BERGER FOR NEW CONSTTTUTION itcialist Congr««maii Ejlom to Call Conm|.. {Jon to Revise National IV; Washington. "'#aEVlsION of the Con,ututl°«» of ',8dT the United States by a...

...Communists' and 'labor leaders by the agrarian-dominated Cabinet long,after the suppression of the Communist putsch of December 1, 1924...
...publishing a manifesto of the International Bureau of the Revolutionary Parties (the socalled International of the Rejected): L'Avanti recently reported the receipt of 1,760 lire (at 4 cents apiece) from the Italian Socialists of Hoboken to help political victims in Italy...
...A search is said to have revealed that the latter had a typewriter, a manifolding apparatus, some literature and a list of addresses...
...round trip fare, fl.70...
...workers of Sab Belgian capital...
...Meeting place, Erie R. R. Ferry, Chambers street and Hudson River...
...The responsible editor of l'Avanti, the dally organ of the Maximalist Socialists, was acquitted recently by a Milan court of having Incited to class hatred by...
...which la making a drive-.for a large milk fund to provide Batik for saor* than US children throughout the summer...
...aEVlsION of the Con,ututl°«» of ',8dT the United States by a coniti'Jjjw tutlon convention la proposed IS BapresenUtlve Berser, Socialist, Boose resolution...
...With the death early today of Howard Myle, the number of workers who have lost their lives in the construction ef the ' Delsware River bridge mounted to thirteen...
...A hearing will be held In tbe Bridge Plaza Court, Brooklyn, for C. Gagnon, 55 Nassau street, a striker, arrested by Brooklyn police last Saturday on a charge of disorderly conduct during a clash between police and strikers...
...Two of the other four were said to have fled to Russia and two were reported shot...
...Filippo Turati Calls For Recruits to Fight All Dictatorships in the first number of the weekly Giustlzla (Rome), the publication of which was begun in March and which Is trying to fill the gap caused by the suppression of the daily Unitarian Socialist paper of the same name, the veteran Filippo Turati makes a ringing call for recruits who are convinced of the necessity of democracy within and without the party and have no illusions as to the evils of dictatorship, no matter by whom Imposed...
...Cheat** which Berger believe* the ajdrit ot the twentieth century regabes should be made in this docuassst, aassbsd in nineteen places since Ui7, a*** various...
...VOTERS OF ESTONIA BACK SOCIALIST PROTEST The protests of the Socialist Parts of Estonia against the high-handed persecution of alleged, and genuine...
...He was at once court-martialed as a dangerous Bolshevist agent from Moscow and shot one hour after he was found "guilty...
...He now published a paper of his own, Paglne Rosse, whose undisguised Communist policy led In August...
...Non-members need not worry about food or sleeping accommodations, as there is an abundance of both at reasonable prices...
...the Socialists and the progressive PM• ants was effective nevertheless...
...Hoover to the contrary notwithstanding, the Amsterdam Bureau of the International Federation of Trade Unions remarked: "Nothing could show more clearly than the strike in Great Britain how important it is to the workers that they should control their own wireless stations, in order to prevent the government from having a monopoly «f the wireless such as the ' British Government possesses...
...and of which he remained editor... Ho/land, the Workers' Wireless Association, which hire* the national wireless station one evening each week in order to conduct its own propaganda, seised the opportunity last week ef broadeasting, in English, French and German, reports received from the International Transport Workers, the International Federation of Trade Unions, etc, on the situation in Great Britain, and in particular on the steps actually taken or being planned on the Continent to assist the British workers...
...Nevertheless, his name will retain its significance for all those who are acquainted with the revolutionary movement of Russia as the symbol of the birth of the organised fight for liberation from the fetters of repression...
...The rage of the bumg—i* in** W mother symptom of, th* aberration *C the -Belgian bourgeoisie, which •* 9s*s*> US with Fascism...
...Herbert H. Merrill...
...These incidents were exploited In the campaign by both Socialists and Communists to the disadvantage of the reaction...
...leader... his exclusion from the Maximalist Party...
...This'week Mis*'Evelyn Ore«ton...
...probably to iai'* af g building devoted to tabor ¦iitliMjas, being raised by II Nuev* Molt**, fat rapidly approaching taw 87A** ¦irk...
...The greater part of thhrprogram win be presented around a log fire...
...Three Communist Deputies Joined the Socialist Party and three others lined up with some former Socialists and formed an independent group...
...Colonists, 14...
...The 700 men had formerly been out on strike, but broke ranks last week and returned to their factories...
...ha* addr—** SMV fallowing letter to the secretariat* «d the Socialist and Labor intern ot In naft "The Bureau of the General CbesseS •as taken not* of the decision of atfe* Executive Committee of the Internetlonal proposing to place tbe monunse** to Matteotti In one of th* halls of Sap Malaon dn Peuple of Brussels...
...All workers, regardless of proletarian poilticat affiliation, who love the great outdoors are welcome to join us...
...This gsin was made in the face of the splitting off from the regular Socialist Party o( a group headed by three ex-Communist Deputies shortly before the election who labeled themselves Estonian Labor Party and succeeded In winning six seats...
...ffr, sjany years only those who had ojtsttk could vote...
...Jf the Socialists, Popular Peasants' •wrty and racial minorities can cooperate the reaction has lost Its grip en Lithuania for good...
...Only one-sixth ot...
...The following dates from three years of hi* lite appear like a kaleidoscopic change: In July, 1920, he was the president of the Second Congress of the Communist International in Moscow...
...Italian or opto, any mora tbd* jBs BKpostur* of Cxarist crime* was an *gmU to the Russian people...
...and the withdrawal of the two Socialist.members from the Government last December were approved by the voter* of the little Battle republic at the general elections" of May 15...
...The committee Is also raising funds for the relief of British miners, under authorization from A. J. Cook, the strike- leader...
...of th* International, behold throughout tie whole1 Raich nv**4mau and collection* on June la, tfa* aaooad .anniversary at M*IUuttt*» death, which are to be devoted to She Matteotti Fond...
...His measure '*|nM amend the Constitution by jjtatins...
...So-called JSfcuantan Fasclstl distributed teafJjfcj threatening death to the Socialists and Jews and the Government jBHiiil a mass trial of several score •X workers accused of Communism, plotting against the state and all sorts : at horrible crimes...
...schenectady labor endorses dill bill Calling attention to the suppression practiced against Norman Thomas, Socialist, by several, radio companies In New York City, the Schenectady Trades Assembly has sent, through its Chairman of the Legislative Committee...
...The composition of the Chamber of Deputies is as follows: Socialists, 24...
...Party of Labor, 13...
...They know that the r gggent Constitution was designed by ISr.-Wealthy class of that day—the . S-hatora of scrip and the big land(vElM and their representatives— ''/.gbja a view to preventing the people .-flan* exercising political influence...^ Congress the right to call ¦5 a convention...* *M*yj rfack-shirted brsvt The Oacotiai Jp nataaee...
...W kmn*j?j&~ death when a spark from « saw ignited a quantity of celluloid in th* Sutton T*p Shop...
...June 19, 4:13 p. m...
...Wolf A Son, 273 State street, and Lax A Abowltx, 17 Smith street, Brooklyn, 700 shoe worker* marched out singing and shouting and Joined the strike of the American Shoe Workers' Protective Unon...
...Their action marked tbe first victory of a more progressive' strike committee elected to supersede in power the onion officials, according to Jerome Valenti...
...she reports that men and women in all walks of life are responding to the appeal to help woman and children of the coal fields...
...Tbis plan miscarried—tbe extraordinary Congress of the Maximalist* in April, 1928...
...He would also make effective SB^ftrarteenth and fifteenth amend...
...capitalist sources, the British workers would otherwise have learned nothing of these activities of their continental comrades, or would have received only misleading and biased information...
...In Milan, refused union with the' - Communists...
...W. Beck...
...He would elfm*¦)¦ the prohibition amendment...
...LITHUANIAN SOCIALISTS MAKE HUGE GAINS A btg victory.for the Lithuanian Sodel Democrats and a decided setback taf the clerical reactionaries ruling that little republic in the elections for Parliament held May 8 and 9, Is reported In German newspapers...
...He would "put sj*m ts" the Bill of Rights, 4s to freeasst'af speech, press and assemblage, tp protect the rights of strikers as easiest the clubs and bail-locking of psffc...
...In the elections of 1*28 the Communists won ten Beats, but their party was outlawed after the abortive coup ot December, i #14...
...Agrarians, 23...
...Senator Dill a letter urging enactment of his bill providing for non-political control ot the radio...
...pretend* to be **t ualsa**r9gV he idea of ,*thi* individual4 being fata* jooored in BWgtnm, and otbar ****** lave hlptsd that Fascist sands nifsfa/ leetroy the, monument ff «t I* pa*, ajk here...
...She victory was wpn despite a fear(ut campaign of terrorism waged by S* Government forces...
...In New York tbe fund far a Mastaottl manaorial...
...who heads the norm...
...for the British Miners* relief, wired...
...The various racial mlnorfiy parties won nine Beats, and five Beauties were elected from Mem el lead on a platform calling for autonenty...
...Adjustment of the differences between the Carpenter* and the Sheet Metal Workers will probably bring th* Carpenters back Into affiliation with the building trades department of the American Federation ot Labor...
...La PlapV rd Brussels point* out that the irsitfak X tbe monument ia not aimed ii*nlaf» th...
...The leading organizations of the seventies 'Zetnlya Volya" and 'Narodnaya Volya' and the chief leaders of the Russian movement originated from this organization...
...At 4* years of age be dtod as * *ampion of freedom...
...But the good work «f...
...Van Reoabroeck...
...Again in April, 1942, he represented the whole Socialist Party-of Italy, which stood outside ail international connections, at tbe Conference of tbe Three International Executives In Berlin- In October, 1922, at the Congress In Rome, he split the Socialist Party and joined tbe Maximalists, to whom fell Avantl...
...As a repentant sinner, he' was again accepted by the Communists,, but he only came to the front a little during the last three years ot his life.'.' INTERNATIONAL REVIEWS TCHAIKOVSKY'S WORK The passing of the veteran Russian• revolutionist, Nikolai Vassi lye v itch Tchaikovsky, in London on April 30 at the age of 76 years drew the following notice from the Zurich Bureau, of the Socialist and Labor International: "He was the founder of the first secret revolutionary organization In Russia—named after nlm—which set as its task the work of propaganda among tbe masses of the people...
...In December, 1922, be was again in Moscow at the Fourth Congress of tbe Communist International, and received . instructions to Join the Maximalist Party to tbe Communists...
...Saturday afternoon...
...aaML *Mattoottl hag rescued the knar tt Italy... protect the Negrroes against afjehtag and other violence at the Jtads of the whites...
...Th* National Committee of 'tis* Qa*V man Socialist party decided at Ms meeting of April i*» In accordance with tbe proposal...
...This day has been celebrated for 'hundreds, yes thousands' of years...
...Serrati was replaced by Nennl In the) editors*** of Avantl...
...General Secretary Sullivan of the Sheet Metal Workers* Inteohational Association, at headquarters In Washington, confirmed the announcement by President Hutchison of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters in Indianapolis that the executives of the two unions have signed a peace agreement covering their jurisdictional differences.If and when the agreement Is ratified the two organizations will divide work In connection with the laying of floors, setting of windows and fixing of hollow forms for concrete columns, involvtprg changes in methods of building construction which have been established in recent years...
...t MATTEOTTI FUND GROWS p7i*y>r-iy./ e*f* *ft7fWFnt aterW Bosssf nwnery of Omewfta* Mnttoott...
...withdrew early from revolutionary work, and in the last years of his life, through the intellectual chaos of the post-war period, he was even deflected into the counter-revolutionary camp, even going so far as to join in preparations for an armed intervention against the Bolshevik...
...700 REJOIN SHOE STRIKE ¦ eters Before Brooklyn Factory Wh|S New Converts During a demonstration of 8*9 picketers before the factories of the American Shoe Company, led Livingston street... January, 1921, he remained In Leghorn with Turati and Treves In the Socialist Party on the occasion of the split With the Communists...
...People's Party...
...Consequently, the reactionaries, seeded by Premier Bystra, will probable have to give way to some sort of combination composed of the forks* opposition groups...
...the unforgettable martyr ef Sonlatlaw will be placed under the boat inndlrt— to th* tempi* of the...
...Its gsaeral senretany...
...and 17...
...Valenti announced that new lire has been Infused Into th* strike and that the striker* are in a stronger position now than they have ever been before...
...311 Bast Eighteenth street, Manhattan, and Abe Merinos, 2*6 Keep street, Brooklyn...
...He "tthH make he Constitution more jjffiy amendable, would deny to the Sgbrerne Court the right to pans upon jjfi'constitutionality of acts of Con-fifbta, and he would "make It possible » eaact child welfare, minimum wage gad other social welfare legislation...
...AMSTERDAM URGES LABOR-OWNED RADIOS In noting the fight being made by the Chicago Federation of Labor for the right to broadcast its messages through the air, Mr...
...DEBS JOINS COMMITTEE TO AID 5,000 CHILDREN OF N. J. TEXTILE STRIKERS special pm ami of raising fends for milk lor the ehtldreo of th* striking PaaaskT fexBS wCWerst TJeb* wirsdr T:n**taly.*I will be gjad to aerv* and helpt thC'P*s**lo striker* In any way POSstbl...
...Mario Latugo, a tractor driver, was instantly killed when a two-ton -machine overturned and crushed him...
...Tchaikovsky himself...
...CAMDEN... recalls serrah's life for labor Following tbe publication of the news of the death from a stroke of paralysis of Glaciate Menotti Serrati on May Id In a little village near Lake Como, at the age of 53 years, the Zurich Bureau of the Socialist and Labor International Issued the following summary of the later activities of the one-time fighting Italian Socialist editor: "As Mussolini's successor in the editorship of Avantl, he held high the flag of absolute anti-militarism during tbe war, and this glorious period during the Socialist movement in Italy will also redound to his fame...
...SLOO* to England and...
...Abramson was held in Jail, but his election to the Chamber will probably free him...
...i'» Norman Thomas la chairman of the Emergency Os*na»i...
...The Techaikoves' organization, which was founded in 1869 and very soon had branches in nearly all the large town* In Russia, played a great historical part in the revolutionary movement in Russia...
...Leaders of tbe new group controling- the strike .are Max" Kaplan...
...The straight Socialist Party strength In the new Parliament is 24, against 22 in the old Chamber, of whom 8 had belonged to the Independent Socialist Labor Party before the amalgamation effepted in April.- 1925...
...Taking up this challenge...
...1 know," said Berger, "that nothing sjhnds anft antagonizes the vested in•gosts more than criticism of the 'EpUtotlon...
...It StS aaked me to convey to th* Ksncrgtrj* Commltte* of the International tta auyga ardent thanks for th* great honor sen tarred upon the Belgian party, aad •*> tell you that It I* happy to accost ttjf* offer, and will not fail to dn aiaffiw thing necessary to see to It thdt th* n.onument erected to th* W1*C* *s...
...The point in dispute which has been most often discussed In conventions was' the Jurisdiction over.setting ot metal.window frames...
...8; Labor Party, 6; Christian People's Party, 6; Russians, 8; Germans, 2; House Owners, 2. Carpenters Sign Peace' With Sheet Metal Workers WASHINGTON...
...We have arranged a highly "Srtistic program of vocal and Instrumental solos, folk and interpretive dancing, recitations, mass singing, etc...
...Match is impossible under our antiHated Constitution...
...Just before the elections, the police arrested Deputy Abramson, a leader ot the so-called Labor Party, while he was talking on the street with an alleged Communist named Rilsmann...
...Owing to the non-appearance of newspapers in England, and the reports circulated from...
...To the A. F. of L. the news of signing of tbe agreement was most welcome, since It removed the most Important dispute remaining', between International unions affiliated In the Federation...
...fsople had the franchise at the >a«s the Constitution was ratified, and Sjast ef them did not vote...
...During the post-war period bis name was connected with, all the hesitations and divisions in the Italian working class...
...The Government bloc was overthrown, being reduced from fortyone to thirty seats, while, the Social Democrats increased their Deputies from eight to fifteen and the so-called Popular Socialists (or Popular Peas*tW-jt)(^f} rose from sixteen to feeaty-rlfree...
...The new deimas has 85 members, instead of -78, dtae to growth in population and the annexation of Memel Land...
...Of ******* ¦Mkea no difference to the BasgPs* Labor party...
...Tourist Club I Hike Sunday, June 20, we hike' to our camp in Midvale, N. J., to celebrate the first day of Summer...
...WORCESTER, Mass...
...Nevertheless, the Agrarians managed to hold their 23 seats and will probably be able to line up enough members of the various bourgeois groups to retain control of the new Parliament which opens on June 16...

Vol. 3 • June 1926 • No. 23

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