Did the Furriers Win? ^y<yPfc S*. Jjfe- \; ftfV g*»*4j ** , •'•JVC #w**~ W ** ¦sWSi'g^g !¦» ^^^^gsa^^^^^^^¥tl--^^-MeaJaafluauauW The Strike Settlement at a Glance Of ajtflttl a^aWlauussB...

...i No sub**ntracting...
...A. has promised $50,000, on which the first installment'has already been 'received...
...Bmployere shsll be permitted to biro one foreman over the eutters, nallsr* and operators, and en* head finisher...
...scukclbTt «f»mN<M, w. va...
...A ferty-libisr wuuh...
...When thoy co pleas...
...Pioneer Youth of America also eon* ducts a camp in the Stat* of Pennsylvania, saw Um «Ur ot Media...
...The previeien* of the eld sgrsement eenoarning contracting eball continue to govern, with the additional provi-t that there shall be psnaltiss im-tor vielatien...
...The location of the oamp in Dutches* County, New...
...The children in camp are under the constant supervision of a doctor...
...The Mrelmoat to loot for three yearav...
...Before yea w*n**rlngly seme To feel hew Sees) SI* laughter hurts, A rope snaps en the windlnfHe tugs no tenser miytur skJrta...
...Abeteen an th* committee guarantees leniency to th* strike-breakers...
...A forty-tw* hoar wests, to be dia-tributod during tft* flrut Bvo Says of the week, to make a fhra-day week for seven month* 1*1 the y**n for the other flvs month* th* fsrtytwe hour* to be spread ever a *ix-d*y week, with hot mors than four hour* of work on Saturday/ ' . ' Ths forty.SCur wdaw to tTantod with th* ssiirstandlng that during the last fsur month* of the year the worker* •haul work four owtru hour* on Saturday, with single pay for th* extra w*rk-f This setsbiishes th* basks forty hour week, but In" practice it mean nothing of aha sort...
...A thirty-twJhMor week during the Slew seasetw ••' Lao...
...The lower rate for trade unionists is made possible through special arrangsmeqts with ' interested unions...
...11, 1$26 siW a U**ekt^*tk* Furritn' tnfmmtionml Vmom f^^isamMauV ftTJrWi^ CsMbSOBB Watl t MtMCMST Aprttli>l»M Jvmm 10, 19M, M RmtMmd by tkm Mrnmbmrohlp «t Both ***** Jwmml4,19M 7 The old mi imHiiH ** be used a* a baste of ssnfsrsns...
...The provision for nlngl pay makes a serious dent in the prln ciplo of the forty hour week...
...Hen**, the absolute prohibition, which simply mesne that th* worker* lose the time and a half payment thoy were receiving under th* eld sgreement...
...Apprentices shsll net be engaged for a period of two years...
...W|*/0S -wail...
...These ere New Veer's Day, Waahington's Birthday and Lincoln's Birthday...
...1, •tSfg.ne apprtaticee to be admitted-into th* industry until it ha* ***orb*d those already in service...
...FULLX8T amatol* financial Bid for the l,l**,eo* locked-out British miliars |« urged by th* United Mine Workers of America in a circular signed by International President John lb Lewie...
...r Foremen net t* be permitted to work «t any branch of the fur trad...
...Formerly the holidays wire paid tor...
...V Loss...
...The strikers' leaders could not permit a provtoion for overtime unless extra payment were granted...
...This is a distinct too...
...An unemployment insurane* fund tfi' which every manufscturer is to eon-tribut* thru* per oem of the amount he pays out In wage...
...Thro* were killed in the blast at the sand pit of the Berkeley Qlaee Sand Comeanv...
...Punishment of manufacturer* who break agreement...
...That irmans that th* employes will mis* three days' pay when it is moat needed and will b* paid for part-time work don* during the weeks when the** holidays occur on a forty-hour baais, whereas pr*-visutly it WOS thirty-six, booSMSS th* ether eight hours...
...Registration for attendance at camp is made at the office of Pioneer Youth, I. L. G. W. U. Building, I West ltth street...
...The rates for attendance are 112.50 a week for children of trade unionists and 120 a week for all other children...
...Previcusly penalties only ex*ct*< from manufacturers...
...It definitely appeals to the children of trade unionists, because of its support by labor irfitons and because it places the children in an atmosphere favorable to the labor viewpoint...
...Miners' Women Antf Oion 1UK^f^0uywr ea*w*^luatMf The babsTsL* the se^W^Oereo...
...Fet iwo yeara from Fob...
...The tents are pitched on a sunny, sanitary slope, facing, on one side, rolling meadows and a brook, and on the otnw deep woods and hill...
...Pdfldlti** for both w»rk*r* and «m-ploysrs f*e violation of the provieione eenoarning overtime, minimum-scales and contracting...
...Th* presence of Dr...
...Thrto-jntor asyssmsnt...
...Cook has also acknowledged receipt of 110,000 from the Amalgamated Clothing...
...Immediate discharge of strikebreakers, who are te be reinstated after being penalized by a special committee of the Joint Board acting with the Impartial Chairman of the Conference Committee of th* Fur Industry, Dr...
...Workers of America...
...Its aim is to give children every opportunity to conduct their own activities under their own control and management...
...And with year heart and lima* flk* lead, *n»#f#^ul tr%# to*urfV1 Wlllfj •In...
...V. Y " Lews...
...You'll leave the barely-covered «"•**¦ To pack the livlnoV'dinnsr-psll...
...We also sent out circular to eur affiliated local unions and branches lor donations to be sent to our International office for transmittal to the British miners...
...Manufasturer te use only thos* sksV*1 which war* prepared In union shsps and bear union labels...
...The present minimum wage to bo ineressed ten per cent...
...PIONEER YOUTH CAMP WILL OPEN SEASON ON SUNDAY, JUNE 27TH -' The summer oamp for children cdn'ducted by Labor's youth organisation, Pioneer Youth of America, enters Upon Its third year on Sunday, June J7, according to an announcement of Secretary Joshua Ideberman...
...The little law at eekesl today The mine wilt aether like his aire...
...pur inp the buoy sesson whew S Hmitotiei upon hour* eounta, thay Will wort forty-four...
...No ssction contracting...
...Minimum wage scales ere increased' ton per cent.* A back-down from the original demands- Obtainable under th* "tight point*" agreement...
...Yio*-President Philip Murray and Secretary-Treasurer Thomal Kennedy...
...The Pioneer Youth camp accommodates boys and girls nine to sixteen years of age and la conducted on a nan-profit making basis...
...A esrisws gri*v*nes...
...While strikes, idleness, etc., have placed limitations upon our resources, nevertheless we are doing and will continue to Ho all in our power to help our British brothers, who, like the American miners, are engaged in a great struggle to protect and further wage and condition standards...
...Th* "tight point*" agrdomant grant** original demand...
...They are in sympathy with modern experimental educational methods and Acquainted with existing social and economic conditions...
...i Three holidays with psy formerly enjoyed by the workers ars relinquished...
...Twenty-five per e«nt inert*** over old minimum...
...The camp staff is composed of men and women carefully selected because of their experience and special training...
...The provision for" no overtime In • Wssonal industry can only be ¦ fiction...
...In response'to an Inquiry, Secretary Kennedy said: "International Union of United Mine Workers last week cabled substantial donation direct to British Miners' Federation...
...J Bgugl d(vM14<i of work amang workers during the entire year, instead of Only during three month* of the year...
...These Sfnpisye* shaH be exempt from union rules...
...Paul Abelaoh...
...occurred during a legal holiday...
...Every m«n.«htld hern a slave Of darkness and tb* eternal Bit, And ovary |H eHttH her grov*,* The mother of a elave of HI 1 ¦^##u*0# •aM#4#mi>e...
...An inexsussbl* concession...
...BRITISH STRIKERS GET AMERICAN MINERS' AID First Installment of 950,0Q0 Already Received1 in London— Locals Urged to Aid . litolsrmpoii...
...The United Mtoe vTofher* Of America already baa' begun lending money to the British Miners' Federation...
...A gain...
...Jjfe- \; ftfV g*»*4j ** , •'•JVC #w**~ W ** ¦sWSi'g^g !¦» ^^^^gsa^^^^^^^¥tl--^^-MeaJaafluauauW The Strike Settlement at a Glance Of ajtflttl a^aWlauussB aaue'awto Lockoat 4* Fib...
...But one the* e* J*^***"**Jf...
...el • 8hop inspection by union without notification to manufacturer, as was the case in the old agreement...
...It has been sent to alt district, subdlstriot and tooal umass...
...from London comet a statement by A. J. Cook, secretary of the British Miners' Federation, that the U. M. *W...
...Ovortimo to be eliminated as far a* possibls, th* axset extent te be determined by discussion...
...The war bars ma] work ferty hour*, during th* dull sea son, when they era fortunato If the...
...Thl* medna that the union and th* smpisysr** aosodia-tione can exact fines to aid thoir trod*-uriep...
...Thar* shall b* no overtime except for the four hours of'overtime in the last tour month* of the year...
...Camp will be in operation until Saturday, September 4. and children may remain there for'as long or short a time aa they desire...
...v i Less...
...work that amount of hauro at oil...
...York, in an attractive one, being situated on the large farm belonging to the Manumit School...
...And you will wateh Is year dumb way His wet clothe* drying by the firs...
...At the end *f two year* th* second-class minimum (for Inferior grsds of goods) to be sbollshsd...
...The three paylaas holidays mentioned occur during th* dull oeaaen...
...Day after day the light will shine Baefr from th* pel/shed copper •ens, Bat darkness and the dreaded mine Have dimmed the light that was your .man's...
...FroviiiOn for penaltiot I* * |*in...

Vol. 3 • June 1926 • No. 23

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