A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Free as the Air? Vjj'i NY tree air around here?" said I to jjp? JJ^ the presiding elder of tbe rural filling station. L*; "Sure," said he, waving a greasy hand...
...However, •**mgh was left in it to indicate that Norman f'rW»ed that the percentage of freedom conTped in the air was somewhat below the •¦n&holic content of near beer...
...Ha told her about the lighthouses on Isle and bluffs, and the man who had read Nletxscbe to him...
...that, in consequence of this, great Irregularity occurs in the employment of the workers, which makes their situation extremely insecure, weights them down in unworthy dependence, brings forth overwork here and want of Work there...
...He suddenly became aware that an inner change, not immediate, but impending for months had consummated Itself within him...
...But this bright young man is wrong on two accounts...
...Her damp hair made n copper pool for her to He in...
...Night came...
...by Bernstein is whether the present economic system will Inevitably result, a* Marx at first believed...
...Be hard...
...Techeldse was a leader Of the Georgian Social Democratic movement...
...Tseretelll and" Byparldss...
...She paused...
...and that out ot thisr incongruity overproduction appears again and again In different branches ot production, so that either actually certain articles are produced in greater amounts than can be used—for example, more yarn than the present weaving mills can work—or that certain articles are .produced not Indeed in a greater quantity than can be used, but in a greater quantity than can be bought...
...The failure of a world crisis to materialise, in fact, toads Kegels, in 11*4, to question whether the world was faxing a new enlargement of the cycle, and to warn his readers against tbo abstract deduction that these crises must repeat themselves In the old form...
...Once when Dan passed him...
...Anally ending In the complete collapse of the system...
...Men and women, flushed with health and well being, daxsllng with Jewels, sat at table...
...They left the boat at Mackinac, that Jade Jewel in tbe open sea...
...The revolution of im found hbn in the forefront...
...this 1 don't mean that Nockels had asked tfiPDTcr for permission to permeate the ether ***Jfilh union-made air waves...
...Daa gave .the order crisply with tan right sang froid to the obsequious waiter...
...That night they dined In the groat dining-room, with its classic atmosphere...
...Hew bitter was the defeat of >tha anti-injunction bill—how crushing...
...It was as if he had said "good-bye" to some past forever...
...Through tbe porthole, redflashes of lightning—a heaving sea— far-off, Indistinct hoarse bellowing of fog-horns—the pour of rain over the decks—a- warm sheltered feeling of being inside—exaltation at tbe sight of nature on a great Jag, staggering to the tattoo of rain and thunder...
...I never get tired o«" this view," Agatha said...
...jHfe Gilman (manager of the station) agreed i^Hn me that it was better not to do anything *ra*h and get into trouble with other stations »T TtT110"1 ' C dePend °.r Washington...
...And while ire are' not a prophet or the son of a prophet saj aif, willing to bet a subscriptioa to The ifeaf Leader against Charles Evans Hmzba»e whiskers that that time is not so far ojEfjM all events come on down-to TamiaefcaajaajdJ talk it over with us...
...their hands to the undcrlyiag population...
...His mother was harder to visualise amid the splendor of the Northland...
...In a series of crises "whose crowning- point is the universal crises...
...and (t) whether the enormously increased wealth ot the European states, in conjunction with the elasticity of the modern credit system and the rise of Industrial cartels [or combines], has so limited the reacting force of local and individual disturbances that, at least for some time, general commercial crises similar to the earlier ones are to be regarded as Improbable...
...With Stalin...
...Agatha waa aglow with the splendor...
...I am so weak...
...There lit cold air in the refrigerator that costs real r*gjoaey...
...Tbey went to the, Drake, at Agatha's suggestion...
...The boat, though in no great danger, pitched...
...The pain of it Dan...
...I read from the new Ten Commandments," he explained...
...Unless unfarsmn julapfljal events bring about a general 'crhdw— Jdad as we have.a*id...
...He thought: "I might have married a girl like that— one of my -own kind...
...lf--~Wd'' anyhow, go ahead, boys...
...i ¦ * * * 1 While all these doings were going on in SChicago the air was broke loose in New York, atop...
...Wisdom that" the little man declared la a kind of rhapsody of the reason...
...Local and partial depressions are unavoidable...
...Dusk came swiftly...
...To Be Continued Next Weak) GEORGIAN SOCIALIST HEAD DIES IN PARIS BY SUICIDE The report from Paris of the death, through ouiclde, of Nicholas Tcheldse, one of the great leaders of the Russian Socialist movement, reveals a Socialist tragedy of the first magnitude...
...The suggestion intruded Itself that ho go away from her—now—slip off absurdly Into the night and storm, and disappear...
...Who says that politicians have no sense of humor...
...Engeis, for Instance, in the third chapter of his treatise against Dflhring, while admitting that under-consumption on the part ot the masses may "also be a condition of crises," asserted that It explained their presence at that time Just as little as it explained their former absence...
...ried one of these...
...Agatha crumpled up before the onslaught, and lay, limp, will-less, complaining child in the bed...
...Tof cpurse, not all air is aa free as that...
...We have no captains and no pilots...
...Why the guilty consciences ef the exploiters who know that at any minute the house ot pulp and printers' ink that they have builded around this' Coolidge plnsfwill/ bunk may come tumbling to earth...
...Falling to see a general crisis pa the Inevitable result of economic forces, his suggested tactics for ushering In the co-operative commonwealth are necessarily different from those Who are firmly convinced of the troth of the cataclysmic theory...
...Increasingly rapid means of communication from one industrial center to another, Inu spoil inly sings relationship, between ma na/actBrnrs...
...I .••»•- • Sr...
...In contradistinction, however, with this position, Marx, more than a decade earlier, in the early '60s, In the second edition of "Capital," gives as "the last reason for all social crises tbe poverty and limitation of consumption of the masses as opposed to the impulse of capitalist production to develop the productive forces, as though only the absolute capacity for consumption' of the community formed their limit-" In this passage, underconsumption on the part of the masse* hi emphasised even as opposed to tbe anarchy of production...
...Tbey found a hotel room that opened on the bay...
...hs raised his eyes...
...Dan leaned back, feeling masterful and strong...
...that asps' happen . any day—there la no uxawnt nanoii f»r aonoiuding that such a crisis Wfll Come to papa for purely economic* renaotta...
...Dan had more time to think...
...She hid her face against his shoulder...
...She leaned against the wind joyously, her frank, unafraid eyes noon Dan...
...Her mouth lest its firmness, her eyes their luster, her cheeks without their careful ^grooming looked pale...
...Hereupon he began to read without ceremony from his book: "Every improvement ot the type of «nan has been the work of aa aristocratic so»lety, and It will always be so—a society with a long hierarchy of rank and differences among men and based on slavery in one sense or another...
...I teach you the superman...
...Fresh, sprayfilled ah* welcomed him...
...But if the Reed committee keeps up its good work' we expect to hear the White House spokesman - step right up and say, "No guilty man shall escape...
...She stirred him deeply...
...They could see the stars drop into the blue as they lay clasped in each other's arms, oblivious of time and space...
...The i»exi^Ua»%n*B»n waa easy to talk: after that In the course of a long, circumambulatery conversation, the man said: "Being on* shipboard la like belonging to an army...
...not true that speculation grows greater with the advance of capitalism...
...Id itself an act ot injury, violation, exploitation or annihilation cannot be wrong," be continued, "for life operates essentially and fundamentally by Injuring, violating, exploiting and annihilating, and cannot even be conceived of as existing otherwise...
...Uncle Andrew has written a right smart letter saying how wicked it is to think of' favoring the American- farmer with, any sort - of subsidy such as that proposed in the Haughen bill...
...general stagnation U apt unavoidable with, the prsdtot organisation and extension of the world market, and particularly with the great extension of the prod art Ion of grfJems of food...
...Please go out I'll be all right" Dan sat in a steamer chair outside ber door thoughtfully...
...Honestly folks, it isn't half aa hard as it looks...
...His spirit responded to the boundless sweep of sky and water...
...In texture coarse...
...She trembled...
...We nominate him as the most brazen hi-jacker who has appeared on the American scene, since they laid Jesse James in the grave, Th* fact that Jesse sometimes took a chance id the only thing that differentiates the two...
...More and moreover, my friend Norman is -what I would call a militant pacifist, signifying that he would rather fight for peace .than live in peace with fight...
...Agatha lit a cigarette...
...You know, dear," she began gravely, "bow one thinks thing* when one is sick—mad things...
...To explain tbe present stagnation In the sale ot cotton yarns and textile fabrics by the under-consumption of the English masses and not by the over-production ot the English cotton manufacturers," he maintained, in dealing with the crisis of 1877, was rather stretching facts to lit a preconceived theory...
...than, as |« there bad asWW been a*>Jesse James Was a Piker in regard to a penaya far laabel, tttar] trash matt owt Isabel U^otidiit asstli in ail -oar wperiemce we have newer sac...
...They too*, are engaged...
...In fact, I never woew of a man who was so hell bound to esI ,'taWish peace on earth at the risk of losing the a ^goodwill of everybody...
...Every half hour or so, he shook himself free from his drowsy broodings and weat^ into her...
...As we remember it, that was the funny crack that Cal made- during the Teapot Dome revelations...
...In the second.place despite the fact that capitalism in this country seems so securely seated in the saddle 'we nave never seen aV time when the rider waa so nervous...
...She was clean, rain-rinsed, friendly...
...ie *, Next week we are going to the anneal conference of the League for Industrial Democracy at Tamimeitt where we are scheduled to read a paper called, "What can we do about it...
...Alios Miller...
...he thought...
...It is seen that here Bernstein comes to direct grips with the over-simplified theory of crises propounded by the early scientific socialists, while carrying to their logical conclusion some of the earlier declarations of Marx and Engeis...
...We mean mental and spiritual filth...
...Every time we show eigne of aghv they take to cover...
...We are organised like a "mob rather than like a ship...
...tut But, anyhow, when the Department of Com•HMrce learned that the Chicago Federation of 'iabor was laboring under the delusion that it -could install a radio station, Brother Hoover "sent word that the department was out of wave lengths of the size needed by Chicago * and that, therefore, and so on, Ed could broad'cast his message by means of the deaf and ''dosiJMraguage...
...Marx realized the mixed character of credit when he spoke of it -as "naif swindler, half prophet...
...He kissed her...
...Tour bodily wants are looked after...
...Later he became bead of the Georgian Oecialiat RepubBe, whMr waa later overthrown by the Soviet government.' GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor Novel of the Northwest By M. H. HEDGES 4 (Continued From Last Week) "Retreat" and resist," something In Dan said...
...Despite the popularity of this theory, Bernstein points out that both Marx and Kegels in their Inter writings did not regard "under-consumptloa" aa the main cause of crises...
...Crises are each time preceded by a period in which the workers' wages rise and the working classes actually receive a relatively greater share than usual of the yearly produce destined for consumption...
...It does require moretolerance of divergent opinions within the movement than most of us aeem willing to exercise...
...The shore-line faded out...
...They talked...
...She pulled him down beside her...
...Ed isn't of the t^rflting kind...
...It Is pure tautology," wrote Marx about 1878 In the second edition of "Capital," "to say that crises arise fronj the want of consumers able to pay...
...Agatha grew better, but did not try to rise...
...His mind ranJback over his Ufa and the persons that filled it: Hugh, the eternal interrogation point of his soul that would not be answered...
...Her ah* of mastery of self and life was gone...
...I am interested in you...
...Dan found it a new idea...
...Senator Gay lard, whom he bad come to rsspoct deeply...
...You order for me," she asked softly, and smiled at him across the table...
...v^Tnen WRNY invited him to use its station ¦'^ZL"*n ac*<'ress on tne subject of freedom of ^gctch on the air...
...Would Agatha ever really surrender to him...
...Governor Minium...
...Danny, you must get me off this boat, or you'll lose whatever love you have for me," she said...
...under modern forms, with the articles of fashion, the spas* **ee 4b» aperiilatUa ¦uiiiienlsns osaae to pJjay h ,dectsiv» part...
...I felt so—so—Incomplete...
...For many years he was a member of the Duma...
...Msny a night he had listened to his mother like that Agatha like bis mother...
...It Is...
...Dan marvelled %t her physical loveliness...
...Below, the ship's orchestra, was playing a Jaxz dance of which Dan did not know the name...
...Leaden sky and turbulent angry gray waters...
...They were silent...
...the legislature, Ooodntta— damn bim—Andrewson...
...Dan shook himself and - went out on deck...
...A tone-poem in gray...
...fijWn ' i Great gobs of silence are being ofrfftaaf . from the White House these days...
...Then the .Jonch back of Ed, being a power in Chicago %>litics, in a small way, induced the Mayor 'at the burg, or somebody, to give them the ripen ©1 the water tower of the, fire department of the roof of the City Hall or the flag 3g»te on the municipal pier on which to graft ieJbat noise making machine...
...In endeavoring to prove her case, she concentrates, however, declares Bernstein, on the destructive, not the constructive, functions of the credit system...
...Climbing tiers of red houses' against the blue sky, Duluth was fading behind them, as the Northland leaped against the foam...
...He heard her retching...
...Gusts of winds shook bis chair...
...They were alone on the sea...
...And, strange to say, this' ¦•dress was actually delivered after some of . the main stingers had been taken out of it at . request of the management...
...He bad begun to accept tbe perquisites of Agatha's class as his own...
...Bernstein on Industrial Crises THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRY W. LAIDLER Bernstein's Critique en Industrie...
...He saw how men grow old, battle-worn, not suddenly, not consciously, but noiselessly, lneluctably, until they were dying inwardly before they were aware...
...For the first time, doubts came to Dan about his love for Agatha...
...There was animation on deck, a pleasant stir of festive colors as men and women in gay shawls took the deck chairs...
...To Dan she had never looked so...
...It does call for a*, intimate' knowledge of American social forces, which few of us now possess...
...After that i he sank lower and lower until he finally dej generated into a pacifist which is about as ! low as a man can get in this Christian nation...
...in internecine warfare...
...And they are rapidly getting to the point where they are showing...
...The theory of under-consumption, he declares on his footnote, originated In the writings of Slsmondl, from whom It was borrowed by Rodbertus...
...To this earlioi cowceptlon Bernstein voices his : objection...
...1 5 Within three hours after their embarking, the "Northland" was battling desperately with one of the precipitate squalls for which Lake Superior la famous...
...He held her to htm...
...be heWVthe throb of the eg^^^BBaV ^^fciBsssssmsm^mmn^smmmlr^ t^brnV- ^mmmtt and watched the leagues of water churn oyer the propeller, BOtynd, m the wind-swept distance, was home, his mother in her accustomed chair— the chair over which be and Hugh had fought The picture faded...
...Man Is something that sball be surpassed...
...In "the meantime, there is talk of a vicious court fight to determine whether Ed or Herb own the air of the land of the free...
...The alternative seems to be either "a" new world crash of unheard of violence," or a chronic rotation ef crises with a relatively shorter and feebler Improvement of trade, and a relatively tong...
...Apparently Andy Mellon, the former proprietor of Old Overbpi* whisky, bases his wage scale for' voters oa ; that paid «p the hippocketeera...
...Somewhere far away am'dot the Ionic column* aa orchestra was playing...
...The gale drove three-fourths of the passengers to their berths...
...Nietssche, my boy, is the antidote of democracy, a savior for an age, in which man, springing out of a welter of Darwinian nonsense, lost all self-respect '. . . " He referred to his book...
...He went back to Agatha...
...Well, some time ago, Station WHAP broad| ftasted a speech by Joseph Cashman, a C. O. D. ? fpatriot whom Norman is suing for libel be.eau&e the speech contained a choice assort}ntent of plain and fancy lies concerning an j )<)tganiration of which Norman is a member...
...and that of the means employed today to counteract the most visible part of this evil, the cartels represent monopolist unions—on the one ^ side against the workers and on tbe other against the great public" Bernstein declares ^that the great danger of trusts is (tot that they breed more extensive crises, but that' they '"virtually bear within themselves the possibilities of a now and more hopeleas serfdom for the working classes," He concludes: Tbe problem of crises cannot be solved by a few well-preserved catchwords- We oan only Investigate* whei 0laments of metterh economy werk in favor of crises and what work agamst t tb*m...
...Here is one instance where competition does act'appear to Uncle Andy, at least, to be tb| Hie of trade...
...P- - The congregation will now rise and sing: * . "My country, 'tis of thee, ¦Pte...
...That beggar at the wharf...
...Jhe little girt, tag unknown girl, who bad cried because he b«d kissed her...
...more fajtbinKor i^iJdtea* TMfcr eayti»» Judging from the capital mveatad, the aVei~ of voting in a Republican primary in Pensa^V" vxnis hasbecomc a baste Ameriaan mduatrpv According to the testimony before fhe stead committee the hourly wage rate w alxMt tB*t* of a bootlegger's assistant...
...In the domain oMndustry speculation nourished moat luxuriantly In new branches of production.' The older a braneh of production is...
...A tired radical of our acquaintance, one of those birds who says, "I'm going to knock off for awhile' and make some money and then 111 come back and knock Big Biz for a loop," suggests that all we need to do is to get up and say one word...
...Whdflr do you suppose all these flag-waving organizations such as the National Security League/ the American Defense Society and the fast feed upon...
...The . orchestra began its fantasy again...
...He poked- at a book with bis inquisitive nose all day...
...so unlike Agatha...
...Nausea seemed to have severed all the stern bands of control she had severely set about herself...
...She was lying aa he bad left her, but she smiled as be came in...
...WwW?Uieless, Brother Nockels hat gQM ana went ahead and is installing radio station ^rWCFL, being the abbreviation for Washing¦¦Jimi Can't Fool Labor, which sounds almost too good to be true...
...This fellow, dlmlauuva, frail, with gray about the temples, thin mustache, and dark, fixed eyas, paid no more attention to the bounding sky-line, or the waters than If he were sitting at homo In his sun-room...
...Dan prowled the wind-swept decks...
...And that word would be "nothing...
...Alexander Hamilton waa the inventor of the Monroe Doctrine or the man who shot Benedict Arnold at the Battle ef White Plains...
...That golden, charming mistress of life, like his mother...
...Of course, voting in Pennsylvania primaries is a highly seasonal occupation...
...You can [jljaye it all for the catching...
...Tbe conditions and movements of the market are Wt morn exactly flu ess in and das taken Into consideration with greater certainty...
...Dan made no objection...
...Governor Mlnturn...
...His eyes followed her...
...b^Just a girl...
...Bring along yoqeJjIamM racket and we rvilr beat you on dMsffjjsjjfi...
...the captain and pilot1 do the* thinking for you...
...and speculation celebrates Its wildest orgies) usually in the countries where the capitalistic development is youngest...
...It was a merry moment...
...What If I bad died, Dan...
...I dreamed I was going to die...
...In answer to this position, Bernstein declares: "Signs of an economic world-wide crash of unheard-of violence have not been established, nor can one describe the improvement of trade in the inter**as between the crises as particularly short-lived...
...Once he was aroused by the sound of her weeping...
...and everybody is on the same footing ot equality, all in the same boat you know...
...But Hells bells, the other crowd are not so all-fired smart as we somethna think...
...And everything •was hunky dory until Hoover heard about it...
...1 am not Interested In Nietssche," aha said...
...Sure," said he, waving a greasy hand over r^be blue horizon, "help yourself...
...Enfolding luxury of a bensfloent Providence seemed mysteriously thrown about bim...
...Life is essentially the appropriation, the injury, tbe vanquishing ot tbe unadopted and weak," be quoted again...
...What have ye done to surpass him 7" The bitter, tonic words fitted well the little man and the austere background of scudding gulls, gray waters and stone-clad shores...
...Therefore, Norman bounced on WHAP j yith all fours and demanded that he be perJiiillcd to broadcast a correction so as to give 4he listeners ot WHAP the low down on this...
...Much more does a third question arise which after all is partly contained already in the second— namely: (1) whether the enormous extension of the,world market, in conjunction with the extraordinary shortening of time necessary for the transmission of news and for the transport trade, has so Increased the possibilitiesof adjustment of disturbances...
...She was petulant, whimpering...
...A stewardess, an Irish girl, was passing from stateroom to stateroom, her short skirts billowed about her legs, Juit lifted to reveal ber pretty, bare knees...
...The new table, brethren, I put up for you...
...Agatha was asleep at last...
...From the window they looked down upon thronged Sheridan Road and to the open lake...
...indecisive depression...
...Dipping, majestic gulls, white-capped waves, the rhythmical "chug, chug" of the engines, the city distant, sinking from them In the sunlight, like a crumbling Image in a dream, these were spread, it seemed, for Dan's particular entertainment...
...That, be told himself, was the way Ufe had passed his mother...
...and tossed In the trough of the choppy sea...
...Masks tumbled down...
...strong as life, a part of sea and nature...
...Dan escaped...
...But WHAP gave the air to Norby refusing him the air...
...Sweet land of liberty...
...Brick top What if ha had mar...
...Tcheldse was one of the makers of tbe Russian Socialist movement and tbe revolution which it brought about, yet he died an exile from Russia, a victim of the Bolshevik dictatorship, which refused to siifferentiau in Its ruthlessneaa between Socialist and capitalist opposition except, in some cases, where it loosened Its grip a bit on the latter...
...I don't think I should either," he answered...
...She was no longer .'Agatha' Morreson, . niece of Senator Me^jb^lard...
...Somebody P*!^ to stri*<e a blow for free air before some' r Jjaloot corners the stuff, chokes a meter down pour throat and makes us poke a quarter in ||»^slqt every time we want to breathe...
...There is my old friend and college chump, eEd Nockles, for instance, who, besides being -•secretary of the Chicago Federation of Labor, •thought he could go in the air pounding busi" nets as a side line...
...My husband," she went on passionately, "I acted meanly in Duluth...
...mm Crises Lend to Kssnamto fjedsspnst Bernstein mm ehsncngss the MarxIan theses thar-ecanojnfc crhsss tend to become ever more violent in their nature...
...Hold me tight" Ah, the Warmness of her...
...After all, she was not his Wife yet Would she ever be...
...That's why a voyage is such a good rest It's better than a hospital...
...t, explaining the reason why the air should r.^Pteged from all controversial subjects, suchSWedom, for instance, a representative of »®JGA said in speaking of Norman's speech: r,rjWhy he slammed the daylights out of the frgWnpanies on which we depend for supplies...
...Something dropped from Dan...
...and the Influence ef this trusts, aS modify the Intensity of crises...
...It," in this instance means the present capitalist system...
...It must be very painful to the head of tbe subsidised aluminum '.trust aa think that anyone else should have a subsidy...
...There was a strange, morose, motionless figure that stretched itself under a rug In a steamer chair...
...This is her world—ber wofht There was no other...
...Dan passed htm time and again as he paced the deck...
...You know," the stranger said, renewing the theme, "equality is What's destroying us here In America...
...The great American people may be as dumb as you like to think they are bat' there ^oaadfj, a time when a prone position becomes irksome even to the dumbest...
...Tbey took train to Chicago...
...Georgian Bay with its . stony promontories, and desolate, lonely islands of rock in tune with the gray grandeur of cloud-swepl sky and storm-swept sea...
...Even some of the crew were sick...
...It dot* . call for a thoroughgoing overhauling of oar techniques many of which are as dusty aa Tut's Tomb...
...Come near me, dear," she demanded...
...In our opinion this was the faintest of praise but it made a big hit with the assembled realtora' who for the life of them couldn't have told you whether...
...Yet eved in her discomfiture, the proud grace of her body, the comely strength ot her, conld not be concealed...
...The maddest out.bursts of speculation oOmo at the dawn of the capitalistic era...
...It all had happened before) be toM himself...
...He thought of his mother...
...And what the'ell he wante'd to do that for is more than I can tell because he has a voice that makes an elevated train, suffering from a complication of flat wheels gad ingrown axils, sound like a whispering Anyhow, my friend Nockles sing-songed the I Chicago unions into the notion to acquire a broadcasting station so as to offset the open *shop static that pollutes the air between bedj^tune stories and .breakfast bacon...
...It sswrncd to bim...
...And the hot air of the politicians that -w*ts even more, and, last but not least, there faftu" which Providence and Secretary Hoover ifjftced at the disposal of' the radio corporaSpBSs of America...
...But, dear, you' cant realise how all my life I have bated, men—no, not men—myself, my open, raw nature, so vulnerable, so powerless against them, against you...
...And Frank "P...
...Credit, Speculation and Crises Sueh critics of Bernstein as Rosa Luxemburg argue that the credit system but accelerates foolhardy speculation and crises...
...Security is an sotThis Is the setting for her...
...In the first place after he has made his pile (if any) he will find that instead of turning around and walloping the eyatem whereby he has made it, spang in the nose, he will have to spend the re*t of hm life getting rid of the filth that he has accumulated in the process...
...You give yourself over to an absolute dictatorship...
...Crises THE fourth question raised...
...It U impoagfbto t. nrejsjdjge g> priori the tuxlnaato iMsswa gd these somas to one another, or tbetf danreeapssgnt...
...He turned over pages rapidly and flung aphorism after aphorism at his eager and astonished listener...
...Bernstein first examines what he considers to be the most popular Socialist explanation of economic crises, namely that they result from under-consumptiou...
...Engeis, declares Bernstein, goes so far as mslntarnin< that such devices as trusts and combines, for preventing the recurrence of ortMB, but conceal In themselves "the aeeda of a more powerful future crisis...
...The possibility Of i a co Ha pre dm to poUtloal events, however, Bernstein nowhere denies...
...seemed to sense something of his reaction, i "My God...
...However we now rise to confer new distinctions upon Uncle Andy...
...In analysing this problem...
...that millions live insulaoiehtiy boused, insufficiently clad, and insufficiently nourished, in spite of abundant means atfhand for sufficient housing, nourishment and clothing...
...Bat this was apparently taken'into account when it came time to pajr the boys off.' • We once went to a very wet dinner of Babbitts at which Andrew Mellon was present and was praised as "the best Secretary of thai' Treasury since Alexander Hamilton...
...There remains," concludes Bernstein, "only so much, that, the capacity for production in modern society Is much greater than the actual demands for products determined by the buying capacity...
...It happened all because Norman Thomas, f another old iriend and world war buddy of t mine, was hampered by the rummy notion that •f under the constitution of this glorious democ^racyrevery free born and independent Amer|fcan, citizen had an inalienable right to use <;the air for anything from blowing up tires to ^¦making speeches to Passaic strikers, i Norman used to be a minister of the gospel 'but lost his job for preaching once too often j from the text "love thy enemy...
...Walsh has come to the aid of Ed to put |the kibosh on Herb—or give him the air...
Vol. 3 • June 1926 • No. 23