A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Hail the Bridegroom, Hail the Bride! ff^HlS being th* month of wedding Veils ana orSntt I blossoms and w* Ming g trlBe stunned a* raag. JL mg of the great uprising...
...Xt, Beds Welkin' thi Streets for Says...
...Be alway* concluded...
...You don't go to school, church and SMSttBff place in Mexico...
...in our opinion, "Mantrap" is a thrilling tale, fad better tor having no particular moral...
...M fee shirt*, plain nosem...
...At the Brtt light of day, he wa* up and standing at th* window...
...aThey know what fl&bbdy|els« know_aflrf 1m this fMft*ct thjv are dltett descenclants 6i it»h Mffffs* ma...
...Comrade Calvert on, when he insists thst evtry novel by a aeriou* author Which does not deal Wltn the class •trugf 1* or some sort of social critieiem i* just so much blah, I* as dogmatie and unreasonable as the iwiktett ot to* wild men...
...While large industrial establishment* hhve grown to even greater proportions, he points out the taot that thousand* of small and medium aieed establishments still *ur< viv*i that th* greatest diversity in atsf exist* ass that ao elaca at sat !»?*> Blsgpgagra tram the scat...
...But the contrary is the ease...
...MeAHater ColSman...
...by Will tlurant, (Simon Shd Schuster, Publishers...
...might realty have a long nap...
...And here comes the 'seledUvo-ettfs-ol *>**»gfon, poetry, and ths beauty of the iunadt is behalf of Doheny...
...Unfortunately oompleto statistic* ar* net available regarding concentration ot ownership...
...It U thus quite wrong to assume...
...H* gave th* man a Bandful of stiver, and steed...
...JL mg of the great uprising Of tU common people njl atgnaiiMd the wedding of Oeveruer At Smith* gaagiiter, we have decided to print the following *x'ejtft from the Scioto Oaaett* of Scioto...
...ieaincaac* scarcely any eraap rcaettoaartes eaa hid* from tageadetv...
...Ohio..which .-^peered in 1**0...
...After dealing With the distribution ef wealth, Bernstein considers th* problem ot centralisation of Industrial establishments...
...According to the papers this consisted of "a silver dining service on which Wa* engraved g representation of 'The Last Supper,' done in Edinburgh in Ut« eighteenth Century...
...Boy lan it a Democrat, if he had been B member of Congress ten years ago, his moral indignation would have been marshaled bBhind self-determination, that is, the sdcrsd, inalienable, God-given rights of every people, big or little, to determine their own affairg...
...he a*k«d...
...14* OM bottle whisky...
...V Oh 1 what a beautiful package'of Wind for the rabble to swallow, ''our own honor ind protection," "best interests df Mexico also," ''challenge to American traditions and institutions," but not a word about, the nard material interests of Mr...
...Dan, f feel that w* are g*fit| to bare a perfectly adorable weddlas Journey...
...After analysing such income figures as were available in Frane* and Germany, B*m*tein conclude...
...Whether the social Surplus produce Is accumulated in thee shape of monopoly by 10,000 persons or" is shared up "in gradual amounts among half a million men makes no difference In principle to the nine or ten million beads of families who arc worsted by this transaction...
...He went toward It- - On the long, wooden bridge leading to thi pier, a man accosted him, ef teui person, with grease and dirt en hi* worn el*the*, and a crumpled bat over hi* eye...
...She withdrew from so obvtoug participation in th* details of th* arrangement...
...The spell of ***ing thing* was On him...
...Tne man* voice was Mitenadd oid...
...You wea't mind tonight, rat tired" . \ fjah censehted...
...The church, the school, the meeting pises —those three institutions upon which our own government was founded—have been taken over by the government and made subordinate to ths state...
...7*« taod gift h*v* e«V Bretkft* b<h It c«m* F«»*i Msreh and Strife and loving ettriftcef . — EeNfrln Afrtsl...
...Arts* mtewing .thi kituatiea in Great Britain...
...Ms must le* it,- he resolved, as it Jay smoking at the pier, so tireless from It* long nightBight over the water...
...He felt hit heart contract, aad a push ef guilt and sham* Seed hi* body...
...Their struggle for a more just distribution er for an organisation Which would' Include a more Just distribution is not on that account le*s Justifiable and necessary...
...Among other tnflea, the...
...dingy *ld place...
...NowtfadVjr h|ve hied additional claims for several doajajf pdpsioBt for BOOT but f«i*"d*tf ^ffsnibhsaw S*^ the famUy, three addltkmgf t«ia<es fa fs**Jf^ the palace and park at Hamburg ami t steaf list of arndnef pyopertiee,: . . ...1 ^ slJ The German MfVhtl hat my jeTratssloB (K rd hid hunger pfennig tn any way hASSBB* He even may, as (ar as X am i imfmnssV tax the marrow OOt of the hone* of hit glBA^sBsT children and the knot* In thd woa^esi 1dgS sf -; hid crippled warriors la order that joatieit (JI* may bd Cane pH the ttrewB *a»WUlTlhies «Mri have fsadttd oa his body for all these tBsBajL...
...Now o» course the British miners, out of pure cud* i.sednest struck for no other" reason than that they are opposed to "democratic constitutional *jjjr*ernrneni.rt you can't fool these money ha*s...
...before them lay the hush of tb* Inland sea, which Was as much sky as sea...
...for the food received set is money but is tad form ef ether cemmoditiea...
...The prospects of socialism depends sot on th* decrease but ea th* tnorcaM ef social wealth...
...While the -population increased by a0...
...ae>n from a lonaiy hill brought an involuntary breath of adoration for the Creator from a Christian, fad would BP* guilty of violating the constitution, for i* provide* that all sets of worship mutt be per* formed within bounds snd under f^crnmtnt' , supervision...
...But what's the difference...
...Wo ferret that we cannot oiler similar Mrvlc* for the swedes* of everything else on th* list But there are avuin legal restriction* watch prohiMt thi...
...Th* great, bbu...
...lut* diminution of the nusaBer of oka members of the pa**—lag ale sale...
...y mews* and »afc»i*4 tIM seme •engMS defuek _>*eeh, MUgWertt finger* framsd the lettered tewng...
...Now thaf order Is ettaiBthed, ths royal nincompoops* arei eofcisg...
...As to gw runted underdr*w*r», now*v*r, our fashion aeouu egptrt that UMy are in groat vogue among th* coaidejgtrt of Hirrin, tltinoia and that they win be glad g* put any inquirer in touch with *ourc«t a/here they ntf-M hao...
...In fact, in farming there I* a distinct standing still or a direct retrogrtulon la regard to th* tiae of holding...
...Tfai atrang* room, thi ,n01*i of the street, the switching engiflce m the train abed aqriis the thoroughfare, the deep, hoarse barking of freighters from th* lak*, abov» all *l*e...
...First oft we want to say that tge moat exciting book that hae come bur way of late 9 "th* Story Of Philosophy...
...his restless heart without Agathi In his bed...
...Baxter'* "Sainr* Best...
...In my opinion, this is the only course open to us, not only, for our own honor and pfotsetion, but alto for the beat interests of Mexico...
...we must thus leek to tame other avenues Xor the eennimptiofc ef surplus good...
...TBey tty if* this w*y everywhere, -even m the •euetry...
...so* want en, "that we can have all thi* together...
...But let Mr...
...The force* are at worn in a given direction...
...He dressed quickly, and without going- to Agatha's room, went down to the Street Something Impelled him toward the steamship...
...kept his mind disturbed1...
...grew a weed, yd* make* the lit* ef inari...
...They witched the skied above them, and marvelled at the black Jagged ollff cut deeply against the brilliant sky...
...Pr»ao*, swit*s*stnd ftM the tmtted Bunts, he wasted**: "If the ceeuauai isg|i| i isssst *t technical method* and *eatr*rt*atlmi est ku*in*a*ea ta aa hisisedlBg aeanber Of branches of Induetry is a fast who...
...isn't there plenty ef week, partner...
...the church, the school, the meeting place and tad triSB...
...art dtsignding some 5(X),Cl5o hdctares of land, 100 castle* tnd psltces worth at kt**g> SOOeOQOiOOO gold marks...
...So keep your syes on the Boylana in Congress, press said psBMBh They are not aJkactty ths cauea of war* Bttt they surely are the wind which fans the everpresent embers of precatory interest into test ' conflagration of war...
...r*« auction in large ouanUtl*s.h ^ The argument mar be advanced that th*** good* are escorted...
...Fie sec* sMh dMtrudtiv* criticism...
...But between us girls, dpa't you think that the man Who could write such *aur* on the boobs as "Main Street" and "Babbitt," •uch an arraignment Of medlcli' commercialism as -arfewstnithv' deserves a hdiidayt B«*ides we under«*nd that Mr...
...Absorption ef Surplus GOod* Kngels next take* up tne question as to what group absorbs* the surplus product...
...lP*r gorged en futh (ike wplv*s,.till tne sowed itfn, J...
...Socialism, or th* social .movement ef modern times, ha* already survived many a superstition...
...The concentration of enterprise* is not accomplished here in the form of annexing an ever greater ^portion of land to the farm, as Marx saw in his time, but actSftliy In the form ef intensification ot th* cultivation, chaoses In cultivation that need more labor la a given arte/or In the rearing, etc^, of superior -battle...
...Who consumes tbemr .ThmtJgB avredess ef eiiminatioo...
...1.60 OM piper of cloves.,..........................to Saggy...
...it to a ao less esUbllshed fact that fat th* whole series Of breach** of Industry small and medium riaed andertaking* appear quit* capable of agisting be*id* the large industries, ta industry there is no development according to g pattern that appUee •gually to on* add all ita erancoee...
...On the contrary, it might cost less surplus labor to keep a few thousand privileged person* In sumptuousnes* than half a million or more in wealth...
...He Bad planned to get a roam atone of the better secenMclass hotels, but these were all taken...
...The latter by the way hails ~ta* book as "an admirable plic* of intellectual Work, kU to it* ehibatenc* and its literary form...
...x ggg pair drawer*, plain...
...capitalist production aa leading to greater centralisation of capital, greater concentration of enterprises, aa Increased rate of exploitation...
...Agatha, sat oB.th* l*w*f *t*f> Mt th* ascending walk, between t>an'* cut spread kneet: hi* ardi* W*>* about ber shoulder I. .,-.,' "You m*k* 4 Best tor me, love...
...1.75 One pair drawer*, ruffled...
...Lewis is now looking Into the state ** the clergy in thi* country aad w* are willing to guarantee that the novel which comea from this research wtll plea** even the IntranslgMnt soul of comrade Caivtrt on...
...the number of families in receipt of incomes rangin...
...Waiting, and murmuring quaint fancies, and...
...that th* present a»veli-gaeent of society shews a restore or indeed adap...
...V-1 That venerable Collrction of organized money bags,' the National Seoiafity League, w»led Premier Baldwin their support of the - JjMtlsh Government and the mine owners...
...1.09 c*k* Of honey »0»p.........................20 OM rrery toothpick.............................St * • • *. .•we aivise all our friend* who are contemplating uieTMIliT to «ut thi* out and paste it in their hat* wait taer so shopping...
...v While on th* subject of wedding*^ controversial as it I say hi, we have discovered from reading the accounts *i thi Governor's daughter's nuptials just what the Mt York Bute Police are for...
...They seemed Very fl**F td each other...
...Let our Illinois ¦attMSsei* add etatr* look to Mew York whtre all the ft* 6-*dltl»tii ot chivalry including swords and en - gtoredatn1ag«etgar* mairhalnea by this Saltant band:' jrA s . • e ' ^Put on your eye-shades, boy*-and girls, we are fbcuf to g«t literary...
...t# fifht for, thS* is, of s materigl character, thS excuse naturally bscoross a moral—that ia» SB emotional issue...
...Such an act on our part rday bring the present insolent government to ita senses, and cause revision of a doeument which, as it stand*, It a challenge to American tradttiona gfrd i&tt*» tutions...
...It we analyse th* trend in income distribution in Great Britain from it Si to 1811, for instance, we will discover, it the British Review IS correct that...
...They sat dbwh together, donMieu* el tne eternal a*h* of love, .its permanency above the clpngof and fluctuation of th* world...
...When Agatha saw the room, as «hs afterwards told Maggie fpiiefer, she •wanted to scream...
...It fairly reek* with human interest...
...Perhaps you couldn't seraf* the price of an excursion ticket tOfMhsf t|V enjoy one of the,crimson sunseta pi Mexico, You don't own s drop of oil} sir inch of psp*> line, ths rfvet in an oil tank or a brick Or 4 mouse trap in Mexico...
...In defending the thesis that th* middle class increases, he maintains that he nowhere states that the proletarians decrease...
...If you have five Buck* to-shed, prepare to shed them now for here la a 'teak that makee philosophy and philosophers come wive...
...There must be refuge t St»n Wined In winter wind* till en* emeu fire font flint atdnee calefy Hiding whet they h*id, res epark treasured from the kindling mm...
...Not all shareholders deserve the name capitalists and often on* and the same great capitalist appears in an possible companies aa a moderate shareholder...
...Th* *mailbr industrial units, h* asserts, ar* particularly sort latest ta weed, leather and saetal works, etc., where the bene Induetry offer* distinct advantage*) In th* bakery, the shoe shop, the taller shop, etc...
...Tea and ho* It la true a* a tendency...
...Industrial combinations net uniform...
...If they win write to u* in ear* at ta* Fashion Department of the New Leader w* Sal Inform them where tome perfectly adorable ^^graaef* embroidered night town* may he obtained...
...Te Be Oentinned Next Week) GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor Noutl of tk* Northwst By M. H. HEDGES (Continued from last week) Dan did feel that Agatha wa* doing "lots of managing" and having made her understand that that wed has wedding JdWney...
...Sdy* Mister, eaa you siv* a pal th* price *| a areekfasttu - Already Dan'* band waa covering tBe lees* change ia hi* pocket...
...as most of you know, educational _J>ir*ctor «t th* N*w York Labor Temple ha* done a grand, good Job in Bringing to u* In th* most readable Stunner th* lives and opinions of the great philosopher* from Plato to Dewey...
...eat for an hoar...
...pects Of g burlesque show it *h Slit's convention...
...If t crimson sunset...
...4.M g§b paper collar...
...The Hohenxollern* baft alrtadv ttUUUm, from their grgtefur ex-*ur>ject* eight pslecea, djghty-thfH houses, s«d Rittergueter...
...another XOjCtibfitB ' ia art treasure* and t long Bit of annual tsV cdfhdt, ptaaions and indemnities, totaling ub all about I^OOrOOO.000 gold marks...
...son sunset Sre calling for your blood and gore...
...lay, "Here, you ax> ekrwn to Msstico and fbhlh - iS that loot we want'* PrtdBtOfy ItffBHlgelt require moral sanction...
...amorriasr we Shan be way eveydsder in that bis* ndtiu»J...
...But with an this, th* number of shareholders and the aver* age amount ot their stockholdings havs been of rapid growth...
...This, however, i* no answer, tor other eapiUust eeutrtrics -must pear, is gtaerai...
...However, it one fellows the Marxian thesis that constant capital in industry tends to increase and variable capital, to decrease, one must conclude that in the businesses concerned the absolute increase in capital means the relative decrease in the proletariat...
...But a number' ot counteracting, tendencies, he declares, era ignored la the Marxian analysis...
...It will survive this, that its futurecMepead* en th* conoentraUon of wealth or, if on* will put It thus, on th* absorption Of surplus value by a diminishing group of capitalist mammoths...
...Katar* was in a festiv* meed...
...Take "Mantrap" for what it i* evidently Intended to be...
...But he secretly concluded that *h* Bad quit* unconsciously taken ad' vantage of a Beautiful moment to gain tne upper hand In their strife over physioal thing...
...He inquired at th* premier establishment and round that a bridal suite wa* available, but it seemed extravagant to lay down 126 for One night's entertainment, and so he leaked tar end found a room at a respectable thirdrate hotel...
...an Out and out adventure story of the Canadian' wood* and m guarantee that you'll stay with it to tn* end...
...Boylan proceed...
...A* panorama ot swinging street lights, factory glare, furnace Blow, care and train* against the blue void of the lake, where the breakwater burned like a nery necklace...
...The Inevitability 6t Progress a...
...Benistem 4n Wfefith GoiW^lratiott ¦ Bal^fAeHeMfl •*% ^rVMHk CfelsMrelr^tttfl COM1M to th* distribution of wealth IB tag modern community, Serhgtaia a*k* whether Mara was right la describing the trend ei...
...WiU •Want, who is...
...There can then, be no doubt that In the Whole of Western Kuropc, a* also in th* Eastern States of the United States, the email and medium agricultural holdings is increating everywhere, and the large and very large holding is decreasing^ There can be no doubt that the medium holding* are Often of a pronounced capitalistic type...
...Aad get tws rooms, dear...
...Before DaH'* iyi* th* Settling beauty of t*ke and ship faded, and Si aaw thi dreary disorder if the bread line, and the inchoate miss of Job!*** workers...
...watching him as h* stibiBed up tt4 Bridge, and ihmflad into a cheap citing fceute...
...We understand that In Illinois and other benlgnted sections of thee* United state* certain skeptic* object to the introduction of the state Police on the ground that the only Mm* they ate of any use I* during stria**, AM that at sues time* they are used principally to beat tn* daylight* em of the atriker...
...they mutt either -go to the proletarian*, er they must em taken up by ether elate* >« "Crisis aad unproductive expense* for armies, etc., devour much, but tun only a small part et th* surplus product if tne werkkag etau waits till •capital' ha* put tea middle classes out ef the world it...
...And, nine chance* doggof ten, you posses* nothing mora valuabta saVhome"lhan a bundle ornotionsj smotkaebi a*Bt prejudiced, inducting an artistically 0Vd»> developed sense of national prestlfs...
...sho whiter...
...Long- afBerward* ffi realised thai it represented a mtif* little crisis ia their relaUonahip which wa* of big impart...
...Oa* eorkscr**-..................»................M ftg* bottle bitter*........•.........r...
...Cannon fodder end those who lesd the ctrtnos fodder urdtfiat i*>put is motion unlet* fhsy are furtiihed wtth tome sort of an excuse, and having nothing...
...aWMt a Perfectly Turned-*«H IrieHrMm BSeuld ' Peeeee* Sag black cloth suit......................----Ito.te Oat pocket handkerchief...
...We lived while we wstd Sitting there...
...When they arrived at Duluth, after a tete-a-tete on the train, they found that a convention ef Elk* had invaded the town ana bad Pretty successfully occupied every decent room la the place...
...Tney seemed very far from the weald which rolled and gesticulated at their feet . r . 'Dan," Agatha, at length whispered, "will yea let me mak* juet one little *ujfr*4*t)od*H -w Ji&i^'&r^ all this, and somehow I Just can't go back to that aetsy...
...They escaped from th* oongested streets, and soon bad passed out of the Sons of convention festivity Into th* dark upper avenues that encircle the cliffs which mark the city's boundaries...
...Not only outdo them but writ* .rings all around them...
...their csttgshBBfboa wmtM only be a feather la the angle tfainst th* mas* et yearly, adtionai producttor mm must realise that the capitalist great industry means, above ah...
...Not s word about the solid dollars which the Mexican - government ia extracting from the Steel bdasdi of the above patriot and associates" in the sorfB of taxation...
...and there tower log above the warehouses was the Beautiful whit* ship that Wat to take them ea tne Journey...
...Thus the Honorable John I. Boylan of New Vork rises in Congress snd demands th*t> "Until Mexico reviles her present constftutJOB > .' in*vitsl ratpscta, esublishea A government of law and order .snd eseset to offend against everyday Conalderationa of decency, the united States should withdraw-the recognition df> tended prematurely...
...Mantrap" so **v*r*iy...
...He answer...
...Kv*n though thi* eJSgg vwSg|X*ssf4gS the** do...
...Dan thought that he had never Men a sight mere *xhii1 rating arid harmonious...
...But Agatha said nothing...
...Doheny & Co...
...photographers and a wedding present of a highly original character...
...white-stained sea wa* -teaping and hrugatng Br ttavsenshlBBT guilt careened m the wide reaches of tn* Upper air...
...Their number increase* both remUveh/ aad absolutely.** Aetuaj Change* Pie* 0*Mrr*wt to Socialist P>*gr*s* This failure ef the middle das* t* disappear, however, asumdins to the revisionist, does not have a deterrent effect on the movement toward socialism...
...Round them trembiea the faint reverberation* of the busy world...
...Someone has evidently told him that he ft** lost the knack ot writing an out and out novel of eeeitmg toe Went and here he shows that he can outdo .Zed* Qr*y and James Oliver CurwOod and the rest Of dh* he-men, red-blooded school...
...How - strangely and quietly the big heat had ndSed It* way int* thi wharf...
...Dan had neglected telegraphing for reservation...
...Csdinen, fcomintem afid Umweilef, tt say nothing about 175XX»r 000 gt>ld marks in stocks and bonds...
...she described it...
...As they turned to look back from utat npight Agatha gave a gasp of delight...
...Now, boys, shoulder your guns...
...ths d*v main of Scbwedt, Oeh...
...The Sun waa in hit face...
...However, the bulk of mcit are not what thfy •arc, but what they think they *r«, add is easier in the world than to rile up ths man . whose stake in the country <Onei*ts in ChoicA - selections of wrong thinks...
...The average triiai i* got owned By a few, but by thousand* ot atookhold* er...
...Th*y nad dinner in the dining room of th* best hotel, and afterwards'went for a walk —at her Supgetiion...
...capital' would expropriate these cia*s*« in en* form and then bring them to life in another, it it -net 'capital' but th* working class Itself that ha* th* task ef absorbing the parasitic elements of the social body...
...Hitherto, that bad Men more or i«ia of a mystery both to ua and, we -eg*peet, to the majority of the cltisonry of this fair State...
...Re thought: '1 have never had such a good time in my life...
...t>an was for going to their room at once...
...He never blamed ner...
...Whit carping sou) could object to paying taxes for the support Of So worthy and Useful a body of guardians of th* commonwealth a* the New York State Pohet...
...But analysis will ahew'ffat th* moat modern and crass form of Capitalist concentration—the trust—b*s in fact oults a different effect ea the distribu| tion ot wealth from what it seems to i outsider* to possess...
...My wedding Journey, like my Wedding, was rapidly taking on th* it...
...When the revolution canst M Gsftf»^ royalty, the defenders of faith and fatl»e^lasB« took to their heels, leaving faith and fathjeir* land in the soup...
...Recently, however, they have Supplied a perfectly good Major to act as bridegroom * and background at Albany, a troop or two to hold swords over til* heads of th* newly-weds tor the benefit of the...
...Look in it for a thesis on the break down ot an acquisitive society and you'll be disappointed...
...from 150 pound* to 1,000 pound* Increased t<3H...
...I.o* 4B* night-ehlrt...
...Ti be iipfiaueei next week) art atse> tntgrodtad £ flfl, BBjsJI M'*#ijt£j&5 snd sea ua walk »*«y witn.tlat aw*f, . compSofpaoji feffev tmmm.W-± Wham oaf ffto-vftctt SgMnst Msfcie*) STB botjed down, thdre remaina one t^see •**• sUndint fact and that ig that the p«A$tx*9 intardau whkh have tatnsd this rapubik H& J with CaBB^Blfc Of coarse, these imuesea :daaasot aflsBi *o> the aofertifn fame m thefr rtatrvd rUtrxm mi...
...Husband ana, wife •at down id ths stillness feeling as One throbbing mind...
...The tail ef the profit rat* is a fact, the advent of overprodueUon and crises Is a fact periodic diminution of caplatl is.a fact, the oefioentration and centralisation of industrial capital' is a fact, .he increase of th* rate of surplus value la a fact...
...Than hi turned and wtHt slowly back to th* hotei...
...In "Mantrap," Lewis writes for much ef the way with his tongue very much in his cheek...
...who roasted Sinclair Lewis's new Book...
...And la parting w« would ilk* to tiki a good-natured Sng at Our Columnar colleague, V. F. Oalvfrtort...
...where the easterner demands a certain aoecsMbllity to hi* bom* aad la the production ef novelties, which have not become popular as yet with the masses.* AS in industry;, so In commerce sad agriculture...
...Td think...
...Modern industry, he contend*, is characterized by a great increase In the productive p6w«r Of labor...
...Hi Walked toward it hi* heart laughing...
...Where naVe those riches genef Not primarily to the capitalist class...
...Thit hour above thO glar* dad Stir ot Duluth was our marriage" 3 baa did not sleep wen...
...back with Mils in hand...
...Jnejr assured Baldwin that they "believe -in Jteftiocratlc constitutional government...
...If the activity and the prospects of social democracy were dependent on th* decrease of the wealthy, then It, might indeed lie down, to eleep...
Vol. 3 • June 1926 • No. 22