THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK Indiana The atato aiaritari -aaaaa an yoofet people who-are iaWaptafl a* A Toting Peoples- Socialist League to eOnuntmleate with the stau snaretary far...

...Saturday, June is, Havem*y*r and South Fourth St...
...The Executive Secretary reported th* financial standing ef ft* Local, which 1* free ef debt...
...State Senators: Calvin Fetterolf, 38th Bistrict: \. C. Graul, 40th District...
...Doris Morris is preparing to start her •peaking and organization work la Montana...
...William Karlln...
...Circle 6, Brooklyn, is producing Upton Sinclair's "Th* Second Story Man...
...You can still join any Friday...
...H. Sim...
...AH YIP**I« win meet at tbe Van Ceurtuadt Park Station not later than IB:3* a- m. Thl* is tb give all Brooklyn comrades time to gat ther...
...David Rlnne, »4th District...
...Local Brmra, decMM to hold a Mayor ibibm ^ibv j NmlHfiM W *B» sawntr adbaas w*r* taaao ui...
...Wednesday, June 23...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown and Tim Murphy...
...ticket has also been nominated In twelve- districts...
...tsa* •omrad* BSd a Mao dot Sb* Americas Appeal, li would ba a sjaad ta...
...J. Van Essen...
...W. J. Van Essen, 35th District...
...e^y7t-yr*as-> 1 ¦ ajap >u \ mi a*a< if rtt/f 1 1 .¦--.^l,ug4laaliiji» New York State muj^*d m%S2a**a*aed ta* Stat* OStiae, isaa^SjtMk, by- putting ah indi*BluriahpBn** SBaa^eaaagod- la • rm mt«alba u get aua*Jser*htp of hta Ledtt ta good *tahdin< bafaf* th* now reginf...
...Thos* desiring Information •he4M)^S|«l Willlam Adams, secretary, AtJaJtfw 1*14tHat* T(*k*t -The Socialist Party has announced the following candidate* for tho SJtttO of Pennsylvania and also for AB*flh*ny County: For Governor, John W. SlSyton: -V...
...ttetatrraty afl adfMd wwa by ptrT^^£*g mat rf,nwa%in wni dot bd lai gshtj ta|«WCh...
...Ben Goodman, chairman...
...Th* members are again * urged M ask the public library lb their town to buy copies of the American Labor Year Book, it th* library trustee* do not act favorably...
...Lewis paid 1 flying visit to Lowell and held a well attended street meeting ahd received promises of help In organizing a' branch from several ol<t-tlmer«, including William Sproule, who** efforts for the party have never flaggedL*wla will attend th* Fellowship of Youth for Peace conference at Concord on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 22 and 23...
...A Successful Dana* . Clrcl* 2'* dance of June 13 cam* off in vary fine fashion, a large crowd attending, some of those present expressed, their ,tirt#btu>a U Jojajng...
...measure and la It* resolution states that "ln case it goes to th* people for a referendum we will help to circulate petitions and endeavor to get as many citizens as possible to sign the petitions...
...A. I. ShiplacOlf...
...Ohio Cleveland Councilman Peter Witt has introduced an ordinance in th* City council providing tor the purchase from tho Cleveland ^3rty* Railway St -taste car*, lines and franchise, 40 be owned, and operated by theycityt Local Cleveland ot tho Socialist Party has recorded Its approvakpf the...
...Boston Central Branch will see that the American Labor Year Book get* into th* Bo*ton, Brooklino and Cambridge Public Libraries...
...Br* tlx Monday...
...Upton Sinclair's the "Second Story Matt" will bo part of tho program...
...Or#*ni**r Horman'* Work " Organizer Herman's report tor last week confirms all th* good thing* that have aasfl said about him...
...Williams Ave...
...using th* threemonth* trial subscription cards, which mil four for a dollar...
...Secretary of Internal Affair*, Wm...
...JuUu* Umanaky, ohairaoan...
...Oklahoma Walter Edward of Healdton Writes National Headquarters saying he is in favor of getting th* organization strengthened in his state, and is willing to do his part...
...Local Now York dTSHEBT MftdTlNOa MankaHan Friday, June it, Clinton St and East Broadway...
...Montana James p. Graham is covering th* state preparing to ptaos a Stau Ucket in the field...
...There are a few vacancies in the society...
...Leon R. Laud and Tim Murphy...
...Local* ar* urged to present a copy of the book...
...A picnic wilt ha held In connection with* tho convention, at which it » *xp*ct*d Alfred Baker Lewi* will apeak...
...London Memorial M**tjAfl Don't forget th* memorial meeting for Meyer London la Faneuil Hall, Washington and North streets, Boston, on Sunday...
...rV urges that the Indifferent, rotten records of aid-party legislator* be contrasted with the 100 per cent, labor record* of Socialists who have been at th* Stale Capitol...
...The Socialist Party's hour is...
...Two circle* are working on plays...
...Belmont and WasUrn avenue...
...S. Senator, Cora Bixler...
...He also Informs us that mrs...
...Speaker, Tim Murphy...
...Th* convention will open at is a. si...
...June 1$, Pitkin Ay*, and Bristol St...
...Local Fitchburg is boosting the Americas Appeal by...
...June 20, at 3.30 p. m. The speaker* will be Leon Arkin, df the "Jewish Dally Forward...
...and Wilkins Ave...
...Tho memb*r*hip drtr* of th* ceniraj Branch ba* been v*ry .dBccMsful and will be given *v*r t* th* la*ondsjg Baecutivo Committed Yipseldom Th* next hike WIU be held to pnawoodle on Jun* 27...
...Speaker, Esther Friedman...
...Thursday, June 24, Pulaski St...
...Speaker, Esther Friedman...
...Mathilda Tillman, chairman, Thursday, June 24, Interval* Ave...
...and East Broadway...
...Other speaker* of equal caliber will b* th* Weu-knOWn Oscar Amerlnger, editor of the "nilnot* Miner...
...Jun* It...
...William Coleman sent bis check for i12s worth" of du«* stamp...
...The American Appeal and Th* New Leader also urge young Social Is ta and parents of young Socialists to co-operate with th* State organization...
...The circle Will open a bank account with tbe proceed* of their Jun* affair...
...Notice th* time and place...
...and St...
...and win lead the roundtable on the 22d on the question of whether or not "International War I* Implicit in CapiUlism...
...It m expected that ta* convention will revive Socialist activity u th* bum Ma hug* extent...
...Nelson LOrentz, 44th District...
...Tuesday, June 22...
...He has informed national headquarters that he expects to sacseed...
...Socialist Party, at Bronx Free Fellowship Hall, 1301 Boston Road, Friday, June 26, 8.30 p. m. Speaker*, Charles Solomon, Samuel Orr, August Claesaena, and probably Judge Jacob Panken and A. I. Shiplacoff...
...Frank A. Silvis, 4Sth District...
...Joseph Bearak, Joseph Salerno, of tbo Amalgamated Clothing Workers...
...8:30 p. m., at th* Rand School...
...The member* are Brody, Kaye, Mufpip-, Lee, Robins, Ronenfsrb and 8adoff...
...l»m> 8C and Lenox Ave...
...All expense* have been paid...
...snd Tompkins Ave...
...M. F. PiunkMt and Karl C. Jursek will also address the meeting...
...Watch Wisconsin put it over add ss* that your State doe* likewise...
...Th* report of the nomination* committee will be included in- the call for th* next meeting of th* C. C. C. j A temporary executive was elected...
...The meetings behind Cfty Hall In Worcester were opened by Alfred Baker Lewi* on Sunday, June 13...
...JJJrd District...
...This amount was derived from a Will fflkde by Comrade Sims, Our interests being taken care of by Comrade Sharts...
...Wednesday, June 23, Knickerbocker Ave...
...Llrutenaflt Governor, Henry Ernest CloM...
...Th* year book may be purchased...
...The state Secretary has decided to call a meeting of th* SUte Executive Committee for 10 a. m. the morning preceding th* opening of the Stat* convention, July 3. It has been customary for th* Unofficial But* Committee to m**t dn th* day following convention adjournment, and the hour o: such meeting will probably be **t at 10 a .m...
...Charles Solomon, Loui* Waldman...
...Speakers, Dr...
...Other Socialist* should take notice of this manner of extending the circulation of the American Appeal...
...and Circle 3, Brooklyn, la Working on "Freedom" by John Reed...
...There la healthy competition In the Dramatic Society...
...ida* svl wfflmaifbsji «aw*»asj«**pa, nwfoiq Ta* SoeUlist Party Of Cook County will hold its annual BoeUUst Bra** picas*- Sunday afternoon...
...Plans were made to visit unions and Workmen's Circles to get them to buy subscription cards to tbe American .'appeal in bulk, and sell them In turn to their members...
...Jun* 23...
...John J. Schwartz, 42nd District...
...of It Saturday...
...Th* resignation of Financial Secretary Seldln was accepted sad LouM Pre** was chosen M take her place, comrade Brans is to assume tb* athletic directorship, the poaltiOn loft vacant by Comrade Ft ms...
...Brooklyn * Friday...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK Indiana The atato aiaritari -aaaaa an yoofet people who-are iaWaptafl a* A Toting Peoples- Socialist League to eOnuntmleate with the stau snaretary far information and cxi uyoratlon...
...Esther Friedman *nd J. A.'Well...
...from S to .6, and local comrade* are aaked to attend the meeting* to help out...
...and Stockholm St...
...CHy Central C*mmitte* At it* mooting on Jun* 1* th* City Central Committee elected a committee to draft a resolution of cympethy to be sent to the family of th* lata Meyer London...
...Stat* Secretary Merrill la circularizing up-state local* in regard to the record of Senators and Assemblymen on Ubor measures in the SUte Legislature...
...Make no other arrangements for that Sunday...
...Locals ar* urged to wind up thelr affair* by July 1. ^ , Th* next meeting *f to* C. C. t. will be bald Wednesday...
...Californis Stat* SoordUry Lena Morrow Lewi* arrived b) Ban FranOiSO* and haw taken up th* work of pushing th* Butt campaign, which i* headed by Upton Sinclair for United SUM* Senator, qpakraaw £d%Ja as^botaaa *p» !>iufl?a jrjgjj* ^^^^^^ k* CMen^y psay...
...Algernon Lee, Director of the Band School, wm take a grouc...
...Sunday morning, June 30, 11 a. m. Speakers, B. C. Visdeck...
...LONDON'MBMORIAL MB"(TINOS Brownavill* Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 213 Sackman St., Brooklyn...
...He sends in a' large list ot names that we may i*urnisii them with sample cop}** of th* Paper...
...Bronx Th* General Party netting paid June 11 waa th* peat aft Mild la a year...
...for comrade* ta *t»*r part* at th* country to use ta* saza* tactic*, Illinois f^taagu bkaml...
...H* is not only building up th* m*urbeiahlp of Local Buffalo, but is practically paying ms own way* It i* generally considered that organisers cause a big outlay' in comparison with speaker*, but th* contrary 1* true in the case or Herman, and he oan also mak* a speech whenever it Is desired...
...The Socialist Party will have Its candidate* on the ballot...
...Her* ia th* opportunity...
...Congress: Sarah Llmbach, 32nd District...
...May they both win...
...Thro* speaker* of national reputation have been ataurld William Cot*man of Milwkukee, * member Of th* Wisconsin LagisUtur* and former Milwaukee Alderman, will b* th* principal speaker...
...and tanox Ave...
...Connecticut Connecticut Socialists will hold their Stat* co a vent lo* at th* Ar better M*nnercbor Halt add park...
...Jan* 11...
...V. C. Gaapar...
...and New Lots...
...Both circles are trying to do better...
...Rehearsal this Friday...
...Address Effle M. Mueller, 205 Holliday Bldg., Indianapolis...
...John 'William Adams, 36th District...
...George Roewer will act as chairman...
...Junior* and Senior*: Do you want M go to tb* Museum of Natural History...
...11T »¦„,,¦, ¦~-',nt,1f war* instruotavi to *l*et Mlagatad U 'a County Kxeeutiv* Cosnmltue u mb* oharg* of SB party work not Inconsistent with th* work of the city caaaral Committee...
...June 20, at airtrarvUw Park, ttososs...
...There .will be a general League meeting Saturday, Jun* 36, at • p. m. Something novel wit) be staged at thl* meeting...
...Bronx Auspices Local Bronx...
...141st St...
...A Mglslative...
...Monday, June 21, ISfth St...
...June 31...
...Pennsylvania The Socialists ot Allegheny County and their friends are invited to a basket picnic at New Era Camp, Glenover, opposite Verona, on tho Allegheny River on Sunday, Jund ad...
...Kentucy Comrade Grlgsby of Louisville ,a prominent member of the Carpenters' Union and for many years an officer of the Carpenters' District rganlsatlon, orders 50 copies' of the American Appeal, to be banded out to his brother members at a special meeting to be held for tho purpose of electing officers...
...State Executive and SUte Committee members who think that such hours win be inconvenient are requested to communicate with - the SUte Secretary immediately...
...A committee of five was elected to draw up rule* and one of seven member* on nomination* to the City Executive Committee and officer* ot the- City Commute...
...The first production of tho Dramatic Society will b* gives...
...Julius Hochman, of the International Ladies' Garment Workers, and Judge Panken of New York...
...Tits party organisation rsJUISPS that it is necessary to organise tbe young people a* that they will be a stimulant to tad activity of the...
...Be in front of entrance to the Museum at 3:M p. nu Th* Museum is> situated at Tlth street and Central Park Warn...
...Batld— dancing, sauals, -gamrs and other entertainments, there will be an open-air wofllnp at I -o'clock...
...Ann's Ave...
...This will b* a Senior m««tlng, but all Junior* ar* invited...
...A Bute ticket Will be nominated...
...Tbe Local disposed of ore* i,3M bum •tamp* front March 1 to Jun* il...
...Speakers, Tim Murphy and August ClaoasOna...
...from tbe District Office at 21 Esaex street, Boston...
...Mathilda Tillman, chairman...
...The meeting win be held U the D*b« Auditorium, Rand School...
...and Broadway...
...In addition, Morris Schwartz and Mark Schweid, of the Jewish Art Theatre,' will read a eulogy of Comrade LonBon, and Laser Freed will sing a dirge- Friends in the neighborhood of Boston are especially urged to attend this meeting...
...Also musical number...
...Joseph W. Sharts of Dayton sends good news and backs it with the real thing...
...Speakers, Samuel E. BOardaloy, Tim Murphy, Chairman...
...DirMMr Afros proposed giving a course of informal lectin-** upon ta* "Evolution of Society...
...Frldav, June 35, Clinton St...
...Sidney Stark...
...Socunsts and Sod* list sympathisers tram au part* of th* bum will b* invited to attend...
...Speaker, Samuel E. Beardsley...
...Speaker, Bthelred Brown...
...Tuesday, June 21, 111th St...
...The nomination petitions are being signed rapidly, interest is being awakened, and there is evidence of a general desire for a change In tbo city government... ot numerous hook* and pamphlets, and Leo Krsyekl, oiglnlaoi and National Board member of the Amalgamated Clothing- Workers and formerly Undersheriff of' Milwaukee County...* boeubbr Party of New^Y^^Cify^ukM hdJd of ailaira to have got the "Indian sign" aa th* other *x*euuv* secreftrte* of thd Greater City id th* matter of getting in back ante...
...Speaker, Bather Friedman... which M. F. Phtahett ana kart C. Jar*** emote a report of th* National convention recently MM at Pittsburgh...
...Notice th* time and piae...
...Thl* plan U highly recommended to other - Locals, a* th* Massachusetts Department 'ol Labor and Industry publishes a full Ust of au th* efaeiak* of labor union* tbrDogheut the State...
...Tbey have adopted th* plan of putting on active member* ot labor union*, and expect U follow them up by visits before the subscription ha* run out...
...West Haven, Sunday, July 3...
...Wisconsin Wisconsin has Just nominated |ta Bute ticket and written it* . But* Platform, and now start* It* battl* to carry Wisconsin, increase its roproMntatlon In th* SUte Legislature, gad •l*o-1A Congress...
...New England Th« New England District' Executive commitu* mot last Friday and planned work for Alfred Baker Lewis, the district secretary-organiser, which will Include visiting the organised branchei and then concentrating on territory near to Boston and in Boston itself...
...Speaker*, Tim Murphy and Joaeph L*v*nthal...
...HI* short but interesting letter read* as follows: "i enclose, herewith check for $1,000, which represents th* cash Settlement ot the Will of Jo...
...Tickets can be purchased from County Headquarter*, room tit, S03 West Madison street...
...M a fti deti ' Local 8atad«a held a meeting Friday IVMtgg...
...Now Have* A large Merer London Memorial Meeting was ttiM Monday av—flng, IBM aa,- PMrtM F.-Fasabsi»<*;ai*f* MaWM^ty *flC t*b*a bmv*1|bb*bb> ssfeftpf .*M** py^^ar^OTy...

Vol. 3 • June 1926 • No. 23

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