk of Dedham court and the clerk, Francis J. Squires, and the district attorney's brother, Percy Katsman...
...The strike, which has now lasted 30 weeks in Fssnstcjds due...
...Another sentence in the document la revolting...
...1.24 percent of production and 1.08 percent of Income...
...Adventures of a ''Call'' In One New York Union The Nep i^M(SMBn%Pr^K'it' ** an 'w«fr/>e>Ma^< *n hii/orj) of jet oMpB BBtferWb^tfce 'imtoUmcnf o/ a jen'ej on In* of ^pF* in «. AT«» Vortj fcWe union...
...An Episcopalian church came to the rescue...
...3.94 1.00 Total 1«699% 34.91% Ore in States . , Production Income Iowa 3.48% L99% Kansas 2.17 1.50 Minnesota 2.30 , L97 Nebraska 1.86 1.03 Wisconsin...
...Williams was assistant district attorney With Frederick Jtouamen a» hi* chief to...
...SSpsmtoJp Party, we do not" know, ^a^toa...
...That would be tov support a "Right wing company...
...They want fa* know -how to dhwdpltne the comradea so as to make them come to the meet* iocs of ttarKBtos had w< -**• Ms—a...
...vhV..--* v ." In.^w^^^jg^^^to^msM fitogaltr...
...A group of ysung folksy mostly students in New England colleges, planned.a rather highbrow conference on leadership for peace with many far mere respectable speakers) than the present writer...
...The dtotrtet attorney's ofBee sooRed at tha idea, avast tfcongh such action weald have expedited the .ca«r for,both/ aides asS led to the eetobttohmcot ad who really committed tha cxtnte, .„"..-"_¦¦ ( ; State' poitoe are also not as opsr it...
...Thg morning f^egrfft geWTldeg -far Jesses in physical tratotog or hikes...
...There is not a single union " worker employed In buildhrg the new subways In New Tork^City...
...He explained that he has not previously handled criminal cases and had not expected to have to do criminal investigation in this case but that he would see it through and asked for the moderate allowance of two weeks to complete his inquiries...
...De Falco managed to secure acquittal...
...Each one of the forty-three crafts affected works separately...
...Where are your Russians,", said one woman to another at whom she had just hurled an egg...
...The Freihelt Condemned...
...Ross drove Thayer around., town . in his automobile... . pay Oilm tribute, ^sig|9ikers'when it caiuNs^ to'spendjtaCSXIwy...
...Labor is not', united...
...Madeiros tells I in detail, -much of which has been checked, how the robbery of Slater & Morrill shoe factory's pay roll In South Bralntree was accomplished, with the accompanying murders of the two pay roll guards...
...he pointed out...
...The audience will be relieved of all weapons or missies before admission...
...In the atoning tha grand concert eras held to the sectol-han...
...however-," n «o**ttoa of asafisSB on the part of the worses* wnanrsp their bosses.* ¦ .There speaks a Osusml sf the isajsn...
...would they be obliged to Increase (be selling price of cloth T He answers that they would not...
...This boast comes home to many tenants...
...Then "the comrades criticise him tar not preventing' the condemnation of the Freihelt...
...He wants to get the credit if anything is accomplished...
...They discovered that these hooligans honestly believed that they were dealing with a lot ot Bolsheviks and free lovers...
...Which IS d*«cult even H^Wnolltlcian, and partly because ffffjmf control o't the • Philadelphia...
...progress to Judge Thayer, Asetot as* District Attorney .Rauusj wee try-toe to limit Thompson's time far aVsac aOdariu ha June- it, but .denltar asjes K that two week* would be rhora satiable- Thompson mentioned Jsw haa argument for ttme~that the jsreaeewttoo had refused bis propose...
...Hhe was a youth of 18 or 19 at the time...
...hired ss defense lawyers...
...That is why It Is necessary, to speak to every worker in' the union, to eattaata.tliba aneV«4 H**v «*» «•*•» coascfouB.** : ttjl-ij '-"Keep UitdJrXever" Them the comrades ssk ejuestloni of General yampolsky...
...Ing with Thornsaoft *q apprehend ' ¦*% xnilty men sot aaw to - pi lass - Tha state, officers adhere -to' the pneyssj that Sacco and Vanuatu hava...
...was stagnga that United States District Attorney" Harold Williams and others used Rosa for an interpreter if he were known to be crooked, as , the prosecution proved...
...NoMe Pane rail *I*to> question certainly Is one of pegfsna, Also Of insincerity Tha arfttttstto *mn ward tbe question of collective ssjea ^ orients is not on* of general m Isirtofhy but solely one of strategic advantage^' for'the -ecus...
...RuWn Goklberg entertained with delight's...
...Joseph .Tuvtoi, Emerich Steinberger and others are some of the men upon whom parts have been thrust...
...j The table shows for significant groups of States the percentages of the country's - production for which they are responsible and the percentage of the country's Income they receive: . Parasite States Production Income New York...
...Another affidavit which Thompson '¦ is working to secure, sukK-sted oy tome already obtained, will show that Joe Morelli tried to get Atlanta prisoners to alibi him for the South Bralntree Cate after the Sa;coVanxctti defense attorney at the tlniv, Fred H. Moore, had had his assUunts irtervie-v prisoners In that .feUfra...
...two brothers Halperto, the two brothers Krasa, Hendelman, Goldberg, Scheidman', Behditsch, Davldman, Klein...
...and through it order* of foe Communist Party are tUned out in the unions...
...Anyway, a crowd of hooligans not content with almost breaking up the Initial meeting of the conference pelted the young folks and their friends, men and fomen, quite indiscriminately with ejggs, potatoes, and stones...
...Miss Evelyn Preston was granted permission to - appear before affiliated locals to appeal for - relief for the British miners...
...All that haa been slptid and written _ to advance of this eafent .was but^faalf aald Now it can fa# told...
...The realtors rejoice that .they can *hwart the Intentions of the Fire Department to prevent fires, get the legislation they want at Albany, and obtain decisions from courts that give them a free hand to gambling with the lives of tenants Sjs they please: •• 7 SooiaHsta, are pointing out that this gruesome circular, with its terrible implications...
...The young folks that night and next day tried to find out what was the matter...
...There is plenty of light these days for those not too blind to see it...
...What had canned the most diagrtraHsntonj, even among the delegates...
...This la probably a rebuke W Halpertn, who had proposed to ."display our Com...
...riser, cold water—but the boat-race was the talk of tbe town... fgetojg ent, howevesl we> cannot trust tone Right company...
...They are based on stories I have heard and experiences I have had...
...Thayer left the court room he said: "Tan not going to be influenced by aajeifMitatde matter whatsoever...
...Toward the end of the seven weeks' legal battle, when his wife died to childbirth...
...Tampolsky, aa we will see, la a sort of commander-in-chief of the New York "militants...* grievance of the strikers is the speed-up system which has beeav ta operation...
...With brasen and inhuman indifference to the human sacrifice which the itch for profits -hnpUea, the circular rejoices that "This decision means a saving of at leaat $10,000 for the owner of each housing building...
...Madeiras adds to the typewritten affidavit in his own hand that, he know* tha last names of the gang members involved, but that he refuses to give them...
...Don's forget the date and place, Saturday night, July 3. at the Finnish Hall, tots Fifth avenue...
...The ttrilfiaBt ssuettsahinw were a#eosnpanied by an able pianist...
...A. J. Halprin, of 366 Htoj'way, to bring injunction proP^igs against the Fire Department obtained a deciaion from Judge Bp of the Supreme Court that the orP? were illegal, and the Appellate *Rhlton of the Supreme Court has also fgwd this decision...
...Jewish character sketches...
...All affiliated unions are...
...of Saceo sad Vaasetti since the State stonreme Court apheld Thayer's denial of previous now trial motions...
...A final appeal Is addressed to nonmembers by the assertion that '(during the Mitchell administration" the association "was responsible for the section under the State statute which prohibited the Fire Department 'from Issuing} any orders in connection with housing...
...Sfft* speaks The firs* meeitSg msnjlwiod in the record that haa oftoe tngjfttha possession of fhe New iLeader sjjto held July 1, l»n» "aft Cogerade IsprmeaStoin's noma" At thto^eetlnf »^>he "cell" MarmobBjnto/aaasfe a'rtotonwhich was appravejlL«a SdSU ti gjn about the minvtee .A^SST egptolip..Then the members e^tna *5e*B?'jj*g(de to fight for a "cM»tato» sjfgfenn.* Aw* find the foltowtns, reuth* xatouhJB "OomrarUe Wtschich jeg^aa^he noc^uid explains the cat^sA tostam...
...Tenants who have seen this circular express a sense of profound disgust for the ghouls who are responsible for issuing it...
...It is now true, as the facts indisputably show, that after four years' operation of the present tariff legislation, in the textile Industry of Passaic, that the workers afb unspeakably exploited...
...Though not occupying the cantor of tba stags be played...
...Tbdugb the weather waa uaprecedenufdly cold—quite oiit of season and outfit reason for the-merry month of, June, the large attendance was inspiring...
...At an earner period, memory seems to tell me, thereabouts were fired the shorn heard round the world...
...Its ocUbaal optimistic moods,' finds some ItadttUon ¦ Ins the . thought that the dagbj^r...
...They ought to be ashamed to lie down and let others fight thelr-battles...
...Madeiras Is waiting the outcome of his third appeal for a new trial Hs has twice been convicted of murdering a Wrentham bank clerk, but haa another appeal on a technicality pending before the Supreme Court of Massachusetts...
...He was a youth .of 18 or 19 at the crime was committed and shot nobody...
...They make promises they do not Intend to keep...
...favor of collective agreement...
...Saceo waa at first suspicious of the note, since so many provocative efforts have been tried on him...
...New York, followed by California and Massachusetts, is the most parasitical State...
...The next meeting of the "ceil" was held on July 18, 1928, again "at Comrade Marmelstein's home," From the minutes of this meeting It appears that the Communist organ, the Frelheft, had faced a resolution in the- union condemningflt...
...The circular Is printed In red ¦si a being mailed to property owners ntojire not members of the association...
...Her good voice and charm were irresistible...
...Her folk songs to Russian and Yiddish took tbe house...
...with striking srrsllsswi Dancing followed the splendid aosw cert With Miss Sadie Becker at the) piano...
...He fondly hopes that the audience Wiii demand hone from the players...
...Scripture was actually quoted—or misquoted—by some of the egg throwers, and on the day following the trouble a "benevolent looking old gentleman coming out of a church told an innocent: enquirer for the place of the conference meeting that If he had his way he'd kill all pacifists "and yet," was the reply, "you have a nice face...
...De Fafto had Intimated to then* that Sacco and probably Vanxetti could be' sawed' froto - Indictment by . -the grand Jury If 850,0*0 (later $40,000 was the figure)- were taken' to the...
...Thompson urged Thayer to eee Madeiros himself to judge what type.of man he is...
...Madeiras' part was to pit In the rear of the machine with 'a gun and ward off attacks of bystanders If necessary...
...evidence, supparUas...
...9.81% 24.87% California SOS Massachusetts...
...The* second Item in the minutes reads: "Order of Business...
...lution... official positions.'' General Ysmpolsky retires to his seat and "Comrade Hal perl n speaks of our tactics in the Local...
...e.34 South Dakota...
...Union to: behalf of-the tutornatleae,!, edtoring |i siltojis tie the taembers and friends and Isrrieed thsir co^opeeaeSli towanSs.«hsY fulaSasnsl ef the high purpose V WerirtoW UaMg House... be sure...
...LaaCk tistiflhd to sopport al the Sheppard reenlutidn, propoaton...
...Emerson and Tborean lived there...
...The comrades participate and criticise...
...sports and eotortolnment name off to a T. Not so much swimming...
...The ¦ yasgft taut been that employees on public works have been working ,for a doUsx or -two or th»>»L l^h^fej|i^|^|ifr -f uai«m, men perfbrhitfas ployment on public -works, which is comparatively, steady, is, therefore, closed to trade unionists... Is evident that two "militants" were neglectful of their duty to the "cell" and It was proposed to discipline them...
...That wages paid in ths Passaic mills, or the labor costs of producing woolen and worsted goods are not responsible for the'increase in prices of these essential fabrics...
...It won't establish a new eeeaaalc order while It insists on trytag ts copy capitalism, s Boat think that these are the enntsgs of a tired radical...
...There was real spirit behind ' the discussion...
...the comrades...
...Col... two years to the House of Correction raises echoes of the original Sacco-Vanxetti trial of five years age...
...Well, a second- battle-of Concord haa just been fought...
...The whole situation was a mess...
...Ross was convicted of larceny and...
...Ross waa interpreter in the trial of Saece and Yahaettt -at Dtdham' At least one* during proceedings his translation was interrupted by Vanzetti for its Inaccuracy...
...It appears to be a bad situation for tbe "celt" General Yampolaky becomes stern...
...general motors farasiie states Unequal Distribution of Weslth and Creation of Vassal States Are Show by Study By Leland Olds to) i aasM'^n^sa^^J^to» wt^St*** prepared l^or the sa^jfelT" eeeuoh .*ax^tne General Motor* Corp...
...I* was given fey A. Bariljt, secretary-treasurer Of tha'internatlonnl Lndtaa' Garment Workera...
...Lest anyone think me too gloomy, let me hasten to add that In Concord as in Passaic whenever the patriots who prate of law and order slop over into violence it does a- certain amount of good in that it turns the light on tbe actual situation in America and helps to arouse some who otherwise would be apathetic...
...previous Broadway productions...
...rfiouaWUn., secretary of the nenttnl body, and "Bat Hanna of tbe rvmmlttee in charge of the problem, explained where .the difficulty lay...
...Defense Attorney William G. THompasta is working day aad htojM to sessjra farther and yet a>aos eaaolaaiva dJJMarits within tha tjrw .Wl'as gaaatsd...
...The sigdto are of all seats...
...Marmclstein said that "It was necessary to fight to the end," but that "Comrade Litschich prevented It-" As the latter had not yet arrived, "it was resolved to watt for him "and learn what be has to say about it-" Comrade Litschich comes to the "cell" later and he takes the floor...
...From Madeiras* confession, the trU] has sad out in so many directions that can be checked tor accuracy thit the proving of Saceo rW Vansetti innocence by showing up the...
...The realtors say that "Housing owners who are not United members get the benefit of this decision without COSTING THEM A CENT...
...Not a small part of the nearly * 10:.0U0 spent for the drfense of Saceo and Vansetti was ixr<.nded in the extrusive invest'rotion undertaken b< Moure to find the rral criminals...
...After nursing his anti-alien, antl-8aceo and Vanrettl prejudice so lonr...
...It is sn-d^sOTsnt thing to do but in the hg^jjgnes, before I have to leave tor m^mrn L.1- D- Conference at Camp Kptasat'what remains of njy mind V snod...
...G. August Gerbeav Samuel Friedman, Leonara Bright, Abe Belsky, Robert Geddis, Abe Weinberg... woetaars paid by the day...
...To tha pleesiire of the party ooUr...
...Prevailing rate of wages would mean, of course,.the union scale and the labor leaders are anxious to enforce the law, if for no other reason thanjto maintain standing with their membership...
...Confession Vindicates Two Laborites CONFESSION MAY FREE SACCO AND VANZEFTT Sensational Confession of Celestiono Madeiros Chafes Morelli Gang with Brain tree Murder By Esther Lowell STRONG OTitwc* of who the" real perpetrators of too Booth Braintreo pay rail robbery and murder, for which Sacco and yanaetti have baa* imprisoned six yearn to pUmg up to tha many affidavits Coirehccating tha ciiufssssaa .ad CsWswao -gts/aetros that tha htoretJl sang e^'PrdVidsnca, R. L, and not taw two Itoltoa workers, committed* fbe <3t*mp-T JTJA,*l8otion far a new trial far Seoca aad ,Vaazattt to baaed oa tale eonfaasloa and supporttog affidavits...
...One of the defense affidavits is made by New Bedford Policeman Richard Jacobs, who observed members of the Morelli aang on the April, 1*20, date of the South Bralntree job and subsequently investigated their...
...Recommendations of the Educational Committee, headed by Abraham LefkowMs or tan Teachers' Untoo...
...The toboc: representatives had had the fMBtoM nudei standing that it had ap...
...Each one is anxious to gain the prevailing rate of wages for the men he represents...
...MatoaevRch, the nisslir concert in 1st, was Introduced, the applauae almost Uttod the roof...
...also regarding cd»«*|ivw agreement.* General Yampolaky la There to amwof...
...was the reply "my name's Murphy and I presums yours Is Kelly...
...Legion, presumably inspired by the War Department, worked hard but not quite successfully to have the conference excluded from town...
...some of which I cannot tell In detail...
...The play follows the dinner.175 Textile Workers Strike in Fall Rivef Fall River.—ft IS understood that tba Firestone Cotton Mills plans to bring In atrfkebreakers to take the .places of 178 workers -In Its twisting department'who neve'walked out...
...Gertrude Wild Klein is the only woman at this dais who has been secured, but the press agent declares that other women will make bold to Join the actors or the audience...
...It turns out 981 percent of the country's production, but receive* 24.87 percent of the country's income...
...He answers that "we are to keep under cover until we become a majority...
...Hto ran* diUon of the several ctoasia popalar selections were most enjoyable, fdsatoaa Borah ova waa another favorite...
...In one form br another...
...Jacobs says he dropped his inquiries when Saceo and Vanznttl were arrested...
...but ho goes on to add thte m> markable* qualTncatten: *Tf st wVSsTt...
...t Provide automatic sprinklers i; Hi basement, dumbwaiters, shafts j.-S«d ail stair halls...
...Pennsylvania politics, for aajpa.r - I notice that my old friend, toJtation, doubtless, in one of...
...its, preceding the enactment yof the Twrdna#McC-ambor tariff law, Lauck points oat, prices oa cloth had advanced XI percent By April, 19ft...
...the total labor coats range from 43 cents to $1-02 per yard, while the net profits of the mm range from 12 *o 88 cents per yart- - As tbe cloths sell, at the milt, from 82 to 34-2* pec yard, a wage increase of 10 percent would increase tbe ssBbsg pricks front only 6fe to is cents a paid.' ' From dprtt...
...All these producer States, are turning out a larger share of the good Jhlugs ' than tha capitalist sya...
...It won't Warns liberty until it begins to believe h; IBU iy...
...such mm haaavst, hasVnsdT bat halt Regular svllsiistoS at *ga...
...Two cars were used by the gang—both stolen cars with stolen number plates...
...They are the vast majority in elections, and yet their lives are Juggled with > like balls In the hands of a magician...
...For the'two leading non-union coal producers the figures.are- West Virginia...
...activities in support of bis suspicions that they did the crime...
...They hit the hospitable clergyman and his wife...
...The strike to betog-"ahwetedny tbe United Taygs: inarjato* of'Ifgaiirh, " PASSAIC PROFTTS PERMIT WAGE INCREASE Economist for Strikers Shows S t arva tion Wage a Brutal Injuatice Arialyze Pigures By . Laurence Todd ment fifed' with Sertato^Cbahsasi tee on * Biucafkw-and5 fajaor^ by fW...
...Picket*'are cm duty...
...Let us have a big Labor Day demonstration," he said, "Let taWhs a parade or a meet* hag...
...P Provide fireproof windows t..****J'Hl-- on fire-escapes on all istaira," l^** organized realtors decided |0 j"Mt these orders In the courts*and P^ucted >Jr...
...There Is tbe British coal strike to remind us what happens if you fail to assert public ownership of a great natural resource In time...
...Be .concludes that this protection to tbe manufacturers does not help tbe workers, and la a positive detriment to tbe domestic users of these goods...
...A wage lncrjease of 10 percent, Lauck determines, would add only 16 cents to the labor cost'of a suit of clothes selling at 330, even if it were passed on by the manufacturers and merchants to the consumer.1 From all bis facts he concludes: "That laborvjs -exploited 'on the one hand and consumers on the other by the textile manufacturers, tbe special privileges extended In the law against foreign competition being entirely absorbed by the mill owners in indefensible prices and profits...
...Louie I. Green, attorney tor Ross, argued that It...
...Judge Webster Thayer, yellow and deathly Pale, ghostly thin, -with bead and rata* ah s Stay, allowed'the time asked...
...This amazing fact 13 brought home In increasing numbers of tenant* a* knowledge of a circular that haa been Stalled by the United Real Estate Owners' Association becomes ¦ generally tonwn...
...M|f"¦ secret meetings, frs iwlis^^nleltggs nd taking orders from -the...
...Will he have the capacity and tbe courage to make his opposition effective against the continuous militaristic propaganda of his own War Department...
...She plant baa been running 14 hours a day with three shifts...
...Jos was moved to A then i, tjaand finally to Leavenworth, liana., when prisoneis threatened his lite...
...The American Legion has formally repudiated hooliganism...
...ft goes on to state that in 1628 "the *hn Department for some unknown f?) T***>n issued the following orders ^ttfctt housing property: **t^Provids an automatic firesJersj system (connected with the £ F*» Department) in the hes»ment...
...Once the "oetT orsweV Is In control, the Communists woadtft "be In favor of eollectiva nrnuiesrl.^ but if the present members and officials who are not Communists fa vow such agreements the Communists enn-i not support them...
...I think, however, that the better elements of the town are sufficiently aroused to make-a somewhat hostile police force do its duty...
...The pre-arranged programs for...
...I fail to be cheered up...
...The New York BuiMlnar Trade* Ouncli will be invited to be .present to make the decisions reacaalH carry more weight, * This was a splendid meeting of the city central body...
...of Local gg rowan In with highest honors and won the first prise...
...The good citizens used eggs...
...Uniiy House Opening An Inspiring Affair * * Workers* Unity House at Fereet Park, Pa., officially opened Its eighth season Friday, June IS...
...The next session of the "cell" Is held July 20, 1925, at the Communist headquarters, 108 Fourteenth Street...
...Ita constitutionality nag been , challenged...
...As( Judge...
...Another test in the form of a public meeting was to come stfter I left...
...htm by Judge .BTajsaMr -Thayer te ensaalate the ftUcy at...
...and that an classes of textile workers are denied the fundamental rights of organizing, bargaining collectively and resisting the injustices and brutalities of an industrial autocracy created by the mill owners...
...Defense attorney Thompson replied to Ranney that another large section of the public...
...There is no unity...
...they" said...
...Justify everything jthaj they have saM' about profiteering in housing...
...We pull In forty-three different directions...
...Last November, Madeiras sent Saeco a note in a magazine that he and another gang committed the South Bralntree job and not Saeco- and Vaasetti...
...State police have also been using peas-* wire on th« thwtBlee ef afadeh-os* tatar crfana seeerlstsg, one) tad, whomjJsi sworn affidavtta «d what MadehsStost aha about the .Swath BreWse...
...The whole work haa been left to two or tliree ooiaredes...
...that children nave to go to the mills tq add to the combined, but Inadequate' family incomer that ths mothers are forced to neglect their babies whose rate of mortality is appallingly high...
...tha prosocutlon ^f Saccjsjand TsaeaeaS...
...In ths^btotget tost rummer a mffllon doiIgrsrlsjd'^sien appropriated to increase wages fit laborers employed by tbe nitjii When It oatne to a show-down the officials quibbled and announced that the increased appropriation had been for Salaried employees only... be urged to send their full quota of...
...By the next night, as one Boston paper reported, the lion and the lamb danced together and when I visited Concord all was quiet...
...thai representatives of organised labor be appointed to tha> committee studying the ctty'a needs ss- well as to that making a survey sf teachers* salaries were' adopted.' We are looking forward to the next monthly- meeting of tha Central Trades and Labor •Council of New York City and vicinity with much Interest...
...tha leaders, we oenld pSrhaps bS) gfiy... aaagatod all witnesses Jointly ae taet-there ceaM b« no charge of coercion or epoctel Interest by either etde...
...At lisualj It wan the ejuestldVi of the nre^ vailing rate of wages that agitated the delegates: There M a State law on the New Tork 'statute) books—to fact...
...Oa cloth selling at $5 a yard, the labor cost Is §6 cents* while tbs profit Is SB cents...
...From this record it appears that the previous reference to the resolution of condemnation was wrong and that the Freihelt waa condemned despite the fight made by "an...
...At any rate the "play "will'show the Inside workings of the knitters of the U-Knlt-lt Front, and of our own distinguished party leaders...
...The blonde, pasty-faced, thin £uiiK?ter who drove the car has since been killed at Narragansett Pier, "fh-jiiipsor soys...
...HM** °* this "ceU" are taken "Mtf -Smmtol'stoe of the "Laundry VsJUM^mn* Leagae, Trade Unimk r il inCnTmsJ8han gna " It ta an official reeoe% otSfKPttrk of the "ceU" which wa <ojuoto...
...The only shame, in their view, is the shame that attaches to owners who do not Join them in making their tenements potential crematories...
...that the wages of the heads of families are so pitifully inadequate that mothera have to work 'at night to supplement the insufficient earnings of their husbands...
...When one craft is about to gain something the others protest...
...Boston.—The sentencing of Joseph RoisB, court totaipreter...
...organize the unorganised and to warn us what will happen If they are not organized... d by Thompson...
...the uiidhistoav.Tthn task ed iiaSbjiig eaahj aC.tha.xf oatense ldsntiflosdtoa wtosaaees wba teesifleg to tha y^^J^^|^^ a^srts»Bl#f VMerefcsjj^1 ^f^mV_0^r a^ptejetssl Thstllpaop, aJtaouejh the I item t ntscw~ day saSjreasst-hts dewwt od...
...But the statute baa been a dead...
...The members of the union will be gtod to know that a report of the Executive of the - Union' waa presented to' a "celt" meeting In e Communist headquarters...
...But they show, how capitalism with its unequal distribution of wealth hits the legitimate consuming power of farmers, miners and .factory workers...
...A collection among the delegates present, suggested by Rose Schneiderman, of the 'Women's Trade Union League, netted * 177.25 alone...
...toKou> union Is radss j^t^gskto^toeSab renetond to ^^^^"'e^ffi^^^ gardlng She' e^ton" etoctjbns.^arid ttofj comrades, Hundelman sad S|cliwtirtJiberg, are nominated to the x1btec«s)Ve.H It is a good evening's work, but before adjourning ""Comrade Sack to requested to prefer* charges against two comrades, the brothers Halperto, for not attending any union and feaghe meetings of the Workers' Party...
...It'was a hotbed of abolitionists...
...The other shows each' State's proportion of the country'a income...
...What Is the result...
...SmMS, his friends, 'and the office Memfewho had...^lasBW help troan them, when ha waaisawUna...
...Reai estate owners themselves In this "document plainly admit that human life-js no consideration when the profits of owners are involved—and profits will- always remain the chief consideration so long as housing to left to catftaltot iavestatonta...
...Suppose the mills granted this wage increase of 10 percent, says Lauck...
...To them, the shameful thing is not inviting a horrible death for thousands of tenants...
...We suppose that the report is made to General Yampolsky...
...88 .48 North Dakota...
...Over half their income is drawn from States which give more than they receive...
...Representing the industrial States without toiportent centers of the investing glass, Michigan shows 4.S0 percent of the country's production, and only 3.g2 percent of its income: Indiana, 3.V* percent and 2.49 percent: Ohio, 6.12 percent and 5:7« percent...
...Finally, speaking of government admissions, here is none other than Calvin Coolidge who has declared bis opposition to ' compulsory military training in schools and colleges...
...Pepper whose.friends.have Sahggest bags of booile, didn't carry KStofrles...
Vol. 3 • June 1926 • No. 24