THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK . OiiKi«. Comrade Jotaj O. WfBcrt, State Secretary, reports "th* gigaosptllga of a new Lrthuaaism\ aToaneh at Akron, Ohio, with t4 mekskotss and erdwrn »*' Wg...
...Th* plea tkla year prami— to be better than ever...
...Daisy town...
...Comrade Jotaj O. WfBcrt, State Secretary, reports "th* gigaosptllga of a new Lrthuaaism\ aToaneh at Akron, Ohio, with t4 mekskotss and erdwrn »*' Wg batch of duca otaxsyo and urjgca readors of tko dSlipftnn AOOsil to act' buoy and fat »HHPm ftafy with task...
...lrrm»*etlv* of tkrir -social -ar poUtical views, aav* given to tk* relief of th* miners...
...Some upstate Local* have already filed the names 'of their dotagatoe and alternate* to the state convention...
...At tkCtr meeting...
...ha* b**n fidvMte* tko -major part of the Mat year to tk* nroomm *f a nattoaoJ rroen-am for the dOv*]opm*at Of ta*** thdustrie* In behalf of th* user...
...OklahwWMi Ben F. Pardua, of Wlllm, Okla, informs the National 0«c* that be Is ready and willing to help build the party moveaaent in Oklahoma and put a complete State ticket ta the field for tire faB...
...Stuart Chase, author ef Tragedy af West...
...Alio* JtaS, ot Vasoar, *m pr*aida...
...Otfcor ubllSlgS SBt bring brought up uador ¦^taoajny ' Conditions...
...Speaker*: Tim Murphy and Ethslred Brown...
...dtt*r stotaat ttttteTof EbMmotfro fagbini**' /¦aranl...
...He thinks the time ta ripe...
...All ar* invited te attend...
...Pa.—Comrade M. U. Bartholomew writes that while -he is only 82 yeara young, h* la reedy to help organise a Socialist local there...
...Comrade Lena Morrow Tucwls held a good meeting In Ogdsn liKliana After the most succenaful State Convention Indiana has held for several years, the comrades are back to tkesr hemes again, reedy for an extensive campaign during the summer and fall months- Reports arc beginning to ar- i rive already with subscriptions to the American Appeal...
...State Committee msetlng Sunday, Jane it...
...Jus a re, at Btverview Park...
...and children is tapsclsTbr acuta...
...i * j Fumaar htformattaa amy be bad at tap League bt^deamrtskM ft Ftfta 'r .«bp...
...June 14, at I p. m. State Secretary I aamsna has called owe atteatleu to aa, error in oar estusuneamsnt of' tko Now Jersey Stats Convention...
...fMa m ti» s>k>e*t- H* wis aiieups faodsveiopment ot thee* tadoatriea a* tafated both to labor and '«* ifii-gSJM...
...We mast not iorgot fmsjt tk* Joofc- ' eat cant* at the end ef a toad SM*fcf ef itumsfhs d-eTkw«*f«saai niaiig* to soma kigfncag wary a* lav as til per week and war* aever muck bbjksi' than fifteen CaUsx...
...The L. I. D plays nave proved during the Mat few year* to bo among tab feaeinatiag feature* of th* U L D. confsrtraoea...
...Bronx Bronx members of the Party and Verbena Branches are urged Jo be present at n general Party meeting Friday...
...L L. «. w. c- *S*aitmta ft j%tkukhi CoancU: Iaata watita...
...That Is labtnCsd aa a cenvvntlon of tko ssttixe Party matnberChig of the state...
...Th* saexohcrohlp drive asaoner m*mber* as arrears m stilt progrcamog and several m«aab*r* have already mttlOd all dace aad am aow taking aetive later tax in Forty ----- Tkla week must be continued and tko Party meeting en Friday must emphasise Its Importance by electing other' committees to forward the work along the Sacs already sutltasd...
...Jun* It—"Tk* Recent Sweep of industrial Combination...
...Wttcomm The Socialists of Wisconsin, under toe leadership of State Secretary William Coleman, are making big plans at their headquarters in Brisbane Hall for their State Convention, which will bo held June 11 and it...
...Caaarado loaa MoiiOw laraia^argnSkjtl * local wttk It mtsabiug at csadyaaae .aa: kdr way imctt to tko Sunny Wort *mm tka> tieUaeei Convention- j ; Utah Comrade O. A. Xsnnedy...
...These cbOdre* csnaat ge • buagry today without feritag ta*.effects for the root at tbotr *dve...
...Just to show he is getting younger every day, he sends in asms nsw subscribers to the American Appeal...
...Wo appeal is*sst*Tty oa behalf of tko wcanaa aad sblHid* was-are th* tans—nt vtottms at aa ttdastrial tragedy...
...Texas Comrade Waiter M. Kennedy, of Brady, Texas, writes us for information on party work...
...On Jun* IT...
...Speaker*: Bkdkor Friedasaa aad J. A. Wait Ctrabr Broadway aad Monroe street, figsakmu- Tim Murpky and A N. Wetaberg...
...aB Of...
...Superintendent of Fabllc SchOole, M. C. Harrison...
...V. a Senat...
...Comrade WUUam cowman of Wisconsin wlU speak Other specksre win be the well-known Oacar Arner tagcr...
...Mm aad woman fa Orsat Sri tata la all welka af Mt...
...H. ^ek^^ikT^ do ***** ToVcowoly^to *X***f&m^4to£ wOl be rtprie-ntsd by Hoiry *. Sscttk J*^*frL*al JSt^Uamat GoUta'ls'aiternatosL : "" - . j AB locals ar* expected t*> mt thrir seleotloafc iy JlmmWjk* -': -* ^ i • ST^tfT m^feTMfsti " Honh^ftaa Prid^y... mna^aar*.' - **fk*t>^IJsBai*l Mine Workers of' Amariea are uiautkatlafc to Ik* laSof of tbotr Brittoh ad-astns aad wsgkai* la other trad** ar* »|tl*jg -.- -— eeesm...
...w_____.....**?'•*•-r^ *'Jt*4f*#4'*- r 4 ^Bk^f^^KV •^'^5'^^P'^^sJ^^asm-^^ajs^t l^^^^^^* ^wAS^s^|B^35»!^^wsa^t* Uta^ata-sk atjhsj ^SfS to tb* oesysehta «W^^I^S^^ ckUdjan mmt to fil mmw mtpm mt tmmt "Wk^hsr the itrikt M asaa oway or...
...MOthea* of Propaganda.*' 8p*akar«, MCAltater Coleman, writer, labor editor- Morris Ernst, Nsw Tork attorney, acme in fight against fadto monopoly...
...touch with headquarters, located at SOS Labor Institute, third floor...
...The state secretary esparto a Lass...
...Therpaa B. Wfisy dad Saani.Tuorl Robinson...
...aad rangfawjunal nominees ta nearly all the Congressional districts of the State...
...d. Morrison, of Milan...
...Among the other participant* will be Jamee H. sfkuror...
...on Suuaay, Juno «. adopted n resolution ot thanks to S. F. Leroaberg far bis vlgereua and sslf-m i illglds nmnagement of tko r*kdrl>t Otdee as votawtary secrotary...
...Altbougk odtclal dflegates wiU bo elected by *r*ry Waach, •11 other Party mmubtrs ta good standing sndy att*s»i the eoaveatiea akd OUi have a vote* and VOTM Howsver, this will pwt the' local* in distant parts of the state *om*what at a dlsaevaatag* in the vottag...
...Speakmhtt Firs mi Vsssnti, TUmlslik mmemU and b^'ssson"'" ~A*MtUU Ommaaama •stordsy, Juab « — Coras* Havemerer and South Fourth Streets...
...Ddvld Linoban, alternat... only a few area* have any etrtke" bsnslta b4« paldi Tbera-ar* thr— hundred tboeeand aainere .wh**t averap* wda*dy earning* for this year have bona bat' IT.t...
...A. Philip Randolph, general organiser of tk* Sleeping Car Poi*ur...
...lilt, t:M p. m., at I1«T Boston Road...
...president of tk* Pennsylvania Federation of Labor...
...Saturday afternoon, Jua* It—"Changing Tactic* ot Empioysr* Toward tk* Worker...
...Xersjct JUSTICE*' win be the titit of th* L. I. S. play to be " produced at Camp Tamlment, Pennaylvsate, oa Saturday evening...
...Fliwaas Xritay...
...Ann's A-reau...
...For United States senator...
...Herman find*, is getting hi table to agree to attend meeting...
...Speaker*: BtbCbTsd Brown and otkeen...
...Judge of Bdbram* Court, John' GiErdner...
...Maryland A state coavcutkm of tko Socialist Party was h*ld Tsmrsday, June t. at Baltimore and the fates Slug wore nominated far a state ticket*- Governor, Dr...
...YiptsieW CirrioS " Circle a wm hold an ssitertaiaaaerit to conttat of n nicytat, ¦uslu asn\ dancing...
...Circle S's first atabit^us undertaking aill b* a dance oa Saturday, June-13...
...Uador tk*** rirsumatancee tt was impoaalbia lor tha men to save snythlng...
...Barry W. L*ldler...
...Readers of the American Appeal in th^t city should gat in...
...Sp-spksrot Skmobl B. Beard-iicy and Abrabam lusnfioj I jus yt *l*binm fbunu **MensbkdL *a^^ou*aax^^-g*sshs*f aks-stnSb strat?sas*^ sjasjgjttam ikaav- - ~i 9mm Asa> •*-cernte* Osaiia tms-^SaaSJ aadLEOTB.' f Maaday, Judo 14~C*ra*r Mist Street and St...
...Business of -utmost taipertanc* to the Party te this county will be taken -op...
...jtilinou Comrade Wm...
...June 11...
...June «, Sydney Betheaberg read a play, "Tko Beggar pad the .King.',' as big coatrlbutloa to the educational program...
...ssttlts down' late a pr*kiag*d Mr*aBm...
...P. G. BO, Of Beltlaaot...
...An Important program included the nomination ot State candidates for the next election...
...Faaaal L Coba, secretary...
...Jua* tt—"Caaagtaa Relationship* Between Property Ownership aad oetrtrpL" tbj...
...The Indiana SocialCats, having loot the official standing of the Party ta the last general election, are determined to win tt bock by rolling up a big vote hi that State ta this faira election...
...Corner Tiiim|tat am* tsmnTcil Jv*auss aacce and Vsnsjllll protest mllltafi...
...Pa,—The Piaawh Branch at Dalsytown Informs the National Headquarters that they have appointed two agents to gather subs for the American Appeal, and requests official blanks to bb used in their work...
...m. Admission Ik tff>ee»t...
...J. A. BL Wi**brnfi •f tk* cutsriaat wmtt igMtTT lelsmr and OattuB MsSlstit tat fa* Piano...
...rmr ^^^^yiT*^^u h^SrtBsMiuS^B 4i*«»wA <A>f^T<£ "Jersey Justice" to Be L. I. D. Play dTd...
...need ***ry scat we can ssad tkiav* said ana* rrsston yosterday...
...The sttff*rlng among tbo... J p. aa...
...State Secretary, of Missouri, inform* th* National Office that they have filed a com pitta State ticket for the, tali election...
...Buffalo by Jamee BktUatoni and Martin B.' Rets* by FriS and Wmmsxjm^mtt...
...June 21—"Trad* Union* Enter Business...
...William A. Toole...
...tBanT'^iirSTt^T^i^rr*^ 'ut' and throughout tbo tiuuatiy...
...sV fiutw has reported trmBOjtmiats for- mt Frisa Ptaaic Sunday srieraoon...
...IB wretched hev*l* around tab ptt-atmli chtMrea arc bataa...
...The Now aPattnai^sTSM* let KxeeuUve Committee, at tt* tgat xfsi flag...
...achlenectady by Chaa...
...WteXhmet Maykeld, tcy...
...Italian speakers and August Cloactons...
...Jamas U Smiley...
...Jake . » —-Tb* Taar ta AmwMbk Caltagte-" Bcpcrto wm be given by Paul Bktoaaard regarding the work of tko Lift during tb* year...
...A *ev*n-fiiec4 band will furnish music...
...Write O. A. Koaaedy, tclt XiCSSl avenue, Ogden, Utak... GUm...
...Ordwny Teed, co-author *f "Personnel Administration...
...Glens Falls by Bessie Loon Burke, delegate...
...anUor at "Tb* GeneiU of the World War...
...Comrade TurgaR apok-e en "Th* Survival of the Fittest," following a d-umusatoa ot whether "Slava" is too, harsh a term to apply to free.laborer...
...John A. Baker, Baltimore...
...The other tesMtotuS of tk* iiirfWltsit ¦ana b* a* follow*: . Friday aftaraaaa...
...Albany win be repesctntod by Jamas C. Sheahan as delegate' and Harry GflHiand as alternate...
...Speak*!*, Robert W. Dunn, author of "American Foreign Inveotmeata," co-author of "The Labor Spy...
...Tbtwoslsy, June 17—Ceraer Pulaski Street and Tompkins Avenue...
...formed by the Leaguf for Industrial Dtmscracy aad other cafcaasxattona...
...Joao tf Cbwtr FSbla Ave nuo and Srtatot Street...
...Hirm-in effected the racrgaaiaauon of Local Jamestown oa June I. The difficulty...
...Tb* ttstbtra^bavk been iU-nouriahed aad dr* Uriaskr constant anxiety...
...PflMllfiVeUlk The Philadelphia comrades are doing fine work, according to recent reports...
...LCausr and the tssirttf Appeal...
...Sssrstsry of Rocky Kounutnta Dietriet...
...PpaifhkUpm* by Stta-*rd H. \metmymm IWhsmu OaeMy*.*!^ aate oM WtWt, rHsM^aft- stepwood-*Uerrui r -TOaeida...
...Sactkws: Tim Murphy add btthsk»d Skcwn...
...Speaker*: btthclred Brown and Tha Murphy...
...He seeds in fomd now rsodsts tor tbs) I s*srlis* Apgsal Jdmn tt...
...Hudeon County Committee meeting Monday...
...Great interest I* bring show* la tail conference, which wia be devoted nrimiriiy to "Newer Defpntta of Modem Capitalism in Am trie*-'' Tbo 6ontsrbnc* win b* opeacd with a roundtabbl dlscuseion on Coal and oilnt | Fewer on Thursday evening...
...autb*r of -Th* Anthracite ffucstlpn," **d ttprHai-j of the CoutmlttC* on Coal apt F*w*r...
...This reluctance to attend meeting*, however, ta not peeulier to Socialists, but 1* found am tug trade unionists and the msmbsrs of fraternal organisetlooB throughout tko country...
...SMaty km¦saran, Bobert Bro*r...
...June MK during the latter part of tfci Jun* conference of the L. I. D. Th* play I* largely tk* work of Solon DeLoon, aarimad by Cteatent Wood, Samuti Friedman and other...
...He* Is ready to assist jn tno reorganisation of tha party th Texas...
...Bduoatlcettl D*bjatmeat...
...June M. H- S. Rauthtnbush...
...Bat th* asdd to gr*at aad tko aalaers took to tmertea to' kelp...
...aa not "so many of their msmbsrs wfU bo abet to attend the convention- It was, therefore, provided that whenever a total of free official delegates ropreoeattag three diffOrynt eounttas demand it, any qu-sgttap must be decided by th* odtptal delegates only, thug *einalixtng tko -rottat power of tha nearby and distant locals...
...AttorneyGeneral, Job* A. Oman, Baltimore...
...They issue a monthly bulletin that gives all news of party activities during the past month...
...When Ooaiinls *b*v*ab*rg became secretary, the finances wore tko lowest yet In the history of the district, but during his tenure of office he not merely paid all bills, but Increased the amount of money ta the bonk by nearly »soo: . -» - His resignation -was only accepted with regret, owing to tko fact that Alfred Baker Lewis bag returned to tko district to take UP the work of dietriet secretary on full tints...
...tCari Auteri, Hfwlsy B. via Vechtmt hat D*L*py Dake...
...has taken hold af the work again and la^ putUng in his time buUdtag the Party and tarmertasj tko number of raaesrs of tko Anterlean Awpoai in tko atatoo of Arisaaa, New Mexico, Wyewnaaj and Utak... the Brownsville' Labor Lyceum, Hi Sackmkn Street, Brooklyn, fit t:l#p...
...It is a matter of stmpl* humanity to do aU w* una add do tt quickly...
...Friday, Juae IS—Ceraer Pitkin Avenue aad Bristol atreet...
...Was Prcotca.** maamlttii, the British Minora Rottaf Committeo* heat opened office* at 1st Broadway, erbero < oommlttee la working under dirmntoa of the Bnietgeacy Strike BceUf Cosamitta...
...Soett Searing, author and lecturer...
...seamo ta throe, yuariy aad -sax halfyaerly subscriptions to the am*aricsn Appeal, aad asks for data oovortag tko western half •< Bis .State, wltl the hope that bo may vbdt that section and do party work . and gather subs for' tko AmOiifn Appeal...
...raorganUed ta Cumberland, and very rtd prospects for si-|sslssllu>i work the state...
...S*)**k*r»: Tim MarmV and WMtam XariM...
...June 11 — Oorwar Cltatoa Street and ***** Broadway...
...Oeerg* t^'-^Tdt^r^«Mi *r I Saturday morning...
...Gertrude Klein and other...
...Now they ar* flgktlag ajfktadt a prop a* ad if par cant w*a* oat ta •paly to tt per seat, of tko coaldiggers...
...Harry W. Laidmr...
...Sunday morning, Jun* n—"American Economic Imparls Hem " Speaksx, Hairy aamer Bern**, prate...
...Sunday afternoon...
...W. N-aOoan...
...New Tork School of Social Wv»rk...
...Sp*ek*ra: Ttat Murphy aad A. N Wetabetw.' W-Mwmeday, Juno 1d—Corner Xnlekerboekov Avenue and Stockholm Street...
...IHew Yoi4 Stale Organiser bknil Herman will spend tko month of Juno working under Jke joint auspices of Local Bmjale and the State Committee...
...notorday, dun* *»—C*r**r HiverasyCr and South Fourth Stree ta...
...Wa expect to hivs a full Coogreaalonal ticket this tafl...
...f History *nd S*citlsgy, Smith CoSags...
...Corner Central Awaus aad Starr Strsst, Saooo and Vaaaatti protest mtoting...
...Although the east has not b**a ocaiblctod, it till include th* foregoing authors of the play, together with Norma* Thomas, Mc Aligtcr Coleman...
...Citato 1, Brooklyn Tko Toung People's Socialist League...
...Saturday evening...
...editor of the Illinois Miner, These two comrades win be ably assisted by Loo Kryxakl, Orx»nlx»r and National Board Member Of tko Amalgamated Clothing Workers' Union and formerly Under-eheriff of Milwaukee County...
...The contention sdao adopted a Mote platform, i*cwlnMetis protesting against tha coarierien of Sacco and Vanxetti...
...Bsaders of the American Appeal, should got in touch with, him and kelp...
...born M fctaab* * which bar* ***** atrtpped *f***ary saleaMe article...
...June tt — "New...
...Missouri ! Conor ad* Garver...
...He bag a mass of valupbt* material on the rii^toct and ta* TburnMy aotaSSg and ¦fredar morning aeasdeaf <abtja he conducts.are utery ta aa a reel WfMtb...
...Clerk ef Court of appeals...
...ftabart ft H*rrtoa.-Nerxoan tbatuoM, Biijialt Jarita...
...and urging party members te subscribe to Tko New...
...director of Labor Bursal, inc...
...Headers ot the Amorlean Appeal m. that Stat* should all heip th* State Secretary, "Comrade M. A. Smith, mt Pennsylvania avenue, Dallas...
...Friday *v*alaa...
...8***k*r*, J. S. Potofsky, vice-prerideat ef tb* dm*lg*mat»d Bank, dnd assittem sscretary ot the A C. W. A., Bsakimln Stolberg...
Vol. 3 • June 1926 • No. 22