500,000 PAY TRIBUTE TO MEYER LONDON Meyer London's Story; "Child itf the Workers " By Wm. F. Feigenbaum ONCE in a while it happens that Here is a public man who loses nothing in your eyes...

...Hilqultt said...
...London wna also active in the Workmen's Circle aa its general counsel...
...t. Later in'the afternoon it beeam©^,e^e-~ dent- that: there was little chance' of Londoi;isiirvivias...
...Better.yet, Brookjsjrt's success is a damaging blow to gfjiCooUdge myth which has done so amen to make the country swallow the Mellon tax plan' and a lot of similar fctkfttltie* without gagging...
...to the "How maajr movements bo aasistad vitally during ado yeara of effort...
...And here is a'fact that Is ao significant of Meyer London: from the first year of his law practice fo the very end he put bis ideals first...
...He read bOMssantly...
...Iflaj Lillian D. Wald, head of the *¦**»• Street Settlement, was the last •"taker...
...To the Outside world he made no secret of the fact that he was a Jew...
...There Spoke the Merer London that we-knew and honored and loved—a Tmmsa" being with a human sooir ; V...
...Come without cabbages...
...Once in a while there is a man who not only does .not diminish in stature the closer one sets to him, but who increases in bigness with familiarity...
...oagar to be with shea* "ffiT ruli ill is 1TT11 I i'iIi k inJk0 eulogy had 1m«o delivered and tasvlhtSw walnut cotnn with the Sorrowfully the throng ^^St^rggW nue radios gave ay SssnVw ^^^^' woWbstg ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^g^t^f^^^^ SfiJv^t tnasriJ was hot schedbegsV sirtll lf:ts o clock the Sbmtjfese^begaa to gather' lar front of taissti* JTi£%rJt*i* ecator...
...He states: that when Mr.' London was brought to the Bellevue Hospital, after being struck by an automobile last Sunday night, the first nurse to see him was his own daughter, Isabella London, who is a nurse in the hospital...
...A man of rare and noble parts has gone from amongst us, a faithful champion of the workers, a loyal comrade In the Socialist movement, 'a warm-hearted, friend of all suffering humanity...
...When he was eleOted the whole East Side went wild...
...The tens of thousands who mourned him last Wednesday when his body was borne to ite grave,- those men and women who have better and finer lives today because of hie work In the labor movement—they are his monument...
...and who then come back to the Ghetto and say that they are 100 per cent Jews and nothing but Jews...
...He was bora' a worker and he began.Ufa as a not kef...
...It isn't likely that the farmers will continue by taxing themselves through an equalization fee to make up the difference between the aermal foreign price of their products aad what they can get in the home market That, you will remember...
...London was a notable figure in Con. ussT A. "Lone Socialist*" always has fj* safid/ tied, but likewise he has unrivaled opportunities for publicity...
...labor movement and in the International Ladle* Garment Workers' -Union he was regarded as .'one of our" ^members...
...we pledge anew the continuance of the battle for liberty you held so dear—the continuance of the struggle onward, with aU the life and spirit that la ours...
...political and indmrtrigajglruggle "^01 with the body all through the .-j^^'tlurtjiand people miM|»l to, &:y!Li...
...a misfortune to the entire labor movement...
...Members of the...
...Endowed with a rare* idealism and a 'deep love of his kl' i, he gave himself with his whole heart and soul to" the defense of the disinherited and oppressed...
...Where, oh, where...
...Charles Norris...
...Socialist Center on the Bast SMe of New * York,* London hm*ted that he would like to drop- his- law work and devote his time exclusively to—educational aad propaganda work...
...There again he waa not a hired attorney but rather a loyal member doing the legal work aa his contribution to work of an organisation be waa devoted to...
...of about ten staggered out of the crowd loaded* down with a huge wreath...
...And most of all, be bad a cause to live for, which fiave meaning to his life...
...Able, loveable, prophetic Meyer London...
...t Regaining consciousness, despite severe Internal pains and a big wound in bis ' forehead, London was rushed to Bellevue Hospital in a taxi cab, where be was treated by Dr...
...one of the.' finest and noblest soulj, that, have eyer devoted thesnaelves to the cauae-of thej poor' and needy,, the oppressed andexploited, in their struggles to climb out'of darkness into dgyilgrrt...
...In ItM...
...WO* Fred Marvin that this affront to the fmof the Constitution and the pockethOOk should bo permitted...
...they su speeded in defeating hup for re-election...
...He always had sgnethins to say, and he aaid it well apt succinctly And brilliantly...
...Mora than MM men aad woaaaw Sad made eWtrtp...
...He sad London had been comrades for thirty-one years...
...The procession started up East Broadway preceded by a special escort of mounted police...
...When he spoke he needed a whole stage to pace up and down—and at the dinner I' refer to he uaed the whple floor of a large hall as his platform...
...life was an Inspiration-' and he will never be forgrotts»w...
...With, some aid he- finally had it pitched onto the top of tha pile of flowers in the moving car...
...Is the theory of the Haugen BUI...
...I am against" war...
...f our movement grows older, our *adB*J list grows longer," he -said...
...such a man...
...Took around you...
...StRgcV down on the street by an automobile, taken to the hospital tern and'bleeding, his last words were-'an earnest request that the driver of the caV should not be arrested...
...It la sound tactics faf labor organisation* tot hack up all Mgilliiiiite demands of thw farmers for ' Ntt.: X «M I oould see my way clear Wrecotnmertd to labor unions and to fas' Socialist Party a frank endorsement of the Haugen Bill...
...Tuesday- at one,' y clock the body, was taken to the Forward Bursting, t?S Bust i'.roa't.»it>, from which point the funeral .was hfjfe ^ : °: ' Dr...
...Ho and Ijla wife were sweethearts to the very end...
...Sunlight *"^*taroufh the rear and front LaSS* and mingled with the flow of -2§e H**ht from bulbs, many of wsMh were red colored...
...Socialism and, the labor movement first—Oils own living came next...
...The demonatmUon wga aot HrsHed to the Vast Side...
...A^great life has been ended a voice "vet afequent against oppression >as been stilled, a warm heart has ceased to heat," Mr...
...His passing marks a distinct' loss to the labor movement and to tie country.1' - The New York Joint Council of Capmakers wired Mrs...
...death of Meyer London brought scores of statements from Socialist and labor leaders all over the country expressing their sorrow at his untimely end...
...He gave - himself simply, quietly and naturally;—gave himself because he could not do otherwise...
...Fortunate for him and for our Cause that his wife was so noble a Comrade, so understanding a woman, so fine, a Socialist as to encourage him in such a course rather than of the type of nagging woman who might have driven him mad by demands for furs and Jewels and cars...
...Every speech had meat in it...
...For blocks 'before aad after, the hearse that bore London te* big grave there were ntamoertess multitudes who taxed the efforts of 725 police to keep the frert outpourinf...
...All who knew him share in the irreparable loss of his spotless and unblemished life...
...Hla beautiful and talented daughter, soon to become a physician, was 8 source of -joy and pride |o him...
...staaPaWmsam * "Red special to be run to Chice**-" Imagine how my heart fiuttoi'od when I read that BoadJtae...
...And over your bier...
...Meyer London was an Intense man...
...Meyer London's life waa comparatively short...
...He waa a remarkably fine lawyer, and he might easily have become wealthy and a leader at the bar had he cared far such things...
...In the apace ot a abort article' It is impossible to give details of the 1*10 Cloak makers* strike and the great "protocol" .that he drew upon its vietorioua conclusion...
...hn.fslce faltered and men and women erisflopenly...
...His parents had given him the money to buy the' flowers tor London, he said...
...Earnestness, scorn for the enemy, bitter satire, and a phsftdhatte love for mankind and fpr Justice 1 So ruined his speeches...
...She was on 'duty Sunday night and Bias sent out by the physician in charge of tha emergency ward to see how, seriously wasrthe "case" Just brought in...
...all to hear of Meyer London's death...
...There is no doubt that he would have died a rich man had he devoted to his legal practice the time and energy which he unselfishly gav'e to the unions of the needle trades in the daya of their weakness' and to the Socialist Party...
...During the afternoon London regained coheaiottsness and pleaded that no action .be taken against Greenspan j by the police...
...He might have dropped out for a year or two without much discredit to himself in order to earn a little money, to make a position for himself in the legal world...
...He was one ef the noblest men it has been my proud'privilege to know In alt the...
...His heart hi better than his head...
...Meyer London, whose terrible death 'in an automobile accident last Sunday came as such a terrific shock to the whole Socialist and labor movement of America', was a real man...
...His speeches embodying information that he gained by this incessant study surprised his eolnnd btgh dOvwejog:to noffder tccMM was tf*"1 rtMtMjCa - Jtn ciHekb .and ruled...
...There was no pussyfooting about him...
...In many respects Brookhart's victory is gratifying...
...From the time tha procession left the Forward building until it had completed its course, tha line of march was crowded and Jammed with waiting throng*.- Women, openly wept, as the hearse approached, beating their chests and wailing their sorrow at London's passing...
...I hate to be os...
...Only, the imperishable memory of his Inspiring life and work la left to console his'grieving family, friends and comradesl...
...Ha gave himself entirely to the labor movement, becoming a trusted gad honored' adviser and acting not...
...It's a big Job...
...He bated the routine of organisation work...
...Let them find consolation In the beautiful'-'and lofty memory which he has left *s a heritage for the coming generations...
...Saturday night...
...Norman Thomas then declared that a true tribute to London would, be greater devotion to the cause for which he had labored throughout WsBfa...
...Socialist party *ortor...
...T am disgusted," he said at a public affair, "with those Jewish politicians who go to Washington and inform committees of Congress that they are Americans' first, last and all the time, that their-Americanism is unsullied...
...in orderly formations...
...Like wildfire the -news spread through every dirty and crooked side street of the Bast Bide, "London's funeral is coming...
...Maybe the road out will begin in a plain recognition for the farmer that he is primarily a worker and not a land owner or small capitalist...
...And what a campaign he made that year...
...States* m 1ML His father came her* several years befoneWm...
...Meyer London was...
...Nevertheless, we shall make a great mistake If we imagine that there is much constructive leadership in Brookhart's type of progreaslvism...
...Sas*> ason score sf smm s<nd womea who Sgrw stood sf Loadon^sshlo In.gJm^^jSldt aad Uhe» SBBwti5Cg^¦ n**g **** SgMmrtm^YBSmm j d%taace to LsndasV-jMaie hsxf *ee» traversed, aa gr*M wa-*aha^roag that imed both gfciav Or gjfc fcesu^liaaV- disuiet tor •srsral jHocks around London's teafse waf tied into a traffic snarl aa fag mobiles t» escort Hh« body to the grdvg In the Queens oounty tamatsry...
...Cqb's first move in Consrraee wenr ¦ssMr*** a ""solution c«1UdK "POn the Sffierrt to summon' a con tree* of lateral nations to sit permanently ana ¦estiva the maximum and minimum aawaaos of each of tha belligerent naSa U is now knows that had that Imliitl n been carried tha war might EE* bare ended in lilt, and millions gf jjvss would have been saved, ten*-of Egtaac of dollars worth 'of treasure jE5 have 'been saved...
...What can labor do to make that recognition easier...
...Vladeck called upon Abram I. Bhlplacoff to deliver an address...
...New Jersey, approaching from the south, struck him as he baited and threw him to the ground...
...But he never trimmed his saua...
...London was crossing from the east side of" firm...
...cried the motors taste and tim« somas...
...Tf you would seek a monument to me," it gays...
...It Is a deserved rebuke to the majority of Senators Who unseated him by substituting their awa notion for the plain Instructions of the Iowa election law as to the wonting of ballots...
...where waa the National fioeuilty league, the •» Allies Patriotic SOoUtta...
...and in particular I attacked the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church for tabling a resolution denouncing compulsory military training in the colleges and adopting * resolution endorsing military training earn go...
...Cht*C Medical Examiner of Saw Terk -e)$i\ said that London's death was-due to an Internal hemorrhage?* I path, t i by multiple fracture ef the''ribs and by punctures of the hmga^ He also sustained: abrasions of the...
...From the time he was removed to Beiievne at 12.24 o'clock- his condition was known to be .serious...
...He was a big man, a very- great man in his public Ufa...
...His speeches were remarkable aif members who were brought to tears ayawat speeches rushed from the lobsue te hear him...
...She unexpectedly Based upon the face of her father and remained with him to tha and...
...The school house stood empty while all Joined to honor London...
...He was followedfew talBute^ later by his <".u her, Julius Gertsr...
...Thousands upojs thousands hung from windows, roofs and overcrowded fire-escapes...
...The labor.movement has lost In him one of Its very best sons...
...Meyer London was in the truest sense of the term ar man, possessed of self respect He was endowed with all the qualities which make for a • noble and worthy character, and at the same time-he has as soft a heart as ever, devoted sympathy, and the loving tenderness of a mother^ "With the utmost courage, with the most absolute devotion and loyalty, he has carried out-all his duties to'the Socialist Party, and to' the labor movement...
...Some congestion folJ*V°* «« hundreds desired to gain anther glimpse of the coffin around ^Sc *** S»Jai* of honor stood...
...Jim Maurer ahowed them the way and told them plainly what was at stake la his speech whloh led the Pennsylvania Federation of Labor to forget caution, indifference and the propaganda of the militarists and apeak out plainly against this attempt to jmilitarlse American youth under guise of teaching them to walk straight or of giving them a good time in summer camps...
...ft was not the victory of Meyer London taw man: it was the triumph of those' masses that he typified...
...His life was given to it and it has gained immeasurably by his devotion...
...Finally, the task was accomplished, the prooasslon was formed In the street and the march along Bast Broadway waa begun...
...Well, the church partially redeemed Its record...
...The only justification of this •ort of sub»ldy—for subsidy it is no matter by what name it pjfiy be called —*» to -be found far the fact that the **nners are continually subsidising ¦jgmifecturera through high tariffs...
...Judge Jacob Panken, Socialist, of the...
...As one of the seven automobiles loaded with floral - wreaths _ turned the corner, a little boy...
...Tat we muat carry on In the work he loved so well—because ho -would have it so...
...He found it difficult to stand still...
...This to to the good...
...aaaUBT'ttf were tryiiid" W1 fcfl BliWfft Srrd —^S to drag the United States In...
...As the - hearse approached and passed, Rrfbtai Siegel chanted the Jewish hymn tor the dead, "El Mobl Rachmln...
...The original action of the Assembly apparently waa taken when nobody was looking by one of those snap voted te Which overgrown deliberative bodies are Inclined...
...pieces lay on the floor be:__^S«ha coffin...
...sff -th* :Le«guevfe«- Industrial Demc^w^/jsjia: ran the death of Meyer Loodoa the Socialist and labor BunrVstosBA^ the U«it«d -States '.Mssm-.oahV.oiC us, meat Effective j>plit!cal leaders and <pns of ¦fm greatest idealfst...
...He had everything In life worth while...
...Second District Municipal Court, said in opening court: "It is with heart full of sadness that I arise to announce that Meyer London, who represented you in Congress, and who, in my Judgment, was one of the ablest men in our city and one of the most charming and lovable characters, has been taken from us by death...
...He also tsjkad in Yiddish...
...The driver of the second car.suffered alight injuries...
...First by means of a government appropriation and afterwards by means of a fund to Which the fanners Vtl contribute In the form of equallca^ .mo lees the difference between the r«Ppropean and American price Is to be **fle up...
...More than thirty years ; have' 1 known, highly regarded and respected, and deeply loved this bravo and noble comrade, who has fallen in the...
...On the large steps of the synagogue was grouped the congregation...
...Paul's In London, one of the moot beautiful buildings in the world, there Is a tablet to Sir Christopher Wren, the architect wbo created the building...
...From pouverneur street the procession turned Into Pitt street...
...0 em Stair/ was another hogs throes...
...For six hours the East Side puf aside all its duties, pressiaf or trivial, to do honor to its dead prophet Every roan, wcarian and child who could manage, jamrned their way to the choked sidewalks to view the funeral procession...
...Let them find consolation in the lofty example set by this noble man, this, dear comrade, this true friend...
...the same side as' some of these ¦gilsi ii critics of it who howl against rsbaldies with their pockets stuffed, full •4 tariff profits...
...with the help of the more pro*T***rv* farmers, undertake a serious **««r of' the situation...
...bos been to on an mspfc-stloh and a. Joy...
...Behind, floral pieces, fc_-Te-'—* tha black-draped wall, (Z^Miost to the ceiling...
...In recent years he saw a growing Jewish nationalism...
...We shell net hener him by words however eloquent unless by deeds we prove our devotion to that cause for which ho gave so generously of his own rich (tores ' of enthusiasm, courage awl shinty...
...L0NT30I* died Sundhy r from Injuries he sustained that morning when he -wm Struck by an automobile at 18th atreef and First avenue, about a hundred .yards from hin, home...
...The country has ¦ sustained a great loss and worthy causes have lost one of their ablest and most devoted champions...
...Finally Use aoditorinm beeame leesr crowded...
...arman Thomas, Socialist candidate hdbsiar for Mayor, walked in at this peart and became a member of the guars' of honor, his tall figure making him conspicuous...
...He was a* prince, a human being- with a heart and a soul as big as his intellect...
...years I have been active in the Socialist movement...
...a.-*e*y youth foU of mi^ilS^ear?^" ^flow* Daniel-X» Leon WM:<e*"gr*dt SoptsA -1st Mads*"at- thet^yitsj-,sm h»"opgj ¦e»-er^L^^ ardent...
...Lillian p. Wald, head of the (Henry Street Settlement, wired Mrs...
...Then the task of taking the coffin down the narrow winding stairs to the street was begun, a dosen acting as pallbearers...
...the disinherited, the doomed and thai damned...
...v - . Our late Comrade waa bom In 1»71...
...Hundreds more ****.it chairs around the coffin or "ajiii SB near as possible, the services consisted simply of the • loiajtes delivered by tha speakers, all ot whom had been prominent for years la the labor and Socialist cause, and soma of w|ga»had been lifelong friends of'iwi^'Cc . ± gaajs of honor stood at the ooffls as sack speaker in turn walked to , ^^airtTr behind it and delivered bis guanas*- B- c- Vladeck, manager of tb, Jewish Daily Forward, acted In an ultyinf capacity speaking in Yld*-'Man and Women Weep jU jo ottered the lament, "The most hssMtnl flower in our house has died...
...London was not an orthodox Jew, yet so united was the Bant Side in honoring its.great son that no class of...
...way-into Forward Hall to fjg* «¦* see the speakers ** they do^-Sbg their tributes to London* work...
...He might easily have made much money had he cared for money...
...I wiH not take'the first •top into war...
...ao suddenly and tragically -snuffed out...
...In the areata cathedral of St...
...Mia home life waa beautiful...
...Hs was snatched from ua in the prime of life, yet his life was full of events sad achievements...
...In its I center waa Rabbi Morris siegel...
...3*"* *» Mns...
...Iymdoiimy1 every avenue Of publicity for his principles—and none for hlmastf, eaftiuhray'* scorned to do anyafie 'put himself m a favorable Jt* never defended himself...
...Wot* the Soviet commissar* coming over en masse t* the windy city...
...London: "Permit me to express my heartfelt sympathy in this hour of your bereavement...
...SOOfflST East Side U Btwcht to a Stajuktill...
...On both sides of the procession were police who, with difficulty, kept the lane -cleared...
...To the Jewish world he had made no secret of the fact that he was agnostic and anti-nationalist...
...Mayer London came from a fr mm horns, bat father having been s^tW.w^ /. Ketter gnxt other, otd Ume^MsCgiis socialists fa the 'Sea and a*rJ]f*»va,*- vTha yosatg aisrh worked as a cigar, wafer watts sttsar* ing -law...
...The Gulf Sailors' L'nlon sent the following wire: "The men of the Eastern and Gulf Sailors' Association in New York city feel sadly the loss of one of their best friends...
...How to do It I coaRa I don't . end I am not sure that the al- J...
...It was- only a few -weeks ago that London was persuaded to make ] a speech at a Soctalst banquet, and there be bared his heart- to the men and women with whom he had.been working for.tM' better part of thirty-nine years...
...Norman Thomas said: "The tragic death of Meyer London means a very great loss to the Socialist and labor movements, which he had served with unusual sincerity and disinterested devotion...
...It waa the triumph of those workers whom he had led in the glorious cloakmakers' strike of 1910, and fpr whom he had won recognition of thefr union and humane living conditions...
...New fork City, for parUeuJaraj, , Entire Labor World Hails , Work of Meyer London THa...
...got much information Cmuofc ; 0[ which hs later embodied—Without aadit—in his "14-polnt" speeches) and' gaj Bathing...
...in mt i the Oieraemt that a year later became the Toft wing" began a vendetta against Mm and pretty nearly defeated him far renomlnatlen...
...n wish It were ' possible for me to shut down Bar.' I*w factory and devote what there fa left •of my life to going an- and1 down the country preaching our Ideals.** A year or two ago, at the ,opening of the...
...When Washington found out that those committees of pious frauds spoke and acted as Jews all the time they were pretending to be nothing but pure Americans official Washington put Its foot down once and for all upon every attempt to loosen the rigors of the Immigration Law...
...London Jms- stood by the cradle of the labor mVvenient and ha&.helped to piake* the Ufa-of the worker a lighter and hapr ¦Jjfc* one...
...As I have said before, the notion that we csn all...
...At the...
...Last week I wrote somewhat peeatmisticatly about disarmament' in gen...
...At the L. L D. Conference at Camp Famirnent...
...He took his work seriously and threw himself Into It with all his heart...
...4 hundred or mom Mends gathered Dp the floral.pieces and carried them to the street...
...London's lifelong i sssjglut- la the goeiaAlt movement...
...A fighting man, a virile maiu a man In love with life—nevertheless Meyer London was a man of beautiful soul, of beautiful character...
...Mary E. Dreler...
...Swerving to the* left in an attempt to avoid striking ' London, "Greenspan's car crashed into another going In an opposite direction...
...Sqbs broke out in all psrfjf of the auditorium...
...Ha aW:uncOhactoos at the.end...
...America would art hare been dragged in and the gjorkt would have been spared the hor*a» tM heartache, the anguish that -turn, mads it a madhouse since IMS...
...He was a man...
...On two * occasions tha notice linos were broken through as the people rushed in their eagerness to fall In behind the procession...
...As* Nathan Chanln delivered a peroration, hia voice broke and he walked away '» tears...
...An automobile^drlven by Louis Greenspan of Newark...
...He had his opinion and be spoke right out with it...
...For o«ira/a'generation Meyer London was-in the midst of .tho...
...He was opposed to It...
...He could not sit still...
...Vt» loo words to exprese the gee^ fprrow ej*-4r;kl»^ekn,*-' . .naMry;^ LeJdter...
...I am essentially an anarchist," he used to say...
...get rich by subsidising each other is like, thinking ' that we can support ourselves by taking In each other's washing...
...The terrible void which-his sudden death has left In our ranks will never be filled...
...But EilsUcoff was overcome by emotion and' silently shook his head...
...Europe '"¦ 'jp^r The world had rone crnay...
...But he didn't For the 35 yeara of his active and uaeful life he placed his ideals first, service to his cause first...
...They say FO have another rhino* to act ta Jersey Justice...
...Our agricultural surplus in certain crops is tq be marketed abroad at American priors...
...It may, ¦ Wu like, be regrettable, hut it Is •**e-°ly inevitable...
...On the last day of tha Assembly the motion condemning compulsory military training was taken off the table, revised and passed...
...But I can't honestly endorse the Haugen Bill as I understand...
...Meyer London's life was long and rich in service to 'humanity...
...timely topics .-• By norman thomas AjJL of us are a\^ew* %j8*f tragic death of Meyer tfjjWi I shall not try to ado amrefclkg to the w*B deserved tributes- ensg^gdk Being paM to his memory...
...The time came to vote wnf appropriations.' Hs voted " Present''—nafbsdaS jo sanction the expenditure of a dollar tor tko wading of war...
...QreenaP*""Uro-dsrrar, waa/arrested after his death and Is being he+d on a techalcol charge of aomt^^gnde^ $3JU» bail...
...people, not even the old generation of orthodox Hebrews withheld their tribute...
...Morris Hlllault said: . * "When the Ill-fated car struck the frail body of .Meyer London, it cut a deep gash in -the hearts of thousands of men and women all over the country who loved h% and who grieve over his tragic and Hjntlmely death...
...It seems ao though this burden were too much to carry...
...London: "Upon my return to town I learned the tragic news...
...I will not fake the first drink...
...his home at ^ff^Jg/fjC 18th Street...
...But every speech was a lecture...
...500,000 PAY TRIBUTE TO MEYER LONDON Meyer London's Story...
...London was loved - amongst alk parts (if the...
...He made himself master Of American history and international Mr- He studied French and Italian la-order to read the works ot writers B those languages...
...In printed form fasy were excellent Socialist pro pa - ' .M Washington, London was one of tn» tew Congressmen to make full use ' of the Library of Congress...
...M*horitlej3 on the subject.know ¦ •5"* than I. I am pretty sure r**^*»Ln B111 !• not the way...
...Mora radarkable still, his speeches read as •alas they sounded...
...All labor organisations Wore represented, most of them with largo mass delegations...
...The^lfcrhars weoe gk a^Bawk's side until ttU «*«lock, the great Socket -}sader hretf^fdhis last...
...In the history of the labor movement, London's name, will be written in letters of gold,, and will be read many, many years after...
...Altar that money has been spent the general farming situation will remain what it was before...
...At Bast Broadway and Governeur street the front lines of the embanked onlookers were held by the pupils and teachers of Public School 147...
...And If you would seek a^monument to Meyer London look 'upon the great' labor movement that he served so nobly...
...Monday hl« body was reuioved T to...
...sas- hsmaahrt...
...It is...
...Writ* tha L. I. D., ft 5th avenue...
...Wow St* j Federal Council Of Churches has followed suit...
...It win involve »»*lmg the problems of tenant farm**• toaa speculation, marketing rnethwe proper use of machinery, the •Tiwlh of sound co-operatives, the ¦•ienlatlon of consumers* demand, the ngsratlon of the banking system aa gfierds the farmers, the effect of high *"rt,t*- the influence of freight rates, •** * good many other things which * have probably forgotten gft enumerate...
...The Boston Joint Board of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers wired: "It 'is a sorrow to us...
...Meyer London was a true child of £he working class...
...very midst of his noble life, and who now lies shrouded in these black clothes , of death...
...He waa eaBptnpon next...
...The bUl wlU bring a certain tamporary relief to some farmers at a cast of »?I million dollars more or less to the public treasury, that Is to eajr, to the rest of the country...
...Mass meetings were held ovsrywhem in support of London's rat-station, but nothing was done to stake it effective...
...tendon, James H. Mtturer and Morris HUMuit as a Socialist party com* gtthM called upon the President •njMg his support of the resolution, j uajjgmw Wilson listened, ashed many . ^gjdsns...
...we are wise y**** we can by proper social action •"•Wr minimise the suffering oonsey**4 ipen this change in aamlcultural y...
...ijbjtlisni Cahan, editor of the Format, was the next speaker...
...Morris- Slgman, president of the LV. G. W. U, said: "A great misfortune has stru/ck the labor movement by the death of Meyer...
...I think It fitting that a record be made on the minutes of the court of the great loss the City of New York has sustained, and the greater loss the people of this district have sustained In the death of my friend and your friend.'' Judge Panken then asked that those present' rise and stand In silence for a moment "In reverence and sorrow...
...1 Congressman Victor L. Berger wired Mrs...
...And in thnAy^ heSfeaa first nominated to .riu^von the Sootaist ticket/ ' ; y ftj?: •" 5* It was in IsH ihgVl...
...The Baptists had previously condemned compulsory military training...
...At abput < o'clock G. Augsst Gerber, actlro- meeaber of the 2fflwi York Socialist party, arrived si the*edslde...
...He combined to a quite unusual degree enthusiasm with good Judgment...
...June M, Where...
...sM^> ,fW- nmgnetkr spfhker, .was named to make U-wjsara ta> that dlctrlct...
...Unlike some other met* when he hecame a lawyer he did not utilise his talents and his education ts art...
...i ¦I' ——— '.¦there wasn't much left of poor old ffenatorCummins after Brookhart and fat Iowa farmers got through with aha in the Republican primaries Monday...
...and in tsfdhe ws* admitted, to the bar aad to United" States Idti'fcensbrp at almost - the "sarne-rtfcne...
...Vladeck then requested all to •save the auditorium, according to the announced Plan...
...In all the years I knew London (and admired him and loved him) I never knew him to refuse a request to do something for our movemenf for a selfish reason...
...He did not excel in practical organisation work or political leadership...
...aa )*«9ot later, as dtp»imt...
...Seme of our labor organisations ought to as and do likewise...
...fitespUe London's jreojieist...
...JMfls* Jacob Panken of the Municipal Court was tha next speaker...
...He laid the foundation for the great Socialist strength that developed in that section later...
...He will be a great loss to us all...
...We tenae* conceive of tb/f growth sj«1 - socejeas . of our IntssAatkmaJ without Meyer London...
...vVaea Forward to Sea Coffin Mr...
...He' did not scorn such work—but he hated it...
...He knew the necessity of committee work, and ho was the first to honor such men aa Julius Gerber, who did the behindthe-scenes work of securing signatures and getting the ticket on the ballot and the thousand and one other necessary rootlMe things...
...I have about, tan or fifteen year*' to Hve," ha said...
...a London's union leadership woo remarkable...
...It was a full and a bsautlful life* • Mr...
...But then I read farther...
...Every speech was worth going to hear, and the wearied party workers would never go home if they' knew that Comrade Meyer was speaking somewhere arid they could go to hear him again...
...His great in/uence was due entirely to the- moral grandeur of his personality...
...London: "The New York capmakers deeply' grieve over the untimely death of their, devoted friend, Meyer 'London...
...Jftpse *nd" forehead Ko autopsy was performed...
...I suspect that farming, so far as •any crops are concerned, is in for a ***** ef method almost as momen*•¦» as the change from handcraft in*"*ry to the factor}- system...
...Avenue and apparently became eitmtused by the swtf $ly moving traffic as he stood In the center' of the street...
...T»a was earnest^ sincere, •ntaainstie and lovable...
...Bsfa have died of age and some have at*4 of illness, while others have died o*Kt field of battle fighting for our (lodotu cause...
...We can't for any long time nave industrial prosperity and agricultural depression...
...first/methim-: be was bati beg...
...Boon these side streets were deserted...
...Kit bis work has had lasting results and generations of cloakmakera will remember him with affectionate regard...
...For him public j life was an opportunity for service...
...a* much aa an attorney Car rhJfsth unions, that retained but- rather fig g member of -the movement itself...
...It doesn't matter whether or not you agreed with Meyer London., What did matter was that you knew where he stood...
...a labor leader, a political sage and a statesman—but today, wherever Comrades gather and talk in whispers wtth choking voices of the dear departed the emphasis is upon Meyer London the man, the friend, the comrade rather than London, the pub•lic roan...
...more than, a quarter of a century Meyer Lohgoo-, held a unique po'Sgtlon in the Socialist and labor movements of America...
...in all America, was there a wen loved by Jewish workers," broke out again when Cahan' retailed a strange coincidence...
...But it Is one which labor cannot ignore...
...Ho made speeches in Congress and- in his district...
...shocked that I cannot Imagine that such a cataatropha has struok as, robbing' us forewer of one Of tbw-moat brilliant minds, one of the truest hearts, and...
...Sidney Hillman, , president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, said: "I am deeply shocked and grieved at tfie sudden death of Meyer London...
...Y«mr Ufa...
...and ' like to see a committee of •¦•-•ecUlist Party and of the A. F. *5...
...When'the anst-militay> lets woke up they got action a .little more in line with Christian principle...
...We rejoice that yon have boon among ua We will miss you sorely'' la the days ahead...
...He was one of the most highly individualised men I ever knew...
...Who -can forget the glorious year 19141 That campaign that swept the whole East SI do and broke the grip of a crooked Tammany machine upon the Jewish people will ever be memorable...
...Local, 24, wired': "With' great sorrow we learned of the tragic loss of Meyer London...
...A% he spoke Morris Hilqultt appeared at the door and waa escorted to a fosttlon near the coflln...
...f His loss is irretrievable...
...the funeral passed under the bridge tha synagogue of the Congregation Stars of Israel came into view...
...London spoke night after night, on street corners and In halls, until his voice gave way, and his mind reeled, and his body almost broke...
...It would he Impossible to Bat tha wall known Isadora of labor who fell in behind the coffin and marched behind It to Bast Eighteenth street where London had lived...
...The Socialist movement loses ah unselfish and tireless worker and the country a useful citizen...
...He has a quick sense fof social wrongs but no adeq.O*l« pg*eeophr for redressing wrong, f isgi isillhn iif Tilii sort has a great deal .to leajfc^efore it need give Wall Street isjtt ftjsass for alarm or the em isii imjli tmim toe hope, jj '^^^pe*j.^' ''' t "* ^BpsWroT Trie neTp^TTr^^ftx^SeiL •^Mkhart is strong lor lt^aad ap'Kjyiitly no candidate in Iowa-dared to -eases* it, I don't blame the* farmers far wanting relief...
...He came to the United...
...Max Zuckerman, for the International Cloth Hat, Cap and Millinery Workers' Union, wired: "Our International Union waa profoundly shocked by the tragic and untimely death of Meyer London, who for many years faithfully served our organization...
...To his widow and family, I extend the deepest sympathy in this hour of bereavement...
...By* that time he bad a ooaoidat abas reputation as a atoms »e>eV|ier and asu ardent...
...F. Feigenbaum ONCE in a while it happens that Here is a public man who loses nothing in your eyes when you know him personally...
...AatfUflBT* carried the speeches to gjS «*eople assembled in Sawmrd NKTjgg-t opposite the Forward bnild5? an tha surrounding streets were fefffr with humanity, held in line by mi**"* eoffla was placed at the rear of ri_a*eitorium- Upon it lay a floral S^Eglhe card of which read: Tljjth heartfelt sorrow and deep ekfcy...
...nt is a privilege for me to be here to testify to the great service he performed for ns who are outside the dtflnite labor movement," she said...
...His piercing wail of sorrow, so unexpected and so Intense swept the throngs into loud weeping...
...The Band School of Social Science sent Mrs, London the' following telegram: "With heavy heart We Join you In our irreparable loss of Meyer London, our beloved friend and comrade...
...The Red Special, ft appears, is to carry Cardinals and net Osoamjuxdots and rot Isn't red whan a Oardinal wears it 1 hope to hntra a theatre party for tins'af* mt this column...
...VnOm Gigmntic C or teg« Passes By Edward Leyinson HALF a' miESon' wbrken stood in tearful tribute as the New York East Side buried H» greatest citizen, the American Socialist pioneer, Meyer Loodon...
...s sis and enrich hifnseK while forgetting hit class and bis former associates...
...Those, were tm-rihw ttsrnts...
...Eugene V.'/Debs said: . • J "The tragic and premature death of Meyer Londrro is a heavy blow to his family and to the great many comrades throughout the tend, and in a great loss to the Socialist and labor movement.' T^te horrible news came to me as a Bash of lightning out of- a clear - sky- I feel : so...
...The usual crowds thronged the sidewalks on both s\des of the street But there was something else...
...Passing under the Williamsburg Bridge, the 'funeral was viewed by several thousand who had crowded .the walk of the bridge to obtain a panoramic view of what 'the attending police called the biggest funeral in the history of the city...
...To trade unionism, to labor legislation, to socialism, to International peace, he contributed profoundly...
...The real remedy Is to lower tariffs...
...Hundreda sat toBw draped balconies and in the isiiiajnlnT In front...
...London entered Congress In December, 1915, the peculiar Constitutional provision (or the meeting of Congress It months after its election having kept him out for over a year...
...law.' He was the only mombbr of either house of aringecss to Vote igaiaat declaring war core-last, Austria- "I am a teetotaler," ho said bl that apsscb...
...Many of our 10ca> Tiptbno hare made him a_ member...
...however, bjt was triumphantly re-elected for a third term, and It took an illegal and unconstitutional gerrymander Of his district by n bi-partisan gang of Republicans and Democrats— acoompanted by the usual Tammany frauds—to defeat him in lttz...
...Alfred Baker Lewis, on behalf of the New England Socialist- Party, wired: "W«^ga» dees^sfcocksd^ bogr .Tha Millinery Workers...
...family, including his brothers .-Lou Is and Horace, remained wtth bur- to the end...
...Gilbert W. Roe said: "Meyer London was the unfaltering champion of the cause he believed to be right...
...JThe traffic on First Avenue at this point Is always confusing, elevated pillars In the middle of the thoroughfare tmyVIng passage for pedestrians and vehicles often a very difficult task...
...isn't it...
...A woman audjat in a front row leaned upon a anajkt fears rolling down her cheeks...
...the Daughters of the smsrtOQn Revolution...
...Joseph D. Barondess wired: "I am at a loss to find words of consolation and comfort...

Vol. 3 • June 1926 • No. 22

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