THE CHATTER BOX Bored White—a Tirade WE dielike, people wNa ars habitually bored, anil who always make aura that you know it; provided of course thoy have some respect for yew opinion. Wa...

...French imperialism has spent large -sums in Morocco to conquer the* Riff and more money is Jbeing poured into Syria to establish French mastery in that part of the world...
...Neither is capitalist ownership of public services and public necessities...
...A night in a hootch awiggling hole on Houston Street -mingling with "cokeys" ami "snow sniffers," battered battlers and bailed-eut bootleggers, bandlts*and bawdy bartenders, is out of the thousand and one Arabian variety...
...Conditions being aa they ars, people being what they ana, the Negro particularly ia the sufferer if this condition is to bseems mere rampant and open..., ar naval .ar sympheny ia about to appear neon...
...American tsaae nnlenhna SWCj be Interested to know that thia ate sion ia trying to seU our open-shesaaayi Tli a siiiiliahsMM of the aassaefceM tioa sa June 1S£ of QtejAjH Matteottl by Mussolini's, tools was ebfi...
...TJrds, Mtohoa to j reading...
...FACT A DENVER reader of The New Leader - spends us a clipping from the Rocky Mountain News reporting a speech of George L. Berry before the Denver Legion...
...kite last week sad ssraigdr' sized thia phase of Un Strike, set aiejLj that If the strike had---1 »eai jT ] would have brought *^ranilSaiJ ruin...
...Wa alee thank the hundreds af anssUaat although unsuccessful peats far their Inter set...
...Qtfcrjiutoifr ' tries are being located in the...
...J SodoMstm Foar Polish Shift ists are toamS^ % a shift by Bjfg .] ahal Pftahdskl that will reaatt sVWH, thtesy Bengals >fl dictatorship czarshaeV' in the interest of <-i pl talis La—dbsBSB* , aad domestic—is found in Waraajri...
...Lpe Smith, doorman of an apartment house, fell four floor* to th* bottom of th* shaft, to hi* death...
...nasntoegg^B workingclaas political aad aeseaMB organisaUbns met and paid theerdjpiS ute to the martyr of Italian haWtU Even in Italy, many '•under-es|at*r meetlnga were held, at which hh*gMB>' waa lauded and bis aurdareraSMBwaVThe moat sensational mi nl.laaT SAWheld in Geneva, where) a imsmt etv Fascistl attached to the elaf sT fte£ league of Nations tried to start ''?f...
...To rely upon vulgar politicians to avoid temptation when 'private profits are the basis of milk distribution is...
...It was for this reason that he embarked upon -the mad venture of invading the Ruhr which for a time threatened to involve Europe in another war...
...grass Is greener...
...never blared with any part of humanity, and thay newer have' time to indulge in empty clevernesses...
...He praises this form of government and then refers to it a number of times as representative of "democratic liberty," He certainly was unconscious of the contradiction, between a "capitalistic form of government" and:"democratic liberty...
...This cynical debauchery of the suffrage is typical of capitalistic politics in the United States and it is not surprising that over 50 percent of qualified voters do not go to the polls and that an even smaller percentage take any interest in Republican and Democratic primaries...
...He asserts that "America's prosperity" # is due to our "capitalistic form of government...
...Rossi rsorlred a ms blows before the antl-Vaaelatl uuebfl aaOy to hla eopport, hut be wu as,' seriously hurt- His assailants...
...mmj/M foerthe of the vineyard -prc«haot earil dtoUUerlee aad those teentnisd j this bastoese saoght *. alimlBaefTl years...
...toAagJ bran SIM a ton...
...I served tn practically all ehnBaafj countries...
...Seme law, noma method ought to be davtsed to put this eenotsMtty frowing elaaa ef mental lazybones te actual hard and useful work...
...a sherd toils a story ef *e« gSfMrafen te the psaenstiea.ef a gobbled afggto dad anaetoran* at^haa)lairntr ia.tonerand geeluia...
...Absent men and women af their acquaints nee 'are sHSSB, trimmed awd -plukted 'verbally with even mere see*, and feeling than ia weed, by the dollar world...
...L e, that aafj tag...
...Bootieggtoy saaaV become an "essential industry" e|fl vineyard acreage haa eons' tocsssaafl and there has been a big toraaatogflthe output of grapes...
...Odl, far- the time and patience they expended daring aba nights ef judgment...
...And-God seems nearer After the rain...
...They, are becoming a msnaea te the community...
...They are inseparable...
...A few of us are just a trifle lees dull than the rest...
...What hope has any intelligent voter that the Democrats will not be as servile to big capitalist, interests as their opponents are 'now...
...some of them being so basjaV beaten that they sought police piuhts j tlon and hoapitat care...
...from one madcap epiaode to emUmK •aqoaln experience, until the whole gamut if madpass^Jnst .publicity agent and dramatic direeter om.canient' fiat bean run, and the degenerate ends up |n«n insane' asylum or the Senate...
...Berry emphasized two things...
...After* the rain...
...the Socialist Party mtM body is likely to loin the opt u iMBj The pretext for the shooting was fsmUtsr saw aaed by ManeoUttl...
...Walking two and three together, a steady stream of men a block long for at least two days marched to the paymaster to get their coin...
...What in many European countries has been won by generations of sacrifice, and ia therefore valued as a precious aveapon, is in this country made a subject of barter and auction... active if you are...
...That he deserves to spend a few years there is certain, but there is many a slip 'tween the cup and the lip, especially in' the case of old party brokers...
...Tneaa clever and 'bored charming people we write shout come from apery stratum of modern society...
...The situation has become so bad that it is now doubtful whether the old franc can be saved and it is certain that another Cabinet will be unable to drag the nation out of its troubles unless it recommends drastic action and is supported in the Chamber...
...As capitalist "development carrfeto the South' and Republican* tariff appeals lured investors the Democrats began to change their tune...
...We have had these gentlemen for generations and we will have them for a long time to come...
...Jtumer and frail Vajaetawa ar» given the fkes clo»h ef uiadsm)e...
...aortien, and the fifth sieves that the party .end an in Harlem at abas or-the ether Black anil Tan night slut...
...We wish them sit...
...BRIAND CABINET OUT WHILE the franc continues to sink another Cabinet has fallen in France...
...most be allowed-to hamper g| economic rehabUlution of the ceeaMM Than far, ao apologias are...
...htonfJ qnd Primo de Rivera...
...It was the dogma of a shaveholdiog class...
...T Another factor in this history is importsn...
...he asked, and went on to say that if the Democrats emphasize this issue they may enjpy- control of both houses of Congress...
...Bnand is gloomy...
...It looked like a run on a bank," said one witness, who observed the buying of cattle at five and ten dollars per head...
...have brought France to its present plight...
...We shall be glad to forward any inquiries regarding membership to the proper party officials...
...Berry is president of the Printing Pressmen's Union and a bigwig in the American Legion...
...The disturbers were thteeeU out...
...egS three persons were killed and sMBB wowDded...
...Shall the national Government be dominated by big business...
...My "love Is dearer...
...jazz ia ultra and Beet he van i* a bum...
...which Will insure their support in case tho parties of the Left inaist upon concessions to the worker...
...The next week:«or two will be momentous in French history...
...Berry may consult the record of the body and he will find no evidence to support his theme...
...The stock of the Democratic Party does not bring as good returns with the result that it is a drug on the market...
...The ahep, the union, hie lodge and his schools will Issd the Negro to his equality, to bin inalienable right te manhood, The boudoir of .the bored, thrill-hungered white lady epcoe upon nothing for'hie pea pie but a vieta ef unreasoned ahd* horrible passiene tunneling a tomado ef bloed-letting and homicide...
...A Small Town Girl," a musical comedy with book and lyrics by GeorgeE. Stoddard, and music by Ray Gorney, will be presented out of town this summer by Clark Ross...
...South and Sotrth$cnt Deroocrate:afe investing Jieav2hjr*n" them...
...aiapatches telling of protests jnjjg tared eaeUnst tbe MarshaTs psdsy^Brrt many selttered SoclaUst group* rBBfcejj leas -aanaa semi-adequate ezptsnaeBSnb Is made by the Government of Lhajttojg of troops to break a strike eCjg asetel workers in Ostrewtoa...
...Therefore, they can "involve themselves" tn rotrtradictions rwithout involving any mental strain...
...ternattonal tell of big coBer^toew»aV the Matteottl monument to be SabaB| to the Maiaon du Peupls to 9afffttr and kept there until It can to raaajiedr to Italy, after the peeawat ef toe...
...In MsrssBBjBj a band ef black-shirts invaded- "m meeting, addreaeed by Cesars BaaBfl the one-time Mussolini press »«sst£ now a refuges in France., and ebbf conarms tba view that the vdictatarf himself was responsible for the desSsf Of tb* SoctoUat Deputy, aad attarksdj...
...Capitalist politics is not a matter of education in ethics and the humanities...
...Thay all do some form -of parasitic work (creative workers are...
...But aside from - the contradiction in the speech there is the fact that those who framed * the Constitution never believed that they were establishing a government of "democratic liberty...
...They are not expected to think and they do not expect those .who listen to thepi \p think...
...The Socialist Party is, the only political organization in the United States that'is adapted to serve the workers...
...Join it if you are not a member...
...In office they ha v* .been cprisptcaxips iftfawifing almost unrestricted slavery of children of the workers...
...This is gratifying and we hope that every reader of The New Leader who is a member of the party will give more service to its building and that those ¦who have not yet joined a Branch will do so without delay...
...Meet of us are vary dull... **¦¦< miazrawwasnto/taoo: tto oemmmm^km underatoodL...
...THE MILK GRAFTERS ONE grafter, a former secretary of a former Health Commissioner, has been found guilty on two eounts for his connection with bootleg crrttm and other milk graft...
...In other words, the chickens hatched by the Tong regime of Poincare are coming home to roost...
...The" "best roa'nds" of French capitalism have certainly made a nice mess of their job...
...He sees "clouds above us" and fears the coming of a "cyclone," a situation "as serious as the days of Verdun...
...Such ef-ye»-eavtoo' e^le-Sreof aext ssaaiihalaratlynsd «i invite yeur tsrsmg the dieht nn*f| the toad speaker squawks forth—This ia Sjtatton WOBS, aad) the aeat ¦umber M a? spsslalty and a treat wa are earn te ear jezs-jimmied and music-mob audi ansa ia' aa ether than the person af % rVifh 1*%V PENNSYLVANIA'S AUCTION SOME of the sejcrets of the Republican stock exchanger of Pennsylvania have been revealed during the past week to the chagrin of the leading party brokers...
...Wa have never meT any really clever people, and that Is why we feel Ahet none el the men and women wa meet day after Say* a**} rn she even inns occasionally, and who affect she eaperiee attitude of weariness are worth liking ah all...
...May we- anne arise that we expect ta spend tba week end ef neat week etfandintf) the/ U. I. D. oertvsntion at take Tammlaws...
...New Tork, everywhere...
...Housing, marketing and transportation are sources of private plunder and it would be surprising if plunderers did not appear on the scene...
...For one thing they help) keep the Buncombe ef tbe Negro Night Life alive by spending large sums ef money at those dance club...
...He was going to collect it from prostrate Germany even to the last franc...
...Krports from estajtf countries received by the Zurich JbV^ rean of the Socialist aad Lahor...
...A great many are men end *b*omen whose sccupetieno for Inseme are always kept secret, aad - all that ia ' occasionally bear* ia that Me or bar...
...For such fterehwtn and hie .fjddy, gymnastics...
...Maybe wa have been .a trifle tee hard in what we have said hers, buy we have mere than a furtive nation that we ara^merc than right...
...The night club is a plass where ao human bains with Ms eyes toward ths aun, white or black lew er high should meet...
...PJlsudski is said to be planning to retain the dictatorship by having bhnself named permanent Commander-in-Chief Of the Army by the Bartel Cabinet., Then he will resign his post as Minister Of War, with the - view ot running the show while posing as the non-political head of the armed forces of the nation .regardless of changes in Parliaments and Cabinets...
...Threw in a decadent peat, a fpaarlasts dsuhar and a first and ealy nevefkft '.and Bser gssatas ef clever snd bored persona ia samploto...
...The disgusting spectacle reminds ope of cattle driven to the stock yards with purchasers haggling over the prices to be *paid...
...The News of The Week laaT autea aad their actlee wBtfl ah tajsjiritlairt Influence en aaVSsfJ to*, rreeg uu to ins kre&B referehdajast were detesiod t*ey& bat In the totter year aa Hi iulbM an* waa carried by a taatorBy oRk] in a total Vote of ISMSs...
...owl combtastton of vineyard and batttajf ging laAersats aghtlng aasJnatlgWr change in "prohibition" leglshUhnT Certainly, stop-stick comedy MeM aaV go farther than thia...
...SENATOR ROBINSON'S PLEA SENATOR ROBINSON of Arkansas, speaking to Virginia Democrats on Tuesday, became virtuous...
...Change..far ail ef yew te asset ue mrntt ether celebrities, including Bandy tba Tent-maker— also Bolen DeLeen and Clam Weed, tba paraiilal L. I. th playwrights Mae the"peters aueh so Bern Frsedmen and Oert Klein *t...
...Before aba parti • hragha aa\ to ssmnwaa again >in Maaknav the evwelna 'baa bean aaad ,aa> hi maeh ths ^aaanatabaH.-aaaaaeW awaaasar aw a nsaasdabi aveataa la the Seat Bronx among real estate operators, or' a whist party in Kew Qardsns ameng ths idle brehara and their idle wives...
...This about sums up human kind...
...BaejbjilM Bssgto atoane copy...
...reeaeejjJB^ from Pllaudaki tor the acta ef BBfV sfihoroHaatoe...
...What is heeded is a Socialist policy looking forward to a city managed on ths basis of a large family, every member of which shall contribute something to the making of a City Beautiful, a city of comfort, hearth, education, safety and well-being...
...tgneranee* that'ta aeeedsar easy to these whe have arrived at a State ef believing themaetvea beyend learning ar thinking sheet aaything mere...
...After the rain.The" skies are clearer...
...One witness before the Senate committee told of armies of men marching up to the Pepper and Vare headquarters to be "paid off...
...quickly subdued...
...We may catch a crook here and there but crook-breeding will continue...
...nsHHaiigg ~'tM presents -the amusing specUck...—else a ehanee te aea tba Unity House—a las, tote aadf lota anef everything...
...better luck the nest tlrss...
...In tba oM days grases 4ssil osM thr more than |u a toqTa under the Volstead Act prices Jaafcl fjwai IS, to Sit a toq te at...
...We trust yeu sti agree that the IVias Poem af Miea Mansfield's "The Mountain Bwellere" waa weU worth the award...
...The two go together...
...Meet .them at then- little groups aad parties and the uses as af their boredom goto you eailehv 0ras ar «w* try gawking out the strain* ef s yesuiaf sens, bnulbai pujhj ¦ petty awn an a wrinkled prime of s srsvsrh...
...This Pennsylvania auction will bje made the most ofJ>y the Democrats who will prepare to profit by- the general disgust...
...oa pace ta'^ ej^ejajgr...
...sAl i i ¦ We have greatly, hated the sheakeeping middleelsss-tired-businees^ssom'type when they ge splaying at high elaaa leg eaews,and.Jew, class!night clubs...
...For our part we would be satisfied if they never paid the deserved penalty if at the same time we had some assurance that the distribution of milk would be reorganized under a plan of social control that gave the masses the first consideration- We hav.e said, and we repeat it, that capitalism in the distribution of milk will breed other grafters if we cage every one of them now at large...
...saX enOee whs have the least toaeh bf truth easily turn t» siiehiptoneL ¦'-ttmn- weara-Wr sjshaSsisar^sSBBgsys|s^ women...
...t However, this is not unusual for professional orators who enjoy paying homage to something they do not understand...
...Seme af t*em write advertieemente, vaudeville akits, smart Set joke sheets, publicity gas*, or cheap papular -be I lee*, •era* ethers are artists who have Incerne* eufnoient for studiee and medals and ae thay need do* vary little painting if any...
...Ideate, beeuty, and leva, the three ' graeee ef a real and uarful life, will net be met with under the aickly haze ef a dance teller—and in the hell raining squawk of the saxaphoee...
...Wa dislike them bscauas they simeat trios us* *ejfhe point ef be red em...
...Democrats have enjoyed such control-before, bat- they •have given no more satisfaction than Republicans do now...
...Our correspondent seems to be excited but a reading of the address leaves us unmoved...
...After the Rain The streets are cleaner...
...Pittsburgh seems to have been the center of the largest, Republican purchases although business was also brisk in other sections of the State...
...MeanUtoe T>* JBt Lesder haa yyoeived the tejbr SmWJ tepc^^
...Kate Herman... den^ohatrathw T/tmj some speakers branded him aa a.aeSh<3 derer...
...We hereby thank the Jadges...
...And yet this is really what wa mean te do right now...
...The latest phase of-it started with the Barbery...
...The school, the Jlheatrs, the museum, the concert hell and the ahep are the placet where the black, the white, and the brewn will bring about the mingling of color into the* ultimate brother heed...
...We' have always despiseeV the person of wealth whose weariness aad lank of interest in the ordinary ssnsatibna that' IWe has to offer, drive' him or her from one wierd perversion te another...
...Berry may prefer fiction Co fact, but in this he does not differ from any others and there is nothing to get excited about because he chooses to do so...
...For aueh the lower forme of" promiscuity even become tiresome, and odder shspes of sex are invented and 'formed...
...May wa further*announce that at B> mt-OM, Saturday, June 1t, at BUtton WOBB, wa will held forth en ^The Ohette ip faetey,'' a aayt ef tomhlranUea of reading and story kelMng est ef our tap ill...
...The South used to be the home of the tree trade dogma...
...M ia an...
...For Senator Robinson to talk about Republican servility to big business is to indulge in hypocritical cant...
...The white sensation banters whe whet their jaded animalisms with each contracts are helping to keep the Negro down...
...In Berhn, Parte, IeedbW...
...Coast cabarets in Harlem, and ia gradually developing into en unwritten code that the emarteet and highest state of human conduct ia te have a mulatto paramour...
...enether they are Stirring up sinister racial hatreds with their new philosophy of toting about Negro companions and levers...
...Nor will he find -that the idea' was to establish- a -"capitalistic- government.^ The Constitution was a compromise • between those interested in commerce, slavery, manufactures and the paper tokens of government debtMr...
...For aueh 'the marriage Relationship ia anathema,' and even the lees hampeaod" modes of monogamy tedious to death...
...That ideal cannot be reconciled with capitalism and Tammany control...
...On toe ether haaaV ba>, W said to be negotiaUng wttb fha* j ages La of hia former j-eaettooary eS«^Q penests with a view to a cewjriufissB^ tConUuued...
...The situation becomes graver each day and we may expect the most reactionary sections of the ruling class to squint at a dictatorship with the royalists and clericals leading the pack...
...An appeal will be taken and we have our doubts whether the convicted gentleman will sojourn very long behind prison bars...
...the speaker...
...That gentleman, representing some of the largest;capitalist interests of France, kept assuring Frenchmen not to worry about the public debt...
...g3mu5e£& and steel interests Ql souiiutati rtiaaatina juaTa , become of crest importance...
...The economic development of the South, a region #hich they have -controlled ¦** - » -* - - » •¦ -v*-**" yag ¦ ¦rwaxuaaa . « -u-ei -seaedB*H> .met the faU oftha carpr&ss...
...But more to be "berated than'all of these ar* the thrill hunters who' 'gad abqut in' tiny whirlpools and eddies, .secure in 'Mis esteem that they have known all, aeon all, end jgved ell the trite snd ordinary phasee of life—end now- something stranger '.than fiction must be Bqught—or slss what price living...
...Bad Shipley, Ralph Cheyney and Fkayd...
...It to prshdaegrX|toiM*s>^ Uon of Ameriean captkaltom wbM as« affectionate slant at Oar opaa^saaS^ pars...
...This change haa continued so that today it is impossible to tell the difference between Democrats and Reppbttcags On the tariff question...
...Both parties are the property of big- business and a Congress controlled by Democrats .will gladly wear the collar -that Coolidge and Company now proudly displays...
...We are inclined to UdsSjflB " if the strike had neoa auossajM every respect it would haaf^Btt t 'thia calamity for the' mlnen£jfte£ Baldwin went on to object td\g>Attn trade imleniaiii'* ss of 'Torelaa^dHBaT and insisted that the British wga^Sfk J most leare the Ansstardsaa BBhnea>.~ tionaL With British ee«itsiaaaVgSs£ international and using the arthstjM Foreign Office for Us I si ernallanaj JBM terects we ean understand the ggsjE reasonableness of this dernsnd...
...Meantime the higher sections of French capital and finance have opposed •heavy taxation of their incomes to stabilize . the frdtic and liquidate the French debt...
...Thus the voters are tossed from one election to another, out of the hands of one set of brokers into the hands of another set, while the political rule of vour, kings of finance and capital remains undisturbed.^ The primary of Republicans and Democrats simply means that the brokers must pay more for their spoils, not that k leads to popular rule...
...But there is something more important involvetTin this dirty milk scandal than sending a few grafters to prison...
...What is true of milk is true of other commodities and services having a social character...
...And it is more beeaues we have always fought with and for the Negro in hie steady stride toward a plaee in the sun alongside of his hoggish white brother, that we are especially incensed at thia new development, this meet dangeroua phase of our contemporary aoelal life...
...The expenses' of the Ruhr, Riffian and Syrian adventures, together with the refusal of the capitalist pronteersto part •with some of their plunder through taxation...
...This shows that.the Democratic Party is just as servile to the interest* of the capitalist class* as their Republican brothers of the North...
...l^B Citrine denies tor the Taadss taabBj Congress that tt had received sSM funds from the Soviet Ooyermnant ba the strike and added that thia 11 inajnwj help of Russian workers was akei Jto-H olined because It wouh...
...And because of our distempered view of these charming people who dloojioo bee lei glibly, not having * written or read them, who servs art, drama and muetcal eriticiome with the off-handish peat urea of a hostess serving a store-bought supper to her guests, ws will hardly be fair in our judgment of inner life and habit...
...h ^ ifj$ AHorntmth ot British Striho A report a* eW firitlah --ssaMt.JB Trade bwTmB shews Bhir'inpr to the genera] strike experts SmeBom tM.eee.oee and Imports until sbPremkw Baldwin spoke to 1MB Cgaf servau'vss...
...Independent party action by the masses is more than ever an imperative necessity...
...If there haa been a conspicuous feature of the news in the Socialist Party press' in the past few months it is evidence of a continued awakening of Socialists who have been inactive for a number of years...

Vol. 3 • June 1926 • No. 23

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