The New Leader Mail Bag Hfe'Tha New Leader: v— Kyour issue of May U <M*W* OX peytea) toe atatetnast la made that rca-a#jSBT owuei a ea nai w**a*e* E_Jfc)jaMs0.fr80 to royal tie*. X a*. gaga...
...Then the one single union that is involved is allowed to battle for Its life stone...
...Every ajajasat person can now aee that if apiftgro slaves had been purchased trosi the *!**• owners in this country fe would not only have been cheaper th the end...
...Which I fully and heartily HMrsb Bat this is not sufficient justice for (seS workers...
...We anew bp history and axustlsbee that ebftato lepdar* In tbe trade union movement ire incompetent and ranagailss Tb*y ire a menace to the woektog class raovement...
...Where there will ha real solidarity...
...1 ajTh* British Strike, bskor The New Leader: ..Th jour editorial ot May ft en the •"Britlth Miners" you condemn th* action ef the trade union leader* for set supporting fhe miners In their attack on the British mine operator* ^particular and the British capitallots to general on their standard of Bring...
...For our part we thinU It creditable to the whole British working class snd 1th representatives that the strike was not accompanied by more mistakes...
...Great change* ta .**»$**{• sot mads in accordance P*, ;etancal...
...Then we know the heartbreaking effects and results which the union goes through in its resistance of the Bp»-.f-*bMW» on it* standard Ot lite, sftosjj*., arrests... this issue ot The New Leader...
...e Jerome, Aria-—Falling reck in the United Verde Mine killed William Scarlett, B**ten mining engineer...
...Is that not daammS GEORGE LLOYD...
...Mistaken judgments In leading a Strike are not crimes or "betrayals...
...Only by doing this will th* trad* union movement be strong and of any use, aad then will there be one real big' union for all workers...
...They etUst be removed from tb*ir otKciei postttosw which they sew bole...
...eultie* existing wherever * certain stag* of progrees ha* been reached do not arise from local circumstances, but ore, in eeme w»y or another, engendered by progress itself.—Henry George...
...Wife is to blame for this deplorable, dastardly and cowardly betrayal ef th* miners...
...Because the general strike in England was not the perfect episode th* writer would have It he interprets th* mistakes or misJudgment ot the trade union leaders on the score of a deliberate intention to "betray" th* miners, it does not occur to him that It would be a remarkable thing if to the first general strike in British history no mistakes were made...
...If our correspondent Is of this type he Is a rare bird...
...New York City...
...If our correspondent will read "A .Little Lesson ta Logic" It will repay him well...
...It la uaBaal W* personally do not believe jjx owner* of th* mm** ar* eautled ^ooBpeSsetion, but it probably would cheaper in the end to pay som* jjisiliinistiini than to tab* a courss B aUght Mad to civil war...
...Moreover, if it be assumed that th* leaders are all "betrayers" it remains a fact that the...
...Year after year, when any of^tse unions are threatened with their existing standard of life and ftendltion of work, the rest of tbe big Uioss talk about solidarity, united action, a fight to a finish and other abj*,*euadlng' phrase*, tfut sooner or later It Is found to be purely hot air, aad It comes to nothing...
...i ' Th* great fact that poverty and all it* concomitants anew themoolvoo in communities Juet •• they develop into th* condition* toward which material progress tend* provee that th* social diffi...
...I say no...
...In their place should be responsible...
...persecution, Jafl, atsiTjpliii,' defeat.' au this goes on safer the very eyes and noses of the other union s, who are looking on but •otag nothing...
...leaders are elected by the membership, and if every leader were to resign or bo removed th* membership would be likely to elect men on the whole of the aasa* views as those who now lead...
...Shall we Just condemn their despicable methods and allow ^sNt£te uatoa sgb^eee* rat.' be* rsaervatad and TuaaU sal teasnag class osre'to^survtoe 'and'protect ib*ar standard of iirtog...
...eaa ajaassarlly...
...Will you please publish this to your aext teeue...
...and the Negro himself would probably have had a better chance lh hmlairn society...
...Tbe above latter should be read in connection with "A Little Lesson in Logic," which appears...
...We believe that some mistakes were made^in the British strike but we did not assert to our editorial that any of the British leader* were prompted by any malicious desire to "betray" the . miners...
...but shedding of blood would tore bass avoided, abysmal bates Hjfld set hare followed, the developgap* tiim south would not bay* been atsstsa...
...And no matter who replaced the preeent leaders or how honest a,nd sincere they might be it does net follow that they would not reach some mistaken conclusions Jn a strike as momentous as the on* recently concluded...
...Is this the first time ffctf f*r betrayal has happened In our ttolaf union movement...
...Compensation would" i*t save been ethical, but It would ia-e_be*n leas cottly, certainly *xMSbpt, and leaa disastrous than what ctsslly happened-—Editor...
...The latter is an exaanpl* of th* emotional approach to a definite problem...
...gaga oa food authority that the Erfarty of England la la favor i**EiD»»"*'"'* the coal mine "ewaK'vjfjaa -they can no longer steal fcjbJUMi and also favor onnip—k£ land -ownara" -when they ^±jd laatir ataal biniona of srouawt E m other words, keep oa giving IVasil mine "owners" and the) land BEs* «• royalties and land rent ffcMhn ot Interest on bonds Issued a^gpssrasstion...
...sflVetent aad Son eat m*n who can be trueted hjr' their worker* to flgbt for better and.- decent conditions...
...He who draws that conclusion can only draw it if in bis own life he has never made a mistake In dealing with some Important problem...
...Evolution is rtfii, raoral nor immoral...
Vol. 3 • June 1926 • No. 21